Esempio n. 1
async def reserve_environment(request):
    assign_type = request.args.get('assign_type', 'ci')
    assign_id = request.args.get('assign_id', request.remote_addr)
    product_id = request.args.get('product_id', 'ci')
    duration = float(request.args.get('duration', 0))
    if duration <= 0:
        raise InvalidUsage('duration should be > 0')

    env = await Environment.find_one_and_update(
        {'$or': [
            {'status': Environment.IDLE},
            {'': assign_id, 'assign_to.type': assign_type}]},
        {'$set': {
            'status': Environment.BUSY,
            'assign_to': {
                'type': assign_type,
                'product': product_id,
                'id': assign_id,
                'expire_in': duration + get_timestamp()},
            'update_time': get_timestamp()}},

    if not env:
        raise NotFound('no idle environment')

    return json(jsonify({'_id': env['_id'], 'name': env['name'], 'ip': env['ip']}))
Esempio n. 2
 async def create(cls, name, stock, price, label, flag=False):
     return await cls.insert_one({
         'name': name,
         'stock': stock,
         'price': price,
         'label': label,
         'flag': flag,
         'create_time': get_timestamp(),
         'update_time': get_timestamp()
Esempio n. 3
async def update_release(request):
    #  TODO: update its features state
    _id = request.json.get('_id')
    if not _id:
        raise InvalidUsage('无效的请求参数!')
    name = request.json.get('name', '').strip()
    branch = request.json.get('branch', '').strip()
    product = ObjectId(request.json.get('product', ''))
    base_version = request.json.get('base_version')
    features = [ObjectId(f) for f in request.json.get('features', [])]
    if not name or not branch or not product or not features:
        raise InvalidUsage('参数错误!')

    record = await Release.find_one_and_update(
        {'_id': ObjectId(_id)},
        {'$set': {
            'name': name,
            'branch': branch,
            'product': product,
            'base_version': base_version,
            'features': features,
            'update_time': get_timestamp(),

    if not record:
        raise NotFound('找不到对应的release!')

    return json({})
Esempio n. 4
async def update_environment(request):
    # NOTE: assign_to only be set on deployment
    _id = request.json.get('_id')
    if not _id:
        raise InvalidUsage('无效的请求参数!')
    force = request.json.get('force', False)
    name = request.json.get('name', '').strip()
    ip = request.json.get('ip', '').strip()
    user = request.json.get('user', '').strip()
    password = request.json.get('password', '').strip()
    filter_ = {'_id': ObjectId(_id)}
    update = {
        'name': name,
        'label': request.json.get('label', []),
        'ip': ip,
        'description': request.json.get('description', ''),
        'user': user,
        'password': password,
        'settings': request.json.get('settings', {}),
        'update_time': get_timestamp()}
    if 'status' in request.json:
        update['status'] = request.json['status']
        if not force:
            filter_['status'] = {'$ne': Environment.BUSY}  # idle <-> maint

    if not name or not ip:
        raise InvalidUsage('name和ip必须设置!')

    await Environment.find_one_and_update(filter_, {'$set': update})

    return json({})
Esempio n. 5
 async def create(cls, product, user_id, total):
     return await cls.insert_one({
         'product': product,
         'user_id': user_id,
         'total': total,
         'create_time': get_timestamp()
Esempio n. 6
async def close_feature(request):
    id_ = request.args.get('id')
    if not id_:
        raise InvalidUsage('无效的请求参数!')
    await Feature.find_one_and_update(
        {'_id': ObjectId(id_), 'status': {'$ne': Feature.DONE}},
        {'$set': {
            'status': Feature.CLOSED,
            'update_time': get_timestamp()}})

    return json({})
Esempio n. 7
 def create(cls,
     return cls.create({
         'user_name': user_name,
         'password': password,
         'phone': phone,
         'picture': picture,
         'score': score,
         'sex': sex,
         'user_label': role,
         'money': money,
         'create_time': get_timestamp(),
         'update_time': get_timestamp()
Esempio n. 8
async def close_release(request):
    id_ = request.args.get('id')
    if not id_:
        raise InvalidUsage('无效的请求参数!')
    record = await Release.find_one_and_update(
            {'_id': ObjectId(id_), 'status': {'$ne': Release.RELEASED}},
            {'$set': {
                'status': Release.CLOSED,
                'update_time': get_timestamp()}})

    if not record:
        raise NotFound('找不到对应的release!')

    return json({})
Esempio n. 9
async def free_environment(request):
    assign_type = request.args.get('assign_type', 'ci')
    assign_id = request.args.get('assign_id', request.remote_addr)
    env_ip = request.args.get('ip', '')

    await Environment.find_one_and_update(
            'status': Environment.BUSY,
            'ip': env_ip,
            '': assign_id,
            'assign_to.type': assign_type},
        {'$set': {
            'status': Environment.IDLE,
            'assign_to': {},
            'update_time': get_timestamp()}},

    return json({})
Esempio n. 10
async def update_product(request):
    _id = request.json.get('_id')
    if not _id:
        raise InvalidUsage('无效的请求参数!')
    name = request.json.get('name', '').strip()
    description = request.json.get('description', '').strip()
    components = [ObjectId(c) for c in request.json.get('components', [])]
    export_script = request.json.get('export_script', '').strip()
    deploy_script = request.json.get('deploy_script', '').strip()
    if not name:
        raise InvalidUsage('Product名称不能为空!')
    await Product.find_one_and_update(
        {'_id': ObjectId(_id)},
        {'$set': {
            'name': name,
            'description': description,
            'components': components,
            'export_script': export_script,
            'deploy_script': deploy_script,
            'update_time': get_timestamp()}})

    return json({})
Esempio n. 11
async def update_feature(request):
    _id = request.json.get('_id')
    if not _id:
        raise InvalidUsage('无效的请求参数!')
    name = request.json.get('name', '').strip()
    description = request.json.get('description', '').strip()
    branch = request.json.get('branch', '').strip()
    product = ObjectId(request.json.get('product', ''))
    base_version = request.json.get('base_version')
    components = [ObjectId(c) for c in request.json.get('components', [])]
    if not name or not branch or not product or not components:
        raise InvalidUsage('参数错误!')
    await Feature.find_one_and_update(
        {'_id': ObjectId(_id)},
        {'$set': {
            'name': name,
            'branch': branch,
            'description': description,
            'product': product,
            'base_version': base_version,
            'components': components,
            'update_time': get_timestamp()}})

    return json({})
Esempio n. 12
async def update_component(request):
    _id = request.json.get('_id')
    if not _id:
        raise InvalidUsage('无效的请求参数!')
    name = request.json.get('name', '').strip()
    gitlab_project_id = request.json.get('gitlab_project_id')
    repo = request.json.get('repo', request.json.get('docker_repo', '')).strip()
    type_ = request.json.get('type', Component.TYPE_APP)
    dependencies = [ObjectId(c) for c in request.json.get('dependencies', [])]
    third_parties = request.json.get('third_parties', [])
    if not name or not gitlab_project_id:
        raise InvalidUsage('模块名称和Project ID不能为空!')
    await Component.find_one_and_update(
        {'_id': ObjectId(_id)},
        {'$set': {
            'name': name,
            'gitlab_project_id': gitlab_project_id,
            'repo': repo,
            'type': type_,
            'dependencies': dependencies,
            'third_parties': third_parties,
            'update_time': get_timestamp()}})

    return json({})
Esempio n. 13
 async def create(cls, name):
     return await cls.insert_one({
         'name': name,
         'create_time': get_timestamp(),
         'update_time': get_timestamp()