Esempio n. 1
    def _iter_prop(self, core, data, info, scope):

        cond = info.get('cond')
        if cond is not None and not self._isCondTrue(cond, scope):

        path = info.get('iter')

        if path is None:

            valu = self._get_prop(core, data, info, scope)
            if valu is not None:
                yield valu


        for base in data.iter(s_datapath.DataPath(path)):

            with scope:

                self._ingMergScope(core, base, info, scope)
                valu = self._get_prop(core, base, info, scope)
                if valu is None:

                yield valu
Esempio n. 2
 def test_datapath_iter(self):
     data = s_datapath.initelem(item0)
     vals = tuple(data.vals('results/*/foo'))
     self.eq(vals, (10, 20))
     dp = s_datapath.DataPath('results/*/foo')
     vals = tuple(data.vals(dp))
     self.eq(vals, (10, 20))
Esempio n. 3
    def _ingDataInfo(self, core, data, info, scope):

        with scope:

            self._ingMergScope(core, data, info, scope)

            cond = info.get('cond')
            if cond is not None and not self._isCondTrue(cond, scope):

  'gest:prog', act='data')

            # extract files embedded within the data structure
            for flfo in info.get('files', ()):
                self._ingFileInfo(core, data, flfo, scope)

            for cond, cnfo in info.get('conds', ()):
                if not self._isCondTrue(cond, scope):
                self._ingDataInfo(core, data, cnfo, scope)

            # iterate and create any forms at our level
            for form, fnfo in info.get('forms', ()):
                fnfo.setdefault('form', form)
                self._ingFormInfo(core, data, fnfo, scope)

            # handle explicit nested iterators
            for path, tifo in info.get('iters', ()):
                for base in data.iter(s_datapath.DataPath(path)):
                    self._ingDataInfo(core, base, tifo, scope)
Esempio n. 4
    def _ingFileInfo(self, core, data, info, scope):

        with scope:

            self._ingMergScope(core, data, info, scope)

            cond = info.get('cond')
            if cond is not None and not self._isCondTrue(cond, scope):

            path = info.get('path')

            byts = data.valu(s_datapath.DataPath(path))

            dcod = info.get('decode')
            if dcod is not None:
                byts = s_encoding.decode(dcod, byts)

            hset = s_hashset.HashSet()

            iden, props = hset.guid()

            mime = info.get('mime')
            if mime is not None:
                props['mime'] = mime

            tufo = core.formTufoByProp('file:bytes', iden, **props)

  'gest:prog', act='file')

            for tag in scope.iter('tags'):
                core.addTufoTag(tufo, tag)
      'gest:prog', act='tag')
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, model: s_datamodel.Model, propname: str, syntype: str,
                 datapaths: Iterable[str]) -> None:
        Makes a MetaEntry

            propname: The name of the key in the normalized dictionary
            syntype: The synapse type name against which the data will be normalized
            datapath (Iterable[str]) One or more datapath strings that will be used to find the field in a raw record
        self.propname = propname
        self.syntype = model.type(syntype)
        self.datapaths = tuple(s_datapath.DataPath(d) for d in datapaths)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_datapath_valu(self):
     data = s_datapath.initelem(item0)
     self.eq(data.valu('results/0/foo'), 10)
     self.eq(data.valu('results/1/foo'), 20)
     dp = s_datapath.DataPath('results/1/foo')
     self.eq(data.valu(dp), 20)
Esempio n. 7
    def _get_prop(self, core, base, info, scope):

        cond = info.get('cond')
        if cond is not None and not self._isCondTrue(cond, scope):

        valu = info.get('value')
        if valu is not None:
            return valu

        if valu is None:
            varn = info.get('var')
            if varn is not None:
                valu = scope.get(varn)

        gvar = info.get('guid')
        if gvar is not None:
            valu = []
            for varn in gvar:
                valu.append((varn, scope.get(varn)))
            return valu

        template = info.get('template')
        if template is not None:

            valu = template

            for tvar in self._getTmplVars(template):
                tval = scope.get(tvar)
                if tval is None:
                    return None

                # FIXME optimize away the following format string
                valu = valu.replace('{{%s}}' % tvar, str(tval))

        if valu is None:
            path = info.get('path')
            valu = base.valu(s_datapath.DataPath(path))

        if valu is None:
            return None

        # If we have a regex field, use it to extract valu from the
        # first grouping
        rexs = info.get('regex')
        if rexs is not None:
            rexo = self._re_compile(rexs)
            match =
            if match is None:
                return None

            groups = match.groups()
            if groups:
                valu = groups[0]

        # allow type based normalization here
        cast = info.get('cast')
        if cast is not None:
            valu = core.getTypeCast(cast, valu)
            if valu is None:
                return None

        # FIXME make a mechanism here for field translation based
        # on an included translation table within the ingest def

        pivot = info.get('pivot')
        if pivot is not None:
            pivf, pivt = pivot

            pivo = core.getTufoByProp(pivf, valu)
            if pivo is None:
                return None

            valu = pivo[1].get(pivt)

        return valu