Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, opt, loss_scale):
        """Initializes this loss scale optimizer.

      opt: The Optimizer instance to wrap.
      loss_scale: The loss scale to scale the loss and gradients. This can
        either be an int/float to use a fixed loss scale, the string "dynamic"
        to use dynamic loss scaling, or an instance of a LossScale. The string
        "dynamic" equivalent to passing `DynamicLossScale()`, and passing an
        int/float is equivalent to passing a FixedLossScale with the given loss
        if not isinstance(opt, optimizer_v2.OptimizerV2):
            raise ValueError(
                '"opt" must be an instance of OptimizerV2, but got: %s' % opt)
        if hasattr(opt, 'clipnorm'):
            raise ValueError(
                'LossScaleOptimizer does not support wrapping '
                'optimizers with a clipnorm. Optimizer %s has clipnorm '
                '%s' % (opt, opt.clipnorm))

        if hasattr(opt, 'clipvalue'):
            raise ValueError('LossScaleOptimizer does not support wrapping '
                             'optimizers with a clipvalue. Optimizer %s has '
                             'clipvalue %s' % (opt, opt.clipvalue))

        self._optimizer = opt
        self._loss_scale = loss_scale_module.get(loss_scale)
        self._track_trackable(self._loss_scale, 'loss_scale')
  def __init__(self, opt, loss_scale):
    """Initializes this loss scale optimizer.

      opt: The Optimizer instance to wrap.
      loss_scale: The loss scale to scale the loss and gradients. This can
        either be an int/float to use a fixed loss scale, the string "dynamic"
        to use dynamic loss scaling, or an instance of a LossScale. The string
        "dynamic" equivalent to passing `DynamicLossScale()`, and passing an
        int/float is equivalent to passing a FixedLossScale with the given loss
    if not isinstance(opt, optimizer_v2.OptimizerV2):
      raise ValueError('"opt" must be an instance of OptimizerV2, but got: %s'
                       % opt)
    if hasattr(opt, 'clipnorm'):
      raise ValueError('LossScaleOptimizer does not support wrapping '
                       'optimizers with a clipnorm. Optimizer %s has clipnorm '
                       '%s' % (opt, opt.clipnorm))

    if hasattr(opt, 'clipvalue'):
      raise ValueError('LossScaleOptimizer does not support wrapping '
                       'optimizers with a clipvalue. Optimizer %s has '
                       'clipvalue %s' % (opt, opt.clipvalue))

    self._optimizer = opt
    self._loss_scale = loss_scale_module.get(loss_scale)
    self._track_trackable(self._loss_scale, 'loss_scale')
Esempio n. 3
 def test_get(self):
   scalar = loss_scale_module.get('dynamic')
   scalar2 = loss_scale_module.DynamicLossScale()
   self.assertEqual(scalar.initial_loss_scale, scalar2.initial_loss_scale)
   self.assertEqual(scalar.increment_period, scalar2.increment_period)
    def __init__(self, optimizer, loss_scale):
        """Initializes this loss scale optimizer.

      optimizer: The Optimizer instance to wrap.
      loss_scale: The loss scale to scale the loss and gradients. This can
        either be an int/float to use a fixed loss scale, the string "dynamic"
        to use dynamic loss scaling, or an instance of a LossScale. The string
        "dynamic" equivalent to passing `DynamicLossScale()`, and passing an
        int/float is equivalent to passing a FixedLossScale with the given loss
        if not isinstance(optimizer, optimizer_v2.OptimizerV2):
            raise ValueError(
                '"optimizer" must be an instance of OptimizerV2, but '
                'got: %s' % optimizer)
        if optimizer.clipnorm is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                'LossScaleOptimizer does not support wrapping '
                'optimizers with a clipnorm. Optimizer %s has clipnorm '
                '%s' % (optimizer, optimizer.clipnorm))

        if optimizer.clipvalue is not None:
            raise ValueError('LossScaleOptimizer does not support wrapping '
                             'optimizers with a clipvalue. Optimizer %s has '
                             'clipvalue %s' % (optimizer, optimizer.clipvalue))

        self.clipnorm = None
        self.clipvalue = None

        self._optimizer = optimizer
        self._loss_scale = keras_loss_scale_module.get(loss_scale)
        if self._loss_scale is None:
            raise ValueError('loss_scale cannot be None.')

        # We don't call super().__init__, since we do not want to call OptimizerV2's
        # constructor.
        _DelegatingTrackableMixin.__init__(self, self._optimizer)

        for weight in loss_scale_module.get_loss_scale_weights(
            # We cannot call `track_variable` in the LossScale class itself, because a
            # file outside of Keras cannot depend on a Keras file. Calling it here
            # instead is OK, because a variable only needs to be tracked if used with
            # a Keras class, and the only way to use LossScale with a Keras class is
            # through the LossScaleOptimizer.
        self._track_trackable(self._loss_scale, 'loss_scale')

        # Needed because the superclass's __getattribute__ checks this.
        self._hyper = {}

        # To support restoring TensorFlow 2.2 checkpoints.
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, name, loss_scale=USE_DEFAULT):
        """Constructs the policy.

    The `name` argument determines the compute and variable dtype, the default
    loss scale, and has no additional effect on the Policy. The compute and
    variable dtypes can only be specified through `name`, and cannot be
    specified directly.

      name: A string. Can be one of the following values:
        * Any dtype name, such as 'float32' or 'float64'. Both the variable and
          compute dtypes will be that dtype.
        * 'mixed_float16' or 'mixed_bfloat16': The compute dtype is float16 or
          bfloat16, while the variable dtype is float32. With 'mixed_float16',
          a dynamic loss scale is used. These policies are used for mixed
          precision training.
        * 'infer' (deprecated): Infer the compute and variable dtype from the
          input dtype.
      loss_scale: A `tf.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScale`, an int (which
      uses a `FixedLossScale`), or the string "dynamic" (which uses a
      `DynamicLossScale`). Defaults to using no loss scaling unless `name` is
      "mixed_float16", in which case this defaults to "dynamic". Only
      `tf.keras.Model`s, not layers, use the loss scale, and it is only used
      during ``, `Model.train_on_batch`, and other similar methods.
        if isinstance(name, dtypes.DType):
            raise TypeError("'name' must be a string, not a DType. "
                            "Instead, pass Got: %s" %
                            (, ))
        elif not isinstance(name, six.string_types):
            raise TypeError("'name' must be a string, but got: %s" % (name, ))
        self._name = name
        self._compute_dtype, self._variable_dtype = self._parse_name(name)

        if loss_scale == USE_DEFAULT:
            loss_scale = 'dynamic' if name == 'mixed_float16' else None
            self._using_default_loss_scale = True
            self._using_default_loss_scale = False
        if loss_scale and self._compute_dtype not in (None, 'float16'):
                'Creating a Policy with a loss scale is only useful for '
                'float16 policies. You passed loss_scale=%r for policy '
                '%s. Consider not passing any loss_scale instead.' %
                (loss_scale, name))
        self._loss_scale = keras_loss_scale_module.get(loss_scale)

        if name in ('mixed_float16', 'mixed_bloat16'):
                name, skip_local=True)
    def __init__(self, optimizer, loss_scale):
        """Initializes this loss scale optimizer.

      optimizer: The Optimizer instance to wrap.
      loss_scale: The loss scale to scale the loss and gradients. This can
        either be an int/float to use a fixed loss scale, the string "dynamic"
        to use dynamic loss scaling, or an instance of a LossScale. The string
        "dynamic" equivalent to passing `DynamicLossScale()`, and passing an
        int/float is equivalent to passing a FixedLossScale with the given loss
        if not isinstance(optimizer, optimizer_v2.OptimizerV2):
            raise ValueError(
                '"optimizer" must be an instance of OptimizerV2, but '
                'got: %s' % optimizer)
        if hasattr(optimizer, 'clipnorm'):
            raise ValueError(
                'LossScaleOptimizer does not support wrapping '
                'optimizers with a clipnorm. Optimizer %s has clipnorm '
                '%s' % (optimizer, optimizer.clipnorm))

        if hasattr(optimizer, 'clipvalue'):
            raise ValueError('LossScaleOptimizer does not support wrapping '
                             'optimizers with a clipvalue. Optimizer %s has '
                             'clipvalue %s' % (optimizer, optimizer.clipvalue))

        self._optimizer = optimizer
        self._loss_scale = keras_loss_scale_module.get(loss_scale)
        for weight in loss_scale_module.get_loss_scale_weights(
            # We cannot call `track_variable` in the LossScale class itself, because a
            # file outside of Keras cannot depend on a Keras file. Calling it here
            # instead is OK, because a variable only needs to be tracked if used with
            # a Keras class, and the only way to use LossScale with a Keras class is
            # through the LossScaleOptimizer.
        self._track_trackable(self._optimizer, 'base_optimizer')
        self._track_trackable(self._loss_scale, 'loss_scale')

        # Needed because the superclass's __getattribute__ checks this.
        self._hyper = {}
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, name, loss_scale='auto'):
        """Constructs the policy.

    The `name` argument determines the compute and variable dtype, the default
    loss scale, and has no additional effect on the Policy. The compute and
    variable dtypes can only be specified through `name`, and cannot be
    specified directly.

      name: A string. Can be one of the following values:
        * Any dtype name, such as 'float32' or 'float64'. Both the variable and
          compute dtypes will be that dtype.
        * 'mixed_float16' or 'mixed_bfloat16': The compute dtype is float16 or
          bfloat16, while the variable dtype is float32. With 'mixed_float16',
          a dynamic loss scale is used. These policies are used for mixed
          precision training.
      loss_scale: A `tf.compat.v1.mixed_precision.LossScale`, an int (which
        uses a `FixedLossScale`), the string "dynamic" (which uses a
        `DynamicLossScale`), or None (which uses no loss scale). Defaults to
        `"auto"`. In the `"auto"` case: 1) if `name` is `"mixed_float16"`, then
        use `loss_scale="dynamic"`. 2) otherwise, do not use a loss scale. Only
        `tf.keras.Model`s, not layers, use the loss scale, and it is only used
        during ``, `Model.train_on_batch`, and other similar methods.
        super(PolicyV1, self).__init__(name)
        if loss_scale == 'auto':
            loss_scale = 'dynamic' if name == 'mixed_float16' else None
            self._using_default_loss_scale = True
            self._using_default_loss_scale = False
        if loss_scale and self._compute_dtype not in (None, 'float16'):
                'Creating a Policy with a loss scale is only useful for '
                'float16 policies. You passed loss_scale=%r for policy '
                '%s. Consider not passing any loss_scale instead.' %
                (loss_scale, name))
        self._loss_scale = keras_loss_scale_module.get(loss_scale)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_serialization(self):
     loss_scale = loss_scale_module.get(123)
     config = loss_scale_module.serialize(loss_scale)
     loss_scale = loss_scale_module.deserialize(config)
     self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(loss_scale()), 123.)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_get(self):
     scalar = loss_scale_module.get('dynamic')
     scalar2 = loss_scale_module.DynamicLossScale()
     self.assertEqual(scalar.initial_loss_scale, scalar2.initial_loss_scale)
     self.assertEqual(scalar.increment_period, scalar2.increment_period)
     self.assertEqual(scalar.multiplier, scalar2.multiplier)
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, name, loss_scale=USE_DEFAULT):
        """Constructs the policy.

    The `name` argument determines the compute and variable dtype, and has no
    additional effect on the Policy. The compute and variable dtypes can only be
    specified through `name`, and cannot be specified directly.

      name: A string. Can be one of the following values:
        * Any dtype name, such as 'float32' or 'float64'. Both the variable and
          compute dtypes will be that dtype.
        * 'mixed_float16' or 'mixed_bfloat16': The compute dtype is float16 or
          bfloat16, while the variable dtype is float32. With 'mixed_float16',
          a dynamic loss scale is used. These policies are used for mixed
          precision training.
        * 'infer' (deprecated): Infer the compute and variable dtype from the
          input dtype.
      loss_scale: A `tf.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScale`, or a value
        convertible to one such as "dynamic". Defaults to using no loss scaling
        unless `name` is "mixed_float16", in which case this defaults to
        "dynamic". Only `tf.keras.Model`s, not layers, use the loss scale, and
        it is only used during ``, `Model.train_on_batch`, and other
        similar methods.
        if isinstance(name, dtypes.DType):
            raise TypeError("'name' must be a string, not a DType. "
                            "Instead, pass Got: %s" %
                            (, ))
        elif not isinstance(name, six.string_types):
            raise TypeError("'name' must be a string, but got: %s" % (name, ))
        if name == 'infer_float32_vars':
            # For backwards compatibility. TODO(reedwm): Remove this.
            name = 'infer_with_float32_vars'
        if name == 'float32_with_float32_vars':
            # Doesn't affect correctness, but causes "float32" instead of
            # "float32_with_float32_vars" to be printed in __repr__.
            name = 'float32'
        self._name = name
        self._compute_dtype, self._variable_dtype = self._parse_name(name)

        if name.endswith(
                '_with_float32_vars') and self._warn_about_float32_vars:
            warning = (
                "WARNING: The '%s' policy is deprecated and will be removed "
                "in TensorFlow 2.1." % name)
            if name == 'infer_with_float32_vars':
                warning += (
                    " Please use the 'mixed_float16' or 'mixed_bfloat16' "
                    "policy instead.")
            elif name == 'float16_with_float32_vars':
                warning += " Please use the 'mixed_float16' policy instead."
            elif name == 'bfloat16_with_float32_vars':
                warning += " Please use the 'mixed_bfloat16' policy instead."

        if loss_scale == USE_DEFAULT:
            loss_scale = 'dynamic' if name == 'mixed_float16' else None
            self._using_default_loss_scale = True
            self._using_default_loss_scale = False
        if loss_scale and self._compute_dtype not in (None, 'float16'):
                'Creating a Policy with a loss scale is only useful for '
                'float16 policies. You passed loss_scale=%r for policy '
                '%s. Consider not passing any loss_scale instead.' %
                (loss_scale, name))
        self._loss_scale = keras_loss_scale_module.get(loss_scale)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_serialization(self):
   loss_scale = loss_scale_module.get(123)
   config = loss_scale_module.serialize(loss_scale)
   loss_scale = loss_scale_module.deserialize(config)
   self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(loss_scale()), 123.)