Esempio n. 1
    def load(self,
             path: str,
             check_reproducibility: bool = False,
             skip_unsettable: bool = False) -> TapType:
        """Loads the arguments in JSON format. Note: Due to JSON, tuples are loaded as lists.

        :param path: Path to the JSON file where the arguments will be loaded from.
        :param check_reproducibility: When True, raises an error if the loaded reproducibility
                                      information doesn't match the current reproducibility information.
        :param skip_unsettable: When True, skips attributes that cannot be set in the Tap object,
                                e.g. properties without setters.
        :return: Returns self.
        with open(path) as f:
            args_dict = json.load(f, object_hook=as_python_object)

        # Remove loaded reproducibility information since it is no longer valid
        saved_reproducibility_data = args_dict.pop('reproducibility', None)
        if check_reproducibility:
            current_reproducibility_data = self.get_reproducibility_info()
                                    current_reproducibility_data, path)

        self.from_dict(args_dict, skip_unsettable=skip_unsettable)

        return self
 def test_throw_error_for_saved_uncommitted_changes(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                 'git_url': 'none',
                 'git_has_uncommitted_changes': True
             }, {'git_url': 'some'}, 'here')
 def test_git_urls_disagree(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         enforce_reproducibility({'git_url': 'none'}, {'git_url': 'some'},
 def test_git_url_not_in_current_reproducibility_data(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         enforce_reproducibility({'git_url': 'none'}, {}, 'here')
 def test_git_url_not_in_saved_reproducibility_data(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         enforce_reproducibility({}, {}, 'here')
 def test_saved_reproducibility_data_is_none(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         enforce_reproducibility(None, {}, 'here')