Esempio n. 1
    def _populateActivityWaypoints(self, rawData, activity):
        ''' populate the Waypoints collection from RK API data '''
        lap = Lap(stats=activity.Stats, startTime=activity.StartTime, endTime=activity.EndTime)
        activity.Laps = [lap]

        #  path is the primary stream, HR/power/etc must have fewer pts
        hasHR = "heart_rate" in rawData and len(rawData["heart_rate"]) > 0
        hasCalories = "calories" in rawData and len(rawData["calories"]) > 0
        hasDistance = "distance" in rawData and len(rawData["distance"]) > 0
        for pathpoint in rawData["path"]:
            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(0, pathpoint["timestamp"]))
            waypoint.Location = Location(pathpoint["latitude"], pathpoint["longitude"], pathpoint["altitude"] if "altitude" in pathpoint and float(pathpoint["altitude"]) != 0 else None)  # if you're running near sea level, well...
            waypoint.Type = self._wayptTypeMappings[pathpoint["type"]] if pathpoint["type"] in self._wayptTypeMappings else WaypointType.Regular

            if hasHR:
                hrpoint = [x for x in rawData["heart_rate"] if x["timestamp"] == pathpoint["timestamp"]]
                if len(hrpoint) > 0:
                    waypoint.HR = hrpoint[0]["heart_rate"]
            if hasCalories:
                calpoint = [x for x in rawData["calories"] if x["timestamp"] == pathpoint["timestamp"]]
                if len(calpoint) > 0:
                    waypoint.Calories = calpoint[0]["calories"]
            if hasDistance:
                distpoint = [x for x in rawData["distance"] if x["timestamp"] == pathpoint["timestamp"]]
                if len(distpoint) > 0:
                    waypoint.Distance = distpoint[0]["distance"]

Esempio n. 2
        def _addWaypoint(timestamp, path=None, heart_rate=None, calories=None, distance=None):
            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=timestamp))
            if path:
                waypoint.Location = Location(path["latitude"], path["longitude"], path["altitude"] if "altitude" in path and float(path["altitude"]) != 0 else None)  # if you're running near sea level, well...
                waypoint.Type = self._wayptTypeMappings[path["type"]] if path["type"] in self._wayptTypeMappings else WaypointType.Regular
            waypoint.HR = heart_rate
            waypoint.Calories = calories
            waypoint.Distance = distance

Esempio n. 3
        def _addWaypoint(timestamp, path=None, heart_rate=None, calories=None, distance=None):
            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=timestamp))
            if path:
                waypoint.Location = Location(path["latitude"], path["longitude"], path["altitude"] if "altitude" in path and float(path["altitude"]) != 0 else None)  # if you're running near sea level, well...
                waypoint.Type = self._wayptTypeMappings[path["type"]] if path["type"] in self._wayptTypeMappings else WaypointType.Regular
            waypoint.HR = heart_rate
            waypoint.Calories = calories
            waypoint.Distance = distance

Esempio n. 4
        def stream_waypoint(offset, speed=None, distance=None, heartrate=None, calories=None, steps=None, watts=None, gps=None, **kwargs):
            wp = Waypoint()
            wp.Timestamp = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=offset)
            wp.Speed = float(speed) if speed else None
            wp.Distance = float(distance) / 1000 if distance else None
            wp.HR = float(heartrate) if heartrate else None
            wp.Calories = float(calories) if calories else None
            wp.Power = float(watts) if watts else None

            if gps:
                wp.Location = Location(lat=float(gps["latitude"]), lon=float(gps["longitude"]), alt=float(gps["elevation"]))
Esempio n. 5
        def stream_waypoint(offset,
            wp = Waypoint()
            wp.Timestamp = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=offset)
            wp.Speed = float(speed) if speed else None
            wp.Distance = float(distance) / 1000 if distance else None
            wp.HR = float(heartrate) if heartrate else None
            wp.Calories = float(calories) if calories else None
            wp.Power = float(watts) if watts else None

            if gps:
                wp.Location = Location(lat=float(gps["latitude"]),
Esempio n. 6
    def _populateActivityWaypoints(self, rawData, activity):
        ''' populate the Waypoints collection from RK API data '''
        activity.Waypoints = []

        #  path is the primary stream, HR/power/etc must have fewer pts
        hasHR = "heart_rate" in rawData and len(rawData["heart_rate"]) > 0
        hasCalories = "calories" in rawData and len(rawData["calories"]) > 0
        for pathpoint in rawData["path"]:
            waypoint = Waypoint(activity.StartTime + timedelta(0, pathpoint["timestamp"]))
            waypoint.Location = Location(pathpoint["latitude"], pathpoint["longitude"], pathpoint["altitude"] if "altitude" in pathpoint and float(pathpoint["altitude"]) != 0 else None)  # if you're running near sea level, well...
            waypoint.Type = self._wayptTypeMappings[pathpoint["type"]] if pathpoint["type"] in self._wayptTypeMappings else WaypointType.Regular

            if hasHR:
                hrpoint = [x for x in rawData["heart_rate"] if x["timestamp"] == pathpoint["timestamp"]]
                if len(hrpoint) > 0:
                    waypoint.HR = hrpoint[0]["heart_rate"]
            if hasCalories:
                calpoint = [x for x in rawData["calories"] if x["timestamp"] == pathpoint["timestamp"]]
                if len(calpoint) > 0:
                    waypoint.Calories = calpoint[0]["calories"]

Esempio n. 7
    def create_random_activity(svc=None,
        ''' creates completely random activity with valid waypoints and data '''
        act = TestTools.create_blank_activity(svc, actType, record=record)

        if tz is True:
            tz = pytz.timezone("America/Atikokan")
            act.TZ = tz
        elif tz is not False:
            act.TZ = tz

        if act.CountTotalWaypoints() > 0:
            raise ValueError("Waypoint list already populated")
        # this is entirely random in case the testing account already has events in it (API doesn't support delete, etc)
        act.StartTime = datetime(2011, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
        if tz is not False:
            if hasattr(tz, "localize"):
                act.StartTime = tz.localize(act.StartTime)
                act.StartTime = act.StartTime.replace(tzinfo=tz)
        act.EndTime = act.StartTime + timedelta(
            0, random.randint(60 * 5, 60 * 60)
        )  # don't really need to upload 1000s of pts to test this...
        act.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters,
                                               value=random.random() * 10000)
        act.Name = str(random.random())
        paused = False
        waypointTime = act.StartTime
        backToBackPauses = False
        act.Laps = []
        lap = Lap(startTime=act.StartTime)
        while waypointTime < act.EndTime:
            wp = Waypoint()
            if waypointTime == act.StartTime:
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Start
            wp.Timestamp = waypointTime
            wp.Location = Location(
                random.random() * 180 - 90,
                random.random() * 180 - 90,
                random.random() *
                1000)  # this is gonna be one intense activity

            if not (wp.HR == wp.Cadence == wp.Calories == wp.Power == wp.Temp
                    == None):
                raise ValueError("Waypoint did not initialize cleanly")
            if svc.SupportsHR:
                wp.HR = float(random.randint(90, 180))
            if svc.SupportsPower:
                wp.Power = float(random.randint(0, 1000))
            if svc.SupportsCalories:
                wp.Calories = float(random.randint(0, 500))
            if svc.SupportsCadence:
                wp.Cadence = float(random.randint(0, 100))
            if svc.SupportsTemp:
                wp.Temp = float(random.randint(0, 100))

            if withPauses and (random.randint(40, 50) == 42 or backToBackPauses
                               ) and not paused:  # pause quite often
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                paused = True

            elif paused:
                paused = False
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                backToBackPauses = not backToBackPauses

            waypointTime += timedelta(0, int(random.random() +
                                             9.5))  # 10ish seconds

            if waypointTime > act.EndTime:
                wp.Timestamp = act.EndTime
                wp.Type = WaypointType.End
            elif withLaps and wp.Timestamp < act.EndTime and random.randint(
                    40, 60) == 42:
                # occasionally start new laps
                lap.EndTime = wp.Timestamp
                lap = Lap(startTime=waypointTime)

        # Final lap
        lap.EndTime = act.EndTime
        if act.CountTotalWaypoints() == 0:
            raise ValueError("No waypoints populated")


        return act
Esempio n. 8
    def create_random_activity(svc=None, actType=ActivityType.Other, tz=False, record=None):
        ''' creates completely random activity with valid waypoints and data '''
        act = TestTools.create_blank_activity(svc, actType, record=record)

        if tz is True:
            tz = pytz.timezone(pytz.all_timezones[random.randint(0, len(pytz.all_timezones) - 1)])
            act.TZ = tz
        elif tz is not False:
            act.TZ = tz

        if len(act.Waypoints) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Waypoint list already populated")
        # this is entirely random in case the testing account already has events in it (API doesn't support delete, etc)
        act.StartTime = datetime(random.randint(2000, 2020), random.randint(1, 12), random.randint(1, 28), random.randint(0, 23), random.randint(0, 59), random.randint(0, 59))
        if tz is not False:
            if hasattr(tz, "localize"):
                act.StartTime = tz.localize(act.StartTime)
                act.StartTime = act.StartTime.replace(tzinfo=tz)
        act.EndTime = act.StartTime + timedelta(0, random.randint(60 * 5, 60 * 60))  # don't really need to upload 1000s of pts to test this...
        act.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=random.random() * 10000)
        act.Name = str(random.random())
        paused = False
        waypointTime = act.StartTime
        backToBackPauses = False
        while waypointTime < act.EndTime:
            wp = Waypoint()
            if waypointTime == act.StartTime:
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Start
            wp.Timestamp = waypointTime
            wp.Location = Location(random.random() * 180 - 90, random.random() * 180 - 90, random.random() * 1000)  # this is gonna be one intense activity

            if not (wp.HR == wp.Cadence == wp.Calories == wp.Power == wp.Temp == None):
                raise ValueError("Waypoint did not initialize cleanly")
            if svc.SupportsHR:
                wp.HR = float(random.randint(90, 180))
            if svc.SupportsPower:
                wp.Power = float(random.randint(0, 1000))
            if svc.SupportsCalories:
                wp.Calories = float(random.randint(0, 500))
            if svc.SupportsCadence:
                wp.Cadence = float(random.randint(0, 100))
            if svc.SupportsTemp:
                wp.Temp = float(random.randint(0, 100))

            if (random.randint(40, 50) == 42 or backToBackPauses) and not paused:  # pause quite often
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                paused = True

            elif paused:
                paused = False
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                backToBackPauses = not backToBackPauses

            waypointTime += timedelta(0, int(random.random() + 9.5))  # 10ish seconds

            if waypointTime > act.EndTime:
                wp.Timestamp = act.EndTime
                wp.Type = WaypointType.End
        if len(act.Waypoints) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No waypoints populated")
        return act
Esempio n. 9
    def create_random_activity(svc=None,
        ''' creates completely random activity with valid waypoints and data '''
        act = TestTools.create_blank_activity(svc, actType, record=record)

        if tz is True:
            tz = pytz.timezone(pytz.all_timezones[random.randint(
                len(pytz.all_timezones) - 1)])
            act.TZ = tz
        elif tz is not False:
            act.TZ = tz

        if len(act.Waypoints) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Waypoint list already populated")
        # this is entirely random in case the testing account already has events in it (API doesn't support delete, etc)
        act.StartTime = datetime(random.randint(2000, 2020),
                                 random.randint(1, 12), random.randint(1, 28),
                                 random.randint(0, 23), random.randint(0, 59),
                                 random.randint(0, 59))
        if tz is not False:
            if hasattr(tz, "localize"):
                act.StartTime = tz.localize(act.StartTime)
                act.StartTime = act.StartTime.replace(tzinfo=tz)
        act.EndTime = act.StartTime + timedelta(
            0, random.randint(60 * 5, 60 * 60)
        )  # don't really need to upload 1000s of pts to test this...
        act.Distance = random.random() * 10000
        act.Name = str(random.random())
        paused = False
        waypointTime = act.StartTime
        backToBackPauses = False
        while waypointTime < act.EndTime:
            wp = Waypoint()
            if waypointTime == act.StartTime:
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Start
            wp.Timestamp = waypointTime
            wp.Location = Location(
                random.random() * 180 - 90,
                random.random() * 180 - 90,
                random.random() *
                1000)  # this is gonna be one intense activity

            if not (wp.HR == wp.Cadence == wp.Calories == wp.Power == wp.Temp
                    == None):
                raise ValueError("Waypoint did not initialize cleanly")
            if svc.SupportsHR:
                wp.HR = float(random.randint(90, 180))
            if svc.SupportsPower:
                wp.Power = float(random.randint(0, 1000))
            if svc.SupportsCalories:
                wp.Calories = float(random.randint(0, 500))
            if svc.SupportsCadence:
                wp.Cadence = float(random.randint(0, 100))
            if svc.SupportsTemp:
                wp.Temp = float(random.randint(0, 100))

            if (random.randint(40, 50) == 42
                    or backToBackPauses) and not paused:  # pause quite often
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                paused = True

            elif paused:
                paused = False
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                backToBackPauses = not backToBackPauses

            waypointTime += timedelta(0, int(random.random() +
                                             9.5))  # 10ish seconds

            if waypointTime > act.EndTime:
                wp.Timestamp = act.EndTime
                wp.Type = WaypointType.End
        if len(act.Waypoints) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No waypoints populated")
        return act
Esempio n. 10
    def create_random_activity(svc=None, actType=ActivityType.Other, tz=False, record=None, withPauses=True, withLaps=True):
        ''' creates completely random activity with valid waypoints and data '''
        act = TestTools.create_blank_activity(svc, actType, record=record)

        if tz is True:
            tz = pytz.timezone("America/Atikokan")
            act.TZ = tz
        elif tz is not False:
            act.TZ = tz

        if act.CountTotalWaypoints() > 0:
            raise ValueError("Waypoint list already populated")
        # this is entirely random in case the testing account already has events in it (API doesn't support delete, etc)
        act.StartTime = datetime(2011, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
        if tz is not False:
            if hasattr(tz, "localize"):
                act.StartTime = tz.localize(act.StartTime)
                act.StartTime = act.StartTime.replace(tzinfo=tz)
        act.EndTime = act.StartTime + timedelta(0, random.randint(60 * 5, 60 * 60))  # don't really need to upload 1000s of pts to test this...
        act.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=random.random() * 10000)
        act.Name = str(random.random())
        paused = False
        waypointTime = act.StartTime
        backToBackPauses = False
        act.Laps = []
        lap = Lap(startTime=act.StartTime)
        while waypointTime < act.EndTime:
            wp = Waypoint()
            if waypointTime == act.StartTime:
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Start
            wp.Timestamp = waypointTime
            wp.Location = Location(random.random() * 180 - 90, random.random() * 180 - 90, random.random() * 1000)  # this is gonna be one intense activity

            if not (wp.HR == wp.Cadence == wp.Calories == wp.Power == wp.Temp == None):
                raise ValueError("Waypoint did not initialize cleanly")
            if svc.SupportsHR:
                wp.HR = float(random.randint(90, 180))
            if svc.SupportsPower:
                wp.Power = float(random.randint(0, 1000))
            if svc.SupportsCalories:
                wp.Calories = float(random.randint(0, 500))
            if svc.SupportsCadence:
                wp.Cadence = float(random.randint(0, 100))
            if svc.SupportsTemp:
                wp.Temp = float(random.randint(0, 100))

            if withPauses and (random.randint(40, 50) == 42 or backToBackPauses) and not paused:  # pause quite often
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Pause
                paused = True

            elif paused:
                paused = False
                wp.Type = WaypointType.Resume
                backToBackPauses = not backToBackPauses

            waypointTime += timedelta(0, int(random.random() + 9.5))  # 10ish seconds

            if waypointTime > act.EndTime:
                wp.Timestamp = act.EndTime
                wp.Type = WaypointType.End
            elif withLaps and wp.Timestamp < act.EndTime and random.randint(40, 60) == 42:
                # occasionally start new laps
                lap.EndTime = wp.Timestamp
                lap = Lap(startTime=waypointTime)

        # Final lap
        lap.EndTime = act.EndTime
        if act.CountTotalWaypoints() == 0:
            raise ValueError("No waypoints populated")


        return act