Esempio n. 1
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):

        userID = svcRecord.ExternalID
        activity_id = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]"\t\t FITBIT LOADING  : " + str(activity_id))
        activity_tcx_uri = '' + userID + '/activities/' + str(activity_id) + '.tcx'
        resp = self._requestWithAuth(lambda session: session.get(
                'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + svcRecord.Authorization.get('AccessToken')
            }), svcRecord)
        # check if request has error
        if resp.status_code != 204 and resp.status_code != 200:
            raise APIException("Unable to find Fitbit TCX activity")

        # Prepare tcxio params
        ns = copy.deepcopy(TCXIO.Namespaces)
        ns["tcx"] = ns[None]
        del ns[None]

        # Read tcx to know if this is a stationary activity or not
            root = etree.XML(resp.text.encode('utf-8'))
            root = etree.fromstring(resp.text.encode('utf-8'))

        xacts = root.find("tcx:Activities", namespaces=ns)
        if xacts is None:
            raise ValueError("No activities element in TCX")

        xact = xacts.find("tcx:Activity", namespaces=ns)
        if xact is None:
            raise ValueError("No activity element in TCX")

        # Define activity type from tcx
        if not activity.Type or activity.Type == ActivityType.Other:
            if xact.attrib["Sport"] == "Biking":
                activity.Type = ActivityType.Cycling
            elif xact.attrib["Sport"] == "Running":
                activity.Type = ActivityType.Running

        # Find all lap in tcx
        xlaps = xact.findall("tcx:Lap", namespaces=ns)
        if len(xlaps) > 0:
            activity = TCXIO.Parse(resp.text.encode('utf-8'), activity)
            # Define lap for activity
            lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime)
            activity.Laps = [lap]
            lap.Waypoints = []
            activity.GPS = False
            activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0

        return activity
Esempio n. 2
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):
        if activity.ServiceData["Manual"]:  # I should really add a param to DownloadActivity for this value as opposed to constantly doing this
            # We've got as much information as we're going to get - we need to copy it into a Lap though.
            activity.Laps = [Lap(startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime, stats=activity.Stats)]
            return activity
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        streamdata = requests.get("" + str(activityID) + "/streams/time,altitude,heartrate,cadence,watts,temp,moving,latlng,distance,velocity_smooth", headers=self._apiHeaders(svcRecord))
        if streamdata.status_code == 401:
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity", block=True, user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True))

            streamdata = streamdata.json()
            raise APIException("Stream data returned is not JSON")

        if "message" in streamdata and streamdata["message"] == "Record Not Found":
            raise APIException("Could not find activity")

        ridedata = {}
        for stream in streamdata:
            ridedata[stream["type"]] = stream["data"]

        if "error" in ridedata:
            raise APIException("Strava error " + ridedata["error"])

        activity.Laps = []

        res = requests.get("{}".format(activityID), headers=self._apiHeaders(svcRecord))
        activityDetails = res.json()

        activity.Notes = activityDetails["description"]

        lapsdata = activityDetails["laps"]

        for lapdata in lapsdata:

            lapWaypoints, lapStats = self._process_lap_waypoints(activity, ridedata, lapdata)

            lapStart = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime(lapdata["start_date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
            lapEnd = lapStart + timedelta(0, lapdata["elapsed_time"])
            lap = Lap(startTime=lapStart, endTime=lapEnd)
            lap.Waypoints = lapWaypoints
            # In single-lap case lap stats needs to match global stats
            lap.Stats = activity.Stats if len(lapsdata) == 1 else lapStats


        return activity
Esempio n. 3
    def DownloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        act = self._getActivity(serviceRecord, activity)
        recordingKeys = act.get('recordingKeys')
        if act['source'] == 'manual' or not recordingKeys:
            # it's a manually entered run, can't get much info
            activity.Stationary = True
            activity.Laps = [Lap(startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime, stats=activity.Stats)]
            return activity

        # FIXME: technically it could still be stationary if there are no long/lat values...
        activity.Stationary = False

        if not act['laps']:
            # no laps, just make one big lap
            activity.Laps = [Lap(startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime, stats=activity.Stats)]

        startTime = activity.StartTime
        for lapRecord in act['laps']:
            endTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=lapRecord['endDuration'])
            lap = Lap(startTime=startTime, endTime=endTime)
            startTime = endTime + timedelta(seconds=1)

        for value in zip(*act['recordingValues']):
            record = dict(zip(recordingKeys, value))
            ts = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=record['clock'])
            if 'latitude' in record:
                alt = record.get('elevation')
                lat = record['latitude']
                lon = record['longitude']
                # Smashrun seems to replace missing measurements with -1
                if lat == -1:
                    lat = None
                if lon == -1:
                    lon = None
                location = Location(lat=lat, lon=lon, alt=alt)
            hr = record.get('heartRate')
            runCadence = record.get('cadence')
            temp = record.get('temperature')
            distance = record.get('distance') * 1000
            wp = Waypoint(timestamp=ts, location=location, hr=hr,
                          runCadence=runCadence, temp=temp,
            # put the waypoint inside the lap it corresponds to
            for lap in activity.Laps:
                if lap.StartTime <= wp.Timestamp <= lap.EndTime:

        return activity
Esempio n. 4
    def DownloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        resp = self._oauthSession(serviceRecord).get("" % activity.ServiceData["WorkoutID"], params={"fields": "points"})
            resp = resp.json()
        except ValueError:
            res_txt = resp.text
            raise APIException("Parse failure in Endomondo activity download: %s" % resp.status_code)
        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime)
        activity.Laps = [lap]

        activity.GPS = False

        old_location = None
        in_pause = False
        for pt in resp["points"]:
            wp = Waypoint()
            if "time" not in pt:
                # Manually-entered activities with a course attached to them have date-less waypoints
                # It'd be nice to transfer those courses, but it's a concept few other sites support AFAIK
                # So, ignore the points entirely
            wp.Timestamp = self._parseDate(pt["time"])

            if ("lat" in pt and "lng" in pt) or "alt" in pt:
                wp.Location = Location()
                if "lat" in pt and "lng" in pt:
                    wp.Location.Latitude = pt["lat"]
                    wp.Location.Longitude = pt["lng"]
                    activity.GPS = True
                if "alt" in pt:
                    wp.Location.Altitude = pt["alt"]

                if wp.Location == old_location:
                    # We have seen the point with the same coordinates
                    # before. This causes other services (e.g Strava) to
                    # interpret this as if we were standing for a while,
                    # which causes us having wrong activity time when
                    # importing. We mark the point as paused in hopes this
                    # fixes the issue.
                    in_pause = True
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                elif in_pause:
                    in_pause = False
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume

                old_location = wp.Location

            if "hr" in pt:
                wp.HR = pt["hr"]

            if "cad" in pt:
                wp.Cadence = pt["cad"]

            if "pow" in pt:
                wp.Power = pt["pow"]

        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0
        return activity
Esempio n. 5
    def _populateActivityWaypoints(self, rawData, activity):
        ''' populate the Waypoints collection from pulsstory API data '''
        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime)
        activity.Laps = [lap]

        streamData = {}

        self._convertList(streamData, "heart_rate", rawData, "HeartRate")
        self._convertList(streamData, "distance", rawData, "Distance")
        self._convertList(streamData, "speed", rawData, "Speed")
        self._convertList(streamData, "power", rawData, "Power")
        self._convertList(streamData, "cadence", rawData, "Cadence")
        self._convertPathList(streamData, "path", rawData)

        def _addWaypoint(timestamp, path=None, heart_rate=None, power=None, distance=None, speed=None, cadence=None):
            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=timestamp))
            if path:
                if path["latitude"] != 0 and path["longitude"] != 0:
                    waypoint.Location = Location(path["latitude"], path["longitude"], path["altitude"] if "altitude" in path and float(path["altitude"]) != 0 else None)  # if you're running near sea level, well...
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Regular
            waypoint.HR = heart_rate
            waypoint.Distance = distance
            waypoint.Speed = speed
            waypoint.Cadence = cadence
            waypoint.Power = power

        StreamSampler.SampleWithCallback(_addWaypoint, streamData)

        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0
        activity.GPS = any(wp.Location and wp.Location.Longitude is not None and wp.Location.Latitude is not None for wp in lap.Waypoints)
        if not activity.Stationary:
            lap.Waypoints[0].Type = WaypointType.Start
            lap.Waypoints[-1].Type = WaypointType.End
Esempio n. 6
    def _populateActivityWaypoints(self, rawData, activity):
        ''' populate the Waypoints collection from RK API data '''
        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime)
        activity.Laps = [lap]

        streamData = {}
        for stream in ["path", "heart_rate", "calories", "distance"]:
            if stream in rawData and len(rawData[stream]):
                if stream == "path":
                    # The path stream doesn't follow the same naming convention, so we cheat and put everything in.
                    streamData[stream] = [(x["timestamp"], x) for x in rawData[stream]]
                    streamData[stream] = [(x["timestamp"], x[stream]) for x in rawData[stream]] # Change up format for StreamSampler

        def _addWaypoint(timestamp, path=None, heart_rate=None, calories=None, distance=None):
            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=timestamp))
            if path:
                waypoint.Location = Location(path["latitude"], path["longitude"], path["altitude"] if "altitude" in path and float(path["altitude"]) != 0 else None)  # if you're running near sea level, well...
                waypoint.Type = self._wayptTypeMappings[path["type"]] if path["type"] in self._wayptTypeMappings else WaypointType.Regular
            waypoint.HR = heart_rate
            waypoint.Calories = calories
            waypoint.Distance = distance

        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0
        if not activity.Stationary:
            lap.Waypoints[0].Type = WaypointType.Start
            lap.Waypoints[-1].Type = WaypointType.End

        StreamSampler.SampleWithCallback(_addWaypoint, streamData)
Esempio n. 7
    def DownloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        session = self._get_session(serviceRecord)
        act_id = activity.ServiceData["ID"]
        activityDetails = session.get("" % act_id, params=self._with_auth(session))
        activityDetails = activityDetails.json()

        streams = {metric["metricType"].lower(): self._nikeStream(metric) for metric in activityDetails["metrics"]}

        activity.GPS = activityDetails["isGpsActivity"]

        if activity.GPS:
            activityGps = session.get("" % act_id, params=self._with_auth(session))
            activityGps = activityGps.json()
            streams["gps"] = self._nikeStream(activityGps, "waypoints")

        lap = Lap(startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime)
        lap.Stats = activity.Stats
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        # I thought I wrote StreamSampler to be generator-friendly - nope.
        streams = {k: list(v) for k,v in streams.items()}

        # The docs are unclear on which of these are actually stream metrics, oh well
        def stream_waypoint(offset, speed=None, distance=None, heartrate=None, calories=None, steps=None, watts=None, gps=None, **kwargs):
            wp = Waypoint()
            wp.Timestamp = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=offset)
            wp.Speed = float(speed) if speed else None
            wp.Distance = float(distance) / 1000 if distance else None
            wp.HR = float(heartrate) if heartrate else None
            wp.Calories = float(calories) if calories else None
            wp.Power = float(watts) if watts else None

            if gps:
                wp.Location = Location(lat=float(gps["latitude"]), lon=float(gps["longitude"]), alt=float(gps["elevation"]))

        StreamSampler.SampleWithCallback(stream_waypoint, streams)

        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0

        return activity
Esempio n. 8
    def DownloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]
        logger.debug("DownloadActivity %s" % activityID)

        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        response = requests.get("" +
                                activityID + "/?field_set=time_series",
        data = response.json()

        activity.GPS = False
        activity.Stationary = True

        # add waypoints to laps
        if "time_series" in data and "position" in data["time_series"]:
            activity.Stationary = False
            for pt in data["time_series"]["position"]:
                timestamp = pt[0]
                wp = Waypoint(activity.StartTime +

                pos = pt[1]
                if ("lat" in pos and "lng" in pos) or "elevation" in pos:
                    wp.Location = Location()
                    if "lat" in pos and "lng" in pos:
                        wp.Location.Latitude = pos["lat"]
                        wp.Location.Longitude = pos["lng"]
                        activity.GPS = True
                    if "elevation" in pos:
                        wp.Location.Altitude = pos["elevation"]


        return activity
Esempio n. 9
    def DownloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        resp = self._oauthSession(serviceRecord).get(
            "" %
            params={"fields": "points"})
            resp = resp.json()
        except ValueError:
            res_txt = resp.text
            raise APIException(
                "Parse failure in Endomondo activity download: %s" %
        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
        activity.Laps = [lap]

        activity.GPS = False

        for pt in resp["points"]:
            wp = Waypoint()
            if "time" not in pt:
                # Manually-entered activities with a course attached to them have date-less waypoints
                # It'd be nice to transfer those courses, but it's a concept few other sites support AFAIK
                # So, ignore the points entirely
            wp.Timestamp = self._parseDate(pt["time"])

            if ("lat" in pt and "lng" in pt) or "alt" in pt:
                wp.Location = Location()
                if "lat" in pt and "lng" in pt:
                    wp.Location.Latitude = pt["lat"]
                    wp.Location.Longitude = pt["lng"]
                    activity.GPS = True
                if "alt" in pt:
                    wp.Location.Altitude = pt["alt"]

            if "hr" in pt:
                wp.HR = pt["hr"]

            if "cad" in pt:
                wp.Cadence = pt["cad"]

        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0
        return activity
Esempio n. 10
    def DownloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        workoutID = activity.ServiceData["WorkoutID"]
        logger.debug("DownloadActivity for %s" % workoutID)

        session = self._get_session(record=serviceRecord)

        resp = session.get(self._urlRoot + "/api/workout/%d" % workoutID)

            res = resp.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise APIException(
                "Parse failure in Motivato activity (%d) download: %s" %
                (workoutID, res.text))

        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        activity.GPS = False
        if "track" in res and "points" in res["track"]:
            for pt in res["track"]["points"]:
                wp = Waypoint()
                if "moment" not in pt:
                wp.Timestamp = self._parseDateTime(pt["moment"])

                if ("lat" in pt and "lon" in pt) or "ele" in pt:
                    wp.Location = Location()
                    if "lat" in pt and "lon" in pt:
                        wp.Location.Latitude = pt["lat"]
                        wp.Location.Longitude = pt["lon"]
                        activity.GPS = True
                    if "ele" in pt:
                        wp.Location.Altitude = float(pt["ele"])

                if "bpm" in pt:
                    wp.HR = pt["bpm"]


        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0

        return activity
Esempio n. 11
    def DownloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        resp = self._oauthSession(serviceRecord).get(
            "" %
            params={"fields": "points"})
            resp = resp.json()
        except ValueError:
            res_txt = resp.text
            raise APIException(
                "Parse failure in Endomondo activity download: %s" %
        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
        activity.Laps = [lap]

        activity.GPS = False

        for pt in resp["points"]:
            wp = Waypoint()
            wp.Timestamp = self._parseDate(pt["time"])

            if ("lat" in pt and "lng" in pt) or "alt" in pt:
                wp.Location = Location()
                if "lat" in pt and "lng" in pt:
                    wp.Location.Latitude = pt["lat"]
                    wp.Location.Longitude = pt["lng"]
                    activity.GPS = True
                if "alt" in pt:
                    wp.Location.Altitude = pt["alt"]

            if "hr" in pt:
                wp.HR = pt["hr"]

            if "cad" in pt:
                wp.Cadence = pt["cad"]

        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0
        return activity
Esempio n. 12
    def _downloadActivity(self,
        activityURI = activity.ServiceData["ActivityURI"]
        headers = self._getAuthHeaders(serviceRecord)
        activityData = requests.get(activityURI, headers=headers)
        activityData = activityData.json()

        if "clock_duration" in activityData:
            activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(

        activity.Private = "sharing" in activityData and activityData[
            "sharing"] != "public"

        activity.GPS = False  # Gets set back if there is GPS data

        if "notes" in activityData:
            activity.Notes = activityData["notes"]

        activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(

        activity.Stats.Elevation = ActivityStatistic(
            if "elevation_gain" in activityData else None,
            if "elevation_loss" in activityData else None)

        activity.Stats.HR = ActivityStatistic(
            if "avg_heartrate" in activityData else None,
            if "max_heartrate" in activityData else None)
        activity.Stats.Cadence = ActivityStatistic(
            if "avg_cadence" in activityData else None,
            if "max_cadence" in activityData else None)
        activity.Stats.Power = ActivityStatistic(
            if "avg_power" in activityData else None,
            if "max_power" in activityData else None)

        laps_info = []
        laps_starts = []
        if "laps" in activityData:
            laps_info = activityData["laps"]
            for lap in activityData["laps"]:
        lap = None
        for lapinfo in laps_info:
            lap = Lap()
            lap.StartTime = dateutil.parser.parse(lapinfo["start_time"])
            lap.EndTime = lap.StartTime + timedelta(
            if "type" in lapinfo:
                lap.Intensity = LapIntensity.Active if lapinfo[
                    "type"] == "ACTIVE" else LapIntensity.Rest
            if "distance" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(
            if "duration" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.TimerTime = ActivityStatistic(
                    ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds, value=lapinfo["duration"])
            if "calories" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(
            if "elevation_gain" in lapinfo:
            if "elevation_loss" in lapinfo:
            if "max_speed" in lapinfo:
            if "max_speed" in lapinfo:
            if "avg_speed" in lapinfo:
            if "max_heartrate" in lapinfo:
            if "avg_heartrate" in lapinfo:
        if lap is None:  # No explicit laps => make one that encompasses the entire activity
            lap = Lap()
            lap.Stats = activity.Stats
            lap.StartTime = activity.StartTime
            lap.EndTime = activity.EndTime
        elif len(activity.Laps) == 1:
            )  # Lap stats have a bit more info generally.
            activity.Laps[0].Stats = activity.Stats

        timerStops = []
        if "timer_stops" in activityData:
            for stop in activityData["timer_stops"]:

        def isInTimerStop(timestamp):
            for stop in timerStops:
                if timestamp >= stop[0] and timestamp < stop[1]:
                    return True
                if timestamp >= stop[1]:
                    return False
            return False

        # Collate the individual streams into our waypoints.
        # Global sample rate is variable - will pick the next nearest stream datapoint.
        # Resampling happens on a lookbehind basis - new values will only appear their timestamp has been reached/passed

        wasInPause = False
        currentLapIdx = 0
        lap = activity.Laps[currentLapIdx]

        streams = []
        for stream in [
                "location", "elevation", "heartrate", "power", "cadence",
            if stream in activityData:
        stream_indices = dict([(stream, -1) for stream in streams
                               ])  # -1 meaning the stream has yet to start
        stream_lengths = dict([(stream, len(activityData[stream]) / 2)
                               for stream in streams])
        # Data comes as "stream":[timestamp,value,timestamp,value,...]
        stream_values = {}
        for stream in streams:
            values = []
            for x in range(0, int(len(activityData[stream]) / 2)):
                values.append((activityData[stream][x * 2],
                               activityData[stream][x * 2 + 1]))
            stream_values[stream] = values

        currentOffset = 0

        def streamVal(stream):
            nonlocal stream_values, stream_indices
            return stream_values[stream][stream_indices[stream]][1]

        def hasStreamData(stream):
            nonlocal stream_indices, streams
            return stream in streams and stream_indices[stream] >= 0

        while True:
            advance_stream = None
            advance_offset = None
            for stream in streams:
                if stream_indices[stream] + 1 == stream_lengths[stream]:
                    continue  # We're at the end - can't advance
                if advance_offset is None or stream_values[stream][
                        stream_indices[stream] +
                        1][0] - currentOffset < advance_offset:
                    advance_offset = stream_values[stream][
                        stream_indices[stream] + 1][0] - currentOffset
                    advance_stream = stream
            if not advance_stream:
                break  # We've hit the end of every stream, stop
            # Advance streams sharing the current timestamp
            for stream in streams:
                if stream == advance_stream:
                    continue  # For clarity, we increment this later
                if stream_indices[stream] + 1 == stream_lengths[stream]:
                    continue  # We're at the end - can't advance
                if stream_values[stream][
                        stream_indices[stream] +
                        1][0] == stream_values[advance_stream][
                            stream_indices[advance_stream] + 1][0]:
                    stream_indices[stream] += 1
                advance_stream] += 1  # Advance the key stream for this waypoint
            currentOffset = stream_values[advance_stream][stream_indices[
                advance_stream]][0]  # Update the current time offset

            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime +

            if hasStreamData("location"):
                waypoint.Location = Location(
                    streamVal("location")[1], None)
                activity.GPS = True
                if returnFirstLocation:
                    return waypoint.Location

            if hasStreamData("elevation"):
                if not waypoint.Location:
                    waypoint.Location = Location(None, None, None)
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = streamVal("elevation")

            if hasStreamData("heartrate"):
                waypoint.HR = streamVal("heartrate")

            if hasStreamData("power"):
                waypoint.Power = streamVal("power")

            if hasStreamData("cadence"):
                waypoint.Cadence = streamVal("cadence")

            if hasStreamData("distance"):
                waypoint.Distance = streamVal("distance")

            inPause = isInTimerStop(waypoint.Timestamp)
            waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Regular if not inPause else WaypointType.Pause
            if wasInPause and not inPause:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Resume
            wasInPause = inPause

            # We only care if it's possible to start a new lap, i.e. there are more left
            if currentLapIdx + 1 < len(laps_starts):
                if laps_starts[currentLapIdx + 1] < waypoint.Timestamp:
                    # A new lap has started
                    currentLapIdx += 1
                    lap = activity.Laps[currentLapIdx]


        if returnFirstLocation:
            return None  # I guess there were no waypoints?
        if activity.CountTotalWaypoints():
            activity.GetFlatWaypoints()[0].Type = WaypointType.Start
            activity.GetFlatWaypoints()[-1].Type = WaypointType.End
            activity.Stationary = False
            activity.Stationary = True

        return activity
Esempio n. 13
    def _downloadActivitySummary(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]
        session = self._get_session(record=serviceRecord)
        res = session.get("" + str(activityID))

            raw_data = res.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise APIException("Failure downloading activity summary %s:%s" % (res.status_code, res.text))
        stat_map = {}
        def mapStat(gcKey, statKey, type):
            stat_map[gcKey] = {
                "key": statKey,
                "attr": type

        def applyStats(gc_dict, stats_obj):
            for gc_key, stat in stat_map.items():
                if gc_key in gc_dict:
                    value = float(gc_dict[gc_key]["value"])
                    units = self._unitMap[gc_dict[gc_key]["uom"]]
                    if math.isinf(value):
                        continue # GC returns the minimum speed as "-Infinity" instead of 0 some times :S
                    getattr(stats_obj, stat["key"]).update(ActivityStatistic(units, **({stat["attr"]: value})))

        mapStat("SumMovingDuration", "MovingTime", "value")
        mapStat("SumDuration", "TimerTime", "value")
        mapStat("SumDistance", "Distance", "value")
        mapStat("MinSpeed", "Speed", "min")
        mapStat("MaxSpeed", "Speed", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanSpeed", "Speed", "avg")
        mapStat("MinAirTemperature", "Temperature", "min")
        mapStat("MaxAirTemperature", "Temperature", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanAirTemperature", "Temperature", "avg")
        mapStat("SumEnergy", "Energy", "value")
        mapStat("MaxHeartRate", "HR", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanHeartRate", "HR", "avg")
        mapStat("MaxDoubleCadence", "RunCadence", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanDoubleCadence", "RunCadence", "avg")
        mapStat("MaxBikeCadence", "Cadence", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanBikeCadence", "Cadence", "avg")
        mapStat("MinPower", "Power", "min")
        mapStat("MaxPower", "Power", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanPower", "Power", "avg")
        mapStat("MinElevation", "Elevation", "min")
        mapStat("MaxElevation", "Elevation", "max")
        mapStat("GainElevation", "Elevation", "gain")
        mapStat("LossElevation", "Elevation", "loss")

        applyStats(raw_data["activity"]["activitySummary"], activity.Stats)

        for lap_data in raw_data["activity"]["totalLaps"]["lapSummaryList"]:
            lap = Lap()
            if "BeginTimestamp" in lap_data:
                lap.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(lap_data["BeginTimestamp"]["value"]) / 1000))
            if "EndTimestamp" in lap_data:
                lap.EndTime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(lap_data["EndTimestamp"]["value"]) / 1000))

            elapsed_duration = None
            if "SumElapsedDuration" in lap_data:
                elapsed_duration = timedelta(seconds=round(float(lap_data["SumElapsedDuration"]["value"])))
            elif "SumDuration" in lap_data:
                elapsed_duration = timedelta(seconds=round(float(lap_data["SumDuration"]["value"])))

            if lap.StartTime and elapsed_duration:
                # Always recalculate end time based on duration, if we have the start time
                lap.EndTime = lap.StartTime + elapsed_duration
            if not lap.StartTime and lap.EndTime and elapsed_duration:
                # Sometimes calculate start time based on duration
                lap.StartTime = lap.EndTime - elapsed_duration

            if not lap.StartTime or not lap.EndTime:
                # Garmin Connect is weird.
                raise APIExcludeActivity("Activity lap has no BeginTimestamp or EndTimestamp", userException=UserException(UserExceptionType.Corrupt))

            applyStats(lap_data, lap.Stats)

        # In Garmin Land, max can be smaller than min for this field :S
        if activity.Stats.Power.Max is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min > activity.Stats.Power.Max:
            activity.Stats.Power.Min = None
Esempio n. 14
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):

        service_id = svcRecord._id
        user = db.users.find_one({
            'ConnectedServices': {
                '$elemMatch': {
                    'ID': service_id,
                    'Service': self.ID

        userID = svcRecord.ExternalID
        oauth_token = svcRecord.Authorization.get('OAuthToken')
        user_access_token = svcRecord.Authorization.get('AccessToken')
        user_access_token_secret = svcRecord.Authorization.get(
            'AccessTokenSecret')"\t Building signin for activity detail")

        user_tokens = {
            'access_token': user_access_token,
            'access_token_secret': user_access_token_secret,
            'oauth_token': oauth_token
        payload = ""

        start_date = - timedelta(days=1)
        end_date = start_date + timedelta(seconds=86400)
        start_date_tmstmp = str(int(start_date.timestamp()))
        end_date_tmstmp = str(int(end_date.timestamp()))
        start_date_str = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        end_date_str = end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        signin_parameters = {
            'upload_start_time': start_date_tmstmp,
            'upload_end_time': end_date_tmstmp,
        signin_info = self._request_signin('GET',

        resp = requests.request("GET",

        if resp.status_code != 204 and resp.status_code != 200:
                "\t An error occured while downloading Garmin Health activities from %s to %s "
                % (start_date_str, end_date_str))

        json_data = resp.json()
        activity_id = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]
        activity_detail_id = activity_id + '-detail'
        if json_data:
            for item in json_data:
                if activity_detail_id == item['summaryId']:
                    lapsdata = []

                    if "laps" in item:
                        for lap in item['laps']:

                    ridedata = {}
                    lapWaypoints = []
                    startTimeLap = activity.StartTime
                    endTimeLap = activity.EndTime

                    if "samples" in item:
                        activity.GPS = True
                        activity.Stationary = False
                        for pt in item['samples']:
                            wp = Waypoint()

                            delta = int(pt.get('clockDurationInSeconds'))
                            dateStartPoint = int(pt.get('startTimeInSeconds'))
                            dateStartPointDt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(

                            wp.Timestamp = dateStartPointDt

                            wp.Location = Location()
                            if "latitudeInDegree" in pt:
                                wp.Location.Latitude = float(
                            if "longitudeInDegree" in pt:
                                wp.Location.Longitude = float(
                            if "elevationInMeters" in pt:
                                wp.Location.Altitude = int(

                            if "totalDistanceInMeters" in pt:
                                wp.Distance = int(

                            if "speedMetersPerSecond" in pt:
                                wp.Speed = int(pt.get('speedMetersPerSecond'))

                            if "heartRate" in pt:
                                wp.HR = int(pt.get('heartRate'))

                            # current sample is = to lap occur , so store current nap and build a new one
                            if dateStartPoint in lapsdata:

                                lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
                                lap.Waypoints = lapWaypoints
                                # re init a new lap
                                startTimeLap = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
                                lapWaypoints = []
                            # add occur

                        # build last lap
                        if len(lapWaypoints) > 0:
                            lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
                            lap.Waypoints = lapWaypoints
                        activity.Laps = [

        return activity
Esempio n. 15
    def DownloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        session = self._get_session(serviceRecord)
        act_id = activity.ServiceData["ID"]
        activityDetails = session.get(
            "" % act_id,
        activityDetails = activityDetails.json()

        streams = {
            metric["metricType"].lower(): self._nikeStream(metric)
            for metric in activityDetails["metrics"]

        activity.GPS = activityDetails["isGpsActivity"]

        if activity.GPS:
            activityGps = session.get(
                "" % act_id,
            activityGps = activityGps.json()
            streams["gps"] = self._nikeStream(activityGps, "waypoints")

        lap = Lap(startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime)
        lap.Stats = activity.Stats
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        # I thought I wrote StreamSampler to be generator-friendly - nope.
        streams = {k: list(v) for k, v in streams.items()}

        # The docs are unclear on which of these are actually stream metrics, oh well
        def stream_waypoint(offset,
            wp = Waypoint()
            wp.Timestamp = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=offset)
            wp.Speed = float(speed) if speed else None
            wp.Distance = float(distance) / 1000 if distance else None
            wp.HR = float(heartrate) if heartrate else None
            wp.Calories = float(calories) if calories else None
            wp.Power = float(watts) if watts else None

            if gps:
                wp.Location = Location(lat=float(gps["latitude"]),

        StreamSampler.SampleWithCallback(stream_waypoint, streams)

        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0

        return activity
Esempio n. 16
    def _downloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity, returnFirstLocation=False):
        activityURI = activity.ServiceData["ActivityURI"]
        cookies = self._get_cookies(record=serviceRecord)
        activityData = requests.get(activityURI, cookies=cookies)
        activityData = activityData.json()

        if "clock_duration" in activityData:
            activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=float(activityData["clock_duration"]))

        activity.Private = "sharing" in activityData and activityData["sharing"] != "public"

        if "notes" in activityData:
            activity.Notes = activityData["notes"]

        activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilojoules, value=float(activityData["calories"]))

        activity.Stats.Elevation = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, gain=float(activityData["elevation_gain"]) if "elevation_gain" in activityData else None, loss=float(activityData["elevation_loss"]) if "elevation_loss" in activityData else None)

        activity.Stats.HR = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=activityData["avg_heartrate"] if "avg_heartrate" in activityData else None, max=activityData["max_heartrate"] if "max_heartrate" in activityData else None)
        activity.Stats.Cadence = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.RevolutionsPerMinute, avg=activityData["avg_cadence"] if "avg_cadence" in activityData else None, max=activityData["max_cadence"] if "max_cadence" in activityData else None)
        activity.Stats.Power = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Watts, avg=activityData["avg_power"] if "avg_power" in activityData else None, max=activityData["max_power"] if "max_power" in activityData else None)

        laps_info = []
        laps_starts = []
        if "laps" in activityData:
            laps_info = activityData["laps"]
            for lap in activityData["laps"]:
        lap = None
        for lapinfo in laps_info:
            lap = Lap()
            lap.StartTime = dateutil.parser.parse(lapinfo["start_time"])
            lap.EndTime = lap.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=lapinfo["clock_duration"])
            if "type" in lapinfo:
                lap.Intensity = LapIntensity.Active if lapinfo["type"] == "ACTIVE" else LapIntensity.Rest
            if "distance" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=float(lapinfo["distance"]))
            if "duration" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.MovingTime = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Time, value=timedelta(seconds=lapinfo["duration"]))
            if "calories" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilojoules, value=lapinfo["calories"])
            if "elevation_gain" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Elevation.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, gain=float(lapinfo["elevation_gain"])))
            if "elevation_loss" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Elevation.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, loss=float(lapinfo["elevation_loss"])))
            if "max_speed" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Speed.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, max=float(lapinfo["max_speed"])))
            if "max_speed" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Speed.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, max=float(lapinfo["max_speed"])))
            if "avg_speed" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Speed.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, avg=float(lapinfo["avg_speed"])))
            if "max_heartrate" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.HR.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, max=float(lapinfo["max_heartrate"])))
            if "avg_heartrate" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.HR.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=float(lapinfo["avg_heartrate"])))
        if lap is None: # No explicit laps => make one that encompasses the entire activity
            lap = Lap()
            lap.Stats = activity.Stats
            lap.StartTime = activity.StartTime
            lap.EndTime = activity.EndTime

        if "location" not in activityData:
            activity.Stationary = True
            activity.Stationary = False
            timerStops = []
            if "timer_stops" in activityData:
                for stop in activityData["timer_stops"]:
                    timerStops.append([dateutil.parser.parse(stop[0]), dateutil.parser.parse(stop[1])])

            def isInTimerStop(timestamp):
                for stop in timerStops:
                    if timestamp >= stop[0] and timestamp < stop[1]:
                        return True
                    if timestamp >= stop[1]:
                        return False
                return False

              # Collate the individual streams into our waypoints.
            # Everything is resampled by nearest-neighbour to the rate of the location stream.
            parallel_indices = {}
            parallel_stream_lengths = {}
            for secondary_stream in ["elevation", "heartrate", "power", "cadence", "distance"]:
                if secondary_stream in activityData:
                    parallel_indices[secondary_stream] = 0
                    parallel_stream_lengths[secondary_stream] = len(activityData[secondary_stream])

            wasInPause = False
            currentLapIdx = 0
            lap = activity.Laps[currentLapIdx]
            for idx in range(0, len(activityData["location"]), 2):
                # Pick the nearest indices in the parallel streams
                for parallel_stream, parallel_index in parallel_indices.items():
                    if parallel_index + 2 == parallel_stream_lengths[parallel_stream]:
                        continue  # We're at the end of this stream
                    # Is the next datapoint a better choice than the current?
                    if abs(activityData["location"][idx] - activityData[parallel_stream][parallel_index + 2]) < abs(activityData["location"][idx] - activityData[parallel_stream][parallel_index]):
                        parallel_indices[parallel_stream] += 2

                waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(0, activityData["location"][idx]))
                waypoint.Location = Location(activityData["location"][idx+1][0], activityData["location"][idx+1][1], None)
                if "elevation" in parallel_indices:
                    waypoint.Location.Altitude = activityData["elevation"][parallel_indices["elevation"]+1]

                if returnFirstLocation:
                    return waypoint.Location

                if "heartrate" in parallel_indices:
                    waypoint.HR = activityData["heartrate"][parallel_indices["heartrate"]+1]

                if "power" in parallel_indices:
                    waypoint.Power = activityData["power"][parallel_indices["power"]+1]

                if "cadence" in parallel_indices:
                    waypoint.Cadence = activityData["cadence"][parallel_indices["cadence"]+1]

                if "distance" in parallel_indices:
                    waypoint.Distance = activityData["distance"][parallel_indices["distance"]+1]

                inPause = isInTimerStop(waypoint.Timestamp)
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Regular if not inPause else WaypointType.Pause
                if wasInPause and not inPause:
                    waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                wasInPause = inPause

                # We only care if it's possible to start a new lap, i.e. there are more left
                if currentLapIdx + 1 < len(laps_starts):
                    if laps_starts[currentLapIdx + 1] < waypoint.Timestamp:
                        # A new lap has started
                        currentLapIdx += 1
                        lap = activity.Laps[currentLapIdx]


            if returnFirstLocation:
                return None  # I guess there were no waypoints?
            if activity.CountTotalWaypoints():
                activity.Laps[0].Waypoints[0].Type = WaypointType.Start
                activity.Laps[-1].Waypoints[-1].Type = WaypointType.End
        return activity
Esempio n. 17
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):
        if activity.ServiceData["Manual"]:  # I should really add a param to DownloadActivity for this value as opposed to constantly doing this
            # We've got as much information as we're going to get - we need to copy it into a Lap though.
            activity.Laps = [Lap(startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime, stats=activity.Stats)]
            return activity
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        streamdata = self._requestWithAuth(lambda session: session.get("" + str(activityID) + "/streams/time,altitude,heartrate,cadence,watts,temp,moving,latlng,distance,velocity_smooth"), svcRecord)
        if streamdata.status_code == 401:
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity", block=True, user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True))

            streamdata = streamdata.json()
            raise APIException("Stream data returned is not JSON")

        if "message" in streamdata and streamdata["message"] == "Record Not Found":
            raise APIException("Could not find activity")

        ridedata = {}
        for stream in streamdata:
            ridedata[stream["type"]] = stream["data"]

        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime) # Strava doesn't support laps, but we need somewhere to put the waypoints.
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        hasHR = "heartrate" in ridedata and len(ridedata["heartrate"]) > 0
        hasCadence = "cadence" in ridedata and len(ridedata["cadence"]) > 0
        hasTemp = "temp" in ridedata and len(ridedata["temp"]) > 0
        hasPower = ("watts" in ridedata and len(ridedata["watts"]) > 0)
        hasAltitude = "altitude" in ridedata and len(ridedata["altitude"]) > 0
        hasDistance = "distance" in ridedata and len(ridedata["distance"]) > 0
        hasVelocity = "velocity_smooth" in ridedata and len(ridedata["velocity_smooth"]) > 0

        if "error" in ridedata:
            raise APIException("Strava error " + ridedata["error"])

        inPause = False

        waypointCt = len(ridedata["time"])
        for idx in range(0, waypointCt - 1):

            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(0, ridedata["time"][idx]))
            if "latlng" in ridedata:
                latlng = ridedata["latlng"][idx]
                waypoint.Location = Location(latlng[0], latlng[1], None)
                if waypoint.Location.Longitude == 0 and waypoint.Location.Latitude == 0:
                    waypoint.Location.Longitude = None
                    waypoint.Location.Latitude = None

            if hasAltitude:
                if not waypoint.Location:
                    waypoint.Location = Location(None, None, None)
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = float(ridedata["altitude"][idx])

            # When pausing, Strava sends this format:
            # idx = 100 ; time = 1000; moving = true
            # idx = 101 ; time = 1001; moving = true  => convert to Pause
            # idx = 102 ; time = 2001; moving = false => convert to Resume: (2001-1001) seconds pause
            # idx = 103 ; time = 2002; moving = true

            if idx == 0:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Start
            elif idx == waypointCt - 2:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.End
            elif idx < waypointCt - 2 and ridedata["moving"][idx+1] and inPause:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                inPause = False
            elif idx < waypointCt - 2 and not ridedata["moving"][idx+1] and not inPause:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                inPause = True

            if hasHR:
                waypoint.HR = ridedata["heartrate"][idx]
            if hasCadence:
                waypoint.Cadence = ridedata["cadence"][idx]
            if hasTemp:
                waypoint.Temp = ridedata["temp"][idx]
            if hasPower:
                waypoint.Power = ridedata["watts"][idx]
            if hasVelocity:
                waypoint.Speed = ridedata["velocity_smooth"][idx]
            if hasDistance:
                waypoint.Distance = ridedata["distance"][idx]

        return activity
Esempio n. 18
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):
        if activity.ServiceData["Manual"]:  # I should really add a param to DownloadActivity for this value as opposed to constantly doing this
            # We've got as much information as we're going to get - we need to copy it into a Lap though.
            activity.Laps = [Lap(startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime, stats=activity.Stats)]
            return activity
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        streamdata = requests.get("" + str(activityID) + "/streams/time,altitude,heartrate,cadence,watts,temp,moving,latlng", headers=self._apiHeaders(svcRecord))
        if streamdata.status_code == 401:
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity", block=True, user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True))

            streamdata = streamdata.json()
            raise APIException("Stream data returned is not JSON")

        if "message" in streamdata and streamdata["message"] == "Record Not Found":
            raise APIException("Could not find activity")

        ridedata = {}
        for stream in streamdata:
            ridedata[stream["type"]] = stream["data"]

        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime) # Strava doesn't support laps, but we need somewhere to put the waypoints.
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        hasHR = "heartrate" in ridedata and len(ridedata["heartrate"]) > 0
        hasCadence = "cadence" in ridedata and len(ridedata["cadence"]) > 0
        hasTemp = "temp" in ridedata and len(ridedata["temp"]) > 0
        hasPower = ("watts" in ridedata and len(ridedata["watts"]) > 0)
        hasAltitude = "altitude" in ridedata and len(ridedata["altitude"]) > 0

        if "error" in ridedata:
            raise APIException("Strava error " + ridedata["error"])

        waypointCt = len(ridedata["time"])
        for idx in range(0, waypointCt - 1):

            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(0, ridedata["time"][idx]))
            if "latlng" in ridedata:
                latlng = ridedata["latlng"][idx]
                waypoint.Location = Location(latlng[0], latlng[1], None)
                if waypoint.Location.Longitude == 0 and waypoint.Location.Latitude == 0:
                    waypoint.Location.Longitude = None
                    waypoint.Location.Latitude = None

            if hasAltitude:
                if not waypoint.Location:
                    waypoint.Location = Location(None, None, None)
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = float(ridedata["altitude"][idx])

            if idx == 0:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Start
            elif idx == waypointCt - 2:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.End

            if hasHR:
                waypoint.HR = ridedata["heartrate"][idx]
            if hasCadence:
                waypoint.Cadence = ridedata["cadence"][idx]
            if hasTemp:
                waypoint.Temp = ridedata["temp"][idx]
            if hasPower:
                waypoint.Power = ridedata["watts"][idx]

        return activity
Esempio n. 19
    def _downloadActivitySummary(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        summary_resp = self._request_with_reauth(lambda session: session.get("" + str(activityID)), serviceRecord)

            summary_data = summary_resp.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise APIException("Failure downloading activity summary %s:%s" % (summary_resp.status_code, summary_resp.text))
        stat_map = {}

        def mapStat(gcKey, statKey, type, units):
            stat_map[gcKey] = {
                "key": statKey,
                "attr": type,
                "units": units

        def applyStats(gc_dict, stats_obj):
            for gc_key, stat in stat_map.items():
                if gc_key in gc_dict:
                    value = float(gc_dict[gc_key])
                    if math.isinf(value):
                        continue # GC returns the minimum speed as "-Infinity" instead of 0 some times :S
                    getattr(stats_obj, stat["key"]).update(ActivityStatistic(stat["units"], **({stat["attr"]: value})))

        mapStat("movingDuration", "MovingTime", "value", ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds)
        mapStat("duration", "TimerTime", "value", ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds)
        mapStat("distance", "Distance", "value", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("maxSpeed", "Speed", "max", ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond)
        mapStat("averageSpeed", "Speed", "avg", ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond)
        mapStat("calories", "Energy", "value", ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories)
        mapStat("maxHR", "HR", "max", ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute)
        mapStat("averageHR", "HR", "avg", ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute)
        mapStat("minElevation", "Elevation", "min", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("maxElevation", "Elevation", "max", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("elevationGain", "Elevation", "gain", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("elevationLoss", "Elevation", "loss", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("averageBikeCadence", "Cadence", "avg", ActivityStatisticUnit.RevolutionsPerMinute)
        mapStat("averageCadence", "Cadence", "avg", ActivityStatisticUnit.StepsPerMinute)

        applyStats(summary_data["summaryDTO"], activity.Stats)

        laps_resp = self._request_with_reauth(lambda session: session.get("" % str(activityID)), serviceRecord)
            laps_data = laps_resp.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise APIException("Failure downloading activity laps summary %s:%s" % (laps_resp.status_code, laps_resp.text))

        for lap_data in laps_data["lapDTOs"]:
            lap = Lap()
            if "startTimeGMT" in lap_data:
                lap.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime(lap_data["startTimeGMT"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0"))

            elapsed_duration = None
            if "elapsedDuration" in lap_data:
                elapsed_duration = timedelta(seconds=round(float(lap_data["elapsedDuration"])))
            elif "duration" in lap_data:
                elapsed_duration = timedelta(seconds=round(float(lap_data["duration"])))

            if lap.StartTime and elapsed_duration:
                # Always recalculate end time based on duration, if we have the start time
                lap.EndTime = lap.StartTime + elapsed_duration
            if not lap.StartTime and lap.EndTime and elapsed_duration:
                # Sometimes calculate start time based on duration
                lap.StartTime = lap.EndTime - elapsed_duration

            if not lap.StartTime or not lap.EndTime:
                # Garmin Connect is weird.
                raise APIExcludeActivity("Activity lap has no BeginTimestamp or EndTimestamp", user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Corrupt))

            applyStats(lap_data, lap.Stats)

        # In Garmin Land, max can be smaller than min for this field :S
        if activity.Stats.Power.Max is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min > activity.Stats.Power.Max:
            activity.Stats.Power.Min = None
Esempio n. 20
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]"\t\t DC LOADING  : " + str(activityID))

        headers = self._getAuthHeaders(svcRecord)
        resp = requests.get(DECATHLON_API_BASE_URL + "/activity/" +
                            activityID + "/fullactivity.xml",

        if resp.status_code == 401:
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity",

            root = xml.fromstring(resp.content)
            raise APIException(
                "Stream data returned from Decathlon is not XML")

        activity.GPS = False
        activity.Stationary = True
        #work on date
        startdate = root.find('.//STARTDATE').text
        timezone = root.find('.//TIMEZONE').text
        datebase = parse(startdate + timezone)

        ridedata = {}
        ridedataindex = []

        for pt in root.iter('LOCATION'):
            delta = int(pt.get('elapsed_time'))
            ridedata[delta] = {}
            if activityID == 'eu2132ac60d9a40a1d9a':
      '========time : ' + str(delta))
      '========lat : ' +
            ridedata[delta]['LATITUDE'] = float(pt.find('LATITUDE').text[:8])
            ridedata[delta]['LONGITUDE'] = float(pt.find('LONGITUDE').text[:8])
            ridedata[delta]['ELEVATION'] = int(pt.find('ELEVATION').text[:8])

        if len(ridedata) > 0:
            activity.GPS = True
            activity.Stationary = False

        for measure in root.iter('MEASURE'):
            delta = int(measure.get('elapsed_time'))
            if delta not in ridedataindex:
                ridedata[delta] = {}

            for measureValue in measure.iter('VALUE'):
                if measureValue.get('id') == "1":
                    ridedata[delta]['HR'] = int(measureValue.text)
                if measureValue.get('id') == "6":
                    ridedata[delta]['SPEED'] = int(measureValue.text)
                if measureValue.get('id') == "5":
                    ridedata[delta]['DISTANCE'] = int(measureValue.text)
                if measureValue.get('id') == "20":
                    ridedata[delta]['LAP'] = int(measureValue.text)


        if len(ridedata) == 0:
            lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
            activity.Laps = [lap]
            lapWaypoints = []
            startTimeLap = activity.StartTime
            for elapsedTime in ridedataindex:
                rd = ridedata[elapsedTime]
                wp = Waypoint()
                delta = elapsedTime
                formatedDate = datebase + timedelta(seconds=delta)
                wp.Timestamp = formatedDate  #self._parseDate(formatedDate.isoformat())

                if 'LATITUDE' in rd:
                    wp.Location = Location()
                    wp.Location.Latitude = rd['LATITUDE']
                    wp.Location.Longitude = rd['LONGITUDE']
                    wp.Location.Altitude = rd['ELEVATION']

                if 'HR' in rd:
                    wp.HR = rd['HR']

                if 'SPEED' in rd:
                    wp.Speed = rd['SPEED'] / 3600

                if 'DISTANCE' in rd:
                    wp.Distance = rd['DISTANCE']


                if "LAP" in rd:
                    #build the lap
                    lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
                    lap.Waypoints = lapWaypoints
                    # re init a new lap
                    startTimeLap = formatedDate
                    lapWaypoints = []

            #build last lap
            if len(lapWaypoints) > 0:
                lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
                lap.Waypoints = lapWaypoints

        return activity
Esempio n. 21
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):
        if activity.ServiceData["Manual"]:  # I should really add a param to DownloadActivity for this value as opposed to constantly doing this
            # We've got as much information as we're going to get - we need to copy it into a Lap though.
            activity.Laps = [Lap(startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime, stats=activity.Stats)]
            return activity
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        streamdata = requests.get("" + str(activityID) + "/streams/time,altitude,heartrate,cadence,watts,temp,moving,latlng", headers=self._apiHeaders(svcRecord))
        if streamdata.status_code == 401:
            self._logAPICall("download", (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)), "auth")
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity", block=True, user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True))

            streamdata = streamdata.json()
            raise APIException("Stream data returned is not JSON")

        if "message" in streamdata and streamdata["message"] == "Record Not Found":
            self._logAPICall("download", (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)), "missing")
            raise APIException("Could not find activity")

        ridedata = {}
        for stream in streamdata:
            ridedata[stream["type"]] = stream["data"]

        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime) # Strava doesn't support laps, but we need somewhere to put the waypoints.
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        hasHR = "heartrate" in ridedata and len(ridedata["heartrate"]) > 0
        hasCadence = "cadence" in ridedata and len(ridedata["cadence"]) > 0
        hasTemp = "temp" in ridedata and len(ridedata["temp"]) > 0
        hasPower = ("watts" in ridedata and len(ridedata["watts"]) > 0)
        hasAltitude = "altitude" in ridedata and len(ridedata["altitude"]) > 0
        hasMovingData = "moving" in ridedata and len(ridedata["moving"]) > 0
        moving = True

        if "error" in ridedata:
            self._logAPICall("download", (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)), "data")
            raise APIException("Strava error " + ridedata["error"])

        hasLocation = False
        waypointCt = len(ridedata["time"])
        for idx in range(0, waypointCt - 1):
            latlng = ridedata["latlng"][idx]

            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(0, ridedata["time"][idx]))
            latlng = ridedata["latlng"][idx]
            waypoint.Location = Location(latlng[0], latlng[1], None)
            if waypoint.Location.Longitude == 0 and waypoint.Location.Latitude == 0:
                waypoint.Location.Longitude = None
                waypoint.Location.Latitude = None
            else:  # strava only returns 0 as invalid coords, so no need to check for null (update: ??)
                hasLocation = True
            if hasAltitude:
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = float(ridedata["altitude"][idx])

            if idx == 0:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Start
            elif idx == waypointCt - 2:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.End
            elif hasMovingData and not moving and ridedata["moving"][idx] is True:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                moving = True
            elif hasMovingData and ridedata["moving"][idx] is False:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                moving = False

            if hasHR:
                waypoint.HR = ridedata["heartrate"][idx]
            if hasCadence:
                waypoint.Cadence = ridedata["cadence"][idx]
            if hasTemp:
                waypoint.Temp = ridedata["temp"][idx]
            if hasPower:
                waypoint.Power = ridedata["watts"][idx]
        if not hasLocation:
            self._logAPICall("download", (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)), "faulty")
            raise APIExcludeActivity("No waypoints with location", activityId=activityID, userException=UserException(UserExceptionType.Corrupt))
        self._logAPICall("download", (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)), None)
        return activity
Esempio n. 22
    def create_random_activity(svc=None, actType=ActivityType.Other, tz=False, record=None, withPauses=True, withLaps=True):
        ''' creates completely random activity with valid waypoints and data '''
        act = TestTools.create_blank_activity(svc, actType, record=record)

        if tz is True:
            tz = pytz.timezone(pytz.all_timezones[random.randint(0, len(pytz.all_timezones) - 1)])
            act.TZ = tz
        elif tz is not False:
            act.TZ = tz

        if act.CountTotalWaypoints() > 0:
            raise ValueError("Waypoint list already populated")
        # this is entirely random in case the testing account already has events in it (API doesn't support delete, etc)
        act.StartTime = datetime(random.randint(2000, 2020), random.randint(1, 12), random.randint(1, 28), random.randint(0, 23), random.randint(0, 59), random.randint(0, 59))
        if tz is not False:
            if hasattr(tz, "localize"):
                act.StartTime = tz.localize(act.StartTime)
                act.StartTime = act.StartTime.replace(tzinfo=tz)
        act.EndTime = act.StartTime + timedelta(0, random.randint(60 * 5, 60 * 60))  # don't really need to upload 1000s of pts to test this...
        act.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=random.random() * 10000)
        act.Name = str(random.random())
        paused = False
        waypointTime = act.StartTime
        backToBackPauses = False
        act.Laps = []
        lap = Lap(startTime=act.StartTime)
        while waypointTime < act.EndTime:
            wp = Waypoint()
            if waypointTime == act.StartTime:
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Start
            wp.Timestamp = waypointTime
            wp.Location = Location(random.random() * 180 - 90, random.random() * 180 - 90, random.random() * 1000)  # this is gonna be one intense activity

            if not (wp.HR == wp.Cadence == wp.Calories == wp.Power == wp.Temp == None):
                raise ValueError("Waypoint did not initialize cleanly")
            if svc.SupportsHR:
                wp.HR = float(random.randint(90, 180))
            if svc.SupportsPower:
                wp.Power = float(random.randint(0, 1000))
            if svc.SupportsCalories:
                wp.Calories = float(random.randint(0, 500))
            if svc.SupportsCadence:
                wp.Cadence = float(random.randint(0, 100))
            if svc.SupportsTemp:
                wp.Temp = float(random.randint(0, 100))

            if withPauses and (random.randint(40, 50) == 42 or backToBackPauses) and not paused:  # pause quite often
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                paused = True

            elif paused:
                paused = False
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                backToBackPauses = not backToBackPauses

            waypointTime += timedelta(0, int(random.random() + 9.5))  # 10ish seconds

            if waypointTime > act.EndTime:
                wp.Timestamp = act.EndTime
                wp.Type = WaypointType.End
            elif withLaps and wp.Timestamp < act.EndTime and random.randint(40, 60) == 42:
                # occasionally start new laps
                lap.EndTime = wp.Timestamp
                lap = Lap(startTime=waypointTime)

        # Final lap
        lap.EndTime = act.EndTime
        if act.CountTotalWaypoints() == 0:
            raise ValueError("No waypoints populated")


        return act
Esempio n. 23
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):

        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]
        extID = svcRecord.ExternalID
        url = self.SingletrackerDomain + "getRideData"

        payload = {"userId": extID, "rideId": activityID}
        headers = {
            'content-type': "application/json",
            'cache-control': "no-cache",
        streamdata =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
        if streamdata.status_code == 500:
            raise APIException("Internal server error")

        if streamdata.status_code == 403:
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity", block=True,
        if streamdata.status_code != 200:
            raise APIException("Unknown Singletracker response %d %s" % (streamdata.status_code, streamdata.text))

            streamdata = streamdata.json()
            raise APIException("Stream data returned is not JSON")

        ridedata = {}

        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime,
                  endTime=activity.EndTime)  # Singletracker doesn't support laps, but we need somewhere to put the waypoints.
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        wayPointExist = False

        for stream in streamdata:
            waypoint = Waypoint(dateutil.parser.parse(stream["time"], ignoretz=True))

            if "latitude" in stream:
                if "longitude" in stream:
                    latitude = stream["latitude"]
                    longitude = stream["longitude"]
                    waypoint.Location = Location(latitude, longitude, None)
                    if waypoint.Location.Longitude == 0 and waypoint.Location.Latitude == 0:
                        waypoint.Location.Longitude = None
                        waypoint.Location.Latitude = None

            if "elevation" in stream:
                if not waypoint.Location:
                    waypoint.Location = Location(None, None, None)
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = stream["elevation"]

            if "distance" in stream:
                waypoint.Distance = stream["distance"]
            if "speed" in stream:
                waypoint.Speed = stream["speed"]
            waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Regular

        return activity
Esempio n. 24
    def _populateActivityFromTrackData(self, activity, recordText, minimumWaypoints=False):
        lap = Lap()
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        ###       1ST RECORD      ###
        # userID;
        # timestamp - create date?;
        # type? W=1st
        # User name;
        # activity name;
        # activity type;
        # another timestamp - start time of event?;
        # duration.00;
        # distance (km);
        # kcal;
        # max alt;
        # min alt;
        # max HR;
        # avg HR;

        ###     TRACK RECORDS     ###
        # timestamp;
        # type (2=start, 3=end, 0=pause, 1=resume);
        # latitude;
        # longitude;
        # alt;
        # hr;
        wptsWithLocation = False
        wptsWithNonZeroAltitude = False
        rows = recordText.split("\n")
        for row in rows:
            if row == "OK" or len(row) == 0:
            split = row.split(";")
            if split[2] == "W":
                # init record
                lap.Stats.MovingTime = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Time, value=timedelta(seconds=float(split[7])) if split[7] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilometers, value=float(split[8]) if split[8] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats.HR = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=float(split[14]) if split[14] != "" else None, max=float(split[13]) if split[13] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats.Elevation = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, min=float(split[12]) if split[12] != "" else None, max=float(split[11]) if split[11] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories, value=float(split[12]) if split[12] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats = activity.Stats
                activity.Name = split[4]
                wp = Waypoint()
                if split[1] == "2":
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.Start
                elif split[1] == "3":
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.End
                elif split[1] == "0":
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                elif split[1] == "1":
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                    wp.Type == WaypointType.Regular

                if split[0] == "":
                    continue  # no timestamp, for whatever reason
                wp.Timestamp = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime(split[0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"))  # it's like this as opposed to %z so I know when they change things (it'll break)
                if split[2] != "":
                    wp.Location = Location(float(split[2]), float(split[3]), None)
                    if wp.Location.Longitude > 180 or wp.Location.Latitude > 90 or wp.Location.Longitude < -180 or wp.Location.Latitude < -90:
                        raise APIExcludeActivity("Out of range lat/lng")
                    if wp.Location.Latitude is not None and wp.Location.Latitude is not None:
                        wptsWithLocation = True
                    if split[6] != "":
                        wp.Location.Altitude = float(split[6])  # why this is missing: who knows?
                        if wp.Location.Altitude != 0:
                            wptsWithNonZeroAltitude = True

                if split[7] != "":
                    wp.HR = float(split[7])
                if wptsWithLocation and minimumWaypoints:
        lap.Waypoints = sorted(activity.Waypoints, key=lambda v: v.Timestamp)
        if wptsWithLocation:
            if not wptsWithNonZeroAltitude:  # do this here so, should the activity run near sea level, altitude data won't be spotty
                for x in lap.Waypoints:  # clear waypoints of altitude data if all of them were logged at 0m (invalid)
                    if x.Location is not None:
                        x.Location.Altitude = None
            lap.Waypoints = []  # practically speaking
Esempio n. 25
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):
        if activity.ServiceData[
                "Manual"]:  # I should really add a param to DownloadActivity for this value as opposed to constantly doing this
            # We've got as much information as we're going to get - we need to copy it into a Lap though.
            activity.Laps = [
            return activity
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        streamdata = requests.get(
            "" + str(activityID) +
        if streamdata.status_code == 401:
                             (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)),
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity",

            streamdata = streamdata.json()
            raise APIException("Stream data returned is not JSON")

        if "message" in streamdata and streamdata[
                "message"] == "Record Not Found":
                             (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)),
            raise APIException("Could not find activity")

        ridedata = {}
        for stream in streamdata:
            ridedata[stream["type"]] = stream["data"]

        lap = Lap(
        )  # Strava doesn't support laps, but we need somewhere to put the waypoints.
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        hasHR = "heartrate" in ridedata and len(ridedata["heartrate"]) > 0
        hasCadence = "cadence" in ridedata and len(ridedata["cadence"]) > 0
        hasTemp = "temp" in ridedata and len(ridedata["temp"]) > 0
        hasPower = ("watts" in ridedata and len(ridedata["watts"]) > 0)
        hasAltitude = "altitude" in ridedata and len(ridedata["altitude"]) > 0
        hasMovingData = "moving" in ridedata and len(ridedata["moving"]) > 0
        moving = True

        if "error" in ridedata:
                             (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)),
            raise APIException("Strava error " + ridedata["error"])

        hasLocation = False
        waypointCt = len(ridedata["time"])
        for idx in range(0, waypointCt - 1):
            latlng = ridedata["latlng"][idx]

            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime +
                                timedelta(0, ridedata["time"][idx]))
            latlng = ridedata["latlng"][idx]
            waypoint.Location = Location(latlng[0], latlng[1], None)
            if waypoint.Location.Longitude == 0 and waypoint.Location.Latitude == 0:
                waypoint.Location.Longitude = None
                waypoint.Location.Latitude = None
            else:  # strava only returns 0 as invalid coords, so no need to check for null (update: ??)
                hasLocation = True
            if hasAltitude:
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = float(ridedata["altitude"][idx])

            if idx == 0:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Start
            elif idx == waypointCt - 2:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.End
            elif hasMovingData and not moving and ridedata["moving"][
                    idx] is True:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                moving = True
            elif hasMovingData and ridedata["moving"][idx] is False:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                moving = False

            if hasHR:
                waypoint.HR = ridedata["heartrate"][idx]
            if hasCadence:
                waypoint.Cadence = ridedata["cadence"][idx]
            if hasTemp:
                waypoint.Temp = ridedata["temp"][idx]
            if hasPower:
                waypoint.Power = ridedata["watts"][idx]
        if not hasLocation:
                             (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)),
            raise APIExcludeActivity("No waypoints with location",
                         (svcRecord.ExternalID, str(activity.StartTime)), None)
        return activity
Esempio n. 26
    def _downloadActivitySummary(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        summary_resp = self._request_with_reauth(lambda session: session.get("" + str(activityID)), serviceRecord)

            summary_data = summary_resp.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise APIException("Failure downloading activity summary %s:%s" % (summary_resp.status_code, summary_resp.text))
        stat_map = {}

        def mapStat(gcKey, statKey, type, units):
            stat_map[gcKey] = {
                "key": statKey,
                "attr": type,
                "units": units

        def applyStats(gc_dict, stats_obj):
            for gc_key, stat in stat_map.items():
                if gc_key in gc_dict:
                    value = float(gc_dict[gc_key])
                    if math.isinf(value):
                        continue # GC returns the minimum speed as "-Infinity" instead of 0 some times :S
                    getattr(stats_obj, stat["key"]).update(ActivityStatistic(stat["units"], **({stat["attr"]: value})))

        mapStat("movingDuration", "MovingTime", "value", ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds)
        mapStat("duration", "TimerTime", "value", ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds)
        mapStat("distance", "Distance", "value", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("maxSpeed", "Speed", "max", ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond)
        mapStat("averageSpeed", "Speed", "avg", ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond)
        mapStat("calories", "Energy", "value", ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories)
        mapStat("maxHR", "HR", "max", ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute)
        mapStat("averageHR", "HR", "avg", ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute)
        mapStat("minElevation", "Elevation", "min", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("maxElevation", "Elevation", "max", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("elevationGain", "Elevation", "gain", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("elevationLoss", "Elevation", "loss", ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters)
        mapStat("averageBikeCadence", "Cadence", "avg", ActivityStatisticUnit.RevolutionsPerMinute)
        mapStat("averageCadence", "Cadence", "avg", ActivityStatisticUnit.StepsPerMinute)

        applyStats(summary_data["summaryDTO"], activity.Stats)

        laps_resp = self._request_with_reauth(lambda session: session.get("" % str(activityID)), serviceRecord)
            laps_data = laps_resp.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise APIException("Failure downloading activity laps summary %s:%s" % (laps_resp.status_code, laps_resp.text))

        for lap_data in laps_data["lapDTOs"]:
            lap = Lap()
            if "startTimeGMT" in lap_data:
                lap.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime(lap_data["startTimeGMT"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0"))

            elapsed_duration = None
            if "elapsedDuration" in lap_data:
                elapsed_duration = timedelta(seconds=round(float(lap_data["elapsedDuration"])))
            elif "duration" in lap_data:
                elapsed_duration = timedelta(seconds=round(float(lap_data["duration"])))

            if lap.StartTime and elapsed_duration:
                # Always recalculate end time based on duration, if we have the start time
                lap.EndTime = lap.StartTime + elapsed_duration
            if not lap.StartTime and lap.EndTime and elapsed_duration:
                # Sometimes calculate start time based on duration
                lap.StartTime = lap.EndTime - elapsed_duration

            if not lap.StartTime or not lap.EndTime:
                # Garmin Connect is weird.
                raise APIExcludeActivity("Activity lap has no BeginTimestamp or EndTimestamp", user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Corrupt))

            applyStats(lap_data, lap.Stats)

        # In Garmin Land, max can be smaller than min for this field :S
        if activity.Stats.Power.Max is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min > activity.Stats.Power.Max:
            activity.Stats.Power.Min = None
Esempio n. 27
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]"\t\t DC LOADING  : " + str(activityID))

        headers = self._getAuthHeaders(svcRecord)
        resp = requests.get(self.ApiEndpoint + "/activity/" + activityID +
        if resp.status_code == 401:
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity",

            root = xml.fromstring(resp.content)
            raise APIException(
                "Stream data returned from DecathlonCoach is not XML")

        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats,
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        activity.GPS = False

        #work on date
        startdate = root.find('.//STARTDATE').text
        timezone = root.find('.//TIMEZONE').text
        datebase = parse(startdate + timezone)

        for pt in root.iter('LOCATION'):
            wp = Waypoint()

            delta = int(pt.get('elapsed_time'))
            formatedDate = datebase + timedelta(seconds=delta)

            wp.Timestamp = formatedDate  #self._parseDate(formatedDate.isoformat())

            wp.Location = Location()
            wp.Location.Latitude = float(pt.find('LATITUDE').text[:8])
            wp.Location.Longitude = float(pt.find('LONGITUDE').text[:8])
            activity.GPS = True
            wp.Location.Altitude = int(pt.find('ELEVATION').text[:8])

            #get the HR value in the Datastream node and measures collection
            for hr in root.iter('MEASURE'):
                if pt.get('elapsed_time') == hr.get('elapsed_time'):
                    for measureValue in hr.iter('VALUE'):
                        if measureValue.get('id') == "1":
                            wp.HR = int(measureValue.text)

        activity.Stationary = len(lap.Waypoints) == 0

        return activity
Esempio n. 28
    def _downloadActivitySummary(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        res = self._request_with_reauth(
            serviceRecord, lambda session: session.
                + str(activityID)))

            raw_data = res.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise APIException("Failure downloading activity summary %s:%s" %
                               (res.status_code, res.text))
        stat_map = {}

        def mapStat(gcKey, statKey, type):
            stat_map[gcKey] = {"key": statKey, "attr": type}

        def applyStats(gc_dict, stats_obj):
            for gc_key, stat in stat_map.items():
                if gc_key in gc_dict:
                    value = float(gc_dict[gc_key]["value"])
                    units = self._unitMap[gc_dict[gc_key]["uom"]]
                    if math.isinf(value):
                        continue  # GC returns the minimum speed as "-Infinity" instead of 0 some times :S
                    getattr(stats_obj, stat["key"]).update(
                        ActivityStatistic(units, **({
                            stat["attr"]: value

        mapStat("SumMovingDuration", "MovingTime", "value")
        mapStat("SumDuration", "TimerTime", "value")
        mapStat("SumDistance", "Distance", "value")
        mapStat("MinSpeed", "Speed", "min")
        mapStat("MaxSpeed", "Speed", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanSpeed", "Speed", "avg")
        mapStat("MinAirTemperature", "Temperature", "min")
        mapStat("MaxAirTemperature", "Temperature", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanAirTemperature", "Temperature", "avg")
        mapStat("SumEnergy", "Energy", "value")
        mapStat("MaxHeartRate", "HR", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanHeartRate", "HR", "avg")
        mapStat("MaxDoubleCadence", "RunCadence", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanDoubleCadence", "RunCadence", "avg")
        mapStat("MaxBikeCadence", "Cadence", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanBikeCadence", "Cadence", "avg")
        mapStat("MinPower", "Power", "min")
        mapStat("MaxPower", "Power", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanPower", "Power", "avg")
        mapStat("MinElevation", "Elevation", "min")
        mapStat("MaxElevation", "Elevation", "max")
        mapStat("GainElevation", "Elevation", "gain")
        mapStat("LossElevation", "Elevation", "loss")

        applyStats(raw_data["activity"]["activitySummary"], activity.Stats)

        for lap_data in raw_data["activity"]["totalLaps"]["lapSummaryList"]:
            lap = Lap()
            if "BeginTimestamp" in lap_data:
                lap.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize(
                        float(lap_data["BeginTimestamp"]["value"]) / 1000))
            if "EndTimestamp" in lap_data:
                lap.EndTime = pytz.utc.localize(
                        float(lap_data["EndTimestamp"]["value"]) / 1000))

            elapsed_duration = None
            if "SumElapsedDuration" in lap_data:
                elapsed_duration = timedelta(seconds=round(
            elif "SumDuration" in lap_data:
                elapsed_duration = timedelta(

            if lap.StartTime and elapsed_duration:
                # Always recalculate end time based on duration, if we have the start time
                lap.EndTime = lap.StartTime + elapsed_duration
            if not lap.StartTime and lap.EndTime and elapsed_duration:
                # Sometimes calculate start time based on duration
                lap.StartTime = lap.EndTime - elapsed_duration

            if not lap.StartTime or not lap.EndTime:
                # Garmin Connect is weird.
                raise APIExcludeActivity(
                    "Activity lap has no BeginTimestamp or EndTimestamp",

            applyStats(lap_data, lap.Stats)

        # In Garmin Land, max can be smaller than min for this field :S
        if activity.Stats.Power.Max is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min > activity.Stats.Power.Max:
            activity.Stats.Power.Min = None
Esempio n. 29
    def _downloadActivity(self, serviceRecord, activity, returnFirstLocation=False):
        activityURI = activity.ServiceData["ActivityURI"]
        headers = self._getAuthHeaders(serviceRecord)
        activityData = requests.get(activityURI, headers=headers)
        activityData = activityData.json()

        if "clock_duration" in activityData:
            activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=float(activityData["clock_duration"]))

        activity.Private = "sharing" in activityData and activityData["sharing"] != "public"

        activity.GPS = False # Gets set back if there is GPS data

        if "notes" in activityData:
            activity.Notes = activityData["notes"]

        activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilojoules, value=float(activityData["calories"]))

        activity.Stats.Elevation = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, gain=float(activityData["elevation_gain"]) if "elevation_gain" in activityData else None, loss=float(activityData["elevation_loss"]) if "elevation_loss" in activityData else None)

        activity.Stats.HR = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=activityData["avg_heartrate"] if "avg_heartrate" in activityData else None, max=activityData["max_heartrate"] if "max_heartrate" in activityData else None)
        activity.Stats.Cadence = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.RevolutionsPerMinute, avg=activityData["avg_cadence"] if "avg_cadence" in activityData else None, max=activityData["max_cadence"] if "max_cadence" in activityData else None)
        activity.Stats.Power = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Watts, avg=activityData["avg_power"] if "avg_power" in activityData else None, max=activityData["max_power"] if "max_power" in activityData else None)

        laps_info = []
        laps_starts = []
        if "laps" in activityData:
            laps_info = activityData["laps"]
            for lap in activityData["laps"]:
        lap = None
        for lapinfo in laps_info:
            lap = Lap()
            lap.StartTime = dateutil.parser.parse(lapinfo["start_time"])
            lap.EndTime = lap.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=lapinfo["clock_duration"])
            if "type" in lapinfo:
                lap.Intensity = LapIntensity.Active if lapinfo["type"] == "ACTIVE" else LapIntensity.Rest
            if "distance" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=float(lapinfo["distance"]))
            if "duration" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.TimerTime = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds, value=lapinfo["duration"])
            if "calories" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilojoules, value=lapinfo["calories"])
            if "elevation_gain" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Elevation.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, gain=float(lapinfo["elevation_gain"])))
            if "elevation_loss" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Elevation.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, loss=float(lapinfo["elevation_loss"])))
            if "max_speed" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Speed.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, max=float(lapinfo["max_speed"])))
            if "max_speed" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Speed.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, max=float(lapinfo["max_speed"])))
            if "avg_speed" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.Speed.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, avg=float(lapinfo["avg_speed"])))
            if "max_heartrate" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.HR.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, max=float(lapinfo["max_heartrate"])))
            if "avg_heartrate" in lapinfo:
                lap.Stats.HR.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=float(lapinfo["avg_heartrate"])))
        if lap is None: # No explicit laps => make one that encompasses the entire activity
            lap = Lap()
            lap.Stats = activity.Stats
            lap.StartTime = activity.StartTime
            lap.EndTime = activity.EndTime
        elif len(activity.Laps) == 1:
            activity.Stats.update(activity.Laps[0].Stats) # Lap stats have a bit more info generally.
            activity.Laps[0].Stats = activity.Stats

        timerStops = []
        if "timer_stops" in activityData:
            for stop in activityData["timer_stops"]:
                timerStops.append([dateutil.parser.parse(stop[0]), dateutil.parser.parse(stop[1])])

        def isInTimerStop(timestamp):
            for stop in timerStops:
                if timestamp >= stop[0] and timestamp < stop[1]:
                    return True
                if timestamp >= stop[1]:
                    return False
            return False

        # Collate the individual streams into our waypoints.
        # Global sample rate is variable - will pick the next nearest stream datapoint.
        # Resampling happens on a lookbehind basis - new values will only appear their timestamp has been reached/passed

        wasInPause = False
        currentLapIdx = 0
        lap = activity.Laps[currentLapIdx]

        streams = []
        for stream in ["location", "elevation", "heartrate", "power", "cadence", "distance"]:
            if stream in activityData:
        stream_indices = dict([(stream, -1) for stream in streams]) # -1 meaning the stream has yet to start
        stream_lengths = dict([(stream, len(activityData[stream])/2) for stream in streams])
        # Data comes as "stream":[timestamp,value,timestamp,value,...]
        stream_values = {}
        for stream in streams:
            values = []
            for x in range(0,int(len(activityData[stream])/2)):
                values.append((activityData[stream][x * 2], activityData[stream][x * 2 + 1]))
            stream_values[stream] = values

        currentOffset = 0

        def streamVal(stream):
            nonlocal stream_values, stream_indices
            return stream_values[stream][stream_indices[stream]][1]

        def hasStreamData(stream):
            nonlocal stream_indices, streams
            return stream in streams and stream_indices[stream] >= 0

        while True:
            advance_stream = None
            advance_offset = None
            for stream in streams:
                if stream_indices[stream] + 1 == stream_lengths[stream]:
                    continue # We're at the end - can't advance
                if advance_offset is None or stream_values[stream][stream_indices[stream] + 1][0] - currentOffset < advance_offset:
                    advance_offset = stream_values[stream][stream_indices[stream] + 1][0] - currentOffset
                    advance_stream = stream
            if not advance_stream:
                break # We've hit the end of every stream, stop
            # Advance streams sharing the current timestamp
            for stream in streams:
                if stream == advance_stream:
                    continue # For clarity, we increment this later
                if stream_indices[stream] + 1 == stream_lengths[stream]:
                    continue # We're at the end - can't advance
                if stream_values[stream][stream_indices[stream] + 1][0] == stream_values[advance_stream][stream_indices[advance_stream] + 1][0]:
                    stream_indices[stream] += 1
            stream_indices[advance_stream] += 1 # Advance the key stream for this waypoint
            currentOffset = stream_values[advance_stream][stream_indices[advance_stream]][0] # Update the current time offset

            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=currentOffset))

            if hasStreamData("location"):
                waypoint.Location = Location(streamVal("location")[0], streamVal("location")[1], None)
                activity.GPS = True
                if returnFirstLocation:
                    return waypoint.Location

            if hasStreamData("elevation"):
                if not waypoint.Location:
                    waypoint.Location = Location(None, None, None)
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = streamVal("elevation")

            if hasStreamData("heartrate"):
                waypoint.HR = streamVal("heartrate")

            if hasStreamData("power"):
                waypoint.Power = streamVal("power")

            if hasStreamData("cadence"):
                waypoint.Cadence = streamVal("cadence")

            if hasStreamData("distance"):
                waypoint.Distance = streamVal("distance")

            inPause = isInTimerStop(waypoint.Timestamp)
            waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Regular if not inPause else WaypointType.Pause
            if wasInPause and not inPause:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Resume
            wasInPause = inPause

            # We only care if it's possible to start a new lap, i.e. there are more left
            if currentLapIdx + 1 < len(laps_starts):
                if laps_starts[currentLapIdx + 1] < waypoint.Timestamp:
                    # A new lap has started
                    currentLapIdx += 1
                    lap = activity.Laps[currentLapIdx]


        if returnFirstLocation:
            return None  # I guess there were no waypoints?
        if activity.CountTotalWaypoints():
            activity.GetFlatWaypoints()[0].Type = WaypointType.Start
            activity.GetFlatWaypoints()[-1].Type = WaypointType.End
            activity.Stationary = False
            activity.Stationary = True

        return activity
Esempio n. 30
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):

        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]
        extID = svcRecord.ExternalID
        url = self.SingletrackerDomain + "getRideData"

        payload = {"userId": extID, "rideId": activityID}
        headers = {
            'content-type': "application/json",
            'cache-control': "no-cache",
        streamdata =,
        if streamdata.status_code == 500:
            raise APIException("Internal server error")

        if streamdata.status_code == 403:
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity",
        if streamdata.status_code == 200:  # Ok
                streamdata = streamdata.json()
                raise APIException("Stream data returned is not JSON")

        ridedata = {}

        lap = Lap(
        )  # Singletracker doesn't support laps, but we need somewhere to put the waypoints.
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        wayPointExist = False

        for stream in streamdata:
            waypoint = Waypoint(
                dateutil.parser.parse(stream["time"], ignoretz=True))

            if "latitude" in stream:
                if "longitude" in stream:
                    latitude = stream["latitude"]
                    longitude = stream["longitude"]
                    waypoint.Location = Location(latitude, longitude, None)
                    if waypoint.Location.Longitude == 0 and waypoint.Location.Latitude == 0:
                        waypoint.Location.Longitude = None
                        waypoint.Location.Latitude = None

            if "elevation" in stream:
                if not waypoint.Location:
                    waypoint.Location = Location(None, None, None)
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = stream["elevation"]

            if "distance" in stream:
                waypoint.Distance = stream["distance"]
            if "speed" in stream:
                waypoint.Speed = stream["speed"]
            waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Regular

        return activity
Esempio n. 31
    def _populate_sbr_activity(self, api_sbr_activity, usersettings):
        # Example JSON feed (unimportant fields have been removed)
        # [{
        #    "EventId": 63128401,                   #  Internal ID
        #    "EventType": 3,                        #  Swim (3), bike (1), or run (2)
        #    "EventDate": "4/22/2016",
        #    "EventTime": "7:44 AM",                #  User's time, time zone not specified
        #    "Planned": false,                      #  Training plan or actual data
        #    "TotalMinutes": 34.97,
        #    "TotalKilometers": 1.55448,
        #    "AverageHeartRate": 125,
        #    "MinimumHeartRate": 100,
        #    "MaximumHeartRate": 150,
        #    "MemberId": 999999,
        #    "MemberUsername": "******",
        #    "HasDeviceUpload": true,
        #    "DeviceUploadFile": "",
        #    "RouteName": "",                       #  Might contain a description of the event
        #    "Comments": "",                        #  Same as above. Not overly often used.
        # }, ... ]

        activity = UploadedActivity()
        workout_id = api_sbr_activity["EventId"]
        eventType = api_sbr_activity["EventType"]
        eventDate = api_sbr_activity["EventDate"]
        eventTime = api_sbr_activity["EventTime"]
        totalMinutes = api_sbr_activity["TotalMinutes"]
        totalKms = api_sbr_activity["TotalKilometers"]
        averageHr = api_sbr_activity["AverageHeartRate"]
        minimumHr = api_sbr_activity["MinimumHeartRate"]
        maximumHr = api_sbr_activity["MaximumHeartRate"]
        deviceUploadFile = api_sbr_activity["DeviceUploadFile"]

        # Basic SBR data does not include GPS or sensor data. If this event originated from a device upload,
        # DownloadActivity will find it.
        activity.Stationary = True

        # Same as above- The data might be there, but it's not supplied in the basic activity feed.
        activity.GPS = False

        activity.Private = usersettings["Privacy"]
        activity.Type = self._workoutTypeMappings[str(eventType)]

        # Get the user's timezone from their profile. (Activity.TZ should be mentioned in the object hierarchy docs?)
        # Question: I believe if DownloadActivity finds device data, it will overwrite this. Which is OK with me.
        # The device data will most likely be more accurate.
            activity.TZ = pytz.timezone(usersettings["TimeZone"])
        except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError:
            activity.TZ = pytz.timezone(self._serverDefaultTimezone)

        # activity.StartTime and EndTime aren't mentioned in the object hierarchy docs, but I see them
        # set in all the other providers.
        activity.StartTime = dateutil.parser.parse(
            eventDate + " " + eventTime,
        activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(minutes=totalMinutes)

        # We can calculate some metrics from the supplied data. Would love to see some non-source code documentation
        # on each statistic and what it expects as input.
        activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilometers,
        activity.Stats.HR = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute,
        activity.Stats.MovingTime = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds,
                                                      value=float(totalMinutes * 60))
        activity.Stats.TimerTime = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds,
                                                     value=float(totalMinutes * 60))
        # While BT does support laps, the current API doesn't report on them - a limitation that may need to be
        # corrected in a future update. For now, treat manual entries as a single lap. As more and more people upload
        # workouts using devices anyway, this probably matters much less than it once did.
        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime)
        activity.Laps = [lap]

        # Not 100% positive how this is utilized, but it is common for all providers. Detects duplicate downloads?

        # If a device file is attached, we'll get more details about this event in DownloadActivity
        activity.ServiceData = {
            "ID": int(workout_id),
            "DeviceUploadFile": deviceUploadFile

        return activity
Esempio n. 32
    def DownloadActivity(self, svcRecord, activity):
        if activity.ServiceData[
                "Manual"]:  # I should really add a param to DownloadActivity for this value as opposed to constantly doing this
            # We've got as much information as we're going to get - we need to copy it into a Lap though.
            activity.Laps = [
            return activity
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]

        streamdata = requests.get(
            "" + str(activityID) +
        if streamdata.status_code == 401:
            raise APIException("No authorization to download activity",

            streamdata = streamdata.json()
            raise APIException("Stream data returned is not JSON")

        if "message" in streamdata and streamdata[
                "message"] == "Record Not Found":
            raise APIException("Could not find activity")

        ridedata = {}
        for stream in streamdata:
            ridedata[stream["type"]] = stream["data"]

        lap = Lap(
        )  # Strava doesn't support laps, but we need somewhere to put the waypoints.
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        lap.Waypoints = []

        hasHR = "heartrate" in ridedata and len(ridedata["heartrate"]) > 0
        hasCadence = "cadence" in ridedata and len(ridedata["cadence"]) > 0
        hasTemp = "temp" in ridedata and len(ridedata["temp"]) > 0
        hasPower = ("watts" in ridedata and len(ridedata["watts"]) > 0)
        hasAltitude = "altitude" in ridedata and len(ridedata["altitude"]) > 0
        hasDistance = "distance" in ridedata and len(ridedata["distance"]) > 0
        hasVelocity = "velocity_smooth" in ridedata and len(
            ridedata["velocity_smooth"]) > 0

        if "error" in ridedata:
            raise APIException("Strava error " + ridedata["error"])

        inPause = False

        waypointCt = len(ridedata["time"])
        for idx in range(0, waypointCt - 1):

            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime +
                                timedelta(0, ridedata["time"][idx]))
            if "latlng" in ridedata:
                latlng = ridedata["latlng"][idx]
                waypoint.Location = Location(latlng[0], latlng[1], None)
                if waypoint.Location.Longitude == 0 and waypoint.Location.Latitude == 0:
                    waypoint.Location.Longitude = None
                    waypoint.Location.Latitude = None

            if hasAltitude:
                if not waypoint.Location:
                    waypoint.Location = Location(None, None, None)
                waypoint.Location.Altitude = float(ridedata["altitude"][idx])

            # When pausing, Strava sends this format:
            # idx = 100 ; time = 1000; moving = true
            # idx = 101 ; time = 1001; moving = true  => convert to Pause
            # idx = 102 ; time = 2001; moving = false => convert to Resume: (2001-1001) seconds pause
            # idx = 103 ; time = 2002; moving = true

            if idx == 0:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Start
            elif idx == waypointCt - 2:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.End
            elif idx < waypointCt - 2 and ridedata["moving"][idx +
                                                             1] and inPause:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                inPause = False
            elif idx < waypointCt - 2 and not ridedata["moving"][
                    idx + 1] and not inPause:
                waypoint.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                inPause = True

            if hasHR:
                waypoint.HR = ridedata["heartrate"][idx]
            if hasCadence:
                waypoint.Cadence = ridedata["cadence"][idx]
            if hasTemp:
                waypoint.Temp = ridedata["temp"][idx]
            if hasPower:
                waypoint.Power = ridedata["watts"][idx]
            if hasVelocity:
                waypoint.Speed = ridedata["velocity_smooth"][idx]
            if hasDistance:
                waypoint.Distance = ridedata["distance"][idx]

        return activity
Esempio n. 33
    def _populateActivityFromTrackData(self,
        lap = Lap()
        activity.Laps = [lap]
        ###       1ST RECORD      ###
        # userID;
        # timestamp - create date?;
        # type? W=1st
        # User name;
        # activity name;
        # activity type;
        # another timestamp - start time of event?;
        # duration.00;
        # distance (km);
        # kcal;
        # max alt;
        # min alt;
        # max HR;
        # avg HR;

        ###     TRACK RECORDS     ###
        # timestamp;
        # type (2=start, 3=end, 0=pause, 1=resume);
        # latitude;
        # longitude;
        # alt;
        # hr;
        wptsWithLocation = False
        wptsWithNonZeroAltitude = False
        rows = recordText.split("\n")
        for row in rows:
            if row == "OK" or len(row) == 0:
            split = row.split(";")
            if split[2] == "W":
                # init record
                lap.Stats.TimerTime = ActivityStatistic(
                        seconds=float(split[7])) if split[7] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(
                    value=float(split[8]) if split[8] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats.HR = ActivityStatistic(
                    avg=float(split[14]) if split[14] != "" else None,
                    max=float(split[13]) if split[13] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats.Elevation = ActivityStatistic(
                    min=float(split[12]) if split[12] != "" else None,
                    max=float(split[11]) if split[11] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(
                    value=float(split[12]) if split[12] != "" else None)
                lap.Stats = activity.Stats
                activity.Name = split[4]
                wp = Waypoint()
                if split[1] == "2":
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.Start
                elif split[1] == "3":
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.End
                elif split[1] == "0":
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                elif split[1] == "1":
                    wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                    wp.Type == WaypointType.Regular

                if split[0] == "":
                    continue  # no timestamp, for whatever reason
                wp.Timestamp = pytz.utc.localize(
                    datetime.strptime(split[0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")
                )  # it's like this as opposed to %z so I know when they change things (it'll break)
                if split[2] != "":
                    wp.Location = Location(float(split[2]), float(split[3]),
                    if wp.Location.Longitude > 180 or wp.Location.Latitude > 90 or wp.Location.Longitude < -180 or wp.Location.Latitude < -90:
                        raise APIExcludeActivity("Out of range lat/lng")
                    if wp.Location.Latitude is not None and wp.Location.Latitude is not None:
                        wptsWithLocation = True
                    if split[6] != "":
                        wp.Location.Altitude = float(
                            split[6])  # why this is missing: who knows?
                        if wp.Location.Altitude != 0:
                            wptsWithNonZeroAltitude = True

                if split[7] != "":
                    wp.HR = float(split[7])
                if wptsWithLocation and minimumWaypoints:
        lap.Waypoints = sorted(activity.Waypoints, key=lambda v: v.Timestamp)
        if wptsWithLocation:
            if not wptsWithNonZeroAltitude:  # do this here so, should the activity run near sea level, altitude data won't be spotty
                for x in lap.Waypoints:  # clear waypoints of altitude data if all of them were logged at 0m (invalid)
                    if x.Location is not None:
                        x.Location.Altitude = None
            lap.Waypoints = []  # practically speaking
Esempio n. 34
    def create_random_activity(svc=None,
        ''' creates completely random activity with valid waypoints and data '''
        act = TestTools.create_blank_activity(svc, actType, record=record)

        if tz is True:
            tz = pytz.timezone("America/Atikokan")
            act.TZ = tz
        elif tz is not False:
            act.TZ = tz

        if act.CountTotalWaypoints() > 0:
            raise ValueError("Waypoint list already populated")
        # this is entirely random in case the testing account already has events in it (API doesn't support delete, etc)
        act.StartTime = datetime(2011, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
        if tz is not False:
            if hasattr(tz, "localize"):
                act.StartTime = tz.localize(act.StartTime)
                act.StartTime = act.StartTime.replace(tzinfo=tz)
        act.EndTime = act.StartTime + timedelta(
            0, random.randint(60 * 5, 60 * 60)
        )  # don't really need to upload 1000s of pts to test this...
        act.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters,
                                               value=random.random() * 10000)
        act.Name = str(random.random())
        paused = False
        waypointTime = act.StartTime
        backToBackPauses = False
        act.Laps = []
        lap = Lap(startTime=act.StartTime)
        while waypointTime < act.EndTime:
            wp = Waypoint()
            if waypointTime == act.StartTime:
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Start
            wp.Timestamp = waypointTime
            wp.Location = Location(
                random.random() * 180 - 90,
                random.random() * 180 - 90,
                random.random() *
                1000)  # this is gonna be one intense activity

            if not (wp.HR == wp.Cadence == wp.Calories == wp.Power == wp.Temp
                    == None):
                raise ValueError("Waypoint did not initialize cleanly")
            if svc.SupportsHR:
                wp.HR = float(random.randint(90, 180))
            if svc.SupportsPower:
                wp.Power = float(random.randint(0, 1000))
            if svc.SupportsCalories:
                wp.Calories = float(random.randint(0, 500))
            if svc.SupportsCadence:
                wp.Cadence = float(random.randint(0, 100))
            if svc.SupportsTemp:
                wp.Temp = float(random.randint(0, 100))

            if withPauses and (random.randint(40, 50) == 42 or backToBackPauses
                               ) and not paused:  # pause quite often
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                paused = True

            elif paused:
                paused = False
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                backToBackPauses = not backToBackPauses

            waypointTime += timedelta(0, int(random.random() +
                                             9.5))  # 10ish seconds

            if waypointTime > act.EndTime:
                wp.Timestamp = act.EndTime
                wp.Type = WaypointType.End
            elif withLaps and wp.Timestamp < act.EndTime and random.randint(
                    40, 60) == 42:
                # occasionally start new laps
                lap.EndTime = wp.Timestamp
                lap = Lap(startTime=waypointTime)

        # Final lap
        lap.EndTime = act.EndTime
        if act.CountTotalWaypoints() == 0:
            raise ValueError("No waypoints populated")


        return act
Esempio n. 35
    def _downloadActivitySummary(self, serviceRecord, activity):
        activityID = activity.ServiceData["ActivityID"]
        cookies = self._get_cookies(record=serviceRecord)
        res = requests.get("" + str(activityID), cookies=cookies)

            raw_data = res.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise APIException("Failure downloading activity summary %s:%s" % (res.status_code, res.text))
        stat_map = {}
        def mapStat(gcKey, statKey, type):
            stat_map[gcKey] = {
                "key": statKey,
                "attr": type

        def applyStats(gc_dict, stats_obj):
            for gc_key, stat in stat_map.items():
                if gc_key in gc_dict:
                    value = float(gc_dict[gc_key]["value"])
                    units = self._unitMap[gc_dict[gc_key]["uom"]]
                    if math.isinf(value):
                        continue # GC returns the minimum speed as "-Infinity" instead of 0 some times :S
                    getattr(stats_obj, stat["key"]).update(ActivityStatistic(units, **({stat["attr"]: value})))

        mapStat("SumMovingDuration", "MovingTime", "value")
        mapStat("SumDuration", "TimerTime", "value")
        mapStat("SumDistance", "Distance", "value")
        mapStat("MinSpeed", "Speed", "min")
        mapStat("MaxSpeed", "Speed", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanSpeed", "Speed", "avg")
        mapStat("MinAirTemperature", "Temperature", "min")
        mapStat("MaxAirTemperature", "Temperature", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanAirTemperature", "Temperature", "avg")
        mapStat("SumEnergy", "Energy", "value")
        mapStat("MaxHeartRate", "HR", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanHeartRate", "HR", "avg")
        mapStat("MaxDoubleCadence", "RunCadence", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanDoubleCadence", "RunCadence", "avg")
        mapStat("MaxBikeCadence", "Cadence", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanBikeCadence", "Cadence", "avg")
        mapStat("MinPower", "Power", "min")
        mapStat("MaxPower", "Power", "max")
        mapStat("WeightedMeanPower", "Power", "avg")
        mapStat("MinElevation", "Elevation", "min")
        mapStat("MaxElevation", "Elevation", "max")
        mapStat("GainElevation", "Elevation", "gain")
        mapStat("LossElevation", "Elevation", "loss")

        applyStats(raw_data["activity"]["activitySummary"], activity.Stats)

        for lap_data in raw_data["activity"]["totalLaps"]["lapSummaryList"]:
            lap = Lap()
            lap.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(lap_data["BeginTimestamp"]["value"]) / 1000))
            lap.EndTime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(lap_data["EndTimestamp"]["value"]) / 1000))
            applyStats(lap_data, lap.Stats)

        # In Garmin Land, max can be smaller than min for this field :S
        if activity.Stats.Power.Max is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min > activity.Stats.Power.Max:
            activity.Stats.Power.Min = None