def light(lightdir, lightcol, tex, norm, camdir):
    cosa = ti.pow(0.5 + 0.5 *, 2.0)
    cosr = ti.max((-camdir).dot(ts.reflect(lightdir, norm)), -0.0)

    diffuse = cosa
    phong = ti.pow(cosr, 8.0)

    return lightcol * (tex * diffuse + phong)
Esempio n. 2
def grad_p(i):
    pi = Particles.p[i]
    p = dw_dxi(0, 0, 1) * 0
    for j in range(Particles.N):
        p += Particles.density[i] * Particles.m[j] * (
            pi / ti.pow(Particles.density[i], 2) + Particles.p[j] /
            ti.pow(Particles.density[j], 2)) * dw_dxi(i, j, Particles.h)
    return p
Esempio n. 3
def tonemap(accumulated: ti.f32) -> ti.f32:
    sum = 0.0
    sum_sq = 0.0
    for i, j in color_buffer:
        luma = color_buffer[i, j][0] * 0.2126 + color_buffer[
            i, j][1] * 0.7152 + color_buffer[i, j][2] * 0.0722
        sum += luma
        sum_sq += ti.pow(luma / accumulated, 2.0)
    mean = sum / (res[0] * res[1])
    var = sum_sq / (res[0] * res[1]) - ti.pow(mean / accumulated, 2.0)
    for i, j in tonemapped_buffer:
        tonemapped_buffer[i, j] = ti.sqrt(color_buffer[i, j] / mean * 0.6)
    return var
Esempio n. 4
def w(i, j) -> ti.f32:
    vx_ij = x[i] - x[j]
    q = vx_ij.norm() / h

    if q < 1:
        q = 2 / 3 - ti.pow(q, 2) + 1 / 2 * ti.pow(q, 3)
    elif 1 <= q < 2:
        q = 1 / 6 * ti.pow(2 - q, 3)
        q = 0

    q *= (3 / (2 * math.pi))
    return 1 / ti.pow(h, d) * q
Esempio n. 5
def ProjectDruckerPrager(S: ti.template(), Jp: ti.template()):
    JSe = S[0, 0] * S[1, 1]
    for d in ti.static(range(2)):
        S[d, d] = ti.max(1e-6, ti.abs(S[d, d] * Jp))

    if S[0, 0] * S[1, 1] >= 1.0:  # Project to tip
        S[0, 0] = 1.0
        S[1, 1] = 1.0
        Jp *= ti.pow(max(1e-6, JSe), volume_recovery_rate)
    else:  # Check if the stress is inside the feasible region
        Jp = 1.0
        Je = max(1e-6, S[0, 0] * S[1, 1])
        sqrS_0 = S[0, 0] * S[0, 0]
        sqrS_1 = S[1, 1] * S[1, 1]
        trace_b_2 = (sqrS_0 + sqrS_1) / 2.0
        Je2 = Je * Je
        yield_threshold = -material_friction * kappa_0 * 0.5 * (Je2 - 1.0)
        dev_b0 = sqrS_0 - trace_b_2
        dev_b1 = sqrS_1 - trace_b_2
        norm2_dev_b = dev_b0 * dev_b0 + dev_b1 * dev_b1
        mu_norm_dev_b_bar = mu_0 * ti.sqrt(norm2_dev_b / Je)

        if mu_norm_dev_b_bar > yield_threshold:  # Project to the yield surface
            det_b = sqrS_0 * sqrS_1
            det_dev_b = dev_b0 * dev_b1
            lambda_2 = yield_threshold / max(1e-6, mu_norm_dev_b_bar)
            lambda_1 = ti.sqrt(
                max(0.0, det_b - lambda_2 * lambda_2 * det_dev_b))
            S[0, 0] = ti.sqrt(abs(lambda_1 + lambda_2 * dev_b0))
            S[1, 1] = ti.sqrt(abs(lambda_1 + lambda_2 * dev_b1))
Esempio n. 6
def regress():
    for i in x:
        v = x[i]
        est = 0.0
        for j in ti.static(range(number_coeffs)):
            est += coeffs[j] * ti.pow(v, j)
        loss.atomic_add(0.5 * ti.sqr(y[i] - est))
Esempio n. 7
def w(i, j, h) -> ti.f32:
    diff_x = Particles.X[i] - Particles.X[j]
    norm = diff_x.norm()
    q = norm / h
    d = 3

    if 0 <= q < 1:
        q = 2 / 3 - ti.pow(q, 2) + 1 / 2 * ti.pow(q, 3)
    elif 1 <= q < 2:
        q = 1 / 6 * ti.pow(2 - q, 3)
        q = 0

    q *= (3 / 2 / math.pi)

    return 1 / ti.pow(h, d) * q
Esempio n. 8
def get_color(z, timef32):
    zoo = 0.62 + 0.38 * ti.cos(0.02 * timef32)
    coa = ti.cos(0.1 * (1.0 - zoo) * timef32)
    sia = ti.sin(0.1 * (1.0 - zoo) * timef32)
    zoo = ti.pow(zoo, 8.0)
    xy = ti.Vector([z[0] * coa - z[1] * sia, z[0] * sia + z[1] * coa])
    cc = (
        ti.Vector([1.0, 0.0])
        + smoothstep(1.0, 0.5, zoo) * ti.Vector([0.24814, 0.7369])
        + xy * zoo * 2.0
    col = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    sc = ti.Vector([ti.abs(cc[0] - 1.0) - 1.0, cc[1]])
    if, sc) >= 1.0:
        co = 0.0
        w = ti.Vector([0.5, 0.0])
        for _ in range(256):
            if, w) > 1024:
            w = cmul(cc, cmul(w, cadd(1.0, -w)))
            co += 1.0

        sco = co + 1.0 - log2(0.5 * (log2(, cc)) + log2(, w))))
        col = 0.5 + 0.5 * ti.cos(3.0 + sco * 0.1 + ti.Vector([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]))
        if co > 255.5:
            col = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    if ti.abs(cc.x - 1.0) < 3.0:
        al = smoothstep(17.0, 12.0, timef32)
        col = clamp(col, 0.0, 1.0)
        x = 0.5
        for _ in range(200):
            x = cc[0] * (1.0 - x) * x
        for _ in range(200):
            x = cc[0] * (1.0 - x) * x
            col = col + mix(
                ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]),
                0.15 + 0.85 * ti.pow(clamp(ti.abs(sc.x + 1.0) * 0.4, 0.0, 1.0), 4.0),
            ) * al * 0.06 * ti.exp(-15000.0 * (cc.y - x) * (cc.y - x))

    return col
def main_image(t, i, j):
    fragcoord = ts.vec(i, j)
    xy = (fragcoord - iResolution / 2.0) / max(iResolution[0], iResolution[1])
    campos = ts.vec(camdis[None] * ts.cos(t / 5.0), camdis * 0.5,
                    camdis[None] * ts.sin(t / 5.0))
    camtar = ts.vec(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    camdir = (cal_look_at_mat(campos, camtar, 0.0) @ ts.vec3(
        xy[0], xy[1], 0.9)).normalized()

    return ti.pow(render_ray(campos, camdir),
                  ts.vec(1.0 / 2.2, 1.0 / 2.2, 1.0 / 2.2))
Esempio n. 10
def dw(i, j, res=ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0])):
    vx_ij = x[i] - x[j]
    q = vx_ij.norm() / h
    alpha_x = 1 / h / vx_ij.norm() * vx_ij
    c = 1 / ti.pow(h, d) * 3 / 2 / math.pi

    if 0 <= q < 1:
        res = c * (-2 * q + 3 / 2 * q * q) * alpha_x
    elif 1 <= q < 2:
        res = -c * 0.5 * (2 - q) * (2 - q) * alpha_x
        res = 0 * alpha_x
    return res
Esempio n. 11
 def raycast(self, sampling_rate: float):
     ''' Produce a rendering. Run compute_entry_exit first! '''
     for i, j in self.valid_sample_step_count:  # For all pixels
         for sample_idx in range(self.sample_step_nums[i, j]):
             look_from = self.cam_pos[None]
             if self.render_tape[i, j, sample_idx -
                                 1].w < 0.99 and sample_idx < ti.static(
                 tmax = self.exit[i, j]
                 n_samples = self.sample_step_nums[i, j]
                 ray_len = (tmax - self.entry[i, j])
                 tmin = self.entry[
                     j] + 0.5 * ray_len / n_samples  # Offset tmin as t_start
                 vd = self.rays[i, j]
                 pos = look_from + tl.mix(
                     tmin, tmax,
                     float(sample_idx) /
                     float(n_samples - 1)) * vd  # Current Pos
                 light_pos = look_from + tl.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
                 intensity = self.sample_volume_trilinear(pos)
                 sample_color = self.apply_transfer_function(intensity)
                 opacity = 1.0 - ti.pow(1.0 - sample_color.w,
                                        1.0 / sampling_rate)
                 # if sample_color.w > 1e-3:
                 normal = self.get_volume_normal(pos)
                 light_dir = (
                     pos -
                     light_pos).normalized()  # Direction to light source
                 n_dot_l = max(, 0.0)
                 diffuse = self.diffuse * n_dot_l
                 r = tl.reflect(light_dir,
                                normal)  # Direction of reflected light
                 r_dot_v = max(, 0.0)
                 specular = self.specular * pow(r_dot_v, self.shininess)
                 shaded_color = tl.vec4(
                     ti.min(1.0, diffuse + specular + self.ambient) *
            * opacity * self.light_color, opacity)
                 self.render_tape[i, j, sample_idx] = (
                     1.0 - self.render_tape[i, j, sample_idx - 1].w
                 ) * shaded_color + self.render_tape[i, j, sample_idx - 1]
                 self.valid_sample_step_count[i, j] += 1
                 self.render_tape[i, j, sample_idx] = self.render_tape[
                     i, j, sample_idx - 1]
Esempio n. 12
def dw_dxi(i, j, h):
    diff_x = Particles.X[i] - Particles.X[j]
    norm = diff_x.norm()
    q = norm / h

    dx = 1 / h / norm * diff_x

    c = 1 / ti.pow(h, 3) * 3 / 2 / math.pi

    res = 0 * dx
    if 0 <= q < 1:
        res = c * (-2 * q + 3 / 2 * q * q) * dx
    elif 1 <= q < 2:
        res = -c * 0.5 * (2 - q) * (2 - q) * dx
        res = 0 * dx

    return res
Esempio n. 13
    def raycast_nondiff(self, sampling_rate: float):
        ''' Raycasts in a non-differentiable (but faster and cleaner) way. Use `get_final_image_nondiff` with this.

            sampling_rate (float): Sampling rate (multiplier with Nyquist frequence)
        for i, j in self.valid_sample_step_count:  # For all pixels
            for cnt in range(self.sample_step_nums[i, j]):
                look_from = self.cam_pos[None]
                if self.render_tape[i, j, 0].w < 0.99:
                    tmax = self.exit[i, j]
                    n_samples = self.sample_step_nums[i, j]
                    ray_len = (tmax - self.entry[i, j])
                    tmin = self.entry[
                        j] + 0.5 * ray_len / n_samples  # Offset tmin as t_start
                    vd = self.rays[i, j]
                    pos = look_from + tl.mix(
                        tmin, tmax,
                        float(cnt) / float(n_samples - 1)) * vd  # Current Pos
                    light_pos = look_from + tl.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
                    intensity = self.sample_volume_trilinear(pos)
                    sample_color = self.apply_transfer_function(intensity)
                    opacity = 1.0 - ti.pow(1.0 - sample_color.w,
                                           1.0 / sampling_rate)
                    if sample_color.w > 1e-3:
                        normal = self.get_volume_normal(pos)
                        light_dir = (pos - light_pos).normalized(
                        )  # Direction to light source
                        n_dot_l = max(, 0.0)
                        diffuse = self.diffuse * n_dot_l
                        r = tl.reflect(light_dir,
                                       normal)  # Direction of reflected light
                        r_dot_v = max(, 0.0)
                        specular = self.specular * pow(r_dot_v, self.shininess)
                        shaded_color = tl.vec4(
                            (diffuse + specular + self.ambient) *
                   * opacity * self.light_color,
                            i, j,
                            0] = (1.0 - self.render_tape[i, j, 0].w
                                  ) * shaded_color + self.render_tape[i, j, 0]
Esempio n. 14
def render(time: ti.f32):
    zoo = 0.64 + 0.36 * ti.cos(0.02 * time)
    zoo = ti.pow(zoo, 8.0)
    ca = ti.cos(0.15 * (1.0 - zoo) * time)
    sa = ti.sin(0.15 * (1.0 - zoo) * time)
    for i, j in pixels:
        c = 2.0 * vec2(i, j) / height - vec2(1)
        #c *= 1.16
        xy = vec2(c.x * ca - c.y * sa, c.x * sa + c.y * ca)
        c = vec2(-0.745, 0.186) + xy * zoo
        z = vec2(0.)
        count = 0.
        while count < MAXITERS and dot(z, z) < 50:
            z = cmul(z, z) + c
            count += 1.

        if count == MAXITERS:
            pixels[i, j] = [0, 0, 0]
            pixels[i, j] = setcolor(z, count)
Esempio n. 15
def render(timestep: ti.f32, m: ti.ext_arr()):
    for x, y in pixels:
        p = (2.0 * x - res[0]) / res[1], (2.0 * y - res[1]) / res[1]
        rayo = 4.0 * ti.Vector(
            [ti.sin(3.0 * m[0]), 0.4 * m[1],
             ti.cos(3.0 * m[0])])
        up = ti.Vector([0.0, -1.0, 0.0])
        rotation = 0.0
        camera = set_camera(rayo, up, rotation)
        rayd = camera @ ti.Vector([p[0], p[1], 1.5]).normalized()
        # sky
        sun = clamp(sun_dir.normalized().dot(rayd))
        col = ti.Vector([
            0.6, 0.71, 0.75
        ]) - rayd[1] * 0.2 * ti.Vector([1.0, 0.5, 1.0]) + 0.15 * 0.5
        col += 0.2 * ti.Vector([1.0, .6, 0.1]) * ti.pow(sun, 8.0)
        ret = ray_march(rayo, rayd, col, timestep)
        col = col * (1.0 - ret[3]) + ti.Vector([ret[0], ret[1], ret[2]])
        # glare
        col += 0.2 * ti.Vector([1.0, 0.4, 0.2]) * pow(sun, 3.0)
        # output to pixels
        pixels[x, y] = col
Esempio n. 16
 def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None):
     import taichi as ti
     _taichi_skip_traceback = 1
     return ti.pow(self, other)
Esempio n. 17
def schlick(cosine, ref_idx):
    r0 = (1.0 - ref_idx) / (1 + ref_idx)
    r0 = r0 * r0
    return r0 + (1 - r0) * ti.pow((1 - cosine), 5)
Esempio n. 18
 def __rpow__(self, other, modulo=None):
     import taichi as ti
     return ti.pow(other, self)
Esempio n. 19
def dp(i, res=ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0])):
    for j in range(N):
        if j != i:
            res += mass[j] * (pressure[i] / ti.pow(density[i], 2) + pressure[j] / ti.pow(density[j], 2)) * dw(i, j)
    return density[i] * res
Esempio n. 20
 def __rpow__(self, other, modulo=None):
     _taichi_skip_traceback = 1
     return ti.pow(other, self)
Esempio n. 21
 def __ipow__(self, other):
     _taichi_skip_traceback = 1
     self.assign(ti.pow(self, other))
     return self
Esempio n. 22
def compute_p(density):
    return Particles.k * (ti.pow(density / Particles.po, 7) - 1)
Esempio n. 23
def compute_pressure(den):
    return k * (ti.pow(den / po, 7) - 1)