Esempio n. 1
def mainImage(iMouse: ti.Vector, iTime: ti.f32, i: ti.i32,
              j: ti.i32) -> ti.Vector:
    fragCoord = ti.Vector([i, j])

    p = -1.0 + 2.0 * fragCoord / iResolution
    m = -1.0 + 2.0 * iMouse  # iMouse 已经归一化

    a1 = ti.atan2(p[1] - m[1], p[0] - m[0])
    a2 = ti.atan2(p[1] + m[1], p[0] + m[0])
    r1 = ti.sqrt((p - m).dot(p - m))
    r2 = ti.sqrt((p + m).dot(p + m))

    uv = ti.Vector(
        [0.2 * iTime + (r1 - r2) * 0.25,
         ti.asin(ti.sin(a1 - a2)) / 3.1416])

    w = ti.exp(-15.0 * r1 * r1) + ti.exp(-15.0 * r2 * r2)
    w += 0.25 * smoothstep(0.93, 1.0, ti.sin(128.0 * uv[0]))
    w += 0.25 * smoothstep(0.93, 1.0, ti.sin(128.0 * uv[1]))

    # 可以使用纹理
    # vec3 col = texture( iChannel0, 0.125*uv ).zyx;
    col = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    fragColor = col + w
    return fragColor
Esempio n. 2
def rotateY(angle):
    return ti.Matrix([
            [ ti.cos(angle), 0, ti.sin(angle), 0],
            [             0, 1,             0, 0],
            [-ti.sin(angle), 0, ti.cos(angle), 0],
            [             0, 0,             0, 1],
Esempio n. 3
def rotateX(angle):
    return ti.Matrix([
            [1,             0,              0, 0],
            [0, ti.cos(angle), -ti.sin(angle), 0],
            [0, ti.sin(angle),  ti.cos(angle), 0],
            [0,             0,              0, 1],
Esempio n. 4
def render(t: ti.f32):

    # camera & camera tx
    ro = ti.Vector([ti.sin(t * 0.16), 0.0, ti.cos(t * 0.1)])
    ta = ro + ti.Vector([ti.sin(t * 0.15), ti.sin(t * 0.18), ti.cos(t * 0.24)])

    cw = (ta - ro).normalized()
    cp = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    cu = cp.cross(cw).normalized()

    for i, j in pixels:

        # coords-trans
        coords = -1.0 + 2.0 * ti.Vector([i / m, j / n])
        coords[0] *= (m / n)

        rd = (coords[0] * cu + coords[1] * cp + 2.0 * cw).normalized()

        v = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        for k1 in range(50):
            s1 = (k1 + 1) * 0.1
            p = ro + rd * s1
            for k2 in range(8):
                s2 = 0.1 + 0.12 * k2
                p = abs(p) / (p + ti.sin(t * 0.1) * 0.21).dot(p) - 0.85
                a = p.norm() * 0.12
                v += ti.Vector([a * s2, a * s2 ** 2, a * s2 ** 3])
        pixels[i, j] = v * 0.01
Esempio n. 5
def glCircle(center, dir1, dir2, N: ti.template()):
    for n in range(N):
        a = n * ts.math.tau / N
        b = a - ts.math.tau / N
        p = center + dir1 * ti.cos(a) + dir2 * ti.sin(a)
        q = center + dir1 * ti.cos(b) + dir2 * ti.sin(b)
        glTri(p, center, q)
Esempio n. 6
def getPixel(coord, timef32):
    uv = -1.0 + 2.0 * ti.Vector([coord[0] / WIDTH, coord[1] / HEIGHT])
    uv[0] *= (WIDTH / HEIGHT)

    # ray
    ang = ti.Vector(
        [ti.sin(timef32 * 3.0) * 0.1,
         ti.sin(timef32) * 0.2 + 0.3, timef32])
    ori = ti.Vector([0.0, 3.5, timef32 * 5.0])
    dir = ti.Vector([uv[0], uv[1], -2.0]).normalized()
    dir[2] += uv.norm() * 0.14
    dir_r = dir.normalized()
    me = fromEuler(ang)
    dir = ti.Vector([[me[0, 0], me[0, 1], me[0, 2]])),[me[1, 0], me[1, 1], me[1, 2]])),[me[2, 0], me[2, 1], me[2, 2]]))

    # tracing
    p = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    p = heightMapTracing(ori, dir, p, timef32)
    dist = p - ori
    n = getNormal(p, * EPSILON_NRM, timef32)
    light = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.8]).normalized()

    # color
    return mix(getSkyColor(dir), getSeaColor(p, n, light, dir, dist),
               pow(smoothstep(0.0, -0.02, dir[1]), 0.2))
Esempio n. 7
 def build_b(self):
     self.b = np.zeros(shape=(self.N, self.N))
     for i, j in np.ndindex(self.N, self.N):
         xl = i / self.N
         yl = j / self.N
         self.b[i, j] = ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * xl) * ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * yl)
     self.b = self.b.flatten(order='C')
Esempio n. 8
def CheckSdfCapsule(pos, vel):
    cap_rot = capsule_rotation[None][0]
    capsule_rotmat = ti.Matrix([
        [ti.cos(cap_rot), -ti.sin(cap_rot)],
        [ti.sin(cap_rot), ti.cos(cap_rot)],
    local_pos = WorldSpaceToMaterialSpace(pos, capsule_translation[None],
    phi = SdfCapsule(local_pos, capsule_radius, capsule_half_length)
    inside = False
    dotnv = 0.
    diff_vel =, 2)
    n =, 2)
    if phi < 0.0:
        n = capsule_rotmat @ SdfNormalCapsule(local_pos, capsule_radius,
        solid_vel = ti.Vector([
            capsule_trans_vel[None][0] - capsule_angular_vel *
            (pos[1] - capsule_translation[None][1]),
            capsule_trans_vel[None][1] + capsule_angular_vel *
            (pos[0] - capsule_translation[None][0]),
        diff_vel = solid_vel - vel
        dotnv =
        if dotnv > 0.0:
            inside = True
    return inside, dotnv, diff_vel, n
Esempio n. 9
def noise(p):
    i = ti.floor(p)
    a =, 57.0, 21.0)) + vec(0.0, 57.0, 21.0, 78.0)
    f = ti.cos((p - i) * math.acos(-1.0)) * (-0.5) + 0.5
    a = mix(ti.sin(ti.cos(a) * a), ti.sin(ti.cos(1.0 + a) * (1.0 + a)), f[0])
    a[0] = mix(a[0], a[1], f[1])
    a[1] = mix(a[2], a[3], f[1])
    return mix(a[0], a[1], f[2])
Esempio n. 10
 def test_inner_loops_local_variable():
     for i in arr:
         for j in range(3):
             s = 0.0
             t = 0.0
             for k in range(3):
                 s += ti.sin(x[None]) + 1.0
                 t += ti.sin(x[None])
             loss[None] += s + t
Esempio n. 11
def glCircle(center, dir1, dir2, N: ti.template()):
    for n in range(N):
        a = n * ts.math.tau / N
        b = a - ts.math.tau / N
        p = center + dir1 * ti.cos(a) + dir2 * ti.sin(a)
        q = center + dir1 * ti.cos(b) + dir2 * ti.sin(b)
        # make the face double-sided
        glTri(q, center, p)
        glTri(p, center, q)
Esempio n. 12
def get_transform_matrix(a):
    A = ti.Matrix([[1., 0., -center[None][0]], [0., 1., -center[None][1]],
                   [0., 0., 1.]])
    theta = a / 180. * pi
    A2 = ti.Matrix([[ti.cos(theta), -ti.sin(theta), 0.],
                    [ti.sin(theta), ti.cos(theta), 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])
    A2 = A2 @ A
    A = ti.Matrix([[1., 0., center[None][0]], [0., 1., center[None][1]],
                   [0., 0., 1.]])
    transform[None] = A @ A2
Esempio n. 13
def glCylinder(center, polar, dir1, dir2, N: ti.template()):
    for n in range(N):
        a = n * ts.math.tau / N
        b = a + ts.math.tau / N
        p = center + dir1 * ti.cos(a) + dir2 * ti.sin(a)
        q = center + dir1 * ti.cos(b) + dir2 * ti.sin(b)
        glQuad(p, q, q + polar, p + polar)

    glCircle(center, dir2, dir1, N)
    glCircle(center + polar, dir1, dir2, N)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_more_inner_loops_local_variable():
     for i in arr:
         for j in range(2):
             s = 0.0
             for k in range(3):
                 u = 0.0
                 s += ti.sin(x[None]) + 1.0
                 for l in range(2):
                     u += ti.sin(x[None])
                 loss[None] += u
             loss[None] += s
Esempio n. 15
def init():
    for i, j in ti.ndrange((N_ext, N_tot - N_ext), (N_ext, N_tot - N_ext)):
        # xl, yl, zl = [0,1]
        xl = (i - N_ext) * 2.0 / N_tot
        yl = (j - N_ext) * 2.0 / N_tot
        # r[0] = b - Ax, where x = 0; therefore r[0] = b
        r[i, j] = ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * xl) * ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * yl)
        b[i, j] = ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * xl) * ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * yl)
        Ap[i, j] = 0.0
        Ax[i, j] = 0.0
        p[i, j] = 0.0
        x[i, j] = 0.0
Esempio n. 16
 def init(self):
     for i, j in ti.ndrange((self.N_ext, self.N_tot - self.N_ext),
                            (self.N_ext, self.N_tot - self.N_ext)):
         # xl, yl, zl = [0,1]
         xl = (i - self.N_ext) * 2.0 / self.N_tot
         yl = (j - self.N_ext) * 2.0 / self.N_tot
         # r[0] = b - Ax, where x = 0; therefore r[0] = b
         self.r[i, j] = ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * xl) * ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * yl)
         self.b[i, j] = ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * xl) * ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * yl)
         self.Ap[i, j] = 0.0
         self.Ax[i, j] = 0.0
         self.p[i, j] = 0.0
Esempio n. 17
def init():
    for i, j, k in ti.ndrange((N_ext, N_tot - N_ext), (N_ext, N_tot - N_ext),
                              (N_ext, N_tot - N_ext)):
        xl = (i - N_ext) * 2.0 / N_tot
        yl = (j - N_ext) * 2.0 / N_tot
        zl = (k - N_ext) * 2.0 / N_tot
        r[0][i, j, k] = ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * xl) * ti.sin(
            2.0 * np.pi * yl) * ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * zl)
        z[0][i, j, k] = 0.0
        Ap[i, j, k] = 0.0
        p[i, j, k] = 0.0
        x[i, j, k] = 0.0
Esempio n. 18
 def init(self):
     for i, j, k in ti.ndrange((self.N_ext, self.N_tot - self.N_ext),
                               (self.N_ext, self.N_tot - self.N_ext),
                               (self.N_ext, self.N_tot - self.N_ext)):
         xl = (i - self.N_ext) * 2.0 / self.N_tot
         yl = (j - self.N_ext) * 2.0 / self.N_tot
         zl = (k - self.N_ext) * 2.0 / self.N_tot
         self.r[0][i, j, k] = ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * xl) * ti.sin(
             2.0 * np.pi * yl) * ti.sin(2.0 * np.pi * zl)
         self.z[0][i, j, k] = 0.0
         self.Ap[i, j, k] = 0.0
         self.p[i, j, k] = 0.0
         self.x[i, j, k] = 0.0
Esempio n. 19
 def test_stacked_inner_loops_local_variable():
     for i in arr:
         loss[None] += ti.sin(x[None])
         for j in range(3):
             s = 0.0
             for k in range(3):
                 s += ti.sin(x[None]) + 1.0
             loss[None] += s
         for j in range(3):
             s = 0.0
             for k in range(3):
                 s += ti.sin(x[None]) + 1.0
             loss[None] += s
Esempio n. 20
def fromEuler(ang):
    a1 = ti.Vector([ti.sin(ang[0]), ti.cos(ang[0])])
    a2 = ti.Vector([ti.sin(ang[1]), ti.cos(ang[1])])
    a3 = ti.Vector([ti.sin(ang[2]), ti.cos(ang[2])])

    m = ti.Matrix([[
        a1[1] * a3[1] + a1[0] * a2[0] * a3[0],
        a1[1] * a2[0] * a3[0] + a3[1] * a1[0], -1.0 * a2[1] * a3[0]
    ], [-1.0 * a2[1] * a1[0], a1[1] * a2[1], a2[0]],
                       a3[1] * a1[0] * a2[0] + a1[1] * a3[0],
                       a1[0] * a3[0] - a1[1] * a3[1] * a2[0], a2[1] * a3[1]
    return m
Esempio n. 21
def ggx_sample(n, wo, roughness):
    u = ti.Vector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    if abs(n[1]) < 1.0 - eps:
        u = n.cross(ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])).normalized()
    v = n.cross(u)
    r0 = ti.random()
    r1 = ti.random()
    a = roughness ** 2.0
    a2 = a * a
    theta = ti.acos(ti.sqrt((1.0 - r0) / ((a2-1.0)*r0 + 1.0)))
    phi = 2.0 * math.pi * r1
    wm = ti.cos(theta) * n + ti.sin(theta) * ti.cos(phi) * \
        u + ti.sin(theta) * ti.sin(phi) * v
    wi = reflect(-wo, wm)
    return wi
Esempio n. 22
def computeDstToRefTransform(dst_mean_x, dst_mean_y):
    Compute the rotation matrix and translation vectors to move dst p.c. into ref p.c
    Beased on
    a = A[0, 0]
    b = A[1, 0]
    c = A[0, 1]
    d = A[1, 1]

    teta = 0.5 * ti.atan2(2 * a * c + 2 * b * d, a * a + b * b - c * c - d * d)

    U[0, 0] = ti.cos(teta)
    U[1, 0] = -ti.sin(teta)
    U[0, 1] = ti.sin(teta)
    U[1, 1] = ti.cos(teta)

    # We don't need the Sigma matrix for ICP
    # s1 = a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d
    # s2 = ti.sqrt((a*a + b*b - c*c - d*d) * (a*a + b*b - c*c - d*d) + 4 * (a*c + b*d) * (a*c + b*d))
    # sigma1 = ti.sqrt((s1 + s2) * 0.5)
    # sigma2 = ti.sqrt((s1 - s2) * 0.5)
    # S[0,0] = sigma1
    # S[1,0] = 0
    # S[0,1] = 0
    # S[1,1] = sigma2

    phi = 0.5 * ti.atan2(2 * a * b + 2 * c * d, a * a - b * b + c * c - d * d)
    s11 = (a * ti.cos(teta) + c * ti.sin(teta)) * ti.cos(phi) + (
        b * ti.cos(teta) + d * ti.sin(teta)) * ti.sin(phi)
    if s11 != 0:
        s11 = s11 / ti.abs(s11)
    s22 = (a * ti.sin(teta) - c * ti.cos(teta)) * ti.sin(phi) + (
        -b * ti.sin(teta) + d * ti.cos(teta)) * ti.cos(phi)
    if s22 != 0:
        s22 = s22 / ti.abs(s22)
    V[0, 0] = s11 * ti.cos(phi)
    V[1, 0] = -s22 * ti.sin(phi)
    V[0, 1] = s11 * ti.sin(phi)
    V[1, 1] = s22 * ti.cos(phi)

    Rot[0, 0] = V[0, 0] * U[0, 0] + V[1, 0] * U[1, 0]
    Rot[1, 0] = V[0, 0] * U[0, 1] + V[1, 0] * U[1, 1]
    Rot[0, 1] = V[0, 1] * U[0, 0] + V[1, 1] * U[1, 0]
    Rot[1, 1] = V[0, 1] * U[0, 1] + V[1, 1] * U[1, 1]

    Trans[0] = ref_mean[0] - Rot[0, 0] * dst_mean_x - Rot[1, 0] * dst_mean_y
    Trans[1] = ref_mean[1] - Rot[0, 1] * dst_mean_x - Rot[1, 1] * dst_mean_y
Esempio n. 23
def nn1(t: ti.i32):
    for i in range(n_hidden):
        actuation = 0.0
        for j in ti.static(range(n_sin_waves)):
            actuation += weights1[i, j] * ti.sin(spring_omega * t * dt +
                                                 2 * math.pi / n_sin_waves * j)
        for j in ti.static(range(n_objects)):
            offset = x[t, j] - x[t, head_id]
            # use a smaller weight since there are too many of them
            actuation += weights1[i, j * 6 + n_sin_waves] * offset[0] * 0.05
            actuation += weights1[i,
                                  j * 6 + n_sin_waves + 1] * offset[1] * 0.05
            actuation += weights1[i, j * 6 + n_sin_waves + 2] * v[t,
                                                                  i][0] * 0.05
            actuation += weights1[i, j * 6 + n_sin_waves + 3] * v[t,
                                                                  i][1] * 0.05
            actuation += weights1[i, j * 6 + n_sin_waves +
                                  4] * rotation[t, i] * 0.05
            actuation += weights1[i, j * 6 + n_sin_waves + 5] * omega[t,
                                                                      i] * 0.05

        actuation += weights1[i, n_objects * 6 + n_sin_waves] * goal[None][0]
        actuation += weights1[i,
                              n_objects * 6 + n_sin_waves + 1] * goal[None][1]
        actuation += bias1[i]
        actuation = ti.tanh(actuation)
        hidden[t, i] = actuation
Esempio n. 24
def step(phase: ti.i32):
    # move
    for i in position:
        pos, ang = position[i], heading[i]
        l = sense(phase, pos, ang - SENSE_ANGLE)
        c = sense(phase, pos, ang)
        r = sense(phase, pos, ang + SENSE_ANGLE)
        if l < c < r:
            ang += MOVE_ANGLE
        elif l > c > r:
            ang -= MOVE_ANGLE
        elif c < l and c < r:
            ang += MOVE_ANGLE * (2 * (ti.random() < 0.5) - 1)
        pos += ti.Vector([ti.cos(ang), ti.sin(ang)]) * MOVE_STEP
        position[i], heading[i] = pos, ang

    # deposit
    for i in position:
        ipos = position[i].cast(int) % GRID_SIZE
        grid[phase, ipos] += 1.0

    # diffuse
    for i, j in ti.ndrange(GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE):
        a = 0.0
        for di in ti.static(range(-1, 2)):
            for dj in ti.static(range(-1, 2)):
                a += grid[phase, (i + di) % GRID_SIZE, (j + dj) % GRID_SIZE]
        a *= EVAPORATION / 9.0
        grid[1 - phase, i, j] = a
Esempio n. 25
def activate(t: ti.f32):
    for i, j in ti.ndrange(n, n):
        p = ti.Vector([i, j]) / n
        p = ti.Matrix.rotation2d(ti.sin(t)) @ (p - 0.5) + 0.5

        if ti.taichi_logo(p) == 0:
            x[i, j] = 1
Esempio n. 26
def init_mesh():
    mesh.nrm[0] = [0, 0, 1]
    mesh.pos[N] = [0, 0, 0]
    for i in range(N):
        a = i / N * t3.tau
        mesh.pos[i] = [ti.sin(a), ti.cos(a), 0]
        mesh.faces[i] = [[i, 0, 0], [(i + 1) % N, 0, 0], [N, 0, 0]]
Esempio n. 27
def rotate3d(p, axis, ang):
    """Rotates a vector in 3d space, given an axis and angle of rotation.

    The vector `axis` should be a unit vector.

    See ""

        p (:class:`~taichi.math.vec3`): The 3d vector to rotate.
        axis (:class:`~taichi.math.vec3`): Axis of rotation.
        ang (float): Angle of rotation, in radians.


        >>> from taichi.math import *
        >>> @ti.kernel
        >>> def test():
        >>>     v = vec3(1, 0, 0)
        >>>     axis = normalize(vec3(1, 1, 1))
        >>>     print(rotate3d(v, axis, radians(30)))
        [0.910684, 0.333333, -0.244017]

        :class:`~taichi.math.vec3`: The vector after rotation.
    ca, sa = ti.cos(ang), ti.sin(ang)
    return mix(dot(p, axis) * axis, p, ca) + cross(axis, p) * sa
Esempio n. 28
def paint(t:ti.f32) :

    for i, j in pixels:
        p = ti.Vector([2*i-Width, 2*j-Height])/min(Width,Height)

        bcol = ti.Vector([1.0,0.8,0.7-0.07*p[1]]) * (1.0-0.25*p.norm())

        tt = mod(t, 1.5)/1.5
        ss = pow(tt, 0.2)*0.5+0.5
        ss = 1.0 + ss*0.5*ti.sin(tt*6.2831*3.0+p[1]*0.5)*ti.exp(-4.0*tt)
        p *= ti.Vector([0.5, 1.5]) + ss*ti.Vector([0.5, -0.5])  

        p[1] -= 0.25
        a = ti.atan2(p[0], p[1]) / 3.141593
        r = p.norm()
        h = abs(a)
        d = (13.0*h - 22.0*h*h + 10.0*h*h*h)/(6.0-5.0*h)

        s = 0.75 + 0.75*p[0]
        s *= 1.0 - 0.4*r
        s = 0.3 + 0.7*s
        s *= 0.5 + 0.5*pow(1.0-clamp(r/d, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0)

        hcol = ti.Vector([1.0, 0.5*r, 0.3])*s
        pixels[i,j] = mix(bcol , hcol ,smoothstep(-0.01, 0.01, d-r))
Esempio n. 29
def rot3(axis, ang):
    """Returns the matrix representation of a 3d rotation,
    given the axis and angle of rotation.

        axis (:class:`~taichi.math.vec3`): Axis of rotation.
        ang (float): Angle of rotation in radians.

        :class:`~taichi.math.mat3`: 3x3 rotation matrix.


        >>> from taichi.math import *
        >>> @ti.kernel
        >>> def test():
        >>>     M = rot3(normalize(vec3(1, 1, 1)), radians(30))
        [[0.732051, -0.366025, 0.633975],
         [0.633975, 0.732051, -0.366025],
         [-0.366025, 0.633975, 0.732051]]
    ca, sa = ti.cos(ang), ti.sin(ang)
    x, y, z = axis
    I = eye(3)
    K = mat3([[0, -z, y], [z, 0, -x], [-y, x, 0]])
    return I + sa * K + (1.0 - ca) * K @ K
Esempio n. 30
 def UniformSampleSphere(self, u1, u2):
     z = 1.0 - 2.0 * u1
     r = ti.sqrt(ts.clamp(1.0 - z * z, 0.0, 1.0))
     phi = 2.0 * 3.1415926 * u2
     x = r * ti.cos(phi)
     y = r * ti.sin(phi)
     return ti.Vector([x, y, z])