Esempio n. 1
def positional_signal(hidden_size: int,
                      length: int,
                      min_timescale: float = 1.0,
                      max_timescale: float = 1e4):
    Helper function, constructing basic positional encoding.
    The code is partially based on implementation from Tensor2Tensor library

    if hidden_size % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            f"The hidden dimension of the model must be divisible by 2."
            f"Currently it is {hidden_size}")
    position = K.arange(0, length, dtype=K.floatx())
    num_timescales = hidden_size // 2
    log_timescale_increment = K.constant(
        (np.log(float(max_timescale) / float(min_timescale)) /
         (num_timescales - 1)),
    inv_timescales = (min_timescale * K.exp(
        K.arange(num_timescales, dtype=K.floatx()) * -log_timescale_increment))
    scaled_time = K.expand_dims(position, 1) * K.expand_dims(inv_timescales, 0)
    signal = K.concatenate([K.sin(scaled_time), K.cos(scaled_time)], axis=1)
    return K.expand_dims(signal, axis=0)
Esempio n. 2
    def call(self, inputs):
        if self.data_format is None:
            data_format = self.data_format
        if self.data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}:
            raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format))

        strides = (1,) + self.strides + (1,)

        x = inputs[0]
        cls = K.squeeze(inputs[1], axis=-1)

        #Kernel preprocess
        kernel = K.gather(self.kernel, cls)
        #(bs, w, h, c)
        kernel = tf.transpose(kernel, [1, 2, 3, 0])
        #(w, h, c, bs)
        kernel = K.reshape(kernel, (self.kernel_size[0], self.kernel_size[1], -1))
        #(w, h, c * bs)
        kernel = K.expand_dims(kernel, axis=-1)
        #(w, h, c * bs, 1)

        if self.data_format == 'channles_first':
            x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 3, 1])
        bs, w, h, c = K.int_shape(x)
        #(bs, w, h, c)
        x = tf.transpose(x, [1, 2, 3, 0])
        #(w, h, c, bs)
        x = K.reshape(x, (w, h, -1))
        #(w, h, c * bs)
        x = K.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
        #(1, w, h, c * bs)

        padding = _preprocess_padding(self.padding)

        outputs = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(x, kernel,
        #(1, w, h, c * bs)
        _, w, h, _ = K.int_shape(outputs)
        outputs = K.reshape(outputs, [w, h, self.filters, -1])
        #(w, h, c, bs)
        outputs = tf.transpose(outputs, [3, 0, 1, 2])
        #(bs, w, h, c)

        if self.bias is not None:
            #(num_cls, out)
            bias = tf.gather(self.bias, cls)
            #(bs, bias)
            bias = tf.expand_dims(bias, axis=1)
            bias = tf.expand_dims(bias, axis=1)
            #(bs, bias, 1, 1)
            outputs += bias

        if self.data_format == 'channles_first':
            outputs = tf.transpose(outputs, [0, 3, 1, 2])

        if self.activation is not None:
            return self.activation(outputs)
        return outputs
    def call(self, x):
        eij1 = K.reshape(
  [:, :, 0:768], (-1, self.features_dim)), K.reshape(self.W, (self.features_dim, 1))),
            (-1, self.step_dim))
        eij1 += self.b
        eij1 = K.expand_dims(eij1)

        eij2 = K.reshape(
  [:, :, 768:768*2], (-1, self.features_dim)), K.reshape(self.W, (self.features_dim, 1))),
            (-1, self.step_dim))
        eij2 += self.b
        eij2 = K.expand_dims(eij2)

        eij3 = K.reshape(
  [:, :, 768*2:768*3], (-1, self.features_dim)), K.reshape(self.W, (self.features_dim, 1))),
            (-1, self.step_dim))
        eij3 += self.b
        eij3 = K.expand_dims(eij3)

        eij = keras.layers.concatenate([eij1, eij2, eij3], axis=2)
        eij = K.tanh(eij)
        a = K.exp(eij)
        a /= K.cast(K.sum(a, axis=2, keepdims=True) + K.epsilon(), K.floatx())
        temp = a[:,:,0:1] * x[:, :, 0:768] + a[:,:,1:2] * x[:, :, 768:768*2] + a[:,:,2:3] * x[:, :, 768*2:768*3]

        return temp
Esempio n. 4
def box_iou(b1, b2):
    '''Return IOU tensor
    b1: tensor, shape=(..., 4) x, y, w, h
    b2: tensor, shape=(j, 4)

    Return: iou: tensor(..., j)

    b1 = K.expand_dims(b1, axis=-2)
    b1_xy = b1[..., :2]
    b1_wh = b1[..., 2:4]
    b1_wh_half = b1_wh / 2.
    b1_mins = b1_xy - b1_wh_half
    b1_maxes = b1_xy + b1_wh_half

    b2 = K.expand_dims(b2, axis=0)
    b2_xy = b2[..., :2]
    b2_wh = b2[..., 2:4]
    b2_wh_half = b2_wh / 2.
    b2_mins = b2_xy - b2_wh_half
    b2_maxes = b2_xy + b2_wh_half

    intersect_mins = K.maximum(b1_mins, b2_mins)
    intersect_maxes = K.minimum(b1_maxes, b2_maxes)
    intersect_wh = K.maximum(intersect_maxes - intersect_mins, 0.)
    intersect_area = intersect_wh[..., 0] * intersect_wh[..., 1]
    b1_area = b1_wh[..., 0] * b1_wh[..., 1]
    b2_area = b2_wh[..., 0] * b2_wh[..., 1]

    return intersect_area / (b1_area + b2_area - intersect_area)
Esempio n. 5
def overlap(a, b):
    """Computes the IoU overlap of boxes in a and b.

        a: np.array of shape (N, 4) of boxes.
        b: np.array of shape (K, 4) of boxes.

        A np.array of shape (N, K) of overlap between boxes from a and b.
    area = (b[:, 2] - b[:, 0]) * (b[:, 3] - b[:, 1])

    iw = K.minimum(K.expand_dims(a[:, 2], axis=1), b[:, 2]) - \
        K.maximum(K.expand_dims(a[:, 0], axis=1), b[:, 0])
    ih = K.minimum(K.expand_dims(a[:, 3], axis=1), b[:, 3]) - \
        K.maximum(K.expand_dims(a[:, 1], axis=1), b[:, 1])

    iw = K.maximum(iw, 0)
    ih = K.maximum(ih, 0)

    ua = K.expand_dims((a[:, 2] - a[:, 0]) * (a[:, 3] - a[:, 1]), axis=1) + \
        area - iw * ih
    ua = K.maximum(ua, K.epsilon())

    intersection = iw * ih

    return intersection / ua
Esempio n. 6
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None, training=None):
        inputs, relatives, memories, bias_context, bias_relative = inputs
        full = K.concatenate([memories, inputs], axis=1)      # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units)
        w_q =, self.kernel_q)                    # (batch, seq_len, units)
        w_kv =, self.kernel_kv)                    # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units * 2)
        w_r =, self.kernel_r)                 # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units)
        if self.use_bias:
            w_q = K.bias_add(w_q, self.bias_q)
            w_kv = K.bias_add(w_kv, self.bias_kv)
            w_r = K.bias_add(w_r, self.bias_r)
        if self.activation is not None:
            w_q = self.activation(w_q)
            w_kv = self.activation(w_kv)
            w_r = self.activation(w_r)

        w_k = w_kv[:, :, :self.units]                         # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units)
        w_v = w_kv[:, :, self.units:]                         # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units)

        w_qc = K.bias_add(w_q, bias_context)
        w_qc = self._reshape_to_batches(w_qc)                 # (batch * n_head, seq_len, units_head)
        w_k = self._reshape_to_batches(w_k)                   # (batch * n_head, prev_len + seq_len, units_head)
        a_context = K.batch_dot(w_qc, w_k, axes=2)            # (batch * n_head, seq_len, prev_len + seq_len)

        w_qr = K.bias_add(w_q, bias_relative)
        w_qr = self._reshape_to_batches(w_qr)                 # (batch * n_head, seq_len, units_head)
        w_r = self._reshape_to_batches(w_r)                   # (batch * n_head, prev_len + seq_len, units_head)
        a_relative = K.batch_dot(w_qr, w_r, axes=2)           # (batch * n_head, seq_len, prev_len + seq_len)
        a_relative = self._relative_shift(a_relative)         # (batch * n_head, seq_len, prev_len + seq_len)

        att = (a_context + a_relative) / K.sqrt(K.constant(self.units_head, dtype=K.floatx()))
        exp = K.exp(att - K.max(att, axis=-1, keepdims=True))

        q_len, k_len = K.shape(w_q)[1], K.shape(w_k)[1]
        indices = K.expand_dims(K.arange(0, k_len), axis=0)
        upper = K.expand_dims(K.arange(k_len - q_len, k_len), axis=-1)
        exp *= K.expand_dims(K.cast(indices <= upper, K.floatx()), axis=0)
        if mask is not None and mask[0] is not None:
            mask = K.cast(mask[0], K.floatx())
            mask = K.concatenate([K.ones_like(memories[:, :, 0]), mask], axis=1)
            exp *= K.expand_dims(self._reshape_mask(mask), axis=1)

        att = exp / K.sum(exp, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        if self.att_drop_layer is not None:
            att = self.att_drop_layer(att, training=training)
        w_v = self._reshape_to_batches(w_v)                   # (batch * n_head, prev_len + seq_len, units_head)
        w_o = K.batch_dot(att, w_v)                           # (batch * n_head, seq_len, units_head)

        w_o = self._reshape_from_batches(w_o)                 # (batch, seq_len, units)
        w_o =, self.kernel_o)                       # (batch, seq_len, units)
        if self.use_bias:
            w_o = K.bias_add(w_o, self.bias_o)
        if self.activation is not None:
            w_o = self.activation(w_o)

        # Add shape information to tensor when using `tf.keras`
        input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)
        if input_shape[1] is not None:
            w_o = K.reshape(w_o, (-1,) + input_shape[1:])
        return w_o
Esempio n. 7
    def layer(x):
        x_mean = K.expand_dims(K.mean(x, axis=1), axis=1)
        x_max = K.expand_dims(K.max(x, axis=1), axis=1)
        x = concatenate([x, x_mean, x_max], axis=1)
        x = building_block(filters)(x)
        x = Conv3D(classes, 1, data_format=DATA_FORMAT)(x)

        return x
Esempio n. 8
        def _roi_align(args):
            boxes = args[0]
            scores = args[1]
            fpn = args[2]

            # compute from which level to get features from
            target_levels = self.map_to_level(boxes)

            # process each pyramid independently
            rois, ordered_indices = [], []
            for i in range(len(fpn)):
                # select the boxes and classification from this pyramid level
                indices = tf.where(K.equal(target_levels, i))

                level_boxes = tf.gather_nd(boxes, indices)
                fpn_shape = K.cast(K.shape(fpn[i]), dtype=K.floatx())

                # convert to expected format for crop_and_resize
                x1 = level_boxes[:, 0]
                y1 = level_boxes[:, 1]
                x2 = level_boxes[:, 2]
                y2 = level_boxes[:, 3]
                level_boxes = K.stack([
                    (y1 / image_shape[1] * fpn_shape[0]) / (fpn_shape[0] - 1),
                    (x1 / image_shape[2] * fpn_shape[1]) / (fpn_shape[1] - 1),
                    (y2 / image_shape[1] * fpn_shape[0] - 1) / (fpn_shape[0] - 1),
                    (x2 / image_shape[2] * fpn_shape[1] - 1) / (fpn_shape[1] - 1),
                ], axis=1)

                if(len(fpn[i].get_shape()) >=4):
                    unstack = tf.unstack(fpn[i], axis=3)
                    for j in unstack:
                        temp = tf.image.crop_and_resize(
                            K.expand_dims(j, axis=3),
                            tf.zeros((K.shape(level_boxes)[0],), dtype='int32'),
                            (self.crop_size[0], self.crop_size[1]))
                        K.expand_dims(fpn[i], axis=0),
                        tf.zeros((K.shape(level_boxes)[0],), dtype='int32'),

            # concatenate rois to one blob
            rois = K.concatenate(rois, axis=0)

            # reorder rois back to original order
            indices = K.concatenate(ordered_indices, axis=0)
            rois = tf.scatter_nd(indices, rois, K.cast(K.shape(rois), 'int64'))

            return rois
Esempio n. 9
def discriminative_instance_loss(y_true,
    """Discriminative loss between an output tensor and a target tensor.

        y_true: A tensor of the same shape as y_pred.
        y_pred: A tensor of the vector embedding

        tensor: Output tensor.
    def temp_norm(ten, axis=None):
        if axis is None:
            axis = 1 if K.image_data_format(
            ) == 'channels_first' else K.ndim(ten) - 1
        return K.sqrt(K.epsilon() + K.sum(K.square(ten), axis=axis))

    rank = K.ndim(y_pred)
    channel_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first' else rank - 1
    axes = [x for x in list(range(rank)) if x != channel_axis]

    # Compute variance loss
    cells_summed = tf.tensordot(y_true, y_pred, axes=[axes, axes])
    n_pixels = K.cast(tf.count_nonzero(y_true, axis=axes),
                      dtype=K.floatx()) + K.epsilon()
    n_pixels_expand = K.expand_dims(n_pixels, axis=1) + K.epsilon()
    mu = tf.divide(cells_summed, n_pixels_expand)

    delta_v = K.constant(delta_v, dtype=K.floatx())
    mu_tensor = tf.tensordot(y_true, mu, axes=[[channel_axis], [0]])
    L_var_1 = y_pred - mu_tensor
    L_var_2 = K.square(K.relu(temp_norm(L_var_1) - delta_v))
    L_var_3 = tf.tensordot(L_var_2, y_true, axes=[axes, axes])
    L_var_4 = tf.divide(L_var_3, n_pixels)
    L_var = K.mean(L_var_4)

    # Compute distance loss
    mu_a = K.expand_dims(mu, axis=0)
    mu_b = K.expand_dims(mu, axis=1)

    diff_matrix = tf.subtract(mu_b, mu_a)
    L_dist_1 = temp_norm(diff_matrix)
    L_dist_2 = K.square(
        K.relu(K.constant(2 * delta_d, dtype=K.floatx()) - L_dist_1))
    diag = K.constant(0, dtype=K.floatx()) * tf.diag_part(L_dist_2)
    L_dist_3 = tf.matrix_set_diag(L_dist_2, diag)
    L_dist = K.mean(L_dist_3)

    # Compute regularization loss
    L_reg = gamma * temp_norm(mu)
    L = L_var + L_dist + K.mean(L_reg)

    return L
Esempio n. 10
 def broadcast_sum(a, b):
     # Going from (batch_size, a1, d3) to (batch_size, a1, 1, d3)
     a = K.expand_dims(a, 2)
     # Going from (batch_size, b1, d3) to (batch_size, 1, b1, d3)
     b = K.expand_dims(b, 1)
     #  Will be broadcast to (batch_size, a1, b1, d3)
     c = a + b
     # Going from (batch_size, a1, b1, d3) to (batch_size, a1*b2, d3)
     cs = K.shape(c)
     new_shape = K.concatenate([cs[0:1], cs[1:2] * cs[2:3], cs[3:4]])
     return K.reshape(c, new_shape)
Esempio n. 11
def tp_score(y_true, y_pred, threshold=0.1):

    tp_3d = K.concatenate([
        K.cast(K.expand_dims(K.flatten(y_true)), 'bool'),
            K.expand_dims(K.flatten(K.greater(y_pred, K.constant(threshold)))),
        K.cast(K.ones_like(K.expand_dims(K.flatten(y_pred))), 'bool')

    tp = K.sum(K.cast(K.all(tp_3d, axis=1), 'int32'))

    return tp
Esempio n. 12
    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        batch_size, input_len, _ = inputs.shape
        q = K.expand_dims(, self.Wq), 2)
        k = K.expand_dims(, self.Wk), 1)
        h = tf.tanh(q + k +

        e =, self.Wv) +
        # e = K.reshape(e, shape=(batch_size, input_len, input_len))
        e = tf.reshape(e, shape=(batch_size, input_len, input_len))
        e = K.exp(e - K.max(e, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
        s = K.sum(e, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        a = e / (s + K.epsilon())
        v = K.batch_dot(a, inputs)
        return v
Esempio n. 13
 def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
     length = K.shape(inputs[0])[1] + K.shape(inputs[1])[1]
     inputs = K.tile(
         K.expand_dims(K.arange(length - 1, -1, -1, dtype=K.floatx()), axis=0),
         [K.shape(inputs[0])[0], 1],
     if self.clamp_len is not None:
         inputs = K.clip(inputs, min_value=0, max_value=self.clamp_len)
     inputs = K.expand_dims(inputs, axis=-1)
     output_dim = K.cast(self.output_dim, K.floatx())
     ranges = K.expand_dims(K.arange(0.0, self.output_dim, 2.0), axis=0) / output_dim
     inverse = 1.0 / K.pow(10000.0, ranges)
     positions = inputs * inverse
     return K.concatenate([K.sin(positions), K.cos(positions)], axis=-1)
 def call(self, x, mask=None):
     if mask is not None:
         # mask (batch, time)
         mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
         if K.ndim(x) != K.ndim(mask):
             mask = K.repeat(mask, x.shape[-1])
             mask = tf.transpose(mask, [0, 2, 1])
         x = x * mask
         if K.ndim(x) == 2:
             x = K.expand_dims(x)
         return K.sum(x, axis=self.axis)
         if K.ndim(x) == 2:
             x = K.expand_dims(x)
         return K.sum(x, axis=self.axis)
Esempio n. 15
    def get_initial_state(self, inputs):
        initial_state = K.zeros_like(inputs)
        initial_state = K.sum(initial_state, axis=(1, 2))
        initial_state = K.expand_dims(initial_state)
        initial_state = K.tile(initial_state, [1, self.units])  # (samples, output_dim)
        n = K.identity(initial_state)
        d = K.identity(initial_state)
        h = K.identity(initial_state)

        dtype =
        min_value = np.array([1E38]).astype(dtype).item()
        a_max = K.identity(initial_state) - min_value
        h = h + self.cell.recurrent_activation(K.expand_dims(self.cell.initial_attention, axis=0))

        return [n, d, h, a_max]
Esempio n. 16
 def context_step(inputs, states):
     """ Step function for computing ci using ei """
     # (batch_size, lat1+lat2+...+latn) = (batch_size, h1*h2*...*hn, lat1+lat2+...+latn) * (batch_size, h1*h2*...*hn, 1)
     c_i = K.sum(hiddens_combined * K.expand_dims(inputs, -1), axis=1)
     if verbose:
         print('ci>', K.int_shape(c_i))
     return c_i, states
Esempio n. 17
 def context_step(inputs, states):
     """ Step function for computing ci using ei """
     # <= batch_size, hidden_size
     c_i = K.sum(encoder_out_seq * K.expand_dims(inputs, -1), axis=1)
     if verbose:
         print('ci>', c_i.shape)
     return c_i, [c_i]
    def call(self, inputs):
        kernel_shape = K.int_shape(self.kernel)

        if self.renormalize:
            w = K.reshape(self.kernel, (-1, kernel_shape[-1]))

            sigma, u_bar = max_singular_val(
            w = tf.transpose(self.kernel, (0, 3, 1, 2))
            w = K.reshape(w, [-1, kernel_shape[1] * kernel_shape[2]])
            w = K.expand_dims(w, axis=-1)
            sigma, u_bar = max_singular_val(

            sigma = K.reshape(sigma, [kernel_shape[0], 1, 1, kernel_shape[-1]])

        self.add_update(K.update(self.u, u_bar))

        kernel = self.kernel
        self.kernel = self.kernel / sigma
        outputs = super(SNConditionalDepthwiseConv2D, self).call(inputs)
        self.kernel = kernel

        return outputs
Esempio n. 19
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        eij = dot_product(x, self.W)

        if self.bias:
            eij += self.b

        eij = K.tanh(eij)

        a = K.exp(eij)

        # apply mask after the exp. will be re-normalized next
        if mask is not None:
            # Cast the mask to floatX to avoid float64 upcasting in theano
            a *= K.cast(mask, K.floatx())

        # in some cases especially in the early stages of training the sum may be almost zero
        # and this results in NaN's. A workaround is to add a very small positive number ε to the sum.
        # a /= K.cast(K.sum(a, axis=1, keepdims=True), K.floatx())
        a /= K.cast(K.sum(a, axis=1, keepdims=True) + K.epsilon(), K.floatx())

        weighted_input = x * K.expand_dims(a)

        result = K.sum(weighted_input, axis=1)

        if self.return_attention:
            return [result, a]
        return result
Esempio n. 20
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
        # output = softmax(score)
        k, q = inputs
        if len(q.shape) == 2:
            q = K.expand_dims(q, axis=1)
        # k: (?, K_LEN, EMBED_DIM,)
        # q: (?, Q_LEN, EMBED_DIM,)
        # score: (?, Q_LEN, K_LEN,)
        if self.score_function == 'scaled_dot_product':
            kt = K.permute_dimensions(k, (0, 2, 1))
            qkt = K.batch_dot(q, kt)
            score = qkt / self.EMBED_DIM
        elif self.score_function == 'mlp':
            kq = K.concatenate([k, q], axis=1)
            kqw2 = K.tanh(, self.W2))
            score = K.permute_dimensions(, kqw2), (1, 0, 2))
        elif self.score_function == 'bi_linear':
            qw =, self.W)
            kt = K.permute_dimensions(k, (0, 2, 1))
            score = K.batch_dot(qw, kt)
            raise RuntimeError('invalid score_function')
        score = K.softmax(score)
        # if mask is not None:
        #     score *= K.cast(mask[0], K.floatx())
        # output: (?, Q_LEN, EMBED_DIM,)
        output = K.batch_dot(score, k)

        return output
Esempio n. 21
        def energy_step(decode_outs, states):  # decode_outs(batch,dim)

            # decoder_seq [N,30,512] 30是字符串长度
            en_seq_len, en_hidden = encoder_out_seq.shape[
                1], encoder_out_seq.shape[2]  # 30, 512
            de_hidden = decode_outs.shape[-1]
            #  W * h_j
            reshaped_enc_outputs = K.reshape(
                encoder_out_seq, (-1, en_hidden))  #[b,64,512]=> [b*64,512]

            # W_a[512x512],reshaped_enc_outputs[b*64,512] => [b*64,512] => [b,64,512]
            W_a_dot_s = K.reshape(, self.W_a),
                                  (-1, en_seq_len, en_hidden))

            # U * S_t - 1,decode_outs[b,512],U_a[512,512] => [b,512]    => [b,1,512]
            U_a_dot_h = K.expand_dims(, self.U_a),
                                      axis=1)  # <= batch_size, 1, latent_dim

            # 这个细节很变态,其实就是完成了decoder的输出复制time(64)个,和encoder的输出【64,512】,相加的过程

            # tanh ( W * h_j + U * S_t-1 + b ),[b,64,512] = [b*64,512]
            reshaped_Ws_plus_Uh = K.tanh(
                K.reshape(W_a_dot_s + U_a_dot_h, (-1, en_hidden)))

            # V * tanh ( W * h_j + U * S_t-1 + b ), [b*64,512]*[512,1] => [b*64,1] => [b,64]
            e_i = K.reshape(, self.V_a),
                            (-1, en_seq_len))

            e_i = K.softmax(e_i)

            return e_i, [e_i]
 def create_inital_state(inputs, hidden_size):
     # We are not using initial states, but need to pass something to K.rnn funciton
     fake_state = K.zeros_like(inputs)  # <= (batch_size, enc_seq_len, latent_dim
     fake_state = K.sum(fake_state, axis=[1, 2])  # <= (batch_size)
     fake_state = K.expand_dims(fake_state)  # <= (batch_size, 1)
     fake_state = K.tile(fake_state, [1, hidden_size])  # <= (batch_size, latent_dim
     return fake_state
Esempio n. 23
    def loss_function(target_subtoken, y_pred):
        # prediction is a probability, log probability for speed and smoothness

        print("Model objective: y_pred.shape: {}".format(y_pred.shape))
        # I_C = vector of a target subtoken exist in the input token - TODO probably not ok, debug using TF eager
        I_C = K.expand_dims(
                                 K.cast(target_subtoken, 'int32')),
                   dtype='float32'), -1)
        print("Model objective: I_C.shape: {}".format(I_C.shape))
        # I_C shape = [batch_size, token, max_char_len, 1]
        # TODO should I add a penality if there is no subtokens appearing in the model ? Yes
        probability_correct_copy = K.log(copy_probability) + K.log(
            K.sum(I_C * copy_weights) + mu)
        print("Model objective: probability_correct_copy.shape: {}".format(

        # penalise the model when cnn-attention predicts unknown
        # but the value can be predicted from the copy mechanism.
        mask_unknown = K.cast(K.equal(target_subtoken, unknown_id),
                              dtype='float32') * mu

        probability_target_token = K.sum(
            K.log(1 - copy_probability) + K.log(y_pred) + mask_unknown, -1,
        print("Model objective: probability_target_token.shape: {}".format(

        loss = K.logsumexp(
            [probability_correct_copy, probability_target_token])
        return K.mean(loss)
    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else [inputs]

        if len(inputs) < 1 or len(inputs) > 2:
            raise ValueError("AttentionLayer expect one or two inputs.")

        actual_input = inputs[0]
        mask = inputs[1] if len(inputs) > 1 else None
        if mask is not None and not (
            ((len(mask.shape) == 3 and mask.shape[2] == 1)
             or len(mask.shape) == 2) and mask.shape[1] == self.input_length):
            raise ValueError(
                "`mask` should be of shape (batch, input_length) or (batch, input_length, 1) "
                "when calling an AttentionLayer.")

        assert actual_input.shape[-1] == self.attention_param.shape[0]

        # (batch, input_length, input_dim) * (input_dim, 1) ==> (batch, input_length, 1)
        attention_weights =, self.attention_param)

        if mask is not None:
            if len(mask.shape) == 2:
                mask = K.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)  # (batch, input_length, 1)
            mask = K.log(mask)
            attention_weights += mask

        attention_weights = K.softmax(attention_weights,
                                      axis=1)  # (batch, input_length, 1)
        result = K.sum(
            actual_input * attention_weights,
            axis=1)  # (batch, input_length)  [multiplication uses broadcast]
        return result, attention_weights
Esempio n. 25
    def call(self, inputs):
        input_shape = self.in_shape
        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            x = K.arange(0, input_shape[1], dtype=K.floatx())
            y = K.arange(0, input_shape[2], dtype=K.floatx())
            x = K.arange(0, input_shape[0], dtype=K.floatx())
            y = K.arange(0, input_shape[1], dtype=K.floatx())

        x = x / K.max(x)
        y = y / K.max(y)

        loc_x, loc_y = tf.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')

        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            loc = K.stack([loc_x, loc_y], axis=0)
            loc = K.stack([loc_x, loc_y], axis=-1)

        location = K.expand_dims(loc, axis=0)
        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            location = K.permute_dimensions(location, pattern=[0, 2, 3, 1])

        location = tf.tile(location, [K.shape(inputs)[0], 1, 1, 1])

        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            location = K.permute_dimensions(location, pattern=[0, 3, 1, 2])

        return location
Esempio n. 26
 def correlation(self, displace, kernel):
   """ Do the actual convolution==correlation.
   # Given an input tensor of shape [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels]
   displace = K.expand_dims(displace, 0) # 在开头增加一维
   # a kernel tensor of shape [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]
   kernel = K.expand_dims(kernel, 3)  # 在末尾增加一维
   # kernal去水平扫padding这一长条
   out = K.conv2d(displace, kernel, padding='valid', data_format='channels_last')
   out = K.squeeze(out, 0)  # 扒掉开头的维度
   # print(K.int_shape(out))  # (1,360,1)
   return out
Esempio n. 27
        def energy_step(inputs, states):
            """ Step function for computing energy for a single decoder state
            inputs: (batchsize * 1 * de_in_dim)
            states: (batchsize * 1 * de_latent_dim)
            """ Some parameters required for shaping tensors"""
            en_seq_len, en_hidden = encoder_out_seq.shape[
                1], encoder_out_seq.shape[2]
            de_hidden = inputs.shape[-1]
            """ Computing S.Wa where S=[s0, s1, ..., si]"""
            # <= batch size * en_seq_len * latent_dim
            W_a_dot_s =, self.W_a)
            """ Computing hj.Ua """
            U_a_dot_h = K.expand_dims(, self.U_a),
                                      1)  # <= batch_size, 1, latent_dim
            """ tanh(S.Wa + hj.Ua) """
            # <= batch_size*en_seq_len, latent_dim
            Ws_plus_Uh = K.tanh(W_a_dot_s + U_a_dot_h)
            """ softmax(va.tanh(S.Wa + hj.Ua)) """
            # <= batch_size, en_seq_len
            e_i = K.squeeze(, self.V_a), axis=-1)
            # <= batch_size, en_seq_len
            e_i = K.softmax(e_i)

            return e_i, [e_i]
Esempio n. 28
def make_patches_grid(x, patch_size, patch_stride):
    '''Break image `x` up into a grid of patches.

    input shape: (channels, rows, cols)
    output shape: (rows, cols, channels, patch_rows, patch_cols)
    from theano.tensor.nnet.neighbours import images2neibs  # TODO: all K, no T
    x = K.expand_dims(x, 0)
    xs = K.shape(x)
    num_rows = 1 + (xs[-2] - patch_size) // patch_stride
    num_cols = 1 + (xs[-1] - patch_size) // patch_stride
    num_channels = xs[-3]
    patches = images2neibs(x, (patch_size, patch_size),
                           (patch_stride, patch_stride),
    # neibs are sorted per-channel
    patches = K.reshape(patches,
                        (num_channels, K.shape(patches)[0] // num_channels,
                         patch_size, patch_size))
    patches = K.permute_dimensions(patches, (1, 0, 2, 3))
    # arrange in a 2d-grid (rows, cols, channels, px, py)
    patches = K.reshape(
        patches, (num_rows, num_cols, num_channels, patch_size, patch_size))
    patches_norm = K.sqrt(
        K.sum(K.square(patches), axis=(2, 3, 4), keepdims=True))
    return patches, patches_norm
Esempio n. 29
def Kget_dists(X):
    """Keras code to compute the pairwise distance matrix for a set of
    vectors specifie by the matrix X.
    x2 = K.expand_dims(K.sum(K.square(X), axis=1), 1)
    dists = x2 + K.transpose(x2) - 2 *, K.transpose(X))
    return dists
Esempio n. 30
        def energy_step(inputs, states):
            """ Step function for computing energy for a single decoder state """

            # input: (batch_size, latent_dim)
            assert_msg = "States must be a list. However states {} is of type {}".format(
                states, type(states))
            assert isinstance(states, list) or isinstance(states,
                                                          tuple), assert_msg
            """ Computing sj.Ua """
            # (batch_size, 1, d3)
            U_a_dot_s = K.expand_dims(, self.U_a), 1)
            if verbose:
                print('Ua.h>', K.int_shape(U_a_dot_s))
            """ tanh(h.Wa + s.Ua) """
            # (batch_size, h1*h2*...*hn, d3) = (batch_size, h1*h2*...*hn, d3) + (batch_size, 1, d3)
            Wh_plus_Us = K.tanh(W_hi + U_a_dot_s)
            # (batch_size, d3, h1*h2*...*hn)
            Wh_plus_Us = K.permute_dimensions(Wh_plus_Us, (0, 2, 1))
            if verbose:
                print('Wh+Us>', K.int_shape(Wh_plus_Us))
            """ softmax(va.tanh(S.Wa + hj.Ua)) """
            # (1, batch_size, h1*h2*...*hn) = (1, d3) . (batch_size, d3, h1*h2*...*hn)
            Wh_plus_Us_dot_Va =, Wh_plus_Us)
            # (batch_size, h1*h2*...*hn)
            e_i = K.squeeze(Wh_plus_Us_dot_Va, 0)
            e_i = K.softmax(e_i)

            if verbose:
                print('ei>', K.int_shape(e_i))

            # (batch_size, h1*h2*...*hn)
            return e_i, states
Esempio n. 31
def get_locallyconnected_mask(input_shape,
  """Return a mask representing connectivity of a locally-connected operation.

  This method returns a masking tensor of 0s and 1s (of type `dtype`) that,
  when element-wise multiplied with a fully-connected weight tensor, masks out
  the weights between disconnected input-output pairs and thus implements local
  connectivity through a sparse fully-connected weight tensor.

  Assume an unshared convolution with given parameters is applied to an input
  having N spatial dimensions with `input_shape = (d_in1, ..., d_inN)`
  to produce an output with spatial shape `(d_out1, ..., d_outN)` (determined
  by layer parameters such as `strides`).

  This method returns a mask which can be broadcast-multiplied (element-wise)
  with a 2*(N+1)-D weight matrix (equivalent to a fully-connected layer between
  (N+1)-D activations (N spatial + 1 channel dimensions for input and output)
  to make it perform an unshared convolution with given `kernel_shape`,
  `strides`, `padding` and `data_format`.

    input_shape: tuple of size N: `(d_in1, ..., d_inN)`
                 spatial shape of the input.
    kernel_shape: tuple of size N, spatial shape of the convolutional kernel
                  / receptive field.
    strides: tuple of size N, strides along each spatial dimension.
    padding: type of padding, string `"same"` or `"valid"`.
    data_format: a string, `"channels_first"` or `"channels_last"`.
    dtype: type of the layer operation, e.g. `tf.float64`.

    a `dtype`-tensor of shape
    `(1, d_in1, ..., d_inN, 1, d_out1, ..., d_outN)`
    if `data_format == `"channels_first"`, or
    `(d_in1, ..., d_inN, 1, d_out1, ..., d_outN, 1)`
    if `data_format == "channels_last"`.

    ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `"channels_first"` nor
  mask = conv_utils.conv_kernel_mask(

  ndims = int(mask.ndim / 2)
  mask = K.variable(mask, dtype)

  if data_format == 'channels_first':
    mask = K.expand_dims(mask, 0)
    mask = K.expand_dims(mask, - ndims - 1)

  elif data_format == 'channels_last':
    mask = K.expand_dims(mask, ndims)
    mask = K.expand_dims(mask, -1)

    raise ValueError('Unrecognized data_format: ' + str(data_format))

  return mask