Esempio n. 1
 class EaarlEdb(tables.IsDescription):
     soe = tables.Float32Col(pos=0)
     raster_offset = tables.UInt32Col(pos=1)
     raster_length = tables.UInt32Col(pos=2)
     pulse_count = tables.UInt8Col(pos=3)
     digitizer = tables.UInt8Col(pos=4)
     file = tables.StringCol(pos=5, itemsize=filename_length)
Esempio n. 2
 class SpikeInfoDescription(tables.IsDescription):
     ch = tables.UInt8Col()
     cl = tables.UInt8Col()
     snr_mean = tables.Float64Col()
     snr_std = tables.Float64Col()
     wave_mean = tables.Float64Col(shape=wfs)
     wave_std = tables.Float64Col(shape=wfs)
Esempio n. 3
class Links(tb.IsDescription):
    receiver = tb.StringCol(64)
    fpga_link = tb.UInt8Col()
    chip_link = tb.UInt8Col()
    chip_id = tb.StringCol(64)
    data_delay = tb.UInt8Col()
    data_invert = tb.UInt8Col()
    data_edge = tb.UInt8Col()
Esempio n. 4
class HisparcComparatorData(tables.IsDescription):
    event_id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=0)
    timestamp = tables.Time32Col(pos=2)
    nanoseconds = tables.UInt32Col(pos=3)
    ext_timestamp = tables.UInt64Col(pos=4)
    device = tables.UInt8Col(pos=5)
    comparator = tables.UInt8Col(pos=6)
    count = tables.UInt16Col(pos=7)
Esempio n. 5
class ClusterHitInfoTable(tb.IsDescription):
    event_number = tb.Int64Col(pos=0)
    column = tb.UInt16Col(pos=1)
    row = tb.UInt16Col(pos=2)
    charge = tb.Float32Col(pos=3)
    frame = tb.UInt8Col(pos=4)
    cluster_id = tb.Int32Col(pos=5)
    is_seed = tb.UInt8Col(pos=6)
    cluster_size = tb.UInt32Col(pos=7)
    n_cluster = tb.UInt32Col(pos=8)
Esempio n. 6
class HDF5Frame(tables.IsDescription):
    timestamp = tables.UInt64Col()  # Microseconds
    sentinel_start = tables.UInt8Col()
    sender_timestamp = tables.UInt32Col()
    sequence = tables.UInt16Col()
    id = tables.UInt16Col()
    rtr = tables.BoolCol()
    length = tables.UInt8Col()
    data = tables.UInt8Col(shape=(8, ))
    sentinel_end = tables.UInt8Col()
Esempio n. 7
class IndexMsg1553(tables.IsDescription):
    ''' Class to hold index information 
        msg_index - Array index of message
        msg_time  - UTC time of indexed message
    offset = tables.UInt64Col()
    time = tables.Time64Col()
    channel_id = tables.UInt16Col()
    rt = tables.UInt8Col()
    tr = tables.UInt8Col()
    subaddr = tables.UInt8Col()
class Patient(tb.IsDescription):
    identifier = tb.UInt16Col(pos=0)
    age = tb.UInt8Col(pos=1)
    heart_rate = tb.UInt8Col(pos=2)
    diastolic_pressure = tb.Float32Col(pos=3)
    systolic_pressure = tb.Float32Col(pos=4)
    hematocrit = tb.UInt8Col(pos=5)
    blood_sugar = tb.Float32Col(pos=6)

    class XRay(tb.IsDescription):
        # 2-D float array (single-precision)
        data = tb.Float32Col(shape=(256, 256))  # 512x512 is too big!
class TopSNPResults(tables.IsDescription):
    snp_chr = tables.UInt8Col()
    snp_pos = tables.UInt32Col()
    score = tables.Float32Col()
    maf = tables.Float32Col()
    mac = tables.Int32Col()
    perc_var_expl = tables.Float32Col()
    gene = tables.StringCol(itemsize=20)
    gene_chr = tables.UInt8Col()
    gene_mid_pos = tables.UInt32Col()
    gene_start = tables.UInt32Col()
    gene_end = tables.UInt32Col()
Esempio n. 10
class S12Pmt(tb.IsDescription):
    """Store for a S1/S2 of the individual pmts
    The table maps a S12Pmt:
    peak is the index of the S12 dictionary, running over the number of peaks found
    npmt gives the pmt sensor id
    time and energy of the peak.
    event = tb.Int32Col(pos=0)
    peak = tb.UInt8Col(pos=2)  # peak number
    npmt = tb.UInt8Col(
        pos=3)  # pmt number (in order of IC db 26/8/2017: equal to SensorID)
    ene = tb.Float32Col(pos=5)  # energy in pes
Esempio n. 11
class EventObservables(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store information about the observables of an event.

    The observables are described for each station independently.  So, for each
    event (with a unique :attr:`id`), there is a table row for each station
    (with a unique :attr:`station_id`), such that only the (id, station_id)
    combinations are unique in the table.

    .. attribute:: id

        a unique identifier for the simulated event (only unique in this table)

    .. attribute:: station_id

        station identifier, such that you can do::

            >>> station = cluster.stations[station_id]

    .. attribute:: r, phi, x, y

        coordinates of the station.  Depending on the simulation, this might be
        constant throughout the simulation, or it might change event by event.

    .. attribute:: alpha

        rotation of the station around its center

    .. attribute:: N

        number of detectors with at least one particle

    id = tables.UInt32Col()
    station_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    timestamp = tables.Time32Col()
    nanoseconds = tables.UInt32Col()
    ext_timestamp = tables.UInt64Col()

    r = tables.Float32Col()
    phi = tables.Float32Col()
    x = tables.Float32Col()
    y = tables.Float32Col()
    alpha = tables.Float32Col()
    N = tables.UInt8Col()
    t1 = tables.Float32Col()
    t2 = tables.Float32Col()
    t3 = tables.Float32Col()
    t4 = tables.Float32Col()
    n1 = tables.Float32Col()
    n2 = tables.Float32Col()
    n3 = tables.Float32Col()
    n4 = tables.Float32Col()
class EventTable(tables.IsDescription):
    event_index = tables.UInt64Col()
    event_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    telescope_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    n_photoelectrons = tables.UInt64Col()
    energy = tables.Float64Col()
    alt = tables.Float64Col()
    az = tables.Float64Col()
    core_x = tables.Float64Col()
    core_y = tables.Float64Col()
    h_first_int = tables.Float64Col()
    x_max = tables.Float64Col()
    shower_primary_id = tables.UInt8Col()
Esempio n. 13
class SimulationParticle(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store information about the particles hitting a detector

    Simulations which track individual particles write particle information in
    this table.  Position, arrival time and energy, as well as the detector
    which detected this particle are stored.

    .. attribute:: id

        a unique identifier for the simulated event (only unique in this table)

    .. attribute:: station_id

        station identifier, such that you can do::

            >>> station = cluster.stations[station_id]

    .. attribute:: detector_id

        detector identifier, such that you can do::

            >>> station = cluster.stations[station_id]
            >>> detector = station.detectors[detector_id]

    .. attribute:: pid

        a particle identifier. Possible values are determined by the
        simulation package.

    .. attribute:: r, phi

        particle position in polar coordinates

    .. attribute:: time

        arrival time of the particle [ns]

    .. attribute:: energy

        particle energy [GeV]

    id = tables.UInt32Col()
    station_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    detector_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    pid = tables.Int8Col()
    r = tables.Float32Col()
    phi = tables.Float32Col()
    time = tables.Float32Col()
    energy = tables.Float32Col()
Esempio n. 14
class GroundParticles(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store information about shower particles reaching ground level"""

    particle_id = tables.UInt16Col(pos=0)
    r = tables.Float32Col(pos=1)
    phi = tables.Float32Col(pos=2)
    x = tables.Float32Col(pos=3)
    y = tables.Float32Col(pos=4)
    t = tables.Float32Col(pos=5)
    p_x = tables.Float32Col(pos=6)
    p_y = tables.Float32Col(pos=7)
    p_z = tables.Float32Col(pos=8)
    hadron_generation = tables.UInt8Col(pos=9)
    observation_level = tables.UInt8Col(pos=10)
class HitInfoTable(tb.IsDescription):
    event_number = tb.Int64Col(pos=0)
    trigger_number = tb.UInt32Col(pos=1)
    relative_BCID = tb.UInt8Col(pos=2)
    LVL1ID = tb.UInt16Col(pos=3)
    column = tb.UInt8Col(pos=4)
    row = tb.UInt16Col(pos=5)
    tot = tb.UInt8Col(pos=6)
    BCID = tb.UInt16Col(pos=7)
    TDC = tb.UInt16Col(pos=8)
    TDC_time_stamp = tb.UInt8Col(pos=9)
    trigger_status = tb.UInt8Col(pos=10)
    service_record = tb.UInt32Col(pos=11)
    event_status = tb.UInt16Col(pos=12)
Esempio n. 16
def StackCalSoln_Description(nPos=1):
    strLength = 100  
    description = {
            "intTime"       : tables.UInt16Col(),          # integration time used for each dither position
            "nPos"          : tables.UInt16Col(),          # number of dither positions
            "startTimes"    : tables.UInt32Col(nPos),      # list of data start times for each position
            "stopTimes"     : tables.UInt32Col(nPos),      # physical y location
            "darkSpan"      : tables.UInt32Col(2),         # start and stop time for dark data
            "flatSpan"      : tables.UInt32Col(2),         # start and stop time for flat data
            "xPos"          : tables.UInt16Col(nPos),      # rough guess at X centroid for each position
            "yPos"          : tables.UInt16Col(nPos),      # rough guess at Y centroid for each position
            "numRows"       : tables.UInt16Col(),          # y-dimension of image
            "numCols"       : tables.UInt16Col(),          # x-dimension of image
            "upSample"      : tables.UInt16Col(),          # divide each pixel into upSample^2 for subpix registration
            "padFraction"   : tables.Float64Col(),         # x-dimension of image
            "coldCut"       : tables.UInt8Col(),           # any pixels with counts<coldCut is set to NAN during regis.
            "fitPos"        : tables.BoolCol(),            # boolean flag to perform fitting for registration
            "target"        : tables.StringCol(strLength), # name of target object
            "date"          : tables.StringCol(strLength), # date of observation
            "imgDir"        : tables.StringCol(strLength), # location of .IMG files
            "binDir"        : tables.StringCol(strLength), # location of .bin files
            "outputDir"     : tables.StringCol(strLength), # location where stack was originally saved
            "fitsPath"      : tables.StringCol(strLength), # full path (dir+filename) for FITS file with stacked image
            "refFile"       : tables.StringCol(strLength), # path to reference file for image registration
            "useImg"        : tables.BoolCol(),            # boolean flag to use .IMG or .bin data files in stacking
            "doHPM"         : tables.StringCol(strLength), # string controlling manner that hot pix masks are used
            "subtractDark"  : tables.BoolCol(),            # boolean flag to apply dark
            "divideFlat"    : tables.BoolCol(),            # boolean flag to apply flat
            "apMaskRadPrim" : tables.UInt16Col(),          # radius of aperture mask around primary object
            "apMaskRadSec"  : tables.UInt16Col()}          # radius of aperture mask around secondary
    return description
Esempio n. 17
class Test(tables.IsDescription):
    """A description that has several columns."""

    x = tables.Int32Col(shape=2, dflt=0, pos=0)
    y = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1.2, shape=(2, 3))
    z = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
    color = tables.EnumCol(colors, 'red', base='uint32', shape=(2, ))
    Info = Info()

    class info(tables.IsDescription):
        _v_pos = 1
        name = tables.StringCol(10)
        value = tables.Float64Col(pos=0)
        y2 = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1, shape=(2, 3), pos=1)
        z2 = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)

        class info2(tables.IsDescription):
            y3 = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1, shape=(2, 3))
            z3 = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
            name = tables.StringCol(10)
            value = tables.EnumCol(colors, 'blue', base='uint32', shape=(1, ))

            class info3(tables.IsDescription):
                name = tables.StringCol(10)
                value = tables.Time64Col()
                y4 = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1, shape=(2, 3))
                z4 = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
Esempio n. 18
 class PYT(tables.IsDescription):
     a = tables.Int32Col()
     b = tables.UInt8Col()
     c = tables.Float32Col()
     d = tables.StringCol(len(str(uuid4())) * 4)
     e = tables.Time32Col()
     f = tables.Time32Col()
 class images(ta.IsDescription):
     frame_index = ta.Int32Col(shape=(1))
     features = ta.UInt8Col(shape=(feature_len))
     label = ta.StringCol(128)
     camNames = ta.StringCol(32)
     actNames = ta.StringCol(64)
     partiNames = ta.StringCol(4)
class ThresholdTable(tb.IsDescription):
    column = tb.UInt8Col(pos=0)
    row = tb.UInt16Col(pos=1)
    parameter = tb.Int32Col(pos=2)
    vthin_altfine = tb.UInt32Col(pos=3)
    vthin_altcoarse = tb.UInt32Col(pos=4)
    threshold = tb.Float64Col(pos=5)
Esempio n. 21
class WeatherConfig(tables.IsDescription):
    event_id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=0)
    timestamp = tables.Time32Col(pos=1)
    com_port = tables.UInt8Col(pos=2)
    baud_rate = tables.Int16Col(pos=3)
    station_id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=4)
    database_name = tables.Int32Col(dflt=-1, pos=5)
    help_url = tables.Int32Col(dflt=-1, pos=6)
    daq_mode = tables.BoolCol(pos=7)
    latitude = tables.Float64Col(pos=8)
    longitude = tables.Float64Col(pos=9)
    altitude = tables.Float64Col(pos=10)
    temperature_inside = tables.BoolCol(pos=11)
    temperature_outside = tables.BoolCol(pos=12)
    humidity_inside = tables.BoolCol(pos=13)
    humidity_outside = tables.BoolCol(pos=14)
    barometer = tables.BoolCol(pos=15)
    wind_direction = tables.BoolCol(pos=16)
    wind_speed = tables.BoolCol(pos=17)
    solar_radiation = tables.BoolCol(pos=18)
    uv_index = tables.BoolCol(pos=19)
    evapotranspiration = tables.BoolCol(pos=20)
    rain_rate = tables.BoolCol(pos=21)
    heat_index = tables.BoolCol(pos=22)
    dew_point = tables.BoolCol(pos=23)
    wind_chill = tables.BoolCol(pos=24)
    offset_inside_temperature = tables.Float32Col(pos=25)
    offset_outside_temperature = tables.Float32Col(pos=26)
    offset_inside_humidity = tables.Int16Col(pos=27)
    offset_outside_humidity = tables.Int16Col(pos=28)
    offset_wind_direction = tables.Int16Col(pos=29)
    offset_station_altitude = tables.Float32Col(pos=30)
    offset_bar_sea_level = tables.Float32Col(pos=31)
Esempio n. 22
class Record(tb.IsDescription):
    var1 = tb.StringCol(itemsize=4, dflt=b"abcd", pos=0)
    var2 = tb.StringCol(itemsize=1, dflt=b"a", pos=1)
    var3 = tb.BoolCol(dflt=1)
    var4 = tb.Int8Col(dflt=1)
    var5 = tb.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
    var6 = tb.Int16Col(dflt=1)
    var7 = tb.UInt16Col(dflt=1)
    var8 = tb.Int32Col(dflt=1)
    var9 = tb.UInt32Col(dflt=1)
    var10 = tb.Int64Col(dflt=1)
    var11 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=1.0)
    var12 = tb.Float64Col(dflt=1.0)
    var13 = tb.ComplexCol(itemsize=8, dflt=(1.+0.j))
    var14 = tb.ComplexCol(itemsize=16, dflt=(1.+0.j))
    if hasattr(tb, 'Float16Col'):
        var15 = tb.Float16Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tb, 'Float96Col'):
        var16 = tb.Float96Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tb, 'Float128Col'):
        var17 = tb.Float128Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tb, 'Complex196Col'):
        var18 = tb.ComplexCol(itemsize=24, dflt=(1.+0.j))
    if hasattr(tb, 'Complex256Col'):
        var19 = tb.ComplexCol(itemsize=32, dflt=(1.+0.j))
Esempio n. 23
class ReconstructedKascadeEvent(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store information about reconstructed events"""

    # r, phi is core position

    id = tables.UInt32Col()
    station_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    r = tables.Float32Col()
    phi = tables.Float32Col()
    alpha = tables.Float32Col()
    t1 = tables.Float32Col()
    t2 = tables.Float32Col()
    t3 = tables.Float32Col()
    t4 = tables.Float32Col()
    n1 = tables.Float32Col()
    n2 = tables.Float32Col()
    n3 = tables.Float32Col()
    n4 = tables.Float32Col()
    reference_theta = tables.Float32Col()
    reference_phi = tables.Float32Col()
    reconstructed_theta = tables.Float32Col()
    reconstructed_phi = tables.Float32Col()
    min_n134 = tables.Float32Col()

    k_energy = tables.FloatCol()
    k_core_pos = tables.FloatCol(shape=2)
    k_Num_e = tables.FloatCol()
    k_Num_mu = tables.FloatCol()
    k_dens_e = tables.FloatCol(shape=4)
    k_dens_mu = tables.FloatCol(shape=4)
    k_P200 = tables.FloatCol()
    k_T200 = tables.FloatCol()
class SubstageEntry(tables.IsDescription):
    substagenum = tables.UInt8Col(pos=1)
    functionname = tables.StringCol(255)
    name = tables.StringCol(255)
    stack = tables.StringCol(255)
    comments = tables.StringCol(255)
    substage_type = tables.EnumCol(substage_types, BOOKKEEPING, base='uint8')
Esempio n. 25
class TraceWriteRange(tables.IsDescription):
    index = tables.UInt32Col()
    destlo = tables.UInt64Col()
    destlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    destlolo = tables.UInt32Col()
    destlohi = tables.UInt32Col()
    desthi = tables.UInt64Col()
    desthilo = tables.UInt32Col()
    desthihi = tables.UInt32Col()
    pc = tables.UInt64Col()
    pclo = tables.UInt32Col()
    pchi = tables.UInt32Col()
    relocatedpc = tables.UInt64Col()
    relocatedpclo = tables.UInt32Col()
    relocatedpchi = tables.UInt32Col()
    lr = tables.UInt64Col()
    lrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    lrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    relocatedlr = tables.UInt64Col()
    relocatedlrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    relocatedlrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    byteswritten = tables.UInt64Col()
    numops = tables.UInt64Col()
    cpsr = tables.UInt64Col()
    caller = tables.StringCol(40)
    substage = tables.UInt8Col()
Esempio n. 26
class ReconstructedEvent(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store information about reconstructed events"""

    # r, phi is core position

    id = tables.UInt32Col()
    station_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    r = tables.Float32Col()
    phi = tables.Float32Col()
    alpha = tables.Float32Col()
    t1 = tables.Float32Col()
    t2 = tables.Float32Col()
    t3 = tables.Float32Col()
    t4 = tables.Float32Col()
    n1 = tables.Float32Col()
    n2 = tables.Float32Col()
    n3 = tables.Float32Col()
    n4 = tables.Float32Col()
    reference_theta = tables.Float32Col()
    reference_phi = tables.Float32Col()
    reconstructed_theta = tables.Float32Col()
    reconstructed_phi = tables.Float32Col()
    reference_core_pos = tables.Float32Col(shape=2)
    reconstructed_core_pos = tables.Float32Col(shape=2)
    reference_shower_size = tables.Float32Col()
    reconstructed_shower_size = tables.Float32Col()
    min_n134 = tables.Float32Col()
Esempio n. 27
class FontGlyphData(tb.IsDescription):
    index = tb.IntCol(pos=1)
    charcode = tb.IntCol(pos=2)
    unichar = tb.StringCol(8, pos=3)
    offset_x = tb.Int16Col(pos=4)
    offset_y = tb.Int16Col(pos=5)
    width = tb.UInt8Col(pos=6)
    height = tb.UInt8Col(pos=7)
    atlas_x = tb.UInt16Col(pos=8)
    atlas_y = tb.UInt16Col(pos=9)
    atlas_w = tb.UInt16Col(pos=10)
    atlas_h = tb.UInt16Col(pos=11)
    tex_x1 = tb.Float32Col(pos=12)
    tex_y1 = tb.Float32Col(pos=13)
    tex_x2 = tb.Float32Col(pos=14)
    tex_y2 = tb.Float32Col(pos=15)
class RegEntry(tables.IsDescription):
    name = tables.StringCol(512)
    address = tables.UInt32Col()
    width = tables.UInt8Col()
    reset = tables.StringCol(16)
    typ = tables.StringCol(16)
    offset = tables.UInt32Col()
    table = tables.StringCol(256)
Esempio n. 29
class SubstageWriteIntervals(tables.IsDescription):
    substagenum = tables.UInt8Col()
    minaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    minaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    minaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    maxaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    maxaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    maxaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
 class images(ta.IsDescription):
     frame_index  = ta.Int32Col(shape = (1))
     features     = ta.UInt8Col(shape = (N_FEATURES_TOTAL*N_PARTS))
     label        = ta.StringCol(128)
     aviNames     = ta.StringCol(256)
     camname      = ta.StringCol(16)
     actname      = ta.StringCol(64)
     partiname    = ta.StringCol(8)