Esempio n. 1
def split_compile_and_replicate(computation,
    """Builds graph operators that runs compilation and replicated computation.

  This is a lower level interface than replicate that returns a separate compile
  and execute output tensor. In the generated graph the compile op feeds into
  the execute op and no additional compilation is incurred when running the
  compile op before the execute op. The compile op returns additional
  information about the compilation but does not return the compiled program.

    computation: A Python function that builds the computation to replicate.
    inputs: A list of lists of input tensors or `None` (equivalent to
      `[[]]`), indexed by `[replica_num][input_num]`. All replicas must
      have the same number of inputs.
    infeed_queue: If not `None`, the `InfeedQueue` from which to append a tuple
      of arguments as inputs to computation.
    device_assignment: If not `None`, a `DeviceAssignment` describing the
      mapping between logical cores in the computation with physical cores in
      the TPU topology. Uses a default device assignment if `None`. The
      `DeviceAssignment` may be omitted if each replica of the computation uses
      only one core, and there is either only one replica, or the number of
      replicas is equal to the number of cores in the TPU system.
    name: (Deprecated) Does nothing.
    use_tpu: When false, the input `computation` is executed on the XLA CPU/GPU
      backends. Currently, only supports a default placement (computation is
      placed on GPU if one is available, and on CPU if not).
    A list of lists with the first list corresponding to the compile op and the
    second a list of output tensors, indexed by `[replica_num][output_num]`.
    ValueError: If all replicas do not have equal numbers of input tensors.
    ValueError: If the number of inputs per replica does not match
      the number of formal parameters to `computation`.
    del name
    inputs = [[]] if inputs is None else inputs

    metadata_kwargs = {}
    if device_assignment is not None:
        # Turn the Numpy array into a flattened list so we can pass it as an
        # operator attribute.
        metadata_kwargs = {

    if ((not isinstance(inputs, list))
            or any(not isinstance(inp, (list, tuple)) for inp in inputs)):
        raise TypeError(
            "tpu.replicate() inputs must be a list of lists/tuples")

    num_replicas = len(inputs)

    # No replicas? Nothing to do.
    if num_replicas == 0:
        return []

    # Converts inputs to Tensors.
    inputs = [[ops.convert_to_tensor(x) for x in inp] for inp in inputs]

    # Verifies that all replicas have matching numbers and types of inputs
    input_types = [x.dtype for x in inputs[0]]
    input_arity = len(input_types)
    for i in range(num_replicas):
        if len(inputs[i]) != input_arity:
            raise ValueError("Replicas must have the same number of inputs. "
                             "Replica 0 had {} inputs, replica {} had {} "
                             "inputs.".format(input_arity, i, len(inputs[i])))

        types = [x.dtype for x in inputs[i]]
        if types != input_types:
            raise ValueError(
                "Replicas must have matching input types. Replica 0 had "
                "input types {}, replica {} had input types {}".format(
                    input_types, i, types))

    arg_error = tpu_function.check_function_argument_count(
        computation, input_arity, infeed_queue)
    if arg_error is not None:
        if infeed_queue is None:
            raise TypeError(
                "Supplied computation cannot be called with the specified inputs. "
                "You specified %d inputs: %s, but the computation needs %s" %
                (input_arity, str([ for i in inputs[0]]), arg_error))
            raise TypeError(
                "Supplied computation cannot be called with the specified inputs. "
                "You specified %d inputs: %s and %d additional inputs from infeed,"
                " but the computation needs %s" %
                (input_arity, str([ for i in inputs[0]]),
                 infeed_queue.number_of_tuple_elements, arg_error))

    graph = ops.get_default_graph()

    # Fan-in: Builds a TPUReplicatedInput node for each input.
    computation_inputs = []
    for i in range(0, input_arity):
        replicas = [inputs[replica][i] for replica in xrange(num_replicas)]
            tpu_ops.tpu_replicated_input(replicas, name="input{}".format(i)))

    cluster_name = graph.unique_name("cluster")
    context = TPUReplicateContext(name=cluster_name, num_replicas=num_replicas)

        metadata = tpu_ops.tpu_replicate_metadata(num_replicas=num_replicas,

        with tpu_function.tpu_shard_context(
                num_replicas), ops.control_dependencies([metadata]):

            # The EncapsulateTPUComputations rewrite needs to identify the
            # replicated arguments inside each computation. Adds identity operators
            # tagged with an attribute _tpu_replicated_input to identify the
            # replicated inputs.
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            with graph._attr_scope(
                {"_tpu_replicated_input": attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(b=True)}):
                computation_inputs = [
                    array_ops.identity(x, name="replicated_input_{}".format(i))
                    for i, x in enumerate(computation_inputs)
            # pylint: enable=protected-access

            # If there is an infeed queue, adds the dequeued values to the
            # computation's inputs.
            if infeed_queue is not None:
                for t in infeed_queue.generate_dequeue_op():

            # Only resource variables work inside a TPU computation, so turn on
            # resource variables for the computation.
            # TODO(phawkins): consider removing this code. It will
            # be less confusing to clients if they knowingly choose to use resource
            # variables.
            vscope = variable_scope.get_variable_scope()
            saved_use_resource = vscope.use_resource

            outputs = computation(*computation_inputs)


        # If the computation only returned one value, makes it a tuple.
        if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)):
            outputs = (outputs, )

            with ops.device(core(0)):
                outputs = [
                    o if isinstance(o, ops.Operation) else
                    ops.convert_to_tensor(o) for o in outputs
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError(
                "TPU function return values must all either be Operations or "
                "convertible to Tensors. Got '%s'" % str(e))

        # Separates the returned Operations and Tensors.
        output_operations = [
            o for o in outputs if isinstance(o, ops.Operation)
        output_tensors = [
            o for o in outputs if not isinstance(o, ops.Operation)

        if outputs != output_tensors + output_operations:
            raise ValueError(
                "TPU functions must return zero-or more Tensor values followed by "
                "zero or more Operations.")
        output_arity = len(output_tensors)

        # Wraps outputs in Identity ops. Otherwise a replicated input copied
        # straight to an output would bypass the replicate(). This would be bad
        # because the TPUReplicatedInput/TPUReplicatedOutput operator would not
        # be rewritten away, leading to a runtime error.
        # TODO(phawkins): extend the rewrite to elide these nodes instead.
        new_output_tensors = []
        for t in output_tensors:
            with ops.device(t.device if t.device else core(0)):
        output_tensors = new_output_tensors
        host_compute_core = context.HostComputeCore()

    if host_compute_core:
        attr_value = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue()
            [compat.as_bytes(x) for x in host_compute_core])
        metadata._set_attr("host_compute_core", attr_value)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    # Fan-out: Builds a TPUReplicatedOutput node for each output.
    outputs = [
        for i in xrange(output_arity)

    with ops.control_dependencies([metadata]):
        if use_tpu:
            compile_status = tpu_ops.tpu_compilation_result()
            op = compile_status.op
            attr_value = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(
            op._set_attr(_TPU_COMPILATION_STATUS_ATTR, attr_value)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            compile_status = control_flow_ops.no_op(name="compilation_status")

    with ops.control_dependencies(output_operations):
        if output_arity == 0:
            # Returns a list of NoOps dependent on the replication Op, indexed by
            # [replica_num].
            return [
                    control_flow_ops.no_op(name="shard_%d" % i)
                    for i in range(num_replicas)
            # Wraps the outputs in identity operators so the names of any possible
            # `fetch` nodes are preserved by the replication rewrite.
            return [
                                       name="output_%d_shard_%d" %
                                       (out, replica))
                    for out in xrange(output_arity)
                ] for replica in xrange(num_replicas)]
Esempio n. 2
def split_compile_and_replicate(computation,
  """Builds graph operators that runs compilation and replicated computation.

  This is a lower level interface than replicate that returns a separate compile
  and execute output tensor. In the generated graph the compile op feeds into
  the execute op and no additional compilation is incurred when running the
  compile op before the execute op. The compile op returns additional
  information about the compilation but does not return the compiled program.

    computation: A Python function that builds the computation to replicate.
    inputs: A list of lists of input tensors or `None` (equivalent to
      `[[]]`), indexed by `[replica_num][input_num]`. All replicas must
      have the same number of inputs.
    infeed_queue: If not `None`, the `InfeedQueue` from which to append a tuple
      of arguments as inputs to computation.
    device_assignment: If not `None`, a `DeviceAssignment` describing the
      mapping between logical cores in the computation with physical cores in
      the TPU topology. Uses a default device assignment if `None`. The
      `DeviceAssignment` may be omitted if each replica of the computation uses
      only one core, and there is either only one replica, or the number of
      replicas is equal to the number of cores in the TPU system.
    name: (Deprecated) Does nothing.
    use_tpu: When false, the input `computation` is executed on the XLA CPU/GPU
      backends. Currently, only supports a default placement (computation is
      placed on GPU if one is available, and on CPU if not).
    A list of lists with the first list corresponding to the compile op and the
    second a list of output tensors, indexed by `[replica_num][output_num]`.
    ValueError: If all replicas do not have equal numbers of input tensors.
    ValueError: If the number of inputs per replica does not match
      the number of formal parameters to `computation`.
  del name
  inputs = [[]] if inputs is None else inputs

  metadata_kwargs = {}
  if device_assignment is not None:
    # Turn the Numpy array into a flattened list so we can pass it as an
    # operator attribute.
    metadata_kwargs = {

  if ((not isinstance(inputs, list)) or
      any(not isinstance(inp, (list, tuple)) for inp in inputs)):
    raise TypeError("tpu.replicate() inputs must be a list of lists/tuples")

  num_replicas = len(inputs)

  # No replicas? Nothing to do.
  if num_replicas == 0:
    return []

  # Converts inputs to Tensors.
  inputs = [[ops.convert_to_tensor(x) for x in inp] for inp in inputs]

  # Verifies that all replicas have matching numbers and types of inputs
  input_types = [x.dtype for x in inputs[0]]
  input_arity = len(input_types)
  for i in range(num_replicas):
    if len(inputs[i]) != input_arity:
      raise ValueError("Replicas must have the same number of inputs. "
                       "Replica 0 had {} inputs, replica {} had {} "
                       "inputs.".format(input_arity, i, len(inputs[i])))

    types = [x.dtype for x in inputs[i]]
    if types != input_types:
      raise ValueError(
          "Replicas must have matching input types. Replica 0 had "
          "input types {}, replica {} had input types {}".format(
              input_types, i, types))

  arg_error = tpu_function.check_function_argument_count(
      computation, input_arity, infeed_queue)
  if arg_error is not None:
    if infeed_queue is None:
      raise TypeError(
          "Supplied computation cannot be called with the specified inputs. "
          "You specified %d inputs: %s, but the computation needs %s" % (
              input_arity, str([ for i in inputs[0]]), arg_error))
      raise TypeError(
          "Supplied computation cannot be called with the specified inputs. "
          "You specified %d inputs: %s and %d additional inputs from infeed,"
          " but the computation needs %s" % (input_arity, str(
               for i in inputs[0]]), infeed_queue.number_of_tuple_elements,

  graph = ops.get_default_graph()

  # Fan-in: Builds a TPUReplicatedInput node for each input.
  computation_inputs = []
  for i in range(0, input_arity):
    replicas = [inputs[replica][i] for replica in xrange(num_replicas)]
        tpu_ops.tpu_replicated_input(replicas, name="input{}".format(i)))

  cluster_name = graph.unique_name("cluster")
  pivot = control_flow_ops.no_op(name=cluster_name + "/pivot")
  context = TPUReplicateContext(
      name=cluster_name, num_replicas=num_replicas, pivot=pivot)

    metadata = tpu_ops.tpu_replicate_metadata(
        num_replicas=num_replicas, use_tpu=use_tpu, **metadata_kwargs)

    with tpu_function.tpu_shard_context(
        num_replicas), ops.control_dependencies([metadata]):

      # Add identity ops so even unused inputs are "consumed" by the
      # computation. This is to avoid orphaned TPUReplicatedInput nodes.
      # TODO(phawkins): consider instead pruning unused TPUReplicatedInput
      # and eliding trivial TPUReplicatedInput/TPUReplicatedOutput pairs.
      computation_inputs = [
          array_ops.identity(x, name="replicated_input_{}".format(i))
          for i, x in enumerate(computation_inputs)

      # If there is an infeed queue, adds the dequeued values to the
      # computation's inputs.
      if infeed_queue is not None:
        for t in infeed_queue.generate_dequeue_op():

      # Only resource variables work inside a TPU computation, so turn on
      # resource variables for the computation.
      # TODO(phawkins): consider removing this code. It will
      # be less confusing to clients if they knowingly choose to use resource
      # variables.
      # Partitioned variables is not supported (b/112311320).
      def custom_getter(getter, name, *args, **kwargs):
        """Variables on TPU have a few restrictions."""
        partitioner = kwargs["partitioner"]
        if partitioner is not None:
          kwargs["partitioner"] = None
              "Partitioned variables are not supported on TPU. Got "
              "`partitioner` that is {} for variable {}. "
              "Setting `partitioner` to `None`."
              .format(partitioner, name))
        return getter(name, *args, **kwargs)

      vscope = variable_scope.get_variable_scope()

      saved_use_resource = vscope.use_resource
      saved_custom_getter = vscope.custom_getter


      outputs = computation(*computation_inputs)


    # If the computation returns `None`, make it an empty tuple.
    if outputs is None:
      outputs = tuple()
    # If the computation only returned one value, makes it a tuple.
    if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)):
      outputs = (outputs,)

    # Append `no_op` here so that fetching any return value of this function
    # will trigger TPUExecute node.
    outputs += (control_flow_ops.no_op(),)
      with ops.device(core(0)):
        outputs = [
            o if isinstance(o, ops.Operation) else ops.convert_to_tensor(o)
            for o in outputs
    except Exception as e:
      raise ValueError(
          "TPU function return values must all either be Operations or "
          "convertible to Tensors. Got '%s'" % str(e))

    # Separates the returned Operations and Tensors.
    output_operations = [o for o in outputs if isinstance(o, ops.Operation)]
    output_tensors = [o for o in outputs if not isinstance(o, ops.Operation)]

    if outputs != output_tensors + output_operations:
      raise ValueError(
          "TPU functions must return zero-or more Tensor values followed by "
          "zero or more Operations.")
    output_arity = len(output_tensors)

    # Wraps outputs in Identity ops. Otherwise a replicated input copied
    # straight to an output would bypass the replicate(). This would be bad
    # because the TPUReplicatedInput/TPUReplicatedOutput operator would not
    # be rewritten away, leading to a runtime error.
    # TODO(phawkins): extend the rewrite to elide these nodes instead.
    new_output_tensors = []
    for t in output_tensors:
      with ops.device(t.device if t.device else core(0)):
    output_tensors = new_output_tensors
    host_compute_core = context.HostComputeCore()

  if host_compute_core:
    attr_value = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue()
    attr_value.list.s.extend([compat.as_bytes(x) for x in host_compute_core])
    metadata._set_attr("host_compute_core", attr_value)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

  # Fan-out: Builds a TPUReplicatedOutput node for each output.
  outputs = [tpu_ops.tpu_replicated_output(output_tensors[i], num_replicas,
             for i in xrange(output_arity)]

  with ops.control_dependencies([metadata]):
    if use_tpu:
      compile_status = tpu_ops.tpu_compilation_result()
      op = compile_status.op
      attr_value = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(s=compat.as_bytes(cluster_name))
      op._set_attr(_TPU_COMPILATION_STATUS_ATTR, attr_value)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
      compile_status = control_flow_ops.no_op(name="compilation_status")

  with ops.control_dependencies(output_operations):
    if output_arity == 0:
      # Returns a list of NoOps dependent on the replication Op, indexed by
      # [replica_num].
      return [
          compile_status, [
              control_flow_ops.no_op(name="shard_%d" % i)
              for i in range(num_replicas)
      # Wraps the outputs in identity operators so the names of any possible
      # `fetch` nodes are preserved by the replication rewrite.
      return [
          compile_status, [[
                  name="output_%d_shard_%d" % (out, replica))
              for out in xrange(output_arity)
                           for replica in xrange(num_replicas)]