Esempio n. 1
  def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, within_ops=None):
    assert isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple))
    assert isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple))

    g = tf.get_default_graph()
    self.g = g

    # special handling for Variable objects because graph_editor only
    # supports Tensor objects. Instead of replacing Variable with new inputs
    # replace all of its read endpoints.
    # Find all Identity ops connected to variable op, replace them all in
    # tandem on apply.
    # [tensor, tensor, variable] becomes
    # [tensor, tensor, (var_read1, var_read2)]

    new_inputs = []
    for input in inputs:
      if isinstance(input, tf.Variable):
        # find all the read endpoints of the variable
        read_tensors = []
        for consumer in input.op.outputs[0].consumers():
          if consumer.type == 'Identity':
    inputs = new_inputs
    self.inputs = inputs
    self.input_ops = [tensor.op for tensor in flatten1(inputs)]
    self.outputs = outputs

    # only support 1 output for now, need extra logic in apply
    for output_ts in outputs:
      num_siblings = len(output_ts.op.outputs)-1
      assert num_siblings == 0

    # obtain part of graph that's needed
    output_ops = [ts.op for ts in self.outputs]

    self.ops = ge.get_backward_walk_ops(output_ops,

    # workaround for
Esempio n. 2
def dependency_of_targets(targets, op):
    Check that op is in the subgraph induced by the dependencies of targets.
    The result is memoized.

    This is useful if some SessionRunHooks should be run only together with certain ops.

        targets: a tuple of ops or tensors. The targets to find dependencies of.
        op (tf.Operation or tf.Tensor):

    # TODO tensorarray? sparsetensor?
    if isinstance(op, tf.Tensor):
        op = op.op
    assert isinstance(op, tf.Operation), op

    # alternative implementation can use graph_util.extract_sub_graph
    dependent_ops = get_backward_walk_ops(targets, control_inputs=True)
    return op in dependent_ops
def gradients(ys, xs,   # pylint: disable: too-many-statements, too-many-branches
              grad_ys=None, checkpoints='collection', **kwargs):
    Authors: Tim Salimans & Yaroslav Bulatov

    memory efficient gradient implementation inspired by "Training Deep Nets with Sublinear Memory
    Cost" by Chen et al. 2016 (

    ys,xs,grad_ys,kwargs are the arguments to standard tensorflow tf.gradients

    'checkpoints' can either be
        - a list consisting of tensors from the forward pass of the neural net
          that we should re-use when calculating the gradients in the backward pass
          all other tensors that do not appear in this list will be re-computed
        - a string specifying how this list should be determined. currently we support
            - 'speed':  checkpoint all outputs of convolutions and matmuls. these ops are usually
                        the most expensive, so checkpointing them maximizes the running speed
                        (this is a good option if nonlinearities, concats, batchnorms, etc are
                        taking up a lot of memory)
            - 'memory': try to minimize the memory usage
                        (currently using a very simple strategy that identifies a number of
                        bottleneck tensors in the graph to checkpoint)
            - 'collection': look for a tensorflow collection named 'checkpoints', which holds the
                            tensors to checkpoint

    #    print("Calling memsaving gradients with", checkpoints)
    if not isinstance(ys, list):
        ys = [ys]
    if not isinstance(xs, list):
        xs = [xs]

    bwd_ops = ge.get_backward_walk_ops([y.op for y in ys],

    debug_print("bwd_ops: {}".format(bwd_ops))

    # forward ops are all ops that are candidates for recomputation
    fwd_ops = ge.get_forward_walk_ops([x.op for x in xs],
    debug_print("fwd_ops: {}".format(fwd_ops))

    # exclude ops with no inputs
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if op.inputs]

    # don't recompute xs, remove variables
    xs_ops = _to_ops(xs)
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if op not in xs_ops]
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if '/assign' not in]
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if '/Assign' not in]
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if '/read' not in]
    ts_all = ge.filter_ts(fwd_ops, True)  # get the tensors
    ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if '/read' not in]
    ts_all = set(ts_all) - set(xs) - set(ys)

    # construct list of tensors to checkpoint during forward pass, if not
    # given as input
    if type(checkpoints) is not list:
        if checkpoints == 'collection':
            checkpoints = tf.get_collection('checkpoints')

        elif checkpoints == 'speed':
            # checkpoint all expensive ops to maximize running speed
            checkpoints = ge.filter_ts_from_regex(fwd_ops, 'conv2d|Conv|MatMul')

        elif checkpoints == 'memory':

            # remove very small tensors and some weird ops
            def fixdims(t):  # tf.Dimension values are not compatible with int, convert manually
                    return [int(e if e.value is not None else 64) for e in t]
                    return [0]  # unknown shape
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if > MIN_CHECKPOINT_NODE_SIZE]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'L2Loss' not in]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'entropy' not in]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'FusedBatchNorm' not in]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'Switch' not in]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'dropout' not in]
            # DV: FP16_FIX - need to add 'Cast' layer here to make it work for FP16
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'Cast' not in]

            # filter out all tensors that are inputs of the backward graph
            with util.capture_ops() as bwd_ops:
                tf_gradients(ys, xs, grad_ys, **kwargs)

            bwd_inputs = [t for op in bwd_ops for t in op.inputs]
            # list of tensors in forward graph that is in input to bwd graph
            ts_filtered = list(set(bwd_inputs).intersection(ts_all))
            debug_print("Using tensors {}".format(ts_filtered))

            # try two slightly different ways of getting bottlenecks tensors
            # to checkpoint
            for ts in [ts_filtered, ts_all]:

                # get all bottlenecks in the graph
                bottleneck_ts = []
                for t in ts:
                    b = set(ge.get_backward_walk_ops(t.op, inclusive=True, within_ops=fwd_ops))
                    f = set(ge.get_forward_walk_ops(t.op, inclusive=False, within_ops=fwd_ops))
                    # check that there are not shortcuts
                    b_inp = set([inp for op in b for inp in op.inputs]).intersection(ts_all)
                    f_inp = set([inp for op in f for inp in op.inputs]).intersection(ts_all)
                    if not set(b_inp).intersection(f_inp) and len(b_inp)+len(f_inp) >= len(ts_all):
                        bottleneck_ts.append(t)  # we have a bottleneck!
                        debug_print("Rejected bottleneck candidate and ops {}".format(
                            [t] + list(set(ts_all) - set(b_inp) - set(f_inp))))

                # success? or try again without filtering?
                if len(bottleneck_ts) >= np.sqrt(len(ts_filtered)):  # enough bottlenecks found!

            if not bottleneck_ts:
                raise Exception('unable to find bottleneck tensors! please provide checkpoint '
                                'nodes manually, or use checkpoints="speed".')

            # sort the bottlenecks
            bottlenecks_sorted_lists = tf_toposort(bottleneck_ts, within_ops=fwd_ops)
            sorted_bottlenecks = [t for ts in bottlenecks_sorted_lists for t in ts]

            # save an approximately optimal number ~ sqrt(N)
            N = len(ts_filtered)
            if len(bottleneck_ts) <= np.ceil(np.sqrt(N)):
                checkpoints = sorted_bottlenecks
                step = int(np.ceil(len(bottleneck_ts) / np.sqrt(N)))
                checkpoints = sorted_bottlenecks[step::step]

            raise Exception('%s is unsupported input for "checkpoints"' % (checkpoints,))

    checkpoints = list(set(checkpoints).intersection(ts_all))

    # at this point automatic selection happened and checkpoints is list of nodes
    assert isinstance(checkpoints, list)

    debug_print("Checkpoint nodes used: {}".format(checkpoints))
    # better error handling of special cases
    # xs are already handled as checkpoint nodes, so no need to include them
    xs_intersect_checkpoints = set(xs).intersection(set(checkpoints))
    if xs_intersect_checkpoints:
        debug_print("Warning, some input nodes are also checkpoint nodes: {}".format(
    ys_intersect_checkpoints = set(ys).intersection(set(checkpoints))
    debug_print("ys: {}, checkpoints:{}, intersect: {}".format(
        ys, checkpoints, ys_intersect_checkpoints))
    # saving an output node (ys) gives no benefit in memory while creating
    # new edge cases, exclude them
    if ys_intersect_checkpoints:
        debug_print("Warning, some output nodes are also checkpoints nodes: {}".format(

    # remove initial and terminal nodes from checkpoints list if present
    checkpoints = list(set(checkpoints) - set(ys) - set(xs))

    # check that we have some nodes to checkpoint
    if not checkpoints:
        raise Exception('no checkpoints nodes found or given as input! ')

    # disconnect dependencies between checkpointed tensors
    checkpoints_disconnected = {}
    for x in checkpoints:
        if x.op and is not None:
            grad_node = tf.stop_gradient(x,"_sg")
            grad_node = tf.stop_gradient(x)
        checkpoints_disconnected[x] = grad_node

    # partial derivatives to the checkpointed tensors and xs
    ops_to_copy = fast_backward_ops(seed_ops=[y.op for y in ys],
                                    stop_at_ts=checkpoints, within_ops=fwd_ops)
    debug_print("Found {} ops to copy within fwd_ops {}, seed {}, stop_at {}".format(
        len(ops_to_copy), fwd_ops, [r.op for r in ys], checkpoints))
    debug_print("ops_to_copy = {}".format(ops_to_copy))
    debug_print("Processing list {}".format(ys))
    _, info = ge.copy_with_input_replacements(ge.sgv(ops_to_copy), {})
    for origin_op, op in info._transformed_ops.items():
    copied_ops = info._transformed_ops.values()
    debug_print("Copied {} to {}".format(ops_to_copy, copied_ops))
    debug_print("Rewired {} in place of {} restricted to {}".format(
        checkpoints_disconnected.values(), checkpoints_disconnected.keys(), copied_ops))

    # get gradients with respect to current boundary + original x's
    copied_ys = [info._transformed_ops[y.op]._outputs[0] for y in ys]
    boundary = list(checkpoints_disconnected.values())
    dv = tf_gradients(ys=copied_ys, xs=boundary+xs, grad_ys=grad_ys, **kwargs)
    debug_print("Got gradients {}".format(dv))
    debug_print("for %s", copied_ys)
    debug_print("with respect to {}".format(boundary+xs))

    inputs_to_do_before = [y.op for y in ys]
    if grad_ys is not None:
        inputs_to_do_before += grad_ys
    wait_to_do_ops = list(copied_ops) + [g.op for g in dv if g is not None]
    my_add_control_inputs(wait_to_do_ops, inputs_to_do_before)

    # partial derivatives to the checkpointed nodes
    # dictionary of "node: backprop" for nodes in the boundary
    d_checkpoints = {r: dr for r, dr in zip(checkpoints_disconnected.keys(),
    # partial derivatives to xs (usually the params of the neural net)
    d_xs = dv[len(checkpoints_disconnected):]

    # incorporate derivatives flowing through the checkpointed nodes
    checkpoints_sorted_lists = tf_toposort(checkpoints, within_ops=fwd_ops)
    for ts in checkpoints_sorted_lists[::-1]:
        debug_print("Processing list {}".format(ts))
        checkpoints_other = [r for r in checkpoints if r not in ts]
        checkpoints_disconnected_other = [checkpoints_disconnected[r] for r in checkpoints_other]

        # copy part of the graph below current checkpoint node, stopping at
        # other checkpoints nodes
        ops_to_copy = fast_backward_ops(within_ops=fwd_ops,
                                        seed_ops=[r.op for r in ts],
        debug_print("Found {} ops to copy within {}, seed {}, stop_at {}".format(
            len(ops_to_copy), fwd_ops, [r.op for r in ts], checkpoints_other))
        debug_print("ops_to_copy = {}".format(ops_to_copy))
        if not ops_to_copy:  # we're done!
        _, info = ge.copy_with_input_replacements(ge.sgv(ops_to_copy), {})
        for origin_op, op in info._transformed_ops.items():
        copied_ops = info._transformed_ops.values()
        debug_print("Copied {} to {}".format(ops_to_copy, copied_ops))
        ge.reroute_ts(checkpoints_disconnected_other, checkpoints_other, can_modify=copied_ops)
        debug_print("Rewired %s in place of %s restricted to %s",
                    checkpoints_disconnected_other, checkpoints_other, copied_ops)

        # gradient flowing through the checkpointed node
        boundary = [info._transformed_ops[r.op]._outputs[0] for r in ts]
        substitute_backprops = [d_checkpoints[r] for r in ts]
        dv = tf_gradients(boundary,
                          grad_ys=substitute_backprops, **kwargs)
        debug_print("Got gradients {}".format(dv))
        debug_print("for {}".format(boundary))
        debug_print("with respect to {}".format(checkpoints_disconnected_other+xs))
        debug_print("with boundary backprop substitutions {}".format(substitute_backprops))

        inputs_to_do_before = [d_checkpoints[r].op for r in ts]
        wait_to_do_ops = list(copied_ops) + [g.op for g in dv if g is not None]
        my_add_control_inputs(wait_to_do_ops, inputs_to_do_before)

        # partial derivatives to the checkpointed nodes
        for r, dr in zip(checkpoints_other, dv[:len(checkpoints_other)]):
            if dr is not None:
                if d_checkpoints[r] is None:
                    d_checkpoints[r] = dr
                    d_checkpoints[r] += dr

        def _unsparsify(var_x):
            if not isinstance(var_x, tf.IndexedSlices):
                return var_x
            assert var_x.dense_shape is not None, \
                "memory_saving_gradients encountered sparse gradients of unknown shape"
            indices = var_x.indices
            while indices.shape.ndims < var_x.values.shape.ndims:
                indices = tf.expand_dims(indices, -1)
            return tf.scatter_nd(indices, var_x.values, var_x.dense_shape)

        # partial derivatives to xs (usually the params of the neural net)
        d_xs_new = dv[len(checkpoints_other):]
        for j in range(len(xs)):
            if d_xs_new[j] is not None:
                if d_xs[j] is None:
                    d_xs[j] = _unsparsify(d_xs_new[j])
                    d_xs[j] += _unsparsify(d_xs_new[j])

    return d_xs
def fast_backward_ops(within_ops, seed_ops, stop_at_ts):
    """ Fast backward ops """
    bwd_ops = set(ge.get_backward_walk_ops(seed_ops, stop_at_ts=stop_at_ts))
    ops = bwd_ops.intersection(within_ops).difference([t.op for t in stop_at_ts])
    return list(ops)
Esempio n. 5
def fast_backward_ops(within_ops, seed_ops, stop_at_ts):
    bwd_ops = set(ge.get_backward_walk_ops(seed_ops, stop_at_ts=stop_at_ts))
    ops = bwd_ops.intersection(within_ops).difference(
        [t.op for t in stop_at_ts])
    return list(ops)
def gradients(ys, xs, grad_ys=None, checkpoints='collection', **kwargs):
    Authors: Tim Salimans & Yaroslav Bulatov

    memory efficient gradient implementation inspired by "Training Deep Nets with Sublinear Memory Cost"
    by Chen et al. 2016 (

    ys,xs,grad_ys,kwargs are the arguments to standard tensorflow tf.gradients

    'checkpoints' can either be
        - a list consisting of tensors from the forward pass of the neural net
          that we should re-use when calculating the gradients in the backward pass
          all other tensors that do not appear in this list will be re-computed
        - a string specifying how this list should be determined. currently we support
            - 'speed':  checkpoint all outputs of convolutions and matmuls. these ops are usually the most expensive,
                        so checkpointing them maximizes the running speed
                        (this is a good option if nonlinearities, concats, batchnorms, etc are taking up a lot of memory)
            - 'memory': try to minimize the memory usage
                        (currently using a very simple strategy that identifies a number of bottleneck tensors in the graph to checkpoint)
            - 'collection': look for a tensorflow collection named 'checkpoints', which holds the tensors to checkpoint

    #    print("Calling memsaving gradients with", checkpoints)
    if not isinstance(ys, list):
        ys = [ys]
    if not isinstance(xs, list):
        xs = [xs]

    bwd_ops = ge.get_backward_walk_ops([y.op for y in ys], inclusive=True)

    debug_print("bwd_ops: %s", bwd_ops)

    # forward ops are all ops that are candidates for recomputation
    fwd_ops = ge.get_forward_walk_ops([x.op for x in xs],
    debug_print("fwd_ops: %s", fwd_ops)

    # exclude ops with no inputs
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if op._inputs]

    # don't recompute xs, remove variables
    xs_ops = _to_ops(xs)
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if not op in xs_ops]
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if not '/assign' in]
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if not '/Assign' in]
    fwd_ops = [op for op in fwd_ops if not '/read' in]
    ts_all = ge.filter_ts(fwd_ops, True)  # get the tensors
    ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if '/read' not in]
    ts_all = set(ts_all) - set(xs) - set(ys)

    # construct list of tensors to checkpoint during forward pass, if not
    # given as input
    if type(checkpoints) is not list:
        if checkpoints == 'collection':
            checkpoints = tf.get_collection('checkpoints')

        elif checkpoints == 'speed':
            # checkpoint all expensive ops to maximize running speed
            checkpoints = ge.filter_ts_from_regex(fwd_ops,

        elif checkpoints == 'memory':

            # remove very small tensors and some weird ops
            def fixdims(
            ):  # tf.Dimension values are not compatible with int, convert manually
                    return [int(e if e.value is not None else 64) for e in t]
                    return [0]  # unknown shape

            ts_all = [
                t for t in ts_all
                if > MIN_CHECKPOINT_NODE_SIZE
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'L2Loss' not in]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'entropy' not in]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'FusedBatchNorm' not in]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'Switch' not in]
            ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'dropout' not in]

            # filter out all tensors that are inputs of the backward graph
            with util.capture_ops() as bwd_ops:
                tf_gradients(ys, xs, grad_ys, **kwargs)

            bwd_inputs = [t for op in bwd_ops for t in op.inputs]
            # list of tensors in forward graph that is in input to bwd graph
            ts_filtered = list(set(bwd_inputs).intersection(ts_all))
            debug_print("Using tensors %s", ts_filtered)

            # try two slightly different ways of getting bottlenecks tensors
            # to checkpoint
            for ts in [ts_filtered, ts_all]:

                # get all bottlenecks in the graph
                bottleneck_ts = []
                for t in ts:
                    b = set(
                    f = set(
                    # check that there are not shortcuts
                    b_inp = set([inp for op in b
                                 for inp in op.inputs]).intersection(ts_all)
                    f_inp = set([inp for op in f
                                 for inp in op.inputs]).intersection(ts_all)
                    if not set(b_inp).intersection(
                            f_inp) and len(b_inp) + len(f_inp) >= len(ts_all):
                        bottleneck_ts.append(t)  # we have a bottleneck!
                            "Rejected bottleneck candidate and ops %s",
                            [t] + list(set(ts_all) - set(b_inp) - set(f_inp)))

                # success? or try again without filtering?
                if len(bottleneck_ts) >= np.sqrt(
                        len(ts_filtered)):  # yes, enough bottlenecks found!

            if not bottleneck_ts:
                raise Exception(
                    'unable to find bottleneck tensors! please provide checkpoint nodes manually, or use checkpoints="speed".'

            # sort the bottlenecks
            bottlenecks_sorted_lists = tf_toposort(bottleneck_ts,
            sorted_bottlenecks = [
                t for ts in bottlenecks_sorted_lists for t in ts

            # save an approximately optimal number ~ sqrt(N)
            N = len(ts_filtered)
            if len(bottleneck_ts) <= np.ceil(np.sqrt(N)):
                checkpoints = sorted_bottlenecks
                step = int(np.ceil(len(bottleneck_ts) / np.sqrt(N)))
                checkpoints = sorted_bottlenecks[step::step]

            raise Exception('%s is unsupported input for "checkpoints"' %
                            (checkpoints, ))

    checkpoints = list(set(checkpoints).intersection(ts_all))

    # at this point automatic selection happened and checkpoints is list of nodes
    assert isinstance(checkpoints, list)

    debug_print("Checkpoint nodes used: %s", checkpoints)
    # better error handling of special cases
    # xs are already handled as checkpoint nodes, so no need to include them
    xs_intersect_checkpoints = set(xs).intersection(set(checkpoints))
    if xs_intersect_checkpoints:
        debug_print("Warning, some input nodes are also checkpoint nodes: %s",
    ys_intersect_checkpoints = set(ys).intersection(set(checkpoints))
    debug_print("ys: %s, checkpoints: %s, intersect: %s", ys, checkpoints,
    # saving an output node (ys) gives no benefit in memory while creating
    # new edge cases, exclude them
    if ys_intersect_checkpoints:
            "Warning, some output nodes are also checkpoints nodes: %s",

    # remove initial and terminal nodes from checkpoints list if present
    checkpoints = list(set(checkpoints) - set(ys) - set(xs))

    # check that we have some nodes to checkpoint
    if not checkpoints:
        raise Exception('no checkpoints nodes found or given as input! ')

    # disconnect dependencies between checkpointed tensors
    checkpoints_disconnected = {}
    for x in checkpoints:
        if x.op and is not None:
            grad_node = tf.stop_gradient(x, + "_sg")
            grad_node = tf.stop_gradient(x)
        checkpoints_disconnected[x] = grad_node

    # partial derivatives to the checkpointed tensors and xs
    ops_to_copy = fast_backward_ops(seed_ops=[y.op for y in ys],
    debug_print("Found %s ops to copy within fwd_ops %s, seed %s, stop_at %s",
                len(ops_to_copy), fwd_ops, [r.op for r in ys], checkpoints)
    debug_print("ops_to_copy = %s", ops_to_copy)
    debug_print("Processing list %s", ys)
    copied_sgv, info = ge.copy_with_input_replacements(ge.sgv(ops_to_copy), {})
    for origin_op, op in info._transformed_ops.items():
    copied_ops = info._transformed_ops.values()
    debug_print("Copied %s to %s", ops_to_copy, copied_ops)
    debug_print("Rewired %s in place of %s restricted to %s",
                checkpoints_disconnected.keys(), copied_ops)

    # get gradients with respect to current boundary + original x's
    copied_ys = [info._transformed_ops[y.op]._outputs[0] for y in ys]
    boundary = list(checkpoints_disconnected.values())
    dv = tf_gradients(ys=copied_ys,
                      xs=boundary + xs,
    debug_print("Got gradients %s", dv)
    debug_print("for %s", copied_ys)
    debug_print("with respect to %s", boundary + xs)

    inputs_to_do_before = [y.op for y in ys]
    if grad_ys is not None:
        inputs_to_do_before += grad_ys
    wait_to_do_ops = list(copied_ops) + [g.op for g in dv if g is not None]
    my_add_control_inputs(wait_to_do_ops, inputs_to_do_before)

    # partial derivatives to the checkpointed nodes
    # dictionary of "node: backprop" for nodes in the boundary
    d_checkpoints = {
        r: dr
        for r, dr in zip(checkpoints_disconnected.keys(),
    # partial derivatives to xs (usually the params of the neural net)
    d_xs = dv[len(checkpoints_disconnected):]

    # incorporate derivatives flowing through the checkpointed nodes
    checkpoints_sorted_lists = tf_toposort(checkpoints, within_ops=fwd_ops)
    for ts in checkpoints_sorted_lists[::-1]:
        debug_print("Processing list %s", ts)
        checkpoints_other = [r for r in checkpoints if r not in ts]
        checkpoints_disconnected_other = [
            checkpoints_disconnected[r] for r in checkpoints_other

        # copy part of the graph below current checkpoint node, stopping at
        # other checkpoints nodes
        ops_to_copy = fast_backward_ops(within_ops=fwd_ops,
                                        seed_ops=[r.op for r in ts],
        debug_print("Found %s ops to copy within %s, seed %s, stop_at %s",
                    len(ops_to_copy), fwd_ops, [r.op for r in ts],
        debug_print("ops_to_copy = %s", ops_to_copy)
        if not ops_to_copy:  # we're done!
        copied_sgv, info = ge.copy_with_input_replacements(
            ge.sgv(ops_to_copy), {})
        for origin_op, op in info._transformed_ops.items():
        copied_ops = info._transformed_ops.values()
        debug_print("Copied %s to %s", ops_to_copy, copied_ops)
        debug_print("Rewired %s in place of %s restricted to %s",
                    checkpoints_disconnected_other, checkpoints_other,

        # gradient flowing through the checkpointed node
        boundary = [info._transformed_ops[r.op]._outputs[0] for r in ts]
        substitute_backprops = [d_checkpoints[r] for r in ts]
        dv = tf_gradients(boundary,
                          checkpoints_disconnected_other + xs,
        debug_print("Got gradients %s", dv)
        debug_print("for %s", boundary)
        debug_print("with respect to %s", checkpoints_disconnected_other + xs)
        debug_print("with boundary backprop substitutions %s",

        inputs_to_do_before = [d_checkpoints[r].op for r in ts]
        wait_to_do_ops = list(copied_ops) + [g.op for g in dv if g is not None]
        my_add_control_inputs(wait_to_do_ops, inputs_to_do_before)

        # partial derivatives to the checkpointed nodes
        for r, dr in zip(checkpoints_other, dv[:len(checkpoints_other)]):
            if dr is not None:
                if d_checkpoints[r] is None:
                    d_checkpoints[r] = dr
                    d_checkpoints[r] += dr

        # partial derivatives to xs (usually the params of the neural net)
        d_xs_new = dv[len(checkpoints_other):]
        for j in range(len(xs)):
            if d_xs_new[j] is not None:
                if d_xs[j] is None:
                    d_xs[j] = d_xs_new[j]
                    d_xs[j] += d_xs_new[j]

    return d_xs
    def _get_checkpoint(self):
        # exclude ops with no inputs
        self.fwd_ops = [op for op in self.fwd_ops if op.inputs]

        # don't recompute xs, remove variables
        xs_ops = self._to_ops(self._xs)
        self.fwd_ops = [op for op in self.fwd_ops if not op in xs_ops]
        self.fwd_ops = [op for op in self.fwd_ops if not '/assign' in]
        self.fwd_ops = [op for op in self.fwd_ops if not '/Assign' in]
        self.fwd_ops = [op for op in self.fwd_ops if not '/read' in]
        ts_all = ge.filter_ts(self.fwd_ops, True)  # get the tensors
        ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if '/read' not in]
        ts_all = set(ts_all) - set(self._xs) - set(self._ys)

        # construct list of tensors to checkpoint during forward pass, if not
        # given as input
        # remove very small tensors and some weird ops
        def fixdims(
        ):  # tf.Dimension values are not compatible with int, convert manually
                return [int(e if e.value is not None else 64) for e in t]
                return [0]  # unknown shape

        ts_all = [
            t for t in ts_all
        ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'L2Loss' not in]
        ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'entropy' not in]
        ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'FusedBatchNorm' not in]
        ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'Switch' not in]
        ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'dropout' not in]
        # DV: FP16_FIX - need to add 'Cast' layer here to make it work for FP16
        ts_all = [t for t in ts_all if 'Cast' not in]

        self._log_info("ts_all, {}".format(ts_all))
        # filter out all tensors that are inputs of the backward graph
        with util.capture_ops() as bwd_ops:
            tf_gradients(self._ys, self._xs, self._grad_ys, **self._kwargs)

        bwd_inputs = [t for op in self.bwd_ops for t in op.inputs]

        self._log_info("bwd_inputs, {}".format(bwd_inputs))
        # list of tensors in forward graph that is in input to bwd graph
        ts_filtered = list(set(bwd_inputs).intersection(ts_all))
        self._log_info("Using tensors %{}".format(ts_filtered), 2)

        # try two slightly different ways of getting bottlenecks tensors
        # to checkpoint
        for ts in [ts_filtered, ts_all]:

            # get all bottlenecks in the graph
            bottleneck_ts = []
            for t in ts:
                b = set(
                f = set(
                # check that there are not shortcuts
                b_inp = set([inp for op in b
                             for inp in op.inputs]).intersection(ts_all)
                f_inp = set([inp for op in f
                             for inp in op.inputs]).intersection(ts_all)
                if not set(b_inp).intersection(
                        f_inp) and len(b_inp) + len(f_inp) >= len(ts_all):
                    bottleneck_ts.append(t)  # we have a bottleneck!
                        "Rejected bottleneck candidate and ops {}".format(
                            [t] + list(set(ts_all) - set(b_inp) - set(f_inp))),

            # success? or try again without filtering?
            if len(bottleneck_ts) >= np.sqrt(
                    len(ts_filtered)):  # yes, enough bottlenecks found!

        if not bottleneck_ts:
            raise Exception(
                'unable to find bottleneck tensors! please provide checkpoint nodes manually, or use checkpoints="speed".'

        # sort the bottlenecks
        bottlenecks_sorted_lists = self.tf_toposort(bottleneck_ts,
        sorted_bottlenecks = [t for ts in bottlenecks_sorted_lists for t in ts]

        # save an approximately optimal number ~ sqrt(N)
        N = len(ts_filtered)
        if len(bottleneck_ts) <= np.ceil(np.sqrt(N)):
            checkpoints = sorted_bottlenecks
            step = int(np.ceil(len(bottleneck_ts) / np.sqrt(N)))
            checkpoints = sorted_bottlenecks[step::step]

        checkpoints = list(set(checkpoints).intersection(ts_all))

        return checkpoints