Esempio n. 1
def register_custom_parameter(value_type, parameter):
    value_type = get_value_type_of_type(value_type, inline_value_type=True)

    _PARAMS_MAPPER.register_custom_parameter(value_type, parameter)

    return parameter
 def test_dict_nested_parse_df(self):
     r = get_types_registry()
     actual = r.get_value_type_of_type_str(
         "Dict[str, Dict[ str, pd.DataFrame]]")
     assert isinstance(actual, DictValueType)
     assert isinstance(actual.sub_value_type, DictValueType)
     assert isinstance(actual.sub_value_type.sub_value_type,
Esempio n. 3
def unknown_value_type_in_parameter(type_):
    from targets.values import get_types_registry

    return DatabandBuildError(
        "The parameter type '{}' is unknown, ".format(type_),
        "Use one of: {}, or register the new one via  'register_custom_parameter'"
Esempio n. 4
def guess_func_return_type(f_spec):
    return_key = "return"

    r = get_types_registry()

    return_func_spec = f_spec.annotations.get(return_key, NOTHING)
    if is_defined(return_func_spec):
        if return_func_spec is None:
            return None

        # for -> (int,DataFrame)
        if isinstance(return_func_spec, tuple):
            return_func_spec = [
                ("result_%s" % idx, ret_part_type)
                for idx, ret_part_type in enumerate(return_func_spec, start=1)
        # easy way to check that it's NamedTuple
        elif hasattr(return_func_spec, "_field_types"):
            return_func_spec = list(
        # case of named tuple
        elif is_Tuple(return_func_spec):
            # for -> Tuple[int,DataFrame]
            return_func_spec = get_Tuple_params(return_func_spec)
            return_func_spec = [
                ("result_%s" % idx, ret_part_type)
                for idx, ret_part_type in enumerate(return_func_spec, start=1)

        if isinstance(return_func_spec, list):
            result = []
            for field_name, ret_part_type in return_func_spec:
                field_value_type = r.get_value_type_of_type(
                    ret_part_type, inline_value_type=True)
                result.append((field_name, field_value_type))
            return result
            # fallback to regular parsing
            return r.get_value_type_of_type(return_func_spec,

    doc_annotation = f_spec.doc_annotations.get(return_key, NOTHING)
    if is_defined(doc_annotation):
        if doc_annotation == "None":
            return None
        # if it "return" , it parsed into list
        # doc_annotation
        if isinstance(doc_annotation, six.string_types):
            return r.get_value_type_of_type_str(doc_annotation) or NOTHING

        # so we have multiple params
        result = []
        for idx, ret_part_type in enumerate(doc_annotation, start=1):
            field_value_type = r.get_value_type_of_type_str(ret_part_type)
            result.append(("result_%s" % idx, field_value_type))
        return result
    return NOTHING
Esempio n. 5
def no_value_type_defined_in_parameter(context):
    from targets.values import get_types_registry

    return DatabandBuildError(
        "The parameter {context} doesn't have type! Please use parameter[YOUR_TYPE] or parameter[object]"
        "Use one of: {}, or register the new type via  'register_custom_parameter'"
Esempio n. 6
def _update_parameter_from_runtime_value_type(parameter, value):
    # type: ( ParameterDefinition, Any)->Optional[ValueType]

    original_value_type = parameter.value_type
    runtime_value_type = None
    if isinstance(value, Target):
        if isinstance(value, InlineTarget):
            runtime_value_type = value.value_type
        elif isinstance(original_value_type, _TargetValueType):
            # user expects to get target/path/str
            # we will validate that value is good at "parse"
            # we are going to "load" the value from target into original_value_type
            # let get the "real" value type from the source of it
            if value.source and value.source_parameter:
                # we can take value type from the creator of it
                runtime_value_type = value.source_parameter.value_type
                if isinstance(
                    runtime_value_type, (_TargetValueType, DefaultObjectValueType)
                    return None
                # we don't really have value type
                return None
        if isinstance(value, six.string_types) or isinstance(value, Path):
            # str are going to be parsed, or treated as Target
            # Path is going to be used as Target
            return None

        runtime_value_type = get_types_registry().get_value_type_of_obj(value)

    # not found or the same
    if not runtime_value_type or runtime_value_type == original_value_type:
        return None

    # value is str, most chances we will parse it into the value
    if type(runtime_value_type) in [StrValueType, VersionValueType]:
        return None
    if isinstance(runtime_value_type, _StructureValueType):
        if isinstance(original_value_type, _StructureValueType):
            if type(runtime_value_type) == type(original_value_type):
                # probably we have difference on sub level,
                # there is no a clear way to find sub types of object
                if not runtime_value_type.sub_value_type:
                    return None
    if original_value_type.type is object:
        if runtime_value_type.type is object:
            return None
        if not isinstance(original_value_type, DefaultObjectValueType):
            return None
    return runtime_value_type
Esempio n. 7
def no_value_type_from_default(default_value, context):
    from targets.values import get_types_registry

    return DatabandBuildError(
        "The parameter '{parameter}' has default value '{default_value}' "
        "that cannot be resolved into known type!"
        "Please use '{parameter} = parameter[YOUR_TYPE]' or '{parameter} = parameter[object]'"
        .format(default_value=default_value, parameter=context),
        "Use one of: {}, or register the new type via  'register_custom_parameter'"
Esempio n. 8
def guess_func_arg_value_type(f_spec, name, default_value):
    # type: (_TaskDecoratorSpec, str, Any) -> ValueType
    r = get_types_registry()

    annotation = f_spec.annotations.get(name)
    if annotation is not None:
        return r.get_value_type_of_type(annotation)

    doc_annotation = f_spec.doc_annotations.get(name)
    t = r.get_value_type_of_type_str(doc_annotation)
    if t:
        return t

    if is_defined(default_value):
        return r.get_value_type_of_type(type(default_value))

    return None
Esempio n. 9
def infer_parameter_value_type(parameter, value):
    warnings = []
    runtime_value_type = get_types_registry().get_value_type_of_obj(value)
    if not runtime_value_type:
        runtime_value_type = DefaultObjectValueType()
    if runtime_value_type != parameter.value_type:
        if not isinstance(parameter.value_type, DefaultObjectValueType):
            message = ("{parameter}: type of the value at runtime '{runtime}'"
                       " doesn't match user defined type '{compile}'".format(

        parameter = attr.evolve(
    return parameter, warnings
 def test_dict_nested_parse_int(self):
     r = get_types_registry()
     actual = r.get_value_type_of_type_str("Dict[str, Dict[ str,int]]")
     assert isinstance(actual, DictValueType)
     assert isinstance(actual.sub_value_type, DictValueType)
     assert isinstance(actual.sub_value_type.sub_value_type, IntValueType)
 def test_List_df_parse(self):
     r = get_types_registry()
     actual = r.get_value_type_of_type_str("List[pd.DataFrame]")
     assert isinstance(actual, _StructureValueType)
     assert isinstance(actual.sub_value_type, DataFrameValueType)
 def test_List_parse(self):
     r = get_types_registry()
     actual = r.get_value_type_of_type_str("List")
     assert isinstance(actual, ListValueType)
     assert actual.sub_value_type is None
 def test_dict_Path_parse(self):
     r = get_types_registry()
     actual = r.get_value_type_of_type_str("Dict[str,Path]")
     assert isinstance(actual, DictValueType)
     assert isinstance(actual.sub_value_type, TargetPathLibValueType)
 def test_dict_simple_parse(self):
     r = get_types_registry()
     actual = r.get_value_type_of_type_str("Dict[str,str]")
     assert isinstance(actual, DictValueType)
     assert isinstance(actual.sub_value_type, StrValueType)
Esempio n. 15
def _update_parameter_from_runtime_value_type(parameter, cf_value):
    # type: ( ParameterDefinition, ConfigValue)->ParameterDefinition
    value = cf_value.value
    if value is None or parameter.is_output():
        return parameter

    compiled_value_type = parameter.value_type
    runtime_value_type = None
    if isinstance(value, Target):
        if isinstance(value, InlineTarget):
            runtime_value_type = value.value_type
        elif isinstance(compiled_value_type, _TargetValueType):
            # user expects to get target/path/str
            # we will validate that value is good at "parse"
            # we are going to "load" the value from target into compiled_value_type
            # let get the "real" value type from the source of it
            if value.source and value.source_parameter:
                # we can take value type from the creator of it
                runtime_value_type = value.source_parameter.value_type
                if isinstance(
                    runtime_value_type, (_TargetValueType, DefaultObjectValueType)
                    return parameter
                # we don't really have value type
                return parameter
        if isinstance(value, six.string_types) or isinstance(value, Path):
            # str are going to be parsed, or treated as Target
            # Path is going to be used as Target
            return parameter

        runtime_value_type = get_types_registry().get_value_type_of_obj(value)

    # not found or the same
    if not runtime_value_type or runtime_value_type == compiled_value_type:
        return parameter

    # value is str, most chances we will parse it into the value
    if type(runtime_value_type) in [StrValueType, VersionValueType]:
        return parameter
    if isinstance(runtime_value_type, _StructureValueType):
        if isinstance(compiled_value_type, _StructureValueType):
            if type(runtime_value_type) == type(compiled_value_type):
                # probably we have difference on sub level,
                # there is no a clear way to find sub types of object
                if not runtime_value_type.sub_value_type:
                    return parameter
    if compiled_value_type.type is object:
        return parameter

    message = (
        "{parameter}: type of the value at runtime '{runtime}"
        " doesn't match user defined type '{compile}'".format(
            parameter=parameter, runtime=runtime_value_type, compile=compiled_value_type
    # we update, only if user didn't specify the value type
    # in the task definition
    if isinstance(parameter.value_type, DefaultObjectValueType):
        message = "%s: updating parameter with the runtime info" % (message)
        parameter = attr.evolve(parameter, value_type=runtime_value_type)

    return parameter