Esempio n. 1
def _save_v1_format(model, path, custom_objects, as_text, input_signature):
    """Exports model to v1 SavedModel format."""
    from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import sequential  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top

    if not model._is_graph_network:
        if isinstance(model, sequential.Sequential):
            # If input shape is not directly set in the model, the exported model
            # will infer the expected shapes of the input from the model.
            if not model.built and input_signature is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Sequential model\'s input shape is unknown. Please build the '
                    'model, or use the input_signature argument to specify the '
                    'model inputs.')
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Subclassed models can only be exported for serving. Please set '
                'argument serving_only=True.')

    builder = saved_model_builder._SavedModelBuilder(path)

    # Manually save variables to export them in an object-based checkpoint. This
    # skips the `builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables()` step, which saves a
    # named-based checkpoint.
    # TODO(b/113134168): Add fn to Builder to save with object-based saver.
    # TODO(b/113178242): This should only export the model json structure. Only
    # one save is needed once the weights can be copied from the model to clone.
    checkpoint_path = _export_model_variables(model, path)

    # Export each mode. Use ModeKeys enums defined for `Estimator` to ensure that
    # Keras models and `Estimator`s are exported with the same format.
    # Every time a mode is exported, the code checks to see if new variables have
    # been created (e.g. optimizer slot variables). If that is the case, the
    # checkpoint is re-saved to include the new variables.
    export_args = {
        'builder': builder,
        'model': model,
        'custom_objects': custom_objects,
        'checkpoint_path': checkpoint_path,
        'input_signature': input_signature

    has_saved_vars = False
    if model.optimizer:
        # TODO(kathywu): Verify this works with v2 optimizer.
        if isinstance(model.optimizer, optimizers.TFOptimizer):
            _export_mode(mode_keys.ModeKeys.TRAIN, has_saved_vars,
            has_saved_vars = True
            _export_mode(mode_keys.ModeKeys.TEST, has_saved_vars,
                'Model was compiled with an optimizer, but the optimizer is not from '
                '`tf.train` (e.g. `tf.train.AdagradOptimizer`). Only the serving '
                'graph was exported. The train and evaluate graphs were not added to '
                'the SavedModel.')
    _export_mode(mode_keys.ModeKeys.PREDICT, has_saved_vars, **export_args)
Esempio n. 2
def save_keras_model(model,
    """Save a `tf.keras.Model` into Tensorflow SavedModel format.

  `save_model` generates new files/folders under the `saved_model_path` folder:
  1) an asset folder containing the json string of the model's
     configuration (topology).
  2) a checkpoint containing the model weights.
  3) a saved_model.pb file containing the model's MetaGraphs. The prediction
     graph is always exported. The evaluaton and training graphs are exported
     if the following conditions are met:
     - Evaluation: model loss is defined.
     - Training: model is compiled with an optimizer defined under `tf.train`.
       This is because `tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer` instances cannot be
       saved to checkpoints.

  Model Requirements:
  - Model must be a sequential model or functional model. Subclassed models can
    not be saved via this function, unless you provide an implementation for
    get_config() and from_config().
  - All variables must be saveable by the model. In general, this condition is
    met through the use of layers defined in the keras library. However,
    there is currently a bug with variables created in Lambda layer functions
    not being saved correctly (see

  Note that each mode is exported in separate graphs, so different modes do not
  share variables. To use the train graph with evaluation or prediction graphs,
  create a new checkpoint if variable values have been updated.


  import tensorflow as tf

  # Create a tf.keras model.
  model = tf.keras.Sequential()
  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, input_shape=[10]))

  # Save the tf.keras model in the SavedModel format.
  saved_to_path = tf.contrib.saved_model.save_keras_model(
        model, '/tmp/my_simple_tf_keras_saved_model')

  # Load the saved keras model back.
  model_prime = tf.contrib.saved_model.load_keras_model(saved_to_path)

    model: A `tf.keras.Model` to be saved.
    saved_model_path: a string specifying the path to the SavedModel directory.
      The SavedModel will be saved to a timestamped folder created within this
    custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping string names to custom classes
      or functions (e.g. custom loss functions).
    as_text: whether to write the `SavedModel` proto in text format.

    String path to the SavedModel folder, a subdirectory of `saved_model_path`.

    NotImplementedError: If the model is a subclassed model.
    ValueError: If a Sequential model does not have input shapes defined by the
      user, and is not built.
    if not model._is_graph_network:
        if isinstance(model, sequential.Sequential):
            # If input shape is not directly set in the model, the exported model
            # will assume that the inputs have the same shape as the shape the model
            # was built model with.
            if not model.built:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Sequential model must be built before it can be exported.'
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Exporting subclassed models is not yet supported.')

    export_dir = export_helpers.get_timestamped_export_dir(saved_model_path)
    temp_export_dir = export_helpers.get_temp_export_dir(export_dir)

    builder = saved_model_builder._SavedModelBuilder(temp_export_dir)

    # Manually save variables to export them in an object-based checkpoint. This
    # skips the `builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables()` step, which saves a
    # named-based checkpoint.
    # TODO(b/113134168): Add fn to Builder to save with object-based saver.
    # TODO(b/113178242): This should only export the model json structure. Only
    # one save is needed once the weights can be copied from the model to clone.
    checkpoint_path = _export_model_json_and_variables(model, temp_export_dir)

    # Export each mode. Use ModeKeys enums defined for `Estimator` to ensure that
    # Keras models and `Estimator`s are exported with the same format.
    # Every time a mode is exported, the code checks to see if new variables have
    # been created (e.g. optimizer slot variables). If that is the case, the
    # checkpoint is re-saved to include the new variables.
    export_args = {
        'builder': builder,
        'model': model,
        'custom_objects': custom_objects,
        'checkpoint_path': checkpoint_path

    has_saved_vars = False
    if model.optimizer:
        if isinstance(model.optimizer, optimizers.TFOptimizer):
            _export_mode(model_fn_lib.ModeKeys.TRAIN, has_saved_vars,
            has_saved_vars = True
            _export_mode(model_fn_lib.ModeKeys.EVAL, has_saved_vars,
                'Model was compiled with an optimizer, but the optimizer is not from '
                '`tf.train` (e.g. `tf.train.AdagradOptimizer`). Only the serving '
                'graph was exported. The train and evaluate graphs were not added to '
                'the SavedModel.')
    _export_mode(model_fn_lib.ModeKeys.PREDICT, has_saved_vars, **export_args)

    gfile.Rename(temp_export_dir, export_dir)
    return export_dir