def __build_uni_model(inputs, name): model = {} with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=self.reuse): s = tf.shape(inputs) # Get input shape # Reshape from [T, B, C] to [T * B, C] inputs = tf.reshape(inputs, [s[0] * s[1], s[2]]) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): W = tf.get_variable( shape=[self.char_vocab_size, self.char_vec_size], initializer=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer(), name="embedding_weight") if self.is_training and self.drop_e > 0.0: W = embedding_dropout(W, dropout=self.drop_e) char_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(W, inputs) conv_out = [] for fsz, num in self.char_cnn_layers: x = tf.layers.conv1d( char_embed, num, fsz, activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer(), padding='same') x = tf.reduce_max(x, axis=1) conv_out.append(x) embedding = tf.concat(conv_out, axis=-1) embedding = tf.reshape( embedding, (s[0], s[1], sum(x for _, x in self.char_cnn_layers))) input_shape = s ops = [] inputs = embedding layer_outputs = [] for idx, l in enumerate(self.rnn_layers): cell = CudnnLSTM(num_layers=1, num_units=l['units'], input_mode='linear_input', direction='unidirectional', dropout=0.0) saved_state = (tf.get_variable( shape=[1, 1, l['units']], name='c_' + str(idx), trainable=False), tf.get_variable( shape=[1, 1, l['units']], name='h_' + str(idx), trainable=False)) for x in saved_state: tf.add_to_collection(LSTM_SAVED_STATE, x) zeros = tf.zeros([1, input_shape[1], l['units']], dtype=tf.float32) zero_state = (zeros, zeros) def if_true(): return zero_state def if_false(): return saved_state drop_i = l.get('drop_i', 0.0) if self.is_training and drop_i > 0.0: inputs = tf.nn.dropout(x=inputs, keep_prob=1 - drop_i, noise_shape=[ 1, input_shape[1], inputs.shape[-1] ], name='drop_i_' + str(idx)) wdrop = l.get('wdrop', 0.0) if self.is_training and wdrop > 0.0: cell_var = cell.variables[0] h_var_backup = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.zeros( shape=[4 * l['units'], l['units']]), trainable=False, name='h_var_backup_' + str(idx)) h_var = cell_var[inputs.shape[-1] * l['units'] * 4:-l['units'] * 8] h_var = tf.reshape( h_var, [4 * l['units'], l['units']]) + h_var_backup keep_prob = 1 - wdrop random_tensor = keep_prob random_tensor += tf.random_uniform( [4 * l['units'], 1], dtype=h_var.dtype) # 0. if [keep_prob, 1.0) and 1. if [1.0, 1.0 + keep_prob) binary_tensor = tf.floor(random_tensor) new_h_var = tf.multiply(h_var, binary_tensor) new_h_var = tf.reshape( new_h_var, [4 * l['units'] * l['units']]) h_var_backup = tf.assign( h_var_backup, tf.multiply(h_var, tf.subtract(1.0, binary_tensor)), validate_shape=True, use_locking=True, name='assign_h_var_backup_' + str(idx)) new_cell_var = tf.concat([ cell_var[:inputs.shape[-1] * l['units'] * 4], new_h_var, cell_var[-l['units'] * 8:] ], axis=0, name='new_cell_var_' + str(idx)) op = tf.assign(cell_var, new_cell_var, validate_shape=True, use_locking=True, name='assign_new_cell_var_' + str(idx)) with tf.control_dependencies([op, h_var_backup]): outputs, state = inputs=inputs, initial_state=tf.cond( self.reset_state, if_true, if_false), training=self.is_training) else: outputs, state = inputs=inputs, initial_state=tf.cond(self.reset_state, if_true, if_false), training=self.is_training) if isinstance(self.fine_tune_lr, list): outputs = apply_custom_lr(outputs, self.fine_tune_lr[idx]) drop_o = l.get('drop_o', 0.0) if self.is_training and drop_o > 0.0: outputs = tf.nn.dropout(x=outputs, keep_prob=1 - drop_o, noise_shape=[ 1, input_shape[1], outputs.shape[-1] ], name='drop_o_' + str(idx)) ops.append( tf.assign(saved_state[0], state[0], validate_shape=False)) ops.append( tf.assign(saved_state[1], state[1], validate_shape=False)) inputs = outputs layer_outputs.append(outputs) model['layer_outputs'] = layer_outputs ops = with tf.control_dependencies([ops]): rnn_outputs = tf.multiply(inputs, tf.expand_dims( self.seq_masks, axis=-1), name='rnn_outputs') model['rnn_outputs'] = rnn_outputs decoder = tf.nn.xw_plus_b( tf.reshape(rnn_outputs, [ input_shape[0] * input_shape[1], self.rnn_layers[-1]['units'] ]), self.share_decode_W, self.share_decode_b) decoder = tf.reshape( decoder, [input_shape[0], input_shape[1], self.vocab_size]) model['decoder'] = decoder return model
import os import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib.cudnn_rnn import CudnnLSTM as CudnnLSTM inp = tf.zeros([10, 32, 100]) lstm1 = CudnnLSTM(1, 128) lstm2 = CudnnLSTM(2, 256) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: save_path = 'test_cudnn_lstm_save/1' if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(os.path.join(save_path)), save_path)