Esempio n. 1
 def arr_brace(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     size = sym.childs[1].sym.val
     dims = [size]
     ll_dims = sym.childs[3].get_attr('dims')
     if ll_dims:
     sym.set_attr('dims', dims)
Esempio n. 2
 def expr_idn(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     var = sym.childs[0].sym.val
     symbol = context.lookup_sym(var)
     if not symbol:
         return -1, "{} is not defined".format(var)
     operand = Operand(var, symbol.type)
     sym.set_attr("res", operand)
Esempio n. 3
 def stmt_s(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     saddr = sym.childs[1].get_attr('quad')
     s1nl = sym.childs[0].get_attr('nl')
     s2nl = sym.childs[2].get_attr('nl')
     if s1nl:
         context.back_patch(s1nl, saddr)
     sym.set_attr('nl', s2nl)
Esempio n. 4
 def struct_type(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     vardl = sym.childs[2]
     eles = vardl.get_attr('eles')
     sym_width = vardl.get_attr('width')
     sym_type = STypeRecord(eles)
     sym.set_attr('type', sym_type)
     sym.set_attr('width', sym_width)
Esempio n. 5
    def arr_ref(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
        start = context.addr
        sym.set_attr('start', start)
        operand = sym.childs[0].get_attr('res')
        last_res = operand.val
        last_type = operand.type
        arr_type = last_type.get_ref_type()
        if not isinstance(arr_type, STypeArray):
            return -1, "Too many array brackets"
        ele_type = arr_type.get_ele_type()

        index_operand = sym.childs[2].get_attr('res')
        index_res = index_operand.val
        index_type = index_operand.type
        if index_type != TokenType.INT:
            return -1, "Array index must be int"
        if index_res != 0:
            res1 = context.gen_tmp()
            ele_type_width = get_type_width(ele_type)
            context.gen_ins("*", index_res, ele_type_width, res1)
            res = context.gen_tmp()
            context.gen_ins('+', last_res, res1, res)
            res = last_res
        res_type = STypePtr(ele_type)
        sym.set_attr('res', Operand(res, res_type))
Esempio n. 6
 def arr_ref_one(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     start = context.addr
     sym.set_attr('start', start)
     var = sym.childs[0].sym.val
     symbol = context.lookup_sym(var)
     if not symbol:
         return -1, "{} is not defined".format(var)
     elif not isinstance(symbol.type, STypeArray):
         return -1, "{} is not a valid array".format(var)
     index_res = sym.childs[2].get_attr('res')
     # get offset
     ele_type = symbol.type.get_ele_type()
     if index_res != 0:
         res1 = context.gen_tmp()
         ele_type_width = get_type_width(ele_type)
         context.gen_ins("*", index_res, ele_type_width, res1)
         res2 = context.gen_tmp()
         context.gen_ins('&', var, None, res2)
         res = context.gen_tmp()
         context.gen_ins('+', res2, res1, res)
         res = context.gen_tmp()
         context.gen_ins('&', var, None, res)
     res_type = STypePtr(ele_type)
     sym.set_attr('res', Operand(res, res_type))
Esempio n. 7
 def sub_val(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     tok = sym.childs[1].sym
     if tok.type == TokenType.CINT:
         res_type = TokenType.INT
     elif tok.type == TokenType.CFLOAT:
         res_type = TokenType.FLOAT
         assert False, "Invalid Type {}".format(tok.type)
     sym.set_attr("res", Operand(-tok.val, res_type))
Esempio n. 8
 def stmt_if(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym_b = sym.childs[1]
     sym_s = sym.childs[4]
     sstart = sym.childs[3].get_attr('quad')
     btl = sym_b.get_attr('tl')
     bfl = sym_b.get_attr('fl')
     context.back_patch(btl, sstart)
     snl = bfl + sym_s.get_attr('nl')
     sym.set_attr('nl', snl)
Esempio n. 9
 def bool_expr2(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym_g = sym.childs[0]
     sym_h = sym.childs[3]
     quad = sym.childs[2].get_attr('quad')
     gtl = sym_g.get_attr('tl')
     htl = sym_h.get_attr('tl')
     gfl = sym_g.get_attr('fl')
     hfl = sym_h.get_attr('fl')
     context.back_patch(gtl, quad)
     sym.set_attr('tl', htl)
     sym.set_attr('fl', gfl + hfl)
Esempio n. 10
 def bool_expr1(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym_b = sym.childs[0]
     sym_g = sym.childs[3]
     quad = sym.childs[2].get_attr('quad')
     btl = sym_b.get_attr('tl')
     gtl = sym_g.get_attr('tl')
     bfl = sym_b.get_attr('fl')
     gfl = sym_g.get_attr('fl')
     context.back_patch(bfl, quad)
     sym.set_attr('tl', btl + gtl)
     sym.set_attr('fl', gfl)
Esempio n. 11
 def param_list_one(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     child_type = sym.childs[0].get_attr('type')
     child_width = sym.childs[0].get_attr('width')
     child_name = sym.childs[1].sym.val
     context.add_sym(child_name, child_type)
     params = [{
         'name': child_name,
         'type': child_type,
         'width': child_width
     sym.set_attr('params', params)
Esempio n. 12
 def stmt_while(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym_b = sym.childs[2]
     sym_s = sym.childs[6]
     bstart = sym.childs[1].get_attr('quad')
     sstart = sym.childs[5].get_attr('quad')
     snl = sym_s.get_attr('nl')
     btl = sym_b.get_attr('tl')
     bfl = sym_b.get_attr('fl')
     context.back_patch(snl, bstart)
     context.back_patch(btl, sstart)
     context.gen_ins('goto', None, None, bstart)
     sym.set_attr('nl', bfl)
Esempio n. 13
 def array_type(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     dims = sym.childs[1].get_attr('dims')
     prim_type = sym.childs[0].get_attr('type')
     prim_width = sym.childs[0].get_attr('width')
     if dims:
         sym_type = STypeArray(prim_type, dims)
         ele_num = reduce(lambda total, x: total * x, dims)
         sym_type = prim_type
         ele_num = 1
     sym.set_attr('type', sym_type)
     sym.set_attr('width', prim_width * ele_num)
Esempio n. 14
 def var_decl_list_begin(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     child_type = sym.childs[0].get_attr('type')
     child_width = sym.childs[0].get_attr('width')
     child_name = sym.childs[0].get_attr('name')
     eles = {
         child_name: {
             "type": child_type,
             "width": child_width,
             "offset": 0
     sym.set_attr('eles', eles)
     sym.set_attr('offset', child_width)
Esempio n. 15
 def bool_expr5(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     toktype = sym.childs[0].childs[0].sym.type
     start = context.addr
     sym.set_attr('start', start)
     if toktype == TokenType.TRUE:
         ins = context.gen_ins('goto', None, None, None)
         stl = [ins]
         sfl = []
         ins = context.gen_ins('goto', None, None, None)
         stl = []
         sfl = [ins]
     sym.set_attr('tl', stl)
     sym.set_attr('fl', sfl)
Esempio n. 16
 def prim_type(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym_type = sym.childs[0].sym.type
     sym.set_attr("type", sym_type)
     if sym_type == TokenType.CHAR:
         width = 1
     elif sym_type == TokenType.SHORT:
         width = 2
     elif sym_type == TokenType.INT or sym_type == TokenType.FLOAT:
         width = 4
     elif sym_type == TokenType.DOUBLE:
         width = 8
         assert False, "Unknown Type {}".format(str(sym_type))
     sym.set_attr("width", width)
Esempio n. 17
 def wrapper(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     start = context.addr
     sym.set_attr('start', start)
     op = func(sym, context)
     ysym = sym.childs[0]
     fsym = sym.childs[2]
     yres = ysym.get_attr('res')
     fres = fsym.get_attr('res')
     res = context.gen_tmp()
     res_type = deduce_type(yres.type, fres.type)
     context.gen_ins(op, yres.val, fres.val, res)
     sym.set_attr('res', Operand(res, res_type))
     if res_type is None:
         return -1, "Can't do {} on {} and {}".format(
             op, str(yres.type), str(fres.type))
Esempio n. 18
 def stmt_if_else(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym_b = sym.childs[1]
     sym_s1 = sym.childs[4]
     sym_s2 = sym.childs[10]
     else_gate = sym.childs[6]
     s1start = sym.childs[3].get_attr('quad')
     s2start = sym.childs[9].get_attr('quad')
     s1nl = sym_s1.get_attr('nl')
     s2nl = sym_s2.get_attr('nl')
     btl = sym_b.get_attr('tl')
     bfl = sym_b.get_attr('fl')
     context.back_patch(btl, s1start)
     context.back_patch(bfl, s2start)
     snl = s1nl + s2nl + else_gate.get_attr('nl')
     sym.set_attr('nl', snl)
Esempio n. 19
 def param_list(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     has_err = False
     err_strs = []
     child_type = sym.childs[2].get_attr('type')
     child_width = sym.childs[2].get_attr('width')
     child_name = sym.childs[3].sym.val
     sym_param = sym.childs[0]
     params = list(sym_param.get_attr('params'))
     for param in params:
         if child_name == param['name']:
             has_err = True
             err_strs.append("Duplicate parameter {}".format(child_name))
     context.add_sym(child_name, child_type)
         'name': child_name,
         'type': child_type,
         'width': child_width
     sym.set_attr('params', params)
     if has_err:
         return -1, '\n'.join(err_strs)
Esempio n. 20
 def var_decl(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     child_type = sym.childs[0].get_attr('type')
     child_width = sym.childs[0].get_attr('width')
     child_name = sym.childs[1].sym.val
     sym.set_attr('type', child_type)
     sym.set_attr('width', child_width)
     sym.set_attr('name', child_name)
Esempio n. 21
 def var_decl_list(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     has_err = False
     vard = sym.childs[1]
     child_type = vard.get_attr('type')
     child_width = vard.get_attr('width')
     child_name = vard.get_attr('name')
     vardl = sym.childs[0]
     eles = dict(vardl.get_attr('eles'))
     offset = vardl.get_attr('offset')
     if child_name in eles:
         has_err = True
         eles[child_name] = {
             "type": child_type,
             "width": child_width,
             "offset": offset
         offset += child_width
     sym.set_attr('eles', eles)
     sym.set_attr('offset', offset)
     if has_err:
         return -1, "Duplicate record attribute {}".format(child_name)
Esempio n. 22
 def record_ref(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     start = context.addr
     sym.set_attr('start', start)
     var = sym.childs[0].sym.val
     attr = sym.childs[2].sym.val
     symbol = context.lookup_sym(var)
     if not symbol:
         return -1, "{} is not defined".format(var)
     elif not isinstance(symbol.type, STypeRecord):
         return -1, "{} is not a valid structure".format(var)
     offset = symbol.type.get_ele_offset(attr)
     if offset is None:
         return -1, "{} has no attribute {}".format(var, attr)
     if offset != 0:
         res1 = context.gen_tmp()
         context.gen_ins("&", var, None, res1)
         res = context.gen_tmp()
         context.gen_ins('+', res1, offset, res)
         res = context.gen_tmp()
         context.gen_ins("&", var, None, res)
     res_type = STypePtr(symbol.type.get_ele_type(attr))
     sym.set_attr('res', Operand(res, res_type))
Esempio n. 23
    def stmt_call(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
        fname = sym.childs[1].sym.val
        symbol = context.lookup_sym(fname)
        if not symbol:
            return -1, "Function {} is not defined".format(fname)
        args = sym.childs[3].get_attr('args')
        res = Operand(context.gen_tmp(), symbol.type.ret_type)
        context.gen_ins('call', symbol, len(args), res)
        sym.set_attr('res', res)

        args_len = len(args)
        params_len = len(symbol.type.param_types)
        if args_len < params_len:
            return -1, "Too few arguments was given"
        if args_len > params_len:
            return -1, "Too many arguments was given"
        for i in range(args_len):
            if args[i].type != symbol.type.param_types[i] and\
                deduce_type(args[i].type, symbol.type.param_types[i]) is None:
                args_str = ', '.join(map(lambda arg: str(arg.type), args))
                params_str = ', '.join(map(str, symbol.type.param_types))
                return -1, "Incompatible parameter types {}({}). expected {}({})".format(
                    fname, args_str, fname, params_str)
Esempio n. 24
 def bool_expr4(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     start = context.addr
     sym.set_attr('start', start)
     res1 = sym.childs[0].get_attr('res')
     res2 = sym.childs[2].get_attr('res')
     relop = RELOPS[sym.childs[1].childs[0].sym.type]
     ins1 = context.gen_ins(relop, res1, res2, None)
     sym.set_attr('tl', [ins1])
     ins2 = context.gen_ins('goto', None, None, None)
     sym.set_attr('fl', [ins2])
Esempio n. 25
 def arg_list_one(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     res = sym.childs[0].get_attr('res')
     sym.set_attr('args', [res])
Esempio n. 26
 def arg_list_empty(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym.set_attr('args', [])
Esempio n. 27
 def quad(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym.set_attr('quad', context.addr)
Esempio n. 28
 def bool_expr3(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym_h = sym.childs[1]
     htl = sym_h.get_attr('tl')
     hfl = sym_h.get_attr('fl')
     sym.set_attr('tl', hfl)
     sym.set_attr('fl', htl)
Esempio n. 29
 def arg_list(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     left = sym.childs[0]
     arg = sym.childs[2]
     args = left.get_attr('args')
     args += [arg.get_attr('res')]
     sym.set_attr('args', args)
Esempio n. 30
 def param_list_empty(sym: SyntaxTree, context: SemanticContext):
     sym.set_attr('params', [])