Esempio n. 1
 def testAssignNoShape(self):
   with self.cached_session():
     value = self._NewShapelessTensor()
     var = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], dtypes.float32, set_shape=False)
     self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), var.get_shape())
                      state_ops.assign(var, value).get_shape())
Esempio n. 2
 def testAssignNoValueShape(self):
   value = self._NewShapelessTensor()
   shape = [1, 2]
   var = state_ops.variable_op(shape, dtypes.float32)
   assigned = state_ops.assign(var, value)
   self.assertEqual(shape, var.get_shape())
   self.assertEqual(shape, assigned.get_shape())
Esempio n. 3
 def testIsVariableInitialized(self):
   for use_gpu in [True, False]:
     with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
       v0 = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], dtypes.float32)
       self.assertEqual(False, variables.is_variable_initialized(v0).eval())
       state_ops.assign(v0, [[2.0, 3.0]]).eval()
       self.assertEqual(True, variables.is_variable_initialized(v0).eval())
 def testAssignNoShapeNoValidateShape(self):
   with self.test_session():
     value = self._NewShapelessTensor()
     var = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], tf.float32, set_shape=False)
     self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), var.get_shape())
                      tf.assign(var, value, validate_shape=False).get_shape())
Esempio n. 5
 def testAssignNoValueShapeNoValidateShape(self):
     value = self._NewShapelessTensor()
     shape = [1, 2]
     var = state_ops.variable_op(shape, tf.float32)
     self.assertEqual(shape, var.get_shape())
     assigned = tf.assign(var, value, validate_shape=False)
     self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), assigned.get_shape())
Esempio n. 6
 def testAssignNoValueShapeNoValidateShape(self):
   value = self._NewShapelessTensor()
   shape = [1, 2]
   var = state_ops.variable_op(shape, dtypes.float32)
   self.assertEqual(shape, var.get_shape())
   assigned = state_ops.assign(var, value, validate_shape=False)
   self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), assigned.get_shape())
Esempio n. 7
 def testAssignNoValueShape(self):
     value = self._NewShapelessTensor()
     shape = [1, 2]
     var = state_ops.variable_op(shape, tf.float32)
     assigned = tf.assign(var, value)
     self.assertEqual(shape, var.get_shape())
     self.assertEqual(shape, assigned.get_shape())
Esempio n. 8
 def testAssignNoShape(self):
     with self.test_session():
         value = self._NewShapelessTensor()
         var = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], tf.float32, set_shape=False)
         self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), var.get_shape())
                          tf.assign(var, value).get_shape())
Esempio n. 9
 def testIsVariableInitialized(self):
   for use_gpu in [True, False]:
     with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
       v0 = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], dtypes.float32)
       self.assertEqual(False, variables.is_variable_initialized(v0).eval())
       state_ops.assign(v0, [[2.0, 3.0]]).eval()
       self.assertEqual(True, variables.is_variable_initialized(v0).eval())
  def __init__(self, initial_value, trainable=True, collections=None,
               validate_shape=True, name=None):
    """Creates a new variable with value `initial_value`.

    The new variable is added to the graph collections listed in `collections`,
    which defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]`.

    If `trainable` is `True` the variable is also added to the graph collection

    This constructor creates both a `variable` Op and an `assign` Op to set the
    variable to its initial value.

      initial_value: A `Tensor`, or Python object convertible to a `Tensor`.
        The initial value for the Variable. Must have a shape specified unless
        `validate_shape` is set to False.
      trainable: If `True`, the default, also adds the variable to the graph
        collection `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. This collection is used as
        the default list of variables to use by the `Optimizer` classes.
      collections: List of graph collections keys. The new variable is added to
        these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]`.
      validate_shape: If `False`, allows the variable to be initialized with a
        value of unknown shape. If `True`, the default, the shape of
        `initial_value` must be known.
      name: Optional name for the variable. Defaults to `'Variable'` and gets
        uniquified automatically.

      A Variable.

      ValueError: If the initial value does not have a shape and
        `validate_shape` is `True`.
    if collections is None:
      collections = [ops.GraphKeys.VARIABLES]
    if trainable and ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES not in collections:
      collections = list(collections) + [ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES]
    with ops.control_dependencies(None):
      with ops.op_scope([initial_value], name, "Variable") as name:
        self._initial_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(initial_value,
        initial_value_shape = self._initial_value.get_shape()
        if validate_shape and not initial_value_shape.is_fully_defined():
          raise ValueError("initial_value must have a shape specified: %s"
                           % self._initial_value)
        shape_to_set = initial_value_shape if validate_shape else []
        self._variable = state_ops.variable_op(
            shape_to_set, self._initial_value.dtype.base_dtype,
            set_shape=validate_shape, name=name)
        with ops.device(self._variable.device):
          self._initializer_op = state_ops.assign(
              self._variable, self._initial_value,
          self._snapshot = array_ops.identity(self._variable, name="read")

    ops.add_to_collections(collections, self)
    self._save_slice_info = None
Esempio n. 11
 def testAssignNoVarShape(self):
     value = np.array([[42.0, 43.0]])
     var = state_ops.variable_op(value.shape,
     self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), var.get_shape())
     assigned = state_ops.assign(var, value)
     self.assertShapeEqual(value, assigned)
Esempio n. 12
  def _init_from_args(self, initial_value=None, trainable=True,
                      collections=None, validate_shape=True,
                      caching_device=None, name=None):
    """Creates a new variable from arguments.

      initial_value: A `Tensor`, or Python object convertible to a `Tensor`.
        The initial value for the Variable. Must have a shape specified unless
        `validate_shape` is set to False.
      trainable: If `True`, the default, also adds the variable to the graph
        collection `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. This collection is used as
        the default list of variables to use by the `Optimizer` classes.
      collections: List of graph collections keys. The new variable is added to
        these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]`.
      validate_shape: If `False`, allows the variable to be initialized with a
        value of unknown shape. If `True`, the default, the shape of
        `initial_value` must be known.
      caching_device: Optional device string or function describing where the
        Variable should be cached for reading.  Defaults to the Variable's
        device.  If not `None`, caches on another device.  Typical use is to
        cache on the device where the Ops using the Variable reside, to
        deduplicate copying through `Switch` and other conditional statements.
      name: Optional name for the variable. Defaults to `'Variable'` and gets
        uniquified automatically.

      ValueError: If the initial value is not specified, or does not have a
        shape and `validate_shape` is `True`.
    if initial_value is None:
      raise ValueError("initial_value must be specified.")
    if collections is None:
      collections = [ops.GraphKeys.VARIABLES]
    if trainable and ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES not in collections:
      collections = list(collections) + [ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES]
    with ops.control_dependencies(None):
      with ops.op_scope([initial_value], name, "Variable") as name:
        self._initial_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(initial_value,
        initial_value_shape = self._initial_value.get_shape()
        if validate_shape and not initial_value_shape.is_fully_defined():
          raise ValueError("initial_value must have a shape specified: %s"
                           % self._initial_value)
        shape_to_set = initial_value_shape if validate_shape else []
        self._variable = state_ops.variable_op(
            shape_to_set, self._initial_value.dtype.base_dtype,
            set_shape=validate_shape, name=name)
        with ops.device(self._variable.device):
          self._initializer_op = state_ops.assign(
              self._variable, self._initial_value,
        with ops.device(caching_device if caching_device is not None
                        else self._variable.device):
          self._snapshot = array_ops.identity(self._variable, name="read")

    ops.add_to_collections(collections, self)
    self._caching_device = caching_device
    self._save_slice_info = None
Esempio n. 13
 def testAssignUpdate(self):
     for dtype in [
             dtypes.float32, dtypes.int64, dtypes.uint32, dtypes.uint8
         var = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], dtype)
         added = state_ops.assign_add(var, [[2, 3]])
         self.assertEqual([1, 2], added.get_shape())
         subbed = state_ops.assign_sub(var, [[12, 13]])
         self.assertEqual([1, 2], subbed.get_shape())
Esempio n. 14
 def testAssignNoShapeNoValidateShape(self):
   with self.cached_session():
     value = self._NewShapelessTensor()
     var = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], dtypes.float32, set_shape=False)
     self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), var.get_shape())
             var, value, validate_shape=False).get_shape())
Esempio n. 15
 def testAssign(self):
     for dtype in [
             dtypes.float32, dtypes.int64, dtypes.uint32, dtypes.uint8
         value = np.array([[42, 43]])
         var = state_ops.variable_op(value.shape, dtype)
         self.assertShapeEqual(value, var)
         assigned = state_ops.assign(var, value)
         self.assertShapeEqual(value, assigned)
Esempio n. 16
 def testAssignDependencyAcrossDevices(self):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
     # The variable and an op to increment it are on the GPU.
     var = state_ops.variable_op([1], tf.float32)
     tf.assign(var, [1.0]).eval()
     increment = tf.assign_add(var, [1.0])
     with tf.control_dependencies([increment]):
       with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
         # This mul op is pinned to the CPU, but reads the variable from the
         # GPU. The te
Esempio n. 17
 def testAverageVariablesDeviceAssignment(self):
   with ops.device("dev_v0"):
     v0 = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v0")
   with ops.device("dev_v1"):
     v1 = state_ops.variable_op(shape=[1], dtype=types.float32, name="v1")
   tensor2 = v0 + v1
   ema = moving_averages.ExponentialMovingAverage(0.25, name="foo_avg")
   with ops.device("default"):
     ema.apply([v0, v1, tensor2])
   self.assertEqual("dev_v0", ema.average(v0).device)
   self.assertEqual("dev_v1", ema.average(v1).device)
   self.assertEqual("default", ema.average(tensor2).device)
Esempio n. 18
 def testAverageVariablesDeviceAssignment(self):
     with tf.device("dev_v0"):
         v0 = tf.Variable(10.0, name="v0")
     with tf.device("dev_v1"):
         v1 = state_ops.variable_op(shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, name="v1")
     tensor2 = v0 + v1
     ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(0.25, name="foo_avg")
     with tf.device("default"):
         ema.apply([v0, v1, tensor2])
     self.assertEqual("dev_v0", ema.average(v0).device)
     self.assertEqual("dev_v1", ema.average(v1).device)
     self.assertEqual("default", ema.average(tensor2).device)
 def testAssignDependencyAcrossDevices(self):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
     # The variable and an op to increment it are on the GPU.
     var = state_ops.variable_op([1], tf.float32)
     tf.assign(var, [1.0]).eval()
     increment = tf.assign_add(var, [1.0])
     with tf.control_dependencies([increment]):
       with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
         # This mul op is pinned to the CPU, but reads the variable from the
         # GPU. The test ensures that the dependency on 'increment' is still
         # honored, i.e., the Send and Recv from GPU to CPU should take place
         # only after the increment.
         result = tf.mul(var, var)
     self.assertAllClose([4.0], result.eval())
Esempio n. 20
 def testObtainNext(self):
     with self.test_session():
         var = state_ops.variable_op([], dtypes.int64)
         state_ops.assign(var, -1)
         c = constant_op.constant(["a", "b"])
         sample1 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
         self.assertEqual(b"a", sample1.eval())
         self.assertEqual(0, var.eval())
         sample2 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
         self.assertEqual(b"b", sample2.eval())
         self.assertEqual(1, var.eval())
         sample3 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
         self.assertEqual(b"a", sample3.eval())
         self.assertEqual(0, var.eval())
Esempio n. 21
 def _buildInitialVars(self, shape, dev_list):
   values = []
   num_devices = len(dev_list)
   dim = if shape else 1
   for d in range(0, num_devices):
     with ops.device(dev_list[d]):
       npt = np.zeros(shape).astype(np.float32)
       alias = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.float32)
       for i in range(0, dim):
         alias[i] = i + 0.01 * d
       var = state_ops.variable_op(shape, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT)
       state_ops.init_variable(var, npt)
   return values
 def testObtainNext(self):
   with self.test_session():
     var = state_ops.variable_op([1], tf.int64)
     tf.assign(var, [-1])
     c = tf.constant(["a", "b"])
     sample1 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
     self.assertEqual(b"a", sample1.eval())
     self.assertEqual([0], var.eval())
     sample2 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
     self.assertEqual(b"b", sample2.eval())
     self.assertEqual([1], var.eval())
     sample3 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
     self.assertEqual(b"a", sample3.eval())
     self.assertEqual([0], var.eval())
 def _buildInitialVars(self, shape, dev_list):
     values = []
     num_devices = len(dev_list)
     dim =, dtype=int) if shape else 1
     for d in range(0, num_devices):
         with ops.device(dev_list[d]):
             npt = np.zeros(shape).astype(np.float32)
             alias = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.float32)
             for i in range(0, dim):
                 alias[i] = i + 0.01 * d
             var = state_ops.variable_op(shape, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT)
             state_ops.init_variable(var, npt)
     return values
 def testObtainNext(self):
     with self.test_session():
         var = state_ops.variable_op([1], tf.int64)
         tf.assign(var, [-1])
         c = tf.constant(["a", "b"])
         sample1 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
         self.assertEqual(b"a", sample1.eval())
         self.assertEqual([0], var.eval())
         sample2 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
         self.assertEqual(b"b", sample2.eval())
         self.assertEqual([1], var.eval())
         sample3 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
         self.assertEqual(b"a", sample3.eval())
         self.assertEqual([0], var.eval())
 def testObtainNext(self):
   with self.test_session():
     var = state_ops.variable_op([], dtypes.int64)
     state_ops.assign(var, -1)
     c = constant_op.constant(["a", "b"])
     sample1 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
     self.assertEqual(b"a", sample1.eval())
     self.assertEqual(0, var.eval())
     sample2 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
     self.assertEqual(b"b", sample2.eval())
     self.assertEqual(1, var.eval())
     sample3 = input_pipeline_ops.obtain_next(c, var)
     self.assertEqual(b"a", sample3.eval())
     self.assertEqual(0, var.eval())
Esempio n. 26
 def testAssignDependencyAcrossDevices(self):
     with test_util.use_gpu():
         # The variable and an op to increment it are on the GPU.
         var = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtypes.float32)
         self.evaluate(state_ops.assign(var, [1.0]))
         increment = state_ops.assign_add(var, [1.0])
         with ops.control_dependencies([increment]):
             with test_util.force_cpu():
                 # This mul op is pinned to the CPU, but reads the variable from the
                 # GPU. The test ensures that the dependency on 'increment' is still
                 # honored, i.e., the Send and Recv from GPU to CPU should take place
                 # only after the increment.
                 result = math_ops.multiply(var, var)
         self.assertAllClose([4.0], self.evaluate(result))
 def testAverageVariablesDeviceAssignment(self):
     with tf.device("/job:dev_v0"):
         v0 = tf.Variable(10.0, name="v0")
     with tf.device("/job:dev_v1"):
         v1 = state_ops.variable_op(shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, name="v1")
     tensor2 = v0 + v1
     ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(0.25, name="foo_avg")
     with tf.device("/job:default"):
         ema.apply([v0, v1, tensor2])
     self.assertDeviceEqual("/job:dev_v0", ema.average(v0).device)
     self.assertDeviceEqual("/job:dev_v1", ema.average(v1).device)
     # However, the colocation property is maintained.
     self.assertEqual([b"loc:@v1"], ema.average(v1).op.colocation_groups())
     self.assertDeviceEqual("/job:default", ema.average(tensor2).device)
Esempio n. 28
 def testAssignDependencyAcrossDevices(self):
   with test_util.use_gpu():
     # The variable and an op to increment it are on the GPU.
     var = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtypes.float32)
     self.evaluate(state_ops.assign(var, [1.0]))
     increment = state_ops.assign_add(var, [1.0])
     with ops.control_dependencies([increment]):
       with test_util.force_cpu():
         # This mul op is pinned to the CPU, but reads the variable from the
         # GPU. The test ensures that the dependency on 'increment' is still
         # honored, i.e., the Send and Recv from GPU to CPU should take place
         # only after the increment.
         result = math_ops.multiply(var, var)
     self.assertAllClose([4.0], self.evaluate(result))
 def testAssignDependencyAcrossDevices(self):
     with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
         # The variable and an op to increment it are on the GPU.
         var = state_ops.variable_op([1], tf.float32)
         tf.assign(var, [1.0]).eval()
         increment = tf.assign_add(var, [1.0])
         with tf.control_dependencies([increment]):
             with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
                 # This mul op is pinned to the CPU, but reads the variable from the
                 # GPU. The test ensures that the dependency on 'increment' is still
                 # honored, i.e., the Send and Recv from GPU to CPU should take place
                 # only after the increment.
                 result = tf.mul(var, var)
         self.assertAllClose([4.0], result.eval())
 def testAverageVariablesDeviceAssignment(self):
   with tf.device("/job:dev_v0"):
     v0 = tf.Variable(10.0, name="v0")
   with tf.device("/job:dev_v1"):
     v1 = state_ops.variable_op(shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, name="v1")
   tensor2 = v0 + v1
   ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(0.25, name="foo_avg")
   with tf.device("/job:default"):
     ema.apply([v0, v1, tensor2])
   self.assertDeviceEqual("/job:dev_v0", ema.average(v0).device)
   self.assertDeviceEqual("/job:dev_v1", ema.average(v1).device)
   # However, the colocation property is maintained.
   self.assertDeviceEqual("/job:default", ema.average(tensor2).device)
Esempio n. 31
 def testDecay(self):
     initial_lr = 0.1
     k = 10
     decay_rate = 0.96
     step = state_ops.variable_op([], dtypes.int32)
     assign_step = state_ops.assign(step, 0)
     increment_step = state_ops.assign_add(step, 1)
     decayed_lr = learning_rate_decay.inverse_time_decay(
         initial_lr, step, k, decay_rate)
     with self.test_session():
         for i in range(k + 1):
             expected = initial_lr / (1 + i / k * decay_rate)
             self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), expected, 1e-6)
 def testDecay(self):
   initial_lr = 0.1
   k = 10
   decay_rate = 0.96
   step = state_ops.variable_op([], dtypes.int32)
   assign_step = state_ops.assign(step, 0)
   increment_step = state_ops.assign_add(step, 1)
   decayed_lr = learning_rate_decay.natural_exp_decay(initial_lr, step,
                                                      k, decay_rate)
   with self.test_session():
     for i in range(k+1):
       expected = initial_lr * math.exp(-i / k * decay_rate)
       self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), expected, 1e-6)
 def testStaircase(self):
     with self.test_session():
         step = state_ops.variable_op([], dtypes.int32)
         assign_100 = state_ops.assign(step, 100)
         assign_1 = state_ops.assign(step, 1)
         assign_2 = state_ops.assign(step, 2)
         decayed_lr = learning_rate_decay.exponential_decay(0.1, step, 3, 0.96, staircase=True)
         # No change to learning rate
         self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), 0.1, 1e-6)
         self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), 0.1, 1e-6)
         # Decayed learning rate
         expected = 0.1 * 0.96 ** (100 // 3)
         self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), expected, 1e-6)
Esempio n. 34
 def testStaircase(self):
   with self.test_session():
     step = state_ops.variable_op([], dtypes.int32)
     assign_100 = state_ops.assign(step, 100)
     assign_1 = state_ops.assign(step, 1)
     assign_2 = state_ops.assign(step, 2)
     decayed_lr = learning_rate_decay.exponential_decay(.1, step, 3, 0.96,
     # No change to learning rate
     self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), .1, 1e-6)
     self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), .1, 1e-6)
     # Decayed learning rate
     expected = .1 * 0.96**(100 // 3)
     self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), expected, 1e-6)
Esempio n. 35
 def testContainer(self):
   with tf.Graph().as_default():
     v0 = tf.Variable([0])
     with tf.container("l1"):
       v1 = tf.Variable([1])
       with tf.container("l2"):
         v2 = tf.Variable([2])
         special_v = state_ops.variable_op([1], tf.float32, container="l3")
       v3 = tf.Variable([3])
     v4 = tf.Variable([4])
   self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes(""), v0.op.get_attr("container"))
   self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes("l1"), v1.op.get_attr("container"))
   self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes("l2"), v2.op.get_attr("container"))
   self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes("l1"), v3.op.get_attr("container"))
   self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes(""), v4.op.get_attr("container"))
Esempio n. 36
 def testStaircase(self):
     initial_lr = 0.1
     k = 10
     decay_rate = 0.96
     step = state_ops.variable_op([], dtypes.int32)
     assign_step = state_ops.assign(step, 0)
     increment_step = state_ops.assign_add(step, 1)
     decayed_lr = learning_rate_decay.natural_exp_decay(initial_lr,
     with self.test_session():
         for i in range(k + 1):
             expected = initial_lr * math.exp(-decay_rate * (i // k))
             self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), expected, 1e-6)
Esempio n. 37
 def testPinRequiredOpsOnCPU(self):
     with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, g.device(graph_util.pin_variables_on_cpu):
         const_a = constant_op.constant(5.0)
         const_b = constant_op.constant(10.0)
         add_c = const_a + const_b
         var_v = state_ops.variable_op([], dtype=types.float32)
         assign_c_to_v = state_ops.assign(var_v, add_c)
         dynamic_stitch_int_result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch([[0, 1, 2], [2, 3]], [[12, 23, 34], [1, 2]])
         dynamic_stitch_float_result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(
             [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3]], [[12.0, 23.0, 34.0], [1.0, 2.0]]
         # Non-variable ops shuld not specify a device
         self.assertEqual(const_a.device, None)
         self.assertEqual(const_b.device, None)
         self.assertEqual(add_c.device, None)
         # Variable ops specify a device
         self.assertEqual(var_v.device, "/device:CPU:0")
         self.assertEqual(assign_c_to_v.device, "/device:CPU:0")
 def testStaircase(self):
   initial_lr = 0.1
   k = 10
   decay_rate = 0.96
   step = state_ops.variable_op([], dtypes.int32)
   assign_step = state_ops.assign(step, 0)
   increment_step = state_ops.assign_add(step, 1)
   decayed_lr = learning_rate_decay.inverse_time_decay(initial_lr,
   with self.test_session():
     for i in range(k+1):
       expected = initial_lr / (1 + decay_rate * (i // k))
       self.assertAllClose(decayed_lr.eval(), expected, 1e-6)
Esempio n. 39
 def testContainer(self):
     with tf.Graph().as_default():
         v0 = tf.Variable([0])
         with tf.container("l1"):
             v1 = tf.Variable([1])
             with tf.container("l2"):
                 v2 = tf.Variable([2])
                 special_v = state_ops.variable_op([1],
             v3 = tf.Variable([3])
         v4 = tf.Variable([4])
     self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes(""), v0.op.get_attr("container"))
     self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes("l1"), v1.op.get_attr("container"))
     self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes("l2"), v2.op.get_attr("container"))
     self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes("l1"), v3.op.get_attr("container"))
     self.assertEqual(tf.compat.as_bytes(""), v4.op.get_attr("container"))
Esempio n. 40
 def testPinRequiredOpsOnCPU(self):
     with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, g.device(
         const_a = constant_op.constant(5.0)
         const_b = constant_op.constant(10.0)
         add_c = const_a + const_b
         var_v = state_ops.variable_op([], dtype=dtypes.float32)
         assign_c_to_v = state_ops.assign(var_v, add_c)
         dynamic_stitch_int_result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(
             [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3]], [[12, 23, 34], [1, 2]])
         dynamic_stitch_float_result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(
             [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3]], [[12.0, 23.0, 34.0], [1.0, 2.0]])
         # Non-variable ops shuld not specify a device
         self.assertDeviceEqual(const_a.device, None)
         self.assertDeviceEqual(const_b.device, None)
         self.assertDeviceEqual(add_c.device, None)
         # Variable ops specify a device
         self.assertDeviceEqual(var_v.device, "/device:CPU:0")
         self.assertDeviceEqual(assign_c_to_v.device, "/device:CPU:0")
Esempio n. 41
 def testPinToCpu(self):
   with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, g.device(graph_util.pin_to_cpu):
     const_a = constant_op.constant(5.0)
     const_b = constant_op.constant(10.0)
     add_c = const_a + const_b
     var_v = state_ops.variable_op([], dtype=types.float32)
     assign_c_to_v = state_ops.assign(var_v, add_c)
     const_string = constant_op.constant("on a cpu")
     dynamic_stitch_int_result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(
         [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3]], [[12, 23, 34], [1, 2]])
     dynamic_stitch_float_result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(
         [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3]], [[12.0, 23.0, 34.0], [1.0, 2.0]])
   self.assertEqual(const_a.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertEqual(const_b.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertEqual(add_c.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertEqual(var_v.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertEqual(assign_c_to_v.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertEqual(const_string.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertEqual(dynamic_stitch_int_result.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertEqual(dynamic_stitch_float_result.device, "/device:CPU:0")
Esempio n. 42
 def testPinToCpu(self):
   with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, g.device(graph_util.pin_to_cpu):
     const_a = constant_op.constant(5.0)
     const_b = constant_op.constant(10.0)
     add_c = const_a + const_b
     var_v = state_ops.variable_op([], dtype=dtypes.float32)
     assign_c_to_v = state_ops.assign(var_v, add_c)
     const_string = constant_op.constant("on a cpu")
     dynamic_stitch_int_result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(
         [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3]], [[12, 23, 34], [1, 2]])
     dynamic_stitch_float_result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(
         [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3]], [[12.0, 23.0, 34.0], [1.0, 2.0]])
   self.assertDeviceEqual(const_a.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertDeviceEqual(const_b.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertDeviceEqual(add_c.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertDeviceEqual(var_v.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertDeviceEqual(assign_c_to_v.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertDeviceEqual(const_string.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertDeviceEqual(dynamic_stitch_int_result.device, "/device:CPU:0")
   self.assertDeviceEqual(dynamic_stitch_float_result.device, "/device:CPU:0")
Esempio n. 43
    def testTwoDeviceFunctions(self):
        with ops.Graph().as_default() as g:
            var_0 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
            with g.device(graph_util.pin_variables_on_cpu):
                var_1 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
            var_2 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
            var_3 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
            with g.device(graph_util.pin_variables_on_cpu):
                var_4 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
                with g.device("/device:GPU:0"):
                    var_5 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
                var_6 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)

        self.assertDeviceEqual(var_0.device, None)
        self.assertDeviceEqual(var_1.device, "/device:CPU:0")
        self.assertDeviceEqual(var_2.device, None)
        self.assertDeviceEqual(var_3.device, None)
        self.assertDeviceEqual(var_4.device, "/device:CPU:0")
        self.assertDeviceEqual(var_5.device, "/device:GPU:0")
        self.assertDeviceEqual(var_6.device, "/device:CPU:0")
Esempio n. 44
  def testTwoDeviceFunctions(self):
    with ops.Graph().as_default() as g:
      var_0 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
      with g.device(graph_util.pin_variables_on_cpu):
        var_1 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
      var_2 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
      var_3 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
      with g.device(graph_util.pin_variables_on_cpu):
        var_4 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
        with g.device("/device:GPU:0"):
          var_5 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
        var_6 = state_ops.variable_op([1], dtype=dtypes.float32)

    self.assertDeviceEqual(var_0.device, None)
    self.assertDeviceEqual(var_1.device, "/device:CPU:0")
    self.assertDeviceEqual(var_2.device, None)
    self.assertDeviceEqual(var_3.device, None)
    self.assertDeviceEqual(var_4.device, "/device:CPU:0")
    self.assertDeviceEqual(var_5.device, "/device:GPU:0")
    self.assertDeviceEqual(var_6.device, "/device:CPU:0")
Esempio n. 45
 def testUnknown(self):
   tf_val = state_ops.variable_op(shape=[3, 4, 7], dtype=tf.float32)
   self.assertIs(None, tf.contrib.util.constant_value(tf_val))
Esempio n. 46
 def testUnknown(self):
   tf_val = state_ops.variable_op(shape=[3, 4, 7], dtype=dtypes.float32)
   self.assertIs(None, tensor_util.ConstantValue(tf_val))
Esempio n. 47
    def _init_from_args(
        """Creates a new variable from arguments.

      initial_value: A `Tensor`, or Python object convertible to a `Tensor`,
        which is the initial value for the Variable. The initial value must have
        a shape specified unless `validate_shape` is set to False. Can also be a
        callable with no argument that returns the initial value when called. In
        that case, `dtype` must be specified. (Note that initializer functions
        from must first be bound to a shape before being used here.)
      trainable: If `True`, the default, also adds the variable to the graph
        collection `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. This collection is used as
        the default list of variables to use by the `Optimizer` classes.
      collections: List of graph collections keys. The new variable is added to
        these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]`.
      validate_shape: If `False`, allows the variable to be initialized with a
        value of unknown shape. If `True`, the default, the shape of
        `initial_value` must be known.
      caching_device: Optional device string or function describing where the
        Variable should be cached for reading.  Defaults to the Variable's
        device.  If not `None`, caches on another device.  Typical use is to
        cache on the device where the Ops using the Variable reside, to
        deduplicate copying through `Switch` and other conditional statements.
      name: Optional name for the variable. Defaults to `'Variable'` and gets
        uniquified automatically.
      dtype: If set, initial_value will be converted to the given type.
        If None, either the datatype will be kept (if initial_value is
       a Tensor) or float32 will be used (if it is a Python object convertible
       to a Tensor).
      expected_shape: A TensorShape. If set, initial_value is expected
        to have this shape.

      ValueError: If the initial value is not specified, or does not have a
        shape and `validate_shape` is `True`.
        if initial_value is None:
            raise ValueError("initial_value must be specified.")
        init_from_fn = callable(initial_value)
        if init_from_fn and dtype is None:
            raise ValueError("dtype must also be specified when initial_value is callable.")

        if collections is None:
            collections = [ops.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]
        if not isinstance(collections, (list, tuple, set)):
            raise ValueError(
                "collections argument to Variable constructor must be a list, tuple, "
                "or set. Got %s of type %s" % (collections, type(collections))
        if trainable and ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES not in collections:
            collections = list(collections) + [ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES]
        expected_shape = tensor_shape.as_shape(expected_shape)
        with ops.control_dependencies(None):
            with ops.name_scope(name, "Variable", [] if init_from_fn else [initial_value]) as name:

                # Get the initial value from a callable function. The real shape of the
                # variable will be set later, since under the init_from_fn case, the
                # shape won't be known until after the function is invoked.
                # NOTE: The current Variable OpKernel does not support
                # partially defined shapes, so we only set the shape if it is
                # fully defined. For historical reasons, we use the scalar
                # shape (`[]`) to represent an unknown or partially known
                # shape. A future version of the Variable ops will remove this
                # limitation.
                def full_shape_to_list(shape):
                    """Returns shape as a list if shape is fully defined."""
                    if shape and shape.is_fully_defined():
                        return shape.as_list()
                        return []

                def assert_expected_shape():
                    """Asserts that the initial value has the expected shape."""
                    if expected_shape:

                if init_from_fn:
                    expected_shape_list = full_shape_to_list(expected_shape)
                    set_shape = validate_shape and expected_shape.is_fully_defined()
                    self._variable = state_ops.variable_op(
                        expected_shape_list, dtype.base_dtype, set_shape=set_shape, name=name
                    with ops.colocate_with(self._variable.op):
                        with ops.name_scope("Initializer"):
                            # Colocate the tensors created by the initial_value() function
                            # with the variable itself.
                            self._initial_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(
                                initial_value(), name="initial_value", dtype=dtype

                # Or get the initial value from a Tensor or Python object.
                    self._initial_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(initial_value, name="initial_value", dtype=dtype)
                    set_shape = validate_shape and self._initial_value.get_shape().is_fully_defined()
                    # In this case, the variable op can't be created until after the
                    # initial_value has been converted to a Tensor with a known type.
                    self._variable = state_ops.variable_op(

                # Manually overrides the variable's shape with the initial value's.
                if validate_shape:
                    initial_value_shape = self._initial_value.get_shape()
                    if not initial_value_shape.is_fully_defined():
                        raise ValueError("initial_value must have a shape specified: %s" % self._initial_value)
                    # TODO(b/28152992): Remove the below hack modifying the node_def shape
                    # directly once set_shape() handles it.

                # Assigns initial value.
                self._initializer_op = state_ops.assign(
                    self._variable, self._initial_value, validate_shape=validate_shape

                # TODO(vrv): Change this class to not take caching_device, but
                # to take the op to colocate the snapshot with, so we can use
                # colocation rather than devices.
                if caching_device is not None:
                    with ops.device(caching_device):
                        self._snapshot = array_ops.identity(self._variable, name="read")
                    with ops.colocate_with(self._variable.op):
                        self._snapshot = array_ops.identity(self._variable, name="read")

        ops.add_to_collections(collections, self)
        self._caching_device = caching_device
        self._save_slice_info = None
Esempio n. 48
 def testAssignNoValidateShape(self):
   value = np.array([[42.0, 43.0]])
   var = state_ops.variable_op(value.shape, dtypes.float32)
   self.assertShapeEqual(value, var)
   assigned = state_ops.assign(var, value, validate_shape=False)
   self.assertShapeEqual(value, assigned)
Esempio n. 49
    def _init_from_args(self,
        """Creates a new variable from arguments.

          initial_value: A `Tensor`, or Python object convertible to a `Tensor`.
            The initial value for the Variable. Must have a shape specified unless
            `validate_shape` is set to False.
          trainable: If `True`, the default, also adds the variable to the graph
            collection `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. This collection is used as
            the default list of variables to use by the `Optimizer` classes.
          collections: List of graph collections keys. The new variable is added to
            these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]`.
          validate_shape: If `False`, allows the variable to be initialized with a
            value of unknown shape. If `True`, the default, the shape of
            `initial_value` must be known.
          caching_device: Optional device string or function describing where the
            Variable should be cached for reading.  Defaults to the Variable's
            device.  If not `None`, caches on another device.  Typical use is to
            cache on the device where the Ops using the Variable reside, to
            deduplicate copying through `Switch` and other conditional statements.
          name: Optional name for the variable. Defaults to `'Variable'` and gets
            uniquified automatically.

          ValueError: If the initial value is not specified, or does not have a
            shape and `validate_shape` is `True`.
        if initial_value is None:
            raise ValueError("initial_value must be specified.")
        if collections is None:
            collections = [ops.GraphKeys.VARIABLES]
        if trainable and ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES not in collections:
            collections = list(collections) + [
        with ops.control_dependencies(None):
            with ops.op_scope([initial_value], name, "Variable") as name:
                self._initial_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(
                    initial_value, name="initial_value")
                initial_value_shape = self._initial_value.get_shape()
                if validate_shape and not initial_value_shape.is_fully_defined(
                    raise ValueError(
                        "initial_value must have a shape specified: %s" %
                shape_to_set = initial_value_shape if validate_shape else []
                self._variable = state_ops.variable_op(
                with ops.device(self._variable.device):
                    self._initializer_op = state_ops.assign(
                with ops.device(caching_device if caching_device is not None
                                else self._variable.device):
                    self._snapshot = array_ops.identity(self._variable,

        ops.add_to_collections(collections, self)
        self._caching_device = caching_device
        self._save_slice_info = None
Esempio n. 50
 def testAssignUpdateNoShape(self):
   var = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], dtypes.float32, set_shape=False)
   added = state_ops.assign_add(var, self._NewShapelessTensor())
   self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), added.get_shape())
   subbed = state_ops.assign_sub(var, self._NewShapelessTensor())
   self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), subbed.get_shape())
Esempio n. 51
 def _initFetch(self, x, tftype, use_gpu=None):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
     p = state_ops.variable_op(x.shape, tftype)
     op = state_ops.assign(p, x)
     return self.evaluate(p)
Esempio n. 52
 def testAssignNoVarShapeNoValidateShape(self):
   value = np.array([[42.0, 43.0]])
   var = state_ops.variable_op(value.shape, dtypes.float32, set_shape=False)
   self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), var.get_shape())
   assigned = state_ops.assign(var, value, validate_shape=False)
   self.assertShapeEqual(value, assigned)
 def _initFetch(self, x, tftype, use_gpu=None):
     with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
         p = state_ops.variable_op(x.shape, tftype)
         op = tf.assign(p, x)
         return p.eval()
 def testset_shape(self):
     p = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], tf.float32)
     self.assertEqual([1, 2], p.get_shape())
     p = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], tf.float32, set_shape=False)
     self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), p.get_shape())
Esempio n. 55
    def __init__(self,
        """Creates a new variable with value `initial_value`.

    The new variable is added to the graph collections listed in `collections`,
    which defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]`.

    If `trainable` is `True` the variable is also added to the graph collection

    This constructor creates both a `variable` Op and an `assign` Op to set the
    variable to its initial value.

      initial_value: A `Tensor`, or Python object convertible to a `Tensor`.
        The initial value for the Variable. Must have a shape specified unless
        `validate_shape` is set to False.
      trainable: If `True`, the default, also adds the variable to the graph
        collection `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. This collection is used as
        the default list of variables to use by the `Optimizer` classes.
      collections: List of graph collections keys. The new variable is added to
        these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]`.
      validate_shape: If `False`, allows the variable to be initialized with a
        value of unknown shape. If `True`, the default, the shape of
        `initial_value` must be known.
      name: Optional name for the variable. Defaults to `'Variable'` and gets
        uniquified automatically.

      A Variable.

      ValueError: If the initial value does not have a shape and
        `validate_shape` is `True`.
        if collections is None:
            collections = [ops.GraphKeys.VARIABLES]
        if trainable and ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES not in collections:
            # pylint: disable=g-no-augmented-assignment
            # Pylint wants us to write collections += [...TRAINABLE_VARIABLES] which
            # is not the same (it modifies the list in place.)  Here, we only want to
            # modify the value of the variable, not the list.
            collections = collections + [ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES]
            # pylint: enable=g-no-augmented-assignment
        with ops.op_scope([initial_value], name, "Variable") as name:
            self._initial_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(initial_value,
            if not self._initial_value.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
                if validate_shape:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "initial_value must have a shape specified: %s" %
                self._variable = state_ops.variable_op(
                with ops.device(self._variable.device):
                    self._initializer_op = state_ops.assign(
                    self._snapshot = array_ops.identity(self._variable,
                self._variable = state_ops.variable_op(
                with ops.device(self._variable.device):
                    self._initializer_op = state_ops.assign(
                        self._variable, self._initial_value).op
                    self._snapshot = array_ops.identity(self._variable,
        for key in collections:
            ops.add_to_collection(key, self)
        self._save_slice_info = None
 def testAssignNoValidateShape(self):
     value = np.array([[42.0, 43.0]])
     var = state_ops.variable_op(value.shape, tf.float32)
     self.assertShapeEqual(value, var)
     assigned = tf.assign(var, value, validate_shape=False)
     self.assertShapeEqual(value, assigned)
Esempio n. 57
 def testUnknown(self):
     tf_val = state_ops.variable_op(shape=[3, 4, 7], dtype=tf.float32)
     self.assertIs(None, tf.contrib.util.constant_value(tf_val))
Esempio n. 58
 def testset_shape(self):
   p = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], dtypes.float32)
   self.assertEqual([1, 2], p.get_shape())
   p = state_ops.variable_op([1, 2], dtypes.float32, set_shape=False)
   self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), p.get_shape())