Esempio n. 1
                os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))

import synthobs
from synthobs.sed import models

import flare
import flare.filters

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

"This is an more efficient way of calculating the broadband luminosities of galaxies. It produces the same answer as generate_SED within ~0.05 dex"

model = models.define_model('BPASSv2.2.1.binary/ModSalpeter_300',
                            path_to_SPS_grid=flare.FLARE_dir +
                            '/data/SPS/nebular/3.0/')  # DEFINE SED GRID -
# model = models.define_model('BPASSv2.2.1.binary/ModSalpeter_300', path_to_SPS_grid = flare.FLARE_dir + '/data/SPS/nebular/2.0/Z_refQ_wdust/') # DEFINE SED GRID -
model.dust_ISM = ('simple', {'slope': -1.0})
model.dust_BC = ('simple', {'slope': -1.0})

# --- read in test data

test = synthobs.test_data()  # --- read in some test data

# --- create rest-frame luminosities

filters = [
    'FAKE.TH.' + f for f in ['FUV', 'NUV', 'V']
]  # --- define the filters. FAKE.FAKE are just top-hat filters using for extracting rest-frame quantities.

cosmo = flare.default_cosmo()
z = 8.

test = synthobs.test_data() # --- read in some test data

# --- calculate V-band (550nm) optical depth for each star particle
A = 5.2
test.tauVs = (10**A) * test.MetSurfaceDensities

model = models.define_model('BPASSv2.2.1.binary/ModSalpeter_300') # DEFINE SED GRID -
model.dust = {'slope': -1.0} # define dust curve

do_test = False

if do_test:

    width_arcsec = 3.

    f = 'Webb.NIRCam.F150W'

# exists = os.path.isfile("data/flares_sizes_highresproject"
#                         "_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.hdf5".format(reg, tag, Type,
#                                                       orientation,
#                         filters[0].split(".")[-1]))
# if not exists:
#     run = True
# else:
#     run = False

run = True

model = models.define_model(
    F'BPASSv2.2.1.binary/Chabrier_300')  # DEFINE SED GRID -

model.dust_ISM = ('simple', {'slope': -1.})  # Define dust curve for ISM
model.dust_BC = ('simple', {
    'slope': -1.
})  # Define dust curve for birth cloud component

# --- create rest-frame luminosities
F = flare.filters.add_filters(filters, new_lam=model.lam)
    F)  # --- create new L grid for each filter. In units of erg/s/Hz

if run:

    # Define radii
    radii_fracs = (0.2, 0.5, 0.8)
Esempio n. 4
def lum(sim,

    S_mass, S_Z, S_age, S_los, S_len, begin, end, S_ap, DTM = get_data(
        sim, tag, inp, data_folder, aperture)

    if np.isscalar(filters):
        Lums = np.zeros(len(begin), dtype=np.float64)
        Lums = np.zeros((len(begin), len(filters)), dtype=np.float64)

    model = models.define_model(
        F'BPASSv2.2.1.binary/{IMF}')  # DEFINE SED GRID -
    if extinction == 'default':
        model.dust_ISM = ('simple', {'slope': -1.})  #Define dust curve for ISM
        model.dust_BC = ('simple', {
            'slope': -1.
        })  #Define dust curve for birth cloud component
    elif extinction == 'Calzetti':
        model.dust_ISM = ('Starburst_Calzetti2000', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('Starburst_Calzetti2000', {''})
    elif extinction == 'SMC':
        model.dust_ISM = ('SMC_Pei92', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('SMC_Pei92', {''})
    elif extinction == 'MW':
        model.dust_ISM = ('MW_Pei92', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('MW_Pei92', {''})
    elif extinction == 'N18':
        model.dust_ISM = ('MW_N18', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('MW_N18', {''})
        ValueError("Extinction type not recognised")

    z = float(tag[5:].replace('p', '.'))

    # --- create rest-frame luminosities
    F = flare.filters.add_filters(filters, new_lam=model.lam)
        F)  # --- create new L grid for each filter. In units of erg/s/Hz

    for jj in range(len(begin)):

        Masses = S_mass[begin[jj]:end[jj]][S_ap[begin[jj]:end[jj]]]
        Ages = S_age[begin[jj]:end[jj]][S_ap[begin[jj]:end[jj]]]
        Metallicities = S_Z[begin[jj]:end[jj]][S_ap[begin[jj]:end[jj]]]
        MetSurfaceDensities = S_los[begin[jj]:end[jj]][S_ap[begin[jj]:end[jj]]]

        MetSurfaceDensities = DTM[jj] * MetSurfaceDensities

        if Type == 'Total':
            tauVs_ISM = kappa * MetSurfaceDensities  # --- calculate V-band (550nm) optical depth for each star particle
            tauVs_BC = BC_fac * (Metallicities / 0.01)
            fesc = 0.0

        elif Type == 'Pure-stellar':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            fesc = 1.0

        elif Type == 'Intrinsic':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            fesc = 0.0

        elif Type == 'Only-BC':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = BC_fac * (Metallicities / 0.01)
            fesc = 0.0

            ValueError(F"Undefined Type {Type}")

        Lnu = models.generate_Lnu(
        )  # --- calculate rest-frame Luminosity. In units of erg/s/Hz

        Lums[jj] = list(Lnu.values())

    return Lums
Esempio n. 5
def get_SED(sim,

    S_mass, S_Z, S_age, S_los, S_len, begin, end, S_ap, DTM = get_data(
        sim, tag, inp, data_folder, aperture)

    model = models.define_model(
        F'BPASSv2.2.1.binary/{IMF}')  # DEFINE SED GRID -
    # --- calculate intrinsic quantities
    if extinction == 'default':
        model.dust_ISM = ('simple', {'slope': -1.})  #Define dust curve for ISM
        model.dust_BC = ('simple', {
            'slope': -1.
        })  #Define dust curve for birth cloud component
    elif extinction == 'Calzetti':
        model.dust_ISM = ('Starburst_Calzetti2000', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('Starburst_Calzetti2000', {''})
    elif extinction == 'SMC':
        model.dust_ISM = ('SMC_Pei92', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('SMC_Pei92', {''})
    elif extinction == 'MW':
        model.dust_ISM = ('MW_Pei92', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('MW_Pei92', {''})
    elif extinction == 'N18':
        model.dust_ISM = ('MW_N18', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('MW_N18', {''})
        ValueError("Extinction type not recognised")

    for jj in range(len(begin)):

        Masses = S_mass[begin[jj]:end[jj]][S_ap[begin[jj]:end[jj]]]
        Ages = S_age[begin[jj]:end[jj]][S_ap[begin[jj]:end[jj]]]
        Metallicities = S_Z[begin[jj]:end[jj]][S_ap[begin[jj]:end[jj]]]
        MetSurfaceDensities = S_los[begin[jj]:end[jj]][S_ap[begin[jj]:end[jj]]]

        MetSurfaceDensities = DTM[jj] * MetSurfaceDensities

        tauVs_ISM = kappa * MetSurfaceDensities  # --- calculate V-band (550nm) optical depth for each star particle
        tauVs_BC = BC_fac * (Metallicities / 0.01)

        o = models.generate_SED(model,

        if jj == 0:
            lam = np.zeros((len(begin), len(o.lam)),
                           dtype=np.float64)  #in Angstrom
            stellar = np.zeros((len(begin), len(o.lam)), dtype=np.float64)
            intrinsic = np.zeros((len(begin), len(o.lam)), dtype=np.float64)
            no_ism = np.zeros((len(begin), len(o.lam)), dtype=np.float64)
            total = np.zeros((len(begin), len(o.lam)), dtype=np.float64)

        lam[jj] = o.lam
        stellar[jj] = o.stellar.lnu
        intrinsic[jj] = o.intrinsic.lnu
        no_ism[jj] = o.BC.lnu
        total[jj] =

    return lam, stellar, intrinsic, no_ism, total
Esempio n. 6
def flux(sim, kappa, tag, BC_fac, inp='FLARES', IMF='Chabrier_300',
         filters=flare.filters.NIRCam_W, Type='Total', log10t_BC=7.,
         extinction='default', orientation="sim"):
    kinp = np.load('/cosma/home/dp004/dc-rope1/cosma7/FLARES/'
    lkernel = kinp['kernel']
    header = kinp['header']
    kbins = header.item()['bins']

    S_mass, S_Z, S_age, S_los, G_Z, S_len, \
    G_len, G_sml, S_sml, G_mass, S_coords, G_coords, \
    S_vels, G_vels, cops, \
    begin, end, gbegin, gend = get_data(sim, tag, inp)

    Fnus = {f: np.zeros(len(S_mass), dtype=np.float64) for f in filters}

    model = models.define_model(
        F'BPASSv2.2.1.binary/{IMF}')  # DEFINE SED GRID -
    if extinction == 'default':
        model.dust_ISM = (
            'simple', {'slope': -1.})  # Define dust curve for ISM
        model.dust_BC = ('simple', {
            'slope': -1.})  # Define dust curve for birth cloud component
    elif extinction == 'Calzetti':
        model.dust_ISM = ('Starburst_Calzetti2000', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('Starburst_Calzetti2000', {''})
    elif extinction == 'SMC':
        model.dust_ISM = ('SMC_Pei92', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('SMC_Pei92', {''})
    elif extinction == 'MW':
        model.dust_ISM = ('MW_Pei92', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('MW_Pei92', {''})
    elif extinction == 'N18':
        model.dust_ISM = ('MW_N18', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('MW_N18', {''})
        ValueError("Extinction type not recognised")

    z = float(tag[5:].replace('p', '.'))
    F = flare.filters.add_filters(filters, new_lam=model.lam * (1. + z))

    cosmo = flare.default_cosmo()

    # --- create new Fnu grid for each filter. In units of nJy/M_sol
    model.create_Fnu_grid(F, z, cosmo)

    for jj in range(len(begin)):

        # Extract values for this galaxy
        Masses = S_mass[begin[jj]: end[jj]]
        Ages = S_age[begin[jj]: end[jj]]
        Metallicities = S_Z[begin[jj]: end[jj]]
        gasMetallicities = G_Z[begin[jj]: end[jj]]
        gasSML = G_sml[begin[jj]: end[jj]]
        gasMasses = G_mass[begin[jj]: end[jj]]

        if orientation == "sim":

            starCoords = S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]].T - cops[:, jj]
            S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]] = starCoords.T

            MetSurfaceDensities = S_los[begin[jj]:end[jj]]

        elif orientation == "face-on":

            starCoords = S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]].T - cops[:, jj]
            gasCoords = G_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]].T - cops[:, jj]
            gasVels = G_vels[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]].T

            # Get angular momentum vector
            ang_vec = util.ang_mom_vector(gasMasses, gasCoords, gasVels)

            # Rotate positions
            starCoords = util.get_rotated_coords(ang_vec, starCoords)
            gasCoords = util.get_rotated_coords(ang_vec, gasCoords)
            S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]] = starCoords.T

            MetSurfaceDensities = util.get_Z_LOS(starCoords, gasCoords,
                                                 gasMasses, gasMetallicities,
                                                 gasSML, (0, 1, 2),
                                                 lkernel, kbins)
        elif orientation == "side-on":

            starCoords = S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]].T - cops[:, jj]
            gasCoords = G_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]].T - cops[:, jj]
            gasVels = G_vels[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]].T

            # Get angular momentum vector
            ang_vec = util.ang_mom_vector(gasMasses, gasCoords, gasVels)

            # Rotate positions
            starCoords = util.get_rotated_coords(ang_vec, starCoords)
            gasCoords = util.get_rotated_coords(ang_vec, gasCoords)
            S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]] = starCoords.T

            MetSurfaceDensities = util.get_Z_LOS(starCoords, gasCoords,
                                                 gasMasses, gasMetallicities,
                                                 gasSML, (2, 0, 1),
                                                 lkernel, kbins)
            MetSurfaceDensities = None
                  "is not an recognised orientation. "
                  "Accepted types are 'sim', 'face-on', or 'side-on'")

        Mage = np.nansum(Masses * Ages) / np.nansum(Masses)
        Z = np.nanmean(gasMetallicities)

        MetSurfaceDensities = DTM_fit(Z, Mage) * MetSurfaceDensities

        if Type == 'Total':
            # --- calculate V-band (550nm) optical depth for each star particle
            tauVs_ISM = kappa * MetSurfaceDensities
            tauVs_BC = BC_fac * (Metallicities / 0.01)
            fesc = 0.0

        elif Type == 'Pure-stellar':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            fesc = 1.0

        elif Type == 'Intrinsic':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            fesc = 0.0

        elif Type == 'Only-BC':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = BC_fac * (Metallicities / 0.01)
            fesc = 0.0

            tauVs_ISM = None
            tauVs_BC = None
            fesc = None
            ValueError(F"Undefined Type {Type}")

        # --- calculate rest-frame Luminosity. In units of erg/s/Hz
        for f in filters:
            # --- calculate rest-frame flux of each object in nJy
            Fnu = models.generate_Fnu_array(model, Masses, Ages, Metallicities,
                                            tauVs_ISM, tauVs_BC, F, f,
                                            fesc=fesc, log10t_BC=log10t_BC)

            Fnus[f][begin[jj]: end[jj]] = Fnu

    Fnus["coords"] = S_coords
    Fnus["smls"] = S_sml
    Fnus["begin"] = begin
    Fnus["end"] = end

    return Fnus
Esempio n. 7
def lum(sim, kappa, tag, BC_fac, inp='FLARES', IMF='Chabrier_300', LF=True,
        filters=('FAKE.TH.FUV',), Type='Total', log10t_BC=7.,
        extinction='default', orientation="sim", masslim=None, nlim=None):
    kinp = np.load('/cosma7/data/dp004/dc-payy1/my_files/'
    lkernel = kinp['kernel']
    header = kinp['header']
    kbins = header.item()['bins']

    S_mass_ini, S_Z, S_age, S_los, G_Z, S_len, \
    G_len, G_sml, S_sml, G_mass, S_coords, G_coords, \
    S_vels, G_vels, S_mass, cops, S_bool, G_bool, \
    begin, end, gbegin, gend, grpid, subgrpid = get_data(sim, tag, inp)

    print("Got data, there are ", len(begin), "galaxies")

    Lums = {f: np.zeros(len(S_mass), dtype=np.float64) for f in filters}

    for f in filters:
        Lums[f + "tauVs_ISM"] = np.zeros(len(S_mass), dtype=np.float64)
        Lums[f + "tauVs_BC"] = np.zeros(len(S_mass), dtype=np.float64)
        Lums[f + "log10t_BC"] = np.zeros(len(begin), dtype=np.float64)

    model = models.define_model(
        F'BPASSv2.2.1.binary/{IMF}')  # DEFINE SED GRID -
    if extinction == 'default':
        model.dust_ISM = (
            'simple', {'slope': -1.})  # Define dust curve for ISM
        model.dust_BC = ('simple', {
            'slope': -1.})  # Define dust curve for birth cloud component
    elif extinction == 'Calzetti':
        model.dust_ISM = ('Starburst_Calzetti2000', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('Starburst_Calzetti2000', {''})
    elif extinction == 'SMC':
        model.dust_ISM = ('SMC_Pei92', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('SMC_Pei92', {''})
    elif extinction == 'MW':
        model.dust_ISM = ('MW_Pei92', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('MW_Pei92', {''})
    elif extinction == 'N18':
        model.dust_ISM = ('MW_N18', {''})
        model.dust_BC = ('MW_N18', {''})
        ValueError("Extinction type not recognised")

    z = float(tag[5:].replace('p', '.'))

    # Convert coordinates to physical
    S_coords = S_coords / (1 + z)
    G_coords = G_coords / (1 + z)
    cops = cops / (1 + z)

    # --- create rest-frame luminosities
    F = flare.filters.add_filters(filters, new_lam=model.lam)
        F)  # --- create new L grid for each filter. In units of erg/s/Hz
    for jj in range(len(begin)):

        # Extract values for this galaxy
        sbool = S_bool[begin[jj]: end[jj]]
        gbool = G_bool[gbegin[jj]: gend[jj]]
        Masses = S_mass_ini[begin[jj]: end[jj]][sbool]
        Ages = S_age[begin[jj]: end[jj]][sbool]
        Metallicities = S_Z[begin[jj]: end[jj]][sbool]
        gasMetallicities = G_Z[gbegin[jj]: gend[jj]][gbool]
        gasSML = G_sml[gbegin[jj]: gend[jj]][gbool]
        gasMasses = G_mass[gbegin[jj]: gend[jj]][gbool]

        if masslim != None:
            if np.sum(Masses) < masslim:
                for f in filters:
                    Lums[f][begin[jj]: end[jj]] = np.nan

        if nlim != None:
            if (end[jj] - begin[jj]) < nlim:
                for f in filters:
                    Lums[f][begin[jj]: end[jj]] = np.nan

        if orientation == "sim":

            starCoords = S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]].T[sbool]
            gasCoords = G_coords[:, gbegin[jj]: gend[jj]].T[gbool]

            MetSurfaceDensities = util.get_Z_LOS(starCoords, gasCoords,
                                                 gasMasses, gasMetallicities,
                                                 gasSML, (0, 1, 2),
                                                 lkernel, kbins)

            S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]][:, sbool] = (starCoords - cops[:, jj]).T
            G_coords[:, gbegin[jj]: gend[jj]][:, gbool] = (gasCoords - cops[:, jj]).T

        elif orientation == "face-on":

            starCoords = S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]][:, sbool].T - cops[:, jj]
            gasCoords = G_coords[:, gbegin[jj]: gend[jj]][:, gbool].T - cops[:, jj]
            gasVels = G_vels[gbegin[jj]: gend[jj], :][gbool]

            # Get angular momentum vector
            ang_vec = util.ang_mom_vector(gasMasses, gasCoords, gasVels)

            # Rotate positions
            starCoords = util.get_rotated_coords(ang_vec, starCoords)
            gasCoords = util.get_rotated_coords(ang_vec, gasCoords)
            S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]][:, sbool] = starCoords.T

            MetSurfaceDensities = util.get_Z_LOS(starCoords, gasCoords,
                                                 gasMasses, gasMetallicities,
                                                 gasSML, (0, 1, 2),
                                                 lkernel, kbins)
        elif orientation == "side-on":

            starCoords = S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]][:, sbool].T - cops[:, jj]
            gasCoords = G_coords[:, gbegin[jj]: gend[jj]][:, gbool].T - cops[:, jj]
            gasVels = G_vels[gbegin[jj]: gend[jj], :][gbool]

            # Get angular momentum vector
            ang_vec = util.ang_mom_vector(gasMasses, gasCoords, gasVels)

            # Rotate positions
            starCoords = util.get_rotated_coords(ang_vec, starCoords)
            gasCoords = util.get_rotated_coords(ang_vec, gasCoords)
            S_coords[:, begin[jj]: end[jj]][:, sbool] = starCoords.T

            MetSurfaceDensities = util.get_Z_LOS(starCoords, gasCoords,
                                                 gasMasses, gasMetallicities,
                                                 gasSML, (2, 0, 1),
                                                 lkernel, kbins)
            MetSurfaceDensities = None
                  "is not an recognised orientation. "
                  "Accepted types are 'sim', 'face-on', or 'side-on'")

        Mage = np.nansum(Masses * Ages) / np.nansum(Masses)
        Z = np.nanmean(gasMetallicities)

        MetSurfaceDensities = DTM_fit(Z, Mage) * MetSurfaceDensities

        if Type == 'Total':
            # --- calculate V-band (550nm) optical depth for each star particle
            tauVs_ISM = kappa * MetSurfaceDensities
            tauVs_BC = BC_fac * (Metallicities / 0.01)
            fesc = 0.0

        elif Type == 'Pure-stellar':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            fesc = 1.0

        elif Type == 'Intrinsic':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            fesc = 0.0

        elif Type == 'Only-BC':
            tauVs_ISM = np.zeros(len(Masses))
            tauVs_BC = BC_fac * (Metallicities / 0.01)
            fesc = 0.0

            tauVs_ISM = None
            tauVs_BC = None
            fesc = None
            ValueError(F"Undefined Type {Type}")

        # --- calculate rest-frame Luminosity. In units of erg/s/Hz
        for f in filters:
            Lnu = models.generate_Lnu_array(model=model, Masses=Masses,
                                            tauVs_BC=tauVs_BC, F=F, f=f,
                                            fesc=fesc, log10t_BC=log10t_BC)
            Lums[f][begin[jj]: end[jj]][sbool] = Lnu
            Lums[f + "tauVs_ISM"][begin[jj]: end[jj]][sbool] = tauVs_ISM
            Lums[f + "tauVs_BC"][begin[jj]: end[jj]][sbool] = tauVs_BC
            Lums[f + "log10t_BC"][jj] = log10t_BC

            Lums[f][begin[jj]: end[jj]][~sbool] = np.nan
            Lums[f + "tauVs_ISM"][begin[jj]: end[jj]][~sbool] = np.nan
            Lums[f + "tauVs_BC"][begin[jj]: end[jj]][~sbool] = np.nan

    Lums["coords"] = S_coords
    Lums["gcoords"] = G_coords
    Lums["grpid"] = grpid
    Lums["subgrpid"] = subgrpid
    Lums["smls"] = S_sml
    Lums["masses"] = S_mass
    Lums["gmasses"] = G_mass
    Lums["S_age"] = S_age
    Lums["S_Z"] = S_Z
    Lums["G_Z"] = G_Z
    Lums["nstar"] = S_len
    Lums["begin"] = begin
    Lums["end"] = end
    Lums["gbegin"] = gbegin
    Lums["gend"] = gend
    Lums["S_bool"] = S_bool
    Lums["G_bool"] = G_bool

    return Lums  # , S_len + G_len