Esempio n. 1
def test_allclose_rel_reordered1(x, allclose):
    rel = ti.get_rel_eps()
    assert not allclose(x + x * rel * 3.0, x)
    assert not allclose(x + x * rel * 1.2, x)
    assert allclose(x + x * rel * 0.9, x)
    assert allclose(x + x * rel * 0.5, x)
    assert allclose(x, x)
    assert allclose(x - x * rel * 0.5, x)
    assert allclose(x - x * rel * 0.9, x)
    assert not allclose(x - x * rel * 1.2, x)
    assert not allclose(x - x * rel * 3.0, x)
Esempio n. 2
def render_triangle(model, camera, face):
    scene = model.scene
    L2W = model.L2W
    posa, posb, posc = model.pos[face[0, 0]], model.pos[face[1, 0]], model.pos[
        face[2, 0]]
    texa, texb, texc = model.tex[face[0, 1]], model.tex[face[1, 1]], model.tex[
        face[2, 1]]
    nrma, nrmb, nrmc = model.nrm[face[0, 2]], model.nrm[face[1, 2]], model.nrm[
        face[2, 2]]
    posa = camera.untrans_pos(L2W @ posa)
    posb = camera.untrans_pos(L2W @ posb)
    posc = camera.untrans_pos(L2W @ posc)
    nrma = camera.untrans_dir(L2W.matrix @ nrma)
    nrmb = camera.untrans_dir(L2W.matrix @ nrmb)
    nrmc = camera.untrans_dir(L2W.matrix @ nrmc)

    pos_center = (posa + posb + posc) / 3
    if ti.static(camera.type == camera.ORTHO):
        pos_center = ts.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    dpab = posa - posb
    dpac = posa - posc
    dtab = texa - texb
    dtac = texa - texc

    normal = ts.cross(dpab, dpac)
    tan, bitan = compute_tangent(-dpab, -dpac, -dtab, -dtac)

    # NOTE: the normal computation indicates that a front-facing face should
    # be COUNTER-CLOCKWISE, i.e., glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
    # this is to be compatible with obj model loading.
    if, normal) <= 0:

        clra = model.vertex_shader(posa, texa, nrma, tan, bitan)
        clrb = model.vertex_shader(posb, texb, nrmb, tan, bitan)
        clrc = model.vertex_shader(posc, texc, nrmc, tan, bitan)

        A = camera.uncook(posa)
        B = camera.uncook(posb)
        C = camera.uncook(posc)
        scr_norm = 1 / ts.cross(A - C, B - A)
        B_A = (B - A) * scr_norm
        C_B = (C - B) * scr_norm
        A_C = (A - C) * scr_norm

        # screen space bounding box
        M = int(ti.floor(min(A, B, C) - 1))
        N = int(ti.ceil(max(A, B, C) + 1))
        M = ts.clamp(M, 0, ti.Vector(camera.res))
        N = ts.clamp(N, 0, ti.Vector(camera.res))
        for X in ti.grouped(ti.ndrange((M.x, N.x), (M.y, N.y))):
            # barycentric coordinates using the area method
            X_A = X - A
            w_C = ts.cross(B_A, X_A)
            w_B = ts.cross(A_C, X_A)
            w_A = 1 - w_C - w_B
            # draw
            eps = ti.get_rel_eps() * 0.2
            is_inside = w_A >= -eps and w_B >= -eps and w_C >= -eps
            if not is_inside:
            zindex = 1 / (posa.z * w_A + posb.z * w_B + posc.z * w_C)
            if zindex < ti.atomic_max(camera.fb['idepth'][X], zindex):

            clr = [
                a * w_A + b * w_B + c * w_C
                for a, b, c in zip(clra, clrb, clrc)
            camera.fb.update(X, model.pixel_shader(*clr))
Esempio n. 3
def render_triangle(model, camera, face):
    posa, posb, posc = face.pos   # Position
    texa, texb, texc = face.tex   # TexCoord
    nrma, nrmb, nrmc = face.nrm   # Normal

    pos_center = (posa + posb + posc) / 3
    if ti.static(camera.type == camera.ORTHO):
        pos_center = ts.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    # NOTE: the normal computation indicates that a front-facing face should
    # be COUNTER-CLOCKWISE, i.e., glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
    # this is to be compatible with obj model loading.
    if, ts.cross(posa - posc, posa - posb)) >= 0:
        tan, bitan = compute_tangent(posb - posa, posc - posa, texb - texa, texc - texa)  # TODO: node-ize this

        clra = [posa, texa, nrma]  # TODO: interpolate tan and bitan? merge with nrm?
        clrb = [posb, texb, nrmb]
        clrc = [posc, texc, nrmc]

        A = camera.uncook(posa)
        B = camera.uncook(posb)
        C = camera.uncook(posc)
        scr_norm = ts.cross(A - C, B - A)
        if scr_norm != 0:  # degenerate to 'line' if zero
            B_A = (B - A) / scr_norm
            A_C = (A - C) / scr_norm

            shake = ts.vec2(0.0)
            if ti.static(camera.fb.n_taa):
                for i, s in ti.static(enumerate(map(ti.Vector, TAA_SHAKES[:camera.fb.n_taa]))):
                    if camera.fb.itaa[None] == i:
                        shake = s * 0.5

            # screen space bounding box
            M = int(ti.floor(min(A, B, C) - 1))
            N = int(ti.ceil(max(A, B, C) + 1))
            M = ts.clamp(M, 0, ti.Vector(camera.fb.res))
            N = ts.clamp(N, 0, ti.Vector(camera.fb.res))
            for X in ti.grouped(ti.ndrange((M.x, N.x), (M.y, N.y))):
                # barycentric coordinates using the area method
                X_A = X - A + shake
                w_C = ts.cross(B_A, X_A)
                w_B = ts.cross(A_C, X_A)
                w_A = 1 - w_C - w_B

                # draw
                eps = ti.get_rel_eps() * 0.2
                is_inside = w_A >= -eps and w_B >= -eps and w_C >= -eps
                if not is_inside:

                if ti.static(camera.type != camera.ORTHO):
                    bclip = ts.vec3(w_A / posa.z, w_B / posb.z, w_C / posc.z)
                    bclip /= bclip.x + bclip.y + bclip.z
                    w_A, w_B, w_C = bclip

                depth = (posa.z * w_A + posb.z * w_B + posc.z * w_C)
                if camera.fb.atomic_depth(X, depth):

                posx, texx, nrmx = [a * w_A + b * w_B + c * w_C for a, b, c in zip(clra, clrb, clrc)]
                color = ti.static(model.material.pixel_shader(model, posx, texx, nrmx, tan, bitan))
                if ti.static(isinstance(color, dict)):
                    camera.fb.update(X, color)
                    camera.fb.update(X, dict(img=color))
Esempio n. 4
def render_triangle(model, camera, face):
    scene = model.scene
    L2C = model.L2C[None]  # Local to Camera, i.e. ModelView in OpenGL
    posa, posb, posc = face.pos
    texa, texb, texc = face.tex
    nrma, nrmb, nrmc = face.nrm
    posa = (L2C @ ts.vec4(posa, 1)).xyz
    posb = (L2C @ ts.vec4(posb, 1)).xyz
    posc = (L2C @ ts.vec4(posc, 1)).xyz
    nrma = (L2C @ ts.vec4(nrma, 0)).xyz
    nrmb = (L2C @ ts.vec4(nrmb, 0)).xyz
    nrmc = (L2C @ ts.vec4(nrmc, 0)).xyz

    pos_center = (posa + posb + posc) / 3
    if ti.static(camera.type == camera.ORTHO):
        pos_center = ts.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    dpab = posa - posb
    dpac = posa - posc
    dtab = texa - texb
    dtac = texa - texc

    normal = ts.cross(dpab, dpac)

    # NOTE: the normal computation indicates that a front-facing face should
    # be COUNTER-CLOCKWISE, i.e., glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
    # this is to be compatible with obj model loading.
    if, normal) <= 0:
        tan, bitan = compute_tangent(-dpab, -dpac, -dtab,
                                     -dtac)  # TODO: node-ize this

        clra = model.vertex_shader(
            posa, texa, nrma, tan,
            bitan)  # TODO: interpolate tan and bitan? merge with nrm?
        clrb = model.vertex_shader(posb, texb, nrmb, tan, bitan)
        clrc = model.vertex_shader(posc, texc, nrmc, tan, bitan)

        A = camera.uncook(posa)
        B = camera.uncook(posb)
        C = camera.uncook(posc)
        scr_norm = ts.cross(A - C, B - A)
        if scr_norm != 0:  # degenerate to 'line' if zero
            B_A = (B - A) / scr_norm
            A_C = (A - C) / scr_norm

            shake = ts.vec2(0.0)
            if ti.static(camera.fb.n_taa):
                for i, s in ti.static(
                    if camera.fb.itaa[None] == i:
                        shake = s * 0.5

            # screen space bounding box
            M = int(ti.floor(min(A, B, C) - 1))
            N = int(ti.ceil(max(A, B, C) + 1))
            M = ts.clamp(M, 0, ti.Vector(camera.fb.res))
            N = ts.clamp(N, 0, ti.Vector(camera.fb.res))
            for X in ti.grouped(ti.ndrange((M.x, N.x), (M.y, N.y))):
                # barycentric coordinates using the area method
                X_A = X - A + shake
                w_C = ts.cross(B_A, X_A)
                w_B = ts.cross(A_C, X_A)
                w_A = 1 - w_C - w_B

                # draw
                eps = ti.get_rel_eps() * 0.2
                is_inside = w_A >= -eps and w_B >= -eps and w_C >= -eps
                if not is_inside:

                if ti.static(camera.type != camera.ORTHO):
                    bclip = ts.vec3(w_A / posa.z, w_B / posb.z, w_C / posc.z)
                    bclip /= bclip.x + bclip.y + bclip.z
                    w_A, w_B, w_C = bclip

                depth = (posa.z * w_A + posb.z * w_B + posc.z * w_C)
                if camera.fb.atomic_depth(X, depth):

                clr = [
                    a * w_A + b * w_B + c * w_C
                    for a, b, c in zip(clra, clrb, clrc)
                camera.fb.update(X, model.pixel_shader(*clr))