Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, input_size, ranks, output_size, verbose=1, **kwargs):
        super(TRL, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ranks = list(ranks)
        self.verbose = verbose

        if isinstance(output_size, int):
            self.input_size = [input_size]
            self.input_size = list(input_size)

        if isinstance(output_size, int):
            self.output_size = [output_size]
            self.output_size = list(output_size)

        self.n_outputs = int([1:]))

        # Core of the regression tensor weights

        self.core = nn.Parameter(tl.zeros(self.ranks), requires_grad=True)
        self.bias = nn.Parameter(tl.zeros(1), requires_grad=True)
        weight_size = list(self.input_size[1:]) + list(self.output_size[1:])

        # Add and register the factors
        self.factors = []
        for index, (in_size, rank) in enumerate(zip(weight_size, ranks)):
                nn.Parameter(tl.zeros((in_size, rank)), requires_grad=True))
                                    self.factors[index]), 0.1)
        for f in self.factors:
  , 0.1)
Esempio n. 2
def simplex_prox(tensor, parameter):
    Projects the input tensor on the simplex of radius parameter.

    tensor : ndarray
    parameter : float


    .. [1]: Held, Michael, Philip Wolfe, and Harlan P. Crowder.
            "Validation of subgradient optimization."
            Mathematical programming 6.1 (1974): 62-88.
    _, col = tl.shape(tensor)
    tensor = tl.clip(tensor, 0, tl.max(tensor))
    tensor_sort = tl.sort(tensor, axis=0, descending=True)

    to_change = tl.sum(tl.where(
        tensor_sort > (tl.cumsum(tensor_sort, axis=0) - parameter), 1.0, 0.0),
    difference = tl.zeros(col)
    for i in range(col):
        if to_change[i] > 0:
            difference = tl.index_update(
                difference, tl.index[i],
                tl.cumsum(tensor_sort, axis=0)[int(to_change[i] - 1), i])
    difference = (difference - parameter) / to_change
    return tl.clip(tensor - difference, a_min=0)
Esempio n. 3
def monotonicity_prox(tensor, decreasing=False):
    This function projects each column of the input array on the set of arrays so that
          x[1] <= x[2] <= ... <= x[n] (decreasing=False)
          x[1] >= x[2] >= ... >= x[n] (decreasing=True)
    is satisfied columnwise.

    tensor : ndarray
    decreasing : If it is True, function returns columnwise
                 monotone decreasing tensor. Otherwise, returned array
                 will be monotone increasing.
                 Default: True

          A tensor of which columns' are monotonic.

    .. [1]: G. Chierchia, E. Chouzenoux, P. L. Combettes, and J.-C. Pesquet
            "The Proximity Operator Repository. User's guide"
    if tl.ndim(tensor) == 1:
        tensor = tl.reshape(tensor, [tl.shape(tensor)[0], 1])
    elif tl.ndim(tensor) > 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Monotonicity prox doesn't support an input which has more than 2 dimensions."
    tensor_mon = tl.copy(tensor)
    if decreasing:
        tensor_mon = tl.flip(tensor_mon, axis=0)
    row, column = tl.shape(tensor_mon)
    cum_sum = tl.cumsum(tensor_mon, axis=0)
    for j in range(column):
        assisted_tensor = tl.zeros([row, row])
        for i in range(row):
            if i == 0:
                assisted_tensor = tl.index_update(
                    assisted_tensor, tl.index[i, i:], cum_sum[i:, j] /
                    tl.tensor(tl.arange(row - i) + 1, **tl.context(tensor)))
                assisted_tensor = tl.index_update(
                    assisted_tensor, tl.index[i, i:],
                    (cum_sum[i:, j] - cum_sum[i - 1, j]) /
                    tl.tensor(tl.arange(row - i) + 1, **tl.context(tensor)))
        tensor_mon = tl.index_update(tensor_mon, tl.index[:, j],
                                     tl.max(assisted_tensor, axis=0))
        for i in reversed(range(row - 1)):
            if tensor_mon[i, j] > tensor_mon[i + 1, j]:
                tensor_mon = tl.index_update(tensor_mon, tl.index[i, j],
                                             tensor_mon[i + 1, j])
    if decreasing:
        tensor_mon = tl.flip(tensor_mon, axis=0)
    return tensor_mon
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self,
                 rank: int,
        super(CPRL, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.rank = [rank] * (len(input_size))
        self.verbose = verbose

        if isinstance(input_size, int):
            self.input_size = [input_size]
            self.input_size = list(input_size)

        if isinstance(output_size, int):
            self.output_size = [output_size]
            self.output_size = list(output_size)

        self.n_outputs = int([1:]))

        self.bias = nn.Parameter(tl.zeros(1), requires_grad=True)

        # add and register factors
        self.factors = []
        ranks = self.rank
        factor_size = list(input_size)[1:] + list(output_size)[1:]
        for index, (in_size, rank) in enumerate(zip(factor_size, ranks)):
                nn.Parameter(tl.zeros((in_size, rank)), requires_grad=True))
            self.register_parameter(f'factor_{index}', self.factors[index])

        self.weights = nn.Parameter(tl.zeros((rank, )), requires_grad=True)

        # init params
        for f in self.factors:
  , .1), 1)
Esempio n. 5
def cov(A, B):
    """Computes the mode 1 (mode 0 in python) contraction of 2 matrices."""
    assert A.shape[0] == B.shape[0], "A and B need to have the same shape on axis 0"
    dimension_A = A.shape[1:]
    dimension_B = B.shape[1:]
    dimensions = list(dimension_A) + list(dimension_B)
    rmode_A = len(dimension_A)
    dim = A.shape[0]
    C = tl.zeros(dimensions)
    indices = []
    for mode in dimensions:
    for idx in product(*indices):
        idx_A, idx_B = list(idx[:rmode_A]), list(idx[rmode_A:])
        C[idx] = np.sum(
            [A[tuple([i] + idx_A)] * B[tuple([i] + idx_B)] for i in range(dim)]
    return C
Esempio n. 6
def sparsify_tensor(tensor, card):
    """Zeros out all elements in the `tensor` except `card` elements with maximum absolute values. 
    tensor : ndarray
    card : int
        Desired number of non-zero elements in the `tensor`
    ndarray of shape tensor.shape
    if card >=
        return tensor
    bound = tl.sort(tl.abs(tensor), axis = None)[-card]
    return tl.where(tl.abs(tensor) < bound, tl.zeros(tensor.shape, **tl.context(tensor)), tensor)
Esempio n. 7
def test_tr_to_tensor():
    # Create ground truth TR factors
    factors = [tl.randn((2, 4, 3)), tl.randn((3, 5, 2)), tl.randn((2, 6, 2))]

    # Create tensor
    tensor = tl.zeros((4, 5, 6))

    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(5):
            for k in range(6):
                product =
          [0][:, i, :], factors[1][:, j, :]),
                    factors[2][:, k, :])
                # TODO: add trace to backend instead of this
                tensor = tl.index_update(
                    tensor, tl.index[i, j, k],
                    tl.sum(product * tl.eye(product.shape[0])))

    # Check that TR factors re-assemble to the original tensor
    assert_array_almost_equal(tensor, tr_to_tensor(factors))
Esempio n. 8
    def _fit_2d(self, X, Y):
        Compute the HOPLS for X and Y wrt the parameters R, Ln and Km for the special case mode_Y = 2.

            X: tensorly Tensor, The target tensor of shape [i1, ... iN], N = 2.

            Y: tensorly Tensor, The target tensor of shape [j1, ... jM], M >= 3.

            G: Tensor, The core Tensor of the HOPLS for X, of shape (R, L2, ..., LN).

            P: List, The N-1 loadings of X.

            D: Tensor, The core Tensor of the HOPLS for Y, of shape (R, K2, ..., KN).

            Q: List, The N-1 loadings of Y.

            ts: Tensor, The latent vectors of the HOPLS, of shape (i1, R).

        # Initialization
        Er, Fr = X, Y
        P, T, W, Q = [], [], [], []
        D = tl.zeros((self.R, self.R))
        G = []

        # Beginning of the algorithm
        # Gr, _ = tucker(Er, ranks=[1] + self.Ln)
        for r in range(self.R):
            if torch.norm(Er) > self.epsilon and torch.norm(Fr) > self.epsilon:
                # computing the covariance
                Cr = mode_dot(Er, Fr.t(), 0)

                # HOOI tucker decomposition of C
                Gr_C, latents = tucker(Cr, rank=[1] + self.Ln)

                # Getting P and Q loadings
                qr = latents[0]
                qr /= torch.norm(qr)
                # Pr = latents[1:]
                Pr = [a / torch.norm(a) for a in latents[1:]]
                tr = multi_mode_dot(Er, Pr, list(range(1, len(Pr) + 1)), transpose=True)
                # Gr_pi = torch.pinverse(matricize(Gr))
                # tr =, Gr_pi)
                GrC_pi = torch.pinverse(matricize(Gr_C))
                tr =, GrC_pi)
                tr /= torch.norm(tr)

                # recomposition of the core tensor of Y
                ur =, qr)
                dr =, tr)

                D[r, r] = dr
                Pkron = kronecker([Pr[self.N - n - 1] for n in range(self.N)])
                # P.append(, Pkron.t()).t())
                # W.append(, Gr_pi))
                Gd = tl.tucker_to_tensor([Er, [tr] + Pr], transpose_factors=True)
                Gd_pi = torch.pinverse(matricize(Gd))
                W.append(, Gd_pi))

                # Deflation
                # X_hat =, dim=1),, dim=1).t())
                # Er = X - np.reshape(X_hat, (Er.shape), order="F")
                Er = Er - tl.tucker_to_tensor([Gd, [tr] + Pr])
                Fr = Fr - dr *, qr.t())

        Q =, dim=1)
        T =, dim=1)
        # P =, dim=1)
        W =, dim=1)

        self.model = (P, Q, D, T, W)
        return self
Esempio n. 9
def tensor_train_cross(input_tensor, rank, tol=1e-4, n_iter_max=100):
    """TT (tensor-train) decomposition via cross-approximation (TTcross) [1]

        Decomposes `input_tensor` into a sequence of order-3 tensors of given rank. (factors/cores)
        Rather than directly decompose the whole tensor, we sample fibers based on skeleton decomposition.
        We initialize a random tensor-train and sweep from left to right and right to left.
        On each core, we shape the core as a matrix and choose the fibers indices by finding maximum-volume submatrix and update the core.

        Advantage: faster
            The main advantage of TTcross is that it doesn't need to evaluate all the entries of the tensor.
            For a tensor_shape^tensor_order tensor, SVD needs O(tensor_shape^tensor_order) runtime, but TTcross' runtime is linear in tensor_shape and tensor_order, which makes it feasible in high dimension.
        Disadvantage: less accurate
            TTcross may underestimate the error, since it only evaluates partial entries of the tensor.
            Besides, in contrast to its practical fast performance, there is no theoretical guarantee of it convergence.

    input_tensor : tensorly.tensor
            The tensor to decompose.
    rank : {int, int list}
            maximum allowable TT rank of the factors
            if int, then this is the same for all the factors
            if int list, then rank[k] is the rank of the kth factor
    tol : float
            accuracy threshold for outer while-loop
    n_iter_max : int
            maximum iterations of outer while-loop (the 'crosses' or 'sweeps' sampled)

    factors : TT factors
              order-3 tensors of the TT decomposition


    Generate a 5^3 tensor, and decompose it into tensor-train of 3 factors, with rank = [1,3,3,1]
    >>> tensor = tl.tensor(np.arange(5**3).reshape(5,5,5))
    >>> rank = [1, 3, 3, 1]
    >>> factors = tensor_train_cross(tensor, rank)
    print the first core:
    >>> print(factors[0])
    .[[[ 24.   0.   4.]
      [ 49.  25.  29.]
      [ 74.  50.  54.]
      [ 99.  75.  79.]
      [124. 100. 104.]]]

    Pseudo-code [2]:
    1. Initialization tensor_order cores and column indices
    2. while (error > tol)
    3.    update the tensor-train from left to right:
                for Core 1 to Core tensor_order
                    approximate the skeleton-decomposition by QR and maxvol
    4.    update the tensor-train from right to left:
                for Core tensor_order to Core 1
                    approximate the skeleton-decomposition by QR and maxvol
    5. end while

    Acknowledgement: the main body of the code is modified based on TensorToolbox by Daniele Bigoni

    .. [1] Ivan Oseledets and Eugene Tyrtyshnikov.  Tt-cross approximation for multidimensional arrays.
            LinearAlgebra and its Applications, 432(1):70–88, 2010.
    .. [2] Sergey Dolgov and Robert Scheichl. A hybrid alternating least squares–tt cross algorithm for parametricpdes.
            arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.04562, 2017.

    # Check user input for errors
    tensor_shape = tl.shape(input_tensor)
    tensor_order = tl.ndim(input_tensor)

    if isinstance(rank, int):
        rank = [rank] * (tensor_order + 1)
    elif tensor_order + 1 != len(rank):
        message = 'Provided incorrect number of ranks. Should verify len(rank) == tl.ndim(tensor)+1, but len(rank) = {} while tl.ndim(tensor) + 1  = {}'.format(
            len(rank), tensor_order)
        raise (ValueError(message))

    # Make sure iter's not a tuple but a list
    rank = list(rank)

    # Initialize rank
    if rank[0] != 1:
            'Provided rank[0] == {} but boundary conditions dictate rank[0] == rank[-1] == 1: setting rank[0] to 1.'.format(
        rank[0] = 1
    if rank[-1] != 1:
            'Provided rank[-1] == {} but boundary conditions dictate rank[0] == rank[-1] == 1: setting rank[-1] to 1.'.format(

    # list col_idx: column indices (right indices) for skeleton-decomposition: indicate which columns used in each core.
    # list row_idx: row indices    (left indices)  for skeleton-decomposition: indicate which rows used in each core.

    # Initialize indice: random selection of column indices
    random_seed = None
    rng = check_random_state(random_seed)

    col_idx = [None] * tensor_order
    for k_col_idx in range(tensor_order - 1):
        col_idx[k_col_idx] = []
        for i in range(rank[k_col_idx + 1]):
            newidx = tuple([rng.randint(tensor_shape[j]) for j in range(k_col_idx + 1, tensor_order)])
            while newidx in col_idx[k_col_idx]:
                newidx = tuple([rng.randint(tensor_shape[j]) for j in range(k_col_idx + 1, tensor_order)])


    # Initialize the cores of tensor-train
    factor_old = [tl.zeros((rank[k], tensor_shape[k], rank[k + 1]),
                            **tl.context(input_tensor)) for k in range(tensor_order)]
    factor_new = [tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((rank[k], tensor_shape[k], rank[k + 1])),
                             **tl.context(input_tensor)) for k in range(tensor_order)]

    iter = 0

    error = tl.norm(tt_to_tensor(factor_old) - tt_to_tensor(factor_new), 2)
    threshold = tol * tl.norm(tt_to_tensor(factor_new), 2)
    for iter in range(n_iter_max):
        if error < threshold:

        factor_old = factor_new
        factor_new = [None for i in range(tensor_order)]

        # left-to-right step
        left_to_right_fiberlist = []
        # list row_idx: list of (tensor_order-1) of lists of left indices
        row_idx = [[()]]
        for k in range(tensor_order - 1):
            (next_row_idx, fibers_list) = left_right_ttcross_step(input_tensor, k, rank, row_idx, col_idx)
            # update row indices

        # end left-to-right step

        # right-to-left step
        right_to_left_fiberlist = []
        # list col_idx: list (tensor_order-1) of lists of right indices
        col_idx = [None] * tensor_order
        col_idx[-1] = [()]
        for k in range(tensor_order, 1, -1):
            (next_col_idx, fibers_list, Q_skeleton) = right_left_ttcross_step(input_tensor, k, rank, row_idx, col_idx)
            # update col indices
            col_idx[k - 2] = next_col_idx

            # Compute cores
                factor_new[k - 1] = tl.transpose(Q_skeleton)
                factor_new[k - 1] = tl.reshape(factor_new[k - 1], (rank[k - 1], tensor_shape[k - 1], rank[k]))
                # The rank should not be larger than the input tensor's size
                raise (ValueError("The rank is too large compared to the size of the tensor. Try with small rank."))

        # Add the last core
        idx = (slice(None, None, None),) + tuple(zip(*col_idx[0]))

        core = input_tensor[idx]
        core = tl.reshape(core, (tensor_shape[0], 1, rank[1]))
        core = tl.transpose(core, (1, 0, 2))

        factor_new[0] = core

        # end right-to-left step

        # check the error for while-loop
        error = tl.norm(tt_to_tensor(factor_old) - tt_to_tensor(factor_new), 2)
        threshold = tol * tl.norm(tt_to_tensor(factor_new), 2)
        print("It: " + str(iter) + "; error: " + str(error) + "; threshold: " + str(threshold))

    # check convergence
    if iter >= n_iter_max:
        print('Maximum number of iterations reached.')
    if tl.norm(tt_to_tensor(factor_old) - tt_to_tensor(factor_new), 2) > tol * tl.norm(tt_to_tensor(factor_new), 2):
        print('Low Rank Approximation algorithm did not converge.')

    return factor_new
Esempio n. 10
def maxvol(A):
    """ Find the rxr submatrix of maximal volume in A(nxr), n>=r

            We want to decompose matrix A as
                    A = A[:,J] * (A[I,J])^-1 * A[I,:]
            This algorithm helps us find this submatrix A[I,J] from A, which has the largest determinant.
            We greedily find vector of max norm, and subtract its projection from the rest of rows.


    A: matrix
            The matrix to find maximal volume

    row_idx: list of int
            is the list or rows of A forming the matrix with maximal volume,
    A_inv: matrix
            is the inverse of the matrix with maximal volume.

    S. A. Goreinov, I. V. Oseledets, D. V. Savostyanov, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov, N. L. Zamarashkin.
    How to find a good submatrix.Goreinov, S. A., et al.
    Matrix Methods: Theory, Algorithms and Applications: Dedicated to the Memory of Gene Golub. 2010. 247-256.

    Ali Çivril, Malik Magdon-Ismail
    On selecting a maximum volume sub-matrix of a matrix and related problems
    Theoretical Computer Science. Volume 410, Issues 47–49, 6 November 2009, Pages 4801-4811

    (n, r) = tl.shape(A)

    # The index of row of the submatrix
    row_idx = tl.zeros(r)

    # Rest of rows / unselected rows
    rest_of_rows = tl.tensor(list(range(n)),dtype= tl.int64)

    # Find r rows iteratively
    i = 0
    A_new = A
    while i < r:
        mask = list(range(tl.shape(A_new)[0]))
        # Compute the square of norm of each row
        rows_norms = tl.sum(A_new ** 2, axis=1)

        # If there is only one row of A left, let's just return it. MxNet is not robust about this case.
        if tl.shape(rows_norms) == ():
            row_idx[i] = rest_of_rows

        # If a row is 0, we delete it.
        if any(rows_norms == 0):
            zero_idx = tl.argmin(rows_norms,axis=0)
            rest_of_rows = rest_of_rows[mask]
            A_new = A_new[mask,:]

        # Find the row of max norm
        max_row_idx = tl.argmax(rows_norms, axis=0)
        max_row = A[rest_of_rows[max_row_idx], :]

        # Compute the projection of max_row to other rows
        # projection a to b is computed as: <a,b> / sqrt(|a|*|b|)
        projection =, tl.transpose(max_row))
        normalization = tl.sqrt(rows_norms[max_row_idx] * rows_norms)
        # make sure normalization vector is of the same shape of projection (causing bugs for MxNet)
        normalization = tl.reshape(normalization, tl.shape(projection))
        projection = projection/normalization

        # Subtract the projection from A_new:  b <- b - a * projection
        A_new = A_new - A_new * tl.reshape(projection, (tl.shape(A_new)[0], 1))

        # Delete the selected row
        A_new = A_new[mask,:]

        # update the row_idx and rest_of_rows
        row_idx[i] = rest_of_rows[max_row_idx]
        rest_of_rows = rest_of_rows[mask]
        i = i + 1

    row_idx = tl.tensor(row_idx, dtype=tl.int64)
    inverse = tl.solve(A[row_idx,:],
                 tl.eye(tl.shape(A[row_idx,:])[0], **tl.context(A)))
    row_idx = tl.to_numpy(row_idx)

    return row_idx, inverse
Esempio n. 11
def constrained_parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, n_iter_max_inner=10,
                        init='svd', svd='numpy_svd',
                        tol_outer=1e-8, tol_inner=1e-6, random_state=None,
                        verbose=0, return_errors=False,
                        fixed_modes=None, non_negative=None, l1_reg=None,
                        l2_reg=None, l2_square_reg=None, unimodality=None, normalize=None,
                        simplex=None, normalized_sparsity=None, soft_sparsity=None,
                        smoothness=None, monotonicity=None, hard_sparsity=None):
    """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating optimization of
    alternating direction method of multipliers (AO-ADMM):

    Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that::

        tensor = [|weights; factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |],

    where factors are either penalized or constrained according to the user-defined constraint.

    In order to compute the factors efficiently, the ADMM algorithm
    introduces an auxilliary factor which is called factor_aux in the function.

    tensor : ndarray
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration for outer loop
    n_iter_max_inner : int
        Number of iteration for inner loop
    init : {'svd', 'random', cptensor}, optional
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol_outer : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-8) Relative reconstruction error tolerance for outer loop. The
        algorithm is considered to have found a local minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol_outer`.
    tol_inner : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-6) Absolute reconstruction error tolerance for factor update during inner loop, i.e. ADMM optimization.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    non_negative : bool or dictionary
        This constraint is clipping negative values to '0'. If it is True non-negative constraint is applied to all modes.
    l1_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    l2_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    l2_square_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    unimodality : bool or dictionary, optional
        If it is True unimodality constraint is applied to all modes.
    normalize : bool or dictionary, optional
        This constraint divides all the values by maximum value of the input array. If it is True normalize constraint
        is applied to all modes.
    simplex : float or list or dictionary, optional
    normalized_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    soft_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    smoothness : float or list or dictionary, optional
    monotonicity : bool or dictionary, optional
    hard_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    cvg_criterion : {'abs_rec_error', 'rec_error'}, optional
       Stopping criterion if `tol` is not None.
       If 'rec_error',  algorithm stops at current iteration if ``(previous rec_error - current rec_error) < tol``.
       If 'abs_rec_error', algorithm terminates when `|previous rec_error - current rec_error| < tol`.
    fixed_modes : list, default is None
        A list of modes for which the initial value is not modified.
        The last mode cannot be fixed due to error computation.

    CPTensor : (weight, factors)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``
    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] T.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications", SIAM
           REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009.
    .. [2] Huang, Kejun, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, and Athanasios P. Liavas.
           "A flexible and efficient algorithmic framework for constrained matrix and tensor factorization." IEEE
           Transactions on Signal Processing 64.19 (2016): 5052-5065.
    rank = validate_cp_rank(tl.shape(tensor), rank=rank)
    _, _ = validate_constraints(non_negative=non_negative, l1_reg=l1_reg, l2_reg=l2_reg, l2_square_reg=l2_square_reg,
                                unimodality=unimodality, normalize=normalize, simplex=simplex,
                                normalized_sparsity=normalized_sparsity, soft_sparsity=soft_sparsity,
                                smoothness=smoothness, monotonicity=monotonicity, hard_sparsity=hard_sparsity,

    weights, factors = initialize_constrained_parafac(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd,
                                                      random_state=random_state, non_negative=non_negative,
                                                      l1_reg=l1_reg, l2_reg=l2_reg, l2_square_reg=l2_square_reg,
                                                      unimodality=unimodality, normalize=normalize,
                                                      smoothness=smoothness, monotonicity=monotonicity,

    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)

    if fixed_modes is None:
        fixed_modes = []

    if tl.ndim(tensor) - 1 in fixed_modes:
        warnings.warn('You asked for fixing the last mode, which is not supported.\n '
                      'The last mode will not be fixed. Consider using tl.moveaxis()')
        fixed_modes.remove(tl.ndim(tensor) - 1)
    modes_list = [mode for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if mode not in fixed_modes]

    # ADMM inits
    dual_variables = []
    factors_aux = []
    for i in range(len(factors)):

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in modes_list:
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse *, factor)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

            factors[mode], factors_aux[mode], dual_variables[mode] = admm(mttkrp, pseudo_inverse, factors[mode], dual_variables[mode],
                                                                          n_iter_max=n_iter_max_inner, n_const=tl.ndim(tensor),
                                                                          order=mode, non_negative=non_negative, l1_reg=l1_reg,
                                                                          l2_reg=l2_reg, l2_square_reg=l2_square_reg,
                                                                          unimodality=unimodality, normalize=normalize,
                                                                          simplex=simplex, normalized_sparsity=normalized_sparsity,
                                                                          smoothness=smoothness, monotonicity=monotonicity,
                                                                          hard_sparsity=hard_sparsity, tol=tol_inner)

        factors_norm = cp_norm((weights, factors))
        iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp * factors[-1], axis=0) * weights)
        rec_error = tl.sqrt(tl.abs(norm_tensor ** 2 + factors_norm ** 2 - 2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor
        constraint_error = 0
        for mode in modes_list:
            constraint_error += tl.norm(factors[mode] - tl.transpose(factors_aux[mode])) / tl.norm(factors[mode])
        if tol_outer:

            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]

                if verbose:
                    print("iteration {}, reconstruction error: {}, decrease = {}".format(iteration,

                if constraint_error < tol_outer:
                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol_outer
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag = rec_error_decrease < tol_outer
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")

                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(iteration))

                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    cp_tensor = CPTensor((weights, factors))

    if return_errors:
        return cp_tensor, rec_errors
        return cp_tensor
Esempio n. 12
def fista(UtM,
    Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA)

    Computes an approximate (nonnegative) solution for Ux=M linear system.

    UtM : ndarray
        Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and M
    UtU : ndarray
        Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and U
    x : init
       Default: None
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
        Default: 100
    non_negative : bool, default is False
                   if True, result will be non-negative
    lr : float
        learning rate
        Default : None
    sparsity_coef : float or None
    tol : float
        stopping criterion

    x : approximate solution such that Ux = M

    We solve the following problem :math: `1/2 ||m - Ux ||_2^2 + \\lambda |x|_1`

    [1] : Beck, A., & Teboulle, M. (2009). A fast iterative
          shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems.
          SIAM journal on imaging sciences, 2(1), 183-202.
    if sparsity_coef is None:
        sparsity_coef = 0

    if x is None:
        x = tl.zeros(tl.shape(UtM), **tl.context(UtM))
    if lr is None:
        lr = 1 / (tl.partial_svd(UtU)[1][0])
    # Parameters
    momentum_old = tl.tensor(1.0)
    norm_0 = 0.0
    x_update = tl.copy(x)

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if isinstance(UtU, list):
            x_gradient = -UtM + tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(
                x_update, UtU, transpose=False) + sparsity_coef
            x_gradient = -UtM +, x_update) + sparsity_coef

        if non_negative is True:
            x_gradient = tl.where(lr * x_gradient < x_update, x_gradient,
                                  x_update / lr)

        x_new = x_update - lr * x_gradient
        momentum = (1 + tl.sqrt(1 + 4 * momentum_old**2)) / 2
        x_update = x_new + ((momentum_old - 1) / momentum) * (x_new - x)
        momentum_old = momentum
        x = tl.copy(x_new)
        norm = tl.norm(lr * x_gradient)
        if iteration == 1:
            norm_0 = norm
        if norm < tol * norm_0:
    return x
Esempio n. 13
def active_set_nnls(Utm, UtU, x=None, n_iter_max=100, tol=10e-8):
     Active set algorithm for non-negative least square solution.

     Computes an approximate non-negative solution for Ux=m linear system.

     Utm : vectorized ndarray
        Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and m
     UtU : ndarray
        Pre-computed Kronecker product of the transposed of U and U
     x : init
        Default: None
     n_iter_max : int
         Maximum number of iteration
         Default: 100
     tol : float
         Early stopping criterion

     x : ndarray

     This function solves following problem:
     .. math::
             \\min_{x} ||Ux - m||^2

     According to [1], non-negativity-constrained least square estimation problem becomes:
     .. math::
             x' = (Utm) - (UTU)\\times x

     [1] : Bro, R., & De Jong, S. (1997). A fast non‐negativity‐constrained
           least squares algorithm. Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of
           the Chemometrics Society, 11(5), 393-401.
    if tl.get_backend() == 'tensorflow':
        raise ValueError(
            "Active set is not supported with the tensorflow backend. Consider using fista method with tensorflow."

    if x is None:
        x_vec = tl.zeros(tl.shape(UtU)[1], **tl.context(UtU))
        x_vec = tl.base.tensor_to_vec(x)

    x_gradient = Utm -, x_vec)
    passive_set = x_vec > 0
    active_set = x_vec <= 0
    support_vec = tl.zeros(tl.shape(x_vec), **tl.context(x_vec))

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):

        if iteration > 0 or tl.all(x_vec == 0):
            indice = tl.argmax(x_gradient)
            passive_set = tl.index_update(passive_set, tl.index[indice], True)
            active_set = tl.index_update(active_set, tl.index[indice], False)
        # To avoid singularity error when initial x exists
            passive_solution = tl.solve(UtU[passive_set, :][:, passive_set],
            indice_list = []
            for i in range(tl.shape(support_vec)[0]):
                if passive_set[i]:
                    support_vec = tl.index_update(
                        support_vec, tl.index[int(i)],
                        passive_solution[len(indice_list) - 1])
                    support_vec = tl.index_update(support_vec,
                                                  tl.index[int(i)], 0)
        # Start from zeros if solve is not achieved
            x_vec = tl.zeros(tl.shape(UtU)[1])
            support_vec = tl.zeros(tl.shape(x_vec), **tl.context(x_vec))
            passive_set = x_vec > 0
            active_set = x_vec <= 0
            if tl.any(active_set):
                indice = tl.argmax(x_gradient)
                passive_set = tl.index_update(passive_set, tl.index[indice],
                active_set = tl.index_update(active_set, tl.index[indice],
            passive_solution = tl.solve(UtU[passive_set, :][:, passive_set],
            indice_list = []
            for i in range(tl.shape(support_vec)[0]):
                if passive_set[i]:
                    support_vec = tl.index_update(
                        support_vec, tl.index[int(i)],
                        passive_solution[len(indice_list) - 1])
                    support_vec = tl.index_update(support_vec,
                                                  tl.index[int(i)], 0)

        # update support vector if it is necessary
        if tl.min(support_vec[passive_set]) <= 0:
            for i in range(len(passive_set)):
                alpha = tl.min(
                    x_vec[passive_set][support_vec[passive_set] <= 0] /
                    (x_vec[passive_set][support_vec[passive_set] <= 0] -
                     support_vec[passive_set][support_vec[passive_set] <= 0]))
                update = alpha * (support_vec - x_vec)
                x_vec = x_vec + update
                passive_set = x_vec > 0
                active_set = x_vec <= 0
                passive_solution = tl.solve(
                    UtU[passive_set, :][:, passive_set], Utm[passive_set])
                indice_list = []
                for i in range(tl.shape(support_vec)[0]):
                    if passive_set[i]:
                        support_vec = tl.index_update(
                            support_vec, tl.index[int(i)],
                            passive_solution[len(indice_list) - 1])
                        support_vec = tl.index_update(support_vec,
                                                      tl.index[int(i)], 0)

                if tl.any(passive_set) != True or tl.min(
                        support_vec[passive_set]) > 0:
        # set x to s
        x_vec = tl.clip(support_vec, 0, tl.max(support_vec))

        # gradient update
        x_gradient = Utm -, x_vec)

        if tl.any(active_set) != True or tl.max(x_gradient[active_set]) <= tol:

    return x_vec
Esempio n. 14
def parafac2(
    r"""PARAFAC2 decomposition [1]_ of a third order tensor via alternating least squares (ALS)

    Computes a rank-`rank` PARAFAC2 decomposition of the third-order tensor defined by 
    `tensor_slices`. The decomposition is on the form :math:`(A [B_i] C)` such that the
    i-th frontal slice, :math:`X_i`, of :math:`X` is given by

    .. math::
        X_i = B_i diag(a_i) C^T,
    where :math:`diag(a_i)` is the diagonal matrix whose nonzero entries are equal to
    the :math:`i`-th row of the :math:`I \times R` factor matrix :math:`A`, :math:`B_i` 
    is a :math:`J_i \times R` factor matrix such that the cross product matrix :math:`B_{i_1}^T B_{i_1}`
    is constant for all :math:`i`, and :math:`C` is a :math:`K \times R` factor matrix. 
    To compute this decomposition, we reformulate the expression for :math:`B_i` such that

    .. math::

        B_i = P_i B,

    where :math:`P_i` is a :math:`J_i \times R` orthogonal matrix and :math:`B` is a
    :math:`R \times R` matrix.

    An alternative formulation of the PARAFAC2 decomposition is that the tensor element
    :math:`X_{ijk}` is given by

    .. math::

        X_{ijk} = \sum_{r=1}^R A_{ir} B_{ijr} C_{kr},
    with the same constraints hold for :math:`B_i` as above.

    tensor_slices : ndarray or list of ndarrays
        Either a third order tensor or a list of second order tensors that may have different number of rows.
        Note that the second mode factor matrices are allowed to change over the first mode, not the
        third mode as some other implementations use (see note below).
    rank : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int, optional
        (Default: 2000) Maximum number of iteration

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6.1

            Previously, the default maximum number of iterations was 100.
    init : {'svd', 'random', CPTensor, Parafac2Tensor}
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    normalize_factors : bool (optional)
        If True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors. Note that
        there may be some inaccuracies in the component weights.
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-8) Relative reconstruction error decrease tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have converged when
        :math:`\left|\| X - \hat{X}_{n-1} \|^2 - \| X - \hat{X}_{n} \|^2\right| < \epsilon \| X - \hat{X}_{n-1} \|^2`.
        That is, when the relative change in sum of squared error is less
        than the tolerance.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6.1

            Previously, the stopping condition was
            :math:`\left|\| X - \hat{X}_{n-1} \| - \| X - \hat{X}_{n} \|\right| < \epsilon`.
    absolute_tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-13) Absolute reconstruction error tolearnce. The algorithm
        is considered to have converged when 
        :math:`\left|\| X - \hat{X}_{n-1} \|^2 - \| X - \hat{X}_{n} \|^2\right| < \epsilon_\text{abs}`.
        That is, when the relative sum of squared error is less than the specified tolerance.
        The absolute tolerance is necessary for stopping the algorithm when used on noise-free
        data that follows the PARAFAC2 constraint.

        If None, then the machine precision + 1000 will be used.
    nn_modes: None, 'all' or array of integers
        (Default: None) Used to specify which modes to impose non-negativity constraints on.
        We cannot impose non-negativity constraints on the the B-mode (mode 1) with the ALS
        algorithm, so if this mode is among the constrained modes, then a warning will be shown
        (see notes for more info).
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    n_iter_parafac : int, optional
        Number of PARAFAC iterations to perform for each PARAFAC2 iteration

    Parafac2Tensor : (weight, factors, projection_matrices)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
            all ones if normalize_factors is False (default), 
            weights of the (normalized) factors otherwise
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape
            (tensor.shape[i], rank)
        * projection_matrices : List of projection matrices used to create evolving
    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] Kiers, H.A.L., ten Berge, J.M.F. and Bro, R. (1999), 
            PARAFAC2—Part I. A direct fitting algorithm for the PARAFAC2 model. 
            J. Chemometrics, 13: 275-294.

    This formulation of the PARAFAC2 decomposition is slightly different from the one in [1]_.
    The difference lies in that here, the second mode changes over the first mode, whereas in
    [1]_, the second mode changes over the third mode. We made this change since that means
    that the function accept both lists of matrices and a single nd-array as input without
    any reordering of the modes.

    Because of the reformulation above, :math:`B_i = P_i B`, the :math:`B_i` matrices
    cannot be constrained to be non-negative with ALS. If this mode is constrained to be
    non-negative, then :math:`B` will be non-negative, but not the orthogonal `P_i` matrices.
    Consequently, the `B_i` matrices are unlikely to be non-negative.
    weights, factors, projections = initialize_decomposition(
        tensor_slices, rank, init=init, svd=svd, random_state=random_state)

    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.sqrt(
        sum(tl.norm(tensor_slice, 2)**2 for tensor_slice in tensor_slices))
    svd_fun = _get_svd(svd)

    if absolute_tol is None:
        absolute_tol = tl.eps(factors[0].dtype) * 1000

    # If nn_modes is set, we use HALS, otherwise, we use the standard parafac implementation.
    if nn_modes is None:

        def parafac_updates(X, w, f):
            return parafac(X,
                           init=(w, f),
        if nn_modes == 'all' or 1 in nn_modes:
                "Mode `1` of PARAFAC2 fitted with ALS cannot be constrained to be truly non-negative. See the documentation for more info."

        def parafac_updates(X, w, f):
            return non_negative_parafac_hals(X,
                                             init=(w, f),

    projected_tensor = tl.zeros([factor.shape[0] for factor in factors],

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if verbose:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration)
        factors[1] = factors[1] * T.reshape(weights, (1, -1))
        weights = T.ones(weights.shape, **tl.context(tensor_slices[0]))

        projections = _compute_projections(tensor_slices,
        projected_tensor = _project_tensor_slices(tensor_slices,
        factors = parafac_updates(projected_tensor, weights, factors)

        if normalize_factors:
            new_factors = []
            for factor in factors:
                norms = T.norm(factor, axis=0)
                norms = tl.where(
                    tl.abs(norms) <= tl.eps(factor.dtype),
                    tl.ones(tl.shape(norms), **tl.context(factors[0])), norms)

                weights = weights * norms
                new_factors.append(factor / (tl.reshape(norms, (1, -1))))

            factors = new_factors

        if tol:
            rec_error = _parafac2_reconstruction_error(
                tensor_slices, (weights, factors, projections))
            rec_error /= norm_tensor

            if iteration >= 1:
                if verbose:
                    print('PARAFAC2 reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.
                                 rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]))

                if abs(rec_errors[-2]**2 - rec_errors[-1]**2) < (
                        tol *
                        rec_errors[-2]**2) or rec_errors[-1]**2 < absolute_tol:
                    if verbose:
                        print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('PARAFAC2 reconstruction error={}'.format(

    parafac2_tensor = Parafac2Tensor((weights, factors, projections))

    if return_errors:
        return parafac2_tensor, rec_errors
        return parafac2_tensor
Esempio n. 15
def test_clips_all_negative_tensor_correctly():
    # Regression test for bug found with the pytorch backend
    negative_valued_tensor = tl.zeros((10, 10)) - 0.1
    clipped_tensor = tl.clip(negative_valued_tensor, 0)
    assert tl.all(clipped_tensor == 0)
Esempio n. 16
def parafac2(tensor_slices,
    r"""PARAFAC2 decomposition [1]_ of a third order tensor via alternating least squares (ALS)

    Computes a rank-`rank` PARAFAC2 decomposition of the third-order tensor defined by 
    `tensor_slices`. The decomposition is on the form :math:`(A [B_i] C)` such that the
    i-th frontal slice, :math:`X_i`, of :math:`X` is given by

    .. math::
        X_i = B_i diag(a_i) C^T,
    where :math:`diag(a_i)` is the diagonal matrix whose nonzero entries are equal to
    the :math:`i`-th row of the :math:`I \times R` factor matrix :math:`A`, :math:`B_i` 
    is a :math:`J_i \times R` factor matrix such that the cross product matrix :math:`B_{i_1}^T B_{i_1}`
    is constant for all :math:`i`, and :math:`C` is a :math:`K \times R` factor matrix. 
    To compute this decomposition, we reformulate the expression for :math:`B_i` such that

    .. math::

        B_i = P_i B,

    where :math:`P_i` is a :math:`J_i \times R` orthogonal matrix and :math:`B` is a
    :math:`R \times R` matrix.

    An alternative formulation of the PARAFAC2 decomposition is that the tensor element
    :math:`X_{ijk}` is given by

    .. math::

        X_{ijk} = \sum_{r=1}^R A_{ir} B_{ijr} C_{kr},
    with the same constraints hold for :math:`B_i` as above.

    tensor_slices : ndarray or list of ndarrays
        Either a third order tensor or a list of second order tensors that may have different number of rows.
        Note that the second mode factor matrices are allowed to change over the first mode, not the
        third mode as some other implementations use (see note below).
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random', CPTensor, Parafac2Tensor}
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    normalize_factors : bool (optional)
        If True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors. Note that
        there may be some inaccuracies in the component weights.
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-8) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol`.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    n_iter_parafac: int, optional
        Number of PARAFAC iterations to perform for each PARAFAC2 iteration

    Parafac2Tensor : (weight, factors, projection_matrices)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
            all ones if normalize_factors is False (default), 
            weights of the (normalized) factors otherwise
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape
            (tensor.shape[i], rank)
        * projection_matrices : List of projection matrices used to create evolving
    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] Kiers, H.A.L., ten Berge, J.M.F. and Bro, R. (1999), 
            PARAFAC2—Part I. A direct fitting algorithm for the PARAFAC2 model. 
            J. Chemometrics, 13: 275-294.

    This formulation of the PARAFAC2 decomposition is slightly different from the one in [1]_.
    The difference lies in that here, the second mode changes over the first mode, whereas in
    [1]_, the second mode changes over the third mode. We made this change since that means
    that the function accept both lists of matrices and a single nd-array as input without
    any reordering of the modes.
    weights, factors, projections = initialize_decomposition(
        tensor_slices, rank, init=init, svd=svd, random_state=random_state)

    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.sqrt(
        sum(tl.norm(tensor_slice, 2)**2 for tensor_slice in tensor_slices))
    svd_fun = _get_svd(svd)

    projected_tensor = tl.zeros([factor.shape[0] for factor in factors],

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if verbose:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration)
        factors[1] = factors[1] * T.reshape(weights, (1, -1))
        weights = T.ones(weights.shape, **tl.context(tensor_slices[0]))

        projections = _compute_projections(tensor_slices,
        projected_tensor = _project_tensor_slices(tensor_slices,
        _, factors = parafac(projected_tensor,
                             init=(weights, factors),

        if normalize_factors:
            new_factors = []
            for factor in factors:
                norms = T.norm(factor, axis=0)
                norms = tl.where(
                    tl.abs(norms) <= tl.eps(factor.dtype),
                    tl.ones(tl.shape(norms), **tl.context(factors[0])), norms)

                weights = weights * norms
                new_factors.append(factor / (tl.reshape(norms, (1, -1))))

            factors = new_factors

        if tol:
            rec_error = _parafac2_reconstruction_error(
                tensor_slices, (weights, factors, projections))
            rec_error /= norm_tensor

            if iteration >= 1:
                if verbose:
                    print('PARAFAC2 reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.
                                 rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]))

                if tol and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol:
                    if verbose:
                        print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('PARAFAC2 reconstruction error={}'.format(

    parafac2_tensor = Parafac2Tensor((weights, factors, projections))

    if return_errors:
        return parafac2_tensor, rec_errors
        return parafac2_tensor
Esempio n. 17
def gcp(X, R, type='normal', func=None, grad=None, lower=None,\
        opt='lbfgsb', mask=None, maxiters=1000, \
        init='random', printitn=10, state=None, factr=1e7, pgtol=1e-4, \
        fsamp=None, gsamp=None, oversample=1.1, sampler='uniform', \
        fsampler=None, rate=1e-3, decay=0.1, maxfails=1, epciters=1000, \
        festtol=-math.inf, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8):
    """Generalized CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (GCP) decomposition via all-at-once optimization (OPT) [1]
    Computes a rank-'R' decomposition of 'tensor' such that::

      tensor = [|weights; factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |].

    GCP-OPT allows the use of a variety of statistically motivated loss functions
    suited to the data held in a tensor (i.e. continuous, discrete, binary, etc)

    X : ndarray
        Tensor to factorize
        **COMING SOON**
        Sparse tensor support
    R : int
        Rank of decomposition (Number of components).
    type : str,
        Type of objective function used
        Options include:
            'normal' or 'gaussian'          - Gaussian for real-valued data (DEFAULT)
            'binary' or 'bernoulli-odds'    - Bernoulli w/ odds link for binary data
            'bernoulli-logit'               - Bernoulli w/ logit link for binary data
            'count' or 'poisson'            - Poisson for count data
            'poisson-log'                   - Poisson w/ log link for count data
            'rayleigh'                      - Rayleigh distribution for real-valued data
            'gamma'                         - Gamma distribution for non-negative real-valued data
        **COMING SOON**:
            'huber (DELTA)                  - Similar to Gaussian, for real-valued data
            'negative-binomial (r)'         - Negative binomial for count data
            'beta (BETA)'                   - Beta divergence for non-negative real-valued data
            'user-specified'                - Customized objective function provided by user
    func: lambda function
        User specified custom objective function, eg. lambda x, m: (m-x)**2
    grad: lambda function
        User specified custom gradient function, eg. lambda x, m: 2*(m-x)
    lower: 0 or -inf
        Lower bound for custom objective/gradient
    opt : str
        Optimization method
        Options include:
            'lbfgsb'    - Bound-constrained limited-memory BFGS
            'sgd'       - Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
            **COMING SOON**
            'adam'      - Momentum-based SGD method
            'adagrad'   - Adaptive gradient algorithm, well suited for sparse data
        If 'tensor' is dense, all 4 options can be used, 'lbfgsb' by default.
        **COMING SOON** - Sparse format support
        If 'tensor' is sparse, only 'sgd', 'adam' and 'adagrad' can be used, 'adam' by
        Each method has specific parameters, see documentation
    mask : ndarray
        Specifies a mask, 0's for missing/incomplete entries, 1's elsewhere, with
        the same shape as 'tensor'.
        **COMING SOON** - Missing/incomplete data simulation.
    maxiters : int
        Maximum number of outer iterations, 1000 by default.
    init : {'random', 'svd', cptensor}
        Initialization for factor matrices, 'random' by default.
        Options include:
            'random'    - random initialization from a uniform distribution on [0,1)
            'svd'       - initialize the `m`th factor matrix using the `rank` left
                          singular vectors of the `m`th unfolding of the input tensor.
            cptensor    - initialization provided by user.  NOTE: weights are pulled
                          in the last factor and then the weights are set to "1" for
                          the output tensor.
        Initializations all result in a cptensor where the weights are one.
    printitn : int
        Print every n iterations; 0 for no printing, 10 by default.
    state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
        Seed for reproducable random number generation
    factr : float
        (L-BFGS-B parameter)
        Tolerance on the change of objective values. Defaults to 1e7.
    pgtol : float
        (L-BFGS-B parameter)
        Projected gradient tolerance.  Defaults to 1e-5
    sampler : {uniform, stratified, semi-stratified}
        Type of sampling to use for stochastic gradient (SGD/ADAM/ADAGRAD).
        Defaults to 'uniform' for dense tensors.
        Defaults to 'stratified' for sparse tensors.
        Options include:
            'uniform'           - Uniform random sampling
            **COMING SOON**
            'stratified'        - Stratified sampling, targets sparse data. Zero and
                                  nonzero values sampled separately.
            'semi-stratified'   - Similar to stratified sampling, but is more
                                  computationally efficient (See papers referenced).
    gsamp : int
        Number of samples for stochastic gradient (SGD/ADAM/ADAGRAD parameter).
        Generally set to be O(sum(shape)*R).
        **COMING SOON**
        For stratified or semi-stratified, this may be two numbers:
            - the number of nnz samples
            - the number of zero samples.
        If only one number is specified, then this value is used for both nnzs and
        zeros (total number of samples is 2x specified value in this case).
    fsampler : {'uniform', 'stratified', custom}
        Type of sampling for estimating objective function (SGD/ADAM/ADAGRAD parameter).
        Options include:
            'uniform'       - Uniform random sampling
            **COMING SOON**
            'stratified'    - Stratified sampling, targets sparse data. Zero and
                              nonzero values sampled separately.
            custom          - User-defined sampler (lambda function). Custom option
                              is primarily useful in reusing sampled elements across
                              multiple tests.
    fsamp : int
        (SGD/ADAM/ADAGRAD parameter)
        Number of samples to estimate objective function.
        This should generally be somewhat large since we want this sample to generate a
        reliable estimate of the true function value.
    oversample : float
        (Stratified sampling parameter)
        Factor to oversample when implicitly sampling zeros in the sparse case.
        Defaults to 1.1. Only adjust for very small tensors.
    rate : float
        (SGD/ADAM parameter)
        Initial learning rate. Defaults to 1e-3.
    decay : float
        (SGD/ADAM parameter)
        Amount to decrease learning rate when progress stagnates, i.e. no change in
        objective function between epochs.  Defaults to 0.1.
    maxfails : int
        (SGD/ADAM parameter)
        Number of times to decrease the learning rate.
        Defaults to 1, may be set to zero.
    epciters : int
        (SGD/ADAM parameter)
        Iterations per epoch. Defaults to 1000.
    festtol : float
        (SGD/ADAM parameter)
        Quit estimation of function if it goes below this level.
        Defaults to -inf.
    beta1 : float
        (ADAM parameter)    - generally doesn't need to be changed
        Defaults to 0.9
    beta2 : float
        (ADAM parameter)    - generally doesn't need to be changed
        Defaults to 0.999
    epsilon : float
        (ADAM parameter)    - generally doesn't need to be changed
        Defaults to 1e-8

    Mfin : CPTensor
        Canonical polyadic decomposition of input tensor X

    [1] D. Hong, T. G. Kolda, J. A. Duersch, Generalized Canonical
        Polyadic Tensor Decomposition, SIAM Review, 62:133-163, 2020,
    [2] T. G. Kolda, D. Hong, Stochastic Gradients for Large-Scale Tensor
        Decomposition. SIAM J. Mathematics of Data Science, 2:1066-1095,

    # Timer - Setup (outside optimization)
    start_setup0 = time.perf_counter()

    # Initial setup
    nd = tl.ndim(X)
    sz = tl.shape(X)
    tsz = X.size
    X_context = tl.context(X)
    vecsz = 0
    for i in range(nd):
        # tsz *= sz[i]
        vecsz += sz[i]
    vecsz *= R
    W = mask

    # Random set-up
    if state is not None:
        state = tl.check_random_state(state)

    # capture stats(nnzs, zeros, missing)
    nnonnzeros = 0
    X = tl.tensor_to_vec(X)
    for i in X:
        if i > 0:
            nnonnzeros += 1
    X = tl.reshape(X, sz)
    nzeros = tsz - nnonnzeros
    nmissing = 0
    if W is not None:
        W = tl.tensor_to_vec(W)
        for i in range(tl.shape(W)[0]):
            if W[i] > 0: nmissing += 1  # TODO: is this right??
        W = tl.reshape(W, sz)

    # Dictionary for storing important information regarding the decomposition problem
    info = {}
    info['tsz'] = tsz
        'nmissing'] = 0  # TODO: revisit once missing value functionality incorporated
    info['nnonnzeros'] = nnonnzeros
        'nzeros'] = nzeros  # TODO: revisit once missing value functionality incorporated

    # Set up function, gradient, and bounds
    fh, gh, lb = validate_type(type, X)
    info['type'] = type
    info['fh'] = fh
    info['gh'] = gh
    info['lb'] = lb

    # initialize CP-tensor and make a copy to work with so as to have the starting guess
    M0 = initialize_cp(X, R, init=init, random_state=state)
    wghts0 = tl.copy(M0[0])
    fcts0 = []
    for i in range(nd):
        f = tl.copy(M0[1][i])
    M = CPTensor((wghts0, fcts0))

    # Lambda weights are assumed to be all ones throughout, check initial guess satisfies assumption
    if not tl.all(M[0]):
        print("Initialization of CP tensor has failed (lambda weight(s) != 1.")

    # check optimization method
    if validate_opt(opt):
        print("Choose optimization method from: {lbfgsb, sgd}")
    use_stoc = False
    if opt != 'lbfgsb':
        use_stoc = True
    info['opt'] = opt

    # set up for stochastic optimization (e.g. sgd, adam, adagrad)
    if use_stoc:
        # set up fsampler, gsampler ---> uniform sampling only for now
        # TODO : add stratified, semi-stratified and user-specified sampling options
        if not sampler == "uniform":
                "Only uniform sampling currently supported for stochastic optimization."
        fsampler_type = sampler
        gsampler_type = sampler

        # setup fsampler
        f_samp = fsamp
        if f_samp == None:
            upper = np.maximum(math.ceil(tsz / 10), 10 ^ 6)
            f_samp = np.minimum(upper, tsz)

        # set up lambda function/function handle for uniform sampling
        fsampler = lambda: tl_sample_uniform(X, f_samp)
        fsampler_str = "{} with {} samples".format(fsampler_type, f_samp)

        # setup gsampler
        g_samp = gsamp
        if g_samp == None:
            upper = np.maximum(1000, math.ceil(10 * tsz / maxiters))
            g_samp = np.minimum(upper, tsz)

        # setup lambda function/function handle for uniform sampling
        gsampler = lambda: tl_sample_uniform(X, g_samp)
        gsampler_str = "{} with {} samples".format(gsampler_type, g_samp)

        # capture the info
        info['fsampler'] = fsampler_str
        info['gsampler'] = gsampler_str
        info['fsamp'] = f_samp
        info['gsamp'] = g_samp

    time_setup0 = time.perf_counter() - start_setup0

    # Welcome message
    if printitn > 0:
        print("GCP-OPT-{} (Generalized CP Tensor Decomposition)".format(opt))
        print("Tensor size:\t\t\t\t{} ({} total entries)".format(sz, tsz))
        if nmissing > 0:
            print("Missing entries: {} ({})".format(nmissing,
                                                    100 * nmissing / tsz))
        print("Generalized function type:\t{}".format(type))
        print("Objective function:\t\t\t{}".format(
        print("Gradient function:\t\t\t{}".format(
        print("Lower bound of factors:\t\t{}".format(lb))
        print("Optimization method:\t\t{}".format(opt))
        if use_stoc:
            print("Max iterations (epochs): {}".format(maxiters))
            print("Iterations per epoch: {}".format(epciters))
            print("Learning rate / decay / maxfails: {} {} {}".format(
                rate, decay, maxfails))
            print("Function Sampler: {}".format(fsampler_str))
            print("Gradient Sampler: {}".format(gsampler_str))
            print("Max iterations:\t\t\t\t{}".format(maxiters))
            print("Projected gradient tol:\t\t{}\n".format(pgtol))

    # Make like a zombie and start decomposing
    Mfin = None
    # L-BFGS-B optimization
    if opt == 'lbfgsb':
        # Timer - Setup (inside optimization)
        start_setup1 = time.perf_counter()

        # set up bounds for l-bfgs-b if lb = 0
        bounds = None
        if lb == 0:
            lb = tl.zeros(tsz)
            ub = math.inf * tl.ones(tsz)
        fcn = lambda x: tl_gcp_fg(vec2factors(x, sz, R, X_context), X, fh, gh)
        m = factors2vec(M[1])

        # capture params for l-bfgs-b
        lbfgsb_params = {}
        lbfgsb_params['x0'] = factors2vec(M0.factors)
        lbfgsb_params['printEvery'] = printitn
        lbfgsb_params['maxIts'] = maxiters
        lbfgsb_params['maxTotalIts'] = maxiters * 10
        lbfgsb_params['factr'] = factr
        lbfgsb_params['pgtol'] = pgtol

        time_setup1 = time.perf_counter() - start_setup1

        if printitn > 0:
            print("Begin main loop")

        # Timer - Main operation
        start_main = time.perf_counter()
        x, f, info_dict = fmin_l_bfgs_b(fcn, m, approx_grad=False, bounds=None, \
                                        pgtol=pgtol, factr=factr, maxiter=maxiters)
        time_main = time.perf_counter() - start_main

        # capture info
        info['fcn'] = fcn
        info['lbfgsbopts'] = lbfgsb_params
        info['lbfgsbout'] = info_dict
        info['finalf'] = f

        if printitn > 0:
            print("\nFinal objective: {}".format(f))
            print("Setup time: {}".format(time_setup0 + time_setup1))
            print("Main loop time: {}".format(time_main))
            print("Outer iterations:"
                  )  # TODO: access this value (see manpage for fmin_l_bfgs_b)
            print("Total iterations: {}".format(info_dict['nit']))
            print("L-BFGS-B exit message: {} ({})".format(
                info_dict['task'], info_dict['warnflag']))
        Mfin = vec2factors(x, sz, R, X_context)

    # Stochastic optimization
        # Timer - Setup (inside optimization)
        start_setup1 = time.perf_counter()
        if opt == "adam" or opt == "adagrad":
            print("{} not currently supported".format(opt))
        # prepare for sgd
        # initialize moments
        m = []
        v = []

        # Extract samples for estimating function value (i.e. call fsampler), these never change
        fsubs, fvals, fwgts = fsampler()

        # Compute initial estimated function value
        fest = tl_gcp_fg_est(M, fh, gh, fsubs, fvals, fwgts, True, False,
                             False, False)

        # Set up loop variables
        nfails = 0
        titers = 0

        M_weights = tl.copy(M[0])
        M_factors = []
        for k in range(nd):
        Msave = CPTensor(
            (M_weights, M_factors))  # save a copy of the initial model
        msave = m
        vsave = v
        fest_prev = fest[0]

        # Tracing the progress in function value by epoch
        fest_trace = tl.zeros(maxiters + 1)
        step_trace = tl.zeros(maxiters + 1)
        time_trace = tl.zeros(maxiters + 1)
        fest_trace[0] = fest[0]

        # Print status
        if printitn > 0:
            print("Begin main loop")
            print("Initial f-est: {}".format(fest[0]))

        time_setup1 = time.perf_counter() - start_setup1
        start_main = time.perf_counter()
        time_trace[0] = time.perf_counter() - start_setup0

        # Main loop - outer iteration
        for nepoch in range(maxiters):
            step = (decay**nfails) * rate
            # Main loop - inner iteration
            for iter in range(epciters):
                # Tracking iterations
                titers = titers + 1

                # Select subset for stochastic gradient (i.e. call gsampler)
                gsubs, gvals, gwts = gsampler()

                # Compute gradients for each mode
                Gest = tl_gcp_fg_est(M, fh, gh, gsubs, gvals, gwts, False,
                                     True, False, False)

                # Check for inf gradient
                for g in Gest[0]:
                    g_max = tl.max(g)
                    g_min = tl.min(g)
                    if math.isinf(g_max) or math.isinf(g_min):
                            "Infinite gradient encountered! (epoch = {}, iter = {})"
                            .format(nepoch, iter))

                # TODO : add functionality for ADAM and ADAGRAD optimization
                # Take gradient step
                for k in range(nd):
                    M.factors[k] = M.factors[k] - step * Gest[0][k]

            # Estimate objective (i.e. call tl_gcp_fg_est)
            fest = tl_gcp_fg_est(M, fh, gh, fsubs, fvals, fwgts, True, False,
                                 False, False)

            # Save trace (fest & step)
            fest_trace[nepoch + 1] = fest[0]
            step_trace[nepoch + 1] = step

            # Check convergence condition
            failed_epoch = False
            if fest[0] > fest_prev:
                failed_epoch = True
            if failed_epoch:
                nfails += 1
            festtol_test = False
            if fest[0] < festtol:
                festtol_test = True

            # Reporting
            if printitn > 0 and (nepoch % printitn == 0 or failed_epoch
                                 or festtol_test):
                print("Epoch {}: f-est = {}, step = {}".format(
                    nepoch, fest[0], step),
                if failed_epoch:
                        ", nfails = {} (resetting to solution from last epoch)"

            # Rectify failed epoch or save current solution
            if failed_epoch:
                M = Msave
                m = msave
                v = vsave
                fest[0] = fest_prev
                titers = titers - epciters
                Msave = CPTensor((tl.copy(M.weights), tl.copy(M.factors)))
                msave = m
                vsave = v
                fest_prev = fest[0]

            time_trace[nepoch] = time.perf_counter() - start_setup0

            if (nfails > maxfails) or festtol_test:
        Mfin = M
        time_main = time.perf_counter() - start_main

        # capture info
        info['fest_trace'] = fest_trace
        info['step_trace'] = step_trace
        info['time_trace'] = time_trace
        info['nepoch'] = nepoch

        # Report end of main loop
        if printitn > 0:
            print("End Main Loop")
            print("Final f-east: {}".format(fest[0]))
            print("Setup time: {0:0.6f}".format(time_setup0 + time_setup1))
            print("Main loop time: {0:0.6f}".format(time_main))
            print("Total iterations: {}".format(nepoch * epciters))
    # Wrap up / capture remaining info
    info['mainTime'] = time_main
    info['setupTime0'] = time_setup0
    info['setupTime1'] = time_setup1
    info['setupTime'] = time_setup0 + time_setup1

    return Mfin