Esempio n. 1
 def _PointIsCloseToPreviousCorners(self, point):
     """True if the point is close to the previous corners."""
     max_dist = self.MAX_INTERFRAME_MOTION
     if cv_util.SqDistance(self._prev_corners[0], point) <= max_dist or \
        cv_util.SqDistance(self._prev_corners[1], point) <= max_dist or \
        cv_util.SqDistance(self._prev_corners[2], point) <= max_dist or \
        cv_util.SqDistance(self._prev_corners[3], point) <= max_dist:
         return True
     return False
Esempio n. 2
    def _GetTransform(self, corners, border):
        """Gets the perspective transform of the screen.

      corners: The corners of the detected screen.
      border: The number of pixels of border to crop along with the screen.

      A perspective transform and the width and height of the target

      ScreenNotFoundError: Something went wrong in detecting the screen."""
        if self._screen_size is None:
            w = np.sqrt(cv_util.SqDistance(corners[1], corners[0]))
            h = np.sqrt(cv_util.SqDistance(corners[1], corners[2]))
            if w < 1 or h < 1:
                raise self.ScreenNotFoundError(
                    'Screen detected improperly (bad corners)')
            if min(w, h) < self.MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH:
                raise self.ScreenNotFoundError(
                    'Detected screen was too small.')

            self._screen_size = (w, h)
            # Extend min line length, if we can, to reduce the number of extraneous
            # lines the line finder finds.
            self._min_line_length = max(self._min_line_length,
                                        min(w, h) / 1.75)
        w = self._screen_size[0]
        h = self._screen_size[1]

        target = np.zeros((4, 2), np.float32)
        width = w + border
        height = h + border
        target[0] = np.asfarray((width, border))
        target[1] = np.asfarray((border, border))
        target[2] = np.asfarray((border, height))
        target[3] = np.asfarray((width, height))
        transform_w = width + border
        transform_h = height + border
        transform = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(corners, target)
        return transform, transform_w, transform_h
Esempio n. 3
    def _PointConnectsToCorners(self, corners, point_info, tolerance=1):
        """Checks if the lines of an intersection intersect with corners.

    This is useful to check if the point is part of a rectangle specified by

      point_info: A tuple of (point, line, line) representing an intersection
          of two lines.
      corners: corners that (hopefully) make up a rectangle.
      tolerance: The tolerance (approximately in pixels) of the distance
          between the corners and the lines for detecting if the point is on
          the line.

      True if each of the two lines that make up the intersection where the
      point is located connect the point to other corners."""
        line1_connected = False
        line2_connected = False
        point, line1, line2 = point_info
        for corner in corners:
            if corner is None:

            # Filter out points that are too close to one another to be different
            # corners.
            sqdist = cv_util.SqDistance(corner, point)
            if sqdist < self.MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH * self.MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH:

            line1_connected = line1_connected or \
                cv_util.IsPointApproxOnLine(corner, line1, tolerance)
            line2_connected = line2_connected or \
                cv_util.IsPointApproxOnLine(corner, line2, tolerance)
        if line1_connected and line2_connected:
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 4
    def _NewScreenLocation(self, new_corners, missing_corners, intersections):
        """Computes the new screen location with best effort.

    Creates the final list of corners that represents the best effort attempt
    to find the new screen location. Handles degenerate cases where 3 or fewer
    new corners are present, using previous corner and intersection data.

      new_corners: The corners found by our search for corners.
      missing_corners: The count of how many corners we're missing.
      intersections: The intersections of straight lines found in the current

      An array of 4 new_corners hopefully representing the screen, or throws
      an error if this is not possible.

      ValueError: Finding the screen location was not possible."""
        screen_corners = copy.copy(new_corners)
        if missing_corners == 0:
            self._lost_corner_frames = 0
            self._lost_corners = [False, False, False, False]
            return screen_corners
        if self._prev_corners is None:
            raise self.ScreenNotFoundError(
                'Could not locate screen on frame %d' %

        self._lost_corner_frames += 1
        if missing_corners > 1:
                'Unable to properly detect screen corners, making '
                'potentially false assumptions on frame %d',
        # Replace missing new_corners with either nearest intersection to previous
        # corner, or previous corner if no intersections are found.
        for i in xrange(0, 4):
            if not np.isnan(new_corners[i][0]):
                self._lost_corners[i] = False
            self._lost_corners[i] = True
            min_dist = self.MAX_INTERFRAME_MOTION
            min_corner = None

            for isection in intersections:
                dist = cv_util.SqDistance(isection[0], self._prev_corners[i])
                if dist >= min_dist:
                if missing_corners == 1:
                    # We know in this case that we have 3 corners present, meaning
                    # all 4 screen lines, and therefore intersections near screen
                    # corners present, so our new corner must connect to these
                    # other corners.
                    if not self._PointConnectsToCorners(
                            new_corners, isection, 3):
                min_corner = isection[0]
                min_dist = dist
            screen_corners[i] = min_corner if min_corner is not None else \

        return screen_corners