Esempio n. 1
def assign_value(expected, **to_check):
    """Save a value in the response for use in future tests

        expected (dict or list): expected saved dict
        to_check (dict): An element of the response from which the given key
            is extracted

        dict: dictionary of save_name: value, where save_name is the key we
            wanted to save this value as
    if not to_check:
        return None;

    expected_type = type(expected)

    if isinstance(expected, dict):
        saved = {}
        for save_as, joined_key in expected.items():
            if isinstance(joined_key, str) and isformat(joined_key, **to_check):
                split_key = joined_key.split(".")
                saved[save_as] = recurse_access_key(to_check, split_key)

            elif isinstance(joined_key, dict):

                saved[save_as] = assign_value(joined_key, **to_check)

                if joined_key.has_key("$ext"):
                    ext = assign_value(joined_key["$ext"], **to_check)
                    saved[save_as] = get_wrapped_create_function(ext)

            #list in dict
            elif isinstance(joined_key, list):
                saved[save_as] = assign_value(joined_key, **to_check)

    if isinstance(expected, list):
        for i in range(len(expected)):
            if isinstance(expected[i], str) and isformat(expected[i], **to_check):
                split_key = expected[i].split(".")
                expected[i] = recurse_access_key(to_check, split_key)

            elif isinstance(expected[i], dict):
                expected[i] = assign_value(expected[i],**to_check)

                if expected[i].has_key("$ext"):
                    ext = assign_value(expected[i]["$ext"], **to_check)
                    expected[i] = get_wrapped_create_function(ext)

        return expected

    return expected
Esempio n. 2
def get_request_args(rspec, test_block_config):
    """Format the test spec given values inthe global config

        Add similar functionality to validate/save $ext functions so input
        can be generated from a function

        rspec (dict): Test spec
        test_block_config (dict): Test block config

        dict: Formatted test spec

        BadSchemaError: Tried to pass a body in a GET request

    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

    request_args = {}

    # Ones that are required and are enforced to be present by the schema
    required_in_file = [

    optional_in_file = [
        # Ideally this would just be passed through but requests seems to error
        # if we pass a list instead of a tuple, so we have to manually convert
        # it further down
        # "auth",

    optional_with_default = {
        "verify": True,
        "stream": False

    if "method" not in rspec:
        logger.debug("Using default GET method")
        rspec["method"] = "GET"

    content_keys = [

    headers = rspec.get("headers", {})
    has_content_header = "content-type" in [h.lower() for h in headers.keys()]

    if "files" in rspec:
        if any(ckey in rspec for ckey in content_keys):
            raise exceptions.BadSchemaError("Tried to send non-file content alongside a file")

        if has_content_header:
            logger.warning("Tried to specify a content-type header while sending a file - this will be ignored")
            rspec["headers"] = {i: j for i, j in headers.items() if i.lower() != "content-type"}
    elif headers:
        # This should only be hit if we aren't sending a file
        if not has_content_header:
            rspec["headers"]["content-type"] = "application/json"

    fspec = format_keys(rspec, test_block_config["variables"])

    def add_request_args(keys, optional):
        for key in keys:
                request_args[key] = fspec[key]
            except KeyError:
                if optional or (key in request_args):

                # This should never happen

    add_request_args(required_in_file, False)
    add_request_args(optional_in_file, True)

    if "auth" in fspec:
        request_args["auth"] = tuple(fspec["auth"])

    if "timeout" in fspec:
        # Needs to be a tuple, it being a list doesn't work
        if isinstance(fspec["timeout"], list):
            request_args["timeout"] = tuple(fspec["timeout"])

    for key in optional_in_file:
            func = get_wrapped_create_function(request_args[key].pop("$ext"))
        except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            request_args[key] = func()

    # If there's any nested json in parameters, urlencode it
    # if you pass nested json to 'params' then requests silently fails and just
    # passes the 'top level' key, ignoring all the nested json. I don't think
    # there's a standard way to do this, but urlencoding it seems sensible
    # eg
    # > ...represented in an OAuth 2.0 request as UTF-8 encoded JSON (which ends
    # > up being form-urlencoded when passed as an OAuth parameter)
    for key, value in request_args.get("params", {}).items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            request_args["params"][key] = quote_plus(json.dumps(value))

    for key, val in optional_with_default.items():
        request_args[key] = fspec.get(key, val)

    # TODO
    # requests takes all of these - we need to parse the input to get them
    # "cookies",

    # These verbs _can_ send a body but the body _should_ be ignored according
    # to the specs - some info here:
    if request_args["method"] in ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]:
        if any(i in request_args for i in ["json", "data"]):
            warnings.warn("You are trying to send a body with a HTTP verb that has no semantic use for it", RuntimeWarning)

    return request_args
Esempio n. 3
def get_request_args(rspec, test_block_config):
    """Format the test spec given values inthe global config

        Add similar functionality to validate/save $ext functions so input
        can be generated from a function

        rspec (dict): Test spec
        test_block_config (dict): Test block config

        dict: Formatted test spec

        BadSchemaError: Tried to pass a body in a GET request

    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements

    request_args = {}

    # Ones that are required and are enforced to be present by the schema
    required_in_file = ["method", "url"]

    optional_in_file = [
        # Ideally this would just be passed through but requests seems to error
        # if we pass a list instead of a tuple, so we have to manually convert
        # it further down
        # "auth"

    optional_with_default = {"verify": True, "stream": False}

    if "method" not in rspec:
        logger.debug("Using default GET method")
        rspec["method"] = "GET"

    content_keys = ["data", "json", "files", "file_body"]

    in_request = [c for c in content_keys if c in rspec]
    if len(in_request) > 1:
        # Explicitly raise an error here
        # From requests docs:
        # Note, the json parameter is ignored if either data or files is passed.
        # However, we allow the data + files case, as requests handles it correctly
        if set(in_request) != {"data", "files"}:
            raise exceptions.BadSchemaError(
                "Can only specify one type of request data in HTTP request (tried to "
                "send {})".format(" and ".join(in_request))

    headers = rspec.get("headers", {})
    has_content_header = "content-type" in [h.lower() for h in headers.keys()]

    if "files" in rspec:
        if has_content_header:
                "Tried to specify a content-type header while sending a file - this will be ignored"
            rspec["headers"] = {
                i: j for i, j in headers.items() if i.lower() != "content-type"

    fspec = format_keys(rspec, test_block_config["variables"])

    send_in_body = fspec.get("file_body")
    if send_in_body:
        request_args["file_body"] = send_in_body

    def add_request_args(keys, optional):
        for key in keys:
                request_args[key] = fspec[key]
            except KeyError:
                if optional or (key in request_args):

                # This should never happen

    add_request_args(required_in_file, False)
    add_request_args(optional_in_file, True)

    if "auth" in fspec:
        request_args["auth"] = tuple(fspec["auth"])

    if "cert" in fspec:
        if isinstance(fspec["cert"], list):
            request_args["cert"] = tuple(fspec["cert"])

    if "timeout" in fspec:
        # Needs to be a tuple, it being a list doesn't work
        if isinstance(fspec["timeout"], list):
            request_args["timeout"] = tuple(fspec["timeout"])

    external_function_keys = optional_in_file[:]
    # Support to use external function to create a url.
    # Github issues:

    for key in external_function_keys:
            func = get_wrapped_create_function(request_args[key].pop("$ext"))
        except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            merge_ext_values = test_block_config.get("merge_ext_values")
            logger.debug("Will merge ext values? %s", merge_ext_values)
            func_result = func()
            if merge_ext_values and not isinstance(func_result, str):
                request_args[key] = deep_dict_merge(request_args[key], func_result)
                request_args[key] = func_result

    # If there's any nested json in parameters, urlencode it
    # if you pass nested json to 'params' then requests silently fails and just
    # passes the 'top level' key, ignoring all the nested json. I don't think
    # there's a standard way to do this, but urlencoding it seems sensible
    # eg
    # > ...represented in an OAuth 2.0 request as UTF-8 encoded JSON (which ends
    # > up being form-urlencoded when passed as an OAuth parameter)
    for key, value in request_args.get("params", {}).items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            request_args["params"][key] = quote_plus(json.dumps(value))

    for key, val in optional_with_default.items():
        request_args[key] = fspec.get(key, val)

    # TODO
    # requests takes all of these - we need to parse the input to get them
    # "cookies",

    # These verbs _can_ send a body but the body _should_ be ignored according
    # to the specs - some info here:
    if request_args["method"] in ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]:
        if any(i in request_args for i in ["json", "data"]):
                "You are trying to send a body with a HTTP verb that has no semantic use for it",

    return request_args
Esempio n. 4
def get_request_args(rspec, test_block_config):
    """Format the test spec given values inthe global config

        Add similar functionality to validate/save $ext functions so input
        can be generated from a function

        rspec (dict): Test spec
        test_block_config (dict): Test block config

        dict: Formatted test spec

        BadSchemaError: Tried to pass a body in a GET request

    request_args = {}

    # Ones that are required and are enforced to be present by the schema
    required_in_file = [

    optional_in_file = [
        # Ideally this would just be passed through but requests seems to error
        # if we pass a list instead of a tuple, so we have to manually convert
        # it further down
        # "auth",

    optional_with_default = {
        "verify": True,

    if "method" not in rspec:
        logger.debug("Using default GET method")
        rspec["method"] = "GET"

    fspec = format_keys(rspec, test_block_config["variables"])

    def add_request_args(keys: list, optional: bool):
        Builds the request_args dict
        :param keys:
        :param optional:
        for key in keys:
                if key == 'headers' and key in fspec:
                    request_args[key] = {'Content-type': "application/json"}
                    for header_key in fspec[key].keys():
                        if header_key == '$ext':
                            ext_func = get_wrapped_request_function(fspec[key]["$ext"])
                            request_args[key].update(ext_func(fspec, request_args))
                        elif isinstance(fspec[key][header_key], dict):
                            ext_func = get_wrapped_request_function(fspec[key][header_key]["$ext"])
                            request_args[key][header_key] = ext_func(fspec, request_args)
                            request_args[key][header_key] = fspec[key][header_key]
                elif '$ext' in fspec[key]:
                    ext_func = get_wrapped_request_function(fspec[key]["$ext"])
                    request_args[key] = ext_func(fspec, request_args)
                    request_args[key] = fspec[key]
            except KeyError:
                if optional or (key in request_args):

                # This should never happen

    add_request_args(required_in_file, False)
    add_request_args(optional_in_file, True)

    if "auth" in fspec:
        request_args["auth"] = tuple(fspec["auth"])

    for key in optional_in_file:
            func = get_wrapped_create_function(request_args[key].pop("$ext"))
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            request_args[key] = func()

    # If there's any nested json in parameters, urlencode it
    # if you pass nested json to 'params' then requests silently fails and just
    # passes the 'top level' key, ignoring all the nested json. I don't think
    # there's a standard way to do this, but urlencoding it seems sensible
    # eg
    # > ...represented in an OAuth 2.0 request as UTF-8 encoded JSON (which ends
    # > up being form-urlencoded when passed as an OAuth parameter)
    for key, value in request_args.get("params", {}).items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            request_args["params"][key] = quote_plus(json.dumps(value))

    for key, val in optional_with_default.items():
        request_args[key] = fspec.get(key, val)

    # TODO
    # requests takes all of these - we need to parse the input to get them
    # "cookies",

    # These verbs _can_ send a body but the body _should_ be ignored according
    # to the specs - some info here:
    if request_args["method"] in ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]:
        if any(i in request_args for i in ["json", "data"]):
            warnings.warn("You are trying to send a body with a HTTP verb that has no semantic use for it", RuntimeWarning)

    return request_args