Esempio n. 1
def _run_trained_attack(attack_classifier: Text,
                        data: Dataset,
                        attack_prefix: Text,
                        figure_file_prefix: Text = '',
                        figure_directory: Text = None) -> ArrayDict:
    """Train a classifier for attack and evaluate it."""
    # Train the attack classifier
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = data
    clf_model = trained_attack_models.choose_model(attack_classifier), y_train)

    # Calculate training set metrics
    pred_train = clf_model.predict_proba(x_train)[:, clf_model.classes_ == 1]
    results = utils.prepend_to_keys(
        utils.compute_performance_metrics(y_train, pred_train),
        attack_prefix + 'train_')

    # Calculate test set metrics
    pred_test = clf_model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, clf_model.classes_ == 1]
            utils.compute_performance_metrics(y_test, pred_test),
            attack_prefix + 'test_'))

    if figure_directory is not None:
        figpath = os.path.join(
            figure_directory, figure_file_prefix + attack_prefix[:-1] + '.png')
            plotting.plot_curve_with_area(results[attack_prefix + 'test_fpr'],
                                          results[attack_prefix + 'test_tpr'],
                                          ylabel='TPR'), figpath)
    return results
Esempio n. 2
def _run_threshold_attack_maxlogit(features: ArrayDict,
                                   figure_file_prefix: Text = '',
                                   figure_directory: Text = None) -> ArrayDict:
    """Runs the threshold attack on the maximum logit."""
    is_train = features['is_train']
    preds = np.max(features['logits'], axis=-1)
    tmp_results = utils.compute_performance_metrics(is_train, preds)
    attack_prefix = 'thresh_maxlogit'
    if figure_directory is not None:
        figpath = os.path.join(figure_directory,
                               figure_file_prefix + attack_prefix + '.png')
                                          ylabel='TPR'), figpath)
        figpath = os.path.join(
            figure_directory, figure_file_prefix + attack_prefix + '_hist.png')
            plotting.plot_histograms(preds[is_train == 1],
                                     preds[is_train == 0],
                                     xlabel='loss'), figpath)
    return utils.prepend_to_keys(tmp_results, attack_prefix + '_')
Esempio n. 3
def _run_threshold_loss_attack(features: ArrayDict,
                               figure_file_prefix: Text = '',
                               figure_directory: Text = None) -> ArrayDict:
    """Runs the threshold attack on the loss."""'Run threshold attack on loss...')
    is_train = features['is_train']
    attack_prefix = 'thresh_loss'
    tmp_results = utils.compute_performance_metrics(is_train,
    if figure_directory is not None:
        figpath = os.path.join(figure_directory,
                               figure_file_prefix + attack_prefix + '.png')
                                          ylabel='TPR'), figpath)
        figpath = os.path.join(
            figure_directory, figure_file_prefix + attack_prefix + '_hist.png')
            plotting.plot_histograms(features['loss'][is_train == 1],
                                     features['loss'][is_train == 0],
                                     xlabel='loss'), figpath)
    return utils.prepend_to_keys(tmp_results, attack_prefix + '_')
Esempio n. 4
 def test_prepend_to_keys(self):
   """Test prepending of text to keys of a dictionary."""
   mydict = utils.prepend_to_keys(self.mydict, 'test')
   for k in mydict:
Esempio n. 5
def run_all_attacks(loss_train: np.ndarray = None,
                    loss_test: np.ndarray = None,
                    logits_train: np.ndarray = None,
                    logits_test: np.ndarray = None,
                    labels_train: np.ndarray = None,
                    labels_test: np.ndarray = None,
                    attack_classifiers: Iterable[Text] = ('lr', 'mlp', 'rf',
                    decimals: Union[int, None] = 4) -> FloatDict:
    """Runs all possible membership inference attacks.

  Check 'run_attack' for detailed information of how attacks are performed
  and evaluated.

  This function internally chooses sane default settings for all attacks and
  returns all possible output combinations.
  For fine grained control and partial attacks, please see `run_attack`.

    loss_train: A 1D array containing the individual scalar losses for examples
      used during training.
    loss_test: A 1D array containing the individual scalar losses for examples
      not used during training.
    logits_train: A 2D array (n_train, n_classes) of the individual logits or
      output probabilities of examples used during training.
    logits_test: A 2D array (n_test, n_classes) of the individual logits or
      output probabilities of examples not used during training.
    labels_train: The true labels of the training examples. Labels are only
      needed when `by_class` is specified (i.e., not False).
    labels_test: The true labels of the test examples. Labels are only needed
      when `by_class` is specified (i.e., not False).
    attack_classifiers: Which binary classifiers to train (in addition to simple
      threshold attacks). This can include 'lr' (logistic regression), 'mlp'
      (multi-layered perceptron), 'rf' (random forests), 'knn' (k-nearest
      neighbors), which will be trained with cross validation to determine good
    decimals: Round all float results to this number of decimals. If decimals is
      None, don't round.

    result: dictionary with all attack results
    print('Deprecation warning: function run_all_attacks is '
          'deprecated and will be removed soon. '
          'Please use membership_inference_attack_new.run_attacks')
    metrics = ['auc', 'advantage']

    # Entire data
    result = run_attack(loss_train,
    result = utils.prepend_to_keys(result, 'all_')

    # Misclassified examples
    if (labels_train is not None and labels_test is not None
            and logits_train is not None and logits_test is not None):

    # Split per class
    if labels_train is not None and labels_test is not None:

    # Different deciles
    if logits_train is not None and logits_test is not None:

    if decimals is not None:
        result = {k: round(v, decimals) for k, v in result.items()}

    return result
Esempio n. 6
def run_attack(loss_train: np.ndarray = None,
               loss_test: np.ndarray = None,
               logits_train: np.ndarray = None,
               logits_test: np.ndarray = None,
               labels_train: np.ndarray = None,
               labels_test: np.ndarray = None,
               attack_classifiers: Iterable[Text] = None,
               only_misclassified: bool = False,
               by_class: Union[bool, Iterable[int], int] = False,
               by_percentile: Union[bool, Iterable[int], int] = False,
               figure_directory: Text = None,
               output_directory: Text = None,
               metric: MetricNames = 'auc',
               balance: bool = True,
               test_size: float = 0.2,
               random_state: int = 0) -> FloatDict:
    """Run membership inference attack(s).

  Based only on specific outputs of a machine learning model on some examples
  used for training (train) and some examples not used for training (test), run
  membership inference attacks that try to discriminate training from test
  inputs based only on the model outputs.
  While all inputs are optional, at least one train/test pair is required to run
  any attacks (either losses or logits/probabilities).
  Note that one can equally provide output probabilities instead of logits in
  the logits_train / logits_test arguments.

  We measure the vulnerability of the model via the area under the ROC-curve
  (auc) or via max |fpr - tpr| (advantage) of the attack classifier. These
  measures are very closely related and may look almost indistinguishable.

  This function provides relatively fine grained control and outputs detailed
  results. For a higher-level wrapper with sane internal default settings and
  distilled output results, see `run_all_attacks`.

  Via the `figure_directory` argument and the `output_directory` argument more
  detailed information as well as roc-curve plots can optionally be stored to

  If `loss_train` and `loss_test` are provided we run:
    - simple threshold attack on the loss

  If `logits_train` and `logits_test` are provided we run:
    - simple threshold attack on the top logit
    - if `attack_classifiers` is not None and no losses are provided: train the
       specified classifiers on the top 10 logits (or all logits if there are
       less than 10)
    - if `attack_classifiers` is not None and losses are provided: train the
       specified classifiers on the top 10 logits (or all logits if there are
       less than 10) and the loss

    loss_train: A 1D array containing the individual scalar losses for examples
      used during training.
    loss_test: A 1D array containing the individual scalar losses for examples
      not used during training.
    logits_train: A 2D array (n_train, n_classes) of the individual logits or
      output probabilities of examples used during training.
    logits_test: A 2D array (n_test, n_classes) of the individual logits or
      output probabilities of examples not used during training.
    labels_train: The true labels of the training examples. Labels are only
      needed when `by_class` is specified (i.e., not False).
    labels_test: The true labels of the test examples. Labels are only needed
      when `by_class` is specified (i.e., not False).
    attack_classifiers: Attack classifiers to train beyond simple thresholding
      that require training a simple binary ML classifier. This argument is
      ignored if logits are not provided. Classifiers can be 'lr' for logistic
      regression, 'mlp' for multi-layered perceptron, 'rf' for random forests,
      or 'knn' for k-nearest-neighbors. If 'None', don't train classifiers
      beyond simple thresholding.
    only_misclassified: Run and evaluate attacks only on misclassified examples.
      Must specify `labels_train`, `labels_test`, `logits_train` and
      `logits_test` to use this. If this is True, `by_class` and `by_percentile`
      are ignored.
    by_class: This argument determines whether attacks are run on the entire
      data, or on examples grouped by their class label. If `True`, all attacks
      are run separately for each class. If `by_class` is a single integer, run
      attacks for this class only. If `by_class` is an iterable of integers, run
      all attacks for each of the specified class labels separately. Only used
      if `labels_train` and `labels_test` are specified. If `by_class` is
      specified (not False), `by_percentile` is ignored. Ignored if
      `only_misclassified` is True.
    by_percentile: This argument determines whether attacks are run on the
      entire data, or separately for examples where the most likely class
      prediction is within a given percentile of all maximum predicitons. If
      `True`, all attacks are run separately for the examples with max
      probabilities within the ten deciles. If `by_precentile` is a single int
      between 0 and 100, run attacks only for examples with confidence within
      this percentile. If `by_percentile` is an iterable of ints between 0 and
      100, run all attacks for each of the specified percentiles separately.
      Ignored if `by_class` is specified. Ignored if `logits_train` and
      `logits_test` are not specified. Ignored if `only_misclassified` is True.
    figure_directory: Where to store ROC-curve plots and histograms. If `None`,
      don't create plots.
    output_directory: Where to store detailed result data for all run attacks.
      If `None`, don't store detailed result data.
    metric: Available vulnerability metrics are 'auc' or 'advantage' for the
      area under the ROC curve or the advantage (max |tpr - fpr|). Specify
      either one of them or both.
    balance: Whether to use the same number of train and test samples (by
      randomly subsampling whichever happens to be larger).
    test_size: The fraction of the input data to use for the evaluation of
      trained ML attacks. This argument is ignored, if either attack_classifiers
      is None, or no logits are provided.
    random_state: Random seed for reproducibility. Only used if attack models
      are trained.

    results: Dictionary with the chosen vulnerability metric(s) for all ran
    print('Deprecation warning: function run_attack is '
          'deprecated and will be removed soon. '
          'Please use membership_inference_attack_new.run_attacks')
    attacks = []
    features = {}
    # ---------- Check available data ----------
    if ((loss_train is None or loss_test is None)
            and (logits_train is None or logits_test is None)):
        raise ValueError(
            'Need at least train and test for loss or train and test for logits.'

    # ---------- If losses are provided ----------
    if loss_train is not None and loss_test is not None:
        if loss_train.ndim != 1 or loss_test.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError('Losses must be 1D arrays.')
        features['is_train'] = np.concatenate(
            (np.ones(len(loss_train)), np.zeros(len(loss_test))),
        features['loss'] = np.concatenate(
            (loss_train.ravel(), loss_test.ravel()), axis=0)

    # ---------- If logits are provided ----------
    if logits_train is not None and logits_test is not None:
        assert logits_train.ndim == 2 and  logits_test.ndim == 2, \
            'Logits must be 2D arrays.'
        assert logits_train.shape[1] == logits_test.shape[1], \
            'Train and test logits must agree along axis 1 (number of classes).'
        if 'is_train' in features:
            assert (loss_train.shape[0] == logits_train.shape[0] and
                    loss_test.shape[0] == logits_test.shape[0]), \
                'Number of examples must match between loss and logits.'
            features['is_train'] = np.concatenate((np.ones(
                logits_train.shape[0]), np.zeros(logits_test.shape[0])),
        features['logits'] = np.concatenate((logits_train, logits_test),
        if attack_classifiers:
            if 'loss' in features:

    # ---------- If labels are provided ----------
    if labels_train is not None and labels_test is not None:
        if labels_train.ndim != 1 or labels_test.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError('Labels must be 1D arrays.')
        if 'loss' in features:
            assert (loss_train.shape[0] == labels_train.shape[0] and
                    loss_test.shape[0] == labels_test.shape[0]), \
                'Number of examples must match between loss and labels.'
            assert (logits_train.shape[0] == labels_train.shape[0] and
                    logits_test.shape[0] == labels_test.shape[0]), \
                'Number of examples must match between logits and labels.'
        features['label'] = np.concatenate((labels_train, labels_test), axis=0)

    # ---------- Data subsampling or filtering ----------
    filtertype = None
    filtervals = [None]
    if only_misclassified:
        if (labels_train is None or labels_test is None or logits_train is None
                or logits_test is None):
            raise ValueError(
                'Must specify labels_train, labels_test, logits_train, '
                'and logits_test for the only_misclassified option.')
        filtertype = 'misclassified'
    elif by_class:
        if labels_train is None or labels_test is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Must specify labels_train and labels_test when using '
                'the by_class option.')
        if isinstance(by_class, bool):
            filtervals = list(set(labels_train) | set(labels_test))
        elif isinstance(by_class, int):
            filtervals = [by_class]
        elif isinstance(by_class, collections.Iterable):
            filtervals = list(by_class)
        filtertype = 'class'
    elif by_percentile:
        if logits_train is None or logits_test is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Must specify logits_train and logits_test when using '
                'the by_percentile option.')
        if isinstance(by_percentile, bool):
            filtervals = list(range(10, 101, 10))
        elif isinstance(by_percentile, int):
            filtervals = [by_percentile]
        elif isinstance(by_percentile, collections.Iterable):
            filtervals = [int(percentile) for percentile in by_percentile]
        filtertype = 'percentile'

    # ---------- Need to create figure directory? ----------
    if figure_directory is not None:

    # ---------- Actually run attacks and plot if required ----------'Selecting %s with values %s', filtertype, filtervals)
    num = None
    result = {}
    for filterval in filtervals:
        if filtertype is None:
            tmp_features = features
        elif filtertype == 'misclassified':
            idx = features['label'] != np.argmax(features['logits'], axis=-1)
            tmp_features = utils.select_indices(features, idx)
            num = np.sum(idx)
        elif filtertype == 'class':
            idx = features['label'] == filterval
            tmp_features = utils.select_indices(features, idx)
            num = np.sum(idx)
        elif filtertype == 'percentile':
            certainty = np.max(special.softmax(features['logits'], axis=-1),
            idx = certainty <= np.percentile(certainty, filterval)
            tmp_features = utils.select_indices(features, idx)

        prefix = f'{filtertype}_' if filtertype is not None else ''
        prefix += f'{filterval}_' if filterval is not None else ''
        tmp_result = _run_attacks_and_plot(tmp_features, attacks,
                                           attack_classifiers, balance,
                                           test_size, random_state, prefix,
        if num is not None:
            tmp_result['n_examples'] = float(num)
        if tmp_result:
            result.update(utils.prepend_to_keys(tmp_result, prefix))

    # ---------- Store data ----------
    if output_directory is not None:
        resultpath = os.path.join(output_directory, 'attack_results.npz')'Store aggregate results at %s.', resultpath)
        with open(resultpath, 'wb') as fp:
            io_buffer = io.BytesIO()
            np.savez(io_buffer, **result)

    return _get_vulnerabilities(result, metric)