Esempio n. 1
    async def test_syningest_remote(self):

        async with self.getTestCore() as core:

            guid = s_common.guid()
            seen =
            gestdef = self.getIngestDef(guid, seen)

            with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

                # Test yaml support here
                gestfp = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'gest.yaml')
                s_common.yamlsave(gestdef, gestfp)
                argv = ['--cortex', core.getLocalUrl(),
                        '--modules', 'synapse.tests.utils.TestModule',

                outp = self.getTestOutp()
                cmdg = s_t_utils.CmdGenerator(['storm test:pivcomp -> *', EOFError()])
                with self.withCliPromptMockExtendOutp(outp):
                    with self.withTestCmdr(cmdg):
                        self.eq(await s_feed.main(argv, outp=outp), 0)
                self.true(outp.expect('test:str=haha', throw=False))
                self.true(outp.expect('test:pivtarg=hehe', throw=False))
Esempio n. 2
    async def test_cell_nonstandard_admin(self):
        boot = {
            'auth:admin': 'pennywise:cottoncandy',
            'type': 'echoauth',
        pconf = {'user': '******', 'passwd': 'cottoncandy'}

        with self.getTestDir('cellauth') as dirn:

            s_common.yamlsave(boot, dirn, 'boot.yaml')
            async with await EchoAuth.anit(dirn) as echo:

                echo.insecure = False

                # start a regular network listener so we can auth
                host, port = await echo.dmon.listen('tcp://')
                async with await s_telepath.openurl(f'tcp://{port}/', **pconf) as proxy:

                    self.true(await proxy.isadmin())
                    self.true(await proxy.allowed(('hehe', 'haha')))

                url = f'tcp://[email protected]:{port}/'
                await self.asyncraises(s_exc.AuthDeny, s_telepath.openurl(url))

        # Ensure the cell and its auth have been fini'd
Esempio n. 3
            def testmain():

                pconf = {'user': '******', 'passwd': 'root'}
                with self.getTestProxy(dmon, 'core', **pconf) as core:
                    # Setup user permissions
                    core.addAuthRule('creator', (True, ('node:add', )))
                    core.addAuthRule('creator', (True, ('prop:set', )))
                    core.addAuthRule('creator', (True, ('tag:add', )))
                    core.addUserRole('root', 'creator')

                host, port = dmon.addr
                curl = f'tcp://*****:*****@{host}:{port}/core'

                guid = s_common.guid()
                seen =
                gestdef = self.getIngestDef(guid, seen)

                with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

                    # Test yaml support here
                    gestfp = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'gest.yaml')
                    s_common.yamlsave(gestdef, gestfp)
                    argv = [
                        '--cortex', curl, '--debug', '--modules',
                        'synapse.tests.utils.TestModule', gestfp

                    outp = self.getTestOutp()
                    cmdg = s_t_utils.CmdGenerator(['storm pivcomp -> *'],
                    with mock.patch('synapse.lib.cli.get_input', cmdg):
                        self.eq(s_feed.main(argv, outp=outp), 0)
                    self.true(outp.expect('teststr=haha', throw=False))
                    self.true(outp.expect('pivtarg=hehe', throw=False))
Esempio n. 4
    async def test_load_failures(self):
        async with self.getTestCore() as core:  # type: s_cortex.Cortex
            with self.setTstEnvars(SYN_TEST_MOD_FAIL_PRE=1) as cm:
                with self.getAsyncLoggerStream('synapse.cortex',
                                               'preCoreModuleFail') as stream:
                    self.none(await core.loadCoreModule(foo_ctor))
                    self.true(await stream.wait(1))

            with self.setTstEnvars(SYN_TEST_MOD_FAIL_INIT=1) as cm:
                with self.getAsyncLoggerStream('synapse.cortex',
                                               'initCoreModuleFail') as stream:
                    self.none(await core.loadCoreModule(foo_ctor))
                    self.true(await stream.wait(1))

        with self.getTestDir(mirror='testcore') as dirn:
            conf = s_common.yamlload(dirn, 'cell.yaml')
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, dirn, 'cell.yaml')
            conf = s_common.yamlload(dirn, 'cell.yaml')

            with self.setTstEnvars(SYN_TEST_MOD_FAIL_PRE=1) as cm:
                with self.getAsyncLoggerStream('synapse.cortex',
                                               'preCoreModuleFail') as stream:
                    async with await s_cortex.Cortex.anit(dirn) as core:
                        self.true(await stream.wait(1))

            with self.setTstEnvars(SYN_TEST_MOD_FAIL_INIT=1) as cm:
                with self.getAsyncLoggerStream('synapse.cortex',
                                               'initCoreModuleFail') as stream:
                    async with await s_cortex.Cortex.anit(dirn) as core:
                        self.true(await stream.wait(1))
Esempio n. 5
    def test_common_yaml(self):
        obj = [{'key': 1,
                'key2': [1, 2, 3],
                'key3': True,
                'key4': 'some str',
                'key5': {
                    'oh': 'my',
                    'we all': 'float down here'
                }, },
        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:
            s_common.yamlsave(obj, dirn, 'test.yaml')
            robj = s_common.yamlload(dirn, 'test.yaml')

            self.eq(obj, robj)

            obj = {'foo': 'bar', 'zap': [3, 4, 'f']}
            s_common.yamlsave(obj, dirn, 'test.yaml')
            s_common.yamlmod({'bar': 42}, dirn, 'test.yaml')
            robj = s_common.yamlload(dirn, 'test.yaml')
            obj['bar'] = 42
            self.eq(obj, robj)

            # Test yaml helper safety
            s = '!!python/object/apply:os.system ["pwd"]'
            with s_common.genfile(dirn, 'explode.yaml') as fd:
            self.raises(yaml.YAMLError, s_common.yamlload, dirn, 'explode.yaml')
Esempio n. 6
async def main(argv, outp=s_output.stdout):

    pars = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Save tree data from a remote hive to file.')

                      help='A hive path string to use as the root.')
        help='Parse the savefile as a YAML file (default: msgpack)')

    pars.add_argument('hiveurl', help='The telepath URL for the remote hive.')
    pars.add_argument('filepath', help='The local file path to save.')

    opts = pars.parse_args(argv)

    path = ()
    if opts.path is not None:
        path = opts.path.split('/')

    async with await s_telepath.openurl(opts.hiveurl) as hive:
        tree = await hive.saveHiveTree(path=path)

    if opts.yaml:
        s_common.yamlsave(tree, opts.filepath)
        s_msgpack.dumpfile(tree, opts.filepath)
Esempio n. 7
    async def test_cell_hiveboot(self):

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            tree = {
                'kids': {
                    'hehe': {
                        'value': 'haha'

            bootpath = os.path.join(dirn, 'hiveboot.yaml')

            s_common.yamlsave(tree, bootpath)

            async with await s_cell.Cell.anit(dirn) as cell:
                self.eq('haha', await cell.hive.get(('hehe', )))

            # test that the file does not load again
            tree['kids']['redbaloons'] = {'value': 99}
            s_common.yamlsave(tree, bootpath)

            async with await s_cell.Cell.anit(dirn) as cell:
                self.none(await cell.hive.get(('redbaloons', )))
Esempio n. 8
    def test_doc_data(self):
        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:
            s_common.gendir(dirn, 'docdata', 'stuff')

            docdata = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'docdata')

            root = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'synapse', 'userguides')

            d = {'key': 'value'}

            s_common.jssave(d, docdata, 'data.json')
            s_common.yamlsave(d, docdata, 'data.yaml')
            s_msgpack.dumpfile(d, os.path.join(docdata, 'data.mpk'))
            with s_common.genfile(docdata, 'stuff', 'data.txt') as fd:
            with s_common.genfile(docdata, 'data.jsonl') as fd:
                fd.write(json.dumps(d).encode() + b'\n')
                fd.write(json.dumps(d).encode() + b'\n')
                fd.write(json.dumps(d).encode() + b'\n')

            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('data.json', root)
            self.eq(data, d)
            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('data.yaml', root)
            self.eq(data, d)
            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('data.mpk', root)
            self.eq(data, d)
            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('stuff/data.txt', root)
            self.eq(data, b'beep')
            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('data.jsonl', root)
            self.eq(data, [d, d, d])

            self.raises(ValueError, s_jupyter.getDocData, 'newp.bin', root)
            self.raises(ValueError, s_jupyter.getDocData,
                        '../../../../../../etc/passwd', root)
    async def test_cell_nonstandard_admin(self):
        boot = {
            'auth:admin': 'pennywise:cottoncandy',
            'type': 'echoauth',
        pconf = {'user': '******', 'passwd': 'cottoncandy'}

        with self.getTestDir('cellauth') as dirn:

            s_common.yamlsave(boot, dirn, 'boot.yaml')
            async with await EchoAuth.anit(dirn) as echo:

                echo.insecure = False

                # start a regular network listener so we can auth
                host, port = await echo.dmon.listen('tcp://')
                async with await s_telepath.openurl(f'tcp://{port}/',
                                                    **pconf) as proxy:

                    self.true(await proxy.isadmin())
                    self.true(await proxy.allowed('hehe', 'haha'))

                url = f'tcp://[email protected]:{port}/'
                await self.asyncraises(s_exc.AuthDeny, s_telepath.openurl(url))

        # Ensure the cell and its auth have been fini'd
    async def test_server_mirror_badiden(self):

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn, self.withSetLoggingMock():

            path00 = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'core00')
            path01 = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'core01')

            argv0 = ['--telepath', 'tcp://',
                     '--https', '0',
                     '--name', 'srccore',
            out0 = self.getTestOutp()
            async with await s_cortex.Cortex.initFromArgv(argv0, outp=out0) as core00:

                out1 = self.getTestOutp()
                argv1 = ['--telepath', 'tcp://',
                         '--https', '0',
                         '--mirror', core00.getLocalUrl(),

                s_common.yamlsave({'logchanges': True}, path01, 'cell.yaml')

                async with await s_cortex.Cortex.initFromArgv(argv1, outp=out1) as core01:
                    await core01.waitfini(6)
Esempio n. 11
    async def test_basics(self):
        async with self.getTestCore() as core:  # type: s_cortex.Cortex

            testmod = core.getCoreMod('synapse.tests.utils.TestModule')
            self.isinstance(testmod, s_module.CoreModule)
            # modname from class name
            self.eq(testmod.mod_name, 'testmodule')

            foomod = await core.loadCoreModule(foo_ctor)
            # modname from explicit modname
            self.eq(foomod.mod_name, 'foo')
            # modpaths are dynamically made on demand
            mpath = foomod.getModPath()
            self.isin(os.path.join('mods', 'foo'), mpath)

            # preload a config file for the BarModule
            dirn = s_common.gendir(core.dirn, 'mods', 'barmod')
            s_common.yamlsave({'test': 1, 'duck': 'quack'}, dirn, 'conf.yaml')
            # barmodule loads a layerctor
            self.false(core.layrctors.get('newp') is int)

            barmod = await core.loadCoreModule(bar_ctor)

            self.eq(, {})
            self.eq(barmod.conf, {
                'test': 1,
                'hehe': 'haha',
                'duck': 'quack',
            self.true(core.layrctors.get('newp') is int)

        self.eq(, {'fini': True})
Esempio n. 12
    def test_doc_data(self):
        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:
            s_common.gendir(dirn, 'docdata', 'stuff')

            docdata = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'docdata')

            root = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'synapse', 'userguides')

            d = {'key': 'value'}

            s_common.jssave(d, docdata, 'data.json')
            s_common.yamlsave(d, docdata, 'data.yaml')
            s_msgpack.dumpfile(d, os.path.join(docdata, 'data.mpk'))
            with s_common.genfile(docdata, 'stuff', 'data.txt') as fd:
            with s_common.genfile(docdata, 'data.jsonl') as fd:
                fd.write(json.dumps(d).encode() + b'\n')
                fd.write(json.dumps(d).encode() + b'\n')
                fd.write(json.dumps(d).encode() + b'\n')

            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('data.json', root)
            self.eq(data, d)
            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('data.yaml', root)
            self.eq(data, d)
            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('data.mpk', root)
            self.eq(data, d)
            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('stuff/data.txt', root)
            self.eq(data, b'beep')
            data = s_jupyter.getDocData('data.jsonl', root)
            self.eq(data, [d, d, d])

            self.raises(ValueError, s_jupyter.getDocData, 'newp.bin', root)
            self.raises(ValueError, s_jupyter.getDocData,
                        '../../../../../../etc/passwd', root)
Esempio n. 13
    async def test_cell_confprint(self):

        with self.withSetLoggingMock():

            with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

                conf = {
                    'dmon:listen': 'tcp://',
                    'https:port': 0,
                s_common.yamlsave(conf, dirn, 'cell.yaml')

                outp = self.getTestOutp()
                async with await s_cell.Cell.initFromArgv([dirn],
                                                          outp=outp) as cell:
                    outp.expect('...cell API (telepath): tcp://')
                    outp.expect('...cell API (https): 0')

                conf = {
                    'dmon:listen': 'tcp://',
                    'https:port': None,
                s_common.yamlsave(conf, dirn, 'cell.yaml')

                outp = self.getTestOutp()
                async with await s_cell.Cell.initFromArgv([dirn],
                                                          outp=outp) as cell:
                    outp.expect('...cell API (telepath): tcp://')
                    outp.expect('...cell API (https): disabled')
Esempio n. 14
    async def test_lib_aha_loadenv(self):

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            async with self.getTestAha() as aha:
                host, port = await aha.dmon.listen('tcp://')
                await aha.auth.rootuser.setPasswd('hehehaha')

                conf = {
                    'version': 1,
                    'aha:servers': [

                path = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'telepath.yaml')
                s_common.yamlsave(conf, path)

                fini = await s_telepath.loadTeleEnv(path)

                # Should be one uninitialized aha client
                self.len(1, s_telepath.aha_clients)
                [info] = s_telepath.aha_clients.values()

                with self.raises(s_exc.NoSuchName):
                    await s_telepath.openurl('aha://[email protected]')

                # Connecting to an aha url should have initialized the client
                self.len(1, s_telepath.aha_clients)
                await fini()
    async def test_migr_yamlmod(self):
        with self.getRegrDir('cortexes', REGR_VER) as src:
            with self.getTestDir() as dest:
                locallyrs = os.listdir(os.path.join(src, 'layers'))

                mods = {'modules': ['synapse.tests.utils.TestModule']}
                s_common.yamlsave(mods, src, 'cell.yaml')

                conf = {
                    'src': src,
                    'dest': dest,
                    'migrops': ['dmodel', 'hivelyr', 'nodes'],
                    'editbatchsize': 1,
                    'nodelim': 2,

                async with await s_migr.Migrator.anit(conf) as migr:
                    # test that we can skip dirn migration if it already exists
                    await migr._migrDirn()
                    del migr.migrops[-1]

                    # verify that test:int was loaded and migrated
                    await migr.migrate()
                    stats = []
                    for iden in locallyrs:
                        statkey = f'{iden}:form:test:int'
                        stats.extend([log async for log in migr._migrlogGet('nodes', 'stat', statkey)])

                    self.eq((1, 1), stats[0]['val'])
Esempio n. 16
    async def test_cell_confprint(self):

        with self.withSetLoggingMock():

            with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

                conf = {
                    'dmon:listen': 'tcp://',
                    'https:port': 0,
                s_common.yamlsave(conf, dirn, 'cell.yaml')

                with self.getAsyncLoggerStream('synapse.lib.cell') as stream:
                    async with await s_cell.Cell.initFromArgv([dirn]):
                buf =
                self.isin('...cell API (telepath): tcp://', buf)
                self.isin('...cell API (https): 0', buf)

                conf = {
                    'dmon:listen': None,
                    'https:port': None,
                s_common.yamlsave(conf, dirn, 'cell.yaml')

                with self.getAsyncLoggerStream('synapse.lib.cell') as stream:
                    async with await s_cell.Cell.initFromArgv([dirn]):
                buf =
                self.isin(f'...cell API (telepath): cell://root@{dirn}:*', buf)
                self.isin('...cell API (https): disabled', buf)
Esempio n. 17
    async def test_stormlib_backup(self):

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            backdirn = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'backup')
            coredirn = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'cortex')

            s_common.yamlsave({'backup:dir': backdirn}, coredirn, 'cell.yaml')

            async with self.getTestCore(dirn=coredirn) as core:

                self.eq((), await core.callStorm('return($lib.backup.list())'))

                name = await core.callStorm('return($')
                self.true(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, name)))

                self.eq((name, ), await

                await core.callStorm('$lib.backup.del($name)',
                                     opts={'vars': {
                                         'name': name
                self.false(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, name)))

                await core.callStorm('$',
                                     opts={'vars': {
                                         'name': name
                self.true(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, 'foo')))

                await core.callStorm('$lib.backup.del(foo)')
                self.false(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, 'foo')))
Esempio n. 18
    async def test_telepath_loadenv(self):
        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            certpath = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'certs')
            newppath = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'newps')

            conf = {
                'version': 1,
                'aha:servers': [
                'certdirs': [

            path = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'telepath.yaml')
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, path)

            fini = await s_telepath.loadTeleEnv(path)
            await fini()

            self.none(await s_telepath.loadTeleEnv(newppath))

            conf['version'] = 99
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, path)
            self.none(await s_telepath.loadTeleEnv(path))
Esempio n. 19
    async def test_cell_backup(self):

        async with self.getTestCore() as core:
            with self.raises(s_exc.NeedConfValu):
                await core.runBackup()
            with self.raises(s_exc.NeedConfValu):
                await core.getBackups()
            with self.raises(s_exc.NeedConfValu):
                await core.delBackup('foo')

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:
            s_common.yamlsave({'backup:dir': dirn}, dirn, 'cell.yaml')
            with self.raises(s_exc.BadConfValu):
                async with self.getTestCore(dirn=dirn) as core:

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            backdirn = os.path.join(dirn, 'backups')
            coredirn = os.path.join(dirn, 'cortex')

            conf = {'backup:dir': backdirn}
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, coredirn, 'cell.yaml')

            async with self.getTestCore(dirn=coredirn) as core:

                async with core.getLocalProxy() as proxy:

                    with self.raises(s_exc.BadArg):
                        await proxy.runBackup('../woot')

                    with mock.patch.object(s_cell.Cell, 'BACKUP_SPAWN_TIMEOUT', 0.1):
                        with mock.patch.object(s_cell.Cell, '_backupProc', staticmethod(_sleeperProc)):
                            await self.asyncraises(s_exc.SynErr, proxy.runBackup())

                    # Test runners can take an unusually long time to spawn a process
                    with mock.patch.object(s_cell.Cell, 'BACKUP_SPAWN_TIMEOUT', 8.0):

                        with mock.patch.object(s_cell.Cell, 'BACKUP_ACQUIRE_TIMEOUT', 0.1):
                            with mock.patch.object(s_cell.Cell, '_backupProc', staticmethod(_sleeper2Proc)):
                                await self.asyncraises(s_exc.SynErr, proxy.runBackup())

                        with mock.patch.object(s_cell.Cell, '_backupProc', staticmethod(_exiterProc)):
                            await self.asyncraises(s_exc.SpawnExit, proxy.runBackup())

                    name = await proxy.runBackup()
                    self.eq((name,), await proxy.getBackups())
                    await proxy.delBackup(name)
                    self.eq((), await proxy.getBackups())
                    name = await proxy.runBackup(name='foo/bar')

                    with self.raises(s_exc.BadArg):
                        await proxy.delBackup(name='foo')

                    self.true(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, 'foo', 'bar')))
                    self.eq(('foo/bar',), await proxy.getBackups())

                    with self.raises(s_exc.BadArg):
                        await proxy.runBackup(name='foo/bar')
Esempio n. 20
 def getTestConfDir(self, name, boot=None, conf=None):
     with self.getTestDir() as dirn:
         cdir = os.path.join(dirn, name)
         if boot:
             s_common.yamlsave(boot, cdir, 'boot.yaml')
         if conf:
             s_common.yamlsave(conf, cdir, 'cell.yaml')
         yield dirn
Esempio n. 21
 def getTestConfDir(self, name, boot=None, conf=None):
     with self.getTestDir() as dirn:
         cdir = os.path.join(dirn, name)
         if boot:
             s_common.yamlsave(boot, cdir, 'boot.yaml')
         if conf:
             s_common.yamlsave(conf, cdir, 'cell.yaml')
         yield dirn
Esempio n. 22
    async def test_servers_stemcell(self):

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            cellyaml = os.path.join(dirn, 'cell.yaml')

            conf = {'cell:ctor': 'synapse.cells.axon'}
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, cellyaml)
            cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)
            self.true(cell is s_axon.Axon)

            conf = {'cell:ctor': 'synapse.cells.cortex'}
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, cellyaml)
            cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)
            self.true(cell is s_cortex.Cortex)

            conf = {'cell:ctor': 'synapse.cells.jsonstor'}
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, cellyaml)
            cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)
            self.true(cell is s_jsonstor.JsonStorCell)

            conf = {'cell:ctor': 'synapse.cells.aha'}
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, cellyaml)
            cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)
            self.true(cell is s_aha.AhaCell)

            # Direct python class paths
            conf = {'cell:ctor': 'synapse.lib.cell.Cell'}
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, cellyaml)
            cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)
            self.true(cell is s_cell.Cell)

            # Resolve a envar

            with self.setTstEnvars(
                cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)
                self.true(cell is s_cryotank.CryoCell)

            # Sad paths
            with self.setTstEnvars(SYN_STEM_CELL_CTOR='synapse.lib.newp.Newp'):
                with self.raises(s_exc.NoSuchCtor):
                    cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)

            with self.raises(s_exc.NoSuchFile):
                cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)

            with self.raises(s_exc.NoSuchDir):
                cell = s_stemcell.getStemCell(dirn)
Esempio n. 23
def main(argv, outp=None):
    if outp is None:  # pragma: no cover
        outp = s_output.OutPut()

    pars = makeargpaser()
    opts = pars.parse_args(argv)

    if opts.module:
        mod = s_dyndeps.tryDynMod(opts.module)
        outp.printf(f'Loaded {opts.module}@{mod}')

    if opts.cells:
        outp.printf('Registered cells:')
        for cname, cpath in s_cells.getCells():
            outp.printf(f'{cname:<10} {cpath:>10}')
        return 0

    dirn = s_common.genpath(opts.dmonpath, 'cells', opts.cellname)
    if os.path.isdir(dirn):
        outp.printf(f'cell directory already exists: {dirn}')
        return 1

    dmon = {}
    if opts.listen:
        dmon['listen'] = opts.listen

    if opts.module:
        dmon['modules'] = [opts.module]

    if dmon:
        dmon.setdefault('modules', [])
        dmon_fp = os.path.join(opts.dmonpath, 'dmon.yaml')
        if os.path.exists(dmon_fp):
            outp.printf(f'Cannot overwrite existing dmon.yaml file. [{dmon_fp}]')
            return 1
        s_common.yamlsave(dmon, dmon_fp)

    boot = {
        'cell:name': opts.cellname,

    if opts.auth:
        boot['auth:en'] = True

    if opts.admin:
        boot['auth:en'] = True
        boot['auth:admin'] = opts.admin

    outp.printf(f'Deploying a {opts.celltype} at: {dirn}')
    s_cells.deploy(opts.celltype, dirn, boot)
    return 0
Esempio n. 24
    async def test_storm_file_optfile(self):

        async with self.getTestCoreAndProxy() as (core, prox):

            test_opts = {'vars': {'hehe': ''}}
            dirn = s_common.gendir(core.dirn, 'junk')

            optsfile = os.path.join(dirn, 'woot.json')
            optsfile_yaml = os.path.join(dirn, 'woot.yaml')
            stormfile = os.path.join(dirn, 'woot.storm')

            with s_common.genfile(stormfile) as fd:
                fd.write(b'[ inet:fqdn=$hehe ]')

            s_common.jssave(test_opts, optsfile)
            s_common.yamlsave(test_opts, optsfile_yaml)

            outp = self.getTestOutp()
            cmdr = await s_cmdr.getItemCmdr(prox, outp=outp)
            await cmdr.runCmdLine(
                f'storm --optsfile {optsfile} --file {stormfile}')

            outp = self.getTestOutp()
            cmdr = await s_cmdr.getItemCmdr(prox, outp=outp)
            await cmdr.runCmdLine(
                f'storm --optsfile {optsfile_yaml} --file {stormfile}')

            # Sad path cases
            outp = self.getTestOutp()
            cmdr = await s_cmdr.getItemCmdr(prox, outp=outp)
            await cmdr.runCmdLine(
                f'storm --file {stormfile} --optsfile {optsfile} .created')
                    'Cannot use a storm file and manual query together.'))
            self.false(outp.expect('', throw=False))

            outp = self.getTestOutp()
            cmdr = await s_cmdr.getItemCmdr(prox, outp=outp)
            await cmdr.runCmdLine(f'storm --file {stormfile} --optsfile newp')
            self.true(outp.expect('optsfile not found'))

            outp = self.getTestOutp()
            cmdr = await s_cmdr.getItemCmdr(prox, outp=outp)
            await cmdr.runCmdLine(f'storm --file newp --optsfile {optsfile}')
            self.true(outp.expect('file not found'))
Esempio n. 25
    async def _makeDefaultLayer(self):
        Since a user hasn't specified any layers, make one
        import synapse.cells as s_cells
        layerdir = s_common.gendir(self.dirn, 'layers', DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME)
        s_cells.deploy('layer-lmdb', layerdir)
        mapsize = self.conf.get('layer:lmdb:mapsize')
        if mapsize is not None:
            cell_yaml = pathlib.Path(layerdir, 'cell.yaml')
            conf = s_common.yamlload(cell_yaml) or {}
            conf['lmdb:mapsize'] = mapsize
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, cell_yaml)'Creating a new default storage layer at %s', layerdir)
        return await s_cells.initFromDirn(layerdir)
Esempio n. 26
    async def test_cell_backup(self):

        async with self.getTestCore() as core:
            with self.raises(s_exc.NeedConfValu):
                await core.runBackup()
            with self.raises(s_exc.NeedConfValu):
                await core.getBackups()
            with self.raises(s_exc.NeedConfValu):
                await core.delBackup('foo')

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:
            s_common.yamlsave({'backup:dir': dirn}, dirn, 'cell.yaml')
            with self.raises(s_exc.BadConfValu):
                async with self.getTestCore(dirn=dirn) as core:

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            backdirn = os.path.join(dirn, 'backups')
            coredirn = os.path.join(dirn, 'cortex')

            conf = {'backup:dir': backdirn}
            s_common.yamlsave(conf, coredirn, 'cell.yaml')

            async with self.getTestCore(dirn=coredirn) as core:

                async with core.getLocalProxy() as proxy:

                    with self.raises(s_exc.BadArg):
                        await proxy.runBackup('../woot')

                    name = await proxy.runBackup()
                    self.eq((name, ), await proxy.getBackups())
                    await proxy.delBackup(name)
                    self.eq((), await proxy.getBackups())
                    name = await proxy.runBackup(name='foo/bar')

                    with self.raises(s_exc.BadArg):
                        await proxy.delBackup(name='foo')

                        os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, 'foo', 'bar')))
                    self.eq(('foo/bar', ), await proxy.getBackups())

                    with self.raises(s_exc.BadArg):
                        await proxy.runBackup(name='foo/bar')
Esempio n. 27
async def main(argv, outp=s_output.stdout):

    pars = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Save tree data from a remote hive to file.')

                      help='A hive path string to use as the root.')
        help='Parse the savefile as a YAML file (default: msgpack)')

    pars.add_argument('hiveurl', help='The telepath URL for the remote hive.')
    pars.add_argument('filepath', help='The local file path to save.')

    opts = pars.parse_args(argv)

    path = ()
    if opts.path is not None:
        path = opts.path.split('/')

    async with await s_telepath.openurl(opts.hiveurl) as hive:
            s_version.reqVersion(hive._getSynVers(), reqver)
        except s_exc.BadVersion as e:
            valu = s_version.fmtVersion(*e.get('valu'))
                f'Hive version {valu} is outside of the supported range ({reqver}).'
                f'Please use a version of Synapse which supports {valu}; current version is {s_version.verstring}.'
            return 1

        tree = await hive.saveHiveTree(path=path)

    if opts.yaml:
        s_common.yamlsave(tree, opts.filepath)
        s_msgpack.dumpfile(tree, opts.filepath)

    return 0
Esempio n. 28
    async def test_cellauth_passwd(self):

        with self.getTestSynDir() as syndir:

            s_common.yamlsave({'version': 1}, syndir, 'telepath.yaml')

            async with self.getTestCore() as core:

                coreurl = core.getLocalUrl()

                outp = self.getTestOutp()
                argv = [coreurl, 'modify', '--adduser', 'foo']
                await s_cellauth.main(argv, outp)

                outp = self.getTestOutp()
                argv = [coreurl, 'modify', '--passwd', 'mysecret', 'foo']
                await s_cellauth.main(argv, outp)
                outp.expect('setting passwd for: foo')
Esempio n. 29
def deploy(name, dirn, boot=None):
    Deploy a cell of the named type to the specified directory.
    ctor = ctors.get(name)
    if ctor is None:
        raise s_exc.NoSuchName(name=name, mesg='No cell ctor by that name')

    if boot is None:
        boot = {}

    boot['type'] = name

    # create the boot.yaml
    s_common.yamlsave(boot, dirn, 'boot.yaml')

    # Cell has a deploy class method (possibly per cell type)
    async def test_stormlib_backup(self):

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            backdirn = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'backup')
            coredirn = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'cortex')

            s_common.yamlsave({'backup:dir': backdirn}, coredirn, 'cell.yaml')

            async with self.getTestCore(dirn=coredirn) as core:

                self.eq((), await core.callStorm('return($lib.backup.list())'))

                name = await core.callStorm('return($')
                self.true(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, name)))

                self.eq((name, ), await

                await core.callStorm('$lib.backup.del($name)',
                                     opts={'vars': {
                                         'name': name
                self.false(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, name)))

                await core.callStorm('$',
                                     opts={'vars': {
                                         'name': name
                self.true(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, 'foo')))

                await core.callStorm('$lib.backup.del(foo)')
                self.false(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backdirn, 'foo')))

                async def mockBackupTask(dirn):
                    await asyncio.sleep(5)

                core._execBackupTask = mockBackupTask

                with self.raises(s_exc.BackupAlreadyRunning):
                    q = 'return(($ + $'
                    name = await core.callStorm(q)
Esempio n. 31
    async def test_cell_authpasswd(self):
        conf = {
            'auth:passwd': 'cottoncandy',
        pconf = {'user': '******', 'passwd': 'cottoncandy'}

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

            s_common.yamlsave(conf, dirn, 'cell.yaml')
            async with await EchoAuth.anit(dirn) as echo:

                # start a regular network listener so we can auth
                host, port = await echo.dmon.listen('tcp://')
                async with await s_telepath.openurl(f'tcp://{port}/',
                                                    **pconf) as proxy:

                    self.true(await proxy.isadmin())
                    self.true(await proxy.allowed(('hehe', 'haha')))

                url = f'tcp://[email protected]:{port}/'
                await self.asyncraises(s_exc.AuthDeny, s_telepath.openurl(url))

            os.unlink(s_common.genpath(dirn, 'cell.yaml'))
            # Pass the auth data in via conf directly
            async with await EchoAuth.anit(dirn,
                                                 'pennywise'}) as echo:

                # start a regular network listener so we can auth
                host, port = await echo.dmon.listen('tcp://')
                url = f'tcp://*****:*****@{port}/'
                async with await s_telepath.openurl(url) as proxy:

                    self.true(await proxy.isadmin())
                    self.true(await proxy.allowed(('hehe', 'haha')))

        # Ensure the cell and its auth have been fini'd
        root = await echo.auth.getUserByName('root')
    async def test_server_mirror(self):

        with self.getTestDir() as dirn, self.withSetLoggingMock():

            path00 = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'core00')
            path01 = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'core01')

            async with self.getTestCore(dirn=path00) as core00:
                await core00.nodes('[ inet:ipv4= ]')

            s_tools_backup.backup(path00, path01)

            async with self.getTestCore(dirn=path00) as core00:

                outp = self.getTestOutp()
                argv = ['--telepath', 'tcp://',
                        '--https', '0',
                        '--mirror', core00.getLocalUrl(),

                # add a node for core01 to sync before window
                await core00.nodes('[ inet:ipv4= ]')
                offs = core00.nexsroot.getOffset()

                s_common.yamlsave({'logchanges': True}, path01, 'cell.yaml')

                async with await s_cortex.Cortex.initFromArgv(argv, outp=outp) as core01:

                    # TODO functionalize this API on the cortex (cell?)
                    await core01.nexsroot.waitForOffset(offs - 1)

                    self.len(1, await core01.nodes('inet:ipv4='))

                    # add a node for core01 to sync via window
                    self.len(1, await core00.nodes('[ inet:ipv4= ]'))

                    offs = core00.nexsroot.getOffset()
                    await core01.nexsroot.waitForOffset(offs - 1)

                    self.len(1, await core01.nodes('inet:ipv4='))
Esempio n. 33
    async def test_server_mirror(self):
        with self.getTestDir() as dirn:
            async with self.withSetLoggingMock() as mock:

                path00 = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'core00')
                path01 = s_common.gendir(dirn, 'core01')

                async with self.getTestCore(dirn=path00) as core00:
                    await core00.nodes('[ inet:ipv4= ]')

                s_tools_backup.backup(path00, path01)

                async with self.getTestCore(dirn=path00) as core00:

                    argv = [
                        '--telepath', 'tcp://', '--https', '0',
                        core00.getLocalUrl(), path01

                    # add a node for core01 to sync before window
                    await core00.nodes('[ inet:ipv4= ]')

                    s_common.yamlsave({'nexslog:en': True}, path01,

                    async with await s_cortex.Cortex.initFromArgv(argv
                                                                  ) as core01:

                        await core01.sync()

                        self.len(1, await core01.nodes('inet:ipv4='))

                        # add a node for core01 to sync via window
                        self.len(1, await
                                 core00.nodes('[ inet:ipv4= ]'))

                        await core01.sync()

                        self.len(1, await core01.nodes('inet:ipv4='))
Esempio n. 34
    async def test_alias(self):

        item = TeleAware()
        name = 'item'

        async with self.getTestDmon() as dmon:

            host, port = dmon.addr
            dmon.share(name, item)

            with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

                url = f'tcp://{host}:{port}/{name}'
                beepbeep_alias = url + '/beepbeep'
                aliases = {name: url, f'{name}/borp': beepbeep_alias}

                with self.setSynDir(dirn):

                    fp = s_common.getSynPath('aliases.yaml')
                    s_common.yamlsave(aliases, fp)

                    # None existent aliases return None

                    # An exact match wins
                    self.eq(s_telepath.alias(name), url)
                    self.eq(s_telepath.alias(f'{name}/borp'), beepbeep_alias)
                    # Dynamic aliases are valid.

                    async with await s_telepath.openurl(name) as prox:
                        self.eq(10, await prox.getFooBar(20, 10))

                    # Check to see that we can connect to an aliased name
                    # with a dynamic share attached to it.
                    async with await s_telepath.openurl(f'{name}/bar') as prox:
                        self.eq('bar: beep', await prox.beep())