Esempio n. 1
def Euler3(w, r, e, L_guess, K_guess, B, factor, chi_b, taulump):
        w        = wage rate (scalar)
        r        = rental rate (scalar)
        e        = distribution of abilities (SxJ array)
        L_guess  = distribution of labor (SxJ array)
        K_guess  = distribution of capital in period t (S-1 x J array)
        B        = distribution of incidental bequests (1 x J array)
        factor   = scaling value to make average income match data
        chi_b    = discount factor of savings
        taulump  = lump sum transfer from the government to the households

        Value of Euler error.
    B = B.reshape(1, J)
    tax1 = tax.total_taxes_eul3_SS(r, K_guess[-2, :], w, e[-1, :],
                                   L_guess[-1, :], B, bin_weights, factor,
    cons = get_cons(r, K_guess[-2, :], w, e[-1, :], L_guess[-1, :], B,
                    bin_weights, K_guess[-1, :], g_y, tax1)
    euler = MUc(cons / (1 + tau_sales)) / (1 + tau_sales) - np.exp(
        -sigma * g_y) * MUb(chi_b, K_guess[-1, :])
    return euler
Esempio n. 2
def Euler3(w, r, e, L_guess, K_guess, B, factor, chi_b, taulump):
        w        = wage rate (scalar)
        r        = rental rate (scalar)
        e        = distribution of abilities (SxJ array)
        L_guess  = distribution of labor (SxJ array)
        K_guess  = distribution of capital in period t (S-1 x J array)
        B        = distribution of incidental bequests (1 x J array)
        factor   = scaling value to make average income match data
        chi_b    = discount factor of savings
        taulump  = lump sum transfer from the government to the households

        Value of Euler error.
    B = B.reshape(1, J)
    tax1 = tax.total_taxes_eul3_SS(r, K_guess[-2, :], w, e[-1, :], L_guess[-1, :], B, bin_weights, factor, taulump)
    cons = get_cons(r, K_guess[-2, :], w, e[-1, :], L_guess[-1, :], B, bin_weights, K_guess[-1, :], g_y, tax1)
    euler = MUc(cons) - np.exp(-sigma * g_y) * MUb(chi_b, K_guess[-1, :])
    return euler
Esempio n. 3
def Euler3(w, r, e, n_guess, b_guess, BQ, factor, chi_b, T_H):
        w        = wage rate (scalar)
        r        = rental rate (scalar)
        e        = distribution of abilities (SxJ array)
        n_guess  = distribution of labor (SxJ array)
        b_guess  = distribution of capital in period t (S-1 x J array)
        B        = distribution of incidental bequests (1 x J array)
        factor   = scaling value to make average income match data
        chi_b    = discount factor of savings
        T_H  = lump sum transfer from the government to the households

        Value of Euler error.
    BQ = BQ.reshape(1, J)
    tax1 = tax.total_taxes_eul3_SS(r, b_guess[-2, :], w, e[-1, :], n_guess[-1, :], BQ, lambdas, factor, T_H)
    cons = get_cons(r, b_guess[-2, :], w, e[-1, :], n_guess[-1, :], BQ, lambdas, b_guess[-1, :], g_y, tax1)
    euler = MUc(cons) - np.exp(-sigma * g_y) * MUb(
        chi_b, b_guess[-1, :])
    return euler