Esempio n. 1
def search(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = EquipmentSearchForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            data = form.cleaned_data
            q = Equipment.objects.all()
            if data['key']:
                q = q.filter(key__icontains=data['key'])
            if data['description']:
                q = q.filter(description__icontains=data['description'])
            if data['make']:
                q = q.filter(make__icontains=data['make'])
            if data['serial']:
                q = q.filter(serial__icontains=data['serial'])
            if data['type']:
                q = q.filter(type__icontains=data['type'])

            c = {'header': 'Search Equipment', 'object_list': q}
            url = 'equipment/equipment_list.html'
            return render_response_search(request, url, c)
        form = EquipmentSearchForm()

    c = {'form': form}
    url = 'equipment/equipment_search.html'
    return render_response_search(request, url, c)
Esempio n. 2
def search(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = EquipmentSearchForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            data = form.cleaned_data
            q = Equipment.objects.all()
            if data['key']:
                q = q.filter(key__icontains=data['key'])
            if data['description']:
                q = q.filter(description__icontains=data['description'])
            if data['make']:
                q = q.filter(make__icontains=data['make'])
            if data['serial']:
                q = q.filter(serial__icontains=data['serial'])
            if data['type']:
                q = q.filter(type__icontains=data['type'])

            c = Context({'header': 'Search Equipment',
                         'object_list': q})
            url = 'equipment/equipment_list.html'
            return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))
        form = EquipmentSearchForm()

    c = Context({'form': form})
    url = 'equipment/equipment_search.html'
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))
Esempio n. 3
def search_experiment(request):

    """Either show the search experiment form or the result of the search
    experiment query.


    if not request.GET:
        return __forwardToSearchExperimentFormPage(request)

    form = __getSearchExperimentForm(request)
    experiments = __processExperimentParameters(request, form)

    # check if the submitted form is valid
    if experiments is not None:
        bodyclass = 'list'
        return __forwardToSearchExperimentFormPage(request)

    results = []
    for e in experiments:
        result = {}
        result['sr'] = e
        result['dataset_hit'] = False
        result['experiment_hit'] = True
    c = {'header': 'Search Experiment',
         'experiments': results,
         'bodyclass': bodyclass}
    url = 'tardis_portal/search_experiment_results.html'
    return render_response_search(request, url, c)
Esempio n. 4
def __forwardToSearchExperimentFormPage(request):
    """Forward to the search experiment form page."""

    searchForm = __getSearchExperimentForm(request)

    c = {'searchForm': searchForm}
    url = 'tardis_portal/search_experiment_form.html'
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))
Esempio n. 5
def __forwardToSearchExperimentFormPage(request):
    """Forward to the search experiment form page."""

    searchForm = __getSearchExperimentForm(request)

    c = {'searchForm': searchForm}
    url = 'tardis_portal/search_experiment_form.html'
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))
Esempio n. 6
def experiment_list_shared(request):

    c = {
        'subtitle': 'Shared Experiments',
        'can_see_private': True,
        'experiments': authz.get_shared_experiments(request)

    # TODO actually change loaders to load this based on stuff
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request,
                        'tardis_portal/experiment/list_shared.html', c))
Esempio n. 7
def experiment_list_shared(request):

    c = {
        'subtitle': 'Shared Experiments',
        'can_see_private': True,
        'experiments': authz.get_shared_experiments(request)

    # TODO actually change loaders to load this based on stuff
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request,
                        'tardis_portal/experiment/list_shared.html', c))
Esempio n. 8
def __forwardToSearchDatafileFormPage(request, searchQueryType,
    """Forward to the search data file form page."""

    # TODO: remove this later on when we have a more generic search form
    if searchQueryType == 'mx':
        url = 'tardis_portal/search_datafile_form_mx.html'
        searchForm = MXDatafileSearchForm()
        c = {'header': 'Search Datafile',
             'searchForm': searchForm}
        return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))

    url = 'tardis_portal/search_datafile_form.html'
    if not searchForm:
        # if searchQueryType == 'saxs':
        SearchDatafileForm = createSearchDatafileForm(searchQueryType)
        searchForm = SearchDatafileForm()  # pylint: disable=R0204
        # else:
        #    # TODO: what do we need to do if the user didn't provide a page to
        #            display?
        #    pass

    from itertools import groupby

    # sort the fields in the form as it will make grouping the related fields
    # together in the next step easier
    sortedSearchForm = sorted(searchForm, lambda x, y: cmp(,

    # modifiedSearchForm will be used to customise how the range type of fields
    # will be displayed. range type of fields will be displayed side by side.
    modifiedSearchForm = [list(g) for k, g in groupby(
        sortedSearchForm, lambda x:'To')[0].rsplit('From')[0])]

    # the searchForm will be used by custom written templates whereas the
    # modifiedSearchForm will be used by the 'generic template' that the
    # dynamic search datafiles form uses.
    c = {'header': 'Search Datafile',
         'searchForm': searchForm,
         'modifiedSearchForm': modifiedSearchForm}
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))
Esempio n. 9
def __forwardToSearchDatafileFormPage(request, searchQueryType,
    """Forward to the search data file form page."""

    # TODO: remove this later on when we have a more generic search form
    if searchQueryType == 'mx':
        url = 'tardis_portal/search_datafile_form_mx.html'
        searchForm = MXDatafileSearchForm()
        c = {'header': 'Search Datafile',
             'searchForm': searchForm}
        return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))

    url = 'tardis_portal/search_datafile_form.html'
    if not searchForm:
        # if searchQueryType == 'saxs':
        SearchDatafileForm = createSearchDatafileForm(searchQueryType)
        searchForm = SearchDatafileForm()
        # else:
        #    # TODO: what do we need to do if the user didn't provide a page to
        #            display?
        #    pass

    from itertools import groupby

    # sort the fields in the form as it will make grouping the related fields
    # together in the next step easier
    sortedSearchForm = sorted(searchForm, lambda x, y: cmp(,

    # modifiedSearchForm will be used to customise how the range type of fields
    # will be displayed. range type of fields will be displayed side by side.
    modifiedSearchForm = [list(g) for k, g in groupby(
        sortedSearchForm, lambda x:'To')[0].rsplit('From')[0])]

    # the searchForm will be used by custom written templates whereas the
    # modifiedSearchForm will be used by the 'generic template' that the
    # dynamic search datafiles form uses.
    c = {'header': 'Search Datafile',
         'searchForm': searchForm,
         'modifiedSearchForm': modifiedSearchForm}
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))
Esempio n. 10
def experiment_list_public(request):

    private_filter = Q(public_access=Experiment.PUBLIC_ACCESS_NONE)

    c = {
        'subtitle': 'Public Experiments',
        'can_see_private': False,
        'experiments': Experiment.objects.exclude(private_filter)

    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request,
                        'tardis_portal/experiment/list_public.html', c))
Esempio n. 11
def experiment_list_public(request):

    private_filter = Q(public_access=Experiment.PUBLIC_ACCESS_NONE)

    c = {
        'subtitle': 'Public Experiments',
        'can_see_private': False,
        'experiments': Experiment.objects.exclude(private_filter)

    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request,
                        'tardis_portal/experiment/list_public.html', c))
Esempio n. 12
def search_experiment(request):
    """Either show the search experiment form or the result of the search
    experiment query.


    if len(request.GET) == 0:
        return __forwardToSearchExperimentFormPage(request)

    form = __getSearchExperimentForm(request)
    experiments = __processExperimentParameters(request, form)

    # check if the submitted form is valid
    if experiments is not None:
        bodyclass = 'list'
        return __forwardToSearchExperimentFormPage(request)

    # remove information from previous searches from session
    if 'datafileResults' in request.session:
        del request.session['datafileResults']

    results = []
    for e in experiments:
        result = {}
        result['sr'] = e
        result['dataset_hit'] = False
        result['datafile_hit'] = False
        result['experiment_hit'] = True
    c = {
        'header': 'Search Experiment',
        'experiments': results,
        'bodyclass': bodyclass
    url = 'tardis_portal/search_experiment_results.html'
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))
Esempio n. 13
def search_experiment(request):

    """Either show the search experiment form or the result of the search
    experiment query.


    if len(request.GET) == 0:
        return __forwardToSearchExperimentFormPage(request)

    form = __getSearchExperimentForm(request)
    experiments = __processExperimentParameters(request, form)

    # check if the submitted form is valid
    if experiments is not None:
        bodyclass = 'list'
        return __forwardToSearchExperimentFormPage(request)

    # remove information from previous searches from session
    if 'datafileResults' in request.session:
        del request.session['datafileResults']

    results = []
    for e in experiments:
        result = {}
        result['sr'] = e
        result['dataset_hit'] = False
        result['datafile_hit'] = False
        result['experiment_hit'] = True
    c = {'header': 'Search Experiment',
         'experiments': results,
         'bodyclass': bodyclass}
    url = 'tardis_portal/search_experiment_results.html'
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))
Esempio n. 14
def search_datafile(request):  # too complex # noqa
    """Either show the search datafile form or the result of the search
    datafile query.


    if 'type' in request.GET:
        searchQueryType = request.GET.get('type')
        # for now we'll default to MX if nothing is provided
        # TODO: should we forward the page to experiment search page if
        #       nothing is provided in the future?
        searchQueryType = 'mx''search_datafile: searchQueryType {0}'.format(searchQueryType))
    # TODO: check if going to /search/datafile will flag an error in unit test
    bodyclass = None

    if 'page' not in request.GET and 'type' in request.GET and \
            len(request.GET) > 1:
        # display the 1st page of the results

        form = __getSearchDatafileForm(request, searchQueryType)
        datafile_results = __processDatafileParameters(
            request, searchQueryType, form)
        if datafile_results is not None:
            bodyclass = 'list'
            return __forwardToSearchDatafileFormPage(
                request, searchQueryType, form)

        if 'page' in request.GET:
            # succeeding pages of pagination
            if 'datafileResults' in request.session:
                datafile_results = request.session['datafileResults']
                form = __getSearchDatafileForm(request, searchQueryType)
                datafile_results = __processDatafileParameters(
                    request, searchQueryType, form)
                if datafile_results is not None:
                    bodyclass = 'list'
                    return __forwardToSearchDatafileFormPage(
                        request, searchQueryType, form)
            # display the form
            if 'datafileResults' in request.session:
                del request.session['datafileResults']
            return __forwardToSearchDatafileFormPage(request, searchQueryType)

    # process the files to be displayed by the paginator...
    # paginator = Paginator(datafile_results,
    #                      constants.DATAFILE_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

    # try:
    #    page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
    # except ValueError:
    #    page = 1

    # If page request (9999) is out of :range, deliver last page of results.
    # try:
    #    datafiles =
    # except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
    #    datafiles =

    import re
    cleanedUpQueryString = re.sub('&page=\d+', '',

    # get experiments associated with datafiles
    if datafile_results:
        experiment_pks = list(set(datafile_results.values_list(
            'dataset__experiments', flat=True)))
        experiments =
        experiments = {}

    results = []
    for key, e in experiments.items():
        result = {}
        result['sr'] = e
        result['dataset_hit'] = False
        result['datafile_hit'] = True
        result['experiment_hit'] = False

    c = {
        'experiments': results,
        'datafiles': datafile_results,
        # 'paginator': paginator,
        'query_string': cleanedUpQueryString,
        'subtitle': 'Search Datafiles',
        'nav': [{'name': 'Search Datafile', 'link': '/search/datafile/'}],
        'bodyclass': bodyclass,
        'search_pressed': True,
        'searchDatafileSelectionForm': getNewSearchDatafileSelectionForm()}
    url = 'tardis_portal/search_experiment_results.html'
    return HttpResponse(render_response_search(request, url, c))