def continuousGridSearch( datasetDirectory, csvName ):
    ''' test '''
    downsamplingFactors = np.array([1])
    frameSizes = np.array([1024])
    hopSizeScales = np.array([8])
    windows = [np.hanning]
    offsets = np.array([100])
    ''' For continuous
    downsamplingFactors = np.array([1])
    frameSizes = np.array([1024, 2048, 4096])
    hopSizeScales = np.array([8, 4])
    windows = [np.hanning]
    offsets = np.array([20]) '''
    # Get subdirectories for the input folder, corresponding to different MIDI files
    directories = [os.path.join( datasetDirectory, folder ) for folder in os.listdir(datasetDirectory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(datasetDirectory, folder)) and folder[0] is not '.']
    # The variations on the MIDI files
    filenames = []
    for shift in xrange( 0, 60, 10 ):
        filenames += ['0-' + str(shift) + 'ms.wav']
        filenames += ['1-' + str(shift) + 'ms.wav']
    nFiles = len( filenames )

    # Calculate number of tests about to be run
    nTests = np.product( [len(dimension) for dimension in (directories, downsamplingFactors, frameSizes, hopSizeScales, windows, offsets)] )
    print "About to run " + str( nTests ) + " tests."
    # Keep track of which test is being run
    testNumber = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    # Store the parameters corresponding to each result
    gridSearchResults = collections.defaultdict(list)
    # The data, being manipulated each step of the way
    audioData = {}
    audioDataDownsampled = {}
    spectrograms = {}
    ODFOutput = {}
    synchronizationScores = {}
    # Test to plot histograms
    allAccuracies = np.zeros( nTests )
    # Can we calculate the spectrogram from the previous spectrogram?
    previousHopSizeScale = 0
    for directory in directories:
        # Read in wav data for each file
        for file in filenames: audioData[file], fs = librosa.load( os.path.join( directory, file ) )
        for downsamplingFactor in downsamplingFactors:
            for file in filenames: audioDataDownsampled[file] = scipy.signal.decimate( audioData[file], downsamplingFactor )
            for frameSize, window, hopSizeScale in itertools.product( frameSizes, windows, hopSizeScales ):
                if hopSizeScale < previousHopSizeScale and np.mod( previousHopSizeScale, hopSizeScale ) == 0:
                    # Instead of calculating a new spectrogram, just grab the frames
                    newHopRatio = previousHopSizeScale/hopSizeScale
                    for file in filenames: spectrograms[file] = spectrograms[file][:, ::newHopRatio]
                    # Calculate spectrograms - should not re-calculate if just the hop size changes.
                    for file in filenames: spectrograms[file] = librosa.melspectrogram( audioDataDownsampled[file], fs, window_length=frameSize, hop_length=frameSize/hopSizeScale, mel_channels=40)
                previousHopSizeScale = hopSizeScale
                # Get the onset detection function
                for file in filenames: ODFOutput[file] = librosa.beat.onset_strength( audioDataDownsampled[file], fs, window_length=frameSize, hop_length=frameSize/hopSizeScale, S=spectrograms[file])
                for offset in offsets:
                    # Compute the synchronization score for the syncrhonized and unsynchronized files
                    for n in xrange( nFiles/2 ):
                        synchronizationScores[n] = synchronizationScore.getScore( ODFOutput[filenames[2*n]], ODFOutput[filenames[2*n + 1]], offset=offset )
                    # Add in the ratio of the scores, we will take the per-MIDI-file-average later.
                    print "{} -> {}, {:.3f}% done in {:.3f} minutes".format( (directory, downsamplingFactor, frameSize, hopSizeScale, window.__name__, offset), synchronizationScores.values(), (100.0*testNumber)/nTests, (time.time() - startTime)/60.0)
                    testNumber += 1
                    gridSearchResults[(downsamplingFactor, frameSize, hopSizeScale, window.__name__, offset)] += [np.array(synchronizationScores.values())]
    # Write out CSV results
    csvWriter = csv.writer( open( csvName, 'wb' ) )
    for parameters, results in gridSearchResults.items():
        resultArray = np.array( results )
        resultArray = (resultArray.T/np.max( resultArray, axis=1 )).T
        csvWriter.writerow( list( parameters ) + list(np.mean( resultArray, axis=0 )) + [np.mean( np.diff( resultArray ), axis=0 )] + [np.mean( np.diff( resultArray ) )] + [np.mean( np.sum( np.diff( resultArray ) < 0, axis=1 ) )/(0.5*nFiles - 1)] )
             hop=frameSize / hopSizeScale,
 previousHopSizeScale = hopSizeScale
 for ODF in ODFs:
     # Get the onset detection function
     for file in filenames:
         ODFOutput[file] = onsetDetection.ODF(
             spectrograms[file], ODF, fs=fs / downsamplingFactor
     for offset in offsets:
         # Compute the synchronization score for the syncrhonized and unsynchronized files
         synchronizedScore = synchronizationScore.getScore(
             ODFOutput[filenames[0]], ODFOutput[filenames[1]], offset=offset
         unsynchronizedScore = synchronizationScore.getScore(
             ODFOutput[filenames[2]], ODFOutput[filenames[3]], offset=offset
         # Add in the ratio of the scores, we will take the per-MIDI-file-average later.
         print "{} -> {}/{} = {}, {:.3f}% done in {:.3f} minutes".format(
   # Read in wav data for each file - should try downsampling factors
   for file in filenames: audioData[file], fs = utility.getWavData( os.path.join( directory, file ) )
   for downsamplingFactor in downsamplingFactors:
     for file in filenames: audioDataDownsampled[file] = scipy.signal.decimate( audioData[file], downsamplingFactor )
     for frameSize, window, hopSizeScale in itertools.product( frameSizes, windows, hopSizeScales ):
       if hopSizeScale < previousHopSizeScale and np.mod( previousHopSizeScale, hopSizeScale ) == 0:
         # Instead of calculating a new spectrogram, just grab the frames
         newHopRatio = previousHopSizeScale/hopSizeScale
         for file in filenames: spectrograms[file] = spectrograms[file][::newHopRatio]
         # Calculate spectrograms - should not re-calculate if just the hop size changes.
         for file in filenames: spectrograms[file] = utility.getSpectrogram( audioDataDownsampled[file], hop=frameSize/hopSizeScale, frameSize=frameSize, window=window( frameSize ) )
       previousHopSizeScale = hopSizeScale
       for ODF in ODFs:
         # Get the onset detection function
         for file in filenames: ODFOutput[file] = onsetDetection.ODF( spectrograms[file], ODF, fs=fs/downsamplingFactor ).onsetDetectionFunction
         for offset in offsets:
           # Compute the synchronization score for the syncrhonized and unsynchronized files
           for n in xrange( nFiles/2 ):
             synchronizationScores[n] = synchronizationScore.getScore( ODFOutput[filenames[2*n]], ODFOutput[filenames[2*n + 1]], offset=offset )
           # Add in the ratio of the scores, we will take the per-MIDI-file-average later.
           print "{} -> {}, {:.3f}% done in {:.3f} minutes".format( (directory, ODF.__name__, downsamplingFactor, frameSize, hopSizeScale, window.__name__, offset), synchronizationScores.values(), (100.0*testNumber)/nTests, (time.time() - startTime)/60.0)
           testNumber += 1
           gridSearchResults[(ODF.__name__, downsamplingFactor, frameSize, hopSizeScale, window.__name__, offset)] += [np.array(synchronizationScores.values())]
 # Write out CSV results
 csvWriter = csv.writer( open( sys.argv[2], 'wb' ) )
 for parameters, results in gridSearchResults.items():
   resultArray = np.array( results )
   resultArray = (resultArray.T/np.max( resultArray, axis=1 )).T
   csvWriter.writerow( list( parameters ) + list(np.mean( resultArray, axis=0 )) + [np.mean( np.diff( resultArray ), axis=0 )] + [np.mean( np.diff( resultArray ) )] + [np.mean( np.sum( np.diff( resultArray ) < 0, axis=1 ) )/(0.5*nFiles - 1)] )