Esempio n. 1
def _traverse_internal(root, visit, stack, path):
  """Internal helper for traverse."""

  # Only traverse modules and classes
  if not tf_inspect.isclass(root) and not tf_inspect.ismodule(root):

    children = tf_inspect.getmembers(root)

    # Add labels for duplicate values in Enum.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(root) and issubclass(root, enum.Enum):
      for enum_member in root.__members__.items():
        if enum_member not in children:
      children = sorted(children)
  except ImportError:
    # On some Python installations, some modules do not support enumerating
    # members (six in particular), leading to import errors.
    children = []

  new_stack = stack + [root]
  visit(path, root, children)
  for name, child in children:
    # Do not descend into built-in modules
    if tf_inspect.ismodule(
        child) and child.__name__ in sys.builtin_module_names:

    # Break cycles
    if any(child is item for item in new_stack):  # `in`, but using `is`

    child_path = path + '.' + name if path else name
    _traverse_internal(child, visit, new_stack, child_path)
Esempio n. 2
  def compiled_function_name(self,
    """See call_trees.FunctionNamer.compiled_function_name."""
    if live_object is not None and live_object in self.renamed_calls:
      return self.renamed_calls[live_object]

    if not self.recursive:
      new_name = original_name
    elif owner_type is None or owner_type in self.partial_types:
      # Top level functions: rename
      new_name_root = 'tf__%s' % original_name
      new_name = new_name_root
      n = 0
      while new_name in self.global_namespace:
        n += 1
        new_name = '%s_%d' % (new_name_root, n)
      if tf_inspect.isclass(owner_type):
        # Class members: do not rename (the entire class will be renamed)
        new_name = original_name
        raise NotImplementedError('Member function "%s" of non-class type: %s' %
                                  (original_name, owner_type))

    if live_object is not None:
      self.renamed_calls[live_object] = new_name
    return new_name
Esempio n. 3
  def _process_variable_assignment(self, source, targets):
    # Special case: constructors.
    if isinstance(source, gast.Call):
      func = source.func
      if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
        func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
        if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
          anno.setanno(source, 'is_constructor', True)
          anno.setanno(source, 'type', func_obj)
          anno.setanno(source, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
          # TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
          # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
          # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

    # Multiple targets mean multiple assignment.
    for target in targets:
      # Tuple target means unpacking.
      if isinstance(target, gast.Tuple):
        for i, target_item in enumerate(target.elts):
          # Two cases here:
          #   1. Static unpacking, e.g. a, b = c, d
          #   2. Dynamic unpacking, e.g. a, b = c
          # The former case is optimized away.
          if isinstance(source, (gast.Tuple, gast.List)):
            source_item = source.elts[i]
            source_item = gast.Subscript(source, gast.Index(i), ctx=None)
          self._process_variable_assignment(source_item, (target_item,))
      elif isinstance(target, (gast.Name, gast.Attribute)):
        target_symbol = anno.getanno(target, anno.Basic.QN)
        self.scope.setval(target_symbol, source)
        raise ValueError(
            'assignment target has unknown type: %s' % target_item)
Esempio n. 4
  def _process_variable_assignment(self, source, targets):
    if isinstance(source, gast.Call):
      func = source.func
      if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
        func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
        if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
          anno.setanno(source, 'is_constructor', True)
          anno.setanno(source, 'type', func_obj)
          anno.setanno(source, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
          # TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
          # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
          # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

    for t in targets:
      if isinstance(t, gast.Tuple):
        for i, e in enumerate(t.elts):
                                source, gast.Index(i), ctx=gast.Store()))
      elif isinstance(t, gast.Name):
        self.scope.setval(, source)
      elif isinstance(t, gast.Attribute):
        if not (isinstance(t.value, gast.Name) and == 'self'):
          raise ValueError(
              'Dont know how to handle assignment to attributes of objects'
              ' other than "self": [%s].%s' % (t.value, t.attr))
        raise ValueError('Dont know how to handle assignment to %s' % t)
Esempio n. 5
  def from_visitor(cls, visitor, doc_index, **kwargs):
    """A factory function for building a ReferenceResolver from a visitor.

      visitor: an instance of `DocGeneratorVisitor`
      doc_index: a dictionary mapping document names to references objects with
        "title" and "url" fields
      **kwargs: all remaining args are passed to the constructor
      an instance of `ReferenceResolver` ()
    is_class = {
        name: tf_inspect.isclass(visitor.index[name])
        for name, obj in visitor.index.items()

    is_module = {
        name: tf_inspect.ismodule(visitor.index[name])
        for name, obj in visitor.index.items()

    return cls(
  def __call__(self, parent_name, parent, children):
    """Visitor interface, see `tensorflow/tools/common:traverse` for details.

    This method is called for each symbol found in a traversal using
    `tensorflow/tools/common:traverse`. It should not be called directly in
    user code.

      parent_name: The fully qualified name of a symbol found during traversal.
      parent: The Python object referenced by `parent_name`.
      children: A list of `(name, py_object)` pairs enumerating, in alphabetical
        order, the children (as determined by `tf_inspect.getmembers`) of
          `parent`. `name` is the local name of `py_object` in `parent`.

      RuntimeError: If this visitor is called with a `parent` that is not a
        class or module.
    parent_name = self._add_prefix(parent_name)
    self._index[parent_name] = parent
    self._tree[parent_name] = []

    if not (tf_inspect.ismodule(parent) or tf_inspect.isclass(parent)):
      raise RuntimeError('Unexpected type in visitor -- %s: %r' % (parent_name,

    for i, (name, child) in enumerate(list(children)):
      # Don't document __metaclass__
      if name in ['__metaclass__']:
        del children[i]

      full_name = '.'.join([parent_name, name]) if parent_name else name
      self._index[full_name] = child
def is_supported_type_for_deprecation(symbol):
  # Exclude Exception subclasses since users should be able to
  # "except" the same type of exception that was "raised" (i.e. we
  # shouldn't wrap it with deprecation alias).
  # Also, exclude subclasses of namedtuples for now.
  return tf_inspect.isfunction(symbol) or (
      tf_inspect.isclass(symbol) and not issubclass(symbol, Exception)
      and tuple not in tf_inspect.getmro(symbol))
  def __call__(self, path, parent, children):
    # The path to the object.
    lib_path = 'tensorflow.%s' % path if path else 'tensorflow'

    # A small helper method to construct members(children) protos.
    def _AddMember(member_name, member_obj, proto):
      """Add the child object to the object being constructed."""
      _, member_obj = tf_decorator.unwrap(member_obj)
      if member_name == '__init__' or not member_name.startswith('_'):
        if tf_inspect.isroutine(member_obj):
          new_method = proto.member_method.add()
 = member_name
          # If member_obj is a python builtin, there is no way to get its
          # argspec, because it is implemented on the C side. It also has no
          # func_code.
          if getattr(member_obj, 'func_code', None):
            new_method.argspec = _SanitizedArgSpec(member_obj)
          new_member = proto.member.add()
 = member_name
          new_member.mtype = str(type(member_obj))

    parent_corner_cases = _CORNER_CASES.get(path, {})

    if path not in _CORNER_CASES or parent_corner_cases:
      # Decide if we have a module or a class.
      if tf_inspect.ismodule(parent):
        # Create a module object.
        module_obj = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIModule()
        for name, child in children:
          if name in parent_corner_cases:
            # If we have an empty entry, skip this object.
            if parent_corner_cases[name]:
            _AddMember(name, child, module_obj)

        # Store the constructed module object.
        self._protos[lib_path] = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIObject(
            path=lib_path, tf_module=module_obj)
      elif tf_inspect.isclass(parent):
        # Construct a class.
        class_obj = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIClass()
        for name, child in children:
          if name in parent_corner_cases:
            # If we have an empty entry, skip this object.
            if parent_corner_cases[name]:
            _AddMember(name, child, class_obj)

        # Store the constructed class object.
        self._protos[lib_path] = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIObject(
            path=lib_path, tf_class=class_obj)
        logging.error('Illegal call to ApiProtoDump::_py_obj_to_proto.'
                      'Object is neither a module nor a class: %s', path)
Esempio n. 9
def entity_to_graph(o, conversion_map, arg_values, arg_types):
  """Compile a Python entity into equivalent TensorFlow.

  The function will also recursively compile all the entities that `o`
  references, updating `dependency_cache`.

  This function is reentrant, and relies on dependency_cache to avoid
  generating duplicate code.

    o: A Python entity.
    conversion_map: A ConversionMap object.
    arg_values: A dict containing value hints for symbols like function
    arg_types: A dict containing type hints for symbols like function

    A tuple (ast, new_name, namespace):
        * ast: An AST representing an entity with interface equivalent to `o`,
            but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
        * new_name: The symbol name under which the new entity can be found.
        * namespace: A dict mapping all symbols visible to the converted entity,
            keyed by their symbol name.

    ValueError: if the entity type is not supported.
  if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
    node, name, ns = class_to_graph(o, conversion_map)
  elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
    node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, conversion_map, arg_values, arg_types)
  elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
    node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, conversion_map, arg_values, arg_types)
    raise ValueError(
        'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
        'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))

  conversion_map.add_to_cache(o, node)
  if conversion_map.recursive:
    while True:
      candidate = None
      for obj in conversion_map.name_map.keys():
        if obj not in conversion_map.dependency_cache:
          candidate = obj
      if candidate is None:
      if (hasattr(candidate, 'im_class') and
          getattr(candidate, 'im_class') not in conversion_map.partial_types):
        # Class members are converted with their objects, unless they're
        # only converted partially.
      entity_to_graph(candidate, conversion_map, {}, {})

  return node, name, ns
Esempio n. 10
def isnamedtuple(f):
  """Returns True if the argument is a namedtuple-like."""
  if not (tf_inspect.isclass(f) and issubclass(f, tuple)):
    return False
  if not hasattr(f, '_fields'):
    return False
  fields = getattr(f, '_fields')
  if not isinstance(fields, tuple):
    return False
  if not all(isinstance(f, str) for f in fields):
    return False
  return True
Esempio n. 11
def convert_entity_to_ast(o, program_ctx):
  """Compile a Python entity into equivalent TensorFlow.

    o: A Python entity.
    program_ctx: A ProgramContext object.

    A tuple (ast, new_name, namespace):
        * ast: An AST representing an entity with interface equivalent to `o`,
            but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
        * new_name: The symbol name under which the new entity can be found.
        * namespace: A dict mapping all symbols visible to the converted entity,
            keyed by their symbol name.

    ValueError: if the entity type is not supported.
  logging.log(1, 'Converting %s', o)

  if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
    nodes, name, entity_info = convert_class_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
  elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
    nodes, name, entity_info = convert_func_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
  elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
    nodes, name, entity_info = convert_func_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
  # TODO(mdan,yashkatariya): Remove when object conversion is implemented.
  elif hasattr(o, '__class__'):
    raise NotImplementedError(
        'Object conversion is not yet supported. If you are '
        'trying to convert code that uses an existing object, '
        'try including the creation of that object in the '
        'conversion. For example, instead of converting the method '
        'of a class, try converting the entire class instead. '
        'python/autograph/ '
        'for more information.')
    raise ValueError(
        'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
        'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))

  if logging.has_verbosity(2):
    logging.log(2, 'Compiled output of %s:\n\n%s\n', o,
  if logging.has_verbosity(4):
    for n in nodes:
      logging.log(4, 'Compiled AST of %s:\n\n%s\n\n', o,
                  pretty_printer.fmt(n, color=False))

  return nodes, name, entity_info
Esempio n. 12
def object_to_graph(o, conversion_map, value_hints):
  """Compile a Python object into equivalent TensorFlow.

  The function will also recursively compile all the objects that `o`
  references, updating `dependency_cache`.

  This function is reentrant, and relies on dependency_cache to avoid
  generating duplicate code.

    o: A Python object.
    conversion_map: A ConversionMap object.
    value_hints: A dict containing value hints for symbols like function

    A tuple (ast, new_name):
        * ast: An AST representing an object with interface equivalent to `o`,
            but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
        * new_name: The symbol name under which the new object can be found.

    ValueError: if the object is not supported.
  if value_hints is None:
    value_hints = {}

  if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
    node, new_name = class_to_graph(o, conversion_map, value_hints)
  elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
    node, new_name = function_to_graph(o, conversion_map, value_hints)
  elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
    node, new_name = function_to_graph(o, conversion_map, value_hints)
    raise ValueError(
        'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
        'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))

  conversion_map.add_to_cache(o, node)
  if conversion_map.recursive:
    for obj in conversion_map.name_map.keys():
      if obj not in conversion_map.dependency_cache:
        if (hasattr(obj, 'im_class') and
            getattr(obj, 'im_class') not in conversion_map.partial_types):
          # Class members are converted with their objects, unless they're
          # only converted partially.
        object_to_graph(obj, conversion_map, None)

  return node, new_name
Esempio n. 13
def deserialize_keras_object(identifier,
  if identifier is None:
    return None
  if isinstance(identifier, dict):
    # In this case we are dealing with a Keras config dictionary.
    config = identifier
    (cls, cls_config) = class_and_config_for_serialized_keras_object(
        config, module_objects, custom_objects, printable_module_name)

    if hasattr(cls, 'from_config'):
      arg_spec = tf_inspect.getfullargspec(cls.from_config)
      custom_objects = custom_objects or {}

      if 'custom_objects' in arg_spec.args:
        return cls.from_config(
                list(_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS.items()) +
      with CustomObjectScope(custom_objects):
        return cls.from_config(cls_config)
      # Then `cls` may be a function returning a class.
      # in this case by convention `config` holds
      # the kwargs of the function.
      custom_objects = custom_objects or {}
      with CustomObjectScope(custom_objects):
        return cls(**cls_config)
  elif isinstance(identifier, six.string_types):
    object_name = identifier
    if custom_objects and object_name in custom_objects:
      obj = custom_objects.get(object_name)
    elif object_name in _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS:
      obj = _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS[object_name]
      obj = module_objects.get(object_name)
      if obj is None:
        raise ValueError('Unknown ' + printable_module_name + ':' + object_name)
    # Classes passed by name are instantiated with no args, functions are
    # returned as-is.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(obj):
      return obj()
    return obj
    raise ValueError('Could not interpret serialized ' + printable_module_name +
                     ': ' + identifier)
Esempio n. 14
def generate_global_index(library_name, index, reference_resolver):
  """Given a dict of full names to python objects, generate an index page.

  The index page generated contains a list of links for all symbols in `index`
  that have their own documentation page.

    library_name: The name for the documented library to use in the title.
    index: A dict mapping full names to python objects.
    reference_resolver: An instance of ReferenceResolver.

    A string containing an index page as Markdown.
  symbol_links = []
  for full_name, py_object in six.iteritems(index):
    if (tf_inspect.ismodule(py_object) or tf_inspect.isfunction(py_object) or
      # In Python 3, unbound methods are functions, so eliminate those.
      if tf_inspect.isfunction(py_object):
        if full_name.count('.') == 0:
          parent_name = ''
          parent_name = full_name[:full_name.rfind('.')]
        if parent_name in index and tf_inspect.isclass(index[parent_name]):
          # Skip methods (=functions with class parents).
          full_name, reference_resolver.python_link(full_name, full_name, '.')))

  lines = ['# All symbols in %s' % library_name, '']
  for _, link in sorted(symbol_links, key=lambda x: x[0]):
    lines.append('*  %s' % link)

  # TODO(markdaoust): use a _ModulePageInfo -> prety_docs.build_md_page()
  return '\n'.join(lines)
Esempio n. 15
def _is_free_function(py_object, full_name, index):
  """Check if input is a free function (and not a class- or static method)."""
  if not tf_inspect.isfunction(py_object):
    return False

  # Static methods are functions to tf_inspect (in 2.7), so check if the parent
  # is a class. If there is no parent, it's not a function.
  if '.' not in full_name:
    return False

  parent_name = full_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
  if tf_inspect.isclass(index[parent_name]):
    return False

  return True
  def _score_name(self, name):
    """Return a tuple of scores indicating how to sort for the best name.

    This function is meant to be used as the `key` to the `sorted` function.

    This sorting in order:
      Prefers names refering to the defining class, over a subclass.
      Prefers names that are not in "contrib".
      prefers submodules to the root namespace.
      Prefers short names `tf.thing` over `tf.a.b.c.thing`
      Sorts lexicographically on name parts.

      name: the full name to score, for example `tf.estimator.Estimator`

      A tuple of scores. When sorted the preferred name will have the lowest
    parts = name.split('.')
    short_name = parts[-1]

    container = self._index['.'.join(parts[:-1])]

    defining_class_score = 1
    if tf_inspect.isclass(container):
      if short_name in container.__dict__:
        # prefer the defining class
        defining_class_score = -1

    contrib_score = -1
    if 'contrib' in parts:
      contrib_score = 1

    while parts:
      container = self._index['.'.join(parts)]
      if tf_inspect.ismodule(container):
    module_length = len(parts)
    if len(parts) == 2:
      # `tf.submodule.thing` is better than `tf.thing`
      module_length_score = -1
      # shorter is better
      module_length_score = module_length

    return (defining_class_score, contrib_score, module_length_score, name)
Esempio n. 17
def convert_entity_to_ast(o, program_ctx):
  """Compile a Python entity into equivalent TensorFlow.

    o: A Python entity.
    program_ctx: A ProgramContext object.

    A tuple (ast, new_name, namespace):
        * ast: An AST representing an entity with interface equivalent to `o`,
            but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
        * new_name: The symbol name under which the new entity can be found.
        * namespace: A dict mapping all symbols visible to the converted entity,
            keyed by their symbol name.

    ValueError: if the entity type is not supported.
  logging.log(1, 'Converting %s', o)

  if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
    nodes, name, entity_info = convert_class_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
  elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
    nodes, name, entity_info = convert_func_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
  elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
    nodes, name, entity_info = convert_func_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
  elif hasattr(o, '__class__'):
    # Note: this should only be raised when attempting to convert the object
    # directly. converted_call should still support it.
    raise NotImplementedError(
        'cannot convert entity "{}": object conversion is not yet'
        ' supported.'.format(o))
    raise ValueError(
        'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
        'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))

  if logging.has_verbosity(2):
    logging.log(2, 'Compiled output of %s:\n\n%s\n', o,
  if logging.has_verbosity(4):
    for n in nodes:
      logging.log(4, 'Compiled AST of %s:\n\n%s\n\n', o,
                  pretty_printer.fmt(n, color=False))

  return nodes, name, entity_info
Esempio n. 18
def _get_raw_docstring(py_object):
  """Get the docs for a given python object.

    py_object: A python object to retrieve the docs for (class, function/method,
      or module).

    The docstring, or the empty string if no docstring was found.
  # For object instances, tf_inspect.getdoc does give us the docstring of their
  # type, which is not what we want. Only return the docstring if it is useful.
  if (tf_inspect.isclass(py_object) or tf_inspect.ismethod(py_object) or
      tf_inspect.isfunction(py_object) or tf_inspect.ismodule(py_object) or
      isinstance(py_object, property)):
    return tf_inspect.getdoc(py_object) or ''
    return ''
Esempio n. 19
  def _process_variable_assignment(self, source, targets):
    if isinstance(source, gast.Call):
      func = source.func
      if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
        func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
        if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
          # This is then a constructor.
          anno.setanno(source, 'type', func_obj)
          anno.setanno(source, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
          # TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
          # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
          # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

    for t in targets:
      if isinstance(t, gast.Tuple):
        for i, e in enumerate(t.elts):
                                source, gast.Index(i), ctx=gast.Store()))
        self.scope.setval(, source)
Esempio n. 20
  def _process_variable_assignment(self, target, value):
    # Constructors
    if isinstance(value, gast.Call):
      func = value.func
      if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
        func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
        if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
          anno.setanno(value, 'is_constructor', True)
          anno.setanno(value, 'type', func_obj)
          anno.setanno(value, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
          # TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
          # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
          # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

    if isinstance(target, (gast.Name, gast.Attribute)):
      target_symbol = anno.getanno(target, anno.Basic.QN)
      self.scope.setval(target_symbol, value)
    elif isinstance(target, gast.Subscript):
      raise ValueError('assignment target has unknown type: %s' % target)
Esempio n. 21
 def visit(unused_path, unused_parent, children):
     """Visitor that collects arguments for reordered functions."""
     for child in children:
         _, attr = tf_decorator.unwrap(child[1])
         api_names_v1 = tf_export.get_v1_names(attr)
         api_names_v1 = ['tf.%s' % name for name in api_names_v1]
         matches_function_names = any(name in function_names
                                      for name in api_names_v1)
         if matches_function_names:
             if tf_inspect.isclass(attr):
                 # Get constructor arguments if attr is a class
                 arg_list = tf_inspect.getargspec(getattr(attr,
                 arg_list = arg_list[1:]  # skip 'self' argument
                 # Get function arguments.
                 # getargspec returns a tuple of (args, varargs, keywords, defaults)
                 # we just look at args.
                 arg_list = tf_inspect.getargspec(attr)[0]
             for name in api_names_v1:
                 function_to_args[name] = arg_list
Esempio n. 22
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   """Wrapper that calls the compiled version of the wrapped function."""
   partial_types = ()
   arg_names = tf_inspect.getargspec(f)[0]
   for name, arg in zip(arg_names, args):
     arg_class = arg.__class__
     if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_class):
       # If arg_value_hints specifies any name, use that instead.
       # TODO(mdan): Shouldn't this just be in the func's globals?
       if name not in arg_value_hints:
         arg_value_hints[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)
       # Annotated methods need to specify that their owner type is partial,
       # otherwise other members they call will not be converted.
       if name == 'self':
         partial_types = (arg_class,)
   wrapped = to_graph(
   return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 23
  def decorator(arg):
    """Registers a class with the Keras serialization framework."""
    class_name = name if name is not None else arg.__name__
    registered_name = package + '>' + class_name

    if tf_inspect.isclass(arg) and not hasattr(arg, 'get_config'):
      raise ValueError(
          'Cannot register a class that does not have a get_config() method.')

    if registered_name in _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS:
      raise ValueError(
          '%s has already been registered to %s' %
          (registered_name, _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS[registered_name]))

    if arg in _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_NAMES:
      raise ValueError('%s has already been registered to %s' %
                       (arg, _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_NAMES[arg]))
    _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS[registered_name] = arg
    _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_NAMES[arg] = registered_name

    return arg
Esempio n. 24
    def _process_variable_assignment(self, target, value):
        # Constructors
        if isinstance(value, gast.Call):
            func = value.func
            if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
                func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
                if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
                    anno.setanno(value, 'is_constructor', True)
                    anno.setanno(value, 'type', func_obj)
                    anno.setanno(value, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
                    # TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
                    # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
                    # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

        if isinstance(target, (gast.Name, gast.Attribute)):
            target_symbol = anno.getanno(target, anno.Basic.QN)
            self.scope.setval(target_symbol, value)
        elif isinstance(target, gast.Subscript):
            raise ValueError('assignment target has unknown type: %s' % target)
 def visit(unused_path, unused_parent, children):
   """Visitor that collects arguments for reordered functions."""
   for child in children:
     _, attr = tf_decorator.unwrap(child[1])
     api_names_v1 = tf_export.get_v1_names(attr)
     api_names_v1 = ['tf.%s' % name for name in api_names_v1]
     matches_function_names = any(
         name in function_names for name in api_names_v1)
     if matches_function_names:
       if tf_inspect.isclass(attr):
         # Get constructor arguments if attr is a class
         arg_list = tf_inspect.getargspec(
             getattr(attr, '__init__'))[0]
         arg_list = arg_list[1:]  # skip 'self' argument
         # Get function arguments.
         # getargspec returns a tuple of (args, varargs, keywords, defaults)
         # we just look at args.
         arg_list = tf_inspect.getargspec(attr)[0]
       for name in api_names_v1:
         function_to_args[name] = arg_list
Esempio n. 26
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     """Wrapper that calls the compiled version of the wrapped function."""
     partial_types = ()
     arg_values = {}
     arg_names = tf_inspect.getargspec(f)[0]
     for name, arg in zip(arg_names, args):
         arg_values[name] = arg
         arg_class = arg.__class__
         # If arg_value_hints specifies any name, use that instead.
         if name not in arg_types:
             arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)
         if name == 'self' and tf_inspect.isclass(arg_class):
             # Annotated methods need to specify that their owner type is partial,
             # otherwise other members they call will not be converted.
             partial_types = (arg_class, )
     wrapped = to_graph(f,
     return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 27
  def collect_docs_for_module(self, parser_config):
    """Collect information necessary specifically for a module's doc page.

    Mainly this is information about the members of the module.

      parser_config: An instance of ParserConfig.
    relative_path = os.path.relpath(
        start=os.path.dirname(documentation_path(self.full_name)) or '.')

    member_names = parser_config.tree.get(self.full_name, [])
    for name in member_names:

      if name in ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                  '__name__', '__path__', '__package__']:

      member_full_name = self.full_name + '.' + name if self.full_name else name
      member = parser_config.py_name_to_object(member_full_name)

      member_doc = _parse_md_docstring(member, relative_path,

      url = parser_config.reference_resolver.reference_to_url(
          member_full_name, relative_path)

      if tf_inspect.ismodule(member):
        self._add_module(name, member_full_name, member, member_doc, url)

      elif tf_inspect.isclass(member):
        self._add_class(name, member_full_name, member, member_doc, url)

      elif tf_inspect.isfunction(member):
        self._add_function(name, member_full_name, member, member_doc, url)

        self._add_other_member(name, member_full_name, member, member_doc)
Esempio n. 28
  def _process_variable_assignment(self, source, targets):
    if isinstance(source, gast.Call):
      func = source.func
      if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
        func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
        if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
          anno.setanno(source, 'is_constructor', True)
          anno.setanno(source, 'type', func_obj)
          anno.setanno(source, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
          # TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
          # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
          # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

    for t in targets:
      if isinstance(t, gast.Tuple):
        # need to recurse on the case of assigning nested tuples,
        # ex. a, (b, c) = f()
        self._process_tuple_assignment(source, t)
      elif isinstance(t, (gast.Name, gast.Attribute)):
        self.scope.setval(anno.getanno(t, anno.Basic.QN), source)
        raise ValueError('Dont know how to handle assignment to %s' % t)
Esempio n. 29
    def _process_variable_assignment(self, source, targets):
        # Special case: constructors.
        if isinstance(source, gast.Call):
            func = source.func
            if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
                func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
                if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
                    anno.setanno(source, 'is_constructor', True)
                    anno.setanno(source, 'type', func_obj)
                    anno.setanno(source, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
                    # TODO (mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects. id:554
                    # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
                    # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

        # Multiple targets mean multiple assignment.
        for target in targets:
            # Tuple target means unpacking.
            if isinstance(target, (gast.Tuple, gast.List)):
                for i, target_item in enumerate(target.elts):
                    # Two cases here:
                    #   1. Static unpacking, e.g. a, b = c, d
                    #   2. Dynamic unpacking, e.g. a, b = c
                    # The former case is optimized away.
                    if isinstance(source, (gast.Tuple, gast.List)):
                        source_item = source.elts[i]
                        source_item = gast.Subscript(source,
                                                      (target_item, ))
            elif isinstance(target, (gast.Name, gast.Attribute)):
                target_symbol = anno.getanno(target, anno.Basic.QN)
                self.scope.setval(target_symbol, source)
                raise ValueError('assignment target has unknown type: %s' %
Esempio n. 30
def is_whitelisted_for_graph(o):
    """Check whether an entity is whitelisted for use in graph mode.

  Examples of whitelisted entities include all members of the tensorflow

    o: A Python entity.
    # TODO(b/120224672): Fix this.
    if isinstance(o, functools.partial):
        # tf_inspect.getmodule(functools.partial(...)) otherwise returns None since
        # functools.partial objects do not have a __module__ attribute.
        m = functools
        m = tf_inspect.getmodule(o)
    for prefix, in config.DEFAULT_UNCOMPILED_MODULES:
        if m.__name__.startswith(prefix):
            return True

    if hasattr(o, 'autograph_info__'):
        return True

    if inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(o):
        # Due to the way they're constructed, namedtuple types cannot be converted
        # because they don't expose source code. But we assume they are safe for
        # graph mode since they are just containers.
        if tf_inspect.isclass(o) and len(o.__bases__) > 1:
                'Entity {} looks like a namedtuple subclass. If it has any custom'
                ' methods, they will not be converted by AutoGraph.'.format(o),
        return True

    return False
Esempio n. 31
def has_deprecation_decorator(symbol):
  """Checks if given object has a deprecation decorator.

  We check if deprecation decorator is in decorators as well as
  whether symbol is a class whose __init__ method has a deprecation
    symbol: Python object.

    True if symbol has deprecation decorator.
  decorators, symbol = tf_decorator.unwrap(symbol)
  if contains_deprecation_decorator(decorators):
    return True
  if tf_inspect.isfunction(symbol):
    return False
  if not tf_inspect.isclass(symbol):
    return False
  if not hasattr(symbol, '__init__'):
    return False
  init_decorators, _ = tf_decorator.unwrap(symbol.__init__)
  return contains_deprecation_decorator(init_decorators)
Esempio n. 32
def has_deprecation_decorator(symbol):
    """Checks if given object has a deprecation decorator.

  We check if deprecation decorator is in decorators as well as
  whether symbol is a class whose __init__ method has a deprecation
    symbol: Python object.

    True if symbol has deprecation decorator.
    decorators, symbol = tf_decorator.unwrap(symbol)
    if contains_deprecation_decorator(decorators):
        return True
    if tf_inspect.isfunction(symbol):
        return False
    if not tf_inspect.isclass(symbol):
        return False
    if not hasattr(symbol, '__init__'):
        return False
    init_decorators, _ = tf_decorator.unwrap(symbol.__init__)
    return contains_deprecation_decorator(init_decorators)
Esempio n. 33
def has_deprecation_decorator(symbol, decorators):
    """Checks if given object has a deprecation decorator.

  We check if deprecation decorator is in decorators as well as
  whether symbol is a class whose __init__ method has a deprecation
    symbol: Unwrapped (i.e. without decorators) Python object.
    decorators: Decorators originally wrapped around symbol.

    True if symbol has deprecation decorator.
    if contains_deprecation_decorator(decorators):
        return True
    if tf_inspect.isfunction(symbol):
        return False
    if not tf_inspect.isclass(symbol):
        return False
    if not hasattr(symbol, '__init__'):
        return False
    init_decorators, _ = tf_decorator.unwrap(symbol.__init__)
    return contains_deprecation_decorator(init_decorators)
Esempio n. 34
    def _process_variable_assignment(self, source, targets):
        if isinstance(source, gast.Call):
            func = source.func
            if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
                func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
                if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
                    anno.setanno(source, 'is_constructor', True)
                    anno.setanno(source, 'type', func_obj)
                    anno.setanno(source, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
                    # TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
                    # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
                    # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

        for t in targets:
            if isinstance(t, gast.Tuple):
                # need to recurse on the case of assigning nested tuples,
                # ex. a, (b, c) = f()
                self._process_tuple_assignment(source, t)
            elif isinstance(t, (gast.Name, gast.Attribute)):
                self.scope.setval(anno.getanno(t, anno.Basic.QN), source)
                raise ValueError('Dont know how to handle assignment to %s' %
Esempio n. 35
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   """Wrapper that calls the compiled version of the wrapped function."""
   partial_types = ()
   arg_values = {}
   arg_names = tf_inspect.getargspec(f)[0]
   for name, arg in zip(arg_names, args):
     arg_values[name] = arg
     arg_class = arg.__class__
     # If arg_value_hints specifies any name, use that instead.
     if name not in arg_types:
       arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)
     if name == 'self' and tf_inspect.isclass(arg_class):
       # Annotated methods need to specify that their owner type is partial,
       # otherwise other members they call will not be converted.
       partial_types = (arg_class,)
   wrapped = to_graph(
   return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 36
def is_whitelisted_for_graph(o):
  """Check whether an entity is whitelisted for use in graph mode.

  Examples of whitelisted entities include all members of the tensorflow

    o: A Python entity.
  # TODO(b/120224672): Fix this.
  if isinstance(o, functools.partial):
    # tf_inspect.getmodule(functools.partial(...)) otherwise returns None since
    # functools.partial objects do not have a __module__ attribute.
    m = functools
    m = tf_inspect.getmodule(o)
  for prefix, in config.DEFAULT_UNCOMPILED_MODULES:
    if m.__name__.startswith(prefix):
      return True

  if hasattr(o, 'autograph_info__'):
    return True

  if inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(o):
    # Due to the way they're constructed, namedtuple types cannot be converted
    # because they don't expose source code. But we assume they are safe for
    # graph mode since they are just containers.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(o) and len(o.__bases__) > 1:
          'Entity {} looks like a namedtuple subclass. If it has any custom'
          ' methods, they will not be converted by AutoGraph.'.format(o), 1)
    return True

  return False
Esempio n. 37
  def visit_Assign(self, node):
    if isinstance(node.value, gast.Call):
      target = node.value.func
      if anno.hasanno(target, 'live_val'):
        target_obj = anno.getanno(target, 'live_val')
        if tf_inspect.isclass(target_obj):
          # This is then a constructor.
          anno.setanno(node.value, 'type', target_obj)
          anno.setanno(node.value, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(target, 'fqn'))
          # TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
          # We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
          # We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.

    for n in node.targets:
      if isinstance(n, gast.Tuple):
        for i, e in enumerate(n.elts):
                                node.value, gast.Index(i), ctx=gast.Store()))
        self.scope.setval(, node.value)

    return node
Esempio n. 38
def entity_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values, arg_types):
    """Compile a Python entity into equivalent TensorFlow.

  The function will also recursively compile all the entities that `o`
  references, updating `dependency_cache`.

  This function is reentrant, and relies on dependency_cache to avoid
  generating duplicate code.

    o: A Python entity.
    program_ctx: A ProgramContext object.
    arg_values: A dict containing value hints for symbols like function
    arg_types: A dict containing type hints for symbols like function

    A tuple (ast, new_name, namespace):
        * ast: An AST representing an entity with interface equivalent to `o`,
            but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
        * new_name: The symbol name under which the new entity can be found.
        * namespace: A dict mapping all symbols visible to the converted entity,
            keyed by their symbol name.

    ValueError: if the entity type is not supported.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
        node, name, ns = class_to_graph(o, program_ctx)
    elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
        # TODO(mdan): This is not a reliable mechanism.
        # The most reliable way is to check the source code, the AST will contain
        # a Lambda node instead of a FunctionDef
        if o.__name__ == '<lambda>':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'lambda functions are not yet supported; declare the function'
                ' using def instead: %s' % o)
            node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values,
    elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
        node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values,
        raise ValueError(
            'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
            'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))

    program_ctx.add_to_cache(o, node)
    if program_ctx.recursive:
        while True:
            candidate = None
            for obj in program_ctx.name_map.keys():
                if obj not in program_ctx.dependency_cache:
                    candidate = obj
            if candidate is None:
            if (hasattr(candidate, 'im_class') and getattr(
                    candidate, 'im_class') not in program_ctx.partial_types):
                # Class members are converted with their objects, unless they're
                # only converted partially.
            entity_to_graph(candidate, program_ctx, {}, {})

    return node, name, ns
Esempio n. 39
def converted_call(f, owner, options, *args, **kwargs):
    """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
    logging.vlog(logging.DEBUG, 'Converted call: %s; owner: %s', f, owner)

    if owner is not None:
        if not isinstance(f, str):
            raise ValueError(
                'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
                ' a string: {}'.format(f))

        # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
        # dynamic attributes won't work. See
        # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
        if isinstance(owner, super):
            owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

        f = getattr(owner, f)

    if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
        return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)

    # TODO(mdan): This needs cleanup.
    # In particular, we may want to avoid renaming functions altogether.
    if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):

        # Args typically include `self`, as required by the conversion process.
        # When conversion is skipped, `self` is not necessary, because the
        # original bound method is being executed. This code removes it.
        if tf_inspect.ismethod(f) and args:
            f_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(f)
            if args[0] is f_class:
                args = args[1:]

        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
    # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
    # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
    # things like builtins.
    if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    # Unwrap functools.partial objects
    # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
    while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
        args = f.args + args
        new_kwargs = {}
        if f.keywords is not None:
        kwargs = new_kwargs
        f = f.func

    if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
        # Regular functions
        target_entity = f
        arg_map_target = f
        f_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(f)

        # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
        if f_class is not None:
            # If this is a method call, it may or may not include self.
            # Example when self is included:
            #   converted_call(to_graph(, foo)
            # Example when self is not included:
            #   super(...).foo(args)
            if owner is not None and (not args or args[0] is not owner):
                effective_args = (owner, ) + args
                # When the owner is not specified, use the result of
                # inspect_utils.getmethodclass.
                # TODO(b/119246461): Make sure an owner is always specified.
                if not args or args[0] is not f_class:
                    effective_args = (f_class, ) + args
                    effective_args = (f_class, ) + args[1:]
            partial_types = (f_class, )
            effective_args = args
            partial_types = ()

    elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
        # Constructors
        target_entity = f
        arg_map_target = f.__init__
        effective_args = args
        partial_types = ()

    elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
        # Callable objects
        target_entity = f.__call__
        arg_map_target = f.__call__
        effective_args = (f, ) + args
        partial_types = (f.__class__, )

        NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

    arg_values = tf_inspect.getcallargs(arg_map_target, *args, **kwargs)
    arg_types = {}
    for name, arg in arg_values.items():
        arg_class = arg.__class__
        arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)

    # When called from within a decorator, this is the only indication that
    # the function is a method - it appears that the decorator is applied
    # before the method is bound.
    if not partial_types:
        if 'self' in arg_values:
            if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['self'].__class__):
                partial_types = (arg_values['self'].__class__, )
        elif 'cls' in arg_values:
            if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['cls']):
                partial_types = (arg_values['cls'], )

    converted_f = to_graph(

    result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)

    # The converted function's closure is simply inserted into the function's
    # module __dict__. Since modules are permanently cached, that results in
    # leaking the entire closure.
    # Normally, it's not safe to delete the module because that may release said
    # closure as well. However, in the case of converted_call we are certain the
    # function will not be executed again, so the closure should no longer be
    # needed so long as the function doesn't return any executable code.
    # TODO(mdan): Attach the closure properly, using cells.
    if all(map(_is_not_callable, nest.flatten(result))):
        del sys.modules[converted_f.__module__]

    return result
Esempio n. 40
    def __call__(self, path, parent, children):
        # The path to the object.
        lib_path = 'tensorflow.%s' % path if path else 'tensorflow'
        _, parent = tf_decorator.unwrap(parent)

        # A small helper method to construct members(children) protos.
        def _AddMember(member_name, member_obj, proto):
            """Add the child object to the object being constructed."""
            _, member_obj = tf_decorator.unwrap(member_obj)
            if (_SkipMember(parent, member_name) or isinstance(
                    member_obj, deprecation.HiddenTfApiAttribute)):
            if member_name == '__init__' or not member_name.startswith('_'):
                if tf_inspect.isroutine(member_obj):
                    new_method = proto.member_method.add()
           = member_name
                    # If member_obj is a python builtin, there is no way to get its
                    # argspec, because it is implemented on the C side. It also has no
                    # func_code.
                    if hasattr(member_obj, '__code__'):
                        new_method.argspec = _SanitizedArgSpec(member_obj)
                    new_member = proto.member.add()
           = member_name
                    if tf_inspect.ismodule(member_obj):
                        new_member.mtype = "<type \'module\'>"
                        new_member.mtype = _NormalizeType(str(

        parent_corner_cases = _CORNER_CASES.get(path, {})

        if path not in _CORNER_CASES or parent_corner_cases:
            # Decide if we have a module or a class.
            if tf_inspect.ismodule(parent):
                # Create a module object.
                module_obj = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIModule()
                for name, child in children:
                    if name in parent_corner_cases:
                        # If we have an empty entry, skip this object.
                        if parent_corner_cases[name]:
                        _AddMember(name, child, module_obj)

                # Store the constructed module object.
                self._protos[lib_path] = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIObject(
                    path=lib_path, tf_module=module_obj)
            elif _IsProtoClass(parent):
                proto_obj = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIProto()

                # Store the constructed proto object.
                self._protos[lib_path] = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIObject(
                    path=lib_path, tf_proto=proto_obj)
            elif tf_inspect.isclass(parent):
                # Construct a class.
                class_obj = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIClass()
                    _NormalizeIsInstance(i) for i in _SanitizedMRO(parent))
                for name, child in children:
                    if name in parent_corner_cases:
                        # If we have an empty entry, skip this object.
                        if parent_corner_cases[name]:
                        _AddMember(name, child, class_obj)

                # Store the constructed class object.
                self._protos[lib_path] = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIObject(
                    path=lib_path, tf_class=class_obj)
                    'Illegal call to ApiProtoDump::_py_obj_to_proto.'
                    'Object is neither a module nor a class: %s', path)
Esempio n. 41
def getmethodclass(m):
  """Resolves a function's owner, e.g. a method's class.

  Note that this returns the object that the function was retrieved from, not
  necessarily the class where it was defined.

  This function relies on Python stack frame support in the interpreter, and
  has the same limitations that inspect.currentframe.

  Limitations. This function will only work correctly if the owned class is
  visible in the caller's global or local variables.

    m: A user defined function

    The class that this function was retrieved from, or None if the function
    is not an object or class method, or the class that owns the object or
    method is not visible to m.

    ValueError: if the class could not be resolved for any unexpected reason.

  # Callable objects: return their own class.
  if (not hasattr(m, '__name__') and hasattr(m, '__class__') and
      hasattr(m, '__call__')):
    if isinstance(m.__class__, six.class_types):
      return m.__class__

  # Instance method and class methods: should be bound to a non-null "self".
  # If self is a class, then it's a class method.
  if hasattr(m, '__self__'):
    if m.__self__:
      if tf_inspect.isclass(m.__self__):
        return m.__self__
      return type(m.__self__)

  # Class, static and unbound methods: search all defined classes in any
  # namespace. This is inefficient but more robust method.
  owners = []
  caller_frame = tf_inspect.currentframe().f_back
    # TODO(mdan): This doesn't consider cell variables.
    # TODO(mdan): This won't work if the owner is hidden inside a container.
    # Cell variables may be pulled using co_freevars and the closure.
    for v in itertools.chain(caller_frame.f_locals.values(),
      if hasattr(v, m.__name__):
        candidate = getattr(v, m.__name__)
        # Py2 methods may be bound or unbound, extract im_func to get the
        # underlying function.
        if hasattr(candidate, 'im_func'):
          candidate = candidate.im_func
        if hasattr(m, 'im_func'):
          m = m.im_func
        if candidate is m:
    del caller_frame

  if owners:
    if len(owners) == 1:
      return owners[0]

    # If multiple owners are found, and are not subclasses, raise an error.
    owner_types = tuple(o if tf_inspect.isclass(o) else type(o) for o in owners)
    for o in owner_types:
      if tf_inspect.isclass(o) and issubclass(o, tuple(owner_types)):
        return o
    raise ValueError('Found too many owners of %s: %s' % (m, owners))

  return None
Esempio n. 42
    def SmartSet(self, obj, attr_name, new_attr):
        """Replace obj.attr_name with new_attr.

    This method is smart and works at the module, class, and instance level
    while preserving proper inheritance. It will not stub out C types however
    unless that has been explicitly allowed by the type.

    This method supports the case where attr_name is a staticmethod or a
    classmethod of obj.

      - If obj is an instance, then it is its class that will actually be
        stubbed. Note that the method Set() does not do that: if obj is
        an instance, it (and not its class) will be stubbed.
      - The stubbing is using the builtin getattr and setattr. So, the __get__
        and __set__ will be called when stubbing (TODO: A better idea would
        probably be to manipulate obj.__dict__ instead of getattr() and

      obj: The object whose attributes we want to modify.
      attr_name: The name of the attribute to modify.
      new_attr: The new value for the attribute.

      AttributeError: If the attribute cannot be found.
        _, obj = tf_decorator.unwrap(obj)
        if (tf_inspect.ismodule(obj) or
            (not tf_inspect.isclass(obj) and attr_name in obj.__dict__)):
            orig_obj = obj
            orig_attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
            if not tf_inspect.isclass(obj):
                mro = list(tf_inspect.getmro(obj.__class__))
                mro = list(tf_inspect.getmro(obj))


            orig_attr = None
            found_attr = False

            for cls in mro:
                    orig_obj = cls
                    orig_attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
                    found_attr = True
                except AttributeError:

            if not found_attr:
                raise AttributeError('Attribute not found.')

        # Calling getattr() on a staticmethod transforms it to a 'normal' function.
        # We need to ensure that we put it back as a staticmethod.
        old_attribute = obj.__dict__.get(attr_name)
        if old_attribute is not None and isinstance(old_attribute,
            orig_attr = staticmethod(orig_attr)

        self.stubs.append((orig_obj, attr_name, orig_attr))
        setattr(orig_obj, attr_name, new_attr)
Esempio n. 43
def converted_call(f, recursive, verbose, arg_types, *args, **kwargs):
  """Compiles a function call inline."""
  # TODO(mdan): This needs cleanup.
  # In particular, we may want to avoid renaming functions altogether.

  if conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  unknown_arg_value = object()  # Sentinel for arguments of unknown value

  if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
    return builtins.dynamic_builtin(f, *args, **kwargs)

  if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
    # Regular functions
    target_entity = f
    arg_map_target = f
    effective_args = args
    f_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(f)

    if f_class is not None:
      partial_types = (f_class,)
      partial_types = ()

  elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
    # Constructors
    target_entity = f
    arg_map_target = f.__init__
    effective_args = args
    partial_types = ()

  elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
    # Callable objects
    target_entity = f.__call__
    arg_map_target = f.__call__
    effective_args = (f,) + args
    partial_types = (f.__class__,)

    NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

  arg_values = tf_inspect.getcallargs(arg_map_target, *args, **kwargs)
  for name, arg in arg_values.items():
    if arg is unknown_arg_value:
    arg_class = arg.__class__
    # If arg_value_hints specifies any name, use that instead.
    if name not in arg_types:
      arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)

  # When called from within a decorator, this is the only indication that
  # the function is a method - it appears that the decorator is applied
  # before the method is bound.
  if not partial_types:
    if 'self' in arg_values:
      if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['self'].__class__):
        partial_types = (arg_values['self'].__class__,)
    elif 'cls' in arg_values:
      if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['cls']):
        partial_types = (arg_values['cls'],)

  converted_f = to_graph(
  return converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 44
def write_docs(output_dir,
    """Write previously extracted docs to disk.

  Write a docs page for each symbol included in the indices of parser_config to
  a tree of docs at `output_dir`.

  Symbols with multiple aliases will have only one page written about
  them, which is referenced for all aliases.

    output_dir: Directory to write documentation markdown files to. Will be
      created if it doesn't exist.
    parser_config: A `parser.ParserConfig` object, containing all the necessary
    yaml_toc: Set to `True` to generate a "_toc.yaml" file.
    root_title: The title name for the root level
    search_hints: (bool) include meta-data search hints at the top of each
      output file.
    site_api_path: Used to write the api-duplicates _redirects.yaml file. if
      None (the default) the file is not generated.

    ValueError: if `output_dir` is not an absolute path
    # Make output_dir.
    if not os.path.isabs(output_dir):
        raise ValueError("'output_dir' must be an absolute path.\n"
                         "    output_dir='%s'" % output_dir)

    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    # These dictionaries are used for table-of-contents generation below
    # They will contain, after the for-loop below::
    #  - module name(string):classes and functions the module contains(list)
    module_children = {}
    #  - symbol name(string):pathname (string)
    symbol_to_file = {}

    # Collect redirects for an api _redirects.yaml file.
    redirects = ['redirects:\n']

    # Parse and write Markdown pages, resolving cross-links (@{symbol}).
    for full_name, py_object in six.iteritems(parser_config.index):
        parser_config.reference_resolver.current_doc_full_name = full_name

        if full_name in parser_config.duplicate_of:

        # Methods and some routines are documented only as part of their class.
        if not (tf_inspect.ismodule(py_object)
                or tf_inspect.isclass(py_object) or _is_free_function(
                    py_object, full_name, parser_config.index)):

        sitepath = os.path.join('api_docs/python',

        # For TOC, we need to store a mapping from full_name to the file
        # we're generating
        symbol_to_file[full_name] = sitepath

        # For a module, remember the module for the table-of-contents
        if tf_inspect.ismodule(py_object):
            if full_name in parser_config.tree:
                module_children.setdefault(full_name, [])

        # For something else that's documented,
        # figure out what module it lives in
            subname = str(full_name)
            while True:
                subname = subname[:subname.rindex('.')]
                if tf_inspect.ismodule(parser_config.index[subname]):
                    module_children.setdefault(subname, []).append(full_name)

        # Generate docs for `py_object`, resolving references.
        page_info = parser.docs_for_object(full_name, py_object, parser_config)

        path = os.path.join(output_dir, parser.documentation_path(full_name))
        directory = os.path.dirname(path)
            if not os.path.exists(directory):
            # This function returns raw bytes in PY2 or unicode in PY3.
            if search_hints:
                content = [page_info.get_metadata_html()]
                content = ['']

            text = '\n'.join(content)
            if six.PY3:
                text = text.encode('utf-8')
            with open(path, 'wb') as f:
        except OSError:
            raise OSError('Cannot write documentation for %s to %s' %
                          (full_name, directory))

        if site_api_path:
            duplicates = parser_config.duplicates.get(full_name, [])
            if not duplicates:

            duplicates = [item for item in duplicates if item != full_name]
            template = ('- from: /{}\n' '  to: /{}\n')
            for dup in duplicates:
                from_path = os.path.join(site_api_path, dup.replace('.', '/'))
                to_path = os.path.join(site_api_path,
                                       full_name.replace('.', '/'))
                redirects.append(template.format(from_path, to_path))

    if site_api_path:
        api_redirects_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '_redirects.yaml')
        with open(api_redirects_path, 'w') as redirect_file:

    if yaml_toc:
        # Generate table of contents

        # Put modules in alphabetical order, case-insensitive
        modules = sorted(module_children.keys(), key=lambda a: a.upper())

        leftnav_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '_toc.yaml')
        with open(leftnav_path, 'w') as f:

            # Generate header
                '# Automatically generated file; please do not edit\ntoc:\n')
            for module in modules:
                indent_num = module.count('.')
                # Don't list `tf.submodule` inside `tf`
                indent_num = max(indent_num, 1)
                indent = '  ' * indent_num

                if indent_num > 1:
                    # tf.contrib.baysflow.entropy will be under
                    #   tf.contrib->baysflow->entropy
                    title = module.split('.')[-1]
                    title = module

                header = [
                    '- title: ' + title, '  section:', '  - title: Overview',
                    '    path: /TARGET_DOC_ROOT/VERSION/' +
                header = ''.join([indent + line + '\n' for line in header])

                symbols_in_module = module_children.get(module, [])
                # Sort case-insensitive, if equal sort case sensitive (upper first)
                symbols_in_module.sort(key=lambda a: (a.upper(), a))

                for full_name in symbols_in_module:
                    item = [
                        '  - title: ' + full_name[len(module) + 1:],
                        '    path: /TARGET_DOC_ROOT/VERSION/' +
                    item = ''.join([indent + line + '\n' for line in item])

    # Write a global index containing all full names with links.
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, ''), 'w') as f:
            parser.generate_global_index(root_title, parser_config.index,
Esempio n. 45
def converted_call(f, owner, options, args, kwargs):
    """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
    if owner is not None:
        if not isinstance(f, str):
            raise ValueError(
                'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
                ' a string: {}'.format(f))
        owner_attr = f

        # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
        # dynamic attributes won't work. See
        # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
        if isinstance(owner, super):
            owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

        f = getattr(owner, f)

    if logging.has_verbosity(1):
        if owner is not None:
            composite_desc = '("{}" attr of {})'.format(owner_attr, owner)
            composite_desc = ''

        logging.log(1, 'Converted call: %s %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n',
                    f, composite_desc, args, kwargs)

    if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
        if kwargs:
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args)

    # TODO(mdan): Clean up the naming inconsistency.
    if hasattr(f, 'autograph_info__') or hasattr(f, '__ag_compiled'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: already converted', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
    if (_is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper')
            or _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
            'Entity {} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
            ' by AutoGraph. The function will be called without transformation.'
            ' You may however apply AutoGraph before the decorator.'.format(f))
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    if _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'functools', '_lru_cache_wrapper'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: lru_cache', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
    # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
    if any(f in m.__dict__.values()
           for m in (collections, pdb, copy, inspect, re)):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module',
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Custom ops and kernels are also permanently whitelisted.
    # See tensorflow.framework.load_library.
    if (hasattr(f, '__module__')
            and hasattr(f.__module__, '_IS_TENSORFLOW_PLUGIN')):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: TensorFlow plugin', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
    # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
    # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
    # things like builtins.
    if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
    try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

        # Unwrap functools.partial objects
        # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
        while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
            args = f.args + args
            new_kwargs = {}
            if f.keywords is not None:
            if kwargs is not None:
            kwargs = new_kwargs
            f = f.func

        if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
            # Regular functions
            target_entity = f
            f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

            # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
            if f_self is not None:
                effective_args = (f_self, ) + args
                effective_args = args

        elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
            # Constructors
            # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
            # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
            # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
            target_entity = f
            effective_args = args

        elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
            # Callable objects
            target_entity = f.__call__
            effective_args = (f, ) + args

            target_entity = f
            raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

        if not tf_inspect.isclass(target_entity):
            if not hasattr(target_entity, '__code__'):
                logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: native binding',
                return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)
            elif (hasattr(target_entity.__code__, 'co_filename')
                  and target_entity.__code__.co_filename == '<string>'):
                # TODO(mdan): __globals__['txt'] might work in Py3.
                    2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: dynamic code (exec?)',
                return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

        converted_f = to_graph(

        if logging.has_verbosity(2):
            logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
            if six.PY3:
                logging.log(2, 'KW defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,

            if kwargs is not None:
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args,
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args)

            formatted_callargs = '\n'.join('    {}: {}'.format(k, v)
                                           for k, v in callargs.items())
            logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f,

    except Exception as e:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
                    'Error transforming entity %s',
        if is_autograph_strict_conversion_mode():
            'Entity %s could not be transformed and will be executed as-is.'
            ' Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set'
            ' the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and'
            ' attach the full output. Cause: %s', target_entity, e)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    with StackTraceMapper(converted_f), tf_stack.CurrentModuleFilter():
            if kwargs is not None:
                result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
                result = converted_f(*effective_args)
        except Exception as e:
            _attach_metadata(e, converted_f, True)

    return result
Esempio n. 46
def is_whitelisted_for_graph(o):
    """Check whether an entity is whitelisted for use in graph mode.

  Examples of whitelisted entities include all members of the tensorflow

    o: A Python entity.
    # TODO(b/120224672): Fix this.
    if isinstance(o, functools.partial):
        # tf_inspect.getmodule(functools.partial(...)) otherwise returns None since
        # functools.partial objects do not have a __module__ attribute.
        m = functools
        m = tf_inspect.getmodule(o)
    if not hasattr(m, '__name__'):
        # Note: typically it's builtins that fall in this category. Builtins will
        # be handled by specific code that follows this screening layer.
        logging.log(2, '%s is NOT whitelisted: unknown module name', o)
        return False

    for prefix, in config.DEFAULT_UNCOMPILED_MODULES:
        if m.__name__.startswith(prefix):
            logging.log(2, '%s is whitelisted: name starts with "%s"', o,
            return True

    if hasattr(o, 'autograph_info__') or hasattr(o, '__ag_compiled'):
        logging.log(2, '%s is whitelisted: already converted', o)
        return True

    if (not inspect_utils.isweakrefself(o) and not tf_inspect.isclass(o)
            and hasattr(o, '__call__') and hasattr(o, '__class__')):
        # Callable objects: whitelisted if their __call__ method is.
        call_whitelisted = is_whitelisted_for_graph(o.__call__)
        if call_whitelisted:
            logging.log(2, '%s is whitelisted: object __call__ whitelisted', o)
            return call_whitelisted

    if tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
        # Methods of whitelisted classes are also whitelisted, even if they are
        # bound via user subclasses.
        # For example, suppose `tf.Foo` has a method called `bar`, and `baz` is
        # defined as below. `tf.Foo` is whitelisted. Then `` is also
        # whitelisted.
        #   class Custom(tf.Foo):
        #     pass
        #   baz = Custom()
        # For the example above, if `Custom` did overload `bar`, then it would no
        # longer be whitelisted.

        owner_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(o)
        if owner_class is not None:
            owner_class = inspect_utils.getdefiningclass(o, owner_class)
            if is_whitelisted_for_graph(owner_class):
                logging.log(2, '%s is whitelisted: owner is whitelisted %s', o,
                return True

    if inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(o):
        # Due to the way they're constructed, namedtuple types cannot be converted
        # because they don't expose source code. But we assume they are safe for
        # graph mode since they are just containers.
        if tf_inspect.isclass(o) and len(o.__bases__) > 1:
                'Entity {} looks like a namedtuple subclass. If it has any custom'
                ' methods, they will not be converted by AutoGraph.'.format(o),
        logging.log(2, '%s is whitelisted: named tuple', o)
        return True

    logging.log(2, '%s is NOT whitelisted', o)
    return False
Esempio n. 47
def deprecated_alias(deprecated_name, name, func_or_class, warn_once=True):
    """Deprecate a symbol in favor of a new name with identical semantics.

  This function is meant to be used when defining a backwards-compatibility
  alias for a symbol which has been moved. For example:
  class NewNameForClass: pass
  import module1

  DeprecatedNameForClass = deprecated_alias(

  This function works for classes and functions.

  For classes, it creates a new class which is functionally identical (it
  inherits from the original, and overrides its constructor), but which prints
  a deprecation warning when an instance is created. It also adds a deprecation
  notice to the class' docstring.

  For functions, it returns a function wrapped by `tf_decorator.make_decorator`.
  That function prints a warning when used, and has a deprecation notice in its
  docstring. This is more or less equivalent (the deprecation warning has
  slightly different text) to writing:

  def deprecated_alias(original_args):

    deprecated_name: The name of the symbol that is being deprecated, to be used
      in the warning message. This should be its fully qualified name to avoid
    name: The name of the symbol that is to be used instead of the deprecated
      name. This should be a fully qualified name to avoid confusion.
    func_or_class: The (non-deprecated) class or function for which a deprecated
      alias should be created.
    warn_once: If True (the default), only print a deprecation warning the first
      time this function is used, or the class is instantiated.

    A wrapped version of `func_or_class` which prints a deprecation warning on
    use and has a modified docstring.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(func_or_class):

        # Make a new class with __init__ wrapped in a warning.
        class _NewClass(func_or_class):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
            __doc__ = decorator_utils.add_notice_to_docstring(
                func_or_class.__doc__, 'Please use %s instead.' % name,
                'DEPRECATED CLASS', '(deprecated)', [
                    'THIS CLASS IS DEPRECATED. '
                    'It will be removed in a future version. '
            __name__ = func_or_class.__name__
            __module__ = _call_location(outer=True)

            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                if hasattr(_NewClass.__init__, '__func__'):
                    # Python 2
                    _NewClass.__init__.__func__.__doc__ = func_or_class.__init__.__doc__
                    # Python 3
                    _NewClass.__init__.__doc__ = func_or_class.__init__.__doc__

                    # We're making the alias as we speak. The original may have other
                    # aliases, so we cannot use it to check for whether it's already been
                    # warned about.
                    if _NewClass.__init__ not in _PRINTED_WARNING:
                        if warn_once:
                            _PRINTED_WARNING[_NewClass.__init__] = True
                            'From %s: The name %s is deprecated. Please use %s instead.\n',
                            _call_location(), deprecated_name, name)
                super(_NewClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        return _NewClass
        decorator_utils.validate_callable(func_or_class, 'deprecated')

        # Make a wrapper for the original
        def new_func(*args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
                # We're making the alias as we speak. The original may have other
                # aliases, so we cannot use it to check for whether it's already been
                # warned about.
                if new_func not in _PRINTED_WARNING:
                    if warn_once:
                        _PRINTED_WARNING[new_func] = True
                        'From %s: The name %s is deprecated. Please use %s instead.\n',
                        _call_location(), deprecated_name, name)
            return func_or_class(*args, **kwargs)

        return tf_decorator.make_decorator(
            func_or_class, new_func, 'deprecated',
                func_or_class.__doc__, None, 'Please use %s instead.' % name))
Esempio n. 48
def converted_call(f, owner, options, args, kwargs):
    """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
        1, 'Converted call: %s; owner: %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n', f,
        owner, args, kwargs)

    if owner is not None:
        if not isinstance(f, str):
            raise ValueError(
                'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
                ' a string: {}'.format(f))

        # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
        # dynamic attributes won't work. See
        # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
        if isinstance(owner, super):
            owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

        f = getattr(owner, f)

    if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
        if kwargs:
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args)

    if _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'weakref', 'ref'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: weakref', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
    if (_is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper')
            or _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
            'Entity {} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
            ' by AutoGraph. The function will be called without transformation.'
            ' You may however apply AutoGraph before the decorator.'.format(f))
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
    # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
    # Note: TF linter disallows importing inspect.
    if any(f in m.__dict__.values()
           for m in (collections, pdb, copy, tf_inspect._inspect)):  # pylint:disable=protected-access
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module',
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
    # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
    # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
    # things like builtins.
    if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
    try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

        # Unwrap functools.partial objects
        # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
        while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
            args = f.args + args
            new_kwargs = {}
            if f.keywords is not None:
            if kwargs is not None:
            kwargs = new_kwargs
            f = f.func

        if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
            # Regular functions
            target_entity = f
            f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

            # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
            if f_self is not None:
                effective_args = (f_self, ) + args
                effective_args = args

        elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
            # Constructors
            # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
            # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
            # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
            target_entity = f
            effective_args = args

        elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
            # Callable objects
            target_entity = f.__call__
            effective_args = (f, ) + args

            target_entity = f
            raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

        converted_f = to_graph(

        if logging.has_verbosity(2):
            logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
            if kwargs is not None:
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args,
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args)
            formatted_callargs = '\n'.join('    {}: {}'.format(k, v)
                                           for k, v in callargs.items())
            logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f,

    # TODO(mdan): Reduce this list.
    except (errors.AutoGraphError, AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError,
            KeyError, NameError, NotImplementedError, SyntaxError, TypeError,
            ValueError, IOError) as e:

                    'Error transforming entity %s',

        if is_autograph_strict_conversion_mode():

            'Entity %s could not be transformed and will be executed as-is.'
            ' Some features (e.g. tensor-dependent conditionals and loops) may not'
            ' work as expected.'
            ' Error details can be found in the logs when running with the env'
            ' variable AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY >= 1. Please report this to the'
            ' AutoGraph team. Cause: %s', target_entity, e)

        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    if kwargs is not None:
        result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
        result = converted_f(*effective_args)

    return result
Esempio n. 49
def make_variable(name,
                  partitioner=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    """Temporary util to create a variable (relies on `variable_scope.variable`).

  Some reuse-related technicalities prevent us from using
  `variable_scope.get_variable()` directly, so we use a subcomponent
  that has fewer constraints (`variable_scope.variable()`).

  In the longer term, it seems like a similar "default variable creator" method
  should exist in `Trackable` instead. When this happens, we can get
  rid of this temporary solution.

  TODO(fchollet): remove this method when no longer needed.

    name: Variable name.
    shape: Variable shape.
    dtype: The type of the variable. Defaults to `self.dtype` or `float32`.
    initializer: Initializer instance (callable).
    trainable: Whether the variable should be part of the layer's
      "trainable_variables" (e.g. variables, biases)
      or "non_trainable_variables" (e.g. BatchNorm mean, stddev).
      Note, if the current variable scope is marked as non-trainable
      then this parameter is ignored and any added variables are also
      marked as non-trainable. `trainable` defaults to `True` unless
      `synchronization` is set to `ON_READ`.
    caching_device: Passed to `tf.Variable`.
    validate_shape: Passed to `tf.Variable`.
    constraint: Constraint instance (callable).
    use_resource: Whether to use a `ResourceVariable`.
    collections: List of graph collections keys. The new variable is added to
      these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]`.
    synchronization: Indicates when a distributed a variable will be
      aggregated. Accepted values are constants defined in the class
      `tf.VariableSynchronization`. By default the synchronization is set to
      `AUTO` and the current `DistributionStrategy` chooses
      when to synchronize. If `synchronization` is set to `ON_READ`,
      `trainable` must not be set to `True`.
    aggregation: Indicates how a distributed variable will be aggregated.
      Accepted values are constants defined in the class
    partitioner: Not handled at this time.

    Variable instance.
    initializing_from_value = False
    if initializer is not None and not callable(initializer):
        initializing_from_value = True

    if initializing_from_value:
        init_val = initializer
        variable_dtype = None
        # Instantiate initializer if provided initializer is a type object.
        if tf_inspect.isclass(initializer):
            initializer = initializer()
        init_val = functools.partial(initializer, shape, dtype=dtype)
        variable_dtype = dtype.base_dtype
    if use_resource is None:
        use_resource = True

    # TODO(apassos,rohanj) figure out how to remove collections from here so we
    # can remove the V1.
    variable_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(shape)
    return tf_variables.VariableV1(
        shape=variable_shape if variable_shape else None)
Esempio n. 50
def populate_deserializable_objects():
    """Populates dict ALL_OBJECTS with every built-in layer.
    global LOCAL
    if not hasattr(LOCAL, 'ALL_OBJECTS'):
        LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS = {}

    if LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS and LOCAL.GENERATED_WITH_V2 == tf2.enabled():
        # Objects dict is already generated for the proper TF version:
        # do nothing.

    LOCAL.GENERATED_WITH_V2 = tf2.enabled()

    base_cls = base_layer.Layer
        obj_filter=lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, base_cls))

    # Overwrite certain V1 objects with V2 versions
    if tf2.enabled():
            obj_filter=lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(
                x, base_cls))

    # These deserialization aliases are added for backward compatibility,
    # as in TF 1.13, "BatchNormalizationV1" and "BatchNormalizationV2"
    # were used as class name for v1 and v2 version of BatchNormalization,
    # respectively. Here we explicitly convert them to their canonical names.
        'BatchNormalizationV1'] = normalization.BatchNormalization
        'BatchNormalizationV2'] = normalization_v2.BatchNormalization

    # Prevent circular dependencies.
    from tensorflow.python.keras import models  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
    from tensorflow.python.keras.premade.linear import LinearModel  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
    from tensorflow.python.keras.premade.wide_deep import WideDeepModel  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
    from tensorflow.python.keras.feature_column.sequence_feature_column import SequenceFeatures  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top

    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['Input'] = input_layer.Input
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['InputSpec'] = input_spec.InputSpec
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['Network'] = models.Network
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['Model'] = models.Model
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['SequenceFeatures'] = SequenceFeatures
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['Sequential'] = models.Sequential
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['LinearModel'] = LinearModel
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['WideDeepModel'] = WideDeepModel

    if tf2.enabled():

    # Merge layers, function versions.
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['add'] = merge.add
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['subtract'] = merge.subtract
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['multiply'] = merge.multiply
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['average'] = merge.average
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['maximum'] = merge.maximum
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['minimum'] = merge.minimum
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['concatenate'] = merge.concatenate
    LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['dot'] =
Esempio n. 51
def is_whitelisted_for_graph(o, check_call_override=True):
    """Checks whether an entity is whitelisted for use in graph mode.

  Examples of whitelisted entities include all members of the tensorflow

    o: A Python entity.
    check_call_override: Reserved for internal use. When set to `False`, it
      disables the rule according to which classes are whitelisted if their
      __call__ method is whitelisted.

    # TODO(b/120224672): Fix this.
    if isinstance(o, functools.partial):
        # tf_inspect.getmodule(functools.partial(...)) otherwise returns None since
        # functools.partial objects do not have a __module__ attribute.
        m = functools
        m = tf_inspect.getmodule(o)

    if hasattr(m, '__name__'):
        # Builtins typically have unnamed modules.
        for prefix, in config.DEFAULT_UNCOMPILED_MODULES:
            if m.__name__.startswith(prefix + '.') or m.__name__ == prefix:
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: name starts with "%s"', o,
                return True

    if hasattr(o, 'autograph_info__') or hasattr(o, '__ag_compiled'):
        logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: already converted', o)
        return True

    if tf_inspect.isgeneratorfunction(o):
            'Entity {} appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted'
            ' by AutoGraph.'.format(o), 1)
                    'Whitelisted: %s: generator functions are not converted',
        return True

    if check_call_override and hasattr(o, '__call__'):
        # Callable objects: whitelisted if their __call__ method is.
        # The type check avoids infinite recursion around the __call__ method
        # of function objects.
        if (type(o) != type(o.__call__)) and is_whitelisted_for_graph(
                o.__call__):  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
            logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: object __call__ whitelisted', o)
            return True

    owner_class = None
    if tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
        # Methods of whitelisted classes are also whitelisted, even if they are
        # bound via user subclasses.
        # For example, suppose `tf.Foo` has a method called `bar`, and `baz` is
        # defined as below. `tf.Foo` is whitelisted. Then `` is also
        # whitelisted.
        #   class Custom(tf.Foo):
        #     pass
        #   baz = Custom()
        # For the example above, if `Custom` did overload `bar`, then it would no
        # longer be whitelisted.

        owner_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(o)
        if owner_class is not None:
            if issubclass(owner_class, unittest.TestCase):
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: method of TestCase subclass',
                return True

            owner_class = inspect_utils.getdefiningclass(o, owner_class)
            is_call_override = (o.__name__ == '__call__')
            if is_whitelisted_for_graph(
                    owner_class, check_call_override=not is_call_override):
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: owner is whitelisted %s', o,
                return True

    if inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(o):
        # Due to the way they're constructed, namedtuple types cannot be converted
        # because they don't expose source code. But we assume they are safe for
        # graph mode since they are just containers.
        if tf_inspect.isclass(o) and len(o.__bases__) > 1:
                'Entity {} looks like a namedtuple subclass. Its constructor will'
                ' not be converted by AutoGraph, but if it has any custom methods,'
                ' those will be.'.format(o), 1)
        logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: named tuple', o)
        return True

    logging.log(2, 'Not whitelisted: %s: default rule', o)
    return False
Esempio n. 52
def converted_call(f, owner, options, *args, **kwargs):
  """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
  if owner is not None:
    if not isinstance(f, str):
      raise ValueError(
          'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
          ' a string: {}'.format(f))

    # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
    # dynamic attributes won't work. See
    # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
    if isinstance(owner, super):
      owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

    f = getattr(owner, f)

  # TODO(mdan): This needs cleanup.
  # In particular, we may want to avoid renaming functions altogether.
  if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  unknown_arg_value = object()  # Sentinel for arguments of unknown value

  if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
    return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)

  if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
    # Regular functions
    target_entity = f
    arg_map_target = f
    f_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(f)

    if f_class is not None:
      # If this is a method call, it may or may not include self.
      # Example when self is included:
      #   converted_call(to_graph(, foo)
      # Example when self is not included:
      #   super(...).foo(args)
      if owner is not None and (not args or args[0] is not owner):
        effective_args = (owner,) + args
        effective_args = args
      partial_types = (f_class,)
      effective_args = args
      partial_types = ()

  elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
    # Constructors
    target_entity = f
    arg_map_target = f.__init__
    effective_args = args
    partial_types = ()

  elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
    # Callable objects
    target_entity = f.__call__
    arg_map_target = f.__call__
    effective_args = (f,) + args
    partial_types = (f.__class__,)

    NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

  arg_values = tf_inspect.getcallargs(arg_map_target, *args, **kwargs)
  arg_types = {}
  for name, arg in arg_values.items():
    if arg is unknown_arg_value:
    arg_class = arg.__class__
    arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)

  # When called from within a decorator, this is the only indication that
  # the function is a method - it appears that the decorator is applied
  # before the method is bound.
  if not partial_types:
    if 'self' in arg_values:
      if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['self'].__class__):
        partial_types = (arg_values['self'].__class__,)
    elif 'cls' in arg_values:
      if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['cls']):
        partial_types = (arg_values['cls'],)

  converted_f = to_graph(
  return converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 53
def entity_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values, arg_types):
  """Compile a Python entity into equivalent TensorFlow.

  The function will also recursively compile all the entities that `o`
  references, updating `dependency_cache`.

  This function is reentrant, and relies on dependency_cache to avoid
  generating duplicate code.

    o: A Python entity.
    program_ctx: A ProgramContext object.
    arg_values: A dict containing value hints for symbols like function
    arg_types: A dict containing type hints for symbols like function

    A tuple (ast, new_name, namespace):
        * ast: An AST representing an entity with interface equivalent to `o`,
            but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
        * new_name: The symbol name under which the new entity can be found.
        * namespace: A dict mapping all symbols visible to the converted entity,
            keyed by their symbol name.

    ValueError: if the entity type is not supported.
  if program_ctx.options.verbose == converter.Verbosity.VERBOSE:'Converting {}'.format(o))

  if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
    node, name, ns = class_to_graph(o, program_ctx)
  elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
    node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values, arg_types)
  elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
    node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values, arg_types)
  # TODO(mdan,yashkatariya): Remove when object conversion is implemented.
  elif hasattr(o, '__class__'):
    raise NotImplementedError(
        'Object conversion is not yet supported. If you are '
        'trying to convert code that uses an existing object, '
        'try including the creation of that object in the '
        'conversion. For example, instead of converting the method '
        'of a class, try converting the entire class instead. '
        'contrib/autograph/ '
        'for more information.')
    raise ValueError(
        'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
        'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))

  # TODO(mdan): This is temporary. it should be created using a converter.
  # TODO(mdan): The attribute should be added with a helper, not directly.
  # The helper can ensure there are no collisions.
  template = '''
      entity.autograph_info__ = {}
  node.extend(templates.replace(template, entity=name))

  program_ctx.add_to_cache(o, node)

  if program_ctx.options.verbose == converter.Verbosity.VERBOSE:'Compiled output of {}:\n\n{}\n'.format(
        o, compiler.ast_to_source(node)))

  if program_ctx.options.recursive:
    while True:
      candidate = None
      for obj in program_ctx.name_map.keys():
        if obj not in program_ctx.dependency_cache:
          candidate = obj
      if candidate is None:
      if (hasattr(candidate, 'im_class') and
          getattr(candidate, 'im_class') not in program_ctx.partial_types):
        # Class members are converted with their objects, unless they're
        # only converted partially.
      entity_to_graph(candidate, program_ctx, {}, {})

  return node, name, ns
Esempio n. 54
def is_whitelisted(o,
    """Checks whether an entity is whitelisted for use in graph mode.

  Examples of whitelisted entities include all members of the tensorflow

    o: A Python entity.
    check_call_override: Reserved for internal use. When set to `False`, it
      disables the rule according to which classes are whitelisted if their
      __call__ method is whitelisted.
    allow_namedtuple_subclass: Reserved for internal use. When `True`,
      namedtuple subclasses are not whitelisted.

    # TODO(b/120224672): Fix this.
    if isinstance(o, functools.partial):
        # tf_inspect.getmodule(functools.partial(...)) otherwise returns None since
        # functools.partial objects do not have a __module__ attribute.
        m = functools
        m = tf_inspect.getmodule(o)

    # Examples of callables that lack a __module__ property include builtins.
    if hasattr(m, '__name__'):
        for rule in config.CONVERSION_RULES:
            action = rule.get_action(m)
            if action == config.Action.CONVERT:
                logging.log(2, 'Not whitelisted: %s: %s', o, rule)
                return False
            elif action == config.Action.DO_NOT_CONVERT:
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: %s', o, rule)
                return True

    if tf_inspect.isgeneratorfunction(o):
            'Entity %s appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted'
            ' by AutoGraph.', o)
                    'Whitelisted: %s: generator functions are not converted',
        return True

    if (check_call_override and not tf_inspect.isclass(o)
            and hasattr(o, '__call__')):
        # Callable objects: whitelisted if their __call__ method is.
        # The type check avoids infinite recursion around the __call__ method
        # of function objects.
        if (type(o) != type(o.__call__)) and is_whitelisted(o.__call__):  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
            logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: object __call__ whitelisted', o)
            return True

    owner_class = None
    if tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
        # Methods of whitelisted classes are also whitelisted, even if they are
        # bound via user subclasses.
        # For example, suppose `tf.Foo` has a method called `bar`, and `baz` is
        # defined as below. `tf.Foo` is whitelisted. Then `` is also
        # whitelisted.
        #   class Custom(tf.Foo):
        #     pass
        #   baz = Custom()
        # For the example above, if `Custom` did overload `bar`, then it would no
        # longer be whitelisted.

        owner_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(o)
        if owner_class is function.TfMethodTarget:
            owner_class = o.__self__.target_class
        if owner_class is not None:
            if issubclass(owner_class, unittest.TestCase):
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: method of TestCase subclass',
                return True

            owner_class = inspect_utils.getdefiningclass(o, owner_class)
            if is_whitelisted(owner_class,
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: owner is whitelisted %s', o,
                return True

    if inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(o):
        # Due to the way they're constructed, namedtuple types cannot be converted
        # because they don't expose source code. But we assume they are safe for
        # graph mode since they are just containers.
        if allow_namedtuple_subclass:
            if not any(
                    inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(base) for base in o.__bases__):
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: named tuple', o)
                return True
            logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: named tuple or subclass', o)
            return True

    logging.log(2, 'Not whitelisted: %s: default rule', o)
    return False
Esempio n. 55
def entity_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values, arg_types):
    """Compile a Python entity into equivalent TensorFlow.

  The function will also recursively compile all the entities that `o`
  references, updating `dependency_cache`.

  This function is reentrant, and relies on dependency_cache to avoid
  generating duplicate code.

    o: A Python entity.
    program_ctx: A ProgramContext object.
    arg_values: A dict containing value hints for symbols like function
    arg_types: A dict containing type hints for symbols like function

    A tuple (ast, new_name, namespace):
        * ast: An AST representing an entity with interface equivalent to `o`,
            but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
        * new_name: The symbol name under which the new entity can be found.
        * namespace: A dict mapping all symbols visible to the converted entity,
            keyed by their symbol name.

    ValueError: if the entity type is not supported.
    logging.log(1, 'Converting %s', o)

    if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
        node, name, ns = class_to_graph(o, program_ctx)
    elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
        node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values,
    elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
        node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, program_ctx, arg_values,
    # TODO(mdan,yashkatariya): Remove when object conversion is implemented.
    elif hasattr(o, '__class__'):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Object conversion is not yet supported. If you are '
            'trying to convert code that uses an existing object, '
            'try including the creation of that object in the '
            'conversion. For example, instead of converting the method '
            'of a class, try converting the entire class instead. '
            'contrib/autograph/ '
            'for more information.')
        raise ValueError(
            'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
            'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))

    # TODO(mdan): This is temporary. it should be created using a converter.
    # TODO(mdan): The attribute should be added with a helper, not directly.
    # The helper can ensure there are no collisions.
    template = '''
      entity.autograph_info__ = {}
    node.extend(templates.replace(template, entity=name))

    program_ctx.add_to_cache(o, node)

    if logging.has_verbosity(2):
        logging.log(2, 'Compiled output of %s:\n\n%s\n', o,

    if program_ctx.options.recursive:
        while True:
            candidate = None
            for obj in program_ctx.name_map.keys():
                if obj not in program_ctx.dependency_cache:
                    candidate = obj
            if candidate is None:
            if (hasattr(candidate, 'im_class') and getattr(
                    candidate, 'im_class') not in program_ctx.partial_types):
                # Class members are converted with their objects, unless they're
                # only converted partially.
            entity_to_graph(candidate, program_ctx, {}, {})

    return node, name, ns
Esempio n. 56
def converted_call(f, owner, options, args, kwargs):
  """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
              'Converted call: %s; owner: %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n',
              f, owner, args, kwargs)

  if owner is not None:
    if not isinstance(f, str):
      raise ValueError(
          'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
          ' a string: {}'.format(f))

    # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
    # dynamic attributes won't work. See
    # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
    if isinstance(owner, super):
      owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

    f = getattr(owner, f)

  if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
    return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)

  # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
  if ('wrapt' in sys.modules and
      hasattr(sys.modules['wrapt'], 'FunctionWrapper') and
      isinstance(f, sys.modules['wrapt'].FunctionWrapper)):
        'Entity {} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
        ' by AutoGraph. The function will be called without transformation.'
        ' You may however apply AutoGraph before the decorator.'.format(f), 1)
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
  # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
  if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
  if (f in collections.__dict__.values() or f in pdb.__dict__.values() or
      f in copy.__dict__.values()):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module', f)
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # TODO(mdan): This needs cleanup.
  if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):

    # TODO(mdan): This may be inconsistent in certain situations.
    # If the function had already been annotated with @tf.function, it
    # may be bound to the incorrect object. It's unclear if those situations
    # are possible, but if they happen, we need to check if f is bound
    # to a shim like WeakrefSelf and unpack it.

    # Args typically include `self`, as required by the conversion process.
    # When conversion is skipped, `self` is not necessary, because the
    # original bound method is being executed. This code removes it.
    if tf_inspect.ismethod(f) and args:
      f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)
      if args[0] is f_self:
        args = args[1:]

    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
  # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
  # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
  # things like builtins.
  if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
  try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

    # Unwrap functools.partial objects
    # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
    while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
      args = f.args + args
      new_kwargs = {}
      if f.keywords is not None:
      kwargs = new_kwargs
      f = f.func

    if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
      # Regular functions
      target_entity = f
      arg_map_target = f
      f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

      # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
      if f_self is not None:
        # If this is a method call, it may or may not include self.
        # Example when self is included:
        #   converted_call(to_graph(, foo)
        # Example when self is not included:
        #   super(...).foo(args)
        if owner is not None and (not args or args[0] is not owner):
          effective_args = (owner,) + args
          # When the owner is not specified, use the result of
          # inspect_utils.getmethodclass.
          # TODO(b/119246461): Make sure an owner is always specified.
          if not args or args[0] is not f_self:
            effective_args = (f_self,) + args
            effective_args = (f_self,) + args[1:]
        partial_types = (f_self,)
        effective_args = args
        partial_types = ()

    elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
      # Constructors
      # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
      # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
      # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
      target_entity = f
      arg_map_target = f.__init__
      effective_args = args
      partial_types = ()

    elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
      # Callable objects
      target_entity = f.__call__
      arg_map_target = f.__call__
      effective_args = (f,) + args
      partial_types = (f.__class__,)

      raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

    arg_values = tf_inspect.getcallargs(arg_map_target, *args, **kwargs)
    arg_types = {}
    for name, arg in arg_values.items():
      arg_class = arg.__class__
      arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)

    # When called from within a decorator, this is the only indication that
    # the function is a method - it appears that the decorator is applied
    # before the method is bound.
    if not partial_types:
      if 'self' in arg_values:
        if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['self'].__class__):
          partial_types = (arg_values['self'].__class__,)
      elif 'cls' in arg_values:
        if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['cls']):
          partial_types = (arg_values['cls'],)

    logging.log(3, 'Partial types in conversion of %s: %s', target_entity,

    converted_f = to_graph(

    if logging.has_verbosity(2):
      logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
      callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args, **kwargs)
      formatted_callargs = '\n'.join(
          '    {}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in callargs.items())
      logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f, formatted_callargs)

  # TODO(mdan): Reduce this list.
  except (errors.AutoGraphError, AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError,
          KeyError, NameError, NotImplementedError, SyntaxError, TypeError,
          ValueError, IOError) as e:
    logging.log(1, 'Error transforming entity %s', target_entity, exc_info=True)
        'Entity %s could not be transformed and will be staged without change.'
        ' Error details can be found in the logs when running with the env'
        ' variable AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=5. Please report this to the AutoGraph'
        ' team. Cause: %s', target_entity, e)

    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)

  # The converted function's closure is simply inserted into the function's
  # module __dict__. Since modules are permanently cached, that results in
  # leaking the entire closure.
  # Normally, it's not safe to delete the module because that may release said
  # closure as well. However, in the case of converted_call we are certain the
  # function will not be executed again, so the closure should no longer be
  # needed so long as the function doesn't return any executable code.
  # TODO(mdan): Attach the closure properly, using cells.
  if all(map(_is_not_callable, nest.flatten(result))):
    del sys.modules[converted_f.__module__]

  return result
Esempio n. 57
def converted_call(f, options, *args, **kwargs):
    """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
    # TODO(mdan): This needs cleanup.
    # In particular, we may want to avoid renaming functions altogether.
    if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    unknown_arg_value = object()  # Sentinel for arguments of unknown value

    if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
        return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)

    if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
        # Regular functions
        target_entity = f
        arg_map_target = f
        effective_args = args
        f_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(f)

        if f_class is not None:
            partial_types = (f_class, )
            partial_types = ()

    elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
        # Constructors
        target_entity = f
        arg_map_target = f.__init__
        effective_args = args
        partial_types = ()

    elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
        # Callable objects
        target_entity = f.__call__
        arg_map_target = f.__call__
        effective_args = (f, ) + args
        partial_types = (f.__class__, )

        NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

    arg_values = tf_inspect.getcallargs(arg_map_target, *args, **kwargs)
    for name, arg in arg_values.items():
        if arg is unknown_arg_value:
        arg_class = arg.__class__
        # If arg_value_hints specifies any name, use that instead.
        if name not in options.arg_types:
            options.arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)

    # When called from within a decorator, this is the only indication that
    # the function is a method - it appears that the decorator is applied
    # before the method is bound.
    if not partial_types:
        if 'self' in arg_values:
            if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['self'].__class__):
                partial_types = (arg_values['self'].__class__, )
        elif 'cls' in arg_values:
            if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['cls']):
                partial_types = (arg_values['cls'], )

    converted_f = to_graph(target_entity,
    return converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 58
def populate_deserializable_objects():
  """Populates dict ALL_OBJECTS with every built-in initializer.
  global LOCAL
  if not hasattr(LOCAL, 'ALL_OBJECTS'):

  if LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS and LOCAL.GENERATED_WITH_V2 == tf2.enabled():
    # Objects dict is already generated for the proper TF version:
    # do nothing.

  LOCAL.GENERATED_WITH_V2 = tf2.enabled()

  # Compatibility aliases (need to exist in both V1 and V2).
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['ConstantV2'] = initializers_v2.Constant
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['GlorotNormalV2'] = initializers_v2.GlorotNormal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['GlorotUniformV2'] = initializers_v2.GlorotUniform
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['HeNormalV2'] = initializers_v2.HeNormal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['HeUniformV2'] = initializers_v2.HeUniform
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['IdentityV2'] = initializers_v2.Identity
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['LecunNormalV2'] = initializers_v2.LecunNormal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['LecunUniformV2'] = initializers_v2.LecunUniform
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['OnesV2'] = initializers_v2.Ones
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['OrthogonalV2'] = initializers_v2.Orthogonal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['RandomNormalV2'] = initializers_v2.RandomNormal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['RandomUniformV2'] = initializers_v2.RandomUniform
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['TruncatedNormalV2'] = initializers_v2.TruncatedNormal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['VarianceScalingV2'] = initializers_v2.VarianceScaling
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['ZerosV2'] = initializers_v2.Zeros

  # Out of an abundance of caution we also include these aliases that have
  # a non-zero probability of having been included in saved configs in the past.
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['glorot_normalV2'] = initializers_v2.GlorotNormal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['glorot_uniformV2'] = initializers_v2.GlorotUniform
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['he_normalV2'] = initializers_v2.HeNormal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['he_uniformV2'] = initializers_v2.HeUniform
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['lecun_normalV2'] = initializers_v2.LecunNormal
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['lecun_uniformV2'] = initializers_v2.LecunUniform

  if tf2.enabled():
    # For V2, entries are generated automatically based on the content of
    v2_objs = {}
    base_cls = initializers_v2.Initializer
        obj_filter=lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, base_cls))
    for key, value in v2_objs.items():
      LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS[key] = value
      # Functional aliases.
      LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS[generic_utils.to_snake_case(key)] = value
    # V1 initializers.
    v1_objs = {
        'Constant': init_ops.Constant,
        'GlorotNormal': init_ops.GlorotNormal,
        'GlorotUniform': init_ops.GlorotUniform,
        'Identity': init_ops.Identity,
        'Ones': init_ops.Ones,
        'Orthogonal': init_ops.Orthogonal,
        'VarianceScaling': init_ops.VarianceScaling,
        'Zeros': init_ops.Zeros,
        'HeNormal': initializers_v1.HeNormal,
        'HeUniform': initializers_v1.HeUniform,
        'LecunNormal': initializers_v1.LecunNormal,
        'LecunUniform': initializers_v1.LecunUniform,
        'RandomNormal': initializers_v1.RandomNormal,
        'RandomUniform': initializers_v1.RandomUniform,
        'TruncatedNormal': initializers_v1.TruncatedNormal,
    for key, value in v1_objs.items():
      LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS[key] = value
      # Functional aliases.
      LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS[generic_utils.to_snake_case(key)] = value

  # More compatibility aliases.
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['normal'] = LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['random_normal']
  LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['uniform'] = LOCAL.ALL_OBJECTS['random_uniform']