def test_specifying_pos_args_until_limit(self, app_token): client = Spotify(app_token, max_limits_on=True) s1, ='piano', ('track', ), None, None) with client.max_limits(False): s2, ='piano', ('track', ), None, None) assert s1.limit > s2.limit
def test_turning_off_max_limits_returns_less(self, app_token): client = Spotify(app_token, max_limits_on=True) s1, ='piano') with client.max_limits(False): s2, ='piano') assert s1.limit > s2.limit
def test_turning_on_max_limits_returns_more(self, app_token): client = Spotify(app_token) s1, ='piano') with client.max_limits(True): s2, ='piano') assert s1.limit < s2.limit
def test_specifying_limit_pos_arg_overrides_max_limits(self, app_token): client = Spotify(app_token, max_limits_on=True) s, ='piano', ('track', ), None, None, 1) assert s.limit == 1
def test_specifying_limit_kwarg_overrides_max_limits(self, app_token): client = Spotify(app_token, max_limits_on=True) s, ='piano', limit=1) assert s.limit == 1
class SpotiCLI(Cmd): def __init__(self, token): super().__init__() self.sp_user = Spotify(token) app_name = 'SpotiCLI' version = '' ###define app parameters self.app_info = f'{Fore.CYAN}{Style.BRIGHT}\n{app_name} {version}{Style.RESET_ALL}' self.intro = self.app_info + '\n' self.prompt = f'{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}spoticli ~$ {Style.RESET_ALL}' self.current_endpoint = '' self.api_delay = 0.3 #hide built-in cmd2 functions. this will leave them available for use but will be hidden from tab completion (and docs) self.hidden_commands.append('alias') self.hidden_commands.append('unalias') self.hidden_commands.append('set') self.hidden_commands.append('edit') self.hidden_commands.append('history') self.hidden_commands.append('load') self.hidden_commands.append('macro') self.hidden_commands.append('py') self.hidden_commands.append('pyscript') self.hidden_commands.append('quit') self.hidden_commands.append('shell') self.hidden_commands.append('shortcuts') self.hidden_commands.append('_relative_load') self.hidden_commands.append('run_pyscript') self.hidden_commands.append('run_script') self.debug = True ##define permissions scope... #### Misc / Util methods ########################################## ''' convert milliseconds into human readable time stamp in format MM:SS ''' def ms_to_time(self, time_to_convert): #modulus to get seconds from ms timestamp seconds = (time_to_convert / 1000) % 60 seconds = str(int(seconds)) #modulus to get minutes from ms timestamp minutes = (time_to_convert / (1000 * 60)) % 60 minutes = str(int(minutes)) #if seconds is single digit, prefix with 0 if (len(seconds) < 2): seconds = '0' + seconds #return formatted value return f'{minutes}:{seconds}' ''' generate timestamp in format "length / duration" from song playback data ''' def generate_timestamp(self, song_data): pos_ms = self.ms_to_time(self.get_position(song_data)) dur_ms = self.ms_to_time(self.get_duration(song_data.item)) return f'{pos_ms} / {dur_ms}' ### I don't remember what this did and it's probably no longer needed.... ### I'll leave it here in case I remember def print_list(self, list_to_print): for index, item in enumerate(list_to_print): self.poutput(f'{index + 1}:\t{item}') ''' formats a track string in format: song by artist on album params: current playback object returns: formatted string ''' def display_song(self, song_data): song_name = self.get_song(song_data) song_artist = self.get_artist(song_data) song_album = self.get_album(song_data) return f'{song_name} by {song_artist} on {song_album}' ''' just using this function to standardize the 'no endpoint' error ''' def print_endpoint_error(self): self.pwarning('no available playback devices detected') self.pwarning('assign one with the endpoint command') #### accessor / mutators #### getter / setter, whatever #### these make the spotify api calls ########################################## def get_playback(self): return self.sp_user.playback() def get_current_playback(self): return self.sp_user.playback_currently_playing() ## accessors ############################ # track specific ################ def get_album(self, song_data): try: return f'{Fore.MAGENTA}{Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}' except: return f'{Fore.MAGENTA}{Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}' def get_artist(self, song_data): ### artists is an array as a song can have multiple artists ### if there is multiple artists, return name of _first_ artist in array (usually main artist) try: return f'{Fore.CYAN}{Style.BRIGHT}{song_data.artists[0].name}{Style.RESET_ALL}' except: return f'{Fore.CYAN}{Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}' def get_song(self, song_data): return f'{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}' def get_song_id(self, song_data): return def get_duration(self, song_data): return song_data.duration_ms def get_is_playing(self, song_data): return song_data.is_playing def get_position(self, song_data): return song_data.progress_ms # generic functions ################ ### sometimes a device is no longer marked 'active' if it's been idle too long ### this 'forces' playback/activity on last active device ### need to make this more seemless for the user ### def force_device(self): ### current_dev = self.get_device() ### self.sp_user.playback_transfer(current_dev[0].asdict()['id']) ### ### def do_force(self, line): ### self.force_device() # generic accessors ################ def get_device(self): return self.sp_user.playback_devices() def get_history(self, last_songs): return self.sp_user.playback_recently_played(last_songs) def get_repeat_state(self): try: return self.get_playback().repeat_state except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def get_shuffle_state(self): try: return self.get_playback().shuffle_state except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def get_volume(self): try: return self.get_playback().device.volume_percent except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None ## mutator ############################ ## these methods add artificial delay after calling API ## this is needed to allow the API some time to 'catch-up' with our request ## needed as we'll usually send a 'get' request not long after and if we send too soon ## API might return wrong info def set_device(self, new_device): self.sp_user.playback_transfer(new_device) time.sleep(self.api_delay) def set_playback_context(self, playback_uri): self.sp_user.playback_start_context(context_uri=playback_uri) time.sleep(self.api_delay) def set_playback_track(self, new_track): if (not isinstance(new_track, list)): track_list = [] track_list.append(new_track) self.sp_user.playback_start_tracks(track_ids=track_list) else: self.sp_user.playback_start_tracks(track_ids=new_track) time.sleep(self.api_delay) def set_play_next(self): try: self.sp_user.playback_next() time.sleep(self.api_delay) self.do_current('') except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def set_play_resume(self): try: self.sp_user.playback_resume() time.sleep(self.api_delay) self.do_current('') except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def set_play_pause(self): try: self.sp_user.playback_pause() time.sleep(self.api_delay) self.do_current('') except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def set_play_previous(self): try: self.sp_user.playback_previous() time.sleep(self.api_delay) self.do_current('') except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def set_position(self, new_time): try: self.sp_user.playback_seek(new_time) time.sleep(self.api_delay) self.do_current('') except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def set_repeat_state(self, new_repeat_state): try: self.sp_user.playback_repeat(new_repeat_state) time.sleep(self.api_delay) except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def set_save(self, song_id): self.sp_user.saved_tracks_add(song_id) time.sleep(self.api_delay) def set_unsave(self, song_id): self.sp_user.saved_tracks_delete(song_id) time.sleep(self.api_delay) def set_shuffle_state(self, new_shuffle_state): try: self.sp_user.playback_shuffle(new_shuffle_state) time.sleep(self.api_delay) except: self.print_endpoint_error() return None def set_volume(self, new_volume): self.sp_user.playback_volume(new_volume) time.sleep(self.api_delay) #### cmd2 native functions ########################################## #prints blank line #necessary to overload cmd2's default behavior (retry previous command) def emptyline(self): return #overloads default error message def default(self, line): self.perror('unrecognized command') #used to write an extra blank line between commands...just a formatting thing. def postcmd(self, line, stop): self.poutput('') return line #### Begin CMD2 commands below ########################################## def do_about(self, line): ''' show build information usage: about ''' self.poutput(self.app_info) def do_diagnostics(self, line): ''' display diagnostic info relating to current session ''' self.poutput( f'current user: \t{self.sp_user.current_user().display_name}') #self.poutput(f'device name: \t{}') #self.poutput(f'device id: \t{}') self.poutput(f'api delay: \t{self.api_delay}') def do_exit(self, line): ''' exit application usage: exit ''' return True def do_logout(self, line): ''' logout current session and force login next program start usage: logout ''' is_user_sure = getpass.getpass( 'are you sure? type \'yes\' to proceed: ') self.poutput(is_user_sure) if (is_user_sure == 'yes'): if (fsop.fsop.delete_conf(self)): self.pwarning('user creds deleted') return self.perror('failed to logout!') self.pwarning( 'unable to delete config files, please try manual removal') self.pwarning( 'can be found in your home config directory, .config/spoticli/' ) else: self.pwarning('not logged out') #### playback commands ########################################## ### ### [Playing - 0:05 / 4:24] Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless on Make Me Wanna Die ### [Stopped - 0:05 / 4:24] Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless on Make Me Wanna Die def do_current(self, line): ''' show currently playing track usage: current ''' #now_playing = f'[{playing_state} - {timestamp}] {song_name} by {artist_name} on {album_name}' song_data = self.get_current_playback() if (song_data == None): self.print_endpoint_error() return song_playing = self.get_is_playing(song_data) if (song_playing == True): song_playing = f'{Fore.BLUE}{Style.BRIGHT}Playing' else: song_playing = f'{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}Stopped' time_stamp = self.generate_timestamp(song_data) now_playing = f'[{song_playing} - {time_stamp}{Style.RESET_ALL}] {self.display_song(song_data.item)}' self.poutput(now_playing) def play_next(self, args): if (self.set_play_next() == None): return self.poutput('playing next') self.do_current(self) def play_previous(self, args): if (self.set_play_previous() == None): return self.poutput('playing previous') self.do_current(self) play_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='play', add_help=False) play_subparsers = play_parser.add_subparsers(title='playback options') parser_play_next = play_subparsers.add_parser('next', help='next track', add_help=False) parser_play_next.set_defaults(func=play_next) parser_play_previous = play_subparsers.add_parser('previous', help='previous track', add_help=False) parser_play_previous.set_defaults(func=play_previous) play_subcommands = ['next', 'previous'] @with_argparser(play_parser) def do_play(self, line): ''' start or resume playback, or play next/previous song usage: play [next|previous] ''' # Call whatever sub-command function was selected try: line.func(self, line) #if none specified do default action (start playback) except AttributeError: try: if (self.set_play_resume() == None): return except: pass self.do_current(self) def do_pause(self, line): ''' pause playback usage: pause ''' try: if (self.set_play_pause() == None): return except: pass self.do_current(self) def do_replay(self, line): ''' instantly restart current track usage: replay ''' ###just re-use existing function self.do_seek('0') def do_seek(self, line): ### time should be in seconds or as a timestamp value, ie. 1:41 ### not implemented yet... ''' seek to specific time in a track. specify a step increase by prefixing time with +/- usage: seek [+/-] time ''' ## no value specified; exit if (not line): self.do_help('seek') return try: new_pos = 1000 * int(line) #non-numerical value specified; exit except ValueError: self.perror('invalid time') return song_data = self.get_current_playback() if (song_data == None): self.print_endpoint_error() return song_pos = self.get_position(song_data) song_dur = self.get_duration(song_data.item) #if new time is larger than song duration, quit if ((new_pos > song_dur) or (new_pos < (song_dur * -1))): self.perror('invalid time') return if (line[0] == '+' or line[0] == '-'): song_pos = song_pos + new_pos self.set_position(song_pos) else: self.set_position(new_pos) #### playback properties ########################################## def do_volume(self, line): ''' set volume to specified level, range 0-100 specify a step increase by prefixing value with +/-, otherwise it defaults to 10% step usage: volume [+/-][value] ''' current_vol = self.get_volume() if (current_vol == None): return if (line): try: new_vol = int(line) if (line[0] == '+' or line[0] == '-'): new_vol = new_vol + current_vol except ValueError: if (line[0] == '+'): new_vol = current_vol + 10 elif (line[0] == '-'): new_vol = current_vol - 10 else: self.perror('invalid volume') return if new_vol > 100: new_vol = 100 elif new_vol < 0: new_vol = 0 self.set_volume(new_vol) self.poutput(f'current volume: {self.get_volume()}') def do_endpoint(self, line): ''' transfer playback between valid spotify connect endpoints usage: endpoint ''' endpoint_list = self.get_device() if (len(endpoint_list) == 0): self.pwarning('no available endpoints detected') self.pwarning( 'make sure there is an available endpoint before assigning playback again' ) return max_index = 0 print_string = '' current_active = '' for index, item in enumerate(endpoint_list): max_index = index print_string += f'{index + 1}:\t{}' if (item.is_active): current_active = print_string += ' (active)' print_string += '\n' if (current_active == ''): current_active = 'No active endpoint' self.poutput(f'current endpoint: {current_active}') self.poutput('available endpoints:') self.poutput(print_string) user_input = getpass.getpass('select endpoint: ') if (user_input == ''): return self.poutput(f'selected: {user_input}') try: user_input = int(user_input) - 1 if (user_input > max_index or user_input < 0): raise ValueError except: self.pwarning('invalid selection') return self.set_device(endpoint_list[user_input].id) #self.current_endpoint = endpoint_list[user_input] #self.set_device( def repeat_enable(self, args): if (self.set_repeat_state('context') == None): self.do_repeat('') def repeat_track(self, args): if (self.set_repeat_state('track') == None): self.do_repeat('') def repeat_disable(self, args): if (self.set_repeat_state('off') == None): self.do_repeat('') repeat_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='repeat', add_help=False) repeat_subparsers = repeat_parser.add_subparsers(title='repeat states') parser_repeat_track = repeat_subparsers.add_parser('track', help='repeat track', add_help=False) parser_repeat_track.set_defaults(func=repeat_track) parser_repeat_enable = repeat_subparsers.add_parser('enable', help='enable repeat', add_help=False) parser_repeat_enable.set_defaults(func=repeat_enable) parser_repeat_disable = repeat_subparsers.add_parser('disable', help='disable repeat', add_help=False) parser_repeat_disable.set_defaults(func=repeat_disable) repeat_subcommands = ['track', 'enable', 'disable'] @with_argparser(repeat_parser) def do_repeat(self, line): ''' show or modify repeat state usage: repeat [enable|disable|track] ''' # Call whatever sub-command function was selected try: line.func(self, line) except AttributeError: current_repeat = self.get_repeat_state() if (current_repeat == None): return current_repeat = current_repeat.value ### valid states: ### track - repeat enabled for track ### enabled - repeat enabled for playlist/album ### disabled - repeat disabled if (current_repeat == 'context'): self.poutput('repeat is enabled') elif (current_repeat == 'off'): self.poutput('repeat is disabled') elif (current_repeat == 'track'): self.poutput('repeating track') def shuffle_enable(self, args): if (self.set_shuffle_state(True) == None): self.do_shuffle('') def shuffle_disable(self, args): if (self.set_shuffle_state(False) == None): self.do_shuffle('') shuffle_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='shuffle', add_help=False) shuffle_subparsers = shuffle_parser.add_subparsers(title='shuffle states') # create the parser for the "foo" sub-command parser_shuffle_enable = shuffle_subparsers.add_parser( 'enable', help='enable shuffle', add_help=False) parser_shuffle_enable.set_defaults(func=shuffle_enable) # create the parser for the "foo" sub-command parser_shuffle_disable = shuffle_subparsers.add_parser( 'disable', help='disable shuffle', add_help=False) parser_shuffle_disable.set_defaults(func=shuffle_disable) shuffle_subcommands = ['enable', 'disable'] @with_argparser(shuffle_parser) def do_shuffle(self, line): ''' show or modify shuffle state usage: shuffle [enable|disable] ''' ### valid states: ### enabled - shuffle enabled ### disabled - shuffle disabled #if line is empty, print shuffle state try: line.func(self, line) except AttributeError: current_shuffle = self.get_shuffle_state() if (current_shuffle == None): return if (current_shuffle): self.poutput('shuffle is enabled') else: self.poutput('shuffle is disabled') #### playlist modification ########################################## def do_list(self, line): ''' display user playlists usage: lists ''' max_index = 0 user_playlists = self.sp_user.followed_playlists().items for index, item in enumerate(user_playlists): max_index += 1 self.poutput(f'{index + 1}: \t{}') user_input = getpass.getpass('select playlist: ') if (user_input == ''): return self.poutput(f'selected: {user_input}') try: user_input = int(user_input) - 1 if (user_input > max_index or user_input < 0): raise ValueError except: self.pwarning('invalid selection') self.set_playback_context(user_playlists[user_input].uri) def do_previous(self, line): ''' show last 10 songs (or more) usage: previous [integer] ''' items_to_fetch = 10 if (line): try: items_to_fetch = int(line) if (items_to_fetch <= 0): items_to_fetch = 3 self.pwarning('value too low, retrieving last 3 items') pass if (items_to_fetch > 50): items_to_fetch = 50 self.pwarning('value too high, retrieving last 50 items') pass except: self.pwarning('invalid value, retrieving last 10 items') for index, prev_song in enumerate( self.get_history(items_to_fetch).items): self.poutput( f'{index + 1}: {self.get_song(prev_song.track)} by {self.get_artist(prev_song.track)} on {self.get_album(prev_song.track)}' ) def do_queue(self, line): ''' show and modify queue usage: queue ''' self.poutput('not implemented. pending expansion of spotify api') def do_save(self, line): ''' add currently playing track to liked songs usage: save ''' song_data = self.get_playback() if (song_data == None): self.print_endpoint_error() return song_id = self.get_song_id(song_data.item) self.set_save([song_id]) self.poutput( f'{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}<3{Style.RESET_ALL} - saved song - {self.display_song(song_data.item)}' ) def do_unsave(self, line): ''' remove currently playing track from liked songs usage: unsave ''' song_data = self.get_playback() if (song_data == None): self.print_endpoint_error() return song_id = self.get_song_id(song_data.item) self.set_unsave([song_id]) self.poutput( f'{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}</3{Style.RESET_ALL} - removed song - {self.display_song(song_data.item)}' ) def do_search(self, line): ''' search by track, artist or album usage: search [filter] [-c amount] query filters: -a, --artist -b, --album -p, --playlist -t, --track examples: search -t seven nation army search -a eminem search --playlist -c 3 cool songs ''' if (not line): self.pwarning('no query detected') self.do_help('search') return result_limit = 10 result_type = () ### turn into a list so we can check first flag (if any) search_string = line.split(' ') ### check for flags in beginning of search string. ### if found, remove (so we don't do a search for the flag) if ('-a' in search_string[0]): result_type = result_type + ('artist', ) search_string.remove('-a') elif ('-b' in search_string[0]): result_type = result_type + ('album', ) search_string.remove('-b') elif ('-p' in search_string[0]): result_type = result_type + ('playlist', ) search_string.remove('-p') elif ('-t' in search_string[0]): result_type = result_type + ('track', ) search_string.remove('-t') if (result_type == ()): result_type = ('track', ) #if no flags detected, default search for track ##once we finish checking flags turn back into a string and pass along to search call search_string = ' '.join(search_string) if (search_string == ''): self.pwarning('no query detected') self.do_help('search') return search_results =, limit=result_limit, query=search_string) #print(search_results) item_id = [] for index, item in enumerate(search_results[0].items): media_type = item.type if (media_type == 'track'): self.poutput( f'{str(index + 1)}. \t{media_type} - {self.display_song(item)}' ) ### tekore playback track uses ID or uri depending on what you want to do ### save entire item for future ref so we can decide action later item_id.append(item) if (media_type == 'artist'): self.poutput( f'{str(index + 1)}. \t{media_type} - {self.get_artist(item)}' ) item_id.append(item.uri) if (media_type == 'album'): self.poutput( f'{str(index + 1)}. \t{media_type} - {self.get_album(item)} by {self.get_artist(item)}' ) item_id.append(item.uri) if (media_type == 'playlist'): self.poutput(f'{str(index + 1)}. \t{media_type} - {}') item_id.append(item.uri) #for index, item in enumerate(search_results): #print(f'{index} : {self.get_song(item[index].items[0].name)}') ### check user input for sanity user_input = getpass.getpass('select item: ') if (user_input == ''): return self.poutput(f'selected: {user_input}') try: user_input = int(user_input) - 1 if (user_input > 9 or user_input < 0): raise ValueError except: self.pwarning('invalid selection') return ### if input is sane, insta-play. unless it's a track. then prompt for action if (result_type == ('track', )): self.poutput('1. play') self.poutput('2. queue') user_action = getpass.getpass('select action: ') if (user_action == ''): return self.poutput(f'selected: {user_action}') try: user_action = int(user_action) - 1 if (user_action > 2 or user_action < 0): raise ValueError except: self.pwarning('invalid action') return #play if (user_action == 0): self.set_playback_track(item_id[user_input].id) time.sleep(self.api_delay) self.do_current('') return #queue if (user_action == 1): self.sp_user.playback_queue_add(uri=item_id[user_input].uri) self.poutput( f'song queued - {self.display_song(item_id[user_input])}') return else: self.set_playback_context(item_id[user_input]) time.sleep(self.api_delay) self.do_current('')