def run(self, num_camera_iterations: int = 1) -> None: """ Create a target number of videos. In each video, choose a random humanoid, animation, scene, and skybox. :param num_camera_iterations: Make this many videos of each specific animation/humanoid/scene/skybox combo, changing the camera angle each time. """ humanoids = HumanoidLibrarian().records skyboxes = HDRISkyboxLibrarian().records # Filter out interior and low-light skyboxes. skyboxes = [ r for r in skyboxes if != "sky_white" and r.location == "exterior" and r.sun_intensity >= 1 and r.sun_elevation >= 145 ] num_videos = len(humanoids) * num_camera_iterations * len( self.animations_and_scenes) pbar = tqdm(total=num_videos) for animation_and_scene in self.animations_and_scenes: self.get_video(animation_and_scene, humanoids, skyboxes, pbar=pbar, num_camera_iterations=num_camera_iterations) self.communicate({"$type": "terminate"})
def get_add_hdri_skybox(self, skybox_name: str, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_hdri_skybox command. :param skybox_name: The name of the skybox. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `HDRISkyboxLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `HDRISkyboxLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return An add_hdri_skybox command that the controller can then send. """ if self.hdri_skybox_librarian is None: self.hdri_skybox_librarian = HDRISkyboxLibrarian(library=library) record = self.hdri_skybox_librarian.get_record(skybox_name) return { "$type": "add_hdri_skybox", "name": skybox_name, "url": record.get_url(), "exposure": record.exposure, "initial_skybox_rotation": record.initial_skybox_rotation, "sun_elevation": record.sun_elevation, "sun_initial_angle": record.sun_initial_angle, "sun_intensity": record.sun_intensity }
def __init__(self, port: int = 1071): super().__init__(port=port) # Cache the ball data. self._ball = ModelLibrarian("models_special.json").get_record( "prim_sphere") self._ball_id = 0 # The position the ball starts in and the position the ball is directed at. self._p0: Dict[str, float] = {} self._p1: Dict[str, float] = {} # Cache the skybox records. skybox_lib = HDRISkyboxLibrarian() self._skyboxes: List[str] = [ for r in skybox_lib.records if r.sun_intensity >= 0.8 ]
class Controller(object): """ Base class for all controllers. Usage: ```python from tdw.controller import Controller c = Controller() c.start() ``` """ def __init__(self, port: int = 1071, check_version: bool = True, launch_build: bool = True): """ Create the network socket and bind the socket to the port. :param port: The port number. :param check_version: If true, the controller will check the version of the build and print the result. :param launch_build: If True, automatically launch the build. If one doesn't exist, download and extract the correct version. Set this to False to use your own build, or (if you are a backend developer) to use Unity Editor. """ # Compare the installed version of the tdw Python module to the latest on PyPi. # If there is a difference, recommend an upgrade. if check_version: self._check_pypi_version() # Launch the build. if launch_build: Controller.launch_build() context = zmq.Context() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) self.socket.bind('tcp://*:' + str(port)) self.socket.recv() self.model_librarian: Optional[ModelLibrarian] = None self.scene_librarian: Optional[SceneLibrarian] = None self.material_librarian: Optional[MaterialLibrarian] = None self.hdri_skybox_librarian: Optional[HDRISkyboxLibrarian] = None self.humanoid_librarian: Optional[HumanoidLibrarian] = None self.humanoid_animation_librarian: Optional[ HumanoidAnimationLibrarian] = None # Compare the version of the tdw module to the build version. if check_version and launch_build: self._check_build_version() def communicate(self, commands: Union[dict, List[dict]]) -> list: """ Send commands and receive output data in response. :param commands: A list of JSON commands. :return The output data from the build. """ if not isinstance(commands, list): commands = [commands] self.socket.send_multipart([json.dumps(commands).encode('utf-8')]) return self.socket.recv_multipart() def start(self, scene="ProcGenScene") -> None: """ Init TDW. :param scene: The scene to load. """ self.communicate([{"$type": "load_scene", "scene_name": scene}]) def get_add_object(self, model_name: str, object_id: int, position={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, rotation={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_object command. :param model_name: The name of the model. :param position: The position of the model. :param rotation: The starting rotation of the model, in Euler angles. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `ModelLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `ModelLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :param object_id: The ID of the new object. :return An add_object command that the controller can then send. """ if self.model_librarian is None or ( library != "" and self.model_librarian.library != library): self.model_librarian = ModelLibrarian(library=library) record = self.model_librarian.get_record(model_name) return { "$type": "add_object", "name": model_name, "url": record.get_url(), "scale_factor": record.scale_factor, "position": position, "rotation": rotation, "category": record.wcategory, "id": object_id } def get_add_material(self, material_name: str, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_material command. :param material_name: The name of the material. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `MaterialLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `MaterialLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return An add_material command that the controller can then send. """ if self.material_librarian is None: self.material_librarian = MaterialLibrarian(library=library) record = self.material_librarian.get_record(material_name) return { "$type": "add_material", "name": material_name, "url": record.get_url() } def get_add_scene(self, scene_name: str, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_scene command. :param scene_name: The name of the scene. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `SceneLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `SceneLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return An add_scene command that the controller can then send. """ if self.scene_librarian is None: self.scene_librarian = SceneLibrarian(library=library) record = self.scene_librarian.get_record(scene_name) return { "$type": "add_scene", "name": scene_name, "url": record.get_url() } def get_add_hdri_skybox(self, skybox_name: str, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_hdri_skybox command. :param skybox_name: The name of the skybox. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `HDRISkyboxLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `HDRISkyboxLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return An add_hdri_skybox command that the controller can then send. """ if self.hdri_skybox_librarian is None: self.hdri_skybox_librarian = HDRISkyboxLibrarian(library=library) record = self.hdri_skybox_librarian.get_record(skybox_name) return { "$type": "add_hdri_skybox", "name": skybox_name, "url": record.get_url(), "exposure": record.exposure, "initial_skybox_rotation": record.initial_skybox_rotation, "sun_elevation": record.sun_elevation, "sun_initial_angle": record.sun_initial_angle, "sun_intensity": record.sun_intensity } def get_add_humanoid(self, humanoid_name: str, object_id: int, position={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, rotation={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_humanoid command. :param humanoid_name: The name of the humanoid. :param position: The position of the humanoid. :param rotation: The starting rotation of the humanoid, in Euler angles. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `HumanoidLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `HumanoidLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :param object_id: The ID of the new object. :return An add_humanoid command that the controller can then send. """ if self.humanoid_librarian is None or ( library != "" and self.humanoid_librarian.library != library): self.humanoid_librarian = HumanoidLibrarian(library=library) record = self.humanoid_librarian.get_record(humanoid_name) return { "$type": "add_humanoid", "name": humanoid_name, "url": record.get_url(), "position": position, "rotation": rotation, "id": object_id } def get_add_humanoid_animation( self, humanoid_animation_name: str, library="") -> (dict, HumanoidAnimationRecord): """ Returns a valid add_humanoid_animation command and the record (which you will need to play an animation). :param humanoid_animation_name: The name of the animation. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `HumanoidAnimationLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `HumanoidAnimationLibrarian.get_default_library()`. return An add_humanoid_animation command that the controller can then send. """ if self.humanoid_animation_librarian is None: self.humanoid_animation_librarian = HumanoidAnimationLibrarian( library=library) record = self.humanoid_animation_librarian.get_record( humanoid_animation_name) return { "$type": "add_humanoid_animation", "name": humanoid_animation_name, "url": record.get_url() }, record def load_streamed_scene(self, scene="tdw_room_2018") -> None: """ Load a streamed scene. This is equivalent to: `c.communicate(c.get_add_scene(scene))` :param scene: The name of the streamed scene. """ self.communicate(self.get_add_scene(scene)) def add_object(self, model_name: str, position={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, rotation={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, library: str = "") -> int: """ Add a model to the scene. This is equivalent to: `c.communicate(c.get_add_object())` :param model_name: The name of the model. :param position: The position of the model. :param rotation: The starting rotation of the model, in Euler angles. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `ModelLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `ModelLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return The ID of the new object. """ object_id = Controller.get_unique_id() self.communicate( self.get_add_object(model_name, object_id, position, rotation, library)) return object_id def get_version(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Send a send_version command to the build. :return The TDW version and the Unity Engine version. """ resp = self.communicate({"$type": "send_version"}) for r in resp[:-1]: if Version.get_data_type_id(r) == "vers": v = Version(r) return v.get_tdw_version(), v.get_unity_version() if len(resp) == 1: raise Exception( "Tried receiving version output data but didn't receive anything!" ) raise Exception(f"Expected output data with ID vers but got: " + Version.get_data_type_id(resp[0])) @staticmethod def get_unique_id() -> int: """ Generate a unique integer. Useful when creating objects. :return The new unique ID. """ return int.from_bytes(os.urandom(3), byteorder='big') @staticmethod def get_frame(frame: bytes) -> int: """ Converts the frame byte array to an integer. :param frame: The frame as bytes. :return The frame as an integer. """ return int.from_bytes(frame, byteorder='big') @staticmethod def launch_build() -> None: """ Launch the build. If a build doesn't exist at the expected location, download one to that location. """ # Download the build. if not Build.BUILD_PATH.exists(): print( f"Couldn't find build at {Build.BUILD_PATH}\nDownloading now..." ) success = if not success: print("You need to launch your own build.") else: success = True # Launch the build. if success: Popen(str(Build.BUILD_PATH.resolve())) def _check_build_version(self, version: str = __version__, build_version: str = None) -> None: """ Check the version of the build. If there is no build, download it. If the build is of the wrong version, recommend an upgrade. :param version: The version of TDW. You can set this to an arbitrary version for testing purposes. :param build_version: If not None, this overrides the expected build version. Only override for debugging. """ v = PyPi.strip_post_release(version) tdw_version, unity_version = self.get_version() # Override the build version for testing. if build_version is not None: tdw_version = build_version pypi_version = PyPi.get_latest_minor_release(tdw_version) print( f"Build version {tdw_version}\nUnity Engine {unity_version}\nPython tdw module version {version}" ) if v < tdw_version: print( "WARNING! Your TDW build is newer than your tdw Python module. They might not be compatible." ) print( f"To download the correct build:\n\nfrom import Build\{v})" ) print( f"\nTo upgrade your Python module (usually recommended):\n\npip3 install tdw=={pypi_version}" ) elif v > tdw_version: print( "WARNING! Your TDW build is older than your tdw Python module. Downloading the correct build..." ) @staticmethod def _check_pypi_version(v_installed_override: str = None, v_pypi_override: str = None) -> None: """ Compare the version of the tdw Python module to the latest on PyPi. If there is a mismatch, offer an upgrade recommendation. :param v_installed_override: Override for the installed version. Change this to debug. :param v_pypi_override: Override for the PyPi version. Change this to debug. """ # Get the version of the installed tdw module. installed_tdw_version = PyPi.get_installed_tdw_version() # Get the latest version of the tdw module on PyPi. pypi_version = PyPi.get_pypi_version() # Apply overrides if v_installed_override is not None: installed_tdw_version = v_installed_override if v_pypi_override is not None: pypi_version = v_pypi_override # If there is a mismatch, recommend an upgrade. if installed_tdw_version != pypi_version: # Strip the installed version of the post-release suffix (e.g. to 1.6.3). stripped_installed_version = PyPi.strip_post_release( installed_tdw_version) # This message is here only for debugging. if stripped_installed_version != __version__: print( f"Your installed version: {stripped_installed_version} " f"doesn't match tdw.version.__version__: {__version__} " f"(this may be because you're using code from the tdw repo that is ahead of PyPi)." ) # Strip the latest PyPi version of the post-release suffix. stripped_pypi_version = PyPi.strip_post_release(pypi_version) print( f"You are using TDW {installed_tdw_version} but version {pypi_version} is available." ) # If user is behind by a post release, recommend an upgrade to the latest. # (Example: installed version is and PyPi version is if stripped_installed_version == stripped_pypi_version: print( f"Upgrade to the latest version of TDW:\npip3 install tdw -U" ) # Using a version behind the latest (e.g. latest is 1.6.3 and installed is 1.6.2) # If the user is behind by a major or minor release, recommend either upgrading to a minor release # or to a major release. # (Example: installed version is and PyPi version is else: installed_major = PyPi.get_major_release( stripped_installed_version) pypi_minor = PyPi.get_latest_minor_release( stripped_installed_version) # Minor release mis-match. if PyPi.strip_post_release( pypi_minor) != stripped_installed_version: print( f"To upgrade to the last version of 1.{installed_major}:\n" f"pip3 install tdw=={pypi_minor}") pypi_major = PyPi.get_major_release(stripped_pypi_version) # Major release mis-match. if installed_major != pypi_major: # Offer to upgrade to a major release. print( f"Consider upgrading to the latest version of TDW ({stripped_pypi_version}):" f"\npip3 install tdw -U") else: print("Your installed tdw Python module is up to date with PyPi.")
def __init__(self, port=1071, visual_material_swapping=False, new=False, screen_size=256, output_size=256, hdri=False, show_objects=True, clamp_rotation=False, max_height=1.0, grayscale_threshold=0.5, less_dark=False, id_pass=False, no_overwrite=False, do_zip=False, train=1300000, val=50000, library="models_full.json"): """ :param port: The port used to connect to the build. :param visual_material_swapping: If true, set random visual materials per frame. :param new: If true, clear the list of models that have already been used. :param screen_size: The screen size of the build. :param output_size: The size of the output images. :param hdri: If true, use a random HDRI skybox per frame. :param show_objects: If true, show objects. :param clamp_rotation: If true, clamp the rotation to +/- 30 degrees around each axis. :param max_height: The percentage of the environment height that is the ceiling for the avatar and object. Must be between 0 and 1. :param grayscale_threshold: The grayscale threshold. Higher value = slower FPS, better composition. Must be between 0 and 1. :param less_dark: If true, there will be more daylight exterior skyboxes (requires hdri == True) :param id_pass: If true, send the _id pass. :param no_overwrite: If true, don't overwrite images. :param do_zip: If true, zip the directory at the end. :param train: Number of train images. :param val: Number of val images. :param library: The path to the library records file. """ self.screen_size = screen_size self.output_size = output_size self.show_objects = show_objects self.clamp_rotation = clamp_rotation self.max_height = max_height self.grayscale_threshold = grayscale_threshold self.id_pass = id_pass self.no_overwrite = no_overwrite self.do_zip = do_zip self.train = train self.val = val assert 0 < max_height <= 1.0, f"Invalid max height: {max_height}" assert 0 < grayscale_threshold <= 1.0, f"Invalid grayscale threshold: {grayscale_threshold}" self.less_dark = less_dark self.substructures: Dict[str, List[dict]] = {} = new super().__init__(port=port) self.model_librarian = ModelLibrarian(library=library) self.material_librarian = MaterialLibrarian("materials_high.json") self.hdri_skybox_librarian = HDRISkyboxLibrarian() # Get material records. if visual_material_swapping: self.materials = self.material_librarian.records else: self.materials = None # Get skybox records. if hdri: self.skyboxes = self.hdri_skybox_librarian.records # Prefer exterior daytime skyboxes by adding them multiple times to the list. if self.less_dark: temp = self.skyboxes[:] for skybox in temp: if skybox.location != "interior" and skybox.sun_elevation >= 145: self.skyboxes.append(skybox) else: self.skyboxes = None
class Controller(object): """ Base class for all controllers. Usage: ```python from tdw.controller import Controller c = Controller() c.start() ``` """ def __init__(self, port: int = 1071, check_version: bool = True): """ Create the network socket and bind the socket to the port. :param port: The port number. :param check_version: If true, the controller will check the version of the build and print the result. """ context = zmq.Context() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) self.socket.bind('tcp://*:' + str(port)) self.socket.recv() self.model_librarian: Optional[ModelLibrarian] = None self.scene_librarian: Optional[SceneLibrarian] = None self.material_librarian: Optional[MaterialLibrarian] = None self.hdri_skybox_librarian: Optional[HDRISkyboxLibrarian] = None self.humanoid_librarian: Optional[HumanoidLibrarian] = None self.humanoid_animation_librarian: Optional[ HumanoidAnimationLibrarian] = None # Compare the version of the tdw module to the build version. if check_version: tdw_version, unity_version = self.get_version() print( f"Build version {tdw_version}\nUnity Engine {unity_version}\nPython tdw module version {__version__}" ) if __version__ != tdw_version: print( "WARNING! Your Python code is not the same version as the build. They might not be compatible." ) print( "Either use the latest prerelease build, or use the last stable release via:\n" ) print("git checkout v" + last_stable_release) def communicate(self, commands: Union[dict, List[dict]]) -> list: """ Send commands and receive output data in response. :param commands: A list of JSON commands. :return The output data from the build. """ if not isinstance(commands, list): commands = [commands] self.socket.send_multipart([json.dumps(commands).encode('utf-8')]) return self.socket.recv_multipart() def start(self, scene="ProcGenScene") -> None: """ Init TDW. :param scene: The scene to load. """ self.communicate([{"$type": "load_scene", "scene_name": scene}]) def get_add_object(self, model_name: str, object_id: int, position={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, rotation={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_object command. :param model_name: The name of the model. :param position: The position of the model. :param rotation: The starting rotation of the model, in Euler angles. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `ModelLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `ModelLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :param object_id: The ID of the new object. :return An add_object command that the controller can then send. """ if self.model_librarian is None or ( library != "" and self.model_librarian.library != library): self.model_librarian = ModelLibrarian(library=library) record = self.model_librarian.get_record(model_name) return { "$type": "add_object", "name": model_name, "url": record.get_url(), "scale_factor": record.scale_factor, "position": position, "rotation": rotation, "category": record.wcategory, "id": object_id } def get_add_material(self, material_name: str, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_material command. :param material_name: The name of the material. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `MaterialLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `MaterialLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return An add_material command that the controller can then send. """ if self.material_librarian is None: self.material_librarian = MaterialLibrarian(library=library) record = self.material_librarian.get_record(material_name) return { "$type": "add_material", "name": material_name, "url": record.get_url() } def get_add_scene(self, scene_name: str, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_scene command. :param scene_name: The name of the scene. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `SceneLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `SceneLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return An add_scene command that the controller can then send. """ if self.scene_librarian is None: self.scene_librarian = SceneLibrarian(library=library) record = self.scene_librarian.get_record(scene_name) return { "$type": "add_scene", "name": scene_name, "url": record.get_url() } def get_add_hdri_skybox(self, skybox_name: str, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_hdri_skybox command. :param skybox_name: The name of the skybox. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `HDRISkyboxLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `HDRISkyboxLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return An add_hdri_skybox command that the controller can then send. """ if self.hdri_skybox_librarian is None: self.hdri_skybox_librarian = HDRISkyboxLibrarian(library=library) record = self.hdri_skybox_librarian.get_record(skybox_name) return { "$type": "add_hdri_skybox", "name": skybox_name, "url": record.get_url(), "exposure": record.exposure, "initial_skybox_rotation": record.initial_skybox_rotation, "sun_elevation": record.sun_elevation, "sun_initial_angle": record.sun_initial_angle, "sun_intensity": record.sun_intensity } def get_add_humanoid(self, humanoid_name: str, object_id: int, position={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, rotation={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, library: str = "") -> dict: """ Returns a valid add_humanoid command. :param humanoid_name: The name of the humanoid. :param position: The position of the humanoid. :param rotation: The starting rotation of the humanoid, in Euler angles. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `HumanoidLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `HumanoidLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :param object_id: The ID of the new object. :return An add_humanoid command that the controller can then send. """ if self.humanoid_librarian is None or ( library != "" and self.humanoid_librarian.library != library): self.humanoid_librarian = HumanoidLibrarian(library=library) record = self.humanoid_librarian.get_record(humanoid_name) return { "$type": "add_humanoid", "name": humanoid_name, "url": record.get_url(), "position": position, "rotation": rotation, "id": object_id } def get_add_humanoid_animation( self, humanoid_animation_name: str, library="") -> (dict, HumanoidAnimationRecord): """ Returns a valid add_humanoid_animation command and the record (which you will need to play an animation). :param humanoid_animation_name: The name of the animation. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `HumanoidAnimationLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `HumanoidAnimationLibrarian.get_default_library()`. return An add_humanoid_animation command that the controller can then send. """ if self.humanoid_animation_librarian is None: self.humanoid_animation_librarian = HumanoidAnimationLibrarian( library=library) record = self.humanoid_animation_librarian.get_record( humanoid_animation_name) return { "$type": "add_humanoid_animation", "name": humanoid_animation_name, "url": record.get_url() }, record def load_streamed_scene(self, scene="tdw_room_2018") -> None: """ Load a streamed scene. This is equivalent to: `c.communicate(c.get_add_scene(scene))` :param scene: The name of the streamed scene. """ self.communicate(self.get_add_scene(scene)) def add_object(self, model_name: str, position={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, rotation={ "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, library: str = "") -> int: """ Add a model to the scene. This is equivalent to: `c.communicate(c.get_add_object())` :param model_name: The name of the model. :param position: The position of the model. :param rotation: The starting rotation of the model, in Euler angles. :param library: The path to the records file. If left empty, the default library will be selected. See `ModelLibrarian.get_library_filenames()` and `ModelLibrarian.get_default_library()`. :return The ID of the new object. """ object_id = Controller.get_unique_id() self.communicate( self.get_add_object(model_name, object_id, position, rotation, library)) return object_id def get_version(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Send a send_version command to the build. :return The TDW version and the Unity Engine version. """ resp = self.communicate({"$type": "send_version"}) for r in resp[:-1]: if Version.get_data_type_id(r) == "vers": v = Version(r) return v.get_tdw_version(), v.get_unity_version() if len(resp) == 1: raise Exception( "Tried receiving version output data but didn't receive anything!" ) raise Exception(f"Expected output data with ID vers but got: " + Version.get_data_type_id(resp[0])) @staticmethod def get_unique_id() -> int: """ Generate a unique integer. Useful when creating objects. :return The new unique ID. """ return int.from_bytes(os.urandom(3), byteorder='big') @staticmethod def get_frame(frame: bytes) -> int: """ Converts the frame byte array to an integer. :param frame: The frame as bytes. :return The frame as an integer. """ return int.from_bytes(frame, byteorder='big')