def train_step(step, boards, supers): boards = pentago.unpack_boards(boards) supers = pentago.unpack_supers(supers) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: logits = M(boards) loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=supers)) accuracy = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32), supers) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(accuracy, tf.float32)) grads = tape.gradient(loss, M.trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, M.trainable_variables)) tf.print(tf.strings.format('step {}: loss {}, accuracy {}', (step, loss, accuracy))) with summary_writer.as_default(), tf.contrib.summary.always_record_summaries(): tf.contrib.summary.scalar('loss', loss, step=step) tf.contrib.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy, step=step)
def testPrint(self): # tf.print() cannot be parsed unless we import print_function text = """from __future__ import print_function tf.print() tf.print('abc') """ _, unused_report, unused_errors, new_text = self._upgrade(text) self.assertEqual(new_text, text) # Text should stay the same
from core.yolov3 import YOLOv3, decode, compute_loss from core.config import cfg # gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') # return all GPUs # tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(device=gpus[0], enable=True) # dynamically use GPU memory # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" """get training images and labels""" trainset = Dataset('train') # creat a Dataset object which will be used for generating batch_image, (batch_smaller_label, batch_medium_label, batch_larger_label) logdir = "C:/PycharmProjects/YOLOV3_Github/data/log" # file for saving logs steps_per_epoch = len(trainset) # 250 global_steps = tf.Variable(1, trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64) warmup_steps = cfg.TRAIN.WARMUP_EPOCHS * steps_per_epoch # 2 epochs total_steps = cfg.TRAIN.EPOCHS * steps_per_epoch # 30 train epochs tf.print('steps_per_epoch:%d' %steps_per_epoch) """build model and load weights""" input_tensor = tf.keras.layers.Input([416, 416, 3]) # create an input object with tensor shape (416,416,3), no batch is needed conv_tensors = YOLOv3(input_tensor) # chain input layer and hidden layers, get output [[b,52,52,3*(5+c)], [b,26,26,3*(5+c)], [b,13,13,3*(5+c)]] output_tensors = [] for i, conv_tensor in enumerate(conv_tensors): pred_tensor = decode(conv_tensor, i) output_tensors.append(conv_tensor) # output layer [batch, grid, grid, 3*(5+c)] output_tensors.append(pred_tensor) # decoded output layer [batch, grid, grid, 3*(5+c)] model = tf.keras.Model(input_tensor, output_tensors) # generate a model object based on input layer and output layer utils.load_weights(model, "./yolov3.weights") # load weights model.summary()
# compute output W_eff = W * w_hat y = tf.matmul(x, W_eff) + b y = activation(y) return y, sparse_reg_term + l2_reg_term # Instantiate network y = R reg_losses = None for i in range(n_layers): y, reg_loss = kernel_layer(y, n_hid, name=str(i)) reg_losses = reg_loss if reg_losses is None else reg_losses + reg_loss prediction, reg_loss = kernel_layer(y, n_u, activation=tf.identity, name='out') tf.print(prediction) reg_losses = reg_losses + reg_loss # Compute loss (symbolic) diff = tm * (R - prediction) sqE = tf.nn.l2_loss(diff) loss = sqE + reg_losses # Instantiate L-BFGS Optimizer optimizer = tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface(loss, options={ 'maxiter': output_every, 'disp': verbose_bfgs, 'maxcor': 10 }, method='L-BFGS-B')
import tensorflow as tf mammal = tf.Variable("Elephant", tf.string) ignition = tf.Variable(451, tf.int16) floating = tf.Variable(3.14159265359, tf.float64) its_complicated = tf.Variable(12.3 - 4.85j, tf.complex64) mystr = tf.Variable(["Hello"], tf.string) cool_numbers = tf.Variable([3.14159, 2.71828], tf.float32) first_primes = tf.Variable([2, 3, 5, 7, 11], tf.int32) its_very_complicated = tf.Variable([12.3 - 4.85j, 7.5 - 6.23j], tf.complex64) mymat = tf.Variable([[7],[11]], tf.int16) myxor = tf.Variable([[False, True],[True, False]], tf.bool) linear_squares = tf.Variable([[4], [9], [16], [25]], tf.int32) squarish_squares = tf.Variable([ [4, 9], [16, 25] ], tf.int32) rank_of_squares = tf.rank(squarish_squares) mymatC = tf.Variable([[7],[11]], tf.int32) my_image = tf.zeros([10, 299, 299, 3]) # batch x height x width x color r = tf.rank(my_image) # After the graph runs, r will hold the value 4. print(my_image) print(r) tf.print(my_image)
def call(self, inputs, cps=None, isFirstLayer=False): if isFirstLayer: tf.print("computed cp for the last input", cps[-1]) bOnA = inputs - self.firstLayerTA0 - cps / (self.firstLayerK1M * self.E0) tf.print("computed bOna for the last input", bOnA[-1]) tf.print("second parts", (4 * inputs * cps / (self.firstLayerK1M * self.E0))[-1]) tf.assert_rank( self.firstLayerK1M * self.E0 * self.firstLayerTA0 / cps, tf.rank(inputs)) olderInput = tf.where( tf.equal( self.firstLayerK1M * self.E0 * self.firstLayerTA0 / cps, 0), inputs, 0.5 * (bOnA + (tf.pow(bOnA, 2) + 4 * inputs * cps / (self.firstLayerK1M * self.E0))**0.5)) tf.print("solution for the last inputs of first layer: ", olderInput[-1]) olderInput = self.firstLayerk2 * self.firstLayerK1M / self.firstLayerkdT * self.firstLayerTA0 * self.E0 / cps * olderInput / ( 1 + self.firstLayerK1M * self.E0 / cps * olderInput) else: olderInput = inputs #For batch computation: k1m * tf.transpose(inputs) doesn't work and we need to add a 1 axis in the end and use only * #Just above we use rank1 vector so should keep rank2 batches of input cpsExpand = tf.expand_dims(cps, -1) tf.assert_rank(cpsExpand, 3) tf.assert_rank(cps, 2) olderInputExpand = tf.expand_dims(olderInput, -1) tf.assert_rank(olderInputExpand, 3) olderInputMidExpand = tf.expand_dims(olderInput, 1) Cactivs = tf.where( self.mask > 0, self.Cactiv / (1 + self.k1M * self.E0 * olderInputExpand / cpsExpand), 0) Cinhibs = tf.where( self.mask < 0, self.Cinhib / (1 + self.k3M * self.E0 * olderInputExpand / cpsExpand), 0) tf.assert_rank(Cactivs, 3) tf.assert_rank(Cinhibs, 3) Inhib = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(olderInputMidExpand, Cinhibs), axis=1) / self.kdT x_eq_clipped = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(olderInputMidExpand, Cactivs), axis=1) / (self.kdI * cps + Inhib / cps) #unclipped version: Cactivs_unclipped = tf.where( self.kernel > 0, self.Cactiv * self.kernel / (1 + self.k1M * self.E0 * olderInputExpand / cpsExpand), 0) Cinhibs_unclipped = tf.where( self.kernel < 0, (-1) * self.Cinhib * self.kernel / (1 + self.k3M * self.E0 * olderInputExpand / cpsExpand), 0) tf.assert_rank(Cactivs_unclipped, 3) tf.assert_rank(Cinhibs_unclipped, 3) #CAREFUL: now the cactivs has taken the batch size, it is of rank 3 : [None,inputdims,outputdims] # THUS WE NEED: [None,1,inputdims] to use the matmul, and then squeeze the result! Inhib_unclipped = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(olderInputMidExpand, Cinhibs_unclipped), axis=1) / self.kdT x_eq_unclipped = tf.squeeze( tf.matmul(olderInputMidExpand, Cactivs_unclipped), axis=1) / (self.kdI * cps + Inhib_unclipped / cps) tf.assert_rank(tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(olderInputMidExpand, Cinhibs_unclipped), axis=1), 2, message="compute not good dims") tf.print("solution from an unknown layer:", x_eq_clipped[-1]) outputs = tf.stop_gradient(x_eq_clipped - x_eq_unclipped) + x_eq_unclipped tf.assert_rank(outputs, 2, message="outputs not good dims") return outputs
def tryBreak(): for idx in tf.range(100): tf.print(idx) if (tf.equal(idx, 10)): break
def main(_): tf.random.set_seed(FLAGS.seed) logdir = FLAGS.logdir os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True) genmo_lr = tf.constant(FLAGS.genmo_lr) infnet_lr = tf.constant(FLAGS.infnet_lr) prior_lr = tf.constant(FLAGS.prior_lr) genmo_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=genmo_lr) infnet_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=infnet_lr) prior_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=prior_lr) theta_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=infnet_lr, beta_1=0.999) batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size if FLAGS.dataset == 'static_mnist': train_ds, valid_ds, test_ds = dataset.get_static_mnist_batch( batch_size) train_size = 50000 elif FLAGS.dataset == 'dynamic_mnist': train_ds, valid_ds, test_ds = dataset.get_dynamic_mnist_batch( batch_size) train_size = 50000 elif FLAGS.dataset == 'fashion_mnist': train_ds, valid_ds, test_ds = dataset.get_dynamic_mnist_batch( batch_size, fashion_mnist=True) train_size = 50000 elif FLAGS.dataset == 'omniglot': train_ds, valid_ds, test_ds = dataset.get_omniglot_batch(batch_size) train_size = 23000 num_steps_per_epoch = int(train_size / batch_size) train_ds_mean = dataset.get_mean_from_iterator(train_ds, dataset_size=train_size, batch_size=batch_size) if FLAGS.initialize_with_bias: bias_value = -tf.math.log( 1. / tf.clip_by_value(train_ds_mean, 0.001, 0.999) - 1.) bias_initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Constant(bias_value) else: bias_initializer = 'zeros' encoder = [ networks.BinaryNetwork([200], ['linear'], mean_xs=train_ds_mean, demean_input=FLAGS.demean_input, name='bvae_encoder1'), networks.BinaryNetwork([200], ['linear'], name='bvae_encoder2'), networks.BinaryNetwork([200], ['linear'], name='bvae_encoder3'), networks.BinaryNetwork([200], ['linear'], name='bvae_encoder4') ] decoder = [ networks.BinaryNetwork([200], ['linear'], name='bvae_decoder1'), networks.BinaryNetwork([200], ['linear'], name='bvae_decoder2'), networks.BinaryNetwork([200], ['linear'], name='bvae_decoder3'), networks.BinaryNetwork([784], ['linear'], demean_input=FLAGS.demean_input, final_layer_bias_initializer=bias_initializer, name='bvae_decoder4') ] prior_logit = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([200], tf.float32)) if FLAGS.grad_type == 'relax': control_network = [] for _ in range(len(encoder)): control_network_i = tf.keras.Sequential() control_network_i.add( layers.Dense(137, activation=layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.3))) control_network_i.add(layers.Dense(1)) control_network.append(control_network_i) else: control_network = None bvae_model = networks.DiscreteVAE( encoder, decoder, prior_logit, grad_type=FLAGS.grad_type, control_nn=control_network, shared_randomness=FLAGS.shared_randomness), 784)) tensorboard_file_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(logdir) # In order to use `tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage`, one has to # use `tf.Variable`. encoder_grad_variable = initialize_grad_variables(bvae_model.encoder_vars) encoder_grad_sq_variable = initialize_grad_variables( bvae_model.encoder_vars) if FLAGS.estimate_grad_basket: if FLAGS.grad_type == 'reinforce_loo': grad_basket = ['arm', 'disarm', 'reinforce_loo', 'relax'] else: raise NotImplementedError grad_variable_dict = { k: initialize_grad_variables(bvae_model.encoder_vars) for k in grad_basket } grad_sq_variable_dict = { k: initialize_grad_variables(bvae_model.encoder_vars) for k in grad_basket } ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint( genmo_optimizer=genmo_optimizer, infnet_optimizer=infnet_optimizer, theta_optimizer=theta_optimizer, encoder_grad_variable=encoder_grad_variable, encoder_grad_sq_variable=encoder_grad_sq_variable, grad_variable_dict=grad_variable_dict, grad_sq_variable_dict=grad_sq_variable_dict, bvae_model=bvae_model) else: grad_variable_dict = None grad_sq_variable_dict = None ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint( genmo_optimizer=genmo_optimizer, infnet_optimizer=infnet_optimizer, theta_optimizer=theta_optimizer, encoder_grad_variable=encoder_grad_variable, encoder_grad_sq_variable=encoder_grad_sq_variable, bvae_model=bvae_model) ckpt_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(ckpt, logdir, max_to_keep=5) if not FLAGS.debug and ckpt_manager.latest_checkpoint: ckpt.restore(ckpt_manager.latest_checkpoint)'Last checkpoint was restored: %s.', ckpt_manager.latest_checkpoint) else: tf.print('No checkpoint to load.')'No checkpoint to load.') start_step = infnet_optimizer.iterations.numpy()'Training start from step: %s', start_step) train_iter = train_ds.__iter__() for step_i in range(start_step, FLAGS.num_steps): (encoder_grad_var, variance_dict, genmo_loss, metrics) = train_one_step(, bvae_model, genmo_optimizer, infnet_optimizer, prior_optimizer, theta_optimizer, encoder_grad_variable, encoder_grad_sq_variable, grad_variable_dict, grad_sq_variable_dict) train_loss = tf.reduce_mean(genmo_loss) # Summarize if step_i % 1000 == 0: metrics.update({ 'train_objective': train_loss, 'eval_metric/train': evaluate(bvae_model, train_ds, max_step=num_steps_per_epoch, num_eval_samples=FLAGS.num_train_samples), 'eval_metric/valid': evaluate(bvae_model, valid_ds, num_eval_samples=FLAGS.num_eval_samples), 'eval_metric/test': evaluate(bvae_model, test_ds, num_eval_samples=FLAGS.num_eval_samples), 'var/grad': encoder_grad_var }) if FLAGS.grad_type == 'relax': if FLAGS.temperature is None: metrics['relax/temperature'] = tf.math.exp( bvae_model.log_temperature_variable) if FLAGS.scaling_factor is None: metrics['relax/scaling'] = bvae_model.scaling_variable tf.print(step_i, metrics) with tensorboard_file_writer.as_default(): for k, v in metrics.items(): tf.summary.scalar(k, v, step=step_i) if variance_dict is not None: tf.print(variance_dict) for k, v in variance_dict.items(): tf.summary.scalar(k, v, step=step_i) # Checkpoint if step_i % 10000 == 0: ckpt_save_path ='Saving checkpoint for step %d at %s.', step_i, ckpt_save_path) if FLAGS.bias_check: if FLAGS.grad_type == 'reinforce_loo': baseline_type = 'disarm' else: baseline_type = 'reinforce_loo' run_bias_check(bvae_model,, FLAGS.grad_type, baseline_type)
def test_print(x): op = tf.print(x) with tf.control_dependencies([op]): return tf.identity(op)
# Configure the training train = train.batch(32).prefetch(1) validation = validation.batch(32).prefetch(1) test = test.batch(32).prefetch(1) num_epochs = 10 for epoch in range(num_epochs): start = time() for example in train: image, label = example["image"], example["label"] # print('size of image:', np.shape(image)) loss_value = train_step(image, label) mean_loss.update_state(loss_value) if tf.equal(tf.math.mod(step, 10), 0): tf.print(step, "loss: ", mean_loss.result(), "accuracy: ", accuracy.result()) mean_loss.reset_states() accuracy.reset_states() end = time() print("Time per epoch: ", end - start) # Validation tf.print("## Validation - ", epoch) accuracy.reset_states() for example in validation: image, label = example["image"], example["label"] logits = model(image) accuracy.update_state(label, tf.argmax(logits, -1)) tf.print("accuracy: ", accuracy.result()) accuracy.reset_states()
def save_teacher(self): self.teacher_ckpt.step.assign_add(1) save_path = tf.print("Saved teacher checkpoint", save_path)
def build_training_graph(self, training_data) -> List[tf.Tensor]: # model parameters and initial values Wconv1 = weight_variable( [self.KERNEL, self.KERNEL, self.IN_CHANNELS, self.HIDDEN_CHANNELS], 1.) bconv1 = bias_variable([1, 1, self.HIDDEN_CHANNELS]) Wconv2 = weight_variable([ self.KERNEL, self.KERNEL, self.HIDDEN_CHANNELS, self.HIDDEN_CHANNELS ], 1.) bconv2 = bias_variable([1, 1, self.HIDDEN_CHANNELS]) Wfc1 = weight_variable([self.HIDDEN_FC1, self.HIDDEN_FC2], 1.) bfc1 = bias_variable([self.HIDDEN_FC2]) Wfc2 = weight_variable([self.HIDDEN_FC2, self.OUT_N], 1.) bfc2 = bias_variable([self.OUT_N]) params = [Wconv1, bconv1, Wconv2, bconv2, Wfc1, bfc1, Wfc2, bfc2] # optimizer and data pipeline optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.LEARNING_RATE) # training loop def loop_body( i: tf.Tensor, max_iter: tf.Tensor, nb_epochs: tf.Tensor, avg_loss: tf.Tensor ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: # get next batch x, y = training_data.get_next() # model construction x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, self.IN_DIM, self.IN_DIM, 1]) layer1 = pooling( tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x, Wconv1, self.STRIDE) + bconv1)) layer2 = pooling( tf.nn.relu(conv2d(layer1, Wconv2, self.STRIDE) + bconv2)) layer2 = tf.reshape(layer2, [-1, self.HIDDEN_FC1]) layer3 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(layer2, Wfc1) + bfc1) logits = tf.matmul(layer3, Wfc2) + bfc2 loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(logits=logits, labels=y)) is_end_epoch = tf.equal(i % max_iter, 0) def true_fn() -> tf.Tensor: return loss def false_fn() -> tf.Tensor: return (tf.cast(i - 1, tf.float32) * avg_loss + loss) / tf.cast(i, tf.float32) with tf.control_dependencies([optimizer.minimize(loss)]): return i + 1, max_iter, nb_epochs, tf.cond( is_end_epoch, true_fn, false_fn) loop, _, _, _ = tf.while_loop(self.cond, loop_body, [0, self.ITERATIONS, self.EPOCHS, 0.]) # return model parameters after training loop = tf.print("Training complete", loop) with tf.control_dependencies([loop]): return [param.read_value() for param in params]
def on_train_end(self, logs=None): tf.print(f'Best val_loss was on epoch #{self.best_epoch}')
def true_fn() -> tf.Tensor: to_continue = tf.print("avg_loss: ", avg_loss) return to_continue
def test_production_step(): stack = new_stack(((STACK_SIZE, TOKEN_DIM))) output = new_stack(((STACK_SIZE, TOKEN_DIM))) stack = safe_push(stack, tf.constant(S, dtype=tf.float32), is_phi) production = tf.one_hot(2, PRODUCTION_DIM) phi = tf.one_hot(0, TOKEN_DIM, dtype=tf.float32) with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape: new_s, new_o = production_step(grammar, production, stack, output, phi, is_phi) tf.print(tokens_pretty_print(new_s[0])) tf.print(tape.gradient(new_o, output)) tf.print(tape.gradient(new_s, stack)) tf.print(tape.gradient(new_s[0], grammar[0]).shape) tf.print(tape.gradient(new_s[1], grammar[0]).shape) tf.print(tape.gradient(new_o[0], grammar[1]).shape) tf.print(tape.gradient(new_o[1], grammar[1]).shape) tf.print(tape.gradient(new_s, production))
def test_generate(): tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True) productions = tf.one_hot([2, 3, 0, 1, 0], PRODUCTION_DIM) stack_shape = (STACK_SIZE, TOKEN_DIM) d_S = tf.constant(S, dtype=tf.float32) d_phi = tf.constant(tf.one_hot([0], TOKEN_DIM)) with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape: output, final_stack = generate(grammar, productions, stack_shape, d_S, d_phi, is_phi, True) tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(False) tf.print('Final result:') tf.print(tokens_pretty_print(output)) tf.print('-' * 80) tf.print('Final stack:') tf.print(tokens_pretty_print(final_stack)) tf.print('-' * 80) tf.print(tape.gradient(output, productions))
#세션 학습 import tensorflow as tf # tensorflow 라이브러리를 tf로 쓴다 # tf.Session()경우 텐서플로우 버전 1.x.x에서 사용하는 표현방식이므로 # 확인결과, 2.X 버전 경우 Session을 정의하고 Run해주는 과정이 생략된다. # 버전 확인 방법print(tf.__version__) node = tf.constant('Hello , My name is Jaewon') node1 = tf.constant(3.0) node2 = tf.constant(4.0) tf.print(node, node1, node2) #constant는 한 번 정해지면 변하지 않는 , 상수항을 의미.
############################################### show ############################################### # 显示训练集和验证集的acc和loss曲线 acc = history.history['sparse_categorical_accuracy'] loss = history.history['loss'] plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(acc, label='Training Accuracy') plt.title('Training Accuracy') plt.legend() plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(loss, label='Training Loss') plt.title('Training Loss') plt.legend() ############### predict ############# preNum = int(input("input the number of test alphabet:")) for i in range(preNum): alphabet1 = input("input test alphabet:") alphabet = [id_to_onehot[w_to_id[alphabet1]]] # 使alphabet符合SimpleRNN输入要求:[送入样本数, 循环核时间展开步数, 每个时间步输入特征个数]。此处验证效果送入了1个样本,送入样本数为1;输入1个字母出结果,所以循环核时间展开步数为1; 表示为独热码有5个输入特征,每个时间步输入特征个数为5 alphabet = np.reshape(alphabet, (1, 1, 5)) result = model.predict([alphabet]) pred = tf.argmax(result, axis=1) pred = int(pred) tf.print(alphabet1 + '->' + input_word[pred])
def print_examples(x): if np.random.uniform() < debug_print_examples_rate: tf.print(x, return x
def get_string(x, i): return ' '.join(id_to_word[id] for id in x[i] if id > 3) features = [get_string(x, i) for i in range(x.shape[0])] features = np.array(features) targets = y dhtml(features[0], c2, f2, fs2) dhtml('Data Building')\ .from_tensor_slices((features,targets)) for ex in ds.take(3): tf.print(ex[0].numpy()[:50], ex[1]) tf.random.set_seed(123) ds = ds.shuffle(50000, reshuffle_each_iteration=False) ds_test = ds.take(10000) ds_train_valid = ds.skip(10000) ds_valid = ds_train_valid.take(10000) ds_train = ds_train_valid.skip(10000) tokenizer = tfds.features.text.Tokenizer() token_counts = Counter() for example in ds_train: tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(example[0].numpy()) token_counts.update(tokens) print('vocabulary size:', len(token_counts))
import tensorflow as tf # You can create constants in TF to hold specific values a = tf.constant(1) b = tf.constant(2) c = a + b d = a * b tf.print(c) // output: 3 tf.print(d) // output: 2
# Broadcasting import tensorflow as tf x = tf.constant([1, 2, 3]) y = tf.constant(2) z = tf.constant([2, 2, 2]) tf.print(tf.multiply(x, 2)) #[2 4 6] tf.print(x * y) #[2 4 6] tf.print(x * z) #[2 4 6] x = tf.reshape(x, [3, 1]) y = tf.range(1, 5) print(tf.multiply(x, y)) # [[ 1 2 3 4] # [ 2 4 6 8] # [ 3 6 9 12]] x_stretch = tf.constant([[1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3, 3]]) y_stretch = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]]) print(x_stretch * y_stretch) print(tf.broadcast_to(tf.constant([1, 2, 3, 4]), [3, 4]))
def loss(self, y_true, y_pred, *args): positives = tf.reduce_sum(y_true[:, :, 1:-4], axis=1) N = tf.reduce_sum(positives) if N == 0: return tf.convert_to_tensor(0, dtype=tf.float32) loc = self.loc_loss(y_true, y_pred) conf_loss_pos, amount_pos = self.conf_loss_pos(y_true, y_pred) conf_loss_neg = self.conf_loss_neg(y_true, y_pred, amount_pos) positives = tf.reduce_max(y_true[:, :, 1:-4], axis=-1) loc_loss = tf.reduce_sum(loc * positives) loss = (conf_loss_pos + conf_loss_neg + 1 * loc_loss) / N if verbose > 0 and tf.random.uniform((1, ))[0] > (1 - verbose % 1): tf.print() if verbose >= 2: tf.print('pred: ', y_pred[:, :, -4:]) tf.print('loc_loss: ', loc_loss / N) tf.print('conf_loss_pos: ', conf_loss_pos / N) tf.print('conf_loss_neg: ', conf_loss_neg / N) tf.print('loc_loss: ', loc_loss / N) tf.print('loss: ', loss) return tf.convert_to_tensor(loss, dtype=tf.float32)
def create_mnist_dataset(batch_size, split, sess_curr, assignments_curr) -> Tuple[, int]: """ Creates a Dataset for MNIST Data. This function create the correct for a given split, transforms and batch inputs. """ global assignments assignments = assignments_curr images = read_mnist_images(split) labels = read_mnist_labels(split) img_ids = np.arange(len(images)) print(len(img_ids)) def gen(): for image, label, img_id in zip(images, labels, img_ids): # assignment =[img_id // 100]) # assignment = assignments_curr[img_id // 100][0] yield ((img_id, image), label) if split == 'train': ds = ( gen, output_types=((tf.int32, tf.uint8), tf.uint8), output_shapes=((tf.TensorShape([]), (28, 28, 1)), (1, )))) temp = ds.apply(split_and_merge) tf.print("tf.print: ", temp, output_stream=sys.stdout) batch = (temp.batch(batch_size).map(transform_train).repeat()) return batch, len(labels) elif split == 'val': batch = ( gen, output_types=((tf.int32, tf.uint8), tf.uint8), output_shapes=((tf.TensorShape([]), (28, 28, 1)), (1, ))) # .apply(split_and_merge) .batch(batch_size).map(transform_val).repeat()) return batch, len(labels) # if __name__ == "__main__": # global assignments # sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # # assignments = {} # # table = tf.contrib.lookup.MutableHashTable(key_dtype=tf.int64, value_dtype=tf.Variable, default_value=-1, empty_key=0) # # table = tf.contrib.lookup.MutableDenseHashTable(key_dtype=tf.int64, value_dtype=tf.Variable, default_value=-1, empty_key=0) # keys = tf.constant([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=tf.int64) # # assignments = [] # vals = [] # for i in range(4): # # assignments.append(tf.Variable(np.random.randint(0, 2), dtype=tf.int32)) # vals.append(tf.Variable(np.random.randint(0, 2), dtype=tf.int32)) # vals = tf.constant([vals], dtype=tf.Variable) # # table = tf.contrib.lookup.HashTable(tf.contrib.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(keys, vals),-1) # # print("run") # print(, dtype=tf.int64)))) # insert_op = table.insert(keys, vals) # # print( # Can't pass assignments as an argument to gen, otherwise it will be # evaluated and passed to generator as NumPy-array arguments # batch = ( # .from_generator(gen, # output_types=((tf.float32, tf.int32), tf.int32), # output_shapes=((tf.TensorShape([]), tf.TensorShape([])), tf.TensorShape([]))) # .apply(split_and_merge) # .batch(2) # .make_one_shot_iterator() # .get_next()) # sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # # for _ in range(5): # print(
def f(x): tf.print(tf.shape(x)[0]) return tf.shape(x)
def train(ds_train, ds_val, model, optimizer, ckpt, saved_weights_path, last_epoch, last_step, max_epochs, steps_per_epoch): train_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss', dtype=tf.float32) train_loss_heatmap = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss_heatmap', dtype=tf.float32) train_loss_paf = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss_paf', dtype=tf.float32) val_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('val_loss', dtype=tf.float32) val_loss_heatmap = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('val_loss_heatmap', dtype=tf.float32) val_loss_paf = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('val_loss_paf', dtype=tf.float32) current_time ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") train_log_dir = 'logs/gradient_tape/' + current_time + '/train' train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(train_log_dir) val_log_dir = 'logs/gradient_tape/' + current_time + '/val' val_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(val_log_dir) output_paf_idx = 10 output_heatmap_idx = 11 # determine start epoch in case the training has been stopped manually and resumed resume = last_step != 0 and (steps_per_epoch - last_step) != 0 if resume: start_epoch = last_epoch else: start_epoch = last_epoch + 1 # start processing for epoch in range(start_epoch, max_epochs + 1, 1): print("Start processing epoch {}".format(epoch)) # set the initial step index depending on if you resumed the processing if resume: step = last_step + 1 data_iter = ds_train.skip(last_step) print(f"Skipping {last_step} steps (May take a few minutes)...") resume = False else: step = 0 data_iter = ds_train # process steps for x, y in data_iter: step += 1 losses, total_loss = train_one_step(model, optimizer, x, y) train_loss(total_loss) train_loss_heatmap(losses[output_heatmap_idx]) train_loss_paf(losses[output_paf_idx]) if step % 10 == 0: tf.print('Epoch', epoch, f'Step {step}/{steps_per_epoch}', ': Loss paf', losses[10], 'Loss heatmap', losses[11], 'Total loss', total_loss) with train_summary_writer.as_default(): summary_step = (epoch - 1) * steps_per_epoch + step - 1 tf.summary.scalar('loss', train_loss.result(), step=summary_step) tf.summary.scalar('loss_heatmap', train_loss_heatmap.result(), step=summary_step) tf.summary.scalar('loss_paf', train_loss_paf.result(), step=summary_step) if step % 100 == 0: figure = probe_model(model) with train_summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.image("Test prediction", plot_to_image(figure), step=step) if step % 1000 == 0: ckpt.step.assign(step) ckpt.epoch.assign(epoch) save_path = print("Saved checkpoint for step {}: {}".format( step, save_path)) if step >= steps_per_epoch: break print("Completed epoch {}. Saving weights...".format(epoch)) model.save_weights(saved_weights_path, overwrite=True) # save checkpoint at the end of an epoch ckpt.step.assign(step) ckpt.epoch.assign(epoch) # reset metrics every epoch train_loss.reset_states() train_loss_heatmap.reset_states() train_loss_paf.reset_states() # calculate validation loss print("Calculating validation losses...") for val_step, (x_val, y_val_true) in enumerate(ds_val): if val_step % 1000 == 0: print(f"Validation step {val_step} ...") y_val_pred = model(x_val) losses = [ eucl_loss(y_val_true[0], y_val_pred[0]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[1], y_val_pred[1]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[2], y_val_pred[2]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[3], y_val_pred[3]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[4], y_val_pred[4]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[5], y_val_pred[5]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[6], y_val_pred[6]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[7], y_val_pred[7]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[8], y_val_pred[8]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[9], y_val_pred[9]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[10], y_val_pred[10]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[11], y_val_pred[11]) ] total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(losses) val_loss(total_loss) val_loss_heatmap(losses[output_heatmap_idx]) val_loss_paf(losses[output_paf_idx]) val_loss_res = val_loss.result() val_loss_heatmap_res = val_loss_heatmap.result() val_loss_paf_res = val_loss_paf.result() print( f'Validation losses for epoch: {epoch} : Loss paf {val_loss_paf_res}, Loss heatmap ' f'{val_loss_heatmap_res}, Total loss {val_loss_res}') with val_summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.scalar('val_loss', val_loss_res, step=epoch) tf.summary.scalar('val_loss_heatmap', val_loss_heatmap_res, step=epoch) tf.summary.scalar('val_loss_paf', val_loss_paf_res, step=epoch) val_loss.reset_states() val_loss_heatmap.reset_states() val_loss_paf.reset_states()
def tf_print(*args): tf.print(*args) return args[0]
grad = tape.gradient(_loss, train_weights) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grad, train_weights)) # begin training for idx, data in enumerate(gen): start_time = time.time() x_batch = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[0]) y_batch = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[1]) train_step(x_batch, y_batch) end_time = time.time() consume_time = end_time - start_time total_time += consume_time if idx % monitor_interval == 0: cur_usage = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss max_mem_usage = max(cur_usage, max_mem_usage) avg_mem_usage += cur_usage count += 1 tf.print("[*] {} iteration: memory usage {:.2f}MB, consume time {:.4f}s".format( idx, cur_usage / (1024 * 1024), consume_time)) print('consumed time:', total_time) avg_mem_usage = avg_mem_usage / count / (1024 * 1024) max_mem_usage = max_mem_usage / (1024 * 1024) print('average memory usage: {:.2f}MB'.format(avg_mem_usage)) print('maximum memory usage: {:.2f}MB'.format(max_mem_usage))
preNum = int(input("input the number of test pictures:")) for i in range(preNum): image_path = input("the path of test picture:") img = image = plt.imread(image_path) plt.set_cmap('gray') plt.imshow(image) img = img.resize((28, 28), Image.ANTIALIAS) img_arr = np.array(img.convert('L')) for i in range(28): for j in range(28): if img_arr[i][j] < 200: img_arr[i][j] = 255 else: img_arr[i][j] = 0 img_arr = img_arr / 255.0 x_predict = img_arr[tf.newaxis, ...] result = model.predict(x_predict) pred = tf.argmax(result, axis=1) print('\n') tf.print(pred) plt.pause(1) plt.close()
def __init__(self, cfg): strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() self.num_replicas = strategy.num_replicas_in_sync self.train_batch_size = self.num_replicas * cfg.train.dataset.batch_size self.val_batch_size = self.num_replicas * cfg.val.dataset.batch_size train_dataset = build_dataset(dataset=cfg.train.dataset.dataset, dataset_dir=cfg.train.dataset.dataset_dir, batch_size=self.train_batch_size,, input_size=cfg.train.dataset.input_size, augmentation=cfg.train.dataset.augmentation, assigner=cfg.assigner.as_dict(), anchor=cfg.anchor.as_dict() if cfg.anchor else None) val_dataset = build_dataset(dataset=cfg.val.dataset.dataset, dataset_dir=cfg.val.dataset.dataset_dir, batch_size=self.val_batch_size,, input_size=cfg.val.dataset.input_size, augmentation=cfg.val.dataset.augmentation, assigner=cfg.assigner.as_dict(), anchor=cfg.anchor.as_dict() if cfg.anchor else None) with strategy.scope(): self.train_dataset = strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(train_dataset) self.val_dataset = strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(val_dataset) use_mixed_precision = cfg.dtype == "float16" if use_mixed_precision: policy = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy("mixed_float16") tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy(policy) self.detector = build_detector(cfg.detector, cfg=cfg) optimizer = build_optimizer(**cfg.train.optimizer.as_dict()) tf.print(_time_to_string(), "The optimizers is %s." % cfg.train.optimizer.optimizer) if cfg.train.lookahead: tf.print(_time_to_string(), "Using Lookahead Optimizer.") optimizer = LookaheadOptimizer(optimizer, cfg.train.lookahead.steps, cfg.train.lookahead.alpha) if use_mixed_precision: loss_scale = (cfg.train.mixed_precision.loss_scale if cfg.train.mixed_precision.loss_scale is not None and cfg.train.mixed_precision.loss_scale > 0 else "dynamic") optimizer = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScaleOptimizer( optimizer=optimizer, loss_scale=loss_scale) tf.print(_time_to_string(), "Using mixed precision training, loss scale is {}.".format(loss_scale)) self.optimizer = optimizer self.strategy = strategy self.use_mixed_precision = use_mixed_precision self.cfg = cfg self.total_train_steps = cfg.train.train_steps self.warmup_steps = cfg.train.warmup.steps self.warmup_learning_rate = cfg.train.warmup.warmup_learning_rate self.initial_learning_rate = cfg.train.learning_rate_scheduler.initial_learning_rate self._learning_rate_scheduler = build_learning_rate_scheduler( **cfg.train.learning_rate_scheduler.as_dict(), steps=self.total_train_steps, warmup_steps=self.warmup_steps) tf.print(_time_to_string(), "The leaning rate scheduler is %s, initial learning rate is %f." % ( cfg.train.learning_rate_scheduler.learning_rate_scheduler, cfg.train.learning_rate_scheduler.initial_learning_rate)) if self.warmup_steps > 0: tf.print(_time_to_string(), "Using warm-up learning rate policy, " "warm-up learning rate %f, training %d steps." % (self.warmup_learning_rate, self.warmup_steps)) tf.print(_time_to_string(), "Training", self.total_train_steps, "steps, every step has", self.train_batch_size, "images.") self.global_step = tf.Variable(initial_value=0, trainable=False, name="global_step", dtype=tf.int64) self.val_steps = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="val_steps", dtype=tf.int64) self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(initial_value=0, trainable=False, name="learning_rate", dtype=tf.float32) self.checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(optimizer=self.optimizer, detector=self.detector.model) self.manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(checkpoint=self.checkpoint, directory=cfg.train.checkpoint_dir, max_to_keep=10) latest_checkpoint = self.manager.latest_checkpoint if latest_checkpoint is not None: try: steps = int(latest_checkpoint.split("-")[-1]) self.global_step.assign(steps) except: self.global_step.assign(0) self.checkpoint.restore(latest_checkpoint) tf.print(_time_to_string(), "Restored weights from %s." % latest_checkpoint) else: self.global_step.assign(0) self.summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(logdir=cfg.train.summary_dir) self.log_every_n_steps = cfg.train.log_every_n_steps self.save_ckpt_steps = cfg.train.save_ckpt_steps self.use_jit = tf.config.optimizer.get_jit() is not None self.training_loss_metrics = {} self.val_loss_metrics = {} self.ap_metric = None self._add_graph = True
def optimize( self, num_steps: int, datasets: Mapping[str, Dataset] | Dataset, model_specs: Mapping[str, ModelSpec] | ModelSpec, acquisition_rule: AcquisitionRule[TensorType | State[S | None, TensorType], SP] | None = None, acquisition_state: S | None = None, *, track_state: bool = True, fit_initial_model: bool = True, ) -> OptimizationResult[S] | OptimizationResult[None]: """ Attempt to find the minimizer of the ``observer`` in the ``search_space`` (both specified at :meth:`__init__`). This is the central implementation of the Bayesian optimization loop. For each step in ``num_steps``, this method: - Finds the next points with which to query the ``observer`` using the ``acquisition_rule``'s :meth:`acquire` method, passing it the ``search_space``, ``datasets``, models built from the ``model_specs``, and current acquisition state. - Queries the ``observer`` *once* at those points. - Updates the datasets and models with the data from the ``observer``. If any errors are raised during the optimization loop, this method will catch and return them instead, along with the history of the optimization process, and print a message (using `absl` at level `logging.ERROR`). **Note:** While the :class:`~trieste.models.TrainableProbabilisticModel` interface implies mutable models, it is *not* guaranteed that the model passed to :meth:`optimize` will be updated during the optimization process. For example, if ``track_state`` is `True`, a copied model will be used on each optimization step. Use the models in the return value for reliable access to the updated models. **Type hints:** - The ``acquisition_rule`` must use the same type of :class:`` as specified in :meth:`__init__`. - The ``acquisition_state`` must be of the type expected by the ``acquisition_rule``. Any acquisition state in the optimization result will also be of this type. :param num_steps: The number of optimization steps to run. :param datasets: The known observer query points and observations for each tag. :param model_specs: The model to use for each :class:`` in ``datasets``. :param acquisition_rule: The acquisition rule, which defines how to search for a new point on each optimization step. Defaults to :class:`~trieste.acquisition.rule.EfficientGlobalOptimization` with default arguments. Note that if the default is used, this implies the tags must be `OBJECTIVE`, the search space can be any :class:``, and the acquisition state returned in the :class:`OptimizationResult` will be `None`. :param acquisition_state: The acquisition state to use on the first optimization step. This argument allows the caller to restore the optimization process from an existing :class:`Record`. :param track_state: If `True`, this method saves the optimization state at the start of each step. Models and acquisition state are copied using `copy.deepcopy`. :param fit_initial_model: If `False`, this method assumes that the initial models have already been optimized on the datasets and so do not require optimization before the first optimization step. :return: An :class:`OptimizationResult`. The :attr:`final_result` element contains either the final optimization data, models and acquisition state, or, if an exception was raised while executing the optimization loop, it contains the exception raised. In either case, the :attr:`history` element is the history of the data, models and acquisition state at the *start* of each optimization step (up to and including any step that fails to complete). The history will never include the final optimization result. :raise ValueError: If any of the following are true: - ``num_steps`` is negative. - the keys in ``datasets`` and ``model_specs`` do not match - ``datasets`` or ``model_specs`` are empty - the default `acquisition_rule` is used and the tags are not `OBJECTIVE`. """ if isinstance(datasets, Dataset): datasets = {OBJECTIVE: datasets} # ignore below is due to MyPy not being able to handle overloads properly model_specs = {OBJECTIVE: model_specs} # type: ignore # reassure the type checker that everything is tagged datasets = cast(Dict[str, Dataset], datasets) model_specs = cast(Dict[str, ModelSpec], model_specs) if num_steps < 0: raise ValueError(f"num_steps must be at least 0, got {num_steps}") if datasets.keys() != model_specs.keys(): raise ValueError( f"datasets and model_specs should contain the same keys. Got {datasets.keys()} and" f" {model_specs.keys()} respectively.") if not datasets: raise ValueError( "dicts of datasets and model_specs must be populated.") if acquisition_rule is None: if datasets.keys() != {OBJECTIVE}: raise ValueError( f"Default acquisition rule EfficientGlobalOptimization requires tag" f" {OBJECTIVE!r}, got keys {datasets.keys()}") acquisition_rule = cast(AcquisitionRule[TensorType, SP], EfficientGlobalOptimization()) models = map_values(create_model, model_specs) history: list[Record[S]] = [] for step in range(num_steps): try: if track_state: models_copy = copy.deepcopy(models) acquisition_state_copy = copy.deepcopy(acquisition_state) history.append( Record(datasets, models_copy, acquisition_state_copy)) if step == 0 and fit_initial_model: for tag, model in models.items(): dataset = datasets[tag] model.update(dataset) model.optimize(dataset) points_or_stateful = acquisition_rule.acquire( self._search_space, datasets, models) if callable(points_or_stateful): acquisition_state, query_points = points_or_stateful( acquisition_state) else: query_points = points_or_stateful observer_output = self._observer(query_points) tagged_output = (observer_output if isinstance( observer_output, Mapping) else { OBJECTIVE: observer_output }) datasets = { tag: datasets[tag] + tagged_output[tag] for tag in tagged_output } for tag, model in models.items(): dataset = datasets[tag] model.update(dataset) model.optimize(dataset) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except tf.print( f"\nOptimization failed at step {step}, encountered error with traceback:" f"\n{traceback.format_exc()}" f"\nTerminating optimization and returning the optimization history. You may " f"be able to use the history to restart the process from a previous successful " f"optimization step.\n", output_stream=logging.ERROR, ) return OptimizationResult(Err(error), history) tf.print("Optimization completed without errors", output_stream=logging.INFO) record = Record(datasets, models, acquisition_state) return OptimizationResult(Ok(record), history)
def receive_output(average: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Operation: # simply print average return tf.print("Average:", average)
grad2 = tf.function(grad02) for step in range(training_step): sW1, sB1 = grad01(X1, X2, Y, w1, w2, b) sW2, sB2 = grad02(X1, X2, Y, w1, w2, b) dW1 = sW1 * learning_rate dW2 = sW2 * learning_rate dB1 = sB1 * learning_rate dB2 = sB2 * learning_rate w1.assign_sub(dW1) # subract dW from w w2.assign_sub(dW2) b.assign_sub((dB1 + dB2) / 2) # subract dB from b los1 = loss(X1, X2, Y, w1, w2, b) #new loss function tf.summary.scalar("loss", los1, step=step) if step == 0 or step % display_step == 0: print("Loss at step {:02d}: {:.6f}".format(step, los1)) plt.cla() plt.scatter(X1, Y, c='red', label='x1') plt.scatter(X2, Y, c='blue', label='x2') plt.plot(TrX1, w1 * TrX1 + w2 * TrX2 + 0.2, 'r-', lw=5) plt.text(0.5, 0, 'Step=%d\n Loss=%.5f' % (step, los1), fontdict={ 'size': 20, 'color': 'green' }) plt.pause(0.5) tf.print(w1) # Should be around 2 tf.print(w2) # Should be around 3 tf.print(b) # Should be around 0.2
def run(self): with self.strategy.scope(): # `experimental_run_v2` replicates the provided computation and runs it # with the distributed input. @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True, input_signature=self.train_dataset.element_spec) def distributed_train_step(images, labels): # @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def step_fn(batch_images, batch_labels): normalized_images = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(batch_images, tf.float32) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: outputs = self.detector.model(normalized_images, training=True) loss_dict = self.detector.losses(outputs, batch_labels) loss = loss_dict["loss"] * (1. / self.num_replicas) if self.use_mixed_precision: scaled_loss = self.optimizer.get_scaled_loss(loss) else: scaled_loss = loss self.optimizer.learning_rate = self.learning_rate.value() gradients = tape.gradient(scaled_loss, self.detector.model.trainable_variables) if self.use_mixed_precision: gradients = self.optimizer.get_unscaled_gradients(gradients) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, self.detector.model.trainable_variables)) for key, value in loss_dict.items(): if key not in self.training_loss_metrics: if key == "l2_loss": self.training_loss_metrics[key] = metrics.NoOpMetric() else: self.training_loss_metrics[key] = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() if key == "l2_loss": self.training_loss_metrics[key].update_state(value / self.num_replicas) else: self.training_loss_metrics[key].update_state(value) if self.global_step.value() % self.log_every_n_steps == 0: # tf.print(self.optimizer.loss_scale._current_loss_scale, self.optimizer.loss_scale._num_good_steps) matched_boxes, nmsed_boxes, _ = self.detector.summary_boxes(outputs, batch_labels) batch_gt_boxes = batch_labels["gt_boxes"] * (1. / batch_labels["input_size"]) batch_images = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(images=batch_images, boxes=batch_gt_boxes, colors=tf.constant([[0., 0., 255.]])) batch_images = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(images=batch_images, boxes=matched_boxes, colors=tf.constant([[255., 0., 0.]])) batch_images = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(images=batch_images, boxes=nmsed_boxes, colors=tf.constant([[0., 255., 0.]])) batch_images = tf.cast(batch_images, tf.uint8) with tf.device("/cpu:0"): with self.summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.image("train/images", batch_images, self.global_step, 5) return loss per_replica_losses = self.strategy.experimental_run_v2(step_fn, args=(images, labels)) return self.strategy.reduce(tf.distribute.ReduceOp.SUM, per_replica_losses, axis=None) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True, input_signature=self.train_dataset.element_spec) def distributed_valuate_step(images, labels): def step_fn(batch_images, batch_labels): normalized_images = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(batch_images, tf.float32) outputs = self.detector.model(normalized_images, training=False) loss_dict = self.detector.losses(outputs, batch_labels) for key, value in loss_dict.items(): if key not in self.val_loss_metrics: if key == "l2_loss": self.val_loss_metrics[key] = metrics.NoOpMetric() else: self.val_loss_metrics[key] = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() if key == "l2_loss": self.val_loss_metrics[key].update_state(value / self.num_replicas) else: self.val_loss_metrics[key].update_state(value) matched_boxes, nmsed_boxes, nmsed_scores = self.detector.summary_boxes(outputs, batch_labels) batch_gt_boxes = batch_labels["gt_boxes"] * (1. / batch_labels["input_size"]) if self.val_steps.value() % self.log_every_n_steps == 0: batch_images = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(images=batch_images, boxes=batch_gt_boxes, colors=tf.constant([[0., 0., 255.]])) batch_images = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(images=batch_images, boxes=matched_boxes, colors=tf.constant([[255., 0., 0.]])) batch_images = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(images=batch_images, boxes=nmsed_boxes, colors=tf.constant([[0., 255., 0.]])) batch_images = tf.cast(batch_images, tf.uint8) with tf.device("/cpu:0"): with self.summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.image("valuate/images", batch_images, self.val_steps.value(), 5) return batch_gt_boxes, nmsed_boxes, nmsed_scores return self.strategy.experimental_run_v2(step_fn, args=(images, labels)) def learning_rate_scheduler(global_step): global_step = tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32) if tf.less(global_step, self.warmup_steps): # decayed = 0.5 * (1. - tf.math.cos(math.pi * global_step / self.warmup_steps)) # return self.cfg.train.warmup.learning_rate * decayed return ((self.initial_learning_rate - self.warmup_learning_rate) * global_step / self.warmup_steps + self.warmup_learning_rate) if self.cfg.train.learning_rate_scheduler.learning_rate_scheduler == "piecewise_constant": return self._learning_rate_scheduler(global_step) return self._learning_rate_scheduler(global_step - self.warmup_steps) count = 0 max_ap = 0 self.ap_metric = metrics.AveragePrecision() # TRAIN LOOP start = time.time() for images, image_info in self.train_dataset: self.global_step.assign_add(1) lr = learning_rate_scheduler(self.global_step.value()) self.learning_rate.assign(lr) if self._add_graph: tf.summary.trace_on(graph=True, profiler=True) distributed_train_step(images, image_info) with self.summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.trace_export(name=self.cfg.detector, step=0, profiler_outdir=self.cfg.train.summary_dir) self._add_graph = False else: distributed_train_step(images, image_info) count += 1 info = [_time_to_string(), "TRAINING", self.global_step] if tf.equal(self.global_step % self.log_every_n_steps, 0): with self.summary_writer.as_default(): for key in self.training_loss_metrics: value = self.training_loss_metrics[key].result() self.training_loss_metrics[key].reset_states() tf.summary.scalar("train/" + key, value, self.global_step) info.extend([key, "=", value]) tf.summary.scalar("learning_rate", self.learning_rate.value(), self.global_step) info.extend(["lr", "=", self.learning_rate.value()]) info.append("(%.2fs)" % ((time.time() - start) / count)) tf.print(*info) start = time.time() count = 0 if self.global_step >= self.total_train_steps: tf.print(_time_to_string(), "Train over.") break if tf.logical_and(self.global_step % self.cfg.val.val_every_n_steps == 0, self.global_step > self.total_train_steps // 3): tf.print("=" * 150) # EVALUATING LOO val_start = time.time() for images, image_info in self.val_dataset: self.val_steps.assign_add(1) gt_boxes, pred_boxes, pred_scores = distributed_valuate_step(images, image_info) gt_boxes = [b for x in tf.nest.flatten(gt_boxes) for b in self.strategy.unwrap(x)] pred_boxes = [b for x in tf.nest.flatten(pred_boxes) for b in self.strategy.unwrap(x)] pred_scores = [s for x in tf.nest.flatten(pred_scores) for s in self.strategy.unwrap(x)] gt_boxes = tf.concat(gt_boxes, 0) pred_boxes = tf.concat(pred_boxes, 0) pred_scores = tf.concat(pred_scores, 0) self.ap_metric.update_state(gt_boxes, pred_boxes, pred_scores) val_end = time.time() template = [_time_to_string(), "EVALUATING", self.global_step] with self.summary_writer.as_default(): for name in self.val_loss_metrics: value = self.val_loss_metrics[name].result() tf.summary.scalar("val/" + name, value, self.global_step) template.extend([name, "=", value]) self.val_loss_metrics[name].reset_states() ap = self.ap_metric.result() self.ap_metric.reset_states() tf.summary.scalar("val/ap", ap, self.global_step) template.extend(["ap =", ap, "(%.2fs)." % (val_end - val_start)]) tf.print(*template) if ap > max_ap: tf.print(_time_to_string(), "Saving detector to %s." % self.manager.latest_checkpoint) max_ap = ap start = time.time() count = 0 else: if tf.equal(self.global_step % self.save_ckpt_steps, 0): tf.print(_time_to_string(), "Saving detector to %s." % self.manager.latest_checkpoint) self.summary_writer.close()