def _maximal_eigenvector_power_method(matrix,
  """Returns the maximal right-eigenvector of `matrix` using the power method.

    matrix: 2D Tensor, the matrix of which we will find the maximal
    epsilon: nonnegative float, if two iterations of the power method differ (in
      L2 norm) by no more than epsilon, we will terminate.
    maximum_iterations: nonnegative int, if we perform this many iterations, we
      will terminate.

    The maximal right-eigenvector of `matrix`.

    ValueError: If the `matrix` tensor is not floating-point, or if the
      `epsilon` or `maximum_iterations` parameters violate their bounds.
  if not matrix.dtype.is_floating:
    raise ValueError("multipliers must have a floating-point dtype")
  if epsilon <= 0.0:
    raise ValueError("epsilon must be strictly positive")
  if maximum_iterations <= 0:
    raise ValueError("maximum_iterations must be strictly positive")

  def while_loop_condition(iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector):
    """Returns false if the while loop should terminate."""
    not_done = (iteration < maximum_iterations)
    not_converged = (standard_ops.norm(eigenvector - old_eigenvector) > epsilon)
    return standard_ops.logical_and(not_done, not_converged)

  def while_loop_body(iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector):
    """Performs one iteration of the power method."""
    del old_eigenvector  # Needed by the condition, but not the body.
    iteration += 1
    # We need to use tf.matmul() and tf.expand_dims(), instead of
    # tf.tensordot(), since the former will infer the shape of the result, while
    # the latter will not (tf.while_loop() needs the shapes).
    new_eigenvector = standard_ops.matmul(
        matrix, standard_ops.expand_dims(eigenvector, 1))[:, 0]
    new_eigenvector /= standard_ops.norm(new_eigenvector)
    return (iteration, new_eigenvector, eigenvector)

  iteration = standard_ops.constant(0)
  eigenvector = standard_ops.ones_like(matrix[:, 0])
  eigenvector /= standard_ops.norm(eigenvector)

  # We actually want a do-while loop, so we explicitly call while_loop_body()
  # once before tf.while_loop().
  iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector = while_loop_body(
      iteration, eigenvector, eigenvector)
  iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
      loop_vars=(iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector),

  return eigenvector
Esempio n. 2
def _maximal_eigenvector_power_method(matrix,
    """Returns the maximal right-eigenvector of `matrix` using the power method.

    matrix: 2D Tensor, the matrix of which we will find the maximal
    epsilon: nonnegative float, if two iterations of the power method differ (in
      L2 norm) by no more than epsilon, we will terminate.
    maximum_iterations: nonnegative int, if we perform this many iterations, we
      will terminate.
  Result: The maximal right-eigenvector of `matrix`.

    ValueError: If the `matrix` tensor is not floating-point, or if the
      `epsilon` or `maximum_iterations` parameters violate their bounds.
    if not matrix.dtype.is_floating:
        raise ValueError("multipliers must have a floating-point dtype")
    if epsilon <= 0.0:
        raise ValueError("epsilon must be strictly positive")
    if maximum_iterations <= 0:
        raise ValueError("maximum_iterations must be strictly positive")

    def while_loop_condition(iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector):
        """Returns false if the while loop should terminate."""
        not_done = (iteration < maximum_iterations)
        not_converged = (standard_ops.norm(eigenvector - old_eigenvector) >
        return standard_ops.logical_and(not_done, not_converged)

    def while_loop_body(iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector):
        """Performs one iteration of the power method."""
        del old_eigenvector  # Needed by the condition, but not the body.
        iteration += 1
        # We need to use tf.matmul() and tf.expand_dims(), instead of
        # tf.tensordot(), since the former will infer the shape of the result, while
        # the latter will not (tf.while_loop() needs the shapes).
        new_eigenvector = standard_ops.matmul(
            matrix, standard_ops.expand_dims(eigenvector, 1))[:, 0]
        new_eigenvector /= standard_ops.norm(new_eigenvector)
        return (iteration, new_eigenvector, eigenvector)

    iteration = standard_ops.constant(0)
    eigenvector = standard_ops.ones_like(matrix[:, 0])
    eigenvector /= standard_ops.norm(eigenvector)

    # We actually want a do-while loop, so we explicitly call while_loop_body()
    # once before tf.while_loop().
    iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector = while_loop_body(
        iteration, eigenvector, eigenvector)
    iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
        loop_vars=(iteration, eigenvector, old_eigenvector),

    return eigenvector
def _project_stochastic_matrix_wrt_euclidean_norm(matrix):
  """Projects its argument onto the set of left-stochastic matrices.

  This algorithm is O(n^3) at worst, where `matrix` is n*n. It can be done in
  O(n^2 * log(n)) time by sorting each column (and maybe better with a different
  algorithm), but the algorithm implemented here is easier to implement in

    matrix: 2d square tensor, the matrix to project.

    The 2d square tensor that results from projecting `matrix` onto the set of
      left-stochastic matrices w.r.t. the Euclidean norm applied column-wise
      (i.e. the Frobenius norm).

    ValueError: if the `matrix` tensor is not floating-point, does not have a
      fully-known shape, or is not two-dimensional and square.
  if not matrix.dtype.is_floating:
    raise ValueError("multipliers must have a floating-point dtype")
  matrix_shape = matrix.get_shape()
  if matrix_shape.ndims is None:
    raise ValueError("matrix must have known shape")
  if matrix_shape.ndims != 2:
    raise ValueError(
        "matrix must be two dimensional (instead is %d-dimensional)" %
  if matrix_shape[0] != matrix_shape[1]:
    raise ValueError("matrix must be square (instead has shape (%d,%d))" %
                     (matrix_shape[0], matrix_shape[1]))
  dimension = matrix_shape.dims[0].value
  if dimension is None:
    raise ValueError("matrix must have fully-known shape")

  def while_loop_condition(iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive):
    """Returns false if the while loop should terminate."""
    del matrix  # Needed by the body, but not the condition.
    not_done = (iteration < dimension)
    not_converged = standard_ops.reduce_any(
        standard_ops.not_equal(inactive, old_inactive))
    return standard_ops.logical_and(not_done, not_converged)

  def while_loop_body(iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive):
    """Performs one iteration of the projection."""
    del old_inactive  # Needed by the condition, but not the body.
    iteration += 1
    scale = (1.0 - standard_ops.reduce_sum(
        matrix, axis=0, keepdims=True)) / standard_ops.maximum(
            1.0, standard_ops.reduce_sum(inactive, axis=0, keepdims=True))
    matrix = matrix + (scale * inactive)
    new_inactive = standard_ops.cast(matrix > 0, matrix.dtype)
    matrix = matrix * new_inactive
    return (iteration, matrix, new_inactive, inactive)

  iteration = standard_ops.constant(0)
  inactive = standard_ops.ones_like(matrix, dtype=matrix.dtype)

  # We actually want a do-while loop, so we explicitly call while_loop_body()
  # once before tf.while_loop().
  iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive = while_loop_body(
      iteration, matrix, inactive, inactive)
  iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
      loop_vars=(iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive),

  return matrix
def _project_stochastic_matrix_wrt_euclidean_norm(matrix):
  """Projects its argument onto the set of left-stochastic matrices.

  This algorithm is O(n^3) at worst, where `matrix` is n*n. It can be done in
  O(n^2 * log(n)) time by sorting each column (and maybe better with a different
  algorithm), but the algorithm implemented here is easier to implement in

    matrix: 2d square tensor, the matrix to project.

    The 2d square tensor that results from projecting `matrix` onto the set of
      left-stochastic matrices w.r.t. the Euclidean norm applied column-wise
      (i.e. the Frobenius norm).

    ValueError: if the `matrix` tensor is not floating-point, does not have a
      fully-known shape, or is not two-dimensional and square.
  if not matrix.dtype.is_floating:
    raise ValueError("multipliers must have a floating-point dtype")
  matrix_shape = matrix.get_shape()
  if matrix_shape.ndims is None:
    raise ValueError("matrix must have known shape")
  if matrix_shape.ndims != 2:
    raise ValueError(
        "matrix must be two dimensional (instead is %d-dimensional)" %
  if matrix_shape[0] != matrix_shape[1]:
    raise ValueError("matrix must be square (instead has shape (%d,%d))" %
                     (matrix_shape[0], matrix_shape[1]))
  dimension = matrix_shape[0].value
  if dimension is None:
    raise ValueError("matrix must have fully-known shape")

  def while_loop_condition(iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive):
    """Returns false if the while loop should terminate."""
    del matrix  # Needed by the body, but not the condition.
    not_done = (iteration < dimension)
    not_converged = standard_ops.reduce_any(
        standard_ops.not_equal(inactive, old_inactive))
    return standard_ops.logical_and(not_done, not_converged)

  def while_loop_body(iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive):
    """Performs one iteration of the projection."""
    del old_inactive  # Needed by the condition, but not the body.
    iteration += 1
    scale = (1.0 - standard_ops.reduce_sum(
        matrix, axis=0, keepdims=True)) / standard_ops.maximum(
            1.0, standard_ops.reduce_sum(inactive, axis=0, keepdims=True))
    matrix += scale * inactive
    new_inactive = standard_ops.cast(matrix > 0, matrix.dtype)
    matrix *= new_inactive
    return (iteration, matrix, new_inactive, inactive)

  iteration = standard_ops.constant(0)
  inactive = standard_ops.ones_like(matrix, dtype=matrix.dtype)

  # We actually want a do-while loop, so we explicitly call while_loop_body()
  # once before tf.while_loop().
  iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive = while_loop_body(
      iteration, matrix, inactive, inactive)
  iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
      loop_vars=(iteration, matrix, inactive, old_inactive),

  return matrix
def _project_multipliers_wrt_euclidean_norm(multipliers, radius):
    """Projects its argument onto the feasible region.

  The feasible region is the set of all vectors with nonnegative elements that
  sum to at most `radius`.

    multipliers: 1d tensor, the Lagrange multipliers to project.
    radius: float, the radius of the feasible region.

    The 1d tensor that results from projecting `multipliers` onto the feasible
      region w.r.t. the Euclidean norm.

    ValueError: if the `multipliers` tensor is not floating-point, does not have
      a fully-known shape, or is not one-dimensional.
    if not multipliers.dtype.is_floating:
        raise ValueError("multipliers must have a floating-point dtype")
    multipliers_shape = multipliers.get_shape()
    if multipliers_shape.ndims is None:
        raise ValueError("multipliers must have known shape")
    if multipliers_shape.ndims != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "multipliers must be one dimensional (instead is %d-dimensional)" %
    dimension = multipliers_shape[0].value
    if dimension is None:
        raise ValueError("multipliers must have fully-known shape")

    def while_loop_condition(iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive):
        """Returns false if the while loop should terminate."""
        del multipliers  # Needed by the body, but not the condition.
        not_done = (iteration < dimension)
        not_converged = standard_ops.reduce_any(
            standard_ops.not_equal(inactive, old_inactive))
        return standard_ops.logical_and(not_done, not_converged)

    def while_loop_body(iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive):
        """Performs one iteration of the projection."""
        del old_inactive  # Needed by the condition, but not the body.
        iteration += 1
        scale = standard_ops.minimum(
            0.0, (radius - standard_ops.reduce_sum(multipliers)) /
            standard_ops.maximum(1.0, standard_ops.reduce_sum(inactive)))
        multipliers = multipliers + (scale * inactive)
        new_inactive = standard_ops.cast(multipliers > 0, multipliers.dtype)
        multipliers = multipliers * new_inactive
        return (iteration, multipliers, new_inactive, inactive)

    iteration = standard_ops.constant(0)
    inactive = standard_ops.ones_like(multipliers, dtype=multipliers.dtype)

    # We actually want a do-while loop, so we explicitly call while_loop_body()
    # once before tf.while_loop().
    iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive = while_loop_body(
        iteration, multipliers, inactive, inactive)
    iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
        loop_vars=(iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive),

    return multipliers
def _project_multipliers_wrt_euclidean_norm(multipliers, radius):
  """Projects its argument onto the feasible region.

  The feasible region is the set of all vectors with nonnegative elements that
  sum to at most `radius`.

    multipliers: 1d tensor, the Lagrange multipliers to project.
    radius: float, the radius of the feasible region.

    The 1d tensor that results from projecting `multipliers` onto the feasible
      region w.r.t. the Euclidean norm.

    ValueError: if the `multipliers` tensor is not floating-point, does not have
      a fully-known shape, or is not one-dimensional.
  if not multipliers.dtype.is_floating:
    raise ValueError("multipliers must have a floating-point dtype")
  multipliers_shape = multipliers.get_shape()
  if multipliers_shape.ndims is None:
    raise ValueError("multipliers must have known shape")
  if multipliers_shape.ndims != 1:
    raise ValueError(
        "multipliers must be one dimensional (instead is %d-dimensional)" %
  dimension = multipliers_shape[0].value
  if dimension is None:
    raise ValueError("multipliers must have fully-known shape")

  def while_loop_condition(iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive):
    """Returns false if the while loop should terminate."""
    del multipliers  # Needed by the body, but not the condition.
    not_done = (iteration < dimension)
    not_converged = standard_ops.reduce_any(
        standard_ops.not_equal(inactive, old_inactive))
    return standard_ops.logical_and(not_done, not_converged)

  def while_loop_body(iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive):
    """Performs one iteration of the projection."""
    del old_inactive  # Needed by the condition, but not the body.
    iteration += 1
    scale = standard_ops.minimum(
        (radius - standard_ops.reduce_sum(multipliers)) / standard_ops.maximum(
            1.0, standard_ops.reduce_sum(inactive)))
    multipliers += scale * inactive
    new_inactive = standard_ops.cast(multipliers > 0, multipliers.dtype)
    multipliers *= new_inactive
    return (iteration, multipliers, new_inactive, inactive)

  iteration = standard_ops.constant(0)
  inactive = standard_ops.ones_like(multipliers, dtype=multipliers.dtype)

  # We actually want a do-while loop, so we explicitly call while_loop_body()
  # once before tf.while_loop().
  iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive = while_loop_body(
      iteration, multipliers, inactive, inactive)
  iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
      loop_vars=(iteration, multipliers, inactive, old_inactive),

  return multipliers