Esempio n. 1
class SlrPrepATests(TestCase):
    """Tests for _prep_a()"""
    def setUp(self):
        self.testrepo = SQLiteRepo()
        self.chardict = self.testrepo.special_chars

    def test_prep_a_special_chars_forbidden(self):
        """Handle forbidden characters in relation names or anchor content.
        ins = ("".join((self.chardict["E"], x, self.chardict["WC"]))
               for x in self.chardict["F"])
        outs = ("".join((self.chardict["E"], escape(x), self.chardict["WC"]))
                for x in self.chardict["F"])
        for term, expected in zip(ins, outs):
            with self.subTest(term=term):
                self.assertEqual(self.testrepo._prep_a(term, wildcards=False),

    def test_prep_a_special_characters_prefix(self):
        """Handle prefix characters in relation names or anchor content.
        ins = ("".join((x, self.chardict["E"], self.chardict["WC"]))
               for x in self.chardict["PX"])
        outs = ("".join((escape(x), self.chardict["E"], self.chardict["WC"]))
                for x in self.chardict["PX"])
        for term, expected in zip(ins, outs):
            with self.subTest(term=term):
                self.assertEqual(self.testrepo._prep_a(term, wildcards=False),
Esempio n. 2
class SlrPrepTermTests(TestCase):
    """Tests for _prep_term()"""
    def setUp(self):
        self.testrepo = SQLiteRepo()
        self.escape = self.testrepo.CHAR_ESCAPE
        self.alias = self.testrepo._char_alias

    def test_prep_term_alias(self):
        """Handle ROWID aliases"""
        val = 9001
        term = "{}{}".format(self.alias, val)
        self.assertEqual(self.testrepo._prep_a(term), val)

    def test_prep_term_wildcards(self):
        """Conversion of TAGS wildcards to SQL wildcards"""
        args_outs = (
                'args': {
                    'a': '*ananas'
                'out': '%ananas'
                'args': {
                    'a': 'ana*nas'
                'out': 'ana%nas'
                'args': {
                    'a': 'ananas*'
                'out': 'ananas%'
                'args': {
                    'a': 'a??na'
                'out': 'a__na'
                'args': {
                    'a': '100%an_a'
                'out': '100{0}%an{0}_a'.format(self.escape)
                'args': {
                    'a': '100%an_a'
                'out': '100{0}%an{0}_a'.format(self.escape)
        for a in args_outs:
            with self.subTest(term=a['args']):
                self.assertEqual(self.testrepo._prep_a(**a['args']), a['out'])
Esempio n. 3
 def test_not(self):
     """Generate SQL expression for q range in WHERE clause (q_not)"""
     testrep = SQLiteRepo()
     argtests = (
             'q_eq': 5,
             'q_not': True
         }, ' AND NOT ({} = :q_eq) '),
             'q_eq': 0,
             'q_not': True
         }, ' AND NOT ({} = :q_eq) '),
     for x, y in argtests:
         with self.subTest(args=x):
             expected = y.format(testrep.COL_Q)
             self.assertEqual(testrep._slr_q_clause(**x), expected)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_reltext(self):
     testrep = SQLiteRepo()
     testdb = DB(testrep)
     data = [('a', None), ('z', None)]
     char_rel = testrep._char_rel
     char_alias = testrep._char_alias
     argtests = (({
         'name': 'Raz',
         'a_from': 'a',
         'a_to': 'z',
         'alias': 'local',
         'alias_fmt': 0
     }, 'Raz{0}a{0}z'.format(char_rel)),
                 )  # format: (kwargs, expected_output)
     for a in argtests:
         with self.subTest(a=a):
             self.assertEqual(testrep._reltext(**a[0]), a[1])
Esempio n. 5
 def test_get_a_special_chars_mixed(self):
     """Put anchor containing all special and wildcard characters"""
     testdb = DB(SQLiteRepo())
     chardict = testdb.get_special_chars()
     suffix = "".join((chardict["E"], chardict["F"], chardict["WC"]))
     data = [("".join((x, suffix)), -10) for x in chardict["PX"]]
     for d in data:
         samp = list(testdb.export())
         self.assertEqual(samp, data)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_get_a_alias(self):
     testdb = DB(SQLiteRepo())
     data = (
         ('a', 10),
         ('b', 11),
     expected = ('a', 10)  # assuming ROWID strictly follows insertion order
     samp = next(testdb.get_a('@1', out_format='interchange'))
     self.assertEqual(samp, expected)
Esempio n. 7
 def setUp(self):
     # Most direct SQLiteRepo insert humanly possible
     self.testdb = DB(SQLiteRepo())
     sc_insert = "INSERT INTO {} VALUES(?,?)".format(SQLiteRepo.TABLE_A)
     rt = self.testdb.repo._reltext
     cs = self.testdb.repo._db_conn.cursor()
     inp = (('a', None), ('j', None), ('t', 0.0001), ('z', -274),
            (rt('j', 'a', 'j'), None), (rt('t', 'a',
                                           't'), -274), (rt('a', 'z',
                                                            'a'), 37))
     cs.executemany(sc_insert, inp)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_get_a_exact_sql_wildcard_escape(self):
     """Get single anchor containing SQL wildcard characters"""
     testdb = DB(SQLiteRepo())
     chars = (SQLiteRepo.CHAR_WC_ZP_SQL, SQLiteRepo.CHAR_WC_1C_SQL)
     data = [(x, 100) for x in chars]
     for c in chars:
         with self.subTest(char=c):
             sample = list(
                 testdb.get_a("{}*".format(c), out_format='interchange'))
             self.assertEqual(sample, [(c, 100)])
Esempio n. 9
 def test_put_a_long_content(self):
     """Put anchors with long-form content"""
     testrepo = SQLiteRepo()
     testdb = DB(testrepo)
     contents = [
         "{}{}".format(x, "N" * testrepo.preface_length) for x in range(3)
     data = [(x, None) for x in contents]
     for d in data:
     samp = list(testdb.export())
     self.assertEqual(samp, data)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_get_a_special_chars_prefix(self):
        """Get anchors containing escaped prefix special chars

        Only the first char needs to be escaped

        testdb = DB(SQLiteRepo())
        px_chars = testdb.get_special_chars()["PX"]
        fi = lambda x: "{}uuu{}u".format(escape(x), x)  # format input
        fo = lambda x: "{0}uuu{0}u".format(x)  # format output
        data = [(fi(x), None) for x in px_chars]
        for c in px_chars:
            samp = next(testdb.get_a(fi(c), out_format='interchange'))
            expected = (fo(c), None)
            self.assertEqual(samp, expected)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_get_a_wildcard_escape(self):
        """Get multiple anchors containing TAGS wildcard characters
        using wildcards

        TAGS wildcards are allowed to be stored in DB

        testdb = DB(SQLiteRepo())
        chars = (CHAR_WC_ZP, CHAR_WC_1C)
        for c in chars:
            data = [("{}{}".format(c, n), None) for n in range(3)]
            with self.subTest(char=c):
                term = "{}*".format(escape(c))
                samp = list(testdb.get_a(term, out_format='interchange'))
                self.assertEqual(samp, data)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_get_a_wildcard_long_rel_in_db(self):
     """Get single anchor by wildcard, when long relation is in db"""
     testrepo = SQLiteRepo()
     testdb = DB(testrepo)
     plen = testrepo.preface_length
     suffix = "N" * plen
     long_content_a = "{}{}".format("A", suffix)
     long_content_z = "{}{}".format("Z", suffix)
     init = ((long_content_a, 0), (long_content_z, 0),
             ("R", long_content_a[:plen], long_content_z[:plen],
              None), ("RAnch", 99))
     expected = [
         ("RAnch", 99),
     samp = list(testdb.get_a("R*", out_format='interchange'))
     self.assertEqual(samp, expected)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_get_a_long_content(self):
        """Get Anchors with long-form content

        The preface of the content must be able to retrieve the Anchor

        testrepo = SQLiteRepo()
        testdb = DB(testrepo)
        contents = [
            "{}{}".format(x, "N" * testrepo.preface_length) for x in range(3)
        init = [(x, 99) for x in contents]
        for c in contents:
            samp_preface = next(testdb.get_a(c[:-1], out_format='interchange'))
            expected_preface = (c[:-1], 99)
            samp_full = next(
                testdb.get_a(c[:-1], length=None, out_format='interchange'))
            expected_full = (c, 99)
            self.assertEqual(samp_preface, expected_preface)
            self.assertEqual(samp_full, expected_full)
Esempio n. 14
 def setUp(self):
     self.testrepo = SQLiteRepo()
     self.chardict = self.testrepo.special_chars
Esempio n. 15
 def setUp(self):
     self.testrepo = SQLiteRepo()
     self.escape = self.testrepo.CHAR_ESCAPE
     self.alias = self.testrepo._char_alias