Esempio n. 1
def request_create_group (request, user, language, group_name, slot):
    logger.debug ("user %s group_name %s slot %s" % (user, group_name, slot))

    slot = urllib.unquote_plus(slot)

    group_type = 'public'

    if not user.has_empty_slot ():
        return language.user_has_no_empty_slots ()
    type_and_slot_regex = re.compile("^\w+\s+\d$")
    slot_only_regex = re.compile("^\d$")
    if type_and_slot_regex.match(slot):
        (group_type, slot) = slot.split()
        if group_type != 'private':
            group_type = 'public'
    elif len(slot) > 1 and not slot_only_regex.match(slot): #only provided type without slot
        group_type = slot
        if group_type != 'private': group_type = 'public' #check to ensure its actually a group type
        slot = ''
        group_type = 'public'
        slot = ''
    msg_list = []
    if slot is None or len(slot) < 1:
        logger.debug ("slot is none")
        slot = auto_alloc_slot(user) ("slot allocated %s" % slot)
        logger.debug ("slot is %s" % slot)
    regex = re.compile ('^[A-Za-z]')
    if not regex.match (group_name) or len(group_name) < 4 or len(group_name) > 60:
        msg_list.append (language.group_name_not_valid (group_name))
    if slot >= 0 and not user.slot_is_empty (slot):
        msg_list.append (language.slot_not_free (slot))
    # XXX calling this causes an error (and we've fixed the types as unchangeable for now)
    #if not Groups.is_valid_type (group_type):
        #ok = False
        #msg_list.append (language.invalid_group_type (group_type))
    # that should take care of the race condition
    with lock:
        if not Groups.is_name_available (group_name):
            msg_list.append (language.group_name_not_available (group_name))
            # TODO add suggestions
        if len(msg_list) > 0:
            msg_text = " ".join(msg_list)
            return msg_text
        # create group and assign it to the given slot, if one has been provided
        group = Groups.create (user, group_name, slot, group_type)
    return language.group_created (group_name, slot, group_type)