def getCapacity(folders, dbs, switch='fuel', sector_name='electric', save_data='N', create_plots='N', run_name=''): # inputs: # 1) folders - paths containing dbs (list or single string if all in the same path) # 2) dbs - names of databases (list) # 3) switch - 'fuel' or 'tech', basis of categorization # 4) sectorName - name of temoa sector to be analyzed # 5) saveData - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 6) createPlot - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 7) run_name - Used for saving results in dedicated folder # # outputs: # 1) capacity - pandas DataFrame holding capacity for each model year # ============================================================================== print("Analyzing capacity") # Save original directory wrkdir = os.getcwd() # If only a single db and folder provided, change to a list if type(dbs) == str and type(folders) == str: dbs = [dbs] folders = [folders] # If a list of folders is provided with one database, only use first folder elif type(dbs) == str: dbs = [dbs] folders = [folders[0]] # If only a single folder provided, create a list of the same folder elif type(folders) == str: fldrs = [] for db in dbs: fldrs.append(folders) folders = fldrs # Create dictionary to hold each capacity_single series capacity = pd.DataFrame(dtype='float64') # Iterate through each db for folder, db in zip(folders, dbs): capacity_single = SingleDB(folder, db, switch=switch, sector_name=sector_name) capacity = pd.concat([capacity, capacity_single]) # Reset index (remove multi-level indexing, easier to use in Excel) capacity = capacity.reset_index() # Directory to hold results if save_data == 'Y' or create_plots == 'Y': tt.create_results_dir(wrkdir=wrkdir, run_name=run_name) # Save results to Excel if save_data == 'Y': # Create savename based on switch if switch == 'fuel': savename = 'capacity_by_fuel.csv' elif switch == 'tech': savename = 'capacity_by_tech.csv' # Save capacity.to_csv(savename) # Create plots if create_plots == 'Y': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0}) # ignore warning # new figure plt.figure() # set aesthetics sns.set_style("white", { "": "serif", "font.serif": ["Times", "Palatino", "serif"] }) sns.set_context("paper") sns.set_style("ticks", {"xtick.major.size": 8, "ytick.major.size": 8}) # wide to long df2 = pd.melt(capacity, id_vars=['database', 'scenario', 'fuelOrTech'], var_name='var', value_name='value') # plot sns.relplot(x='var', y='value', hue='database', data=df2, kind='line', col='fuelOrTech', col_wrap=4) # save if switch == 'fuel': savename = 'capacity_by_fuel.png' elif switch == 'tech': savename = 'capacity_by_tech.png' plt.savefig(savename, dpi=resolution) # close figure plt.close() # Return to original directory os.chdir(wrkdir) # return capacity as a dictionary return capacity
def getCosts(folders, dbs, elc_dmd='ELC_DMD', conversion=0.359971, save_data='N', create_plots='N', run_name=''): # inputs: # 1) folders - paths containing dbs (list or single string if all in the same path) # 2) dbs - names of databases (list) # 3) elc_dmd - quantity that represents electricity demand # 4) conversion - converts from cost units per activity to cents/kWH # default is conversion from M$/PJ to cents/KWh (1E6*100 / (2.778E8)) # 5) save_data - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 6) create_plots - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 7) run_name - Used for saving results in dedicated folder # # outputs: # 1) yearlyCosts - pandas DataFrame holding yearly_costs # 2) LCOE - dictionary holding LCOE, calculated wrt first model year # ============================================================================== print("Analyzing costs") # Save original directory wrkdir = os.getcwd() # If only a single db and folder provided, change to a list if type(dbs) == str and type(folders) == str: dbs = [dbs] folders = [folders] # If a list of folders is provided with one database, only use first folder elif type(dbs) == str: dbs = [dbs] folders = [folders[0]] # If only a single folder provided, create a list of the same folder elif type(folders) == str: fldrs = [] for db in dbs: fldrs.append(folders) folders = fldrs # Create a dataframe yearlyCosts = pd.DataFrame(dtype='float64') LCOE = pd.DataFrame(dtype='float64') # Iterate through each db for folder, db in zip(folders, dbs): # Access costs yearlyCosts_single, LCOE_single = SingleDB(folder, db, elc_dmd=elc_dmd, conversion=conversion) yearlyCosts = pd.concat([yearlyCosts, yearlyCosts_single]) LCOE = pd.concat([LCOE, LCOE_single]) # Reset index (remove multi-level indexing, easier to use in Excel) yearlyCosts = yearlyCosts.reset_index() LCOE = LCOE.reset_index() # Directory to hold results if save_data == 'Y' or create_plots == 'Y': tt.create_results_dir(wrkdir=wrkdir, run_name=run_name) # Save results to CSV if save_data == 'Y': yearlyCosts.to_csv('costs_yearly.csv') LCOE.to_csv('LCOE.csv') # Plot Results if create_plots == 'Y': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0}) # ignore warning # new figure plt.figure() # set aesthetics sns.set_style("white", { "": "serif", "font.serif": ["Times", "Palatino", "serif"] }) sns.set_context("paper") sns.set_style("ticks", {"xtick.major.size": 8, "ytick.major.size": 8}) # wide to long df2 = pd.melt(yearlyCosts, id_vars=['database', 'scenario'], var_name='var', value_name='value') # plot ax = sns.lineplot(x='var', y='value', hue='database', data=df2) ax.set_xlabel("Year [-]") ax.set_ylabel("Costs [cents/kWh]") fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig('costs_yearly.png', dpi=resolution) # close figure plt.close() # Return to original directory os.chdir(wrkdir) return yearlyCosts, LCOE
def SingleDB(folder, db, switch='fuel', sectorName='electric', saveData='N', createPlots='N', conversion=277.777778): # inputs: # 1) folder - path containing db # 2) db - name of databas # 3) switch - 'fuel' or 'tech', basis of categorization # 4) sectorName - name of temoa sector to be analyzed # 5) saveData - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 6) createPlot - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 7) conversion - conversion to GWh, default is 277.778 (from PJ) # outputs: # 1) activity - pandas DataFrame holding capacity for each model year # ============================================================================== if switch == 'fuel': savename = 'Results_ActivityTOD_byFuel_' + name(db) elif switch == 'tech': savename = 'Results_ActivityTOD_byTech_' + name(db) # save original folder origDir = os.getcwd() # move to folder os.chdir(folder) # Connect to Database con = sqlite3.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() # Read from database: # Select All Efficiencies qry = "SELECT * FROM Efficiency" cur.execute(qry) db_efficiency = cur.fetchall() # Select All time_of_day qry = "SELECT * FROM time_of_day" cur.execute(qry) db_time_of_day = cur.fetchall() # Select All time_season qry = "SELECT * FROM time_season" cur.execute(qry) db_time_season = cur.fetchall() # Select All time_periods qry = "SELECT * FROM time_periods" cur.execute(qry) db_time_periods = cur.fetchall() # Select All technologies qry = "SELECT * FROM technologies" cur.execute(qry) db_technologies = cur.fetchall() # Select All Flows qry = "SELECT * FROM Output_VFlow_Out" cur.execute(qry) db_Output_VFlow_Out = cur.fetchall() # Review db_time_of_day to select timesOfDay tods = [] for tod in db_time_of_day: tods.append(str(tod[0])) # Review db_time_season to select seasons seasons = [] for season in db_time_season: seasons.append(str(season[0])) n_seasons = len(seasons) # Review db_time_periods to select future periods years = [] for year, flag in db_time_periods: if flag == 'f': years.append(str(year)) n_years = len(years) # Review db_technologies to select related sector techs = [] for tech, flag, sector, tech_desc, tech_category in db_technologies: if sector == sectorName: if tech not in techs: techs.append(tech) # Review db_efficiency to create a dictionary of fuels d = {} for input_comm, tech, vintage, output_comm, efficiency, ef_notes in db_efficiency: if tech in techs: if tech not in d.keys(): d[tech] = input_comm # Sort data and assign as columns and rows if switch == 'fuel': cols = sorted(set(d.values())) elif switch == 'tech': cols = sorted(techs) rows = sorted(tods) # Directory to hold results if save_data == 'Y' or create_plots == 'Y': tt.create_results_dir(wrkdir=wrkdir, run_name=run_name) # Create plot if createPlots == 'Y': f, a = plt.subplots(n_years, n_seasons, sharex=True, sharey=True) # Create connection to excel if saveData == 'Y': writer = pd.ExcelWriter(savename + '.xls') # Dictionary to store results activity = {} # Fill-in each subplot for i, year in enumerate(years[:-1]): for j, season in enumerate(seasons): # Create appropriate title titlename = str(year) + ' ' + str(season) # Create dataframe initialized to zero df = pd.DataFrame(data=0.0, index=rows, columns=cols) ## Review db_Output_VFlow_Out to fill data frame for scenario, sector, t_periods, t_season, t_day, input_comm, tech, vintage, output_comm, vflow_out in db_Output_VFlow_Out: if sector == sectorName: if str(t_periods) == year and t_season == season: if switch == 'fuel': df.loc[t_day, d[tech]] = df.loc[ t_day, d[tech]] + vflow_out * conversion elif switch == 'tech': df.loc[t_day, tech] = df.loc[ t_day, tech] + vflow_out * conversion # Store results activity[str(year) + '_' + str(season)] = df # Plot if createPlots == 'Y': # Access corresponding subplot ax = a[i, j] # Legend if i == 0 and j == len(seasons) - 1:, stacked=True, title=titlename, legend=True) a[i, j].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.7, -0.2), ncol=1) else:, stacked=True, title=titlename, legend=False) if i == len(years) - 1: # Only bottom of plot ax.set_xlabel("Year [-]") if j == 0: # Only leftside of plot ax.set_ylabel("Activity [GWh]") # Store to excel if saveData == 'Y': sheetname = str(year) + '_' + str(season) df.to_excel(writer, sheetname) # Save plot if createPlots == 'Y': fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig(savename, dpi=resolution, bbox_inches="tight") # Save excel file if saveData == 'Y': # Return to original directory os.chdir(origDir) # Return results return activity
def getActivityTOD(folders, dbs, switch='fuel', sector_name='electric', save_data='N', create_plots='N', conversion=277.777778, run_name=''): # inputs: # 1) folders - paths containing dbs (list or single string if all in the same path) # 2) dbs - names of databases (list) # 3) switch - 'fuel' or 'tech', basis of categorization # 4) sectorName - name of temoa sector to be analyzed # 5) saveData - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 6) createPlots - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 7) conversion - conversion to GWh, default is 277.778 (from PJ) # 8) run_name - Used for saving results in dedicated folder # outputs: # 1) activity # 2) plots - optional # 3) Data - optional # ============================================================================== print("Analyzing activity by time of day (TOD)") # Save original directory wrkdir = os.getcwd() # If only a single db and folder provided, change to a list if type(dbs) == str and type(folders) == str: dbs = [dbs] folders = [folders] # If a list of folders is provided with one database, only use first folder elif type(dbs) == str: dbs = [dbs] folders = [folders[0]] # If only a single folder provided, create a list of the same folder elif type(folders) == str: fldrs = [] for db in dbs: fldrs.append(folders) folders = fldrs # Create dataframe to hold each capacity_single series activity = pd.DataFrame(dtype='float64') # Iterate through each db for folder, db in zip(folders, dbs): activity_single = SingleDB(folder, db, switch=switch, sector_name=sector_name, conversion=conversion) activity = pd.concat([activity, activity_single]) # Reset index (remove multi-level indexing, easier to use in Excel) activity = activity.reset_index() # Directory to hold results if save_data == 'Y' or create_plots == 'Y': tt.create_results_dir(wrkdir=wrkdir, run_name=run_name) # Save results to CSV if save_data == 'Y': # Create savename based on switch if switch == 'fuel': savename = 'activityTOD_by_fuel.csv' else: savename = 'activityTOD_by_tech.csv' activity.to_csv(savename) if create_plots == 'Y': df = activity.reset_index() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0}) # ignore warning for database in df.database.unique(): # new figure plt.figure() # set aesthetics sns.set_style( "white", { "": "serif", "font.serif": ["Times", "Palatino", "serif"] }) sns.set_context("talk") # select relevant database df2 = df[(df.database == database)] # plot sns.relplot(x='tod', y='value', hue='fuelOrTech', row='year', col='season', data=df2, kind='line') # save if switch == 'fuel': savename = 'yearlyActivityTOD_byFuel' + tt.remove_ext( database) + '.pdf' else: savename = 'yearlyActivityTOD_byTech' + tt.remove_ext( database) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(savename, dpi=resolution) # close the figure plt.close() # Return to original directory os.chdir(wrkdir) return activity
def getEmissions(folders, dbs, conversion=1E-6, save_data='N', create_plots='N', run_name=''): # ============================================================================== # inputs: # 1) folders - paths containing dbs (list or single string if all in the same path) # 2) dbs - names of databases (list) # 3) conversion - converts from emission units to Mton # default is conversion from kton to Mton is 1E-6 # 4) save_data - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 5) create_plots - 'Y' or 'N', default is 'N' # 6) run_name - Used for saving results in dedicated folder # # outputs: # 1) yearlyEmissions - pandas DataFrame holding yearly emissions # 2) avgEmissions - dictionary holding average emissions # ============================================================================== print("Analyzing emissions") # Save original directory wrkdir = os.getcwd() # If only a single db and folder provided, change to a list if type(dbs) == str and type(folders) == str: dbs = [dbs] folders = [folders] # If a list of folders is provided with one database, only use first folder elif type(dbs) == str: dbs = [dbs] folders = [folders[0]] # If only a single folder provided, create a list of the same folder elif type(folders) == str: fldrs = [] for db in dbs: fldrs.append(folders) folders = fldrs # Create a dataframe yearlyEmissions = pd.DataFrame(dtype='float64') avgEmissions = pd.DataFrame(dtype='float64') # Iterate through each db for folder, db in zip(folders, dbs): # Move to folder os.chdir(folder) # Access costs yearlyEmissions_single, avgEmissions_single = SingleDB( folder, db, conversion=conversion) # Store costs yearlyEmissions = pd.concat([yearlyEmissions, yearlyEmissions_single]) avgEmissions = pd.concat([avgEmissions, avgEmissions_single]) # Sort data # yearlyEmissions = yearlyEmissions.sort_index() # Reset index (remove multi-level indexing, easier to use for processing) yearlyEmissions = yearlyEmissions.reset_index() avgEmissions = avgEmissions.reset_index() # Directory to hold results if save_data == 'Y' or create_plots == 'Y': tt.create_results_dir(wrkdir=wrkdir, run_name=run_name) # Save results to CSV if save_data == 'Y': yearlyEmissions.to_csv('emissions_yearly.csv') avgEmissions.to_csv('emissions_average.csv') # Plot Results if create_plots == 'Y': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # new figure plt.figure() # set aesthetics sns.set_style("white", { "": "serif", "font.serif": ["Times", "Palatino", "serif"] }) sns.set_context("paper") sns.set_style("ticks", {"xtick.major.size": 8, "ytick.major.size": 8}) # wide to long df2 = pd.melt(yearlyEmissions, id_vars=['database', 'scenario'], var_name='var', value_name='value') # plot ax = sns.lineplot(x='var', y='value', hue='database', data=df2) # yearlyEmissions ax.set_xlabel("Year [-]") ax.set_ylabel("Emissions [kton]") fig = ax.get_figure() savename = 'emissions_yearly.png' fig.savefig(savename, dpi=resolution) # close figure plt.close() # Return to original directory os.chdir(wrkdir) return yearlyEmissions, avgEmissions