def _train_step(self, X, Y, meta1): try: model = self.model optimizer = self.optimizer # Step 1 - Calculate loss and gradients with tf.GradientTape() as tape: t2 = tf.timestamp() y_predict = model(X, training=True) t2_ = tf.timestamp() loss_vals = self._train_loss(Y, y_predict, meta1) # tf.print(' - loss_Vals: ', loss_vals) t3 = tf.timestamp() all_vars = model.trainable_variables gradients = tape.gradient(loss_vals, all_vars) # dL/dW optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, all_vars)) t3_ = tf.timestamp() return t2_ - t2, t3 - t2_, t3_ - t3 except: traceback.print_exc() return None, None, None
def f(params_1d): """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize. This function is created by function_factory. Args: params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor. Returns: A scalar loss and the gradients w.r.t. the `params_1d`. """ # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. parameters with tf.GradientTape() as tape: # update the parameters in the model assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d) # calculate the loss loss_value = loss() # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables) grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads) # print out iteration & loss f.iter.assign_add(1) if f.iter % 300 == 0: elapsed = tf.timestamp() - f.start_time tf.print("Iter:", f.iter // 3, "loss:", loss_value, "time:", elapsed) f.start_time.assign(tf.timestamp()) # store loss value so we can retrieve later tf.py_function(f.history.append, inp=[loss_value], Tout=[]) return loss_value, grads
def optimize_body(it, last_time): loss = loss_fn() (gradient, variable), = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss, var_list=[images]) if blur: blur_diff = blur(images) - images to_blur = tf.equal(it % blur_each, 0) gradient = tf.cond( to_blur, lambda: gradient - blur_diff / learning_rate, # gradient is subtracted so blur_diff must be negative lambda: gradient) optimization = optimizer.apply_gradients( [(gradient, variable)], global_step=tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()) # image display-time computations time_delta = tf.timestamp() - last_time was_long_enough = tf.greater(time_delta, 1 / show_rate) show_image_op = tf.cond( was_long_enough, lambda: tf.py_func(show_image_wrapper, [images], tf.float32), lambda: tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([optimization]): it = it + 1 if show_img: with tf.control_dependencies([show_image_op]): new_time = tf.cond( was_long_enough, lambda: tf.timestamp( ), # if showed image, then update lambda: last_time) # else leave last_time as was return it, new_time else: return it, last_time
def RC(m, k, n, kern_para_a, kern_para_b, num_devices, a_shards, b_shards): c = [None] * kern_para_a c_final = [None] * kern_para_a c_final_dist = [None] * kern_para_a for i in range(kern_para_a): c[i] = [None] * kern_para_b c_final_dist[i] = [None] * kern_para_b for j in range(kern_para_b): gid = i * kern_para_b + j with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format(gid % num_devices)): c[i][j] = tf.matmul(a_shards[i][j], b_shards[i][j]) # tf.print(c[i][j].device) with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format( (i * kern_para_b) % num_devices)): c_final[i] = tf.concat(c[i], axis=1) for j in range(kern_para_b): gid = i * kern_para_b + j with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format(gid % num_devices)): #c_final_dist[i][j] = c_final[i] a_shards[i][j].assign(c_final[i]) ret_val = tf.constant(i + 1) if ret_val > 0: tf.print("Time taken: {}".format(tf.timestamp())) #tot_time = tf.timestamp() - start else: tf.print("Time taken: {}".format(tf.timestamp())) return c_final_dist
def GetLoss(**params): tf.random.set_seed(args.seed) model = pm.HHModel(var_pos, cfg_mean_std, cfg_min_max, params)[0:1, :, :]) opt = getattr(tf.keras.optimizers, params['optimizers'])( learning_rate=10**params['learning_rate_exp']) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, weighted_metrics=[pm.sel_acc_2]) print(tf.timestamp(name='timestamp')) total_evt = X.shape[0] evt_training = int(total_evt * (1 - args.val_split)) evt_val = total_evt - evt_training print('Events to train: ', evt_training, 'Events to validate during training: ', evt_val) history =, Y, validation_split=args.val_split, epochs=args.n_epochs, batch_size=params['batch_size'], verbose=0) print(tf.timestamp(name='timestamp')) tf.keras.backend.clear_session() return np.amax(history.history['val_sel_acc_2'])
def log_deferred(op, log_id, every_n=1, first_n=None): """Helper method inserting compliance logging ops. Note: This helper is not guaranteed to be efficient, as it will insert ops and control dependencies. If this proves to be a bottleneck, submitters may wish to consider other methods such as extracting values from an .events file. Args: op: A tf op to be printed. log_id: a uuid provided by the logger in every_n: If repeat is True, with what frequency should the input op be ' logged. If repeat is False, this argument is ignored. first_n: Only log this many values. This arg does not interact with every_n. The first_n refers to the first n that would have been logged. """ prefix = ":::MLPv0.5.0 [{}]".format(log_id) if not first_n is not None and first_n == 1: return tf.compat.v1.Print(op, [tf.timestamp(), op], message=prefix, first_n=1) counter = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32) - 1, aggregation=tf.VariableAggregation.MEAN) increment = tf.compat.v1.assign_add(counter, 1, use_locking=True) return tf.cond( pred=tf.equal(tf.math.mod(increment, every_n), 0), true_fn=lambda: tf.compat.v1.Print( op, [tf.timestamp(), op], message=prefix, first_n=first_n), false_fn=lambda: op)
def __init__(self, nq_server: server.NQServer, state: Optional[types.EnvState] = None, random_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, training: bool = True, stop_after_seeing_new_results: bool = False): super().__init__() self.nq_server = nq_server = training self.first_time = True # Used for initial debug logging self.stop_after_seeing_new_results = stop_after_seeing_new_results self.descriptor = get_descriptor() self.grammar = self.descriptor.extras['grammar'] self.tokenizer = self.descriptor.extras['tokenizer'] self.action_space = len( self.idf_lookup = utils.IDFLookup.get_instance( path=common_flags.IDF_LOOKUP_PATH.value) trie_start_time = tf.timestamp() if common_flags.GLOBAL_TRIE_PATH.value is None: self.global_trie = pygtrie.Trie.fromkeys((x for x in map( functools.partial( to_action_tuple, grammar=self.grammar, tokenizer=self.tokenizer), self.idf_lookup.lookup) if x)) self._logging_info('Built trie of size %s in %s s', len(self.global_trie), tf.timestamp() - trie_start_time) else: with, 'rb') as trie_f: self.global_trie = pickle.load(trie_f) self._logging_info('Restored trie of size %s in %s s', len(self.global_trie), tf.timestamp() - trie_start_time) # The value of the global steps in the learner is updated in step() self.training_steps = 0 # Trie for the current results. We only build this the first time after # a new set of results is obtained. A value of `None` indicates that for # the current set of results, it has not been built yet. self.known_word_tries = None # type: Optional[state_tree.KnownWordTries] self.valid_word_actions = None # type: Optional[state_tree.ValidWordActions] self.use_rf_restrict = False self.state = state if state and state.tree is None: self.state.tree = state_tree.NQStateTree(grammar=self.grammar) self.bert_config: configs.BertConfig = self.descriptor.extras['bert_config'] self.sequence_length: int = self.descriptor.extras['sequence_length'] self.action_history = [] self.n_episode = 0 self._rand = np.random.RandomState() if random_state: self._rand.set_state(random_state)
def _execute(self, dataset): start = tf.timestamp() pred = self._model.predict(dataset) end = tf.timestamp() time = tf.math.subtract(end, start) pred = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(pred, dtype=tf.uint8, saturate=True) return pred.numpy(), time.numpy()
def valid(): epoch_loss = [] epoch_metrics = defaultdict(list) start_time = tf.timestamp() last_it = 0. for it, inputs in enumerate(valid_ds.repeat(1)): it = tf.cast(it, tf.float32) _loss, _metrics = step(it, inputs, training=False) assert isinstance(_metrics, dict), \ "Metrics must be instance of dictionary" # store for calculating average epoch_loss.append(_loss) for k, v in _metrics.items(): epoch_metrics[k].append(v) # print log end_time = tf.timestamp() if end_time - start_time >= logging_interval: it_per_sec = tf.cast( (it - last_it) / tf.cast(end_time - start_time, tf.float32), tf.int32) tf.print(" ", log_tag, "[Valid] #", it + 1, " ", it_per_sec, "(it/s)", sep="", output_stream=output_stream) start_time = tf.timestamp() last_it = it self.valid_loss_epoch.append(epoch_loss) self.valid_metrics_epoch.append(epoch_metrics) return tf.reduce_mean(epoch_loss, axis=0), \ {k: tf.reduce_mean(v, axis=0) for k, v in epoch_metrics.items()}
def graph_train_and_validate(model, train_data, test_data, epochs, batch_size): x_trn, y_trn = train_data x_tst, y_tst = test_data n_obs = x_trn.shape[0] trn_ds =, y_trn)) trn_shuffled_ds = trn_ds.shuffle(buffer_size=n_obs) trn_batched_ds = trn_shuffled_ds.batch(batch_size) trn_ready_ds = trn_batched_ds.prefetch(1) tf.print(epochs, " epochs, batch-size ", batch_size, " ds: ", trn_ready_ds) loss_func = tf.keras.losses.get(model.loss) opt = tf.keras.optimizers.get(model.optimizer) t_start = tf.timestamp() for epoch in range(epochs): epoch_loss = 0. updates = 0 for i, (tf_x_batch, tf_y_batch) in enumerate(trn_ready_ds): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: tf_yhat = model(tf_x_batch) tf_loss = loss_func(tf_y_batch, tf_yhat) lst_grads = tape.gradient(tf_loss, model.trainable_weights) opt.apply_gradients(zip(lst_grads, model.trainable_weights)) epoch_loss += tf_loss updates += 1 t_end = tf.timestamp() return t_end - t_start
def call(self, x, training=None): t0 = tf.timestamp() x = self.stem(x, training=training) t1 = tf.timestamp() front = self.stages[0] stage1_output = front(x, training=training) t2 = tf.timestamp() transition12 = self.transitions[0] stage2 = self.stages[1] stage1_transitions = transition12([stage1_output], training=training) t3 = tf.timestamp() stage2_outputs = stage2(stage1_transitions, training=training) t4 = tf.timestamp() transition23 = self.transitions[1] stage3 = self.stages[2] stage2_transitions = transition23(stage2_outputs, training=training) t5 = tf.timestamp() stage3_outputs = stage3(stage2_transitions, training=training) t6 = tf.timestamp() transition34 = self.transitions[2] stage4 = self.stages[3] stage3_transitions = transition34(stage3_outputs, training=training) t7 = tf.timestamp() stage4_outputs = stage4(stage3_transitions, training=training) t8 = tf.timestamp() if self.include_top: # classification y = self.cls_head(stage4_outputs) t9 = tf.timestamp() return y else: return stage4_outputs
def fit_epoch(self, train_dataset, valid_dataset): for batch in train_dataset: t0 = tf.timestamp() with tf.GradientTape() as g: losses, _ = self.loss_and_output(batch) train_loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses) grads = g.gradient(train_loss, self.trainable_weights) self.opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.trainable_weights)) t1 = tf.timestamp() if self.step % 100 == 0: valid_batch = next(valid_dataset) valid_losses, valid_output = self.loss_and_output(valid_batch) valid_loss = tf.reduce_mean(valid_losses) valid_ppx = tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.exp(valid_losses)) tf.print("step", self.step) tf.print(" train step time", t1 - t0) tf.print(" train_loss", train_loss) tf.print(" valid_loss", valid_loss) with self.train_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.scalar("loss", train_loss, step=self.step) with self.valid_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.scalar("loss", valid_loss, step=self.step) tf.summary.scalar("perplexity", valid_ppx, step=self.step) self.step.assign_add(1)
def sleep_and_multiply(ordered_dict): init_time = tf.timestamp() n_iters = 0 # This is a busy-sleep; TF exposes no direct sleep ops. while tf.timestamp() - init_time < sleep_time: n_iters += 1 return ordered_dict['x'] * ordered_dict['y'] * tf.math.minimum( n_iters, 10)
def train_on_batch(self, batch_input): train_start = tf.timestamp() batch_output = self._forward_pass(batch_input) _ = self._keras_model.optimizer.get_updates( loss=batch_output.loss, params=self.trainable_variables) train_end = tf.timestamp() self._training_timing.log_time(train_end - train_start) return batch_output
def _execute_bicubic(self, dataset): for batch in dataset: start = tf.timestamp() up_size = tf.math.multiply(tf.slice(tf.shape(batch), [1], [2]), 4) pred = tf.image.resize(batch, size=up_size, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC) end = tf.timestamp() time = tf.math.subtract(end, start) pred = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(pred, dtype=tf.uint8, saturate=True) return pred.numpy(), time.numpy()
def initialize(self): if self.seed is None: return tf.cast( tf.stack([ tf.math.floor(tf.timestamp() * 1e6), tf.math.floor(tf.math.log(tf.timestamp() * 1e6)) ]), dtype=tf.int64) else: return tf.constant(self.seed, dtype=tf.int64, shape=(2,))
def sub_sample(): indices = tf.repeat(tf.range(tf.shape(histogram)[0]), histogram) seed = tf.cast(tf.stack([tf.timestamp() * 1e6, tf.timestamp() * 1e6]), dtype=tf.int64) samples = tf.random.stateless_uniform(tf.shape(indices), seed) _, sampled_idx = tf.math.top_k(samples, k=sample_num, sorted=False) ind = tf.expand_dims(tf.gather(indices, sampled_idx), axis=1) upd = tf.ones(tf.shape(sampled_idx), dtype=tf.int32) return tf.scatter_nd(indices=ind, updates=upd, shape=tf.shape(histogram))
def distributed_train_epoch(dataset): t0 = tf.timestamp() for one_batch in dataset: per_replica_loss = strategy.experimental_run_v2( train_step, args=(one_batch, )) strategy.reduce(tf.distribute.ReduceOp.SUM, per_replica_loss, axis=None) delta_t = tf.strings.as_string((tf.timestamp() - t0) * 1000, precision=1) tf.print(delta_t, 'ms/step') t0 = tf.timestamp()
def discretize_tensor(x): seed = tf.cast(tf.stack([tf.timestamp() * 1e6, tf.timestamp() * 1e6]), dtype=tf.int64) scaled_x = tf.divide(tf.cast(x, tf.float32), step_size) prob_x = scaled_x - tf.cast(tf.floor(scaled_x), tf.float32) random_x = tf.random.stateless_uniform(x.shape, seed=seed, dtype=tf.float32) discretized_x = tf.where(tf.less_equal(random_x, prob_x), tf.math.ceil(scaled_x), tf.math.floor(scaled_x)) return tf.cast(discretized_x, tf.int32)
def distinct(): indices = tf.squeeze( tf.cast(tf.where(tf.not_equal(histogram, 0)), tf.int32)) seed = tf.cast(tf.stack([tf.timestamp() * 1e6, tf.timestamp() * 1e6]), dtype=tf.int64) samples = tf.random.stateless_uniform(tf.shape(indices), seed) _, sampled_idx = tf.math.top_k(samples, k=sample_num, sorted=False) ind = tf.expand_dims(tf.gather(indices, sampled_idx), axis=1) upd = tf.ones(tf.shape(sampled_idx), dtype=tf.int32) return tf.scatter_nd(indices=ind, updates=upd, shape=tf.shape(histogram))
def f(params_1d): """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize. This function is created by function_factory. Args: params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor. Returns: A scalar loss and the gradients w.r.t. the `params_1d`. """ # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. parameters with tf.GradientTape() as tape: # update the parameters in the model assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d) # calculate the loss loss_value = loss() # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, obj.variables) # Extracting the correct gradient for each set of variables if obj.isAdaptive: grads_lambdas = grads[ dict_variables['nn_weights']:dict_variables['lambdas']] grads_lambdas_neg = [-x for x in grads_lambdas] grads[dict_variables['nn_weights']: dict_variables['lambdas']] = grads_lambdas_neg grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads) # print out iteration & loss f.iter.assign_add(1) if f.iter % 30 == 0: elapsed = tf.timestamp() - f.start_time tf.print( f'LBFGS iter {f.iter // 3} -> loss:{loss_value:.2e} time: {elapsed:.2f} seconds' ) f.start_time.assign(tf.timestamp()) # store loss value so we can retrieve later tf.py_function(f.history.append, inp=[loss_value], Tout=[]) if loss_value < obj.min_loss['l-bfgs']: # Keep the information of the best model trained (lower loss function value) obj.best_model['l-bfgs'] = obj.u_model # best model obj.min_loss['l-bfgs'] = loss_value.numpy() # loss value obj.best_epoch['l-bfgs'] = f.iter.numpy() # best epoch obj.best_diff['l-bfgs'] = obj.diffusion[0].numpy() return loss_value, grads
def train(epoch, model, train_dataset, test_dataset): element_num = tf.print(model.metrics_format, output_stream=model.metrics_path) start = tf.timestamp() for i, (data, label) in train_dataset.repeat(epoch).enumerate(): model.train_step(data, label) if tf.equal(tf.math.floormod(i + 1, element_num), 0): end = tf.timestamp() train_loss, train_acc, train_pre, train_rec, train_auc, train_mae, train_rmse = model.metrics_loss.result( ), model.metrics_acc.result(), model.metrics_pre.result( ), model.metrics_rec.result(), model.metrics_auc.result( ), model.metrics_mae.result(), model.metrics_rmse.result() model.resetMetrics() test(model, test_dataset) test_loss, test_acc, test_pre, test_rec, test_auc, test_mae, test_rmse = model.metrics_loss.result( ), model.metrics_acc.result(), model.metrics_pre.result( ), model.metrics_rec.result(), model.metrics_auc.result( ), model.metrics_mae.result(), model.metrics_rmse.result() model.resetMetrics() tf.print(tf.math.floordiv(i + 1, element_num), end - start, train_loss, train_acc, train_pre, train_rec, train_auc, train_mae, train_rmse, test_loss, test_acc, test_pre, test_rec, test_auc, test_mae, test_rmse, sep=',', output_stream=model.metrics_path) tf.print("epoch: ", tf.math.floordiv(i + 1, element_num), "time: ", end - start, "train_loss: ", train_loss, "train_acc: ", train_acc, "train_pre: ", train_pre, "train_rec: ", train_rec, "train_auc: ", train_auc, "train_mae: ", train_mae, "train_rmse: ", train_rmse, "test_loss: ", test_loss, "test_acc: ", test_acc, "test_pre: ", test_pre, "test_rec: ", test_rec, "test_auc: ", test_auc, "test_mae: ", test_mae, "test_rmse: ", test_rmse) start = tf.timestamp()
def __init__( self, active=True, scale=1., print_loss=False, print_batch_time=False, return_lossval=False, print_time=False, #compat, has no effect **kwargs): super(LossLayerBase, self).__init__(**kwargs) if print_time: print( "print_time has no effect and is only for compatibility purposes" ) = active self.scale = scale self.print_loss = print_loss self.print_batch_time = print_batch_time self.return_lossval = return_lossval with tf.init_scope(): now = tf.timestamp() self.time = tf.Variable(-now, + '_time', trainable=False)
def train_potentials(self): conf = self.conf while int(self.potential_step) < conf['potential_total_epochs']: potential_obj, reg_total = self.train_potential_step() elapsed_time = tf.timestamp() - self.start_time step_int = int(self.potential_step) if step_int % conf['print_frequency'] == 0: print( 'Potential Step: {} | Obj: {:4E} | Reg: {:4E} | Elapsed: {:.2f}s' .format(step_int, float(potential_obj), float(reg_total), float(elapsed_time))) if step_int % conf['log_frequency'] == 0: with self.summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.scalar('potential_obj', potential_obj, step=self.potential_step) if step_int % conf['ckpt_save_period'] == 0: save_path = print('Saved checkpoint for potential step {} at {}'.format( step_int, save_path)) if step_int % conf['val_frequency'] == 0: self.validate_potential_training()
def train_transport_maps(self): if self.conf['moving_averages']['potential_enabled']: self.potential_MA.swap_in_averages() conf = self.conf while int(self.map_step) < conf['map_total_epochs']: map_obj = self.train_all_transport_maps_step() self.map_step.assign_add(1) elapsed_time = tf.timestamp() - self.start_time step_int = int(self.map_step) if step_int % conf['print_frequency'] == 0: print('Map Step: {} | Obj: {:4E} | Elapsed: {:.2f}s'.format( step_int, float(map_obj), float(elapsed_time))) if step_int % conf['log_frequency'] == 0: with self.summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.scalar('map_obj', map_obj, step=self.map_step) if step_int % conf['ckpt_save_period'] == 0: save_path = print('Saved checkpoint for map step {} at {}'.format( step_int, save_path)) if step_int % conf['val_frequency'] == 0: self.validate_map_training() if self.conf['moving_averages']['potential_enabled']: self.potential_MA.swap_out_averages()
def one_round_computation(examples): """The TFF computation to compute the aggregated IBLT sketch.""" if secure_sum_bitwidth is not None: # Use federated secure modular sum for IBLT sketches, because IBLT # sketches are decoded by taking modulo over the field size. sketch_sum_fn = secure_modular_sum count_sum_fn = secure_sum else: sketch_sum_fn = intrinsics.federated_sum count_sum_fn = intrinsics.federated_sum round_timestamp = intrinsics.federated_eval( tensorflow_computation.tf_computation( lambda: tf.cast(tf.timestamp(), tf.int64)), placements.SERVER) clients = count_sum_fn( intrinsics.federated_value(1, placements.CLIENTS)) sketch, count_tensor = intrinsics.federated_map( compute_sketch, examples) sketch = sketch_sum_fn(sketch) count_tensor = count_sum_fn(count_tensor) (heavy_hitters, heavy_hitters_unique_counts, heavy_hitters_counts, num_not_decoded) = intrinsics.federated_map(decode_heavy_hitters, (sketch, count_tensor)) server_output = intrinsics.federated_zip( ServerOutput( clients=clients, heavy_hitters=heavy_hitters, heavy_hitters_unique_counts=heavy_hitters_unique_counts, heavy_hitters_counts=heavy_hitters_counts, num_not_decoded=num_not_decoded, round_timestamp=round_timestamp)) return server_output
def test_scalar_random_seed(self): example_type = TensorType(tf.int32) sample_computation = sampling._build_sample_value_computation( example_type, sample_size=1) reservoir_type = sampling._build_reservoir_type(example_type) expected_type = FunctionType(parameter=collections.OrderedDict( reservoir=reservoir_type, sample=example_type), result=reservoir_type) self.assert_types_identical(sample_computation.type_signature, expected_type) # Get the sentinel seed so that the first call initializes based on # timestamp. reservoir = sampling._build_initial_sample_reservoir(example_type) self.assertAllEqual(reservoir['random_seed'], [sampling.SEED_SENTINEL, sampling.SEED_SENTINEL]) reservoir = sample_computation(reservoir, 1) # The first value of the seed was the timestamp, it should be greater than # 1_600_000_000_000 (September 2020) and within 60 seconds of now. self.assertGreater(reservoir['random_seed'][0], 1_600_000_000_000) self.assertLess( tf.cast(tf.timestamp() * 1000.0, tf.int64) - reservoir['random_seed'][0], 60) # The second value should we a random number. We assert its not the # sentinel, though it ccould be with probability 1 / 2**32. self.assertNotEqual(reservoir['random_seed'][1], sampling.SEED_SENTINEL)
def _log_comm_end(self): """ Log communication end profiling information. Returns a tf.print operation that writes profiling information for the end of communication to a file in the chrome://tracing format. """ profile_base_info = self._trim_last_curly_brace( self._get_profile_info("communication", "E")) # The chrome://tracing utility uses milliseconds since epoch # but timestamp is seconds since epoch. Multiply by 1e6 to get # milliseconds. end_timestamp = tf.timestamp() * 1e6 duration = end_timestamp - self._start_timestamp return tf.print( profile_base_info, ', "ts": ', end_timestamp, ', "duration": ', duration, "}", sep="", output_stream=f"file://{self._profile_filename}", )
def add_noise(v): poissons = tf.random.stateless_poisson( shape=tf.concat([tf.shape(v), [2]], axis=0), # Two draws of Poisson. seed=tf.cast([tf.timestamp() * 10**6, 0], tf.int64), lam=[poisson_lam, poisson_lam], dtype=tf.int64) return v + tf.cast(poissons[..., 0] - poissons[..., 1], v.dtype)
def initialize_seed(): """Generate a seed based on the current millisecond timestamp.""" # tf.timestamp() returns fractional second, which will be quantized # into a tf.int64 value for the random state seed. scale_factor = 1_000_000.0 quantized_fractional_seconds = tf.cast(tf.timestamp() * scale_factor, tf.int64) return tf.fill(dims=(2, ), value=quantized_fractional_seconds)