Esempio n. 1
class Problem(Base):
    _attrs = dict(constraints=Attr(List(Constraint)), domain=Attr(Domain))
    _opts = dict(init_validate=True, args=('domain', 'constraints'))

    def _init(self):
        self.domain = self.domain.copy()
        self.var_constraint = defaultdict(set)

        for con in self.constraints:
            for var in con.args:

    def check(self, theory):
        for con in self.constraints:
            if set(con.args) <= set(theory):
                if not con.check(**theory):
                    return False
        return True

    def display(self, **kwargs):
        strs = [self.domain.display(**kwargs)]
        for con in self.constraints:
            s = con.display(**kwargs)
            if s:
        return '\n'.join(strs)

    def validate(self):
        super(Problem, self).validate()

        if not set(self.var_constraint).issubset(set(self.domain)):
            raise ValueError('Some constraints defined in over '
                             'undefined variables')
Esempio n. 2
class ClassWrapper(SetLeaf):
    '''The idea is that a type implicitly represents the set of all of its
    subclasses, including itself.
    _attrs = dict(type=Attr(type, doc=''),
                                  init=lambda self:
                                  ([self.type] + subclasses(self.type))))
    _opts = dict(args=('type', ))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ClassWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.subclasses = [self.type] + subclasses(self.type)

    def display(self, **kwargs):
        return 'ClassWrapper({})'.format(get_typename(self.type))

    def size(self):
        return len(self.subclasses)

    def hasmember(self, item):
        return item in self.subclasses

    def sample(self, **kwargs):
        ret = choice(self.subclasses)
        return ret

    def enumerate(self, **kwargs):
        args = Args(**kwargs)
        maxenum = min(args.max_enumerate, len(self.subclasses))

        for k, item in enumerate(self.subclasses):
            if k >= maxenum:
            yield item

    def to_set(self, **kwargs):
        return super(SetLeaf, self).to_set(**kwargs)
Esempio n. 3
    def from_yaml(cls, name, dct):
        if isinstance(dct, STR):
            return cls(commands=[Command(dct)])

        elif List(STR).query(dct):
            cmds = [Command(s) for s in dct]
            return cls(commands=cmds)

        elif isinstance(dct, dict):
            if set(dct.keys()).issuperset({'command'}):
                ret = Task.from_yaml(name, dct['command'])

                if 'context' in dct:
                    for cmd in ret.commands:
                        cmd.context = dct['context']

                if 'args' in dct:
                    ret.args = dct['args']

                if 'kwargs' in dct:
                    ret.kwargs = dct['kwargs']

                if 'for' in dct:
                    ret.loop = For.from_yaml(dct['for'])

                if 'if' in dct:
                    ret.condition = Task.from_yaml(name + '-if', dct['if'])
                    ret.condition_type = True
                elif 'ifnot' in dct:
                    ret.condition = Task.from_yaml(name + '-ifnot', dct['ifnot'])
                    ret.condition_type = False

                return ret

        raise ValidationError('Invalid data for task: {}'.format(name))
Esempio n. 4
class For(Base):
    _attrs = dict(var = Attr((STR, List(STR)), doc='The loop variable(s)'),
                  in_ = Attr((STR, List((STR, int, list))), 
                             doc='Name(s) of list macro(s) to loop over'))
    _opts = dict(init_validate = True, 
                 args = ('var', 'in_'))

    def from_yaml(cls, dct):
        if isinstance(dct, STR):
            m = re.match(FOREX, dct)
            if m:
                return cls(var=m.groups()[0], in_=m.groups()[1])
                raise ValidationError('Invalid for loop specifier: {}'

        kwargs = {}
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'var', None)
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'in', None, 'in_')
        if dct:
            raise ValidationError('Invalid for keys: {}'
        return cls(**kwargs)

    def resolve_macros(self, env, **kwargs):
        var = self.var
        in_ = self.in_
        if not isinstance(var, list):
            var = [self.var]
            in_ = [self.in_]

        outs = []
        for k, v in enumerate(var):
            name = in_[k]
            if isinstance(name, list):
                val = name
                val = env.env[name]
                if not isinstance(val, list):
                    raise ValidationError('For loop "in" specifier must be name of '
                                          'list macro: {}'.format(in_[k]))
        return var, outs

    def loop(self, env, **kwargs):
        var, in_ = self.resolve_macros(env, **kwargs)
        for tup in product(*in_):
            yld = env.copy(**kwargs)
            for name, val in zip(var, tup):
                yld.env[name] = val
            yield yld

    def validate(self):
        super(For, self).validate()
        if isinstance(self.var, list):
            if len(self.var) != len(self.in_):
                raise ValidationError('"var" and "in" lists must be same '
Esempio n. 5
class Task(Base):
    _attrs = dict(commands = Attr(List(Command)),
                  condition = Attr(This, optional=True),
                  loop = Attr(For, optional=True),
                  args = Attr(List((STR, int)), init=lambda self: list()),
                  kwargs = Attr(Dict((STR, int)), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  condition_type = Attr(bool, True))
    _opts = dict(init_validate = True,
                 optional_none = True)

    def from_yaml(cls, name, dct):
        if isinstance(dct, STR):
            return cls(commands=[Command(dct)])

        elif List(STR).query(dct):
            cmds = [Command(s) for s in dct]
            return cls(commands=cmds)

        elif isinstance(dct, dict):
            if set(dct.keys()).issuperset({'command'}):
                ret = Task.from_yaml(name, dct['command'])

                if 'context' in dct:
                    for cmd in ret.commands:
                        cmd.context = dct['context']

                if 'args' in dct:
                    ret.args = dct['args']

                if 'kwargs' in dct:
                    ret.kwargs = dct['kwargs']

                if 'for' in dct:
                    ret.loop = For.from_yaml(dct['for'])

                if 'if' in dct:
                    ret.condition = Task.from_yaml(name + '-if', dct['if'])
                    ret.condition_type = True
                elif 'ifnot' in dct:
                    ret.condition = Task.from_yaml(name + '-ifnot', dct['ifnot'])
                    ret.condition_type = False

                return ret

        raise ValidationError('Invalid data for task: {}'.format(name))

    def run(self, env, **kwargs):
        codes = []
        looping = kwargs.get('looping', False)
        exit_on_error = kwargs.get('exit_on_error',
            env.settings.get('exit_on_error', True))
        preview_conditionals = kwargs.get('preview_conditionals',
            env.settings.get('preview_conditionals', True))

        if self.condition and not looping:
            if preview_conditionals:
                kwargs['preview_pre'] = 'if: ' if self.condition_type else 'ifnot: '
            codes_ =, **kwargs)
            code = max(codes_)
            if (((self.condition_type is True and code != 0) or
                 (self.condition_type is False and code == 0)) and 
                code is not None):
                return []
            if preview_conditionals:
                kwargs['preview_pre'] = '\t'

        if (self.args or self.kwargs) and not looping:
            env = env.copy(**kwargs)

            if self.args:
                for k, arg in enumerate(self.args):
                    env.env['_{}'.format(k + 1)] = arg

            if self.kwargs:
                for name, value in self.kwargs.items():
                    env.env[name] = value

        if self.loop and not looping:
            n = 0
            kwargs['looping'] = True
            for env_ in self.loop.loop(env, **kwargs):
                env_.env[env_.settings['loop_count_macro']] = n
                codes_ =, **kwargs)
                n += 1
            return codes

        for cmd in self.commands:
            if cmd.command in env.tasks:
                codes_ = env.tasks[cmd.command].run(env, **kwargs)

                code =, **kwargs)

            if exit_on_error and any(c != 0 for c in codes if c is not None):

        return codes

    def run_preview(self, env, **kwargs):
        kwargs['preview'] = True
        kwargs['verbose'] = True
        kwargs['run_preview'] = True
        with assign(sys, 'stdout', cStringIO()):
  , **kwargs)
            ret = sys.stdout.getvalue()
        return ret
Esempio n. 6
class Document(Base):
    _attrs = dict(imports = Attr(List(STR), init=lambda self:list()),
                  includes = Attr(List(STR), init=lambda self: list()),
                  secrets = Attr(List(STR), init=lambda self: list()),
                  macros = Attr(Dict((STR, int, float, 
                                      List((STR, int, float, list, dict)),
                                      Dict((STR, int, float, list, dict)))), 
                                init=lambda self: dict()),
                  contexts = Attr(Dict(Context), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  tasks = Attr(Dict(Task), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  secret_values = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  captures = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  files = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  settings = Attr(Dict(None), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  default_task = Attr(STR, '', 'Task to run if no task is '
                                      'specified at the command line'),
                  env = Attr(Env, init=lambda self: Env(), internal=True),
                  dirname = Attr(STR, doc='Relative path for includes'),
                  cachedir = Attr(STR, '', 'Directory to store downloaded files'),
                  pull = Attr(bool, False, 'Force-pull URLs'),
    _opts = dict(init_validate = True)

    def from_path(cls, path, **kwargs):
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            dct = yaml.load(f)
            return cls.from_yaml(dct,

    def from_yaml(cls, dct, dirname, **kwargs):
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'import', [], 'imports')
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'include', [], 'includes')
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'capture', {}, 'captures')
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'files', {})
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'secrets', [])
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'macros', {})
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'contexts', {})
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'tasks', {})
        get_delete(dct, kwargs, 'default', '', 'default_task')

        init_macros = kwargs.get('initial_macros', {})
        for name, value in init_macros.items():
            if name not in kwargs['macros']:
                kwargs['macros'][name] = value

        settings = dict(dct.get('settings', {}))
        settings.update(kwargs.get('settings', {}))
        kwargs['settings'] = settings
        if 'settings' in dct:
            del dct['settings']

        if dct:
            raise ValidationError('Invalid top-level keys: {}'

        for key in list(kwargs['contexts'].keys()):
            kwargs['contexts'][key] = \
                Context.from_yaml(key, kwargs['contexts'][key])

        for key in list(kwargs['tasks'].keys()):
            kwargs['tasks'][key] = \
                Task.from_yaml(key, kwargs['tasks'][key])

        kwargs['dirname'] = dirname
        return cls(**kwargs)

    def process(self, **kwargs):
        cachedir = DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR
        if self.cachedir:
            cachedir = self.cachedir


        jenv = Env().jenv
        pre_macros = dict(self.macros)
        for name, macro in ordered_macros(pre_macros, lenient=True):
                pre_macros[name] = resolve(macro, pre_macros, lenient=True,
                pass # There might be macros defined in terms of
                     # jinja_functions to be imported

        def process(path):
            return resolve_url(resolve(path, pre_macros, jenv=jenv), 
                               cachedir=cachedir, force=self.pull)

        with chdir(self.dirname):
            for path in map(process, self.imports):
                if not os.path.exists(path):
                    raise ValidationError("Module path does not exist: {}"
                self.process_import(path, **kwargs)

            for path in map(process, self.includes):
                if not os.path.isfile(path):
                    raise ValidationError("Include path does not exist: {}"
                self.process_include(path, **kwargs)

            files = {}
            for fname, fpath in self.files.items():
                path = process(fpath)
                if not os.path.isfile(path):
                    raise ValidationError("File path does not exist: {}"
                files[fname] = path

        for name in self.secrets:
            self.process_secret(name, **kwargs)

        env = Env(macros=self.macros, contexts=self.contexts, tasks=self.tasks,
                  secret_values=self.secret_values, captures=self.captures,
                  settings=self.settings, default_task=self.default_task,
        self.env.update(env, **kwargs)

    def post_process(self, **kwargs):
        with chdir(self.dirname):

    def process_import(self, path, **kwargs):
        mod = imp.load_source('yatr_module_import', path)
        if not hasattr(mod, 'env'):
            raise ImportError("yatr extension module '{}' has no env"

        self.env.update(mod.env, **kwargs)

    def process_include(self, path, **kwargs):
        doc = Document.from_path(path, pull=self.pull, cachedir=self.cachedir,
        self.env.update(doc.env, **kwargs)

    def process_secret(self, name, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Secrets currently unsupported')

    def process_settings(self, **kwargs):
        self.settings['silent'] = \
            str_to_bool(self.settings.get('silent', False))
        self.settings['loop_count_macro'] = \
            self.settings.get('loop_count_macro', '_n')
        self.settings['preview_conditionals'] = \
            str_to_bool(self.settings.get('preview_conditionals', True))
        self.settings['exit_on_error'] = \
            str_to_bool(self.settings.get('exit_on_error', True))

    def run(self, name, **kwargs):
            with chdir(self.dirname):
                return self.env.tasks[name].run(self.env, **kwargs)
        except KeyError:
            raise RuntimeError('No such task: {}'.format(name))

    def validate(self):
        super(Document, self).validate()
Esempio n. 7
import os
import imp
import yaml
from syn.base_utils import chdir
from syn.base import Base, Attr, init_hook
from syn.type import List, Dict
from syn.five import STR

from .base import ValidationError, resolve_url, resolve, ordered_macros,\
    DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR, str_to_bool, get_delete
from .context import Context
from .task import Task
from .env import Env

STRList = List(STR)

# Document

class Document(Base):
    _attrs = dict(imports = Attr(List(STR), init=lambda self:list()),
                  includes = Attr(List(STR), init=lambda self: list()),
                  secrets = Attr(List(STR), init=lambda self: list()),
                  macros = Attr(Dict((STR, int, float, 
                                      List((STR, int, float, list, dict)),
                                      Dict((STR, int, float, list, dict)))), 
                                init=lambda self: dict()),
                  contexts = Attr(Dict(Context), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  tasks = Attr(Dict(Task), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  secret_values = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict()),
                  captures = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict()),
Esempio n. 8
class Env(Base, Copyable, Updateable):
    _groups = (UP, AUP)
    _attrs = dict(macros = Attr(Dict((STR, int, float,
                                      List((STR, int, float, list, dict)),
                                      Dict((STR, int, float, list, dict)))),
                                init=lambda self: dict(),
                                doc='Macro definitions', groups=(UP, CP)),
                  contexts = Attr(Dict(Context), init=lambda self: dict(),
                                  doc='Execution context definitions',
                                  groups=(UP, CP)),
                  tasks = Attr(Dict(Task), init=lambda self: dict(),
                               doc='Task definitions', groups=(UP, CP)),
                  secret_values = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict(),
                                       doc='Secret value store',
                                       groups=(UP, CP)),
                  captures = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict(),
                                  doc='Commands to captures output of',
                                  groups=(UP, CP)),
                  files = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict(),
                               doc='File name macros', groups=(UP, CP)),
                  settings = Attr(Dict(None), init=lambda self: dict(),
                                  doc='Global settings of various sorts',
                                  groups=(UP, CP)),
                  jinja_filters = Attr(Dict(Callable),
                                       init=lambda self: \
                                       doc='Custom Jinja2 filters',
                                       groups=(UP, CP)),
                  jinja_functions = Attr(Dict(Callable),
                                         init=lambda self: \
                                         doc='Custom Jinja2 functions',
                                         groups=(UP, CP)),
                  function_aliases = Attr(Dict(STR), init=lambda self: dict(),
                                          internal=True, groups=(UP, CP),
                                          doc='Jinja function aliases'),
                  env = Attr(Dict((STR, int, float,
                                   List((STR, int, float, list, dict)),
                                   Dict((STR, int, float, list, dict)))),
                             init=lambda self: dict(),
                             doc='Current name resolution environment',
                             groups=(UP, CP)),
                  jenv = Attr(Environment, doc='Jinja2 environment', group='eq_exclude',
                              init=lambda self: Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined)),
                  default_task = Attr(STR, '', 'Task to run if no task is '
                                      'specified at the command line',
                  default_context = Attr(Context, doc='Execution context to use '
                                         'if none is specified in task definition',
    _opts = dict(init_validate=True)

    def _init_populate(self):

        if not hasattr(self, 'default_context'):
            self.default_context = self.contexts['null']

    def _set_jenv(self, **kwargs):
        filts = dict(self.jinja_filters)
        for name, filt in filts.items():
            filts[name] = partial(filt, env=self)

        funcs = dict(self.jinja_functions)
        for name, func in funcs.items():
            funcs[name] = partial(func, env=self)

    def _update_post(self, other, **kwargs):

    def capture_value(self, cmd, **kwargs):
        out, code = get_output(cmd)
        # These are intended to be macro values, so newlines and extra
        # white space probably aren't desirable
        return out.strip()

    def macro_env(self, **kwargs):
        dct = dict(self.macros)
        return dct

    def resolve_macros(self, **kwargs):
        env = self.macro_env(**kwargs)
        macros = dict(self.macros)

        # TODO: better error message if there is a cycle
        potential_problems = set(env) & set(self.jinja_functions)
        for name, template in ordered_macros(macros,
            if name in self.macros:
                fixed = fix_functions(template, potential_problems, self)
                env[name] = resolve(fixed, env, jenv=self.jenv)

            if name in self.captures:
                cmd = resolve(template, env, jenv=self.jenv)
                env[name] = self.capture_value(cmd, **kwargs)

        self.env = env

    def resolve(self, template):
        return resolve(template, self.env, jenv=self.jenv)

    def validate(self):
        super(Env, self).validate()

        for name, ctx in self.contexts.items():

        for name, task in self.tasks.items():
Esempio n. 9
class B(Base, YAMLMixin):
    _opts = dict(init_validate=True)
    _attrs = dict(a=Attr(int), b=Attr(List(A)))
Esempio n. 10
class Dependencies(Base):
    '''Representation of the various dependency sets'''
    special_contexts = ('includes', )

    _attrs = dict(contexts=Attr(Mapping(List(Dependency), AttrDict),
                                init=lambda x: AttrDict(),
                                doc='Diction of dependencies in their '
                                'various contexts'),
                  includes=Attr(Mapping(List(STR), AttrDict),
                                init=lambda x: AttrDict(),
                                doc='Specification of which contexts to '
                                'include in others'))
    _opts = dict(init_validate=True, coerce_args=True)

    def _contexts(cls, dct):
        return [key for key in dct if key not in cls.special_contexts]

    def _from_context(cls, dct):
        deps = []

        for key in dct:
            typ = DEPENDENCY_KEYS[key]
            deps.extend([typ.from_conf(obj) for obj in dct[key]])

        return deps

    def from_yaml(cls, fil):
        dct = yaml.load(fil)
        contexts = cls._contexts(dct)
        includes = dct.get('includes', {})
        contexts = {
            context: cls._from_context(dct.get(context, {}))
            for context in contexts
        kwargs = dict(contexts=AttrDict(contexts), includes=AttrDict(includes))
        return cls(**kwargs)

    def contexts_from_includes(self, context, contexts):
        new = self.includes.get(context, [])

        if new:
            contexts.extend(list(filter(lambda c: c not in contexts, new)))
            for con in new:
                self.contexts_from_includes(con, contexts)

    def deps_from_context(self, context):
        contexts = [context]
        if context == 'all':
            contexts = self.contexts
        elif context not in self.contexts:
            raise ValueError('Invalid context: {}'.format(context))

        self.contexts_from_includes(context, contexts)

        ret = []
        for con in contexts:
            ret += getattr(self.contexts, con)
        return ret

    def dependencies_to_satisfy(self, context, deptype=None):
        if deptype is None:
            deptype = AnyType()

        deps = []
        for dep in self.deps_from_context(context):
            if deptype.query(dep):

        return deps

    def dependency_operations(self, deps):
        groups = defaultdict(list)
        for dep in deps:

        dep_to_group = {}
        for group in groups.values():
            for dep in group:
                dep_to_group[dep] = group[0].order

        name_to_dep = { dep for dep in deps}

        special_deps = []  # before or after relations specified
        for dep in deps:
            if dep.before or dep.after:
                dep_to_group[dep] = dep

                if not groups[dep.order]:
                    del groups[dep.order]

        sorted_groups = []
        for order in sorted(groups.keys()):

        rels = []
        nodes = special_deps + sorted_groups

        for k in xrange(len(sorted_groups) - 1):
            rels.append(Precedes(sorted_groups[k], sorted_groups[k + 1]))

        def query(name):
                return dep_to_group[name_to_dep[name]]
            except KeyError:

        for dep in special_deps:
            if dep.before:
                rels.append(Precedes(dep, query(dep.before)))
            if dep.after:
                # For when the target is in a different context
                target = query(dep.after)
                if target:
                    rels.append(Precedes(target, dep))

        def parents(d):
            ret = []
            for rel in rels:
                if rel.B is d:
            return ret

        def children(d):
            ret = []
            for rel in rels:
                if rel.A is d:
            return ret

        def order(d):
            if isinstance(d, int):
                return d
            return d.order

        # Preserve intuitive order for dangling elements
        # (e.g. dangling apt should precede any pip if possible)
        for dep in special_deps:
            if dep.after:
                if not children(dep):
                    for par in parents(dep):
                        for ch in children(par):
                            if ch is not dep:
                                if order(ch) > dep.order:
                                    rels.append(Precedes(dep, ch))

        ret = []
        sorting = topological_sorting(nodes, rels)

        for item in sorting:
            if isinstance(item, Dependency):
                ops = item.satisfy()
                ops = []
                for dep in groups[item]:

        return ret

    def satisfy(self, context, deptype=None, execute=True):
        deps = self.dependencies_to_satisfy(context, deptype)
        ops = self.dependency_operations(deps)
        if execute:
            for op in ops:
        return ops

    def export_header(self):
        from . import __version__ as ver
        return '# Auto-generated by depman {}\n'.format(ver)

    def export(self,
        deps = [
            dep for dep in self.deps_from_context(context)
            if deptype.query(dep)

        out = ''
        if include_header:
            out = self.export_header()
        exports = sorted([dep.export() for dep in deps])
        out += '\n'.join(exports)

        if write:
        return out

    def validate(self):
        super(Dependencies, self).validate()

        for key, value in self.includes.items():
            assert key in self.contexts, \
                "Each key ({}) in includes must be a valid context".format(key)

            for con in value:
                assert con in self.contexts, \
                    "Each list item ({}) must be a valid context".format(con)