_site_packages_dirs = list(set(_site_packages_dirs))

# Find the location of this exact file.
_current_file_location = _inspect.getfile(_inspect.currentframe())

def _running_from_pip_package():
  return any(
      _current_file_location.startswith(dir_) for dir_ in _site_packages_dirs)

if _running_from_pip_package():
  for s in _site_packages_dirs:
    # TODO(gunan): Add sanity checks to loaded modules here.
    plugin_dir = _os.path.join(s, 'tensorflow-plugins')
    if _fi.file_exists(plugin_dir):

# These symbols appear because we import the python package which
# in turn imports from tensorflow.core and tensorflow.python. They
# must come from this module. So python adds these symbols for the
# resolution to succeed.
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
  del python
  del core
except NameError:
  # Don't fail if these modules are not available.
  # For e.g. this file will be originally placed under tensorflow/_api/v1 which
  # does not have 'python', 'core' directories. Then, it will be copied
  # to tensorflow/ which does have these two directories.
# Find the location of this exact file.
_current_file_location = _inspect.getfile(_inspect.currentframe())

def _running_from_pip_package():
    return any(
        for dir_ in _site_packages_dirs)

if _running_from_pip_package():
    for s in _site_packages_dirs:
        # TODO(gunan): Add sanity checks to loaded modules here.
        plugin_dir = _os.path.join(s, 'tensorflow-plugins')
        if _fi.file_exists(plugin_dir):

# These symbols appear because we import the python package which
# in turn imports from tensorflow.core and tensorflow.python. They
# must come from this module. So python adds these symbols for the
# resolution to succeed.
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
    del python
except NameError:
    del core
except NameError:
if 'sysconfig' in dir(_distutils):
    _site_packages_dirs += [_distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()]

_site_packages_dirs = list(set(_site_packages_dirs))

# Find the location of this exact file.
_current_file_location = _inspect.getfile(_inspect.currentframe())

def _running_from_pip_package():
    return any(
        for dir_ in _site_packages_dirs)

if _running_from_pip_package():
    # TODO(gunan): Add sanity checks to loaded modules here.
    for _s in _site_packages_dirs:
        # Load first party dynamic kernels.
        _main_dir = _os.path.join(_s, 'tensorflow_core/core/kernels')
        if _fi.file_exists(_main_dir):

        # Load third party dynamic kernels.
        _plugin_dir = _os.path.join(_s, 'tensorflow-plugins')
        if _fi.file_exists(_plugin_dir):

Esempio n. 4
# Find the location of this exact file.
_current_file_location = _inspect.getfile(_inspect.currentframe())

def _running_from_pip_package():
  return any(
      _current_file_location.startswith(dir_) for dir_ in _site_packages_dirs)

if _running_from_pip_package():
  # TODO(gunan): Add sanity checks to loaded modules here.

  # Load first party dynamic kernels.
  _tf_dir = _os.path.dirname(_current_file_location)
  _kernel_dir = _os.path.join(_tf_dir, 'core', 'kernels')
  if _os.path.exists(_kernel_dir):

  # Load third party dynamic kernels.
  for _s in _site_packages_dirs:
    _plugin_dir = _os.path.join(_s, 'tensorflow-plugins')
    if _os.path.exists(_plugin_dir):
      # Load Pluggable Device Library

# Add module aliases
if hasattr(_current_module, 'keras'):
  # It is possible that keras is a lazily loaded module, which might break when
  # actually trying to import it. Have a Try-Catch to make sure it doesn't break
  # when it doing some very initial loading, like tf.compat.v2, etc.