def tabular_learning(Qs_t, states_t, actions_t, targets): reusing_scope = tf.get_variable_scope().reuse state_action_pairs = tf.stack([states_t, actions_t], 1) estimates = tf.gather_nd(Qs_t, state_action_pairs) err_estimates = targets - estimates loss = tf.reduce_mean(err_estimates) Nsa = tf.get_variable("Nsa", shape=Qs_t.get_shape(), dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) if reusing_scope is False: tf.summary.histogram('Nsa', Nsa) update_Nsa = tf.scatter_nd_add(Nsa, state_action_pairs, tf.ones_like(states_t, dtype=tf.float32)) global_step = tf.Variable( 0, trainable=False, name="global_step", collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]) inc_global_step = global_step.assign_add(1) with tf.control_dependencies([update_Nsa, inc_global_step]): epsilon = 1e-7 lr = (1 / (epsilon + tf.gather_nd(Nsa, state_action_pairs))) updates = lr * err_estimates train_op = tf.scatter_nd_add(Qs_t, state_action_pairs, updates) return loss, train_op
def body(i): nearest_pattern = tf.cast( tf.argmin(distances[i], axis=0), tf.int32) tf.scatter_nd_add(self.pattern_weights, [[label, nearest_pattern]], [1]) update = tf.cast( (1 / self.pattern_weights[label][nearest_pattern]), tf.float32) * ( sen_list[i] - self.patterns[label][nearest_pattern]) tf.scatter_nd_add(self.patterns, [[label, nearest_pattern]], [update]) return tf.add(i, 1)
def smooth_loss(ver_attrs, ver_neighbors, thres, attr_name): batch_size, n_ver, n_channels = ver_attrs.get_shape().as_list() n_ver_neighbor_pair = ver_neighbors.get_shape().as_list()[0] with tf.variable_scope(attr_name): var_sum_of_neighbor_attrs = tf.get_variable( 'ver_sum_of_neighbor_attrs', [batch_size, n_ver, n_channels], tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False ) var_sum_of_neighbor_counts = tf.get_variable( 'ver_sum_of_counts', [batch_size, n_ver, 1], tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False ) init_sum_of_neighbor_attrs = tf.zeros_like(var_sum_of_neighbor_attrs) init_sum_of_neighbor_counts = tf.zeros_like(var_sum_of_neighbor_counts) assign_op =[ tf.assign(var_sum_of_neighbor_attrs, init_sum_of_neighbor_attrs), tf.assign(var_sum_of_neighbor_counts, init_sum_of_neighbor_counts) ], name='assign_op') with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op]): to_ver_ids, from_ver_ids = tf.split(ver_neighbors, 2, axis=1) tmp_ver_neighbor_attrs = tf.gather(ver_attrs, tf.squeeze(from_ver_ids), axis=1) tmp_ver_neighbor_counts = tf.ones([batch_size, n_ver_neighbor_pair, 1], tf.float32) batch_indices = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size),axis=1),[1,n_ver_neighbor_pair]), [batch_size, n_ver_neighbor_pair, 1], name='batch_indices') to_ver_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(to_ver_ids, axis=0), [batch_size,1,1]) batch_to_ver_ids = tf.concat([batch_indices, to_ver_ids], axis=2) var_sum_of_neighbor_attrs = tf.scatter_nd_add(var_sum_of_neighbor_attrs, batch_to_ver_ids, tmp_ver_neighbor_attrs) var_sum_of_neighbor_counts = tf.scatter_nd_add(var_sum_of_neighbor_counts, batch_to_ver_ids, tmp_ver_neighbor_counts) mean_neighbor_attrs = tf.div(var_sum_of_neighbor_attrs, var_sum_of_neighbor_counts + 1e-8) error = tf.maximum(tf.square(mean_neighbor_attrs - ver_attrs), thres) loss = tf.reduce_mean(error , name=attr_name + '_smooth_loss') return loss
def tabular_UCB(Qs_t, inputs_t): reusing_scope = tf.get_variable_scope().reuse timestep = tf.get_variable("timestep", shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) inc_t = tf.assign_add(timestep, 1) # State Action count Nsa_t = tf.get_variable("Nsa", shape=Qs_t.get_shape(), dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) if reusing_scope is False: tf.summary.histogram('Nsa', Nsa_t) with tf.control_dependencies([inc_t]): qs_t = tf.gather(Qs_t, inputs_t) nsa_t = tf.gather(Nsa_t, inputs_t) values_t = qs_t + ( (2 * tf.log(tf.cast(timestep, tf.float32))) / nsa_t )**(1/2) actions_t = tf.cast(tf.argmax(values_t, 1), dtype=tf.int32) probs_t = tf.one_hot(actions_t, depth=tf.shape(Qs_t)[1]) state_action_pairs = tf.stack([inputs_t, actions_t], 1) update_Nsa = tf.scatter_nd_add(Nsa_t, state_action_pairs, tf.ones_like(inputs_t, dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([update_Nsa]): # Force the update call actions_t = tf.identity(actions_t) return actions_t, probs_t
def make_update_op(self, predicted_labels, labels): with tf.name_scope(, tf.name_scope('update_op'): flat_labels = tf.reshape(labels, (-1, 1)) flat_predictions = tf.reshape(predicted_labels, (-1, self.depth)) n = tf.shape(flat_labels)[0] # We are going to update n X depth elements indices = tf.stack((tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(self.depth, dtype=self.dtype), (1, self.depth)), (n, 1)), tf.tile(flat_labels, (1, self.depth)), flat_predictions), axis=-1) _update_n = tf.assign_add(self.n, tf.cast(n, dtype=self.dtype)) with tf.control_dependencies([_update_n]): # Use to avoid any return value return tf.scatter_nd_add(self.matrix, indices, tf.ones((n, self.depth), dtype=self.dtype), use_locking=True, name='update_op'))
def tabular_learning_with_lr(init_lr, decay_steps, Qs_t, states_t, actions_t, targets): reusing_scope = tf.get_variable_scope().reuse state_action_pairs = tf.stack([states_t, actions_t], 1) estimates = tf.gather_nd(Qs_t, state_action_pairs) err_estimates = targets - estimates loss = tf.reduce_mean(err_estimates) global_step = tf.Variable( 0, trainable=False, name="global_step", collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]) lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(tf.constant(init_lr, dtype=tf.float32), global_step, decay_steps, 0.5, staircase=True) if reusing_scope is False: tf.summary.scalar('lr', lr) inc_global_step = global_step.assign_add(1) with tf.control_dependencies([inc_global_step]): updates = lr * err_estimates train_op = tf.scatter_nd_add(Qs_t, state_action_pairs, updates) return loss, train_op
def update_centroids(self, centroid): """compute updated values for centroids as mean of assigned samples :param centroid - centroid to be updated :returns updated centroids Tensor""" sample = self.data_queue_2.dequeue() # update per centroid count per_centroid_count = tf.scatter_nd_add(self.samples_per_centroid, indices=[[centroid]], updates=[1], name="incrementPerCenterCount") # update per center learning rate with tf.control_dependencies([per_centroid_count]): learning_rate = tf.squeeze( tf.cast(1 / tf.slice(per_centroid_count, [centroid], [1]), tf.float64)) # learning_rate = tf.Print(learning_rate, [learning_rate], message="learning rate: ") tf.scatter_nd_update(self.learning_rate, [[centroid]], [learning_rate], name="updateLearningRate") # compute new centroids updated_centroids = tf.scatter_nd_update( self.centroids, indices=[centroid], updates=tf.add( tf.scalar_mul(scalar=(1 - learning_rate), x=tf.slice(input_=self.centroids, begin=[centroid, 0], size=[1, self.n_features])), tf.scalar_mul(scalar=learning_rate, x=sample))) with tf.control_dependencies([updated_centroids]): return centroid
def calculate_via_todense(nz_values, col_indices, ncol_full): nslice = nz_values.get_shape()[0] nrow = nz_values.get_shape()[1] ncol = nz_values.get_shape()[2] values = tf.reshape(nz_values, [-1]) for_fetch = tf.concat([tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.float64), values], axis=0) slice_indices = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.range(nslice), [nslice, 1, 1]), [1, nrow, ncol]) row_indices = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.range(nrow), [1, nrow, 1]), [nslice, 1, ncol]) indices = tf.stack([slice_indices, row_indices, col_indices], axis=3) indices = tf.reshape(indices, [-1, 3]) fetch_ind = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([nslice, nrow, ncol_full], dtype=tf.int32)) assign_zero = tf.assign(fetch_ind, tf.zeros(tf.shape(fetch_ind), dtype=tf.int32)) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_zero]): fetch_ind = tf.scatter_nd_add(fetch_ind, indices, tf.range(nslice * nrow * ncol, dtype=tf.int32) + 1) dense = tf.gather(for_fetch, fetch_ind) matmul = tf.matmul(dense, dense, transpose_b=True) return matmul
def joint_probability(self, y_nn, labels): # TODO I don't know if it works properly because I only use it for logging """ Create joint probability P(s_k, m_j) :param y_nn: output of the neural net :param labels: phonemes or states of the data (coming from the alignments of kaldi) :return: return P(s_k, m_j) """ with tf.variable_scope('MiscNNHelper/joint_probability'): # determine batch size batch_size = tf.cast(tf.shape(y_nn)[0], dtype=tf.float32) # create variable in order to use scatter_nd_add joint_prob = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.num_labels, self.cb_size]), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) joint_prob = joint_prob.assign( tf.fill([self.num_labels, self.cb_size], 0.0)) # reset Variable/floor # cast labels to int32 labels = tf.cast(labels, dtype=tf.int32) # create P(s_k, m_j), (check dissertation of Neukirchen, p.61 (5.46)) joint_prob = tf.scatter_nd_add(joint_prob, labels, y_nn) joint_prob = tf.div(joint_prob, batch_size) return joint_prob
def test_builder_to_backend_programmatic(self, use_cpu_only, backend, rankData_rankIndices, accumulate_mode): data_rank, indices_rank = rankData_rankIndices data_shape = np.random.randint(low=2, high=5, size=data_rank) indices_shape = np.random.randint(low=2, high=5, size=indices_rank) indices_shape[-1] = np.random.randint(low=1, high=data_rank + 1) updates_shape = list(indices_shape[:-1]) + list( data_shape[indices_shape[-1]:]) data = np.random.rand(*data_shape).astype(np.float32) updates = np.random.rand(*updates_shape).astype(np.float32) indices_list = [] for i in range(indices_shape[-1]): indices_list.append( np.random.randint(0, data_shape[i], size=indices_shape[:-1])) indices = np.stack(indices_list, axis=-1).astype(np.int32) def build(data, indices, updates): return mb.scatter_nd(data=data, indices=indices, updates=updates, mode=accumulate_mode) with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: tf_output = tf.Variable(data) if accumulate_mode == "update":, indices, updates)) if accumulate_mode == "add":, indices, updates)) if accumulate_mode == "sub":, indices, updates)) expected_output = input_placeholders = { "data": mb.placeholder(shape=data.shape), "indices": mb.placeholder(shape=indices.shape, dtype=types.int32), "updates": mb.placeholder(shape=updates.shape), } input_values = {"data": data, "indices": indices, "updates": updates} expected_output_types = tuple(data_shape[:]) + (types.fp32, ) run_compare_builder( build, input_placeholders, input_values, expected_output_types, expected_output, use_cpu_only=use_cpu_only, frontend_only=False, backend=backend, )
def test_scatter_nd_add(self): indices = tf.constant([[4], [3], [1], [7], [1]]) updates = tf.constant([9, 10, 11, 12, 13]) shape = tf.constant([8]) ref = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape, dtype=tf.int32), trainable=False) scatter = tf.scatter_nd_add(ref, indices, updates) expected = np.array([0, 24, 0, 10, 9, 0, 0, 12]) with tf.Session() as sess: actual = self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual))
def permutohedral_compute(data_vectors, barycentric, blurNeighbours1, blurNeighbours2, indices, name, reverse): batch_size = tf.shape(data_vectors)[0] numSimplexCorners = int(barycentric.get_shape()[-1]) nCh = numSimplexCorners - 1 nChData = tf.shape(data_vectors)[-1] data_vectors = tf.reshape(data_vectors, [-1, nChData]) data_vectors = tf.concat( [data_vectors, tf.ones_like(data_vectors[:, 0:1])], 1) # Convert to homogenous coordinates ## Splatting initialSplat = tf.zeros( [tf.shape(blurNeighbours1[0])[0] + 1, batch_size, nChData + 1]) with tf.variable_scope(name): # WARNING: we use local variables so the graph must initialize local variables with tf.local_variables_initializer() splat = tf.contrib.framework.local_variable(tf.ones([0, 0]), validate_shape=False, name='splatbuffer') with tf.control_dependencies([splat.initialized_value()]): resetSplat = tf.assign(splat, initialSplat, validate_shape=False, name='assign') # This is needed to force tensorflow to update the cache with tf.control_dependencies([resetSplat]): uncachedSplat = splat.read_value() for scit in range(numSimplexCorners): data = data_vectors * barycentric[:, scit:scit + 1] with tf.control_dependencies([uncachedSplat]): splat = tf.scatter_nd_add(splat, indices[scit], data) ## Blur with tf.control_dependencies([splat]): blurred = [splat] order = range(nCh, -1, -1) if reverse else range(nCh + 1) for dit in order: with tf.control_dependencies([blurred[-1]]): b1 = 0.5 * tf.gather(blurred[-1], blurNeighbours1[dit]) b2 = blurred[-1][1:, :, :] b3 = 0.5 * tf.gather(blurred[-1], blurNeighbours2[dit]) blurred.append( tf.concat([blurred[-1][0:1, :, :], b2 + b1 + b3], 0)) # Alpha is a magic scaling constant from CRFAsRNN code alpha = 1. / (1. + numpy.power(2., -nCh)) normalized = blurred[-1][:, :, :-1] / blurred[-1][:, :, -1:] ## Slice sliced = tf.gather_nd(normalized, indices[0]) * barycentric[:, 0:1] * alpha for scit in range(1, numSimplexCorners): sliced = sliced + tf.gather_nd( normalized, indices[scit]) * barycentric[:, scit:scit + 1] * alpha return sliced
def get_q_tensor_update(self, ind_heads, ind_best_heads, q_tensor, discount, lr, current_states, actions, rewards, next_states, apply_actions): num_models = self.config['num_models'] num_heads = self.config['num_heads'] heads_per_sample = self.config['heads_per_sample'] model_range = tf.range(0, num_models, dtype=tf.int64) # we have to modify the states and actions a little bit ind_models = self.duplicate_each_element(model_range, heads_per_sample) ind_states = self.duplicate_each_element(current_states, heads_per_sample) ind_best_heads_duplic = tf.cast( self.duplicate_each_element(ind_best_heads, heads_per_sample), tf.int64) ind_actions = self.duplicate_each_element(actions, heads_per_sample) ind_next_states = self.duplicate_each_element(next_states, heads_per_sample) if ind_heads == None: ind_heads = tf.tile(tf.range(0, num_heads, dtype=tf.int64), [num_models]) # obtain current q values ind_current_q_values = tf.stack( [ind_models, ind_heads, ind_states, ind_actions], axis=1) current_q_values = tf.gather_nd(q_tensor, ind_current_q_values) # retrieve the best model ind_best_q_values = tf.stack( [ind_models, ind_best_heads_duplic, ind_states], axis=1) best_q_values = tf.gather_nd(q_tensor, ind_best_q_values) actions = tf.argmax(best_q_values, axis=1) # obtain the best q function available for the next state ind_next_q_vectors = tf.stack( [ind_models, ind_heads, ind_next_states, tf.squeeze(actions)], axis=1) next_q_values = tf.gather_nd(q_tensor, ind_next_q_vectors) # duplicate the rewards as well mod_shaped_rewards = self.duplicate_each_element( rewards, heads_per_sample) td_errors = mod_shaped_rewards + discount * next_q_values - current_q_values # add dependencies with tf.control_dependencies([apply_actions]): # define the q tensor update for the q values return tf.scatter_nd_add(q_tensor, ind_current_q_values, lr * td_errors)
def remove(self, src: int, dst: int) -> None: """ Remove an edge to the graph. This method process an input edge deleting it to the graph updating all the variables necessaries to maintain the graph in correct state. Args: src (int): The id of the source vertex of the edge. dst (int): The id of the destination vertex of the edge. Returns: This method returns nothing. """ if src and dst is None: raise ValueError( "tf_G and dst must not be None ") self.run_tf([tf.scatter_nd_add(self.A_tf, [[src, dst]], [-1.0]), tf.scatter_nd_add(self.out_degrees_tf, [[src, 0]], [-1.0]), tf.scatter_nd_add(self.in_degrees_tf, [[0, dst]], [-1.0])]) self.m -= 1 self._notify(np.array([src, dst]), -1)
def move(self, desire):# desire = the softmax desire where each slot is where you want to move. slot = tf.cast(tf.argmax(tf.multiply(desire, tf.cast(tf.less(self.height, tf.constant(6, dtype=tf.int8)), tf.float32))), tf.int32) height = tf.cast(tf.gather(self.height, slot), tf.int32) # print(tf.shape(height)) # print(tf.shape(slot)) # print(type(tf.stack([slot, height], 0)));exit() self.grid = tf.scatter_nd_add(self.grid, tf.expand_dims(tf.stack([height, slot], 0), 0), tf.expand_dims(self.player, -1)) tf.scatter_add(self.height, slot, tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int8)) tf.initialize_all_variables() sess = tf.Session() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() print(
def update(self, indices, values): """Returns op to do sparse update. To elaborate on this one, lets consider two examples of 5x5x5 patches with target volume 100x100x100: 1. We have 10 patches batched together into [10, 5, 5, 5] then our indices need to be [10, 5, 5, 5, 3]. 2. We have a single patch of shape [5, 5, 5] and indices [5, 5, 5, 3]. As a third example consider a flattened patch: 3. We have 4 5x5x5 patches flattened into [500] then we need indices of shape [500, 3]. In other words for the innermost dimension we need to provide an index into the target shape for every value but the outer dimensions are arbitrary as long as they are the same for indices and values. Args: indices values Returns: op """ "" if not self._built: self._build() with tf.name_scope(f'{self._name}/patch_aggregator'): weights = tf.to_float(tf.greater(values, 0)) if self._average is None: with tf.name_scope('average'): cond = tf.not_equal(self._weight, 0) ones = tf.ones_like(self._weight) weight = tf.where(cond, self._weight, ones) self._average = self._value / weight return, indices, values), tf.scatter_nd_add(self._weight, indices, weights))
def permutohedral_compute(data_vectors, barycentric, blur_neighbours1, blur_neighbours2, indices, name, reverse): """ Splat, Gaussian blur, and slice :param data_vectors: value map to be filtered :param barycentric: embedding coordinates :param blur_neighbours1: first neighbours' coordinates relative to indices :param blur_neighbours2: second neighbours' coordinates relative to indices :param indices: corresponding locations of data_vectors :param name: layer name :param reverse: transpose the Gaussian kernel if True :return: filtered data_vectors (sliced to the original space) """ num_simplex_corners = barycentric.shape.as_list()[-1] n_ch = num_simplex_corners - 1 batch_size, n_voxels, n_ch_data = data_vectors.shape.as_list() data_vectors = tf.reshape(data_vectors, [-1, n_ch_data]) # Splatting with tf.variable_scope(name): splat = tf.contrib.framework.local_variable(tf.constant(0.0), validate_shape=False, name='splatbuffer') # with tf.control_dependencies([splat.initialized_value()]): initial_splat = tf.zeros( [tf.shape(blur_neighbours1[0])[0] + 1, batch_size, n_ch_data]) reset_splat = tf.assign(splat, initial_splat, validate_shape=False) with tf.control_dependencies([reset_splat]): for scit in range(num_simplex_corners): data = data_vectors * barycentric[:, scit:scit + 1] splat = tf.scatter_nd_add(splat, indices[scit], data) # Blur with 1D kernels for dit in range(n_ch, -1, -1) if reverse else range(n_ch + 1): b1 = tf.gather(splat, blur_neighbours1[dit]) b3 = tf.gather(splat, blur_neighbours2[dit]) splat = tf.concat([splat[:1, ...], splat[1:, ...] + 0.5 * (b1 + b3)], 0) # Slice sliced = 0.0 # Alpha is a magic scaling constant from CRFAsRNN code alpha = 1. / (1. + np.power(2., -n_ch)) for scit in range(0, num_simplex_corners): sliced += tf.gather_nd(splat, indices[scit]) * \ barycentric[:, scit:scit + 1] * alpha sliced = tf.reshape(sliced, [batch_size, n_voxels, n_ch_data]) return sliced
def create_mask(var, output_shape, pos_idxs, pos_val, neg_val, zero): # output_shape is a tensor of shape # zero is the zero constant with the shape shape as var var = tf.assign(var, zero) if isinstance(pos_val, int) or isinstance(pos_val, float): pos_val = np.array(pos_val, dtype=np.float32) if isinstance(neg_val, int) or isinstance(neg_val, float): neg_val = np.array(neg_val, dtype=np.float32) var_subset = tf.gather_nd(var, pos_idxs) + \ pos_val - neg_val var = tf.scatter_nd_add(var, pos_idxs, var_subset) var += neg_val var = tf.slice(var, [0, 0], output_shape) return var
def scatter_nd_add_diff(x0, x1, x2): """ Custom gradient version of scatter_nd_add """ dummy = tf.Variable(x0, name='dummy', use_resource=True) reset_dummy = dummy.assign(0.0 * x0) with tf.control_dependencies([reset_dummy]): f = tf.scatter_nd_add(dummy, x1, x2) def grad(dy, variables=[dummy]): g = tf.gather_nd(dy, x1) return [None, None, g], [None] return f, grad
def bias_ops(ds:, V): features, labels = ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() tokens = features[TEXT] # (N, L) token_lengths = features[SENTENCE_LENGTH] # (N,) vocab_tally = tf.get_local_variable( name='vocab_tally', dtype=tf.int64, initializer=tf.initializers.zeros, shape=(V,) ) # (V,) word_count = tf.get_local_variable( name='word_count', dtype=token_lengths.dtype, initializer=tf.initializers.zeros, shape=[] ) max_length = tf.get_local_variable( name='max_length', dtype=token_lengths.dtype, initializer=tf.initializers.zeros, shape=[] ) sentence_count = tf.get_local_variable( name='sentence_count', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.initializers.zeros, shape=[] ) mask = tf.sequence_mask( maxlen=tf.shape(tokens)[1], lengths=token_lengths ) # (N, L) valid_tokens = tf.boolean_mask(tensor=tokens, mask=mask) # (Z,) update_tally = tf.scatter_nd_add( ref=vocab_tally, indices=tf.expand_dims(valid_tokens, 1), updates=tf.ones(shape=tf.shape(valid_tokens), dtype=vocab_tally.dtype) ) update_sentence_count = tf.assign_add(ref=sentence_count, value=tf.shape(tokens)[0]) update_word_count = tf.assign_add(ref=word_count, value=tf.reduce_sum(token_lengths)) update_max_length = tf.assign(ref=max_length, value=tf.maximum( max_length, tf.reduce_max(token_lengths) )) update =, update_sentence_count, update_word_count, update_max_length) return vocab_tally, sentence_count, word_count, max_length, update
def testConcurrentUpdates(self): num_updates = 10000 update_values = np.random.rand(num_updates) ref = tf.Variable(np.zeros([2, 2]), dtype=tf.float64) indices = tf.constant([[0, 1]] * num_updates, dtype=tf.int32) updates = tf.constant(update_values, dtype=tf.float64) exepected_result = np.zeros([2, 2], dtype=np.float64) exepected_result[0, 1] = np.sum(update_values) scatter = tf.scatter_nd_add(ref, indices, updates) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: result = assert np.allclose(result, exepected_result)
def permutohedral_compute(data_vectors,barycentric,blurNeighbours1,blurNeighbours2,indices,name,reverse): batch_size=tf.shape(data_vectors)[0] numSimplexCorners=int(barycentric.shape[-1]) nCh=numSimplexCorners-1 nChData=tf.shape(data_vectors)[-1] data_vectors = tf.reshape(data_vectors,[-1,nChData]) data_vectors = tf.concat([data_vectors,tf.ones_like(data_vectors[:,0:1])],1) # Convert to homogenous coordinates ## Splatting initialSplat=tf.zeros([tf.shape(blurNeighbours1[0])[0]+1,batch_size,nChData+1]) with tf.variable_scope(name): # WARNING: we use local variables so the graph must initialize local variables with tf.local_variables_initializer() splat=tf.contrib.framework.local_variable(tf.ones([0,0]),validate_shape=False,name='splatbuffer') with tf.control_dependencies([splat.initialized_value()]): resetSplat=tf.assign(splat,initialSplat,validate_shape=False,name='assign') # This is needed to force tensorflow to update the cache with tf.control_dependencies([resetSplat]): uncachedSplat=splat.read_value() for scit in range(numSimplexCorners): data = data_vectors*barycentric[:,scit:scit+1] with tf.control_dependencies([uncachedSplat]): splat=tf.scatter_nd_add(splat,indices[scit],data) ## Blur with tf.control_dependencies([splat]): blurred=[splat] order = range(nCh,-1,-1) if reverse else range(nCh+1) for dit in order: with tf.control_dependencies([blurred[-1]]): b1=0.5*tf.gather(blurred[-1],blurNeighbours1[dit]) b2=blurred[-1][1:,:,:] b3=0.5*tf.gather(blurred[-1],blurNeighbours2[dit]) blurred.append(tf.concat([blurred[-1][0:1,:,:], b2+b1+b3],0)) # Alpha is a magic scaling constant from CRFAsRNN code alpha = 1. / (1.+numpy.power(2., -nCh)) normalized=blurred[-1][:,:,:-1]/blurred[-1][:,:,-1:] ## Slice sliced = tf.gather_nd(normalized,indices[0])*barycentric[:,0:1]*alpha for scit in range(1,numSimplexCorners): sliced = sliced+tf.gather_nd(normalized,indices[scit])*barycentric[:,scit:scit+1]*alpha return sliced
def eligibility_dutch_traces(Qs_t, states_t, actions_t, lr, discount, lambda_value): # Beware this trace has to be used with a different learning rule et = tf.get_variable( "eligibilitytraces" , shape=Qs_t.get_shape() , dtype=tf.float32 , trainable=False , initializer=tf.zeros_initializer() ) tf.summary.histogram('eligibilitytraces', et) state_action_pairs = tf.stack([states_t, actions_t], 1) current_trace = tf.gather_nd(et, state_action_pairs) updates = 1 - lr * discount * lambda_value * current_trace with tf.control_dependencies([updates]): dec_et_op = tf.assign(et, discount * lambda_value * et) with tf.control_dependencies([dec_et_op]): update_et_op = tf.scatter_nd_add(et, indices=state_action_pairs, updates=updates) reset_et_op = et.assign(tf.zeros_like(et, dtype=tf.float32)) return (et, update_et_op, reset_et_op)
def create_stats_val(self, y_labels, labels): with tf.variable_scope('MiscNNHelper/create_stats_val'): labels = tf.cast(labels, dtype=tf.int32) # define tf variables to use scatter_nd and scatter_nd_add # pwtmp = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(self.num_labels), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) # pytmp = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(self.cb_size), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) # pw_y_tmp = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.num_labels, self.cb_size]), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) pwtmp = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('p_w:0') pytmp = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('p_y:0') pw_y_tmp = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('p_w_y:0') # self.reset_p_w # create P(w) pwtmp = tf.assign(pwtmp, tf.zeros([self.num_labels ])) # reset Variable/floor # pwtmp = self.reset_variable(pwtmp) pwtmp = tf.scatter_add(pwtmp, labels, tf.ones(tf.shape(labels))) # create P(y) pytmp = tf.assign(pytmp, tf.zeros([self.cb_size])) # reset Variable/floor pytmp = tf.scatter_add(pytmp, y_labels, tf.ones(tf.shape(y_labels))) # create P(w|y) pw_y_tmp = tf.assign(pw_y_tmp, tf.zeros([self.num_labels, self.cb_size ])) # reset Variable/floor pw_y_tmp = tf.scatter_nd_add( pw_y_tmp, tf.concat([ tf.cast(labels, dtype=tf.int64), tf.expand_dims(y_labels, 1) ], axis=1), tf.ones(tf.shape(y_labels))) return pwtmp, pytmp, pw_y_tmp
def main(unused_argv): ref = tf.Variable([[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]], [[10, 11, 12, 13], [14, 15, 16, 17], [10, 11, 12, 13], [14, 15, 16, 17]] ]) indices = tf.constant([[1, 1]]) updates = tf.constant([[-14, -15, -16, -17]]) out = tf.scatter_nd_add(ref, indices, updates) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session(config=config('cpu')) as session: result_cpu = with tf.Session(config=config('ai_core')) as session: result_ai_core = print('====================================') cmp_result = np.allclose(result_ai_core, result_cpu, atol, rtol) print(cmp_result) print('====================================')
def build_mask2(input): # row = input.eval() print(row) y_extent = tf.range(row[0], row[2]) x_extent = tf.range(row[1], row[3]) print('y_extent', y_extent.eval()) Y,X = tf.meshgrid(y_extent, x_extent) print(Y.shape, X.shape) bbox_mask = tf.stack([Y,X],axis=2) print(' bbox_mask shapoe: ',bbox_mask.shape) mask_indices = tf.reshape(bbox_mask,[-1,2]) print(' size of mask_indices: ', mask_indices.shape) mask_size = mask_indices.get_shape()[0] mask_updates = tf.ones([mask_size], dtype = tf.int32) print(' size of bbox_mask: ', mask_size) res = tf.scatter_nd_add(ref2, mask_indices, mask_updates) print( ' ref shape: ', res.shape) print( ' indices shape: ', mask_indices.shape) print( ' updates shape: ', mask_updates.shape) return res
def scatter_var( blocks, bin_counts, # pylint: disable=unused-argument active_block_indices, outputs, *, bsize, boffset, bstride, add=False): raise NotImplementedError("no gradient for sparse_lib.scatter_var") indices = _upsample_block_indices(active_block_indices, bsize, boffset, bstride) # [M, bsize[0], bsize[1], 3] if add: outputs = tf.scatter_nd_add(outputs, indices, blocks) else: outputs = tf.scatter_nd_update(outputs, indices, blocks) return outputs
def _helper_mi_tf(self, labels, alignments, cb_len): """ Helper functions in tensorflow to get P(w), P(y) and P(w|y) :param labels: labels coming e.g. out of a neural network :param alignments: phonemes from e.g. alignments :param cb_len: codebook size of the neural network (output dim) :return: P(w), P(y) and P(w|y) """ p = 41 pwtmp = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(p), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) pytmp = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(cb_len), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) pw_y_tmp = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([p, cb_len]), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) # use input array as indexing array pwtmp = pwtmp.assign(tf.fill([p], 0.0)) # reset Variable/floor pwtmp = tf.scatter_add(pwtmp, alignments, tf.ones(tf.shape(alignments))) pytmp = pytmp.assign(tf.fill([cb_len], 0.0)) # reset Variable/floor pytmp = tf.scatter_add(pytmp, labels, tf.ones(tf.shape(labels))) pw_y_tmp = pw_y_tmp.assign(tf.fill([p, cb_len], 0.0)) # reset Variable/floor pw_y_tmp = tf.scatter_nd_add( pw_y_tmp, tf.concat([ tf.cast(alignments, dtype=tf.int64), tf.expand_dims(labels, 1) ], axis=1), tf.ones(tf.shape(labels))) return pwtmp, pytmp, pw_y_tmp
def vq_data(self, y_nn, labels, nominator, denominator, discrete=True): """ Create the nominator and denominator for P(s_k|m_j) This function is used for using all the training data to create P(s_k|m_j) :param y_nn: output of the neural net :param labels: phonemes or states of the data (coming from the alignments of kaldi) :param nominator: nominator for P(s_k|m_j) :param denominator: denominator for P(s_k|m_j) :param discrete: flag for creating P(s_k|m_j) in a discrete way :return: return nominator and denominator of creating P(s_k|m_j) """ with tf.variable_scope('MiscNNHelper/vq_data'): # cast labels to int32 labels = tf.cast(labels, dtype=tf.int64) y_labels = tf.argmax(y_nn, axis=1) # labels_softmax = output_soft if discrete: # create nominator nominator = tf.scatter_nd_add( nominator, tf.concat([ tf.cast(labels, dtype=tf.int64), tf.expand_dims(y_labels, 1) ], axis=1), tf.ones(tf.shape(y_labels))) # create dominator denominator = tf.scatter_add(denominator, y_labels, tf.ones(tf.shape(y_labels)[0])) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!") return nominator, denominator
def project_uv_render( ori_img, norm_image, clip_xyzw, tri, tri_vt, vt_list, imageH, imageW, uv_rgb, uv_mask, para_illum, var_scope_name, ): batch_size, _, _ = clip_xyzw.get_shape().as_list() # get uv coordinates V, U = tf.split(vt_list, 2, axis=1) uv_size = uv_rgb.get_shape().as_list()[1] U = (1.0 - U) * uv_size V = V * uv_size UV = tf.concat([U, V], axis=1) batch_UV = tf.tile(UV, [batch_size, 1]) # get clip_xyzw for ver_uv (according to the correspondence between tri and tri_vt) # gather and scatter EPS = 1e-12 batch_tri_indices = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), axis=1), [1, len(tri_vt) * 3]), [-1], name="batch_tri_indices", ) tri_inds = tf.stack( [ batch_tri_indices, tf.concat([tf.reshape(tri, [len(tri) * 3])] * batch_size, axis=0), ], axis=1, ) tri_vt_inds = tf.stack( [ batch_tri_indices, tf.concat([tf.reshape(tri_vt, [len(tri_vt) * 3])] * batch_size, axis=0), ], axis=1, ) tri_clip_xyzw = tf.gather_nd(clip_xyzw, tri_inds, name="tri_clip_xyzw") ver_uv_clip_xyzw_sum = tf.get_variable( shape=[batch_size, len(vt_list), 4], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), name=var_scope_name + "ver_uv_clip_xyzw_sum", trainable=False, ) ver_uv_clip_xyzw_cnt = tf.get_variable( shape=[batch_size, len(vt_list), 4], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), name=var_scope_name + "ver_uv_clip_xyzw_cnt", trainable=False, ) init_ver_uv = tf.zeros(shape=[batch_size, len(vt_list), 4], dtype=tf.float32) assign_op1 = tf.assign(ver_uv_clip_xyzw_sum, init_ver_uv) assign_op2 = tf.assign(ver_uv_clip_xyzw_cnt, init_ver_uv) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op1, assign_op2]): ver_uv_clip_xyzw_sum = tf.scatter_nd_add( ver_uv_clip_xyzw_sum, tri_vt_inds, tri_clip_xyzw ) ver_uv_clip_xyzw_cnt = tf.scatter_nd_add( ver_uv_clip_xyzw_cnt, tri_vt_inds, tf.ones_like(tri_clip_xyzw) ) ver_uv_clip_xyzw = tf.div(ver_uv_clip_xyzw_sum, ver_uv_clip_xyzw_cnt + EPS) uv_image, uv_alphas = rasterize_clip_space( ver_uv_clip_xyzw, batch_UV, tri_vt, imageW, imageH, -1.0 ) uv_image = tf.clip_by_value( tf.cast(uv_image, tf.int32), 0, 511 ) # should be integer batch_vt_indices = tf.reshape( tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), axis=1), [1, imageW * imageH] ), [-1, 1], name="batch_indices", ) batch_vt_indices = tf.concat( [batch_vt_indices, tf.reshape(uv_image, [-1, 2])], axis=1 ) # careful diffuse_image = tf.reshape( tf.gather_nd(uv_rgb, batch_vt_indices), [batch_size, imageH, imageW, 3] ) uv_alphas = ( tf.reshape( tf.gather_nd(uv_mask[:, :, :, 0], batch_vt_indices), [batch_size, imageH, imageW, 1], ) * uv_alphas ) # Have shading para_light = para_illum background = ori_img rgb_images, shading_image = Shader.sh_shader( norm_image, uv_alphas, background, para_light, diffuse_image ) ori_img_remove_shading = ori_img / shading_image diffuse_image = tf.clip_by_value(diffuse_image, 0, 1) rgb_images = tf.clip_by_value(rgb_images, 0, 1) uv_attrs_image = tf.clip_by_value(uv_alphas, 0, 1) ori_img_remove_shading = tf.clip_by_value(ori_img_remove_shading, 0, 1) render_image = rgb_images render_image = render_image * uv_attrs_image + ori_img * (1 - uv_attrs_image) return render_image, uv_attrs_image, ori_img_remove_shading
def get_ver_norm(ver_xyz, tri, scope_name="normal"): """ Compute vertex normals. :param: ver_xyz: [batch, N, 3], vertex geometry tri: [M, 3], mesh triangles definition :return: ver_normals: [batch, N, 3], vertex normals """ with tf.variable_scope(scope_name): v1_idx, v2_idx, v3_idx = tf.unstack(tri, 3, axis=-1) v1 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v1_idx, axis=1, name="v1_tri") v2 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v2_idx, axis=1, name="v2_tri") v3 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v3_idx, axis=1, name="v3_tri") EPS = 1e-8 tri_normals = tf.cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1) tri_normals = tf.div( tri_normals, (tf.norm(tri_normals, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) + EPS), name="norm_tri", ) tri_normals = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tri_normals, 2), [1, 1, 3, 1]) tri_normals = tf.reshape(tri_normals, [-1, 3]) tri_votes = tf.cast(tf.greater(tri_normals[:, 2:], float(0.1)), tf.float32) tri_cnts = tf.ones_like(tri_votes) B = v1.get_shape().as_list()[0] # batch size batch_indices = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(B), axis=1), [1, len(tri) * 3]), [-1], name="batch_indices", ) tri_inds = tf.stack( [ batch_indices, tf.concat([tf.reshape(tri, [len(tri) * 3])] * B, axis=0), ], axis=1, ) ver_shape = ver_xyz.get_shape().as_list() ver_normals = tf.get_variable( shape=ver_shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), name="ver_norm", trainable=False, ) init_normals = tf.zeros(shape=ver_shape, dtype=tf.float32) assign_op = tf.assign(ver_normals, init_normals) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op]): ver_normals = tf.scatter_nd_add(ver_normals, tri_inds, tri_normals) ver_normals = ver_normals / ( tf.norm(ver_normals, axis=2, keep_dims=True) + EPS ) votes = tf.reshape( tf.concat([tri_votes, tri_votes, tri_votes], axis=-1), [-1, 1] ) cnts = tf.reshape( tf.concat([tri_cnts, tri_cnts, tri_cnts], axis=-1), [-1, 1] ) ver_votes = tf.get_variable( shape=ver_shape[:-1] + [1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), name="ver_vote", trainable=False, ) ver_cnts = tf.get_variable( shape=ver_shape[:-1] + [1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), name="ver_cnt", trainable=False, ) init_votes = tf.zeros(shape=ver_shape[:-1] + [1], dtype=tf.float32) assign_op2 = tf.assign(ver_votes, init_votes) assign_op3 = tf.assign(ver_cnts, init_votes) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op2, assign_op3]): ver_votes = tf.scatter_nd_add(ver_votes, tri_inds, tri_votes) ver_cnts = tf.scatter_nd_add(ver_cnts, tri_inds, tri_cnts) ver_votes = ver_votes / (ver_cnts + EPS) ver_votes1 = tf.less(ver_votes, float(1.0)) ver_votes2 = tf.greater(ver_votes, float(0.0)) ver_votes = tf.cast(tf.logical_and(ver_votes1, ver_votes2), tf.float32) return ver_normals, ver_votes