def slice_constant(data, batch_size=32, name='constant_data', global_step=None): """Provide a slice based on the global_step. This is useful when the entire data array can be stored in memory because it allows you to feed the data very efficiently. Args: data: A numpy array or tensor. batch_size: The batch size for the produced data. name: An optional name for this data. global_step: A global step variable that is used to read the data. If None then the default prettytensor global_step is used. Returns: A tensor that produces the given data. """ with tf.name_scope(name): all_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(data) global_step = global_step or bookkeeper.global_step() count = len(data) / batch_size extra = len(data) - count * batch_size if extra: offset = tf.mod(global_step, count) return tf.slice(all_data, offset * batch_size, batch_size) else: offset = tf.mod(global_step, count + 1) return tf.slice(all_data, offset * batch_size, tf.where(tf.equal(offset, count), extra, batch_size))
def training_control(global_step, print_span, evaluation_span, max_step, name=None): with tf.name_scope(name, "training_control"): return { "step": global_step, "time_to_print": tf.equal(tf.mod(global_step, print_span), 0), "time_to_evaluate": tf.equal(tf.mod(global_step, evaluation_span), 0), "time_to_stop": tf.greater_equal(global_step, max_step), }
def unwrap(p, discont=np.pi, axis=-1): """Unwrap a cyclical phase tensor. Args: p: Phase tensor. discont: Float, size of the cyclic discontinuity. axis: Axis of which to unwrap. Returns: unwrapped: Unwrapped tensor of same size as input. """ dd = diff(p, axis=axis) ddmod = tf.mod(dd + np.pi, 2.0 * np.pi) - np.pi idx = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(ddmod, -np.pi), tf.greater(dd, 0)) ddmod = tf.where(idx, tf.ones_like(ddmod) * np.pi, ddmod) ph_correct = ddmod - dd idx = tf.less(tf.abs(dd), discont) ddmod = tf.where(idx, tf.zeros_like(ddmod), dd) ph_cumsum = tf.cumsum(ph_correct, axis=axis) shape = p.get_shape().as_list() shape[axis] = 1 ph_cumsum = tf.concat([tf.zeros(shape, dtype=p.dtype), ph_cumsum], axis=axis) unwrapped = p + ph_cumsum return unwrapped
def py(model, config, scope, connect = None): with tf.variable_scope(scope), tf.name_scope(scope): with tf.variable_scope('inputs'), tf.name_scope('inputs'): if connect is None: model['%s_in0length' %scope] = config.getint('global', 'batch_size') model['%s_in1length' %scope] = config.getint('global', 'input_size') model['%s_in2length' %scope] = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [model['%s_in0length' %scope]], '%s_in2length' %scope) model['%s_maxin2length' %scope] = config.getint('global', 'time_size') model['%s_inputs' %scope] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [model['%s_maxin2length' %scope], model['%s_in0length' %scope], model['%s_in1length' %scope]], '%s_inputs' %scope) else: model['%s_in0length' %scope] = model['%s_out0length' %connect] model['%s_in1length' %scope] = model['%s_out1length' %connect] model['%s_in2length' %scope] = model['%s_out2length' %connect] model['%s_maxin2length' %scope] = model['%s_maxout2length' %connect] model['%s_inputs' %scope] = model['%s_outputs' %connect] model['%s_factor' %scope] = config.getint(scope, 'factor') model['%s_out0length' %scope] = model['%s_in0length' %scope] model['%s_out1length' %scope] = model['%s_in1length' %scope] * model['%s_factor' %scope] model['%s_out2length' %scope] = tf.div(tf.subtract(model['%s_in2length' %scope], tf.mod(model['%s_in2length' %scope], model['%s_factor' %scope])), model['%s_factor' %scope]) model['%s_maxout2length' %scope] = (model['%s_maxin2length' %scope] - model['%s_maxin2length' %scope] % model['%s_factor' %scope]) / model['%s_factor' %scope] with tf.variable_scope('outputs'), tf.name_scope('outputs'): model['%s_transpose' %scope] = tf.transpose(model['%s_inputs' %scope], [0, 2, 1], '%s_transpose' %scope) model['%s_transform' %scope] = tf.reshape(model['%s_transpose' %scope], [model['%s_maxout2length' %scope], model['%s_out1length' %scope], model['%s_out0length' %scope]], '%s_transform' %scope) model['%s_outputs' %scope] = tf.transpose(model['%s_transform' %scope], [0, 2, 1], '%s_outputs' %scope) return model
def sample_from_discretized_mix_logistic(y, log_scale_min=-7.): ''' Args: y: Tensor, [batch_size, channels, time_length] Returns: Tensor: sample in range of [-1, 1] ''' with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_equal(tf.mod(tf.shape(y)[1], 3), 0)]): nr_mix = tf.shape(y)[1] // 3 #[batch_size, time_length, channels] y = tf.transpose(y, [0, 2, 1]) logit_probs = y[:, :, :nr_mix] #sample mixture indicator from softmax temp = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(logit_probs), minval=1e-5, maxval=1. - 1e-5) temp = logit_probs - tf.log(-tf.log(temp)) argmax = tf.argmax(temp, -1) #[batch_size, time_length] -> [batch_size, time_length, nr_mix] one_hot = tf.one_hot(argmax, depth=nr_mix, dtype=tf.float32) #select logistic parameters means = tf.reduce_sum(y[:, :, nr_mix:2 * nr_mix] * one_hot, axis=-1) log_scales = tf.maximum(tf.reduce_sum( y[:, :, 2 * nr_mix:3 * nr_mix] * one_hot, axis=-1), log_scale_min) #sample from logistic & clip to interval #we don't actually round to the nearest 8-bit value when sampling u = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(means), minval=1e-5, maxval=1. - 1e-5) x = means + tf.exp(log_scales) * (tf.log(u) - tf.log(1 -u)) return tf.minimum(tf.maximum(x, -1.), 1.)
def minimize_loss_single_machine(loss, accuracy, layer_collection, device="/gpu:0", session_config=None): """Minimize loss with K-FAC on a single machine. A single Session is responsible for running all of K-FAC's ops. The covariance and inverse update ops are placed on `device`. All model variables are on CPU. Args: loss: 0-D Tensor. Loss to be minimized. accuracy: 0-D Tensor. Accuracy of classifier on current minibatch. layer_collection: LayerCollection instance describing model architecture. Used by K-FAC to construct preconditioner. device: string, Either '/cpu:0' or '/gpu:0'. The covaraince and invserse update ops are run on this device. session_config: None or tf.ConfigProto. Configuration for tf.Session(). Returns: final value for 'accuracy'. """ # Train with K-FAC. g_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() optimizer = opt.KfacOptimizer( learning_rate=0.0001, cov_ema_decay=0.95, damping=0.001, layer_collection=layer_collection, placement_strategy="round_robin", cov_devices=[device], inv_devices=[device], momentum=0.9) (cov_update_thunks, inv_update_thunks) = optimizer.make_vars_and_create_op_thunks() def make_update_op(update_thunks): update_ops = [thunk() for thunk in update_thunks] return*update_ops) cov_update_op = make_update_op(cov_update_thunks) with tf.control_dependencies([cov_update_op]): inverse_op = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.mod(g_step, _INVERT_EVERY), 0), lambda: make_update_op(inv_update_thunks), tf.no_op) with tf.control_dependencies([inverse_op]): with tf.device(device): train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=g_step)"Starting training.") with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=session_config) as sess: while not sess.should_stop(): global_step_, loss_, accuracy_, _ = [g_step, loss, accuracy, train_op]) if global_step_ % _INVERT_EVERY == 0:"global_step: %d | loss: %f | accuracy: %s", global_step_, loss_, accuracy_) return accuracy_
def roll_sequence(tensor, offsets): """Shifts sequences by an offset. Args: tensor: A ``tf.Tensor`` of shape ``[batch_size, time, ...]``. offsets : The offset of each sequence. Returns: A ``tf.Tensor`` of the same shape as :obj:`tensor` with sequences shifted by :obj:`offsets`. """ batch_size = tf.shape(tensor)[0] time = tf.shape(tensor)[1] cols = tf.range(time) cols = tf.tile(cols, [batch_size]) cols = tf.reshape(cols, [batch_size, time]) cols -= tf.expand_dims(offsets, 1) cols = tf.mod(cols, time) rows = tf.range(batch_size) rows = tf.tile(rows, [time]) rows = tf.reshape(rows, [time, batch_size]) rows = tf.transpose(rows, perm=[1, 0]) indices = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(rows, -1), tf.expand_dims(cols, -1)], -1) return tf.gather_nd(tensor, indices)
def _extract_feature(inputs, idxs): idxs = tf.expand_dims(idxs,1) idx_i = tf.floordiv(idxs, map_h) idx_j = tf.mod(idxs, map_h) # NOTE: # calculate the center of input batches # this depends on coarse layer's architecture origin_i = 2*(2*idx_i+1)+3 origin_j = 2*(2*idx_j+1)+3 origin_centers = tf.concat(1,[origin_i,origin_j]) origin_centers = tf.to_float(origin_centers) # NOTE: size also depends on the architecture patches = tf.image.extract_glimpse(inputs, size=[14,14], offsets=origin_centers, centered=False, normalized=False) fine_features = fine_layers(patches) # reuse variables tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() src_idxs = tf.concat(1,[idx_i,idx_j]) return fine_features, src_idxs
def weights_concatenated(labels): """Assign weight 1.0 to the "target" part of the concatenated labels. The labels look like: source English I love you . ID1 target French Je t'aime . ID1 source English the cat ID1 target French le chat ID1 source English ... We want to assign weight 1.0 to all words in the target text (including the ID1 end symbol), but not to the source text or the boilerplate. In the above example, the target words that get positive weight are: Je t'aime . ID1 le chat ID1 Args: labels: a Tensor Returns: a Tensor """ eos_mask = tf.to_int32(tf.equal(labels, 1)) sentence_num = tf.cumsum(eos_mask, axis=1, exclusive=True) in_target = tf.equal(tf.mod(sentence_num, 2), 1) # first two tokens of each sentence are boilerplate. sentence_num_plus_one = sentence_num + 1 shifted = tf.pad(sentence_num_plus_one, [[0, 0], [2, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])[:, :-2, :, :] nonboilerplate = tf.equal(sentence_num_plus_one, shifted) ret = tf.to_float(tf.logical_and(nonboilerplate, in_target)) return ret
def __init__(self, q_t, q_tp1, q_tp0, importance_weights, rewards, done_mask, twin_q_t, twin_q_tp1, actor_loss_coeff=0.1, critic_loss_coeff=1.0, gamma=0.99, n_step=1, use_huber=False, huber_threshold=1.0, twin_q=False, policy_delay=1): q_t_selected = tf.squeeze(q_t, axis=len(q_t.shape) - 1) if twin_q: twin_q_t_selected = tf.squeeze(twin_q_t, axis=len(q_t.shape) - 1) q_tp1 = tf.minimum(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1) q_tp1_best = tf.squeeze(input=q_tp1, axis=len(q_tp1.shape) - 1) q_tp1_best_masked = (1.0 - done_mask) * q_tp1_best # compute RHS of bellman equation q_t_selected_target = rewards + gamma**n_step * q_tp1_best_masked # compute the error (potentially clipped) if twin_q: td_error = q_t_selected - tf.stop_gradient(q_t_selected_target) twin_td_error = twin_q_t_selected - tf.stop_gradient( q_t_selected_target) self.td_error = td_error + twin_td_error if use_huber: errors = _huber_loss(td_error, huber_threshold) + _huber_loss( twin_td_error, huber_threshold) else: errors = 0.5 * tf.square(td_error) + 0.5 * tf.square( twin_td_error) else: self.td_error = ( q_t_selected - tf.stop_gradient(q_t_selected_target)) if use_huber: errors = _huber_loss(self.td_error, huber_threshold) else: errors = 0.5 * tf.square(self.td_error) self.critic_loss = critic_loss_coeff * tf.reduce_mean( importance_weights * errors) # for policy gradient, update policy net one time v.s. # update critic net `policy_delay` time(s) global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() policy_delay_mask = tf.to_float( tf.equal(tf.mod(global_step, policy_delay), 0)) self.actor_loss = (-1.0 * actor_loss_coeff * policy_delay_mask * tf.reduce_mean(q_tp0))
def manual_update_GDL(arg,learning_rate,g,mu_noise,stddev_noise): sess = arg.sess with tf.variable_scope(arg.mdl_scope_name,reuse=True): W_var = tf.get_variable(name='W') eps = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(g),mean=mu_noise,stddev=stddev_noise) # W_new = tf.mod( W_var - learning_rate*g + eps , 20) W_var.assign(W_new) )
def _add(): num_adds_inc = self._num_adds_cs.execute(_increment_num_adds) current_pos = tf.mod(num_adds_inc - 1, self._buffer_size) update_ops = [] for name in self._tensors.keys(): update_ops.append( tf.scatter_update(self._tensors[name], current_pos, tensors[name])) return*update_ops)
def preprocess(audio, rate=48000): # pad with 1 second of silence on either side front = tf.zeros([rate,2], dtype=audio.dtype) back = tf.zeros([rate - tf.mod(tf.shape(audio)[0], rate) + rate, 2], dtype=audio.dtype) audio = tf.concat([front, audio, back], 0) audio = tf.add(audio, tf.abs(tf.reduce_min(audio))) audio = tf.multiply(audio, 1.0/ tf.reduce_max(audio)) # audio = tf.reshape(audio, [-1, int(rate * return audio
def dlstm_scan_fn(previous_output, current_input): out, state_out = lstm(current_input, previous_output[1]) i = previous_output[2] basis_i = tf.one_hot(i, depth=chunks) state_out_dilated = dilate_one_time_step(tf.squeeze(state_out[0]), basis_i, chunks) state_out = rnn.LSTMStateTuple(state_out_dilated, state_out[1]) i += tf.constant(1) new_i = tf.mod(i, chunks) return out, state_out, new_i
def discretized_mix_logistic_loss(y_hat, y, num_classes=256, log_scale_min=-7.0, reduce=True): '''Discretized mix of logistic distributions loss. Note that it is assumed that input is scaled to [-1, 1] Args: y_hat: Tensor [batch_size, channels, time_length], predicted output. y: Tensor [batch_size, time_length, 1], Target. Returns: Tensor loss ''' with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_equal(tf.mod(tf.shape(y_hat)[1], 3), 0), tf.assert_equal(tf.rank(y_hat), 3)]): nr_mix = tf.shape(y_hat)[1] // 3 #[Batch_size, time_length, channels] y_hat = tf.transpose(y_hat, [0, 2, 1]) #unpack parameters. [batch_size, time_length, num_mixtures] x 3 logit_probs = y_hat[:, :, :nr_mix] means = y_hat[:, :, nr_mix:2 * nr_mix] log_scales = tf.maximum(y_hat[:, :, 2* nr_mix: 3 * nr_mix], log_scale_min) #[batch_size, time_length, 1] -> [batch_size, time_length, num_mixtures] y = y * tf.ones(shape=[1, 1, nr_mix], dtype=tf.float32) centered_y = y - means inv_stdv = tf.exp(-log_scales) plus_in = inv_stdv * (centered_y + 1. / (num_classes - 1)) cdf_plus = tf.nn.sigmoid(plus_in) min_in = inv_stdv * (centered_y - 1. / (num_classes - 1)) cdf_min = tf.nn.sigmoid(min_in) log_cdf_plus = plus_in - tf.nn.softplus(plus_in) # log probability for edge case of 0 (before scaling) log_one_minus_cdf_min = -tf.nn.softplus(min_in) # log probability for edge case of 255 (before scaling) #probability for all other cases cdf_delta = cdf_plus - cdf_min mid_in = inv_stdv * centered_y #log probability in the center of the bin, to be used in extreme cases #(not actually used in this code) log_pdf_mid = mid_in - log_scales - 2. * tf.nn.softplus(mid_in) log_probs = tf.where(y < -0.999, log_cdf_plus, tf.where(y > 0.999, log_one_minus_cdf_min, tf.where(cdf_delta > 1e-5, tf.log(tf.maximum(cdf_delta, 1e-12)), log_pdf_mid - np.log((num_classes - 1) / 2)))) #log_probs = log_probs + tf.nn.log_softmax(logit_probs, -1) log_probs = log_probs + log_prob_from_logits(logit_probs) if reduce: return -tf.reduce_sum(log_sum_exp(log_probs)) else: return -tf.expand_dims(log_sum_exp(log_probs), [-1])
def get_bmu_loc(self, x): expanded_x = tf.expand_dims(x, 0) sqr_diff = tf.square(tf.subtract(expanded_x, self.nodes)) dists = tf.reduce_sum(sqr_diff, 1) bmu_idx = tf.argmin(dists, 0) bmu_loc = tf.pack([tf.mod(bmu_idx, self.width), tf.div(bmu_idx, self.width)]) return bmu_loc
def _round_up_tf(x, multiple): # Tf version of remainder = x % multiple remainder = tf.mod(x, multiple) # Tf version of return x if remainder == 0 else x + multiple - remainder x_round = tf.cond(tf.equal(remainder, tf.zeros(tf.shape(remainder), dtype=tf.int32)), lambda: x, lambda: x + multiple - remainder) return x_round
def top_k_in_2dim_tensor(ts, k): shape = tf.shape(ts) v, id = tf.nn.top_k(tf.reshape(ts, [-1]), k) id_row_col = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( tf.concat(0, [tf.div(id, shape[1]),tf.mod(id, shape[1])]), shape=tf.concat(0, [[2], tf.reshape(k, [1])]) )) return v, id_row_col
def get_timing_signal_1d(self, length, channels): position = tf.to_float(tf.range(length)) num_timescales = channels // 2 log_timescale_increment = (math.log(float(self.max_timescale) / float(self.min_timescale)) / (tf.to_float(num_timescales) - 1)) inv_timescales = self.min_timescale * tf.exp(tf.to_float(tf.range(num_timescales)) * -log_timescale_increment) scaled_time = tf.expand_dims(position, 1) * tf.expand_dims(inv_timescales, 0) signal = tf.concat([tf.sin(scaled_time), tf.cos(scaled_time)], axis=1) signal = tf.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, tf.mod(channels, 2)]]) signal = tf.reshape(signal, [1, length, channels]) return signal
def get_position(self): """Returns the position at which the last element was added. Returns: An int tensor representing the index at which the last element was added to the buffer or -1 if no elements were added. """ return tf.cond(self.get_num_adds() < 1, lambda: self.get_num_adds() - 1, lambda: tf.mod(self.get_num_adds() - 1, self._buffer_size))
def arg_max_2d(x_in): orig_shape = tf.shape(x_in) reshape_t = tf.concat([orig_shape[0:1], [-1], orig_shape[3:4]], 0) zz = tf.reshape(x_in, reshape_t) pp = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(zz, 1)) sz1 = tf.slice(orig_shape, [2], [1]) cc1 = tf.div(pp, tf.to_int32(sz1)) cc2 = tf.mod(pp, tf.to_int32(sz1)) return tf.stack([cc1, cc2])
def get_maximum_index(response): """Get the index of the maximum value in the response map""" response_shape = response.get_shape().as_list() response_spatial_size = response_shape[-2:] # e.g. [29, 29] length = response_spatial_size[0] * response_spatial_size[1] # Get maximum response index (note index starts from zero) ind_max = tf.argmax(tf.reshape(response, [-1, length]), 1) ind_row = tf.div(ind_max, response_spatial_size[1]) ind_col = tf.mod(ind_max, response_spatial_size[1]) return ind_row, ind_col
def compare_sample_to_flat(sample, flat): a0_flat = flat[..., 0] phi_flat = flat[..., 1] a1_flat = flat[..., 2] result0 = sample[..., 0] / flat[..., 0] result1 = tf.mod( sample[..., 1] - flat[..., 1] + np.pi, 2 * np.pi ) - np.pi result2 = sample[..., 2] / flat[..., 2] / result0 return tf.stack([result0, result1, result2], axis=-1)
def argmax2d(Xin): origShape = tf.shape(Xin) reshape_t = tf.concat(0,[origShape[0:1],[-1],origShape[3:4]]) zz = tf.reshape(Xin,reshape_t) pp = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(zz,1)) sz1 = tf.slice(origShape,[2],[1]) cc1 = tf.div(pp,tf.to_int32(sz1)) cc2 = tf.mod(pp,tf.to_int32(sz1)) return tf.pack([cc1,cc2])
def dlstm_scan_fn(previous_output, current_input): # out, state_out = lstm(current_input, previous_output[1]) state_step = previous_output[2] sub_state = get_sub_state(previous_output[1], state_step) out, sub_state_out = lstm(current_input, sub_state) state_out = build_new_state(sub_state_out, previous_output[1], state_step) state_step += tf.constant(1) new_state_step = tf.mod(state_step, chunks) return out, state_out, new_state_step
def noise_from_step_num(): """Quantization noise equal to (phi * (step_num + 1)) mod 1.0. Not using random_uniform here due to a problem on TPU in that random seeds are not respected, which may cause the parameters on different replicas to go out-of-sync. Returns: a float32 scalar """ step = tf.to_int32(tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()) + 1 phi = ((5 ** 0.5) - 1) / 2 # Naive computation tf.mod(phi * step, 1.0) in float32 would be disastrous # due to loss of precision when the step number gets large. # Computation in doubles does not work on TPU, so we use this complicated # alternative computation which does not suffer from these roundoff errors. ret = 0.0 for i in range(30): ret += (((phi * (2 ** i)) % 1.0) # double-precision computation in python * tf.to_float(tf.mod(step // (2 ** i), 2))) return tf.mod(ret, 1.0)
def _tile_encoders_for_beamsearch(self, projected_sentinel): sentinel_batch_size = tf.shape(projected_sentinel)[0] encoders_batch_size = tf.shape( self.encoder_projections_for_ctx[0])[0] modulo = tf.mod(sentinel_batch_size, encoders_batch_size) with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_equal(modulo, 0)]): beam_size = tf.div(sentinel_batch_size, encoders_batch_size) return [tf.tile(proj, [beam_size, 1, 1]) for proj in self.encoder_projections_for_ctx]
def convert_to_reality(bbox, width, height, S): relative_center_x, relative_center_y, global_w, global_h = bbox w = tf.cast(tf.cast(tf.mul(global_w, width), tf.int32), tf.float32) h = tf.cast(tf.cast(tf.mul(global_h, height), tf.int32), tf.float32) index = tf.reshape(tf.range(S * S),[-1,1]) cell_coord_y = tf.cast(tf.div(index, S), tf.float32) cell_coord_x = tf.cast(tf.mod(index, S), tf.float32) S = tf.cast(S, tf.float32) width = tf.cast(width, tf.float32) height = tf.cast(height, tf.float32) cell_w = tf.cast(width / S, tf.float32) cell_h = tf.cast(height / S, tf.float32) #real_x_left_up = tf.reshape((cell_coord_x + relative_center_x) * cell_w - w / 2,[-1]) #real_y_left_up = tf.reshape((cell_coord_y + relative_center_y) * cell_h - h / 2, [-1]) real_x_left_up = tf.sub(tf.add(tf.reshape(tf.mul(cell_coord_x, cell_w), [-1]), relative_center_x * cell_w), tf.cast(w * 0.5, tf.float32)) real_y_left_up = tf.sub(tf.add(tf.reshape(tf.mul(cell_coord_y, cell_h), [-1]), relative_center_y * cell_h), tf.cast(h * 0.5, tf.float32)) real_x_left_up = tf.cast(tf.nn.relu(real_x_left_up), tf.int32) real_y_left_up = tf.cast(tf.nn.relu(real_y_left_up), tf.int32) w = tf.cast(w, tf.int32) h = tf.cast(h, tf.int32) print 'real x ', relative_center_x.get_shape() print 'real w' , w.get_shape() """ assert real_x_left_up.dtype == tf.int32 and \ real_y_left_up.dtype == tf.int32 and \ w.dtype == tf.int32 and \ h.dtype == tf.int32 """ bbox = [real_x_left_up, real_y_left_up, w, h] return bbox
def _next(self, i): """Return op that increments pointer to next value. Args: i: A tensorflow integer variable. Returns: Op that increments pointer. """ if self._scheduler == 'cycle': inc = ('inc' in self._scheduler_params and self._scheduler_params['inc']) or 1 return tf.assign(i, tf.mod(i+inc, self._n)) else: raise NotImplementedError(self._scheduler)
def periodic_context_fn(contexts, timer, sampler_fn, period=1): """Periodically samples contexts. Args: contexts: a list of [num_context_dims] tensor variables representing current contexts. timer: a scalar integer tensor variable holding the current time step. sampler_fn: a sampler function that samples a list of [num_context_dims] tensors. period: (integer) period of update. Returns: a list of [num_context_dims] tensors. """ contexts = list(contexts[:]) # create copy return tf.cond(tf.mod(timer, period) == 0, sampler_fn, lambda: contexts)
import tensorflow as tf node2 = tf.constant(2.0) node3 = tf.constant(3.0) node4 = tf.constant(4.0) node5 = tf.constant(5.0) # 3 + 4 + 5 add = tf.add_n([node3, node4, node5]) # 많은 양의 tesor한번에 처리 # 4 - 3 sub = tf.subtract(node4, node3) # 3 * 4 mul = tf.multiply(node3, node4) # mul2 = tf.matmul() # 행렬의 곱셈 # 4 / 2 div = tf.div(node4, node2) mod = tf.mod(node4, node2) # 나눈 나머지 값 sess = tf.Session() print('3 + 4 + 5 =', # 3 + 4 + 5 = 12.0 print('4 - 3 =', # 4 - 3 = 1.0 print('3 * 4 =', # 3 * 4 = 12.0 print('4 / 2 =', # 4 / 2 = 2.0 print('4 % 2 =', # 4 % 2 = 0.0 print( + node4))
def filter_fn(elem_index, _): mod_result = tf.mod(elem_index, num_shards) return tf.equal(mod_result, shard_id)
def bottom(self, x): """Use batchnorm instead of CMVN and shorten the stft with strided convs. Args: x: float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, len, 1, freqs * channels] Returns: float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, shorter_len, 1, hidden_size] """ inputs = x p = self._model_hparams num_mel_bins = p.audio_num_mel_bins num_channels = 3 if p.audio_add_delta_deltas else 1 with tf.variable_scope( if p.audio_preproc_in_bottom: # Compute filterbanks with tf.variable_scope("fbanks"): waveforms = tf.squeeze(inputs, [2, 3]) mel_fbanks = common_audio.compute_mel_filterbank_features( waveforms, sample_rate=p.audio_sample_rate, dither=p.audio_dither, preemphasis=p.audio_preemphasis, frame_length=p.audio_frame_length, frame_step=p.audio_frame_step, lower_edge_hertz=p.audio_lower_edge_hertz, upper_edge_hertz=p.audio_upper_edge_hertz, num_mel_bins=p.audio_num_mel_bins, apply_mask=True) if p.audio_add_delta_deltas: mel_fbanks = common_audio.add_delta_deltas(mel_fbanks) # frame concatenation if p.concat_frame: fbank_size = common_layers.shape_list(mel_fbanks) x = tf.pad( mel_fbanks, [[0, 0], [ 0, tf.mod(-fbank_size[1], p.concat_frame) ], [0, 0], [0, 0]]) x = tf.reshape(x, [ fbank_size[0], common_layers.shape_list(x)[1] / p.concat_frame, num_mel_bins * p.concat_frame, num_channels ]) else: x = tf.reshape( mel_fbanks, common_layers.shape_list(mel_fbanks)[:2] + [num_mel_bins, num_channels]) nonpadding_mask = 1. - common_attention.embedding_to_padding( x) if p.concat_frame: num_of_nonpadding_elements = tf.reduce_sum( nonpadding_mask ) * num_mel_bins * num_channels / p.concat_frame else: num_of_nonpadding_elements = tf.reduce_sum( nonpadding_mask) * num_mel_bins * num_channels # This replaces CMVN estimation on data mean = tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=[ 1 ], keepdims=True) / num_of_nonpadding_elements variance = ( num_of_nonpadding_elements * mean**2. - 2. * mean * tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=[1], keepdims=True) + tf.reduce_sum(x**2, axis=[1], keepdims=True) ) / num_of_nonpadding_elements x = (x - mean) / variance * tf.expand_dims( nonpadding_mask, -1) else: x = inputs # The convention is that the models are flattened along the spatial, # dimensions, thus the speech preprocessor treats frequencies and # channels as image colors (last axis) if p.concat_frame: x.set_shape( [None, None, num_mel_bins * p.concat_frame, num_channels]) else: x.set_shape([None, None, num_mel_bins, num_channels]) # TODO(chorowski): how to specify bottom's hparams and avoid hardcoding? x = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [0, 8], [0, 0], [0, 0]]) for _ in range(2): x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 128, (3, 3), (2, 2), use_bias=False) x = common_layers.layer_norm(x) x = tf.nn.relu(x) xshape = common_layers.shape_list(x) # apply a conv that will remove all frequencies and at the same time # project the output into desired hidden_size x = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [0, 2], [0, 0], [0, 0]]) x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, p.hidden_size, (3, xshape[2]), use_bias=False) assert common_layers.shape_list(x)[2] == 1 x = common_layers.layer_norm(x) x = tf.nn.relu(x) return x
def _to_vocab_range(x): """Enforces that the vocab_ids in x are positive.""" return tf.SparseTensor( indices=x.indices, values=tf.mod(x.values, vocab_size), dense_shape=x.dense_shape)
def detection_model(features, labels, mode, params): num_classes = params['num_classes'] initial_weights_path = params.get('initial_weights_path', '') log_dir = params['log_dir'] collect_priors_summary = params['collect_priors_summary'] data_format = params.get('data_format', 'NHWC') depth_multiplier = params.get('depth_multiplier', 1.0) priors_rule = params.get('priors_rule', 'caffe') custom_priors = params.get('priors', []) learning_rate = params.get('learning_rate', 0.01) steps_per_epoch = params.get('steps_per_epoch', 1) mobilenet_version = params.get('mobilenet_version', 'v2') weight_regularization = params.get('weight_regularization', 4e-5) optimizer_func = params.get( 'optimizer', lambda learning_rate: tf.train.AdagradOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate)) # Override default FileWriter. Don't store the graph definition. tf.summary.FileWriterCache._cache[log_dir] = tf.summary.FileWriter( log_dir, graph=None) if callable(learning_rate): learning_rate = learning_rate() is_training = True if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else False ssd = MobileNetSSD( input_tensor=features, num_classes=num_classes, depth_multiplier=depth_multiplier, is_training=is_training, data_format=data_format, priors_rule=priors_rule, priors=custom_priors, mobilenet_version=mobilenet_version, weight_regularization=weight_regularization) # 1. Build model if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: decoded_predictions = ssd.detection_output( use_plain_caffe_format=False) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, predictions=decoded_predictions) assert mode in (tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL) targets = ssd.create_targets(labels) # 2. Build GT from annotation if collect_priors_summary: with tf.name_scope('summary/'): assigned_priors = create_tensors_and_streaming_ops_for_assigned_priors( targets, ssd.priors_info, num_classes) detailed_assigned_priors = get_detailed_assigned_priors_summary_tf( assigned_priors, ssd.priors_info) loss_func = MultiboxLoss(neg_pos_ratio=3.0) # 3. Build loss-object eval_iteration = tf.get_variable('eval_iteration', initializer=0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: eval_print_steps = steps_per_epoch // 50 eval_print_steps = 1 if eval_print_steps == 0 else eval_print_steps every_eval_print_steps = tf.equal( tf.mod(eval_iteration + 1, eval_print_steps), 0) eval_iteration = tf.assign(eval_iteration, eval_iteration + 1) targets = with_dependencies([eval_iteration], targets) loss = loss_func.eval_summary(targets, ssd.predictions) loss = tf.cond( every_eval_print_steps, lambda: tf.Print(loss, [ tf.round(100 * eval_iteration / steps_per_epoch), loss ], '[%][loss]: '), lambda: loss) eval_metric_ops = {} for key, val in loss_func.eval_tensors.items(): eval_metric_ops['loss_function/' + key] = tf.metrics.mean(val) if collect_priors_summary: for key, metric_ops in assigned_priors.items( ): # We need only update ops eval_metric_ops[key] = metric_ops for key, assigned_priors_tensor in detailed_assigned_priors.items( ): eval_metric_ops['prior_histogram/' + key] = (assigned_priors_tensor, tf.no_op()) decoded_predictions = ssd.detection_output( use_plain_caffe_format=False) eval_metric_ops['predictions'] = tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_concat( decoded_predictions) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=loss, eval_metric_ops=eval_metric_ops) assert mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN if initial_weights_path: ssd.load_weights(initial_weights_path) bboxes = ssd._decode_boxes(ssd.predictions['locs'], priors=ssd.priors[0, 0], variance=ssd.priors[0, 1]) loss = loss_func.loss(targets, ssd.predictions, bboxes) # 4. Compute loss with NMS if collect_priors_summary: with tf.name_scope('summary/'): loss = with_dependencies( [op for key, (tensor, op) in assigned_priors.items()], loss) for name, assigned_priors_tensor in detailed_assigned_priors.items(): tf.summary.scalar(name, tf.reduce_sum(assigned_priors_tensor)) py_func_ops = [] priors_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'priors') with tf.name_scope('write_histogram'): every_epoch = tf.equal( tf.mod(tf.train.get_global_step() + 1, steps_per_epoch), 0) for name, (group, op) in assigned_priors.items(): def write_hist2d(): return tf.py_func(write_histogram_2d_tf, [ group, pickle.dumps(ssd.priors_info), name, tf.train.get_global_step(), priors_dir ], tf.bool) write_hist2d_once_per_epoch = tf.cond(every_epoch, write_hist2d, tf.no_op) py_func_ops.append(write_hist2d_once_per_epoch) loss = with_dependencies(py_func_ops, loss) optimizer = optimizer_func(learning_rate) tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate) regularization_losses = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES) regularization_loss = tf.add_n( regularization_losses, name='loss_function/regularization_losses_sum') total_loss = tf.add(loss, regularization_loss, name='loss_function/total_loss') tf.summary.scalar('loss_function/regularization_loss', regularization_loss) with tf.variable_scope('train_loop'): train_op = optimizer.minimize(total_loss, global_step=tf.train.get_global_step()) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=total_loss, train_op=train_op)
def get_unfactored_bilinear_classifier(self, layer, unlabeled_targets, token_weights, variable_scope=None, reuse=False): """""" recur_layer = layer hidden_keep_prob = 1 if reuse else self.hidden_keep_prob hidden_func = self.hidden_func hidden_size = self.hidden_size add_linear = self.add_linear with tf.variable_scope(variable_scope or self.classname): for i in six.moves.range(0, self.n_layers-1): with tf.variable_scope('FC-%d' % i): layer = classifiers.hidden(layer, 2*hidden_size, hidden_func=hidden_func, hidden_keep_prob=hidden_keep_prob) with tf.variable_scope('FC-top'): layers = classifiers.hiddens(layer, 2*[hidden_size], hidden_func=hidden_func, hidden_keep_prob=hidden_keep_prob) layer1, layer2 = layers.pop(0), layers.pop(0) with tf.variable_scope('Classifier'): if self.diagonal: logits = classifiers.diagonal_bilinear_classifier( layer1, layer2, len(self), hidden_keep_prob=hidden_keep_prob, add_linear=add_linear) else: logits = classifiers.bilinear_classifier( layer1, layer2, len(self), hidden_keep_prob=hidden_keep_prob, add_linear=add_linear) bucket_size = tf.shape(layer)[-2] #------------------------------------------------------- # Process the targets # c (*) (n x m) + (n x m) #targets = len(self) * unlabeled_targets + self.placeholder targets = bucket_size * self.placeholder + unlabeled_targets #------------------------------------------------------- # Process the logits # (n x m x c x m) -> (n x m x cm) reshaped_logits = tf.reshape(logits, tf.stack([-1, bucket_size, bucket_size * len(self)])) #------------------------------------------------------- # Compute probabilities/cross entropy # (n x m x cm) -> (n x m x cm) probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(reshaped_logits) # (n x m x cm) -> (n x m x c x m) probabilities = tf.reshape(probabilities, tf.stack([-1, bucket_size, len(self), bucket_size])) # (n x m x c x m) -> (n x m x m x c) probabilities = tf.transpose(probabilities, [0,1,3,2]) # (n x m), (n x m x cm), (n x m) -> () loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(targets, reshaped_logits, weights=token_weights) #------------------------------------------------------- # Compute predictions/accuracy # (n x m x cm) -> (n x m) predictions = tf.argmax(reshaped_logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32) # (n x m), () -> (n x m) unlabeled_predictions = tf.mod(predictions, bucket_size) # (n x m) (*) (n x m) -> (n x m) correct_tokens = nn.equal(predictions, targets) * token_weights correct_unlabeled_tokens = nn.equal(unlabeled_predictions, unlabeled_targets) * token_weights # (n x m) -> (n) tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(token_weights, axis=-1) # (n x m) -> (n) correct_tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(correct_tokens, axis=-1) correct_unlabeled_tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(correct_unlabeled_tokens, axis=-1) # (n), (n) -> (n) correct_sequences = nn.equal(tokens_per_sequence, correct_tokens_per_sequence) correct_unlabeled_sequences = nn.equal(tokens_per_sequence, correct_unlabeled_tokens_per_sequence) #----------------------------------------------------------- # Populate the output dictionary outputs = {} outputs['recur_layer'] = recur_layer outputs['unlabeled_targets'] = unlabeled_targets outputs['probabilities'] = probabilities outputs['unlabeled_loss'] = tf.constant(0.) outputs['loss'] = loss outputs['unlabeled_predictions'] = unlabeled_predictions outputs['label_predictions'] = predictions outputs['n_correct_unlabeled_tokens'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_unlabeled_tokens) outputs['n_correct_unlabeled_sequences'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_unlabeled_sequences) outputs['n_correct_tokens'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_tokens) outputs['n_correct_sequences'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_sequences) return outputs
def pbc_tf(tup, shape): """Tensorflow implementation of `pbc` defined above.""" return list(tf.mod(tup, shape))
def InputBatch(self): np.random.seed(1) bs, sl = 10, 7 src_ids = tf.constant( np.random.randint(low=0, high=8192 - 1, size=[bs, sl], dtype=np.int32)) tgt_ids = tf.constant( np.random.randint(low=0, high=8192 - 1, size=[bs, sl], dtype=np.int32)) tgt_labels = tf.constant( np.random.randint(low=0, high=8192 - 1, size=[bs, sl], dtype=np.int32)) tgt_weights = tf.constant(np.ones(shape=[bs, sl], dtype=np.float32)) src_paddings = tf.zeros([bs, sl]) tgt_paddings = tf.zeros([bs, sl]) ret = py_utils.NestedMap() ret.src = py_utils.NestedMap() ret.tgt = py_utils.NestedMap() if self.params.split: src_ids = tf.split(src_ids, 2, 0) src_paddings = tf.split(src_paddings, 2, 0) tgt_ids = tf.split(tgt_ids, 2, 0) tgt_labels = tf.split(tgt_labels, 2, 0) tgt_paddings = tf.split(tgt_paddings, 2, 0) tgt_weights = tf.split(tgt_weights, 2, 0) ret.src.ids = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.mod(py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStep(), 2), 0), lambda: src_ids[0], lambda: src_ids[1]) ret.src.paddings = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.mod(py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStep(), 2), 0), lambda: src_paddings[0], lambda: src_paddings[1]) ret.tgt.ids = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.mod(py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStep(), 2), 0), lambda: tgt_ids[0], lambda: tgt_ids[1]) ret.tgt.labels = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.mod(py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStep(), 2), 0), lambda: tgt_labels[0], lambda: tgt_labels[1]) ret.tgt.paddings = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.mod(py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStep(), 2), 0), lambda: tgt_paddings[0], lambda: tgt_paddings[1]) ret.tgt.weights = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.mod(py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStep(), 2), 0), lambda: tgt_weights[0], lambda: tgt_weights[1]) else: ret.src.ids = src_ids ret.src.paddings = src_paddings ret.tgt.ids = tgt_ids ret.tgt.labels = tgt_labels ret.tgt.paddings = tgt_paddings ret.tgt.weights = tgt_weights return ret
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None): input_shape = inputs.shape min_pad_value = self.total_stride * int( self.pad_image) if self.pad_image else 0 if self.channel_axis == 1: pad_y = [ min_pad_value, min_pad_value + tf.mod( self.total_stride - tf.mod( input_shape[3], self.total_stride), self.total_stride) ] pad_x = [ min_pad_value, min_pad_value + tf.mod( self.total_stride - tf.mod( input_shape[4], self.total_stride), self.total_stride) ] paddings = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], pad_y, pad_x] crops = [[0, input_shape[0]], [0, input_shape[1]], [0, self.last_depth], [pad_y[0], pad_y[0] + input_shape[3]], [pad_x[0], pad_x[0] + input_shape[4]]] else: pad_y = [ min_pad_value, min_pad_value + tf.mod( self.total_stride - tf.mod( input_shape[2], self.total_stride), self.total_stride) ] pad_x = [ min_pad_value, min_pad_value + tf.mod( self.total_stride - tf.mod( input_shape[3], self.total_stride), self.total_stride) ] paddings = [[0, 0], [0, 0], pad_y, pad_x, [0, 0]] crops = [[0, input_shape[0]], [0, input_shape[1]], [pad_y[0], input_shape[2] + pad_y[0]], [pad_x[0], input_shape[3] + pad_x[0]], [0, self.last_depth]] inputs = tf.pad(inputs, paddings, "REFLECT") input_shape = inputs.shape skip_inputs = [] out_down = inputs out_skip = tf.reshape(inputs, [ input_shape[0] * input_shape[1], input_shape[2], input_shape[3], input_shape[4] ]) for down_layer in self.DownLayers: skip_inputs.append(out_skip) out_down, out_skip = down_layer(out_down, training=training, mask=mask) up_input = out_skip skip_inputs.reverse() assert len(skip_inputs) == len(self.UpLayers) for up_layer, skip_input in zip(self.UpLayers, skip_inputs): up_input = up_layer((up_input, skip_input), training=training, mask=mask) logits_output_shape = up_input.shape logits_output = tf.reshape(up_input, [ input_shape[0], input_shape[1], logits_output_shape[1], logits_output_shape[2], logits_output_shape[3] ]) logits_output = logits_output[crops[0][0]:crops[0][1], crops[1][0]:crops[1][1], crops[2][0]:crops[2][1], crops[3][0]:crops[3][1], crops[4][0]:crops[4][1]] softmax_output = self.Softmax(logits_output) return logits_output, softmax_output
tf.minimum 최소값 tf.cos 코사인 tf.sin 사인 tf.matmul 행렬의 곱 #====실습=============================== p1 = tf.placeholder("int32") #tf.placeholder: runtime시점에 값을 넣어 실행하겠다는 의미임 #값이 존재하지 않음 #초기화 시키지 않고 값이 나옴 p2 = tf.placeholder("int32") y = tf.div(p1,p2) #더하기 메소드 sess = tf.Session() y = tf.truediv(p1,p2), feed_dict={p1:9, p2:4}) y = tf.mod(p1,p2) y = tf.abs(p1,p2) y = tf.negative(p1,p2) y = tf.sign(p1,p2) y = tf.reciprocal(p1,p2) y = tf.square(p1,p2) y = tf.round(p1,p2) y = tf.sqrt(p1,p2) y = tf.pow(p1,p2) y = tf.exp(p1,p2) y = tf.log(p1,p2) y = tf.maximum(p1,p2) y = tf.minimum(p1,p2) y = tf.cos(p1,p2) y = tf.sin(p1,p2)
def get_control_flag(control, field): return tf.equal(tf.mod(tf.floor_div(control, field), 2), 1)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.framework import ops ops.reset_default_graph() # Open graph session sess = tf.Session() # div() vs truediv() vs floordiv() print(, 4))) print(, 4))) print(, 4.0))) # Mod function print(, 5.0))) # Cross Product print([1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]))) # Trig functions print( print( # Tangent print( / 4.), tf.cos(3.1416 / 4.)))) # Custom operation test_nums = range(15) #from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): assert features is not None assert labels is not None batch_size = params['batch_size'] global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() run_discriminator = tf.ceil(tf.div(tf.cast(tf.mod(global_step, (UPDATES_PER_GEN_UPDATE+1)), tf.float32), float(UPDATES_PER_GEN_UPDATE+1))) with tf.variable_scope('runs'): real_images = features noise = tf.random_normal([batch_size, noise_dim]) fake_images, fake_intermed = generator(noise) discriminator_real = discriminator(real_images) discriminator_fake = discriminator(fake_images) with tf.variable_scope('gradient-penalty'): alpha = tf.random_uniform(shape=[batch_size, spec_dim[0], spec_dim[1], spec_dim[2]], minval=0., maxval=1.) differences = fake_images-real_images interpolates = real_images+(alpha*differences) discriminator_interpolate = discriminator(interpolates) def restore_batch_size(x): return tf.tile(tf.reshape(x, [1, 1]), [batch_size, 1]) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: test_images = { 'fake_images': fake_images, 'real_images': real_images, 'global_step': restore_batch_size(global_step), } return tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec(mode, predictions=test_images) with tf.variable_scope('costs'): with tf.variable_scope('generator_cost'): pre_gen_cost = -tf.reduce_mean(discriminator_fake) gen_cost = pre_gen_cost*(1-run_discriminator) with tf.variable_scope('discriminator_cost'): original_cost = tf.reduce_mean(discriminator_fake)-tf.reduce_mean(discriminator_real) with tf.variable_scope('gradient-penalty'): gradients = tf.gradients(discriminator_interpolate, [interpolates])[0] slopes = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(gradients), reduction_indices=[1])) gradient_penalty = tf.reduce_mean((slopes-1.)**2) with tf.variable_scope('real-score-penalty'): real_score_penalty = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(discriminator_real)) pre_discriminator_cost = original_cost + gradient_penalty * gradient_penalty_weight + real_score_penalty * real_score_penalty_weight discriminator_cost = pre_discriminator_cost*run_discriminator if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: return tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec(mode, loss=0) # , eval_metric_ops=costs) def restore_batch_size(x): return tf.tile(tf.reshape(x, [1, 1]), [batch_size, 1]) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: with tf.variable_scope('optimizers'): gen_opt = tf.contrib.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(tf.train.AdamOptimizer(ALPHA, BETA1, BETA2)) assert gen_opt is not None discriminator_opt = tf.contrib.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(tf.train.AdamOptimizer(ALPHA, BETA1, BETA2)) with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)): discriminator_opt = discriminator_opt.minimize(discriminator_cost, var_list=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='runs/discriminator')) assert discriminator_opt is not None with tf.control_dependencies([discriminator_opt]): gen_opt = gen_opt.minimize(gen_cost, var_list=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='runs/generator')) assert discriminator_opt is not None with tf.control_dependencies([gen_opt]): opt = tf.assign_add(global_step, 1) assert tf.tile(tf.reshape(global_step, [1, 1]), [batch_size, 1]) is not None assert fake_images is not None tensors_to_pass = [ restore_batch_size(global_step), fake_images, restore_batch_size(pre_gen_cost), restore_batch_size(original_cost), restore_batch_size(gradient_penalty), restore_batch_size(real_score_penalty), restore_batch_size(pre_discriminator_cost) ] assert opt is not None return tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec(mode, train_op=opt, host_call=(host_call_fn, tensors_to_pass), loss=discriminator_cost+gen_cost) return
def build_graph(self): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): """Builds data processing graph using ```` API.""" if self.params['mode'] != 'infer': self._dataset = if self.params['shuffle']: self._dataset = self._dataset.shuffle(self._size) self._dataset = self._dataset.repeat() self._dataset = self._dataset.prefetch( self._dataset = lambda line: tf.py_func( self._parse_audio_transcript_element, [line], [self.params['dtype'], tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.float32], stateful=False, ), num_parallel_calls=8, ) if self.params['max_duration'] > 0: self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda x, x_len, y, y_len, duration: tf.less_equal(duration, self.params['max_duration']) ) if self.params['min_duration'] > 0: self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda x, x_len, y, y_len, duration: tf.greater_equal(duration, self.params['min_duration']) ) self._dataset = lambda x, x_len, y, y_len, duration: [x, x_len, y, y_len], num_parallel_calls=8, ) self._dataset = self._dataset.padded_batch( self.params['batch_size'], padded_shapes=([None, self.params['num_audio_features']], 1, [None], 1), padding_values=( tf.cast(0, self.params['dtype']), 0, self.target_pad_value, 0), ) else: indices = self.split_data( np.array(list(map(str, range(len(self.all_files))))) ) self._dataset = np.hstack((indices[:, np.newaxis], self._files[:, np.newaxis])) ) self._dataset = self._dataset.repeat() self._dataset = self._dataset.prefetch( self._dataset = lambda line: tf.py_func( self._parse_audio_element, [line], [self.params['dtype'], tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.float32], stateful=False, ), num_parallel_calls=8, ) if self.params['max_duration'] > 0: self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda x, x_len, idx, duration: tf.less_equal(duration, self.params['max_duration']) ) if self.params['min_duration'] > 0: self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda x, x_len, y, y_len, duration: tf.greater_equal(duration, self.params['min_duration']) ) self._dataset = lambda x, x_len, idx, duration: [x, x_len, idx], num_parallel_calls=16, ) self._dataset = self._dataset.padded_batch( self.params['batch_size'], padded_shapes=([None, self.params['num_audio_features']], 1, 1) ) self._iterator = self._dataset.prefetch(\ .make_initializable_iterator() if self.params['mode'] != 'infer': x, x_length, y, y_length = self._iterator.get_next() # need to explicitly set batch size dimension # (it is employed in the model) y.set_shape([self.params['batch_size'], None]) y_length = tf.reshape(y_length, [self.params['batch_size']]) else: x, x_length, x_id = self._iterator.get_next() x_id = tf.reshape(x_id, [self.params['batch_size']]) x.set_shape([self.params['batch_size'], None, self.params['num_audio_features']]) x_length = tf.reshape(x_length, [self.params['batch_size']]) pad_to = self.params.get("pad_to", 8) if pad_to > 0 and self.params.get('backend') == 'librosa': # we do padding with TF for librosa backend num_pad = tf.mod(pad_to - tf.mod(tf.reduce_max(x_length), pad_to), pad_to) x = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [0, num_pad], [0, 0]]) self._input_tensors = {} self._input_tensors["source_tensors"] = [x, x_length] if self.params['mode'] != 'infer': self._input_tensors['target_tensors'] = [y, y_length] else: self._input_tensors['source_ids'] = [x_id]
def regDLF(y_true, y_pred, alpha=1, beta=1, gamma=0.01, delta_v=0.5, delta_d=1.5, name='loss_discrim'): def tf_norm(inputs, axis=1, epsilon=1e-7, name='safe_norm'): squared_norm = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(inputs), axis=axis, keep_dims=True) safe_norm = tf.sqrt(squared_norm + epsilon) return tf.identity(safe_norm, name=name) ### lins = tf.linspace(0.0, DIMZ * DIMY * DIMX, DIMZ * DIMY * DIMX) lins = tf.cast(lins, tf.int32) # lins = lins / tf.reduce_max(lins) * 255 # lins = cvt2tanh(lins) # lins = tf.reshape(lins, tf.shape(y_true), name='lins_3d') # print lins lins_z = tf.div(lins, (DIMY * DIMX)) lins_y = tf.div(tf.mod(lins, (DIMY * DIMX)), DIMY) lins_x = tf.mod(tf.mod(lins, (DIMY * DIMX)), DIMY) lins = tf.cast(lins, tf.float32) lins_z = tf.cast(lins_z, tf.float32) lins_y = tf.cast(lins_y, tf.float32) lins_x = tf.cast(lins_x, tf.float32) lins = lins / tf.reduce_max(lins) * 255 lins_z = lins_z / tf.reduce_max(lins_z) * 255 lins_y = lins_y / tf.reduce_max(lins_y) * 255 lins_x = lins_x / tf.reduce_max(lins_x) * 255 lins = cvt2tanh(lins) lins_z = cvt2tanh(lins_z) lins_y = cvt2tanh(lins_y) lins_x = cvt2tanh(lins_x) lins = tf.reshape(lins, tf.shape(y_true), name='lins') lins_z = tf.reshape(lins_z, tf.shape(y_true), name='lins_z') lins_y = tf.reshape(lins_y, tf.shape(y_true), name='lins_y') lins_x = tf.reshape(lins_x, tf.shape(y_true), name='lins_x') y_true = tf.reshape(y_true, [DIMZ * DIMY * DIMX]) y_pred = tf.concat([y_pred, lins, lins_z, lins_y, lins_x], axis=-1) nDim = tf.shape(y_pred)[-1] X = tf.reshape(y_pred, [DIMZ * DIMY * DIMX, nDim]) uniqueLabels, uniqueInd = tf.unique(y_true) numUnique = tf.size( uniqueLabels) # Get the number of connected component Sigma = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(X, uniqueInd, numUnique) # ones_Sigma = tf.ones((tf.shape(X)[0], 1)) ones_Sigma = tf.ones_like(X) ones_Sigma = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(ones_Sigma, uniqueInd, numUnique) mu = tf.divide(Sigma, ones_Sigma) Lreg = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(mu, axis=1, ord=1)) T = tf.norm(tf.subtract(tf.gather(mu, uniqueInd), X), axis=1, ord=1) T = tf.divide(T, Lreg) T = tf.subtract(T, delta_v) T = tf.clip_by_value(T, 0, T) T = tf.square(T) ones_Sigma = tf.ones_like(uniqueInd, dtype=tf.float32) ones_Sigma = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(ones_Sigma, uniqueInd, numUnique) clusterSigma = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(T, uniqueInd, numUnique) clusterSigma = tf.divide(clusterSigma, ones_Sigma) # Lvar = tf.reduce_mean(clusterSigma, axis=0) Lvar = tf.reduce_mean(clusterSigma) mu_interleaved_rep = tf.tile(mu, [numUnique, 1]) mu_band_rep = tf.tile(mu, [1, numUnique]) mu_band_rep = tf.reshape(mu_band_rep, (numUnique * numUnique, nDim)) mu_diff = tf.subtract(mu_band_rep, mu_interleaved_rep) # Remove zero vector # intermediate_tensor = reduce_sum(tf.abs(x), 1) # zero_vector = tf.zeros(shape=(1,1), dtype=tf.float32) # bool_mask = tf.not_equal(intermediate_tensor, zero_vector) # omit_zeros = tf.boolean_mask(x, bool_mask) intermediate_tensor = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(mu_diff), 1) zero_vector = tf.zeros(shape=(1, 1), dtype=tf.float32) bool_mask = tf.not_equal(intermediate_tensor, zero_vector) omit_zeros = tf.boolean_mask(mu_diff, bool_mask) mu_diff = tf.expand_dims(omit_zeros, axis=1) print mu_diff mu_diff = tf.norm(mu_diff, ord=1) # squared_norm = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(s), axis=axis,keep_dims=True) # safe_norm = tf.sqrt(squared_norm + epsilon) # squared_norm = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(omit_zeros), axis=-1,keep_dims=True) # safe_norm = tf.sqrt(squared_norm + 1e-6) # mu_diff = safe_norm mu_diff = tf.divide(mu_diff, Lreg) mu_diff = tf.subtract(2 * delta_d, mu_diff) mu_diff = tf.clip_by_value(mu_diff, 0, mu_diff) mu_diff = tf.square(mu_diff) numUniqueF = tf.cast(numUnique, tf.float32) Ldist = tf.reduce_mean(mu_diff) # L = alpha * Lvar + beta * Ldist + gamma * Lreg # L = tf.reduce_mean(L, keep_dims=True) L = tf.reduce_sum([alpha * Lvar, beta * Ldist, gamma * Lreg], keep_dims=False) print L print Ldist print Lvar print Lreg return tf.identity(L, name=name)
name='word_counter', initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False, dtype=tf.int32) add_words = tf.assign_add(word_counter, words) # DATA PIPELINE (only want to go through data once) # dataset = # dataset = time.sleep(2) dataset = # GOAL: Distribute workload across workers, giving each a different part of data. # Assign file i work k if i % num_workers == 0. dataset = (dataset.enumerate().filter(lambda idx, f: tf.equal( tf.mod(idx, num_workers), FLAGS.task_index)).flat_map( lambda idx, f: # Use `Dataset.flat_map()` to transform each file as a separate nested dataset, # and then concatenate their contents sequentially into a single "flat" dataset. # Flatten text files. # dataset = dataset.flat_map( # lambda filename: ( # dataset = dataset.batch(16) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() next_element = iterator.get_next()
def train(self, dataset, end_trigger): with tf.Graph().as_default() as g: generator_inputs = dataset.feature_tensors real_data = dataset.label_tensors counter = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32) period = self._discriminator_steps + self._generator_steps is_discriminator_phase = tf.less(tf.mod(counter, period), self._discriminator_steps) with tf.variable_scope("generator"): gen_data = self._call_fn_maybe_with_counter(self._generator_fn, counter, generator_inputs) with tf.variable_scope("discriminator"): fake_d_outputs = self._call_fn_maybe_with_counter(self._discriminator_fn, counter, gen_data, generator_inputs) with tf.variable_scope("discriminator", reuse=True): real_d_outputs = self._call_fn_maybe_with_counter(self._discriminator_fn, counter, real_data, generator_inputs) with tf.name_scope("generator_loss"): generator_loss = self._call_fn_maybe_with_counter(self._generator_loss_fn, counter, fake_d_outputs) with tf.name_scope("discriminator_loss"): discriminator_loss = self._call_fn_maybe_with_counter(self._discriminator_loss_fn, counter, real_d_outputs, fake_d_outputs) generator_variables = tf.trainable_variables("generator") generator_grads = tf.gradients(generator_loss, generator_variables) discriminator_variables = tf.trainable_variables("discriminator") discriminator_grads = tf.gradients(discriminator_loss, discriminator_variables) variables = generator_variables + discriminator_variables def true_fn(): return [tf.zeros_like(grad) for grad in generator_grads] def false_fn(): return generator_grads g_grads = tf.cond(is_discriminator_phase, true_fn=true_fn, false_fn=false_fn) d_grads = tf.cond(is_discriminator_phase, lambda: discriminator_grads, lambda: [tf.zeros_like(grad) for grad in discriminator_grads]) loss = tf.cond(is_discriminator_phase, lambda: discriminator_loss, lambda: generator_loss) grads = g_grads + d_grads with tf.control_dependencies(grads): increase_counter = tf.assign_add(counter, 1) g_param_size = sum([np.product(g.shape) for g in g_grads]) with tf.Session() as sess: optimizer = TFOptimizer(loss, GanOptimMethod(self._discriminator_optim_method, self._generator_optim_method, g_param_size.value), sess=sess, dataset=dataset, inputs=dataset._original_tensors, grads=grads, variables=variables, graph=g, updates=[increase_counter], model_dir=self.checkpoint_path) optimizer.optimize(end_trigger) steps = saver = tf.train.Saver(), self.checkpoint_path, global_step=steps)
def __rmod__(self, other): return tf.mod(other, self)
#tf.random_crop(value, size, seed=None, name=None) #tf.multinomial(logits, num_samples, seed=None, name=None) #tf.random_gamma(shape, alpha, beta=None, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, name=None) # In[8]: # math operations a = tf.constant([3, 2]) b = tf.constant([2, 2]) tf.add(a, b) tf.add_n([a, b, b]) # a + b + b tf.multiply(a, b) # element wise #tf.matmul(a,b) # error tf.matmul(tf.reshape(a, shape=[1, 2]), tf.reshape(b, shape=[2, 1])) tf.div(a, b) tf.mod(a, b) # In[9]: # data types t_0 = 20 # treated as 0 d array tf.zeros_like(t_0) # ===> 0 tf.ones_like(t_0) # ===> 1 t_1 = ["apple", "banana", "orange"] # ==> treated as 1-D array tf.zeros_like(t_1) # ==> ['','',''] #tf.ones_like(t_1) # ==> error t_2 = [[True, False, False], [False, False, True], [False, True, False]] tf.zeros_like(t_2)
def __mod__(self, other): return tf.mod(self, other)
def _boundary_circular(sample_coords, input_size): return tf.mod(tf.mod(sample_coords, input_size) + input_size, input_size)
def build_orientation_map(pb): pyramid_kernel_x = np.array( [[0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]], np.float) pyramid_kernel_y = pyramid_kernel_x.transpose() preprocessing_kernel_y = tf.constant(pyramid_kernel_y, tf.float32, (9, 5, 1, 1), "pyramid_kernel_y") preprocessing_kernel_x = tf.constant(pyramid_kernel_x, tf.float32, (5, 9, 1, 1), "pyramid_kernel_x") pb4d = tf.expand_dims(pb, -1, "pb4d") pb_filtered_y = tf.nn.conv2d(pb4d, preprocessing_kernel_y, (1, 1, 1, 1), "SAME", name="pb_filtered_y") pb_filtered = tf.nn.conv2d(pb_filtered_y, preprocessing_kernel_x, (1, 1, 1, 1), "SAME", name="pb_filtered") gradient_kernel_y = tf.constant([-.5, 0, .5], tf.float32, (3, 1, 1, 1), "gradient_kernel_y") gradient_kernel_x = tf.constant([-.5, 0, .5], tf.float32, (1, 3, 1, 1), "gradient_kernel_x") padding_y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(4, 2) padding_x = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]).reshape(4, 2) pb_filtered_padded_y = tf.pad(pb_filtered, padding_y, "SYMMETRIC", "pb_filtered_padded_y") Oy = tf.nn.conv2d(pb_filtered_padded_y, gradient_kernel_y, (1, 1, 1, 1), "VALID", name="Oy") pb_filtered_padded_x = tf.pad(pb_filtered, padding_x, "SYMMETRIC", "pb_filtered_padded_x") Ox = tf.nn.conv2d(pb_filtered_padded_x, gradient_kernel_x, (1, 1, 1, 1), "VALID", name="Ox") Ox_padded_y = tf.pad(Ox, padding_y, "SYMMETRIC", "Ox_padded_y") Oyx = tf.nn.conv2d(Ox_padded_y, gradient_kernel_y, (1, 1, 1, 1), "VALID", name="Oyx") Ox_padded_x = tf.pad(Ox, padding_x, "SYMMETRIC", "Ox_padded_x") Oxx = tf.nn.conv2d(Ox_padded_x, gradient_kernel_x, (1, 1, 1, 1), "VALID", name="Oxx") Oy_padded_y = tf.pad(Oy, padding_y, "SYMMETRIC", "Oy_padded_y") Oyy = tf.nn.conv2d(Oy_padded_y, gradient_kernel_y, (1, 1, 1, 1), "VALID", name="Oyy") Oy_padded_x = tf.pad(Oy, padding_x, "SYMMETRIC", "Oy_padded_x") Oxy = tf.nn.conv2d(Oy_padded_x, gradient_kernel_x, (1, 1, 1, 1), "VALID", name="Oxy") Q = tf.atan(tf.divide(tf.multiply(Oyy, tf.sign(tf.negative(Oxy))), tf.add(Oxx, tf.constant(1e-5))), name="Q") pi = tf.constant(np.pi, tf.float32, name="pi") O = tf.mod(Q, pi, "O") return O
def update_cross(x, label=label, shape=shape1): i = tf.div(x[0], shape[0]) j = tf.mod(x[0], shape[0]) return tf.cond(tf.less(x[1], 1), lambda: tf.ones([ 4, ], dtype=tf.int32), lambda: cross_layer(label, i, j))
def step(self, att_objects: List[Attention], bs_state: SearchState) -> Tuple[SearchState, SearchStepOutput]: # embed the previously decoded word input_ = self._parent_decoder.embed_and_dropout(bs_state.last_word_ids) # don't want to use this decoder with uninitialized parent assert self._parent_decoder.step_scope.reuse # run the parent decoder decoding step # shapes: # logits: beam x vocabulary # state: beam x rnn_size # attns: encoder x beam x context vector size logits, state, attns = self._parent_decoder.step( att_objects, input_, bs_state.last_state, bs_state.last_attns) # mask the probabilities # shape(logprobs) = beam x vocabulary logprobs = (tf.expand_dims(1. - tf.to_float(bs_state.finished), 1) * tf.nn.log_softmax(logits)) # update hypothesis scores # shape(hyp_probs) = beam x vocabulary hyp_probs = tf.expand_dims(bs_state.logprob_sum, 1) + logprobs # update hypothesis lengths hyp_lengths = bs_state.lengths + 1 - tf.to_int32(bs_state.finished) # shape(scores) = beam x vocabulary scores = hyp_probs / tf.expand_dims(self._length_penalty(hyp_lengths), 1) # flatten so we can use top_k scores_flat = tf.reshape(scores, [-1]) # shape(both) = beam topk_scores, topk_indices = tf.nn.top_k(scores_flat, self._beam_size) topk_scores.set_shape([self._beam_size]) topk_indices.set_shape([self._beam_size]) # flatten the hypothesis probabilities hyp_probs_flat = tf.reshape(hyp_probs, [-1]) # select logprobs of the best hyps (disregard lenghts) next_logprob_sum = tf.gather(hyp_probs_flat, topk_indices) # pylint: disable=no-member next_logprob_sum.set_shape([self._beam_size]) # pylint: enable=no-member next_word_ids = tf.mod(topk_indices, len(self._parent_decoder.vocabulary)) next_beam_ids = tf.div(topk_indices, len(self._parent_decoder.vocabulary)) next_beam_prev_state = tf.gather(state, next_beam_ids) next_beam_prev_attns = [tf.gather(a, next_beam_ids) for a in attns] next_lengths = tf.gather(hyp_lengths, next_beam_ids) # update finished flags has_just_finished = tf.equal(next_word_ids, END_TOKEN_INDEX) next_finished = tf.logical_or( tf.gather(bs_state.finished, next_beam_ids), has_just_finished) output = SearchStepOutput(scores=topk_scores, parent_ids=next_beam_ids, token_ids=next_word_ids) search_state = SearchState(logprob_sum=next_logprob_sum, lengths=next_lengths, finished=next_finished, last_word_ids=next_word_ids, last_state=next_beam_prev_state, last_attns=next_beam_prev_attns) return search_state, output
def update_in(x, full_label=full_label, shape=shape): i = tf.div(x[0], shape[0]) j = tf.mod(x[0], shape[0]) return tf.cond(tf.less(x[1], 1), lambda: tf.ones([ 8, ], dtype=tf.int32), lambda: in_layer(full_label, i + 1, j + 1))
def loop_step(batch_index, ts, stop_decoder, states, alphas, cand_seqs, cand_scores, completed_scores, completed_scores_scaled, completed_seqs, completed_lens): """ Args: batch_index: batch index ts (int): time step stop_decoder (bool): stop decoding ys (?): [beam_size] states (float): [beam_size, state_size] alphas (float): [beam_size, alpha_size] cand_scores: [beam_size], sequence score cand_seqs: [beam_size, ts], ts increases over time Returns: logits shape: [beam_size, output_dim] state: [beam_size, state_size] alpha: [beam_size, alpha_size] """ # 1. get score from one step decoder # logits = tf.one_hot(ts, depth=num_symbols, off_value=0.0, dtype=tf.float32) if DEBUG: ts = tf.Print(ts, [ts], message='ts: ') ys = cand_seqs[:, ts] if DEBUG: ys = tf.Print(ys, [ys], message='Y(t-1): ') logits, states, alphas = self.step(ys, states, alphas, batch_index) if DEBUG: logits = tf.Print(logits, [logits], message='logits: ') Z = tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, 1, keep_dims=True) if DEBUG: Z = tf.Print(Z, [Z], message='Z: ') logprobs = tf.subtract(logits, Z) # [beam_size, num_symbols] new_scores = tf.add(logprobs, tf.expand_dims(cand_scores, 1)) # [beam_size, num_symbols] if DEBUG: new_scores = tf.Print(new_scores, [new_scores], message='new_scores: ') num_unstop_symbols = tf.shape(new_scores)[1] - 1 new_uncompleted_scores, new_completed_scores = tf.split( new_scores, [num_unstop_symbols, 1], 1) if DEBUG: new_uncompleted_scores = tf.Print( new_uncompleted_scores, [new_uncompleted_scores], message='new_uncompleted_scores: ') # 2. Update completed seqs -------------------------------------- # 2.1 update scores new_completed_scores = tf.squeeze(new_completed_scores, -1) # [beam_size] all_completed_scores = tf.concat( [completed_scores, new_completed_scores], 0) # [2*beam_size] # 2.2 choose top K from scaled_scores new_completed_scores_scaled = tf.div(new_completed_scores, tf.to_float(ts + 1)) all_scores_scaled = tf.concat( [completed_scores_scaled, new_completed_scores_scaled], 0) completed_scores_scaled, indices = tf.nn.top_k(all_scores_scaled, k=beam_size, sorted=False) if DEBUG: indices = tf.Print(indices, [indices], message='top K completed indices: ') # 2.2 update len new_completed_lens = tf.fill([beam_size], tf.add(ts, 1)) # [beam_size] all_lens = tf.concat([completed_lens, new_completed_lens], 0) # [2*beam_size] completed_lens = tf.gather(all_lens, indices, validate_indices=True, axis=0) # [beam_size] if DEBUG: completed_lens = tf.Print(completed_lens, [completed_lens], message='completed lens', summarize=5) # 2.3 update seqs all_completed = tf.concat([completed_seqs, cand_seqs], 0) completed_seqs = tf.gather(all_completed, indices, validate_indices=True, axis=0) # [beam_size, ts] if DEBUG: completed_seqs = tf.Print(completed_seqs, [completed_seqs], message='completed seqs: ', summarize=MAX_STEPS + 2) # 2.4 stop decoding loop max_uncompleted = tf.reduce_max(new_uncompleted_scores) completed_scores = tf.gather(all_completed_scores, indices, validate_indices=True, axis=0) min_completed = tf.reduce_min(completed_scores) stop_decoder = tf.greater(min_completed, max_uncompleted) # 2. Update completed seqs -------------------------------------- # 3. Update uncompleted sequences -------------------------------- # new_uncompleted_scores: [beam_size, num_symbols-1] # top_k: [beam_size]. indices of top k scores def f0(): return new_uncompleted_scores[0, :] def f1(): return new_uncompleted_scores un_scores = tf.cond(tf.equal(ts, 0), f0, f1) new_flat = tf.squeeze(tf.reshape( un_scores, [-1, 1])) # [beam_size*num_unstop_symbols] # get top K symbols cand_scores, flat_indices = tf.nn.top_k(new_flat, k=beam_size, sorted=False) cand_parents = tf.div(flat_indices, num_unstop_symbols) _ys = tf.mod(flat_indices, num_unstop_symbols) # [beam_size], y(t) for next step A = tf.gather(cand_seqs[:, 0:ts + 1], cand_parents) #[beam_size, ts+1] B = tf.expand_dims(_ys, -1) # [beam_size, 1] C = tf.fill([beam_size, MAX_STEPS + 2 - ts - 2], stop_symbol) cand_seqs = tf.concat([A, B, C], 1) # [beam_size, MAX_STEPS] if DEBUG: cand_seqs = tf.Print(cand_seqs, [cand_seqs], message='cand seqs: ', summarize=MAX_STEPS + 2) cand_seqs = tf.reshape(cand_seqs, [beam_size, MAX_STEPS + 2]) cand_scores.set_shape([beam_size]) completed_seqs = tf.reshape(completed_seqs, [beam_size, MAX_STEPS + 2]) s1_shape = [beam_size, self.attention_cell.state_size] s2_shape = [beam_size, self.decoder_cell.state_size] s3_shape = [beam_size, self.attn_context.context_size] # prepare data for next step # states = tf.gather(states, cand_parents, axis=0) # states = self.select_states(states, cand_parents) states = tuple(tf.gather(el, cand_parents) for el in states) states[0].set_shape(s1_shape) states[1].set_shape(s2_shape) states[2].set_shape(s3_shape) alphas = tf.gather(alphas, cand_parents, axis=1) alphas_shape = [self.attn_context.num_encoder_states, beam_size] alphas = tf.reshape(alphas, alphas_shape) # alphas.set_shape(alphas_shape) # 3. Update uncompleted sequences -------------------------------- ts = tf.add(ts, 1) return batch_index, ts, stop_decoder, states, alphas, cand_seqs, \ cand_scores, completed_scores, completed_scores_scaled, \ completed_seqs, completed_lens
def model_creator(batch_size, name="default", dtype=np.float32): """Create MNIST autoencoder model. Dataset is part of model.""" model = Model(name) def get_batch_size(data): return 10000 init_dict = {} global_vars = [] local_vars = [] # TODO: factor out to reuse between scripts # TODO: change feed_dict logic to reuse value provided to VarStruct # current situation makes reinitialization of global variable change # it's value, counterinituitive def init_var(val, name, is_global=False): """Helper to create variables with numpy or TF initial values.""" if isinstance(val, tf.Tensor): var = u.get_variable(name=name, initializer=val, reuse=is_global) else: val = np.array(val) assert u.is_numeric(val), "Non-numeric type." var_struct = u.get_var(name=name, initializer=val, reuse=is_global) holder = var_struct.val_ init_dict[holder] = val var = var_struct.var if is_global: global_vars.append(var) else: local_vars.append(var) return var def nonlin(x): return tf.sigmoid(x) # TODO: rename into "nonlin_d" def d_nonlin(y): return y*(1-y) patches = train_images[:,:args.batch_size]; test_patches = test_images[:,:args.batch_size]; if args.dataset == 'cifar': input_dim = 3*32*32 elif args.dataset == 'mnist': input_dim = 28*28 else: assert False if release_name == 'kfac_tiny': fs = [args.batch_size, input_dim, 196, input_dim] else: fs = [args.batch_size, input_dim, 1024, 1024, 1024, 196, 1024, 1024, 1024, input_dim] def f(i): return fs[i+1] # W[i] has shape f[i] x f[i-1] n = len(fs) - 2 # Full dataset from which new batches are sampled X_full = init_var(train_images, "X_full", is_global=True) X = init_var(patches, "X", is_global=False) # stores local batch per model W = [None]*n W.insert(0, X) A = [None]*(n+2) A[1] = W[0] for i in range(1, n+1): init_val = ng_init(f(i), f(i-1)).astype(dtype) W[i] = init_var(init_val, "W_%d"%(i,), is_global=True) A[i+1] = nonlin(kfac_lib.matmul(W[i], A[i])) err = A[n+1] - A[1] model.loss = u.L2(err) / (2 * get_batch_size(err)) # create test error eval layer0 = init_var(test_patches, "X_test", is_global=True) layer = layer0 for i in range(1, n+1): layer = nonlin(W[i] @ layer) verr = (layer - layer0) model.vloss = u.L2(verr) / (2 * get_batch_size(verr)) # manually compute backprop to use for sanity checking B = [None]*(n+1) B2 = [None]*(n+1) B[n] = err*d_nonlin(A[n+1]) _sampled_labels_live = tf.random_normal((f(n), f(-1)), dtype=dtype, seed=0) if args.fixed_labels: _sampled_labels_live = tf.ones(shape=(f(n), f(-1)), dtype=dtype) _sampled_labels = init_var(_sampled_labels_live, "to_be_deleted", is_global=False) B2[n] = _sampled_labels*d_nonlin(A[n+1]) for i in range(n-1, -1, -1): backprop = t(W[i+1]) @ B[i+1] B[i] = backprop*d_nonlin(A[i+1]) backprop2 = t(W[i+1]) @ B2[i+1] B2[i] = backprop2*d_nonlin(A[i+1]) # cov_A = [None]*(n+1) # covariance of activations[i] # cov_B2 = [None]*(n+1) # covariance of synthetic backprops[i] # vars_svd_A = [None]*(n+1) # vars_svd_B2 = [None]*(n+1) # dW = [None]*(n+1) # pre_dW = [None]*(n+1) # preconditioned dW # todo: decouple initial value from covariance update # # maybe need start with identity and do running average # for i in range(1,n+1): # if regularized_svd: # cov_A[i] = init_var(A[i]@t(A[i])/args.batch_size+args.Lambda*u.Identity(f(i-1)), "cov_A%d"%(i,)) # cov_B2[i] = init_var(B2[i]@t(B2[i])/args.batch_size+args.Lambda*u.Identity(f(i)), "cov_B2%d"%(i,)) # else: # cov_A[i] = init_var(A[i]@t(A[i])/args.batch_size, "cov_A%d"%(i,)) # cov_B2[i] = init_var(B2[i]@t(B2[i])/args.batch_size, "cov_B2%d"%(i,)) # vars_svd_A[i] = u.SvdWrapper(cov_A[i],"svd_A_%d"%(i,), do_inverses=False) # vars_svd_B2[i] = u.SvdWrapper(cov_B2[i],"svd_B2_%d"%(i,), do_inverses=False) # whitened_A = u.cached_inverse(vars_svd_A[i], args.Lambda) @ A[i] # whitened_B = u.cached_inverse(vars_svd_B2[i], args.Lambda) @ B[i] # dW[i] = (B[i] @ t(A[i]))/args.batch_size # pre_dW[i] = (whitened_B @ t(whitened_A))/args.batch_size sampled_labels_live = A[n+1] + tf.random_normal((f(n), f(-1)), dtype=dtype, seed=0) if args.fixed_labels: sampled_labels_live = A[n+1]+tf.ones(shape=(f(n), f(-1)), dtype=dtype) sampled_labels = init_var(sampled_labels_live, "sampled_labels", is_global=False) err2 = A[n+1] - sampled_labels model.loss2 = u.L2(err2) / (2 * args.batch_size) model.global_vars = global_vars model.local_vars = local_vars model.trainable_vars = W[1:] # todo, we have 3 places where model step is tracked, reduce model.step = init_var(u.as_int32(0), "step", is_global=False) advance_step_op = model.step.assign_add(1) assert get_batch_size(X_full) % args.batch_size == 0 batches_per_dataset = (get_batch_size(X_full) // args.batch_size) batch_idx = tf.mod(model.step, batches_per_dataset) start_idx = batch_idx * args.batch_size advance_batch_op = X.assign(X_full[:,start_idx:start_idx + args.batch_size]) def advance_batch(): # print("Step for model(%s) is %s"%(, u.eval(model.step))) sess = u.get_default_session() # TODO: get rid of _sampled_labels sessrun([sampled_labels.initializer, _sampled_labels.initializer]) if args.advance_batch: sessrun(advance_batch_op) sessrun(advance_step_op) model.advance_batch = advance_batch # TODO: refactor this to take initial values out of Var struct #global_init_op =*[v.initializer for v in global_vars]) global_init_ops = [v.initializer for v in global_vars] global_init_op =*[v.initializer for v in global_vars]) global_init_query_ops = [tf.logical_not(tf.is_variable_initialized(v)) for v in global_vars] def initialize_global_vars(verbose=False, reinitialize=False): """If reinitialize is false, will not reinitialize variables already initialized.""" sess = u.get_default_session() if not reinitialize: uninited = sessrun(global_init_query_ops) # use numpy boolean indexing to select list of initializers to run to_initialize = list(np.asarray(global_init_ops)[uninited]) else: to_initialize = global_init_ops if verbose: print("Initializing following:") for v in to_initialize: print(" " + sessrun(to_initialize, feed_dict=init_dict) model.initialize_global_vars = initialize_global_vars # didn't quite work (can't initialize var in same run call as deps likely) # enforce that batch is initialized before everything # except fake labels opa # for v in local_vars: # if v != X and v != sampled_labels and v != _sampled_labels: # print("Adding dep %s on %s"%(, # u.add_dep(v.initializer, on_op=X.initializer) local_init_op =*[v.initializer for v in local_vars], name="%s_localinit"%( print("Local vars:") for v in local_vars: print( def initialize_local_vars(): sess = u.get_default_session() sessrun(_sampled_labels.initializer, feed_dict=init_dict) sessrun(X.initializer, feed_dict=init_dict) sessrun(local_init_op, feed_dict=init_dict) model.initialize_local_vars = initialize_local_vars return model
def generate_detections_per_image_tpu(cls_outputs, box_outputs, anchor_boxes, image_info, pre_nms_num_detections=1000, post_nms_num_detections=100, nms_threshold=0.3, bbox_reg_weights=(10., 10., 5., 5.)): """Generate the final detections per image given the model outputs. Args: cls_outputs: a tensor with shape [N, num_classes], which stacks class logit outputs on all feature levels. The N is the number of total anchors on all levels. The num_classes is the number of classes predicted by the model. Note that the cls_outputs should be the output of softmax(). box_outputs: a tensor with shape [N, num_classes*4], which stacks box regression outputs on all feature levels. The N is the number of total anchors on all levels. anchor_boxes: a tensor with shape [N, 4], which stacks anchors on all feature levels. The N is the number of total anchors on all levels. image_info: a tensor of shape [5] which encodes the input image's [height, width, scale, original_height, original_width] pre_nms_num_detections: an integer that specifies the number of candidates before NMS. post_nms_num_detections: an integer that specifies the number of candidates after NMS. nms_threshold: a float number to specify the IOU threshold of NMS. bbox_reg_weights: a list of 4 float scalars, which are default weights on (dx, dy, dw, dh) for normalizing bbox regression targets. Returns: detections: Tuple of tensors corresponding to number of valid boxes, box coordinates, object categories for each boxes, and box scores -- respectively. """ num_boxes, num_classes = cls_outputs.get_shape().as_list() # Remove background class scores. cls_outputs = cls_outputs[:, 1:num_classes] top_k_scores, top_k_indices_with_classes = tf.nn.top_k( tf.reshape(cls_outputs, [-1]), k=pre_nms_num_detections, sorted=False) classes = tf.mod(top_k_indices_with_classes, num_classes - 1) top_k_indices = tf.floordiv(top_k_indices_with_classes, num_classes - 1) anchor_boxes = tf.gather(anchor_boxes, top_k_indices) box_outputs = tf.reshape(box_outputs, [num_boxes, num_classes, 4])[:, 1:num_classes, :] class_indices = classes box_outputs = tf.gather_nd( box_outputs, tf.stack([top_k_indices, class_indices], axis=1)) # apply bounding box regression to anchors boxes = box_utils.decode_boxes(box_outputs, anchor_boxes, bbox_reg_weights) boxes = box_utils.clip_boxes(boxes, image_info[0], image_info[1]) list_of_all_boxes = [] list_of_all_scores = [] list_of_all_classes = [] # Skip background class. for class_i in range(num_classes): # Compute bitmask for the given classes. class_i_bitmask = tf.cast(tf.equal(classes, class_i), top_k_scores.dtype) # This works because score is in [0, 1]. class_i_scores = top_k_scores * class_i_bitmask # The TPU and CPU have different behaviors for # tf.image.non_max_suppression_padded (b/116754376). (class_i_post_nms_indices, class_i_nms_num_valid) = tf.image.non_max_suppression_padded( tf.to_float(boxes), tf.to_float(class_i_scores), post_nms_num_detections, iou_threshold=nms_threshold, score_threshold=0.05, pad_to_max_output_size=True, name='nms_detections_' + str(class_i)) class_i_post_nms_boxes = tf.gather(boxes, class_i_post_nms_indices) class_i_post_nms_scores = tf.gather(class_i_scores, class_i_post_nms_indices) mask = tf.less(tf.range(post_nms_num_detections), [class_i_nms_num_valid]) class_i_post_nms_scores = tf.where( mask, class_i_post_nms_scores, tf.zeros_like(class_i_post_nms_scores)) class_i_classes = tf.fill(tf.shape(class_i_post_nms_scores), class_i + 1) list_of_all_boxes.append(class_i_post_nms_boxes) list_of_all_scores.append(class_i_post_nms_scores) list_of_all_classes.append(class_i_classes) post_nms_boxes = tf.concat(list_of_all_boxes, axis=0) post_nms_scores = tf.concat(list_of_all_scores, axis=0) post_nms_classes = tf.concat(list_of_all_classes, axis=0) # sort all results. post_nms_scores, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(tf.to_float(post_nms_scores), k=post_nms_num_detections, sorted=True) post_nms_boxes = tf.gather(post_nms_boxes, sorted_indices) post_nms_classes = tf.gather(post_nms_classes, sorted_indices) valid_mask = tf.where(tf.greater(post_nms_scores, 0), tf.ones_like(post_nms_scores), tf.zeros_like(post_nms_scores)) num_valid_boxes = tf.reduce_sum(valid_mask, axis=-1) box_classes = tf.to_float(post_nms_classes) return num_valid_boxes, post_nms_boxes, box_classes, post_nms_scores
def _boundary_circular(sample_coords, input_size): sample_coords, input_size = _param_type_and_shape(sample_coords, input_size) return tf.mod(tf.mod(sample_coords, input_size) + input_size, input_size)
def create_model(inputs, targets, classes_real, classes_fake): def create_discriminator(discrim_inputs, discrim_targets): n_layers = 3 layers = [] # 2x [batch, height, width, in_channels] => [batch, height, width, in_channels * 2] input = tf.concat([discrim_inputs, discrim_targets], axis=3) # layer_1: [batch, 256, 256, in_channels * 2] => [batch, 128, 128, ndf] with tf.variable_scope("layer_1"): convolved = conv(input, a.ndf, stride=2) rectified = lrelu(convolved, 0.2) layers.append(rectified) # layer_2: [batch, 128, 128, ndf] => [batch, 64, 64, ndf * 2] # layer_3: [batch, 64, 64, ndf * 2] => [batch, 32, 32, ndf * 4] # layer_4: [batch, 32, 32, ndf * 4] => [batch, 31, 31, ndf * 8] for i in range(n_layers): with tf.variable_scope("layer_%d" % (len(layers) + 1)): out_channels = a.ndf * min(2**(i + 1), 8) stride = 1 if i == n_layers - 1 else 2 # last layer here has stride 1 convolved = conv(layers[-1], out_channels, stride=stride) normalized = batchnorm(convolved) rectified = lrelu(normalized, 0.2) layers.append(rectified) # layer_5: [batch, 31, 31, ndf * 8] => [batch, 30, 30, 1] with tf.variable_scope("layer_%d" % (len(layers) + 1)): convolved = conv(rectified, out_channels=1, stride=1) #output = tf.sigmoid(convolved) #layers.append(output) layers.append(convolved) # layer 6: [batch, 30, 30, 1] => [batch, 2k] with tf.variable_scope("layer_%d" % (len(layers) + 1)): conv_flat = tf.reshape(layers[-1], [-1, 30 * 30 * 1]) fully_connected = tf.layers.dense(conv_flat, units=(2 * NUM_CLASSES)) layers.append(fully_connected) return layers[-1] with tf.variable_scope("generator") as scope: out_channels = int(targets.get_shape()[-1]) outputs = create_generator(inputs, out_channels) # create two copies of discriminator, one for real pairs and one for fake pairs # they share the same underlying variables with tf.name_scope("real_discriminator"): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator"): # 2x [batch, height, width, channels] => [batch, 2k] real_outputs = create_discriminator(inputs, targets) #real_outputs = tf.Print(real_outputs, [real_outputs, real_outputs.get_shape()], message='Real Output:',summarize=5) with tf.name_scope("fake_discriminator"): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator", reuse=True): # 2x [batch, height, width, channels] => [batch, 2k] fake_outputs = create_discriminator(inputs, outputs) #fake_outputs = tf.Print(fake_outputs, [fake_outputs, fake_outputs.get_shape()], message='Fake Output:',summarize=5) with tf.name_scope("discriminator_loss"): shape = classes_real.get_shape().dims real_penalty = tf.constant(a.penalties[0], shape=shape) fake_penalty = tf.constant(a.penalties[0], shape=shape) num_classes_const = tf.constant(NUM_CLASSES, shape=shape) # A , F&C, has incorrect trailing / leading zeros and correct class # B , C&F, has correct trailing / leading zeros and incorrect class # C , F&F, has inccorect trailing / leading zeros and incorrect class A_const = tf.constant(a.penalties[1], shape=shape) B_const = tf.constant(a.penalties[2], shape=shape) C_const = tf.constant(a.penalties[3], shape=shape) # predictions real_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(real_outputs, dim=-1) fake_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(fake_outputs, dim=-1) real_class_pred = tf.cast(tf.argmax(real_softmax, axis=1), tf.int32) fake_class_pred = tf.cast(tf.argmax(fake_softmax, axis=1), tf.int32) # determine if real / fake prediction was correct real_binary = tf.greater(real_class_pred, num_classes_const) fake_binary = tf.less(fake_class_pred, num_classes_const) # determine if class prediction was correct real_class_binary = tf.not_equal( tf.mod(real_class_pred, num_classes_const), classes_real) fake_class_binary = tf.not_equal( tf.mod(fake_class_pred, num_classes_const), classes_real) # get wrong wrong instances real_ = tf.logical_and(real_binary, real_class_binary) fake_ = tf.logical_and(fake_binary, fake_class_binary) # penalty calc real_penalty = tf.where(real_binary, A_const, real_penalty) real_penalty = tf.where(real_class_binary, B_const, real_penalty) real_penalty = tf.where(real_, C_const, real_penalty) fake_penalty = tf.where(fake_binary, A_const, fake_penalty) fake_penalty = tf.where(fake_class_binary, B_const, fake_penalty) fake_penalty = tf.where(fake_, C_const, fake_penalty) real_penalty = tf.cast(real_penalty, tf.float32) fake_penalty = tf.cast(fake_penalty, tf.float32) # calculate loss predict_real = tf.reduce_sum(real_softmax[:, :NUM_CLASSES], axis=1) predict_fake = tf.reduce_sum(fake_softmax[:, NUM_CLASSES:], axis=1) discrim_unsupervised_loss = tf.reduce_sum( -(tf.log(predict_real + EPS) + tf.log(predict_fake + EPS))) real_cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=classes_real, logits=real_outputs) fake_cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=classes_fake, logits=fake_outputs) discrim_real_supervised_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(real_cross_entropy, real_penalty)) discrim_fake_supervised_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(fake_cross_entropy, fake_penalty)) discrim_loss = tf.add_n([ discrim_unsupervised_loss, discrim_real_supervised_loss, discrim_fake_supervised_loss ]) with tf.name_scope("generator_loss"): # abs(targets - outputs) => 0 gen_supervised_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=classes_real, logits=fake_outputs)) gen_loss_GAN = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.log(1 - predict_fake + EPS)) + gen_supervised_loss gen_loss_L1 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(targets - outputs)) gen_loss = gen_loss_GAN * a.gan_weight + gen_loss_L1 * a.l1_weight with tf.name_scope("discriminator_train"): discrim_tvars = [ var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"discriminator") ] discrim_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, a.beta1) discrim_grads_and_vars = discrim_optim.compute_gradients( discrim_loss, var_list=discrim_tvars) discrim_train = discrim_optim.apply_gradients(discrim_grads_and_vars) with tf.name_scope("generator_train"): with tf.control_dependencies([discrim_train]): gen_tvars = [ var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"generator") ] gen_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, a.beta1) gen_grads_and_vars = gen_optim.compute_gradients( gen_loss, var_list=gen_tvars) gen_train = gen_optim.apply_gradients(gen_grads_and_vars) ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.99) update_losses = ema.apply([discrim_loss, gen_loss_GAN, gen_loss_L1]) global_step = tf.contrib.framework.get_or_create_global_step() incr_global_step = tf.assign(global_step, global_step + 1) return Model( predict_real=predict_real, predict_fake=predict_fake, discrim_loss=ema.average(discrim_loss), discrim_grads_and_vars=discrim_grads_and_vars, gen_loss_GAN=ema.average(gen_loss_GAN), gen_loss_L1=ema.average(gen_loss_L1), gen_grads_and_vars=gen_grads_and_vars, outputs=outputs,, incr_global_step, gen_train), )