Esempio n. 1
    def testStringKeyGrad(self):
        with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
            m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
            k = constant_op.constant("key")
            k2 = constant_op.constant("key2")
            v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
            v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
            m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
            m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
            s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
            self.assertAllEqual(s, 2)
            l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
            self.assertAllClose(l, v)
            m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v2)
            l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v2.dtype)
            self.assertAllClose(l2, v2)
            g = tape.gradient(l2 * 5, v2)
            self.assertAllEqual(g, 5)

            m, e = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, v2.dtype)
            s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
            self.assertAllEqual(s, 1)
            self.assertAllClose(e, v2)
            g2 = tape.gradient(e * 6, v2)
            self.assertAllEqual(g2, 6)
        del tape
Esempio n. 2
 def testMultipleInsertLookupGrad(self):
   with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     k3 = constant_op.constant(3.0)
     v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
     v2 = constant_op.constant(12.0)
     v3 = constant_op.constant(13.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k3, v3)
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v2.dtype)
     l3 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k3, v3.dtype)
     g = tape.gradient(l * 5, v)
     g2 = tape.gradient(l2 * 6, v2)
     g3 = tape.gradient(l3 * 7, v3)
     self.assertAllEqual(g, 5)
     self.assertAllEqual(g2, 6)
     self.assertAllEqual(g3, 7)
   del tape
Esempio n. 3
 def testTensorMapEraseFromEmptyMapFails(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
   with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InvalidArgumentError,
                               "Trying to erase non-existent item."):
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, dtypes.float32)
Esempio n. 4
 def testStringKeyGrad(self):
   with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant("key")
     k2 = constant_op.constant("key2")
     v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
     s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
     self.assertAllEqual(s, 2)
     # Test lookup and gradient.
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
     self.assertAllClose(l, v)
     self.assertAllClose(tape.gradient(l * 5, v), 5)
     # Test replace and gradient.
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v2)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v2.dtype)
     self.assertAllClose(l2, v2)
     g = tape.gradient(l2 * 6, v2)
     self.assertAllEqual(g, 6)
     # Test erase, has key, and gradient.
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, v2.dtype)
     s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
     self.assertAllEqual(s, 1)
     h = map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k)
     self.assertAllEqual(h, False)
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v2.dtype)
     g2 = tape.gradient(l * 6, v2)
     self.assertAllEqual(g2, 6)
   del tape
Esempio n. 5
 def testTensorMapInsert(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
   v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
   s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
   self.assertAllEqual(s, 1)
Esempio n. 6
 def testEraseFirstGrad(self):
     with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
         m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
         k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
         k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
         v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
         v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
         m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
         l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
         m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
         m, e = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, v.dtype)
         l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v2.dtype)
         self.assertAllClose(l2, v2)
         self.assertAllClose(e, v)
         g = tape.gradient(l * 5, v)
         self.assertAllEqual(g, 5)
         g2 = tape.gradient(l2 * 6, v2)
         self.assertAllEqual(g2, 6)
         g3 = tape.gradient(e * 7, v)
         self.assertAllEqual(g3, 7)
         m, e2 = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k2, v2.dtype)
         g4 = tape.gradient(e2 * 8, v2)
         self.assertAllEqual(g4, 8)
     del tape
Esempio n. 7
 def testTensorMapLookup(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
   v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
   l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, dtypes.float32)
   self.assertAllClose(l, v)
Esempio n. 8
 def testTensorMapLookupFromEmptyMapFails(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
   with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InvalidArgumentError,
                               "Trying to lookup non-existent key."):
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, dtypes.float32)
Esempio n. 9
 def testStackKeysEmptyMapFails(self):
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(
             "TensorMapStackKeys cannot be called "
             "on empty map."):
         keys = map_ops.tensor_map_stack_keys(m, dtypes.float32)
Esempio n. 10
 def testStackKeysIncorrectDtypeFails(self):
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant("key_with_wrong_dtype")
     v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     simple = "Key does not match requested dtype."
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InvalidArgumentError, simple):
         keys = map_ops.tensor_map_stack_keys(m, dtypes.float32)
Esempio n. 11
 def testTensorMapEraseMissingKeyFails(self):
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v)
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InvalidArgumentError,
                                 "Trying to erase non-existent item."):
         m, e = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, dtypes.float32)
Esempio n. 12
 def testTensorMapLookupMissingKeyFails(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
   k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
   v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
   with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InvalidArgumentError,
                               "Trying to lookup non-existent key."):
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, dtypes.float32)
Esempio n. 13
 def testInsertLookupGrad(self):
   with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, dtypes.float32)
     l *= 5
     g = tape.gradient(l, v)
     self.assertAllEqual(g, 5)
Esempio n. 14
 def testTensorMapHasKey(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
   k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
   v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
   # Check has key.
   b = map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k)
   b2 = map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k2)
   self.assertAllEqual(b, True)
   self.assertAllEqual(b2, False)
Esempio n. 15
    def testTensorMapErase(self):
        m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
        k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
        v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
        m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
        s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
        self.assertAllEqual(s, 1)

        m, e = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, dtypes.float32)
        s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
        self.assertAllEqual(s, 0)
        self.assertAllClose(e, v)
Esempio n. 16
 def testStackKeysIncorrectShapeFails(self):
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     k2 = constant_op.constant([1.0, 11.0])
     v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InvalidArgumentError,
                                 "Keys must all have the same shape."):
         keys = map_ops.tensor_map_stack_keys(m, dtypes.float32)
Esempio n. 17
 def testInsertLookupComposeGrad(self):
   with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, l)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, l.dtype)
     g = tape.gradient(l2 * 5, v)
     self.assertAllEqual(g, 5)
Esempio n. 18
    def testVectorValue(self):
        m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
        k = constant_op.constant([1.0, 2.0])
        v = constant_op.constant([11.0, 22.0])
        m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
        s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
        self.assertAllEqual(s, 1)
        l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
        self.assertAllEqual(l, v)

        m, e = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, v.dtype)
        s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
        self.assertAllEqual(s, 0)
        self.assertAllClose(e, v)
Esempio n. 19
 def testStringValue(self):
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant("key")
     v = constant_op.constant("value")
     k2 = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     v2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
     self.assertAllEqual(l, v)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v2.dtype)
     self.assertAllClose(l2, v2)
     m, e = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, v.dtype)
     self.assertAllEqual(e, v)
Esempio n. 20
 def testVectorValue(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   k = constant_op.constant([1.0, 2.0])
   v = constant_op.constant([11.0, 22.0])
   # Test insert and lookup.
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
   s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
   self.assertAllEqual(s, 1)
   l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
   self.assertAllEqual(l, v)
   # Test erase and has key.
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, v.dtype)
   s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
   self.assertAllEqual(s, 0)
   self.assertAllEqual(map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k), False)
Esempio n. 21
 def testSameKeyInsertLookupGrad(self):
     with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
         m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
         k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
         v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
         v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
         m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
         m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v2)
         l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
         g = tape.gradient(l * 5, v)
         g2 = tape.gradient(l * 5, v2)
         self.assertAllClose(g, array_ops.zeros_like(v))
         self.assertAllClose(g2, 5)
Esempio n. 22
 def testEraseInsertComposedGrad(self):
   with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
     v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, v.dtype)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, l)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, l.dtype)
     g = tape.gradient(l2 * 5, v)
     self.assertAllEqual(g, 5)
   del tape
Esempio n. 23
  def testIfHasKeyLookup(self):
    m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
    k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
    k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
    v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
    m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)

    default_value = array_ops.zeros_like(v)
    l = control_flow_ops.cond(
        map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k),
        lambda: map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, dtypes.float32),
        lambda: default_value)
    l2 = control_flow_ops.cond(
        map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k2),
        lambda: map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, dtypes.float32),
        lambda: default_value)
    self.assertAllClose(l, v)
    self.assertAllClose(l2, default_value)
Esempio n. 24
 def testLookupMultiplyGrad(self):
   with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
     v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
     l1 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v2.dtype)
     g = tape.gradient(l1 * l2, [v, v2])
     self.assertAllClose(g, [v2, v])
     g2 = tape.gradient(l1 * l1, v)
     self.assertAllClose(g2, 2 * v)
   del tape
Esempio n. 25
 def testStringKeyValue(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   k = constant_op.constant("key")
   v = constant_op.constant("value")
   k2 = constant_op.constant(1.0)
   v2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
   # Test insert and lookup on string key-value pair.
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
   l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
   self.assertAllEqual(l, v)
   # Test lookup on float key-value pair.
   l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v2.dtype)
   self.assertAllClose(l2, v2)
   # Test erase and has key.
   self.assertAllEqual(map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k), True)
   m = map_ops.tensor_map_erase(m, k, v.dtype)
   self.assertAllEqual(map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k), False)
   self.assertAllEqual(map_ops.tensor_map_has_key(m, k2), True)
Esempio n. 26
    def testStackKeys(self):
        m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
        k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
        k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
        k3 = constant_op.constant(3.0)
        v = constant_op.constant(21.0)
        v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
        v3 = constant_op.constant(23.0)
        m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
        m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
        keys = map_ops.tensor_map_stack_keys(m, k.dtype)
        expected = constant_op.constant([1.0, 2.0])
        self.assertAllClose(array_ops.shape(keys), array_ops.shape(expected))
        self.assertAllClose(sort_ops.sort(keys), expected)

        m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k3, v3)
        keys = map_ops.tensor_map_stack_keys(m, k.dtype)
        expected = constant_op.constant([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
        self.assertAllClose(array_ops.shape(keys), array_ops.shape(expected))
        self.assertAllClose(sort_ops.sort(keys), expected)
Esempio n. 27
 def testDiffKeySameValueGrad(self):
   with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     k2 = constant_op.constant(11.0)
     v = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v)
     l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v.dtype)
     g = tape.gradient(l + l2, v)
     self.assertAllEqual(g, 2)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v2.dtype)
     g2 = tape.gradient(l + l2, v2)
     self.assertAllEqual(g2, 1)
   del tape
Esempio n. 28
 def testLookupAddGrad(self):
   with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
     k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
     k2 = constant_op.constant(2.0)
     v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
     v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
     m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
     m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k2, v2)
     l1 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
     l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k2, v2.dtype)
     g = tape.gradient(l1 + l2, [l1, l2])
     self.assertAllClose(g, [1, 1])
     g2 = tape.gradient(l1 + l2, [v, v2])
     self.assertAllClose(g2, [1, 1])
     g3 = tape.gradient(l1 + l2 * 4, v2)
     self.assertAllEqual(g3, 4)
   del tape
Esempio n. 29
 def testReplaceLookupGrad(self):
     with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
         m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
         k = constant_op.constant(1.0)
         v = constant_op.constant(11.0)
         v2 = constant_op.constant(22.0)
         m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v)
         l = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v.dtype)
         self.assertAllClose(l, v)
         g = tape.gradient(l * 5, v)
         self.assertAllEqual(g, 5)
         m = map_ops.tensor_map_insert(m, k, v2)
         l2 = map_ops.tensor_map_lookup(m, k, v2.dtype)
         self.assertAllClose(l2, v2)
         g2 = tape.gradient(l2 * 6, v)
         g3 = tape.gradient(l2 * 7, v2)
         self.assertAllClose(g2, array_ops.zeros_like(v))
         self.assertAllClose(g3, 7)
     del tape
Esempio n. 30
 def testEmptyTensorMapSize(self):
   m = map_ops.empty_tensor_map()
   s = map_ops.tensor_map_size(m)
   self.assertAllEqual(s, 0)