Esempio n. 1
        def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
            ret = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)

            if name != "dbobject":
                if not hasattr(ret, "__relation__") or getattr(ret.__relation__, "__autocreated__", False):
                    # __relation__ which are set by this procedure
                    # are overwritten with one that uses the current class'
                    # name, considering the __schema__ class variable.
                    schema = getattr(ret, "__schema__", None)
                    ret.__relation__ = sql.relation(name, schema)
                    ret.__relation__.__autocreated__ = True
                elif type(ret.__relation__) == StringType:
                    schema = getattr(ret, "__schema__", None)
                    ret.__relation__ = sql.relation(ret.__relation__, schema)
                elif type(ret.__relation__) == UnicodeType:
                    raise TypeError("Unicode is not allowed as SQL identifyer")
                elif isinstance(ret.__relation__, sql.relation):
                    msg = "Relation name must be a string or an " + "sql.relation() instance, not %s (%s)"
                    raise TypeError(msg % (repr(type(ret.__relation__)), repr(ret.__relation__)))

                if not hasattr(ret, "__view__") or getattr(ret.__view__, "__autocreated__", False):
                    ret.__view__ = ret.__relation__
                    ret.__view__.__autocreated__ = True
                elif type(ret.__view__) == StringType:
                    schema = getattr(ret, "__schema__", None)
                    ret.__view__ = sql.relation(ret.__view__, schema)
                elif type(ret.__view__) == UnicodeType:
                    raise TypeError("Unicode is not allowed as SQL identifyer")
                elif isinstance(ret.__view__, sql.relation):
                    msg = (
                        "Relation name for the __view__ "
                        "must be a string or an "
                        "sql.relation() instance, not %s (%s)"
                    raise TypeError(msg % (repr(type(ret.__view__)), repr(ret.__view__)))

                # Initialize the dbproperties
                for attr_name, property in dict.items():
                    if isinstance(property, datatype):
                        property.__init_dbclass__(ret, attr_name)

                # Add (=inherit) db-properties from our parent classes
                for base in bases:
                    for attr_name, property in base.__dict__.items():
                        if isinstance(property, (datatype,)):
                            property_cpy = copy.copy(property)
                            if hasattr(property_cpy, "__init_dbclass__"):
                                property_cpy.__init_dbclass__(ret, attr_name)
                            setattr(ret, attr_name, property_cpy)

            return ret
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, child_class, link_relation,
                 parent_own_key=None, parent_link_column=None,
                 child_own_key=None, child_link_column=None,
        @param parent_own_key: The attribute in the parent dbclass that
          is referred to by the link table. Defaults to the primary key.
        @param parent_link_column: The column name(!) in the link table
          referring to parent_own_key. Defaults to
          <parent class name>_<primary key column>.
        @param child_own_key: The attribute in the child dbclass that
          is referred to by the link table. Defaults to the primary key.
        @param child_link_column: The column name(!) in the link table
          referring to child_own_key. Defaults to
          <child class name>_<child key column>.
        relationship.__init__(self, child_class, None, None,
                              title, False)

        if isinstance(link_relation, sql.relation):
            self.link_relation = link_relation
            self.link_relation = sql.relation(link_relation)
        self._parent_own_key = parent_own_key
        if isinstance(parent_link_column, sql.column):
            self._parent_link_column = parent_link_column.column
            self._parent_link_column = parent_link_column
        self._child_own_key = child_own_key

        if isinstance(child_link_column, sql.column):
            self._child_link_column = child_link_column.column
            self._child_link_column = child_link_column