Esempio n. 1
def embed_tree(logits_and_state, is_root):
    """Creates a block that embeds trees; output is tree LSTM state."""
    return td.InputTransform(tokenize) >> td.OneOf(
        key_fn=lambda pair: pair[0] == '2',  # label 2 means neutral
            is_root, is_neutral=False), add_metrics(is_root, is_neutral=True)),
        pre_block=(td.Scalar('int32'), logits_and_state))
Esempio n. 2
def setup_plan(plan):
    """Sets up a TensorFlow Fold plan for language identification."""
    if plan.mode != 'train': raise ValueError('only train mode is supported')

    embed_char = (td.Scalar(tf.int32) >> td.Embedding(
        NUM_LETTERS, FLAGS.char_embed_vector_length))

    process_word = (td.InputTransform(word_to_char_index) >> rnn_block(
        embed_char, FLAGS.char_state_vector_length))

    sentence = (td.InputTransform(sentence_to_words) >> rnn_block(
        process_word, FLAGS.word_state_vector_length) >> td.FC(
            NUM_LABELS, activation=None))

    label = td.Scalar('int64')

    # This is the final model. It takes a dictionary (i.e, a record) of the
    # form
    #   {
    #     'sentence': sentence-string,
    #     'label': label-integer
    #   }
    # as input and produces a tuple of (unscaled_logits, label) as output.
    root_block = td.Record([('sentence', sentence), ('label', label)])

    # Compile root_block to get a tensorflow model that we can run.
    plan.compiler = td.Compiler.create(root_block)

    # Get the tensorflow tensors that correspond to the outputs of root_block.
    # These are TF tensors, and we can use them to compute loss in the usual way.
    logits, labels = plan.compiler.output_tensors

        'cross_entropy'] = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            logits=logits, labels=labels)
    predictions = tf.argmax(logits, 1)
    plan.metrics['accuracy'] = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.cast(tf.equal(predictions, labels), dtype=tf.float32))

    plan.examples = sentence_rows(FLAGS.train_file)
    plan.dev_examples = sentence_rows(FLAGS.dev_file)
Esempio n. 3
def build_sequence_transcoder(vocab_filepath, word_embedding_size):
    vocab_size = 5

    # From words to list of integers
    vocab = load_vocab(vocab_filepath)
    words2integers = td.InputTransform(
        lambda s: [word2index(vocab, w) for w in s])

    # From interger to word embedding
    word2embedding = td.Scalar('int32') >> td.Function(
        td.Embedding(vocab_size, word_embedding_size))

    # From word to array of embeddings
    sequence_transcoder = words2integers >> td.Map(word2embedding)
    return sequence_transcoder
Esempio n. 4
def create_model(word_embedding, word_idx, lstm_num_units, mlp_size, keep_prob=1):
    """Creates a sentiment model. Returns (compiler, mean metrics)."""
    tree_lstm = td.ScopedLayer(
            BinaryTreeLSTMCell(lstm_num_units, keep_prob=keep_prob),
            input_keep_prob=keep_prob, output_keep_prob=keep_prob),

    embed_subtree = td.ForwardDeclaration(output_type=tree_lstm.state_size)

    unknown_idx = len(word_idx)

    def lookup_word(word):
        return word_idx.get(word, unknown_idx)

    word2vec = (td.GetItem(0) >> td.InputTransform(lookup_word) >>
                td.Scalar('int32') >> word_embedding)
    child2vec = td.GetItem(1) >> td.TupleType(td.Map(embed_subtree()))

    tree2vec = td.AllOf(word2vec, child2vec)

    tree = tree2vec >> tree_lstm


    expression_logits = (td.GetItem(0) >> td.Map(tree) >> td.Concat()
                         >> td.FC(mlp_size, activation='relu', name='mlp1')
                         >> td.FC(mlp_size, activation='relu', name='mlp2'))

    expression_label = td.GetItem(1) >> td.Scalar('int32')

    model = td.AllOf(expression_logits, expression_label)

    compiler = td.Compiler.create(model)

    logits, labels = compiler.output_tensors

    _loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
        logits=logits, labels=labels))

    _accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(labels, 1),
                         tf.argmax(logits, 1)),

    return compiler, _loss, _accuracy
Esempio n. 5
    def logits_and_state():
        """Creates a block that goes from tokens to (logits, state) tuples."""
        word2vec = (td.GetItem(0) >> td.InputTransform(lookup_word) >>
                    td.Scalar('int32') >> word_embedding)

        pair2vec = (embed_subtree(), embed_subtree())

        # Trees are binary, so the tree layer takes two states as its input_state.
        zero_state = td.Zeros((tree_lstm.state_size, ) * 2)
        # Input is a word vector.
        zero_inp = td.Zeros(word_embedding.output_type.shape[0])

        word_case = td.AllOf(word2vec, zero_state)
        pair_case = td.AllOf(zero_inp, pair2vec)

        tree2vec = td.OneOf(len, [(1, word_case), (2, pair_case)])

        return tree2vec >> tree_lstm >> (output_layer, td.Identity())
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, state_size):
        # Expressions are either constants, or calculator ops that take other
        # expressions as their arguments.  Since an Expression is a recursive type,
        # the model must likewise be recursive.  A ForwardDeclaration declares the
        # type of expression, so it can be used before it before it is defined.
        expr_decl = td.ForwardDeclaration(td.PyObjectType(), state_size)

        # Create a block for each type of expression.
        # The terminals are the digits 0-9, which we map to vectors using
        # an embedding table.
        digit = (
            td.GetItem('number') >> td.Scalar(dtype='int32') >> td.Function(
                td.Embedding(10, state_size, name='terminal_embed')))

        # For non terminals, recursively apply expression to the left/right sides,
        # concatenate the results, and pass them through a fully-connected layer.
        # Each operation uses different weights in the FC layer.
        def bin_op(name):
            return (td.Record([('left', expr_decl()), ('right', expr_decl())])
                    >> td.Concat() >> td.FC(state_size, name='FC_' + name))

        # OneOf will dispatch its input to the appropriate case, based on the value
        # in the 'op'.'name' field.
        cases = td.OneOf(
            lambda x: x['op']['name'], {
                'NUM': digit,
                'PLUS': bin_op('PLUS'),
                'MINUS': bin_op('MINUS'),
                'TIMES': bin_op('TIMES'),
                'DIV': bin_op('DIV')

        # We do preprocessing to add 'NUM' as a distinct case.
        expression = td.InputTransform(preprocess_expression) >> cases

        # Get logits from the root of the expression tree
        expression_logits = (
            expression >> td.FC(NUM_LABELS, activation=None, name='FC_logits'))

        # The result is stored in the expression itself.
        # We ignore it in td.Record above, and pull it out here.
        expression_label = (
            td.GetItem('result') >> td.InputTransform(result_sign) >>

        # For the overall model, return a pair of (logits, labels)
        # The AllOf block will run each of its children on the same input.
        model = td.AllOf(expression_logits, expression_label)
        self._compiler = td.Compiler.create(model)

        # Get the tensorflow tensors that correspond to the outputs of model.
        # `logits` and `labels` are TF tensors, and we can use them to
        # compute losses in the usual way.
        (logits, labels) = self._compiler.output_tensors

        self._loss = tf.reduce_mean(

        self._accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(labels, 1), tf.argmax(logits, 1)),

        self._global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
        optr = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01)
        self._train_op = optr.minimize(self._loss,