def divideScale(self, x1, x2, maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize): ''' Reimplements qwt.QwtLinearScaleEngine.divideScale :return: (qwt.QwtScaleDiv) a scale division whose ticks are aligned with the natural delta time units ''' interval = qwt.QwtInterval(x1, x2).normalized() if interval.width() <= 0: return qwt.QwtScaleDiv() d_range = interval.width() if d_range < 2: # 2s return qwt.QwtLinearScaleEngine.divideScale( self, x1, x2, maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize) elif d_range < 20: # 20 s s = 1 elif d_range < 120: # =60s*2 = 2 minutes s = 10 elif d_range < 1200: # 60s*20 =20 minutes s = 60 elif d_range < 7200: # 3600s*2 = 2 hours s = 600 elif d_range < 172800: # 3600s24*2 = 2 days s = 3600 else: s = 86400 # 1 day # calculate a step size that respects the base step (s) and also # enforces the maxMajSteps stepSize = s * int(numpy.ceil(float(d_range // s) / maxMajSteps)) return qwt.QwtLinearScaleEngine.divideScale(self, x1, x2, maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize)
def label(self, val): if str(self._labelFormat) == "": return qwt.QwtText() if self._labelFormat is None: return qwt.QwtScaleDraw.label(self, val) else: return qwt.QwtText(self._labelFormat % val)
def label(self, val): try: index = self._positions.index(val) # try to find an exact match except: index = None # It won't show any label # use the index of the closest position #index = (numpy.abs(self._positionsarray - val)).argmin() if index is not None: return qwt.QwtText(self._labels[index]) else: qwt.QwtText()
def label(self, val): if str(self._labelFormat) == "": return qwt.QwtText() # From val to a string with time t = datetime.fromtimestamp(val) try: # If the scaleDiv was created by a DateTimeScaleEngine it has a _datetimeLabelFormat s = t.strftime(self._datetimeLabelFormat) except AttributeError as e: print( "Warning: cannot get the datetime label format (Are you using a DateTimeScaleEngine?)" ) s = t.isoformat(' ') return qwt.QwtText(s)
def disableInAxis(plot, axis, scaleDraw=None, scaleEngine=None): '''convenience method that will disable this engine in the given axis. Note that it changes the ScaleDraw as well. :param plot: (qwt.QwtPlot) the plot to change :param axis: (qwt.QwtPlot.Axis) the id of the axis :param scaleDraw: (qwt.QwtScaleDraw) Scale draw to use. If None given, a :class:`FancyScaleDraw` will be set :param scaleEngine: (qwt.QwtScaleEngine) Scale draw to use. If None given, a :class:`qwt.QwtLinearScaleEngine` will be set ''' if scaleDraw is None: scaleDraw = FancyScaleDraw() if scaleEngine is None: scaleEngine = qwt.QwtLinearScaleEngine() plot.setAxisScaleEngine(axis, scaleEngine) plot.setAxisScaleDraw(axis, scaleDraw)
class TaurusTimeScaleDraw(FancyScaleDraw): def __init__(self, *args): FancyScaleDraw.__init__(self, *args) def setDatetimeLabelFormat(self, format): self._datetimeLabelFormat = format def datetimeLabelFormat(self): return self._datetimeLabelFormat def label(self, val): if str(self._labelFormat) == "": return qwt.QwtText() # From val to a string with time t = datetime.fromtimestamp(val) try: # If the scaleDiv was created by a DateTimeScaleEngine it has a _datetimeLabelFormat s = t.strftime(self._datetimeLabelFormat) except AttributeError, e: print "Warning: cannot get the datetime label format (Are you using a DateTimeScaleEngine?)" s = t.isoformat(' ') return qwt.QwtText(s)
def __init__(self, parent=None): Qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.loadUi() self._controllers = [] # construct the layout for controllers container self.ctrlLayout = Qt.QHBoxLayout(self.controllersContainer) self.ctrlLayout.setContentsMargins(5, 0, 5, 0) self.ctrlLayout.setSpacing(1) # implement scroll bars for the controllers container self.scrollArea = Qt.QScrollArea(self) self.scrollArea.setWidget(self.controllersContainer) self.scrollArea.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self.cpointsGroupBox.layout().insertWidget(0, self.scrollArea) # initialize data cpoints = 2 self.x = numpy.arange(256, dtype='double') self.y = numpy.zeros(256, dtype='double') self.xp = numpy.linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], cpoints) self.corrp = numpy.zeros(cpoints) self.yp = numpy.interp(self.xp, self.x, self.y) self.corr = numpy.zeros(self.x.size) # markers self.markerPos = self.xp[0] self.marker1 = Qwt5.QwtPlotMarker() self.marker1.setSymbol( Qwt5.QwtSymbol(Qwt5.QwtSymbol.Rect, Qt.QBrush(Qt.Qt.NoBrush), Qt.QPen(, Qt.QSize(8, 8))) self.marker1.attach(self.plot1) self.marker2 = Qwt5.QwtPlotMarker() self.marker2.setSymbol( Qwt5.QwtSymbol(Qwt5.QwtSymbol.Rect, Qt.QBrush(Qt.Qt.NoBrush), Qt.QPen(, Qt.QSize(8, 8))) self.marker2.attach(self.plot2) # cpointsPickers self._cpointMovingIndex = None self._cpointsPicker1 = Qwt5.QwtPicker(self.plot1.canvas()) self._cpointsPicker1.setSelectionFlags(Qwt5.QwtPicker.PointSelection) self._cpointsPicker2 = Qwt5.QwtPicker(self.plot2.canvas()) self._cpointsPicker2.setSelectionFlags(Qwt5.QwtPicker.PointSelection) self._cpointsPicker1.widgetMousePressEvent = self.plot1MousePressEvent self._cpointsPicker1.widgetMouseReleaseEvent = self.plot1MouseReleaseEvent self._cpointsPicker2.widgetMousePressEvent = self.plot2MousePressEvent self._cpointsPicker2.widgetMouseReleaseEvent = self.plot2MouseReleaseEvent self._cpointsPicker1.widgetMouseDoubleClickEvent = self.plot1MouseDoubleClickEvent self._cpointsPicker2.widgetMouseDoubleClickEvent = self.plot2MouseDoubleClickEvent self._populatePlots() self.resetCorrection() self._selectedController = self._controllers[0] self._addCPointsDialog = AddCPointsDialog(self) # Launch low-priority initializations (to speed up load time) # Qt.QTimer.singleShot(0, <method>) # connections self.addCPointsBT.clicked.connect( self._addCPointsDialog.editBT.clicked.connect( self.showEditCPointsDialog) self._addCPointsDialog.cleanBT.clicked.connect(self.resetCorrection) self._addCPointsDialog.addSingleCPointBT.clicked.connect( self.onAddSingleCPointBT) self._addCPointsDialog.addRegEspCPointsBT.clicked.connect( self.onAddRegEspCPointsBT)
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(CurveStatsDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.loadUi() plot = parent xIsTime = plot.getXIsTime() self.ui.minDTE.setVisible(xIsTime) self.ui.maxDTE.setVisible(xIsTime) self.ui.minSB.setVisible(not xIsTime) self.ui.maxSB.setVisible(not xIsTime) self.ui.minSB.setMinimum(float('-inf')) self.ui.minSB.setMaximum(float('inf')) self.ui.maxSB.setMinimum(float('-inf')) self.ui.maxSB.setMaximum(float('inf')) icon = getIcon(':/actions/system-search.svg') self.ui.selectMinPB.setIcon(icon) self.ui.selectMaxPB.setIcon(icon) self.refreshCurves() cbs = (self.ui.npointsStatCB, self.ui.minStatCB, self.ui.maxStatCB, self.ui.meanStatCB, self.ui.stdStatCB, self.ui.rmsStatCB) self._checkboxToColMap = dict(zip(cbs, xrange(len(self.statColumns)))) self.minPicker = Qwt5.QwtPlotPicker(Qwt5.QwtPlot.xBottom, Qwt5.QwtPlot.yLeft, Qwt5.QwtPicker.PointSelection, Qwt5.QwtPicker.VLineRubberBand, Qwt5.QwtPicker.AlwaysOn, plot.canvas()) self.maxPicker = Qwt5.QwtPlotPicker(Qwt5.QwtPlot.xBottom, Qwt5.QwtPlot.yLeft, Qwt5.QwtPicker.PointSelection, Qwt5.QwtPicker.VLineRubberBand, Qwt5.QwtPicker.AlwaysOn, plot.canvas()) self.minPicker.setEnabled(False) self.maxPicker.setEnabled(False) # initialize min and max display xmin = plot.axisScaleDiv(Qwt5.QwtPlot.xBottom).lowerBound() xmax = plot.axisScaleDiv(Qwt5.QwtPlot.xBottom).upperBound() self.minMarker = Qwt5.QwtPlotMarker() self.minMarker.setLineStyle(Qwt5.QwtPlotMarker.VLine) self.minMarker.setLinePen(Qt.QPen(, 3)) self.minMarker.setXValue(xmin) self.minMarker.attach(plot) self.minMarker.hide() self.maxMarker = Qwt5.QwtPlotMarker() self.maxMarker.setLineStyle(Qwt5.QwtPlotMarker.VLine) self.maxMarker.setLinePen(Qt.QPen(, 3)) self.maxMarker.setXValue(xmax) self.maxMarker.attach(plot) self.maxMarker.hide() if xIsTime: self.ui.minDTE.setDateTime(self._timestamptToQDateTime(xmin)) self.ui.maxDTE.setDateTime(self._timestamptToQDateTime(xmax)) else: self.ui.minSB.setValue(xmin) self.ui.maxSB.setValue(xmax) refreshAction = Qt.QAction(getThemeIcon( 'view-refresh'), "Refresh available curves", self.ui.statsTW) refreshAction.setShortcut(Qt.Qt.Key_F5) self.connect(refreshAction, Qt.SIGNAL( "triggered()"), self.refreshCurves) self.ui.statsTW.addAction(refreshAction) # connections for cb in cbs: self.connect(cb, Qt.SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'), self.onStatToggled) self.connect(self.ui.calculatePB, Qt.SIGNAL( 'clicked()'), self.onCalculate) self.connect(self.ui.selectMinPB, Qt.SIGNAL( 'clicked()'), self.onSelectMin) self.connect(self.ui.selectMaxPB, Qt.SIGNAL( 'clicked()'), self.onSelectMax) self.connect(self.minPicker, Qt.SIGNAL( 'selected(QwtDoublePoint)'), self.minSelected) self.connect(self.maxPicker, Qt.SIGNAL( 'selected(QwtDoublePoint)'), self.maxSelected) self.connect(self.ui.minSB, Qt.SIGNAL( 'valueChanged(double)'), self.onMinChanged) self.connect(self.ui.minDTE, Qt.SIGNAL( 'dateTimeChanged(QDateTime)'), self.onMinChanged) self.connect(self.ui.maxSB, Qt.SIGNAL( 'valueChanged(double)'), self.onMaxChanged) self.connect(self.ui.maxDTE, Qt.SIGNAL( 'dateTimeChanged(QDateTime)'), self.onMaxChanged) self.connect(self.ui.minCB, Qt.SIGNAL( 'toggled(bool)'), self.onMinChanged) self.connect(self.ui.maxCB, Qt.SIGNAL( 'toggled(bool)'), self.onMaxChanged)
def divideScale(self, x1, x2, maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize=0.0): div = qwt.QwtScaleDiv(x1, x2, self._positions, [], []) div.setTicks(qwt.QwtScaleDiv.MajorTick, self._positions) return div
def label(self, val): if val >= 0: s = "+%s" % str(timedelta(seconds=val)) else: s = "-%s" % str(timedelta(seconds=-val)) return qwt.QwtText(s)
def divideScale(self, x1, x2, maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize): ''' Reimplements qwt.QwtLinearScaleEngine.divideScale **Important**: The stepSize parameter is **ignored**. :return: (qwt.QwtScaleDiv) a scale division whose ticks are aligned with the natural time units ''' # if stepSize != 0: # scaleDiv = qwt.QwtLinearScaleEngine.divideScale(self, x1, x2, maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize) # scaleDiv.datetimeLabelFormat = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M%S.%f" # return scaleDiv interval = qwt.QwtInterval(x1, x2).normalized() if interval.width() <= 0: return qwt.QwtScaleDiv() dt1 = datetime.fromtimestamp(interval.minValue()) dt2 = datetime.fromtimestamp(interval.maxValue()) if dt1.year < 1900 or dt2.year > 9999: # limits in time.mktime and datetime return qwt.QwtScaleDiv() majticks = [] medticks = [] minticks = [] dx = interval.width() # = 3600s*24*(365+366) = 2 years (counting a leap year) if dx > 63072001: format = "%Y" for y in range(dt1.year + 1, dt2.year): dt = datetime(year=y, month=1, day=1) majticks.append(mktime(dt.timetuple())) elif dx > 5270400: # = 3600s*24*61 = 61 days format = "%Y %b" d = timedelta(days=31) dt = dt1.replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + d while (dt < dt2): # make sure that we are on day 1 (even if always sum 31 days) dt = dt.replace(day=1) majticks.append(mktime(dt.timetuple())) dt += d elif dx > 172800: # 3600s24*2 = 2 days format = "%b/%d" d = timedelta(days=1) dt = dt1.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + d while (dt < dt2): majticks.append(mktime(dt.timetuple())) dt += d elif dx > 7200: # 3600s*2 = 2hours format = "%b/%d-%Hh" d = timedelta(hours=1) dt = dt1.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + d while (dt < dt2): majticks.append(mktime(dt.timetuple())) dt += d elif dx > 1200: # 60s*20 =20 minutes format = "%H:%M" d = timedelta(minutes=10) dt = dt1.replace( minute=(dt1.minute // 10) * 10, second=0, microsecond=0) + d while (dt < dt2): majticks.append(mktime(dt.timetuple())) dt += d elif dx > 120: # =60s*2 = 2 minutes format = "%H:%M" d = timedelta(minutes=1) dt = dt1.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) + d while (dt < dt2): majticks.append(mktime(dt.timetuple())) dt += d elif dx > 20: # 20 s format = "%H:%M:%S" d = timedelta(seconds=10) dt = dt1.replace(second=(dt1.second // 10) * 10, microsecond=0) + d while (dt < dt2): majticks.append(mktime(dt.timetuple())) dt += d elif dx > 2: # 2s format = "%H:%M:%S" majticks = list(range(int(x1) + 1, int(x2))) else: # less than 2s (show microseconds) scaleDiv = qwt.QwtLinearScaleEngine.divideScale( self, x1, x2, maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize) self.scaleDraw().setDatetimeLabelFormat("%S.%f") return scaleDiv # make sure to comply with maxMajTicks L = len(majticks) if L > maxMajSteps: majticks = majticks[::int(numpy.ceil(float(L) / maxMajSteps))] scaleDiv = qwt.QwtScaleDiv(interval, minticks, medticks, majticks) self.scaleDraw().setDatetimeLabelFormat(format) if x1 > x2: scaleDiv.invert() # START DEBUG # print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # for tk in scaleDiv.ticks(scaleDiv.MajorTick): # print datetime.fromtimestamp(tk).isoformat() # print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # END DEBUG return scaleDiv