Esempio n. 1
def combine_ipc_dumps(ipcdumps, original_file_path):
  """Combines a list of ipcdump files into a single dump."""
  input_file_string = ','.join(ipcdumps)
  executable = get_ipc_message_util_executable()
  output_file_path = get_temporary_file_name(original_file_path)
  command_line = shell.get_command_line_from_argument_list(
      [executable, input_file_string, output_file_path])
  return_code, _, output = process_handler.run_process(
      command_line, testcase_run=False, timeout=COMBINED_IPCDUMP_TIMEOUT)

  for ipcdump in ipcdumps:

  if return_code or not os.path.exists(output_file_path):
    logs.log_error('Failed to create ipc dump file %s.' % output)
    return None

  return output_file_path
Esempio n. 2
  def tokenize(current_file_path):
    """Generate a token list for an IPC fuzzer test case."""
    command_line = shell.get_command_line_from_argument_list(
        [get_ipc_message_util_executable(), '--dump', current_file_path])
    _, _, output = process_handler.run_process(
        command_line, testcase_run=False, timeout=IPCDUMP_TIMEOUT)
    output_lines = output.splitlines()
    if not output_lines:
      return []

    # Each output line starts with the message index followed by a ".", but
    # we are only interested in the total number of messages in the file. To
    # find this, we add one to the index of the final message.
      last_index = int(output_lines[-1].split('.')[0])
    except ValueError:
      return []

    return list(range(last_index + 1))
Esempio n. 3
def create_partial_ipc_dump(tokens, original_file_path):
  """Use the ipc_message_util utility to create a file for up to
     |TOKENS_PER_IPCDUMP| tokens."""
  assert len(tokens) <= TOKENS_PER_IPCDUMP

  token_list = ','.join([str(token) for token in tokens])
  temp_file_path = get_temporary_file_name(original_file_path)

  executable = get_ipc_message_util_executable()
  command_line = shell.get_command_line_from_argument_list(
       '--in=%s' % token_list, original_file_path, temp_file_path])
  return_code, _, output = process_handler.run_process(
      command_line, testcase_run=False, timeout=IPCDUMP_TIMEOUT)
  if return_code or not os.path.exists(temp_file_path):
    # For some reason, generating the new file failed.
    logs.log_error('Failed to create ipc dump file %s.' % output)
    return None

  return temp_file_path
Esempio n. 4
def supports_ipc_minimization(file_path):
  """Check to see if IPC minimization is supported for the current build."""
  executable = get_ipc_message_util_executable()
  if not executable:
    # IPC fuzzer minimization is not supported on this platform.
    return False

  command_line = shell.get_command_line_from_argument_list(
      [executable, '--dump', '--in=0', file_path])
  return_code, _, output = process_handler.run_process(
      command_line, testcase_run=False, timeout=IPCDUMP_TIMEOUT)

  # If --in is not supported by this version of the ipc_message_util binary,
  # it will exit with a nonzero exit status. Also ensure that the first message
  # is printed in case the build is bad for some other reason.
  # Example output: 0. AutofillHostMsg_DidFillAutofillFormData
  if return_code or not output.startswith('0.'):
    return False

  supports_ipc_minimization.is_supported = True
  return True