Esempio n. 1
def indices_to_dense_vector(indices,
    """Creates dense vector with indices set to specific value and rest to zeros.

  This function exists because it is unclear if it is safe to use
    tf.sparse_to_dense(indices, [size], 1, validate_indices=False)
  with indices which are not ordered.
  This function accepts a dynamic size (e.g. tf.shape(tensor)[0])

    indices: 1d Tensor with integer indices which are to be set to
    size: scalar with size (integer) of output Tensor.
    indices_value: values of elements specified by indices in the output vector
    default_value: values of other elements in the output vector.
    dtype: data type.

    dense 1D Tensor of shape [size] with indices set to indices_values and the
        rest set to default_value.
    size = tf.to_int32(size)
    zeros = tf.ones([size], dtype=dtype) * default_value
    values = tf.ones_like(indices, dtype=dtype) * indices_value

    return tf.dynamic_stitch(
        [tf.range(size), tf.to_int32(indices)], [zeros, values])
Esempio n. 2
def scheduled_sample_count(ground_truth_x, generated_x, batch_size,
    """Sample batch with specified mix of groundtruth and generated data points.

    ground_truth_x: tensor of ground-truth data points.
    generated_x: tensor of generated data points.
    batch_size: batch size
    scheduled_sample_var: number of ground-truth examples to include in batch.

    New batch with num_ground_truth sampled from ground_truth_x and the rest
    from generated_x.
    num_ground_truth = scheduled_sample_var
    idx = tf.random_shuffle(tf.range(batch_size))
    ground_truth_idx = tf.gather(idx, tf.range(num_ground_truth))
    generated_idx = tf.gather(idx, tf.range(num_ground_truth, batch_size))

    ground_truth_examps = tf.gather(ground_truth_x, ground_truth_idx)
    generated_examps = tf.gather(generated_x, generated_idx)

    output = tf.dynamic_stitch([ground_truth_idx, generated_idx],
                               [ground_truth_examps, generated_examps])
    # if batch size is known set it.
    if isinstance(batch_size, int):
        output.set_shape([batch_size] + common.shape_list(output)[1:])
    return output
Esempio n. 3
def undo_mask(x, mask, pad_val=0.0):
    """Converts the output of boolean_mask to the original input dimensions.

  The boolean_mask is usually used to condense items from multiple batches into
  one large 'batch' for faster processing. This function is used to convert
    x: The input to reshape.
    mask: The mask used in boolean_mask.
    pad_val: value to pad with.

    x reshaped and padded.
    with tf.variable_scope('undo_mask'):
        flat_x = tf.reshape(x, [-1])
        x_shape = tf.shape(x)[1:]
        expanded_mask = tf.tile(
                tf.concat([[-1, tf.shape(mask)[1]],
                           tf.ones_like(x_shape)], 0)),
            tf.concat([[1, 1], x_shape], 0))
        flat_mask = tf.reshape(expanded_mask, [-1])
        start_indices = tf.range(tf.shape(flat_mask)[0])
        condition_indices = tf.dynamic_partition(start_indices,
                                                 tf.cast(flat_mask, tf.int32),
        stitched = tf.dynamic_stitch(condition_indices, [
            tf.ones_like(condition_indices[0], tf.float32) * pad_val,
            tf.reshape(flat_x, [-1])
        final_shape = tf.shape(mask)
        out_shape = tf.concat([[final_shape[0], final_shape[1]], x_shape], 0)
        return tf.reshape(stitched, out_shape)
Esempio n. 4
    def _stitch_mat_from_vecs(vector_list):
        """ Stitches a given list of vectors into a 3x3 matrix.

                vector_list: list of 9 tensors, which will be stitched into a matrix. list contains matrix elements
                    in a row-first fashion (m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33). Length of the vectors has
                    to be the same, because it is interpreted as batch dimension.

        assert len(vector_list
                   ) == 9, "There have to be exactly 9 tensors in vector_list."
        batch_size = vector_list[0].get_shape().as_list()[0]
        vector_list = [tf.reshape(x, [1, batch_size]) for x in vector_list]

        trafo_matrix = tf.dynamic_stitch(
            [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]], vector_list)

        trafo_matrix = tf.reshape(trafo_matrix, [3, 3, batch_size])
        trafo_matrix = tf.transpose(trafo_matrix, [2, 0, 1])

        return trafo_matrix
def create_targets(anchors, groundtruth_boxes, matches):
    """Returns regression and classification targets for each anchor.

        anchors: a float tensor with shape [num_anchors, 4].
        groundtruth_boxes: a float tensor with shape [N, 4].
        matches: an int tensor with shape [num_anchors].
        a float tensor with shape [num_anchors, 4].
    matched_anchor_indices = tf.where(tf.greater_equal(
        matches, 0))  # shape [num_matches, 1]
    matched_anchor_indices = tf.to_int32(
        tf.squeeze(matched_anchor_indices, axis=1))

    unmatched_anchor_indices = tf.where(tf.less(
        matches, 0))  # shape [num_anchors - num_matches, 1]
    unmatched_anchor_indices = tf.to_int32(
        tf.squeeze(unmatched_anchor_indices, axis=1))

    matched_gt_indices = tf.gather(
        matches, matched_anchor_indices)  # shape [num_matches]
    matched_gt_boxes = tf.gather(groundtruth_boxes,
                                 matched_gt_indices)  # shape [num_matches, 4]
    matched_anchors = tf.gather(
        anchors, matched_anchor_indices)  # shape [num_matches, 4]

    matched_reg_targets = encode(matched_gt_boxes,
                                 matched_anchors)  # shape [num_matches, 4]
    num_unmatched = tf.size(
        unmatched_anchor_indices)  # num_anchors - num_matches
    unmatched_reg_targets = tf.zeros([num_unmatched, 4], dtype=tf.float32)

    regression_targets = tf.dynamic_stitch(
        [matched_anchor_indices, unmatched_anchor_indices],
        [matched_reg_targets, unmatched_reg_targets])  # shape [num_anchors, 4]

    return regression_targets
Esempio n. 6
    def get(self):
        """ Provides input data to the graph. """
        # calculate size of each record (this lists what is contained in the db and how many bytes are occupied)
        record_bytes = 2

        encoding_bytes = 4
        kp_xyz_entries = 3 * self.num_kp
        record_bytes += encoding_bytes * kp_xyz_entries

        encoding_bytes = 4
        kp_uv_entries = 2 * self.num_kp
        record_bytes += encoding_bytes * kp_uv_entries

        cam_matrix_entries = 9
        record_bytes += encoding_bytes * cam_matrix_entries

        image_bytes = self.image_size[0] * self.image_size[1] * 3
        record_bytes += image_bytes

        hand_parts_bytes = self.image_size[0] * self.image_size[1]
        record_bytes += hand_parts_bytes

        kp_vis_bytes = self.num_kp
        record_bytes += kp_vis_bytes
        """ READ DATA ITEMS"""
        # Start reader
        reader = tf.FixedLengthRecordReader(header_bytes=0,
        _, value =

        # decode to floats
        bytes_read = 0
        data_dict = dict()
        record_bytes_float32 = tf.decode_raw(value, tf.float32)

        # 1. Read keypoint xyz
        keypoint_xyz = tf.reshape(
            tf.slice(record_bytes_float32, [bytes_read // 4],
                     [kp_xyz_entries]), [self.num_kp, 3])
        bytes_read += encoding_bytes * kp_xyz_entries

        # calculate palm coord
        if not self.use_wrist_coord:
            palm_coord_l = tf.expand_dims(
                0.5 * (keypoint_xyz[0, :] + keypoint_xyz[12, :]), 0)
            palm_coord_r = tf.expand_dims(
                0.5 * (keypoint_xyz[21, :] + keypoint_xyz[33, :]), 0)
            keypoint_xyz = tf.concat([
                palm_coord_l, keypoint_xyz[1:21, :], palm_coord_r,
                keypoint_xyz[-20:, :]
            ], 0)

        data_dict['keypoint_xyz'] = keypoint_xyz

        # 2. Read keypoint uv
        keypoint_uv = tf.cast(
                tf.slice(record_bytes_float32, [bytes_read // 4],
                         [kp_uv_entries]), [self.num_kp, 2]), tf.int32)
        bytes_read += encoding_bytes * kp_uv_entries

        keypoint_uv = tf.cast(keypoint_uv, tf.float32)

        # calculate palm coord
        if not self.use_wrist_coord:
            palm_coord_uv_l = tf.expand_dims(
                0.5 * (keypoint_uv[0, :] + keypoint_uv[12, :]), 0)
            palm_coord_uv_r = tf.expand_dims(
                0.5 * (keypoint_uv[21, :] + keypoint_uv[33, :]), 0)
            keypoint_uv = tf.concat([
                palm_coord_uv_l, keypoint_uv[1:21, :], palm_coord_uv_r,
                keypoint_uv[-20:, :]
            ], 0)

        if self.coord_uv_noise:
            noise = tf.truncated_normal([42, 2],
            keypoint_uv += noise

        data_dict['keypoint_uv'] = keypoint_uv

        # 3. Camera intrinsics
        cam_mat = tf.reshape(
            tf.slice(record_bytes_float32, [bytes_read // 4],
                     [cam_matrix_entries]), [3, 3])
        bytes_read += encoding_bytes * cam_matrix_entries
        data_dict['cam_mat'] = cam_mat

        # decode to uint8
        bytes_read += 2
        record_bytes_uint8 = tf.decode_raw(value, tf.uint8)

        # 4. Read image
        image = tf.reshape(
            tf.slice(record_bytes_uint8, [bytes_read], [image_bytes]),
            [self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1], 3])
        image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)
        bytes_read += image_bytes

        # subtract mean
        image = image / 255.0 - 0.5
        if self.hue_aug:
            image = tf.image.random_hue(image, self.hue_aug_max)
        data_dict['image'] = image

        # 5. Read mask
        hand_parts_mask = tf.reshape(
            tf.slice(record_bytes_uint8, [bytes_read], [hand_parts_bytes]),
            [self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1]])
        hand_parts_mask = tf.cast(hand_parts_mask, tf.int32)
        bytes_read += hand_parts_bytes
        data_dict['hand_parts'] = hand_parts_mask
        hand_mask = tf.greater(hand_parts_mask, 1)
        bg_mask = tf.logical_not(hand_mask)
        data_dict['hand_mask'] = tf.cast(tf.stack([bg_mask, hand_mask], 2),

        # 6. Read visibilty
        keypoint_vis = tf.reshape(
            tf.slice(record_bytes_uint8, [bytes_read], [kp_vis_bytes]),
        keypoint_vis = tf.cast(keypoint_vis, tf.bool)
        bytes_read += kp_vis_bytes

        # calculate palm visibility
        if not self.use_wrist_coord:
            palm_vis_l = tf.expand_dims(
                tf.logical_or(keypoint_vis[0], keypoint_vis[12]), 0)
            palm_vis_r = tf.expand_dims(
                tf.logical_or(keypoint_vis[21], keypoint_vis[33]), 0)
            keypoint_vis = tf.concat([
                palm_vis_l, keypoint_vis[1:21], palm_vis_r, keypoint_vis[-20:]
            ], 0)
        data_dict['keypoint_vis'] = keypoint_vis

        assert bytes_read == record_bytes, "Doesnt add up."
        """ DEPENDENT DATA ITEMS: SUBSET of 21 keypoints"""
        # figure out dominant hand by analysis of the segmentation mask
        one_map, zero_map = tf.ones_like(hand_parts_mask), tf.zeros_like(
        cond_l = tf.logical_and(tf.greater(hand_parts_mask, one_map),
                                tf.less(hand_parts_mask, one_map * 18))
        cond_r = tf.greater(hand_parts_mask, one_map * 17)
        hand_map_l = tf.where(cond_l, one_map, zero_map)
        hand_map_r = tf.where(cond_r, one_map, zero_map)
        num_px_left_hand = tf.reduce_sum(hand_map_l)
        num_px_right_hand = tf.reduce_sum(hand_map_r)

        # PRODUCE the 21 subset using the segmentation masks
        # We only deal with the more prominent hand for each frame and discard the second set of keypoints
        kp_coord_xyz_left = keypoint_xyz[:21, :]
        kp_coord_xyz_right = keypoint_xyz[-21:, :]

        cond_left = tf.logical_and(
            tf.cast(tf.ones_like(kp_coord_xyz_left), tf.bool),
            tf.greater(num_px_left_hand, num_px_right_hand))
        kp_coord_xyz21 = tf.where(cond_left, kp_coord_xyz_left,

        hand_side = tf.where(
                       num_px_right_hand), tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32),
            tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32))  # left hand = 0; right hand = 1
        data_dict['hand_side'] = tf.one_hot(hand_side,

        data_dict['keypoint_xyz21'] = kp_coord_xyz21

        # make coords relative to root joint
        kp_coord_xyz_root = kp_coord_xyz21[0, :]  # this is the palm coord
        kp_coord_xyz21_rel = kp_coord_xyz21 - kp_coord_xyz_root  # relative coords in metric coords
        index_root_bone_length = tf.sqrt(
                tf.square(kp_coord_xyz21_rel[12, :] -
                          kp_coord_xyz21_rel[11, :])))
        data_dict['keypoint_scale'] = index_root_bone_length
            'keypoint_xyz21_normed'] = kp_coord_xyz21_rel / index_root_bone_length  # normalized by length of 12->11

        # calculate local coordinates
        kp_coord_xyz21_local = bone_rel_trafo(
        kp_coord_xyz21_local = tf.squeeze(kp_coord_xyz21_local)
        data_dict['keypoint_xyz21_local'] = kp_coord_xyz21_local

        # calculate viewpoint and coords in canonical coordinates
        kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can, rot_mat = canonical_trafo(
        kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can, rot_mat = tf.squeeze(
            kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can), tf.squeeze(rot_mat)
        kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can = flip_right_hand(kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can,
        data_dict['keypoint_xyz21_can'] = kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can
        data_dict['rot_mat'] = tf.matrix_inverse(rot_mat)

        # Set of 21 for visibility
        keypoint_vis_left = keypoint_vis[:21]
        keypoint_vis_right = keypoint_vis[-21:]
        keypoint_vis21 = tf.where(cond_left[:, 0], keypoint_vis_left,
        data_dict['keypoint_vis21'] = keypoint_vis21

        # Set of 21 for UV coordinates
        keypoint_uv_left = keypoint_uv[:21, :]
        keypoint_uv_right = keypoint_uv[-21:, :]
        keypoint_uv21 = tf.where(cond_left[:, :2], keypoint_uv_left,
        data_dict['keypoint_uv21'] = keypoint_uv21
        if self.hand_crop:
            crop_center = keypoint_uv21[12, ::-1]

            # catch problem, when no valid kp available (happens almost never)
            crop_center = tf.cond(tf.reduce_all(tf.is_finite(crop_center)),
                                  lambda: crop_center,
                                  lambda: tf.constant([0.0, 0.0]))

            if self.crop_center_noise:
                noise = tf.truncated_normal(
                    [2], mean=0.0, stddev=self.crop_center_noise_sigma)
                crop_center += noise

            crop_scale_noise = tf.constant(1.0)
            if self.crop_scale_noise:
                crop_scale_noise = tf.squeeze(
                    tf.random_uniform([1], minval=1.0, maxval=1.2))

            # select visible coords only
            kp_coord_h = tf.boolean_mask(keypoint_uv21[:, 1], keypoint_vis21)
            kp_coord_w = tf.boolean_mask(keypoint_uv21[:, 0], keypoint_vis21)
            kp_coord_hw = tf.stack([kp_coord_h, kp_coord_w], 1)

            # determine size of crop (measure spatial extend of hw coords first)
            min_coord = tf.maximum(tf.reduce_min(kp_coord_hw, 0), 0.0)
            max_coord = tf.minimum(tf.reduce_max(kp_coord_hw, 0),

            # find out larger distance wrt the center of crop
            crop_size_best = 2 * tf.maximum(max_coord - crop_center,
                                            crop_center - min_coord)
            crop_size_best = tf.reduce_max(crop_size_best)
            crop_size_best = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(crop_size_best, 50.0),

            # catch problem, when no valid kp available
            crop_size_best = tf.cond(
                lambda: crop_size_best, lambda: tf.constant(200.0))

            # calculate necessary scaling
            scale = tf.cast(self.crop_size, tf.float32) / crop_size_best
            scale = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(scale, 1.0), 10.0)
            scale *= crop_scale_noise
            data_dict['crop_scale'] = scale

            if self.crop_offset_noise:
                noise = tf.truncated_normal(
                    [2], mean=0.0, stddev=self.crop_offset_noise_sigma)
                crop_center += noise

            # Crop image
            img_crop = crop_image_from_xy(tf.expand_dims(image, 0),
                                          crop_center, self.crop_size, scale)
            data_dict['image_crop'] = tf.squeeze(img_crop)

            # Modify uv21 coordinates
            crop_center_float = tf.cast(crop_center, tf.float32)
            keypoint_uv21_u = (keypoint_uv21[:, 0] - crop_center_float[1]
                               ) * scale + self.crop_size // 2
            keypoint_uv21_v = (keypoint_uv21[:, 1] - crop_center_float[0]
                               ) * scale + self.crop_size // 2
            keypoint_uv21 = tf.stack([keypoint_uv21_u, keypoint_uv21_v], 1)
            data_dict['keypoint_uv21'] = keypoint_uv21

            # Modify camera intrinsics
            scale = tf.reshape(scale, [
            scale_matrix = tf.dynamic_stitch([
                [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
            ], [scale, [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], scale, [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [1.0]])
            scale_matrix = tf.reshape(scale_matrix, [3, 3])

            crop_center_float = tf.cast(crop_center, tf.float32)
            trans1 = crop_center_float[0] * scale - self.crop_size // 2
            trans2 = crop_center_float[1] * scale - self.crop_size // 2
            trans1 = tf.reshape(trans1, [
            trans2 = tf.reshape(trans2, [
            trans_matrix = tf.dynamic_stitch(
                [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]],
                [[1.0], [0.0], -trans2, [0.0], [1.0], -trans1, [0.0], [0.0],
            trans_matrix = tf.reshape(trans_matrix, [3, 3])

            data_dict['cam_mat'] = tf.matmul(trans_matrix,
                                             tf.matmul(scale_matrix, cam_mat))
        """ DEPENDENT DATA ITEMS: Scoremap from the SUBSET of 21 keypoints"""
        # create scoremaps from the subset of 2D annoataion
        keypoint_hw21 = tf.stack([keypoint_uv21[:, 1], keypoint_uv21[:, 0]],

        scoremap_size = self.image_size

        if self.hand_crop:
            scoremap_size = (self.crop_size, self.crop_size)

        scoremap = self.create_multiple_gaussian_map(keypoint_hw21,

        if self.scoremap_dropout:
            scoremap = tf.nn.dropout(scoremap,
                                     noise_shape=[1, 1, 21])
            scoremap *= self.scoremap_dropout_prob

        data_dict['scoremap'] = scoremap

        if self.scale_to_size:
            image, keypoint_uv21, keypoint_vis21 = data_dict[
                'image'], data_dict['keypoint_uv21'], data_dict[
            s = image.get_shape().as_list()
            image = tf.image.resize_images(image, self.scale_target_size)
            scale = (self.scale_target_size[0] / float(s[0]),
                     self.scale_target_size[1] / float(s[1]))
            keypoint_uv21 = tf.stack([
                keypoint_uv21[:, 0] * scale[1], keypoint_uv21[:, 1] * scale[0]
            ], 1)

            data_dict = dict(
            )  # delete everything else because the scaling makes the data invalid anyway
            data_dict['image'] = image
            data_dict['keypoint_uv21'] = keypoint_uv21
            data_dict['keypoint_vis21'] = keypoint_vis21

        elif self.random_crop_to_size:
            tensor_stack = tf.concat([
                tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(data_dict['hand_parts'], tf.float32),
                tf.cast(data_dict['hand_mask'], tf.float32)
            ], 2)
            s = tensor_stack.get_shape().as_list()
            tensor_stack_cropped = tf.random_crop(
                [self.random_crop_size, self.random_crop_size, s[2]])
            data_dict = dict(
            )  # delete everything else because the random cropping makes the data invalid anyway
            data_dict['image'], data_dict['hand_parts'], data_dict['hand_mask'] = tensor_stack_cropped[:, :, :3],\
                                                                                  tf.cast(tensor_stack_cropped[:, :, 3], tf.int32),\
                                                                                  tf.cast(tensor_stack_cropped[:, :, 4:], tf.int32)

        names, tensors = zip(*data_dict.items())

        if self.shuffle:
            tensors = tf.train.shuffle_batch_join([tensors],
            tensors = tf.train.batch_join([tensors],

        return dict(zip(names, tensors))
Esempio n. 7
    def get(self):
        """ Provides input data to the graph. """
        # calculate size of each record (this lists what is contained in the db and how many bytes are occupied)
        record_bytes = 0

        encoding_bytes = 4
        kp_xyz_entries = 3 * self.num_kp
        record_bytes += encoding_bytes*kp_xyz_entries

        encoding_bytes = 4
        kp_uv_entries = 2 * self.num_kp
        record_bytes += encoding_bytes*kp_uv_entries

        kp_vis_entries = self.num_kp
        record_bytes += encoding_bytes*kp_vis_entries

        image_bytes = self.image_size[0] * self.image_size[1] * 3
        record_bytes += image_bytes

        """ READ DATA ITEMS"""
        # Start reader
        reader = tf.FixedLengthRecordReader(header_bytes=0, record_bytes=record_bytes)
        _, value =[self.path_to_db]))

        # decode to floats
        bytes_read = 0
        data_dict = dict()
        record_bytes_float32 = tf.decode_raw(value, tf.float32)

        # 1. Read keypoint xyz
        keypoint_xyz21 = tf.reshape(tf.slice(record_bytes_float32, [bytes_read//4], [kp_xyz_entries]), [self.num_kp, 3])
        bytes_read += encoding_bytes*kp_xyz_entries
        keypoint_xyz21 /= 1000.0  # scale to meters
        keypoint_xyz21 = self.convert_kp(keypoint_xyz21)

        # calculate wrist coord
        if self.use_wrist_coord:
            wrist_xyz = keypoint_xyz21[16, :] + 2.0*(keypoint_xyz21[0, :] - keypoint_xyz21[16, :])
            keypoint_xyz21 = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(wrist_xyz, 0),
                                        keypoint_xyz21[1:, :]], 0)

        data_dict['keypoint_xyz21'] = keypoint_xyz21

        # 2. Read keypoint uv AND VIS
        keypoint_uv_vis21 = tf.reshape(tf.slice(record_bytes_float32, [bytes_read//4], [kp_uv_entries+kp_vis_entries]), [self.num_kp, 3])
        bytes_read += encoding_bytes*(kp_uv_entries+kp_vis_entries)
        keypoint_uv_vis21 = self.convert_kp(keypoint_uv_vis21)
        keypoint_uv21 = keypoint_uv_vis21[:, :2]
        keypoint_vis21 = tf.equal(keypoint_uv_vis21[:, 2], 1.0)

        # calculate wrist vis
        if self.use_wrist_coord:
            wrist_vis = tf.logical_or(keypoint_vis21[16], keypoint_vis21[0])
            keypoint_vis21 = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(wrist_vis, 0),
                                        keypoint_vis21[1:]], 0)

            wrist_uv = keypoint_uv21[16, :] + 2.0*(keypoint_uv21[0, :] - keypoint_uv21[16, :])
            keypoint_uv21 = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(wrist_uv, 0),
                                       keypoint_uv21[1:, :]], 0)

        data_dict['keypoint_vis21'] = keypoint_vis21

        if self.coord_uv_noise:
            noise = tf.truncated_normal([42, 2], mean=0.0, stddev=self.coord_uv_noise_sigma)
            keypoint_uv21 += noise

        data_dict['keypoint_uv21'] = keypoint_uv21

        # decode to uint8
        record_bytes_uint8 = tf.decode_raw(value, tf.uint8)

        # 4. Read image
        image = tf.reshape(tf.slice(record_bytes_uint8, [bytes_read], [image_bytes]),
                               [self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1], 3])
        image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)
        bytes_read += image_bytes

        # subtract mean
        image = image / 255.0 - 0.5
        if self.hue_aug:
            image = tf.image.random_hue(image, self.hue_aug_max)
        data_dict['image'] = image

        """ CONSTANTS """
        # Camera intrinsics
        sx = 822.79041
        sy = 822.79041
        tx = 318.47345
        ty = 250.31296
        data_dict['cam_mat'] = tf.constant([[sx, 0.0, tx], [0.0, sy, ty], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])

        # Hand side: this dataset only contains left hands
        data_dict['hand_side'] = tf.one_hot(tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32), depth=2, on_value=1.0, off_value=0.0, dtype=tf.float32)

        assert bytes_read == record_bytes, "Doesnt add up."

        """ DEPENDENT DATA ITEMS: XYZ represenations. """
        # make coords relative to root joint
        kp_coord_xyz_root = keypoint_xyz21[0, :] # this is the palm coord
        kp_coord_xyz21_rel = keypoint_xyz21 - kp_coord_xyz_root  # relative coords in metric coords
        index_root_bone_length = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(kp_coord_xyz21_rel[12, :] - kp_coord_xyz21_rel[11, :])))
        data_dict['keypoint_scale'] = index_root_bone_length
        data_dict['keypoint_xyz21_normed'] = kp_coord_xyz21_rel / index_root_bone_length  # normalized by length of 12->11

        # calculate local coordinates
        kp_coord_xyz21_local = bone_rel_trafo(data_dict['keypoint_xyz21_normed'])
        kp_coord_xyz21_local = tf.squeeze(kp_coord_xyz21_local)
        data_dict['keypoint_xyz21_local'] = kp_coord_xyz21_local

        # calculate viewpoint and coords in canonical coordinates
        kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can, rot_mat = canonical_trafo(data_dict['keypoint_xyz21_normed'])
        kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can, rot_mat = tf.squeeze(kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can), tf.squeeze(rot_mat)
        data_dict['keypoint_xyz21_can'] = kp_coord_xyz21_rel_can
        data_dict['rot_mat'] = tf.matrix_inverse(rot_mat)

        if self.hand_crop:
            crop_center = keypoint_uv21[12, ::-1]

            # catch problem, when no valid kp available (happens almost never)
            crop_center = tf.cond(tf.reduce_all(tf.is_finite(crop_center)), lambda: crop_center,
                                  lambda: tf.constant([0.0, 0.0]))
            crop_center.set_shape([2, ])

            if self.crop_center_noise:
                noise = tf.truncated_normal([2], mean=0.0, stddev=self.crop_center_noise_sigma)
                crop_center += noise

            crop_scale_noise = tf.constant(1.0)
            if self.crop_scale_noise:
                    crop_scale_noise = tf.squeeze(tf.random_uniform([1], minval=1.0, maxval=1.2))

            if not self.use_wrist_coord:
                wrist_uv = keypoint_uv21[16, :] + 2.0*(keypoint_uv21[0, :] - keypoint_uv21[16, :])
                keypoint_uv21 = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(wrist_uv, 0),
                                           keypoint_uv21[1:, :]], 0)

            # select visible coords only
            kp_coord_h = tf.boolean_mask(keypoint_uv21[:, 1], keypoint_vis21)
            kp_coord_w = tf.boolean_mask(keypoint_uv21[:, 0], keypoint_vis21)
            kp_coord_hw = tf.stack([kp_coord_h, kp_coord_w], 1)

            # determine size of crop (measure spatial extend of hw coords first)
            min_coord = tf.maximum(tf.reduce_min(kp_coord_hw, 0), 0.0)
            max_coord = tf.minimum(tf.reduce_max(kp_coord_hw, 0), self.image_size)

            # find out larger distance wrt the center of crop
            crop_size_best = 2*tf.maximum(max_coord - crop_center, crop_center - min_coord)
            crop_size_best = tf.reduce_max(crop_size_best)
            crop_size_best = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(crop_size_best, 50.0), 500.0)

            # catch problem, when no valid kp available
            crop_size_best = tf.cond(tf.reduce_all(tf.is_finite(crop_size_best)), lambda: crop_size_best,
                                  lambda: tf.constant(200.0))

            # calculate necessary scaling
            scale = tf.cast(self.crop_size, tf.float32) / crop_size_best
            scale = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(scale, 1.0), 10.0)
            scale *= crop_scale_noise
            data_dict['crop_scale'] = scale

            if self.crop_offset_noise:
                noise = tf.truncated_normal([2], mean=0.0, stddev=self.crop_offset_noise_sigma)
                crop_center += noise

            # Crop image
            img_crop = crop_image_from_xy(tf.expand_dims(image, 0), crop_center, self.crop_size, scale)
            data_dict['image_crop'] = tf.squeeze(img_crop)

            # Modify uv21 coordinates
            crop_center_float = tf.cast(crop_center, tf.float32)
            keypoint_uv21_u = (data_dict['keypoint_uv21'][:, 0] - crop_center_float[1]) * scale + self.crop_size // 2
            keypoint_uv21_v = (data_dict['keypoint_uv21'][:, 1] - crop_center_float[0]) * scale + self.crop_size // 2
            keypoint_uv21 = tf.stack([keypoint_uv21_u, keypoint_uv21_v], 1)
            data_dict['keypoint_uv21'] = keypoint_uv21

            # Modify camera intrinsics
            scale = tf.reshape(scale, [1, ])
            scale_matrix = tf.dynamic_stitch([[0], [1], [2],
                                              [3], [4], [5],
                                              [6], [7], [8]], [scale, [0.0], [0.0],
                                                               [0.0], scale, [0.0],
                                                               [0.0], [0.0], [1.0]])
            scale_matrix = tf.reshape(scale_matrix, [3, 3])

            crop_center_float = tf.cast(crop_center, tf.float32)
            trans1 = crop_center_float[0] * scale - self.crop_size // 2
            trans2 = crop_center_float[1] * scale - self.crop_size // 2
            trans1 = tf.reshape(trans1, [1, ])
            trans2 = tf.reshape(trans2, [1, ])
            trans_matrix = tf.dynamic_stitch([[0], [1], [2],
                                              [3], [4], [5],
                                              [6], [7], [8]], [[1.0], [0.0], -trans2,
                                                               [0.0], [1.0], -trans1,
                                                               [0.0], [0.0], [1.0]])
            trans_matrix = tf.reshape(trans_matrix, [3, 3])

            data_dict['cam_mat'] = tf.matmul(trans_matrix, tf.matmul(scale_matrix, data_dict['cam_mat']))

        """ DEPENDENT DATA ITEMS: Scoremap from the SUBSET of 21 keypoints"""
        # create scoremaps from the subset of 2D annoataion
        keypoint_hw21 = tf.stack([keypoint_uv21[:, 1], keypoint_uv21[:, 0]], -1)

        scoremap_size = self.image_size
        if self.hand_crop:
            scoremap_size = (self.crop_size, self.crop_size)

        scoremap = self.create_multiple_gaussian_map(keypoint_hw21,
        if self.scoremap_dropout:
            scoremap = tf.nn.dropout(scoremap, self.scoremap_dropout_prob,
                                        noise_shape=[1, 1, 21])
            scoremap *= self.scoremap_dropout_prob

        data_dict['scoremap'] = scoremap

        if self.random_crop_to_size:
            tensor_stack = tf.concat([data_dict['image'],
                                      tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(data_dict['hand_parts'], tf.float32), -1),
                                      tf.cast(data_dict['hand_mask'], tf.float32)], 2)
            s = tensor_stack.get_shape().as_list()
            tensor_stack_cropped = tf.random_crop(tensor_stack,
                                                  [self.random_crop_size, self.random_crop_size, s[2]])
            data_dict = dict()  # delete everything else because the random cropping makes the data invalid anyway
            data_dict['image'], data_dict['hand_parts'], data_dict['hand_mask'] = tensor_stack_cropped[:, :, :3],\
                                                                                  tf.cast(tensor_stack_cropped[:, :, 3], tf.int32),\
                                                                                  tf.cast(tensor_stack_cropped[:, :, 4:], tf.int32)

        names, tensors = zip(*data_dict.items())

        if self.shuffle:
            tensors = tf.train.shuffle_batch_join([tensors],
            tensors = tf.train.batch_join([tensors],

        return dict(zip(names, tensors))