Esempio n. 1
 def start(self):
     if self._state == self._STARTED:
         return self
     self._started_at = misc.wallclock()
     self._stopped_at = None
     self._state = self._STARTED
     return self
Esempio n. 2
 def elapsed(self):
     if self._state == self._STOPPED:
         return float(self._stopped_at - self._started_at)
     elif self._state == self._STARTED:
         return float(misc.wallclock() - self._started_at)
         raise RuntimeError("Can not get the elapsed time of an invalid"
                            " stopwatch")
Esempio n. 3
 def leftover(self):
     if self._duration is None:
         raise RuntimeError("Can not get the leftover time of a watch that"
                            " has no duration")
     if self._state != self._STARTED:
         raise RuntimeError("Can not get the leftover time of a stopwatch"
                            " that has not been started")
     end_time = self._started_at + self._duration
     return max(0.0, end_time - misc.wallclock())
Esempio n. 4
 def stop(self):
     if self._state == self._STOPPED:
         return self
     if self._state != self._STARTED:
         raise RuntimeError("Can not stop a stopwatch that has not been"
                            " started")
     self._stopped_at = misc.wallclock()
     self._state = self._STOPPED
     return self