Esempio n. 1
    def parse(cls, parser, token):
        Parse the node syntax:

        .. code-block:: html+django

            {% page_placeholder parentobj slotname title="test" role="m" %}
        bits, as_var = parse_as_var(parser, token)
        tag_name, args, kwargs = parse_token_kwargs(parser, bits, allowed_kwargs=cls.allowed_kwargs, compile_args=True, compile_kwargs=True)

        # Play with the arguments
        if len(args) == 2:
            parent_expr = args[0]
            slot_expr = args[1]
        elif len(args) == 1:
            # Allow 'page' by default. Works with most CMS'es, including django-fluent-pages.
            parent_expr = Variable('page')
            slot_expr = args[0]
            raise TemplateSyntaxError("""{0} tag allows two arguments: 'parent object' 'slot name' and optionally: title=".." role="..".""".format(tag_name))

        cls.validate_args(tag_name, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls(
    def parse(cls, parser, token):
        Parse the node: {% getfirstof val1 val2 as val3 %}
        parser: a Parser class.
        token: a Token class.
        bits, var_name = parse_as_var(parser, token)
        tag_name, choices, _ = parse_token_kwargs(parser, bits, allowed_kwargs=())

        if var_name is None:
            raise TemplateSyntaxError("Expected syntax: {{% {0} val1 val2 as val %}}".format(tag_name))

        return cls(choices, var_name)