def tensor_with_random_cores(shape, tt_rank=2, mean=0., stddev=1.):
    r"""Generate a TT-tensor of the given shape with N(mean, stddev^2) cores.
        shape: array representing the shape of the future tensor.
        tt_rank: a number or a (d+1)-element array with the desired ranks.
        mean: a number, the mean of the normal distribution used for initializing TT-cores.
        stddev: a number, the standard deviation of the normal distribution used for
                initializing TT-cores. 
        Tensorizing containing a TT-tensor
    # TODO: good distribution to initialize the training.
    # TODO: support the shape and tt_ranks as Torch.tensor.
    # TODO: support None as a dimension.
    shape = np.array(shape)
    tt_rank = np.array(tt_rank)
    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=True, shape=shape, tt_rank=tt_rank)
    num_dims = shape.size
    if tt_rank.size == 1:
        tt_rank = tt_rank * np.ones(num_dims - 1)
        tt_rank = np.insert(tt_rank, 0, 1)
        tt_rank = np.append(tt_rank, 1)

    tt_rank = tt_rank.astype(int)
    tt_cores = [None] * num_dims
    for i in range(num_dims):
        curr_core_shape = (tt_rank[i], shape[i], tt_rank[i + 1])
        tt_cores[i] = torch.randn(curr_core_shape).normal_(mean=mean,

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)
def add(tt_a, tt_b):
    """Returns a TensorTrain corresponding to elementwise sum tt_a + tt_b.
    The shapes of tt_a and tt_b should coincide.
        tt_a: `TensorTrain`, TT-tensor, or TT-matrix
        tt_b: `TensorTrain`, TT-tensor, or TT-matrix
        a `TensorTrain` object corresponding to the element-wise sum of arguments if
         both arguments are `TensorTrain`s.
        ValueError if the arguments shapes do not coincide
    ndims = tt_a.ndims 
    if tt_a.is_tt_matrix() != tt_b.is_tt_matrix():
        raise ValueError('The arguments should be both TT-tensors or both TT-matrices')

    if tt_a.get_raw_shape() != tt_b.get_raw_shape():
        raise ValueError('The arguments should have the same shape.')

    if tt_a.is_tt_matrix():
        tt_cores = _add_matrix_cores(tt_a, tt_b)
        tt_cores = _add_tensor_cores(tt_a, tt_b)

    out_ranks = [1]
    static_a_ranks = tt_a.get_tt_ranks()
    static_b_ranks = tt_b.get_tt_ranks()
    for core_idx in range(1, ndims):
        out_ranks.append(static_a_ranks[core_idx] + static_b_ranks[core_idx])

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, tt_a.get_raw_shape(), out_ranks)
def matrix_zeros(shape):
    r"""Generate a TT-matrix of the given shape with each entry equal to 0.
        shape: 2d array, shape[0] is the shape of the matrix row-index,
            shape[1] is the shape of the column index.
            shape[0] and shape[1] should have the same number of elements (d)
            Also supports omitting one of the dimensions for vectors, e.g.
                matrix_zeros([[2, 2, 2], None])
                matrix_zeros([None, [2, 2, 2]])
            will create an 8-element column and row vectors correspondingly.
        TensorTrain containing a TT-matrix of size
  [0]) x[1]) with each entry equal to 0
    shape = list(shape)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [None, [2, 2, 2]]
    if shape[0] is None:
        shape[0] = np.ones(len(shape[1]), dtype=int)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [[2, 2, 2], None]
    if shape[1] is None:
        shape[1] = np.ones(len(shape[0]), dtype=int)
    shape = np.array(shape)

    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=False, shape=shape)
    num_dims = shape[0].size
    tt_rank = np.ones(shape[0].size + 1)

    tt_cores = [None] * num_dims
    for i in range(num_dims):
        curr_core_shape = (1, shape[0][i], shape[1][i], 1)
        tt_cores[i] = torch.zeros(curr_core_shape)

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)
def renormalize_tt_cores(tt, epsilon=1e-8):
    """Renormalizes TT-cores to make them of the same Frobenius norm.

    Doesn't change the tensor represented by `tt` object, but renormalizes the
    TT-cores to make further computations more stable.

      tt: `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` object
      epsilon: parameter for numerical stability of sqrt
      `TensorTrain` which represents the same tensor as tt, but with all cores 
      having equal norm.
    if isinstance(tt, TensorTrain):
        new_cores = []
        running_log_norm = 0
        core_norms = []
        for core in tt.tt_cores:
            cur_core_norm = torch.sqrt(max(torch.sum(core ** 2), epsilon))
            running_log_norm += np.log(cur_core_norm)
        running_log_norm = running_log_norm / tt.ndims 
        fact = np.exp(running_log_norm)
        for i, core in enumerate(tt.tt_cores):
            new_cores.append(core * fact / core_norms[i])

        return TensorTrain(new_cores)
def multiply(tt_left, right):
    """Returns a TensorTrain corresponding to element-wise product tt_left * right.
        tt_left: `TensorTrain` object
        right: `TensorTrain` OR a number.
        a `TensorTrain` object corresponding to the element-wise product of the arguments.
        ValueError if the arguments shapes do not coincide or broadcasting is not possible.
    ndims = tt_left.ndims 
    if not isinstance(right, TensorTrain):
        # Assume right is a number, not TensorTrain.
        # To squash right uniformly across TT-cores we pull its absolute value
        # and raise to the power 1/ndims. First TT-core is multiplied by the sign
        # of right.
        tt_cores = list(tt_left.tt_cores)
        right = torch.tensor(right)
        fact = torch.pow(torch.abs(right), 1.0/ndims)
        sign = torch.sign(right)
        for i in range(len(tt_cores)):
            tt_cores[i] = fact * tt_cores[i]

        tt_cores[0] = tt_cores[0] * sign 
        out_ranks = tt_left.get_tt_ranks()
        if tt_left.is_tt_matrix() != right.is_tt_matrix():
            raise ValueError('The arugments should be both TT-tensors or both '
        if tt_left.get_raw_shape() != right.get_raw_shape():
            raise ValueError('The arguments should have the same shape.')
        a_ranks = tt_left.get_tt_ranks()
        b_ranks = right.get_tt_ranks()
        shape = tt_left.get_raw_shape()
        is_matrix = tt_left.is_tt_matrix()
        tt_cores = []

        for core_idx in range(ndims):
            a_core = tt_left.tt_cores[core_idx]
            b_core = right.tt_cores[core_idx]
            left_rank = a_ranks[core_idx] * b_ranks[core_idx]
            right_rank = a_ranks[core_idx + 1] * b_ranks[core_idx + 1]
            if is_matrix:
                einsum_str = 'aijb,cijd->acijbd'
                curr_core = torch.einsum(einsum_str, [a_core, b_core])
                curr_core = curr_core.reshape((left_rank, shape[0][core_idx], shape[1][core_idx], right_rank))
                einsum_str = 'aib,cid->acibd'
                curr_core = torch.einsum(einsum_str, [a_core, b_core])
                curr_core = curr_core.reshape((left_rank, shape[0][core_idx], right_rank))
        combined_ranks = zip(tt_left.get_tt_ranks(), right.get_tt_ranks())
        out_ranks = [a * b for a, b in combined_ranks]

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, tt_left.get_raw_shape(), out_ranks)
def _orthogonalize_tt_cores_right_to_left(tt):
    """Orthogonalize TT-cores of a TT-object in the right to left order.
        tt: TenosorTrain or a TensorTrainBatch.
        The same type as the input `tt` (TenosorTrain or a TensorTrainBatch).
    # Left to right orthogonalization.
    ndims = tt.ndims
    raw_shape = tt.get_raw_shape()
    tt_ranks = tt.get_tt_ranks()
    prev_rank = tt_ranks[ndims]
    # Copy cores reference so we can change the cores.
    tt_cores = list(tt.tt_cores)
    for core_idx in range(ndims - 1, 0, -1):
        curr_core = tt_cores[core_idx]
        # TT-ranks could have changed on the previous iteration, so `tt_ranks` can
        # be outdated for the current TT-rank, but should be valid for the next
        # TT-rank.
        curr_rank = prev_rank
        prev_rank = tt_ranks[core_idx]
        if tt.is_tt_matrix():
            curr_mode_left = raw_shape[0][core_idx]
            curr_mode_right = raw_shape[1][core_idx]
            curr_mode = curr_mode_left * curr_mode_right
            curr_mode = raw_shape[0][core_idx]

        qr_shape = (prev_rank, curr_mode * curr_rank)
        curr_core = curr_core.reshape(qr_shape)
        curr_core, triang = torch.qr(curr_core.t())
        curr_core = curr_core.t()
        triang_shape = triang.shape

        # The TT-rank could have changed: if qr_shape is e.g. 4 x 10, than q would
        # be of size 4 x 4 and r would be 4 x 10, which means that the next rank
        # should be changed to 4.
        prev_rank = triang_shape[1]
        if tt.is_tt_matrix():
            new_core_shape = (prev_rank, curr_mode_left, curr_mode_right,
            new_core_shape = (prev_rank, curr_mode, curr_rank)
        tt_cores[core_idx] = curr_core.reshape(new_core_shape)

        prev_core = tt_cores[core_idx - 1].reshape(-1, triang_shape[0])
        tt_cores[core_idx - 1] =, triang)

    if tt.is_tt_matrix():
        first_core_shape = (1, raw_shape[0][0], raw_shape[1][0], prev_rank)
        first_core_shape = (1, raw_shape[0][0], prev_rank)
    tt_cores[0] = tt_cores[0].reshape(first_core_shape)
    # TODO: infer the tt_ranks
    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, tt.get_raw_shape())
def tt_tt_matmul(tt_matrix_a, tt_matrix_b):
    """Multiplies two TT-matrices and returns the TT-matrix of the result.
        tt_matrix_a: `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` object containing
            a TT-matrix (a batch of TT-matrices) of size M x N
        tt_matrix_b: `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` object containing
            a TT-matrix (a batch of TT-matrices) of size N x P
        `TensorTrain` object containing a TT-matrix of size M x P if both arguments
            are `TensorTrain`s
        `TensorTrainBatch` if any of the arguments is a `TensorTrainBatch`
        ValueError is the arguments are not TT matrices or if their sizes are not
        appropriate for a matrix-by-matrix multiplication.
    if not isinstance(tt_matrix_a, TensorTrain) or not isinstance(tt_matrix_b, TensorTrain) or \
        not tt_matrix_a.is_tt_matrix() or not tt_matrix_b.is_tt_matrix():
        raise ValueError('Arguments should be TT-matrices.')

    ndims = tt_matrix_a.ndims 
    if tt_matrix_b.ndims != ndims:
        raise ValueError('Arguments should have the same number of dimensions,  \
            got %d and %d instead.' % (ndims, tt_matrix_b.ndims()))
    einsum_str = 'aijb,cjkd->acikbd'

    result_cores = []
    a_shape = tt_matrix_a.get_raw_shape()
    a_ranks = tt_matrix_a.get_tt_ranks()
    b_shape = tt_matrix_b.get_raw_shape()
    b_ranks = tt_matrix_b.get_tt_ranks()

    for core_idx in range(ndims):
        a_core = tt_matrix_a.tt_cores[core_idx]
        b_core = tt_matrix_b.tt_cores[core_idx]
        curr_res_core = torch.einsum(einsum_str, [a_core, b_core])

        res_left_rank = a_ranks[core_idx] * b_ranks[core_idx]
        res_right_rank = a_ranks[core_idx + 1] * b_ranks[core_idx + 1]
        left_mode = a_shape[0][core_idx]
        right_mode = b_shape[1][core_idx]

        core_shape = (res_left_rank, left_mode, right_mode, res_right_rank)
        curr_res_core = curr_res_core.reshape(core_shape)

    res_shape = (tt_matrix_a.get_raw_shape()[0], tt_matrix_b.get_raw_shape()[1])
    static_a_ranks = tt_matrix_a.get_tt_ranks()
    static_b_ranks = tt_matrix_b.get_tt_ranks()
    out_ranks = [a_r * b_r for a_r, b_r in zip(static_a_ranks, static_b_ranks)]
    return TensorTrain(result_cores, res_shape, out_ranks)
def tensor_zeros(shape):
    r"""Generate a TT-tensor of the given shape with all entries equal to 0.
        shape: array representing the shape of the future tensor
        TensorTrain object containing a TT-tensor
    shape = np.array(shape)
    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=True, shape=shape)
    num_dims = shape.size
    tt_rank = np.ones(num_dims + 1)
    tt_cores = num_dims * [None]
    for i in range(num_dims):
        curr_core_shape = (1, shape[i], 1)
        tt_cores[i] = torch.zeros(curr_core_shape)

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)
Esempio n. 9
    def forward(self, x):
        TensorTrain_W = TensorTrain(self.W_cores, self.tt_shape, self.tt_rank)
        h = tc.tc_math.matmul(x, TensorTrain_W, activation=self.activation)
        if self.outer:
            if self.activation in activations:
                if self.activation == 'sigmoid':
                    h = torch.sigmoid(h)
                elif self.activation == 'tanh':
                    h = torch.tanh(h)
                elif self.activation == 'relu':
                    h = torch.relu(h)
                elif self.activation == 'linear':
                    h = h 
                raise ValueError('Unknown activation "%s", only %s and None \
                    are supported'%(self.activation, activations))

        return h
def eye(shape):
    r"""Creates an identity TT-matrix.
        shape: array which defines the shape of the matrix row and column indices.
        TensorTrain containing an identity TT-matrix of size x
    shape = np.array(shape)
    # In this special case shape is in the same format as in the TT-tensor case
    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=True, shape=shape)
    num_dims = shape.size
    tt_ranks = np.ones(num_dims + 1)

    tt_cores = num_dims * [None]
    for i in range(num_dims):
        curr_core_shape = (1, shape[i], shape[i], 1)
     #   tt_cores[i] = torch.reshape(torch.eye(shape[i]), curr_core_shape)
        tt_cores[i] = torch.eye(int(shape[i])).reshape(curr_core_shape).type(dtype)
    true_shape = np.vstack([shape, shape])
    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, true_shape, tt_ranks)
def matrix_with_random_cores(shape, tt_rank=2, mean=0., stddev=1.):
    r"""Generate a TT-matrix of the given shape with N gaussian cores.
        shape: 2d array, shape[0] is the shape of the matrix row-index,
            shape[1] is the shape of teh column index.
            shape[0] and shape[1] should have the same number of elements (d)
            Also supports omitting one of the dimensions of vectors, e.g.
                matrix_with_random_cores([[2, 2, 2], None])
                matrix_with_random_cores([None, [2, 2, 2]])
            will create an 8-elemnt column and row vectors correspondingly.
        tt_rank: a number or a (d+1)-element array with ranks.
        TensorTrain containing a TT-matrix of the size[0]) x[1])
    shape = list(shape)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [None, [2, 2, 2]]
    if shape[0] is None:
        shape[0] = np.ones(len(shape[1]), dtype=int)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [[2, 2, 2], None]
    if shape[1] is None:
        shape[1] = np.ones(len(shape[0]), dtype=int)
    shape = np.array(shape)
    tt_rank = np.array(tt_rank)
    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=False, shape=shape, tt_rank=tt_rank)

    num_dims = shape[0].size
    if tt_rank.size == 1:
        tt_rank = tt_rank * np.ones(num_dims - 1)
        tt_rank = np.concatenate([[1], tt_rank, [1]])

    tt_rank = tt_rank.astype(int)
    tt_cores = [None] * num_dims
    for i in range(num_dims):
        curr_core_shape = (tt_rank[i], shape[0][i], shape[1][i],
                           tt_rank[i + 1])
        tt_cores[i] = torch.randn(curr_core_shape).normal_(mean=mean,

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)
def transpose(tt_matrix):
    """ Transpose a TT-matrix.
        tt_matrix: `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` object containing a TT-matrix
            (or a batch of TT-matrices).
        `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` object containing a transposed TT-matrix
        (or a batch of TT-matrices).
        ValueError if the argument is not a TT-matrix. """
    if not isinstance(tt_matrix, TensorTrain) or not tt_matrix.is_tt_matrix():
        raise ValueError('The argument should be a TT-matrix.')

    transposed_tt_cores = []
    for core_idx in range(tt_matrix.ndims):
        curr_core = tt_matrix.tt_cores[core_idx]
        if isinstance(tt_matrix, TensorTrain):
            transposed_tt_cores.append(curr_core.permute(0, 2, 1, 3))

    tt_matrix_shape = tt_matrix.get_raw_shape()
    transposed_shape = tt_matrix_shape[1], tt_matrix_shape[0]
    tt_ranks = tt_matrix.get_tt_ranks()
    if isinstance(tt_matrix, TensorTrain):
        return TensorTrain(transposed_tt_cores, transposed_shape, tt_ranks)
def to_tt_matrix(mat, shape, max_tt_rank=10, epsilon=None):
    """Converts a given matrix or vector to a TT-matrix.
    The matrix dimensions should factorize into d numbers.
    If e.g. the dimensions are prime numbers, it's usually better to
    pad the matrix with zeros until the dimensions factorize into
    (ideally) 3-8 numbers.
        mat: two dimensional tf.Tensor (a matrix).
        shape: two dimensional array (np.array or list of lists)
            Represents the tensor shape of the matrix.
            E.g. for a (a1 * a2 * a3) x (b1 * b2 * b3) matrix `shape` should be
            ((a1, a2, a3), (b1, b2, b3))
            `shape[0]`` and `shape[1]`` should have the same length.
            For vectors you may use ((a1, a2, a3), (1, 1, 1)) or, equivalently,
            ((a1, a2, a3), None)
        max_tt_rank: a number or a list of numbers
            If a number, than defines the maximal TT-rank of the result.
            If a list of numbers, than `max_tt_rank` length should be d+1
            (where d is the length of `shape[0]`) and `max_tt_rank[i]` defines
             the maximal (i+1)-th TT-rank of the result.
            The following two versions are equivalent
                `max_tt_rank = r`
                `max_tt_rank = r * np.ones(d-1)`
        epsilon: a floating point number or None
            If the TT-ranks are not restricted (`max_tt_rank=np.inf`), then
            the result would be guarantied to be `epsilon` close to `mat`
            in terms of relative Frobenius error:
                ||res - mat||_F / ||mat||_F <= epsilon
            If the TT-ranks are restricted, providing a loose `epsilon` may reduce
            the TT-ranks of the result.
                to_tt_matrix(mat, shape, max_tt_rank=100, epsilon=0.9)
            will probably return you a TT-matrix with TT-ranks close to 1, not 100.
            Note that providing a nontrivial (= not equal to None) `epsilon` will make
            the TT-ranks of the result undefined on the compilation stage
            (e.g. res.get_tt_ranks() will return None, but t3f.tt_ranks(res).eval()
            will work).
        `TensorTrain` object containing a TT-matrix.
        ValueError if max_tt_rank is less than 0, if max_tt_rank is not a number and
        not a vector of length d + 1 where d is the number of dimensions (rank) of
        the input tensor, if epsilon is less than 0.
    mat = torch.tensor(mat)
    # In case the shape is immutable.
    shape = list(shape)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [None, [2, 2, 2]]
    if shape[0] is None:
        shape[0] = np.ones(len(shape[1])).astype(int)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g., [[2, 2, 2], None]
    if shape[1] is None:
        shape[1] = np.ones(len(shape[0])).astype(int)

    shape = np.array(shape)
    tens = mat.reshape(tuple(shape.flatten()))
    d = len(shape[0])
    # Transpose_idx = 0, d, 1, d+1, ...
    transpose_idx = np.arange(2 * d).reshape(2, d).T.flatten()
    transpose_idx = tuple(transpose_idx.astype(int))
    tens = tens.permute(transpose_idx)
    new_shape =, axis=0)
    tens = tens.reshape(tuple(new_shape))
    tt_tens = to_tt_tensor(tens, max_tt_rank, epsilon)
    tt_cores = []
    static_tt_ranks = tt_tens.get_tt_ranks()

    for core_idx in range(d):
        curr_core = tt_tens.tt_cores[core_idx]
        curr_rank = static_tt_ranks[core_idx]
        next_rank = static_tt_ranks[core_idx + 1]
        curr_core_new_shape = (curr_rank, shape[0, core_idx],
                               shape[1, core_idx], next_rank)
        curr_core = curr_core.reshape(curr_core_new_shape)

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_tens.get_tt_ranks())
def to_tt_tensor(tens, max_tt_rank=10, epsilon=None):
    Convert a given torch.tensor to a TT-tensor fo the same shape. 
        tens: torch.tensor
        max_tt_rank: a number or a list of numbers
        If a number, than defines the maximal TT-rank of the result.
        If a list of numbers, than `max_tt_rank` length should be d+1
        (where d is the rank of `tens`) and `max_tt_rank[i]` defines
        the maximal (i+1)-th TT-rank of the result.
        The following two versions are equivalent
            `max_tt_rank = r`
            `max_tt_rank = r * np.ones(d-1)`
        epsilon: a floating point number or None
        If the TT-ranks are not restricted (`max_tt_rank=np.inf`), then
        the result would be guarantied to be `epsilon` close to `tens`
        in terms of relative Frobenius error:
             ||res - tens||_F / ||tens||_F <= epsilon
        If the TT-ranks are restricted, providing a loose `epsilon` may
        reduce the TT-ranks of the result.
            to_tt_tensor(tens, max_tt_rank=100, epsilon=0.9)
        will probably return you a TT-tensor with TT-ranks close to 1, not 100.
        Note that providing a nontrivial (= not equal to None) `epsilon` will make
        the TT-ranks of the result undefined on the compilation stage
        (e.g. res.get_tt_ranks() will return None, but t3f.tt_ranks(res).eval()
        will work).
        `TensorTrain` object containing a TT-tensor.
        ValueError if the rank (number of dimensions) of the input tensor is
        not defined, if max_tt_rank is less than 0, if max_tt_rank is not a number
        and not a vector of length d + 1 where d is the number of dimensions (rank)
        of the input tensor, if epsilon is less than 0.
    tens = torch.tensor(tens)
    static_shape = tens.shape
    # Raises ValueError if ndims is not defined.
    d = len(static_shape)
    max_tt_rank = np.array(max_tt_rank).astype(np.int32)
    if np.any(max_tt_rank < 1):
        raise ValueError('Maximum TT-rank should be greater or equal to 1.')
    if epsilon is not None and epsilon < 0:
        raise ValueError('Epsilon should be non-negative.')
    if max_tt_rank.size == 1:
        max_tt_rank = (max_tt_rank * np.ones(d + 1)).astype(np.int32)
    elif max_tt_rank.size != d + 1:
        raise ValueError('max_tt_rank should be a number or a vector of the size (d+1) ' \
                        'where d is the number of dimensions (rank) of the tensor.')
    ranks = [1] * (d + 1)
    tt_cores = []
    are_tt_ranks_defined = True
    for core_idx in range(d - 1):
        curr_mode = static_shape[core_idx]
        rows = ranks[core_idx] * curr_mode
        tens = tens.reshape((rows, -1))
        columns = tens.shape[1]
        u, s, v = torch.svd(tens)
        if max_tt_rank[core_idx + 1] == 1:
            ranks[core_idx + 1] = 1
                ranks[core_idx + 1] = min(max_tt_rank[core_idx + 1], rows,
            except TypeError:
                # Some of the values are undefined on the compilation stage and thus
                # they are tf.tensors instead of values.
                min_dim = min(rows, columns)
                ranks[core_idx + 1] = min(max_tt_rank[core_idx + 1], min_dim)
                are_tt_ranks_defined = False
        u = u[:, 0:ranks[core_idx + 1]]
        s = s[0:ranks[core_idx + 1]]
        v = v[:, 0:ranks[core_idx + 1]]
        core_shape = (ranks[core_idx], curr_mode, ranks[core_idx + 1])
        tens =, v.transpose(1, 0))

    last_mode = static_shape[-1]
    core_shape = (ranks[d - 1], last_mode, ranks[d])
    if not are_tt_ranks_defined:
        ranks = None

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, static_shape)
def round_tt(tt, max_tt_rank, epsilon):
    """TT-rounding procedure, returns a TT object with smaller TT-ranks.
        tt: `TensorTrain` object, TT-tensor or TT-matrix
        max_tt_rank: a number or a list of numbers
            If a number, than defines the maximal TT-rank of the result.
            If a list of numbers, than `max_tt_rank` length should be d+1
            (where d is the rank of `tens`) and `max_tt_rank[i]` defines
            the maximal (i+1)-th TT-rank of the result.
            The following two versions are equivalent
                `max_tt_rank = r`
                `max_tt_rank = r * np.ones(d-1)`
        epsilon: a floating point number or None
            If the TT-ranks are not restricted (`max_tt_rank=np.inf`), then
            the result would be guarantied to be `epsilon` close to `tt`
            in terms of relative Frobenius error:
                ||res - tt||_F / ||tt||_F <= epsilon
            If the TT-ranks are restricted, providing a loose `epsilon` may
            reduce the TT-ranks of the result.
                round(tt, max_tt_rank=100, epsilon=0.9)
            will probably return you a TT-tensor with TT-ranks close to 1, not 100.
            Note that providing a nontrivial (= not equal to None) `epsilon` will make
            the TT-ranks of the result undefined on the compilation stage
            (e.g. res.get_tt_ranks() will return None, but t3f.tt_ranks(res).eval()
            will work).
        `TensorTrain` object containing a TT-tensor.
    ndims = tt.ndims
    max_tt_rank = np.array(max_tt_rank).astype(np.int32)
    if max_tt_rank < 1:
        raise ValueError('Maximum TT-rank should be greater or equal to 1.')
    if epsilon is not None and epsilon < 0:
        raise ValueError('Epsilon should be non-negative.')
    if max_tt_rank.size == 1:
        max_tt_rank = (max_tt_rank * np.ones(ndims + 1)).astype(np.int32)
    elif max_tt_rank.size != ndims + 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'max_tt_rank should be a number or a vector of size (d+1) '
            'where d is the number of dimensions (rank) of the tensor.')
    raw_shape = tt.get_raw_shape()
    tt_cores = orthogonalize_tt_cores(tt).tt_cores
    # Copy cores references so we can change the cores.
    tt_cores = list(tt_cores)

    ranks = [1] * (ndims + 1)
    are_tt_ranks_defined = True
    # Right to left SVD compression.
    for core_idx in range(ndims - 1, 0, -1):
        curr_core = tt_cores[core_idx]
        if tt.is_tt_matrix():
            curr_mode_left = raw_shape[0][core_idx]
            curr_mode_right = raw_shape[1][core_idx]
            curr_mode = curr_mode_left * curr_mode_right
            curr_mode = raw_shape[0][core_idx]

        columns = curr_mode * ranks[core_idx + 1]
        curr_core = curr_core.reshape(-1, columns)
        rows = curr_core.shape[0]
        if rows is None:
            rows = curr_core.shape[0]
        if max_tt_rank[core_idx] == 1:
            ranks[core_idx] = 1
                ranks[core_idx] = min(max_tt_rank[core_idx], rows, columns)
            except TypeError:
                # Some of the values are undefined on the compilation stage and thus
                # they are tf.tensors instead of values.
                min_dim = min(rows, columns)
                ranks[core_idx] = min(max_tt_rank[core_idx], min_dim)
                are_tt_ranks_defined = False
        u, s, v = torch.svd(curr_core)
        u = u[:, 0:ranks[core_idx]]
        s = s[0:ranks[core_idx]]
        v = v[:, 0:ranks[core_idx]]
        if tt.is_tt_matrix():
            core_shape = (ranks[core_idx], curr_mode_left, curr_mode_right,
                          ranks[core_idx + 1])
            core_shape = (ranks[core_idx], curr_mode, ranks[core_idx + 1])
        tt_cores[core_idx] = v.transpose(1, 0).reshape(core_shape)
        prev_core_shape = (-1, rows)
        tt_cores[core_idx - 1] = tt_cores[core_idx -
        tt_cores[core_idx - 1] =[core_idx - 1], u)
        tt_cores[core_idx - 1] =[core_idx - 1],

    if tt.is_tt_matrix():
        core_shape = (ranks[0], raw_shape[0][0], raw_shape[1][0], ranks[1])
        core_shape = (ranks[0], raw_shape[0][0], ranks[1])
    tt_cores[0] = tt_cores[0].reshape(core_shape)
    if not are_tt_ranks_defined:
        ranks = None

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, tt.get_raw_shape())
def _orthogonalize_tt_cores_left_to_right(tt):
    """Orthogonalize TT-cores of a TT-object in the left to right order.
        tt: TensorTrain or a TensorTrainBatch.
        The same type as the input `tt' (TensorTrain or a TensorTrainBatch).
        for a single TT-object:
            O(d r^3 n)
            d is the number of TT-cores (tt.ndims());
            r is the largest TT-rank of tt max(tt.get_tt_rank())
            n is the size of the axis 4 x 4 x 4, n is 4;
              for a tensor of the size 4 x 4 x 4, n is 4;
              for a 9 x 64 matrix of the raw shape (3, 3, 3) x (4, 4, 4) n is 12
    # Left to right orthogonalization
    ndims = tt.ndims
    raw_shape = tt.get_raw_shape()
    tt_ranks = tt.get_tt_ranks()
    next_rank = int(tt_ranks[0])
    # Copy cores references so we can change the cores.
    tt_cores = list(tt.tt_cores)
    for core_idx in range(ndims - 1):
        curr_core = tt_cores[core_idx]
        # TT-ranks could have changed on the previous iteration, so `tt_ranks` can
        # be outdated for the current TT-rank, but should be valid for the next
        # TT-rank.
        curr_rank = next_rank
        next_rank = tt_ranks[core_idx + 1]
        if tt.is_tt_matrix():
            curr_mode_left = raw_shape[0][core_idx]
            curr_mode_right = raw_shape[1][core_idx]
            curr_mode = curr_mode_left * curr_mode_right
            curr_mode = raw_shape[0][core_idx]

        qr_shape = (curr_rank * curr_mode, next_rank)
        curr_core = curr_core.reshape(qr_shape)
        curr_core, triang = torch.qr(curr_core)
        triang_shape = triang.shape
        # The TT-rank could have changed: if qr_shape is e.g. 4 x 10, than q would
        # be of size 4 x 4 and r would be 4 x 10, which means that the next rank
        # should be changed to 4.
        next_rank = triang_shape[0]
        if tt.is_tt_matrix():
            new_core_shape = (curr_rank, curr_mode_left, curr_mode_right,
            new_core_shape = (curr_rank, curr_mode, next_rank)
        tt_cores[core_idx] = curr_core.reshape(new_core_shape)

        next_core = tt_cores[core_idx + 1].reshape(triang_shape[1], -1)
        tt_cores[core_idx + 1] =, next_core)

    if tt.is_tt_matrix():
        last_core_shape = (next_rank, raw_shape[0][-1], raw_shape[1][-1], 1)
        last_core_shape = (next_rank, raw_shape[0][-1], 1)
    tt_cores[-1] = tt_cores[-1].reshape(last_core_shape)
    # TODO: infer the tt_ranks
    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, tt.get_raw_shape())