def prepare(self): try: os.mkdir("/root/build") except OSError: pass os.chdir("/root/build") os.system("rm -Rf spl") gitinfo = self.job.attributes['zfs-git-repo'] repodir = "%s/repositories/%s" % (Utility.get_persistent_dir(), gitinfo['spl-repository']) if os.system("git clone -b %s %s spl" % (gitinfo['spl-branch'], repodir)) != 0: return TaskResult.FAILED os.chdir("spl") if os.system( "git reset --hard `git rev-list --max-count=1 --before=%s HEAD`" % (gitinfo['timestamp'])) != 0: return TaskResult.FAILED return TaskResult.PASSED
def set_configured_jobresult(self, in_chroot): idfile = Utility.get_result_dir() + '/result-id' if not in_chroot: idfile = '/mnt/' + idfile fp = open(idfile, 'w') fp.write(self.hash) fp.close
def get_values(self): config = Utility.get_zfsci_config() kernelbasepath = config['persistent_path'] + '/kernels' if not os.path.isdir(kernelbasepath): try: os.makedirs(kernelbasepath) except OSError: pass sourcepath = Utility.get_source_dir() os.system("cp -a %s/misc/modules %s" % (sourcepath, kernelbasepath)) os.chdir(kernelbasepath) kernels = { '2.6.26': '', '2.6.27': '', '2.6.28': '', '2.6.29': '', '2.6.30': '', '2.6.31': '', '2.6.32': '', '2.6.33': '', '2.6.34': '', '2.6.35': '', '2.6.36': '', '2.6.37': '', '2.6.38': '', '2.6.39': '' } for kernel in kernels.iterkeys(): if os.path.islink(kernel): continue os.system("wget -r -np -c '%s'" % (kernels[kernel])) os.symlink(kernels[kernel][7:], kernel) return kernels.keys()
def run_stage(self, stage): self.jobresult.attributes['stage_%s_start' % (stage)] = for taskfile in glob.glob('%s/*.py' % (Utility.get_tasks_dir())): execfile(taskfile, globals()) for task in JobDispatcher.tasks: if task.stage != stage: continue self._run_task_once(task) self.jobresult.attributes['stage_%s_end' % (stage)] =
def get_configured_jobresult(session, in_chroot): idfile = Utility.get_result_dir() + '/result-id' if not in_chroot: idfile = '/mnt/' + idfile if not os.path.isfile(idfile): return None fp = open(idfile, 'r') result_hash = fp.close() return JobResult.get_by_hash(session, result_hash)
def get_values(self): config = Utility.get_zfsci_config() distsbasepath = config['persistent_path'] + '/dists' if not os.path.isdir(distsbasepath): try: os.makedirs(distsbasepath) except OSError: pass distsscriptdir = Utility.get_source_dir() + '/dists' distributions = [ 'debian', #'opensuse', # broken #'centos', # mostly works #'scientific' # horribly broken ] for distribution in distributions: if not os.path.isfile("%s/%s.tar.gz" % (distsbasepath, distribution)): os.system("%s/ %s/%s.tar.gz" % (distsscriptdir, distribution, distsbasepath, distribution)) return distributions
def _run_task_once(self, task): if task.result != None and task.result.status != TaskResult.PENDING: return task.job = self.jobresult.job task.result = self.jobresult.get_task(str(task.__class__), True) task.result.stage = task.stage task.dependencies_resolved = True for dependency in task.dependencies: depresolved = False for deptask in JobDispatcher.tasks: if not dependency in deptask.provides: continue self._run_task_once(deptask) if deptask.result.status == TaskResult.PASSED: depresolved = True if not depresolved: task.dependencies_resolved = False print "Running task '%s' (type %s)" % \ (task.description, task.__class__) cwd = os.getcwd() Utility.rearm_watchdog(1800) task._run() Utility.rearm_watchdog(0) os.chdir(cwd) print "Task result: %s" % (task.result.status) JobSession.object_session(self.jobresult).commit()
def mount_partitions(): if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt") != 0 or os.system("mount -o remount,rw /mnt") != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt") except OSError: pass if os.system("mount %s /mnt" % (PartitionBuilder.get_rootpart())) != 0: raise Error("Could not mount node filesystem.") if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt/dev") != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt/dev") except OSError: pass if os.system("mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev") != 0: raise Error("Could not mount /mnt/dev") if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt/sys") != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt/sys") except OSError: pass if os.system("mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys") != 0: raise Error("Could not mount /mnt/sys") if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt/proc") != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt/proc") except OSError: pass if os.system("mount -t proc none /mnt/proc") != 0: raise Error("Could not mount /mnt/proc") persistent_dir = Utility.get_persistent_dir() if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt/%s" % (persistent_dir)) != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt/%s" % (persistent_dir)) except OSError: pass if os.system("mount --bind %s /mnt/%s" % (persistent_dir, persistent_dir)) != 0: raise Error("Could not mount /mnt/%s" % (persistent_dir))
def prepare(self): try: os.mkdir("/root/build") except OSError: pass os.chdir("/root/build") os.system("rm -Rf spl") gitinfo = self.job.attributes['zfs-git-repo'] repodir = "%s/repositories/%s" % (Utility.get_persistent_dir(), gitinfo['spl-repository']) if os.system("git clone -b %s %s spl" % (gitinfo['spl-branch'], repodir)) != 0: return TaskResult.FAILED os.chdir("spl") if os.system("git reset --hard `git rev-list --max-count=1 --before=%s HEAD`" % (gitinfo['timestamp'])) != 0: return TaskResult.FAILED return TaskResult.PASSED
def _run(self): assert self.result.status == TaskResult.PENDING if not self.should_run(): self.result.status = TaskResult.SKIPPED return if not self.dependencies_resolved: self.result.status = TaskResult.DEPENDENCY_ERROR return clshash = hashlib.md5(str(self.__class__)).hexdigest() outputfile = Utility.get_result_dir() + '/output_' + clshash outputfp = open(outputfile, "w") stdoutfd = os.dup(1) stderrfd = os.dup(2) os.dup2(outputfp.fileno(), 1) os.dup2(outputfp.fileno(), 2) self.result.status = TaskResult.RUNNING JobSession.object_session(self.result).commit() try: status = self.prepare() if status == None or status == TaskResult.PASSED: self.result.run_start = status = self.result.run_end = if status == None: status = TaskResult.FAILED except Exception, exc: status = TaskResult.FAILED self.result.attributes['exception'] = str(exc) self.result.attributes['stacktrace'] = traceback.format_exc() print exc
def process_results(session): for resultdir in glob.glob(Utility.get_persistent_dir() + '/results/*'): try: resultfile = resultdir + '/job.json' fp = open(resultfile, 'r') resultinfo = json.load(fp) fp.close() statinfo = os.lstat(resultfile) timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(statinfo.st_mtime) except Exception, exc: print exc continue job = Job.get_by_hash(session, resultinfo['job_id']) if job == None: job = Job(resultinfo['job_id']) job.attributes = resultinfo['input'] session.add(job) if not 'output' in resultinfo: continue if not 'result_id' in resultinfo: resultinfo['result_id'] = hashlib.md5(os.path.basename(resultdir)).hexdigest() result = JobResult.get_by_hash(session, resultinfo['result_id']) if result == None: jobresult = JobResult(job, resultinfo['result_id']) for (task, taskinfo) in resultinfo['output'].iteritems(): taskresult = TaskResult(jobresult, task) taskresult.attributes = taskinfo session.add(taskresult) session.add(jobresult)
def unmount_partitions(): persistent_dir = Utility.get_persistent_dir() os.system("umount /mnt/%s /mnt/dev /mnt/sys /mnt/proc /mnt" % (persistent_dir))
class PartitionBuilder(object): _config = Utility.get_zfsci_config() @staticmethod def get_install_device(): return PartitionBuilder._config['install_device'] @staticmethod def get_rootpart(): return PartitionBuilder.get_install_device() + '1' @staticmethod def get_swappart(): return PartitionBuilder.get_install_device() + '2' @staticmethod def get_testpart(): return PartitionBuilder.get_install_device() + '3' @staticmethod def setup_partitions(): install_device = PartitionBuilder.get_install_device() if os.system("dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=512 count=1" % (install_device)) != 0: raise Error("Could not erase old partition table.") if os.system("parted --script -- %s mktable msdos" % (install_device)) != 0: raise Error("Could not create new partition table.") rootpart = PartitionBuilder.get_rootpart() if os.system("parted --script -- %s mkpart primary ext2 1M 10G" % (install_device)) != 0: raise Error("Could not create new / partition.") swappart = PartitionBuilder.get_swappart() if os.system("parted --script -- %s mkpart primary linux-swap 10G 14G" % (install_device)) != 0: raise Error("Could not create new swap partition.") testpart = PartitionBuilder.get_testpart() if os.system("parted --script -- %s mkpart primary sun-ufs 14G -1s" % (install_device)) != 0: raise Error("Could not create new test partition.") if os.system("mke2fs -j -m 0 -L / -I 128 %s" % (rootpart)) != 0: raise Error("Create not create new / filesystem.") if os.system("mkswap %s" % (swappart)) != 0: raise Error("Could not create new swap filesystem.") @staticmethod def mount_partitions(): if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt") != 0 or os.system("mount -o remount,rw /mnt") != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt") except OSError: pass if os.system("mount %s /mnt" % (PartitionBuilder.get_rootpart())) != 0: raise Error("Could not mount node filesystem.") if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt/dev") != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt/dev") except OSError: pass if os.system("mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev") != 0: raise Error("Could not mount /mnt/dev") if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt/sys") != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt/sys") except OSError: pass if os.system("mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys") != 0: raise Error("Could not mount /mnt/sys") if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt/proc") != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt/proc") except OSError: pass if os.system("mount -t proc none /mnt/proc") != 0: raise Error("Could not mount /mnt/proc") persistent_dir = Utility.get_persistent_dir() if os.system("mountpoint -q /mnt/%s" % (persistent_dir)) != 0: try: os.makedirs("/mnt/%s" % (persistent_dir)) except OSError: pass if os.system("mount --bind %s /mnt/%s" % (persistent_dir, persistent_dir)) != 0: raise Error("Could not mount /mnt/%s" % (persistent_dir)) @staticmethod def unmount_partitions(): persistent_dir = Utility.get_persistent_dir() os.system("umount /mnt/%s /mnt/dev /mnt/sys /mnt/proc /mnt" % (persistent_dir))
def run(self): for file in glob.glob("/var/crash/[0-9]*/*"): shutil.copy(file, Utility.get_result_dir()) return TaskResult.PASSED
def get_job_session(debug=False): config = Utility.get_zfsci_config() engine = create_engine(config['job_dsn'], echo=debug) ModelBase.metadata.create_all(engine) return JobSession(bind=engine)
def get_values(self): repositories = [ { "name": "behlendorf", "spl": "git://", "zfs": "git://", "zfs-ignore-branches": ["gh-pages"], }, { "name": "gunnarbeutner", "spl": "git://", "zfs": "git://", }, ] config = Utility.get_zfsci_config() repobasepath = config["persistent_path"] + "/repositories" if not os.path.isdir(repobasepath): try: os.makedirs(repobasepath) except OSError: pass os.chdir(repobasepath) values = [None] for repository in repositories: for subrepo in ["spl", "zfs"]: repodir = "%s-%s" % (repository["name"], subrepo) repopath = repobasepath + "/" + repodir if not os.path.isdir(repopath): os.chdir(repobasepath) os.system("git clone --mirror %s %s" % (repository[subrepo], repopath)) os.chdir(repopath) os.system("git fetch") args = ["git", "for-each-ref", "--format=%(refname:short)", "refs/heads/"] output = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] branches = output.strip().split("\n") for branch in branches: if ( subrepo + "-ignore-branches" in repository and branch in repository[subrepo + "-ignore-branches"] ): continue args = ["git", "rev-list", "--max-count=5", "--timestamp", branch] output = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] commits = output.strip().split("\n") for commitinfo in commits: (timestamp, commit) = commitinfo.split(" ", 1) value = { "spl-repository": "%s-spl" % (repository["name"]), "zfs-repository": "%s-zfs" % (repository["name"]), "spl-branch": "master", "zfs-branch": "master", "timestamp": timestamp, } value[subrepo + "-branch"] = branch values.append(value) return values
def get_values(self): repositories = [{ 'name': 'behlendorf', 'spl': 'git://', 'zfs': 'git://', 'zfs-ignore-branches': ['gh-pages'] }, { 'name': 'gunnarbeutner', 'spl': 'git://', 'zfs': 'git://' }] config = Utility.get_zfsci_config() repobasepath = config['persistent_path'] + '/repositories' if not os.path.isdir(repobasepath): try: os.makedirs(repobasepath) except OSError: pass os.chdir(repobasepath) values = [None] for repository in repositories: for subrepo in ['spl', 'zfs']: repodir = '%s-%s' % (repository['name'], subrepo) repopath = repobasepath + '/' + repodir if not os.path.isdir(repopath): os.chdir(repobasepath) os.system('git clone --mirror %s %s' % (repository[subrepo], repopath)) os.chdir(repopath) os.system('git fetch') args = [ 'git', 'for-each-ref', '--format=%(refname:short)', 'refs/heads/' ] output = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] branches = output.strip().split('\n') for branch in branches: if subrepo + '-ignore-branches' in repository and \ branch in repository[subrepo + '-ignore-branches']: continue args = [ 'git', 'rev-list', '--max-count=5', '--timestamp', branch ] output = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] commits = output.strip().split('\n') for commitinfo in commits: (timestamp, commit) = commitinfo.split(' ', 1) value = { 'spl-repository': '%s-spl' % (repository['name']), 'zfs-repository': '%s-zfs' % (repository['name']), 'spl-branch': 'master', 'zfs-branch': 'master', 'timestamp': timestamp } value[subrepo + '-branch'] = branch values.append(value) return values